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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 30

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Zl SUNDAY nORNINU. tribune. OVJEUS STMR CAFE Gaptairt Asa Christmas Brisket Ona of tha most elegantly appointed cafe anld restaurants to this J. that of Owen dc Btarf, on Twelfth 1-1 IV i 1 I 1 street. In Stock and Bond Exchange Building.

These gentlemen are ex- perlenced operator of large cafes, yy -U having owned six' in Ban Francisco it the time of th fire. Th fittings of the cafe ar Very fine and are a credit to Oakland. Mr T. Dorgan. the well-known bakery owner.

Is also Interested In this enterprise. i (Continued from preceding Page.) enough of everything, enough for two, that of course, the captain. Inre he considers our feasting wrong. 111 rat hla corned beef and boiled potatoes Jut the A stranger Christmas dinner surely was never seen than thaj spread next day on the captain's table. At one end was.

the small platter with the corned beef and boiled potatoes. 'At the other end a splendid turkey fit for kins; reared Its proud breast and a dtstractlngly appetising odor of mingled union, safe, chestnut and apple Issued therefrom at the. first plunge of Aant Flhody's knife. John dear presided orer sererat covered dishes, found to contain that crimson Jelly of cranberries for the making of which Aunt fthody held her place In a famous cook book, frothy potatoes whippl with the rlthest and most estravagant cream, salt and butter, tomatoes stuffd wltn minced ham and bread crumbs "and baked In their mrn liquor, and thin crisp sweet sllrea browned eggplant. The rninmlniM fraaraiue of these fnMerolls smote the captain's nostrils with the Imense of temptation, nut nave jno sign.

Aunt Rhody. In her affection for him uhlch John could see had struggled valiantly with her anti-pat net distaste for his miserly ways, was only prevented by her nephew's stern reminder of their secret promise to Mm. from striding flown 'J a e--" r'f However, when supper came, and the courses aft the stars were not more exact as prexlteted than tha courses of John's ortfaring, even Aunt Rhody who had been sleighing with her tx travagant 'nepbksw. waa equal to her share of eroquottes and waffles, which latter she ate on a system, wholly her own between vl he cooking of fresh -itches. The captain sat moodily before his cold meat wind bread and tea, and as before excused himself early, while yet Charltis was filling the honey-comb holes oft crisp hat-waffles with marmalade.

Tnat evening the next day's feast was planned before bed time, the mojt expensive and best things ever hung and displayed In a market being se-lireted by John dear, and flutterlngly Kcepted with gentle protest by Aunt hhody. whose artistic soul was aflame with ambition. The marvels that sh filled her nephew with unholy Joy. and the last remalna of the turkey pressed cold Into a beautiful Jeiiy were worthy of association with the first choice morsels of the bird. It waa on the third day of the new regimen, that the first indication Litlir-ate victory came to gladden the of Charltis and olift a llttl frrm the soul of Aunt Rhody, the doubt Hn fear that had begun to possess hr after the second day of un-suc en fu1 operationa.

The news ame Indlrect'y from Bill Anderson, who had commissioned by Charitla to deliver at the house, two fat over-fed ciil r.a. and a barrel of luscious red polished apples, the most exclusive sp-ples that ever grew on trees since t' flaming sword went to stand be-f re the gate of the garden of Eden. "What's the matter with Captain Asa 7" was the first remark from Bill Anderson, as ne lo'tod the barrel Into place and turned his red cheerful face toward Aunt Rhody. "A In you feeding him enough? I should say front the orders we've been getting down to thu store, he'd been living pretty high." John Charltis sprang from hia chair where he had been sitting, talking to Aunt Rhody and petting the cat the while she cut potatoes Into small round balls, and dropped them with a plop Into cold water. "What do you mean?" he said, as the cat fell to the floor "Why, a I was coming by the Harboro' Arms." said Hill Anderson alowly.

-going to get that there asparagus you ordered from the Tlm-inlns place. I seen the captain setting In the window at a table. He IihcI the shade down, but I seen him from corner window, as I came iiy" " was be doing''' asked Charltis. eagerly. "Hating turkey, sure'a I am a man." ij far- Established July 21, 1880 ''WW wvww BEAUTIFUL STREETS Miles of Smooth Thoroughfares Built By the Piedmont Paving Co.

Oakland ha added more beautifully paved highways to her al-rady lar-e mileage of streets than any other Mty on the Pacific Coast. Som- of the most noticeable Instances where large Improvements of this character were carried through are In th new tracts of Ian I opened up for building wtthln the last year so. Piedmont rrae by the Lake; Plcimont by ih I.ake: Ktist Oakland Heights and Fourth Avenue Terr.T-e are flue esaniples what good thoroughfares will do to build up neighborhood. These streets were built by the Piedmont Pax Ing t'n. ho have constructed a larg portion of our bert horoushfrtr- Mr.

'harl-s Rates, the manager of this concern takes a pernrml Interest In every piece of work done by hla concern and spares no to give satisfaction to pnierty holder. secretary this hrm. Mr Walker, points wlih pride to the fact the streets pavel by his concern are the favorite with automobiUsts and teamsters and. say aiiyNuly knows a js'HmI streit they d. city Is ij f- i til i C.

G. BIRD. Sec'y. Jit i 1 lngfT t-i i BSJW ill cuient dainty they had not thought of to help the good work along. John Charitla also teamed through his valuable ally 6f tha captain frequent appearance In tha Harboro Arms, for though tha captain strove conceal himself, nothing elude th piercing eye of a country-bred gossip.

And Bill Anderson could pry unmolested wher Charitla would Immediately have been challenged. On week had Charitla planned to remain In the garden of heart desire. If It la true that the way to a man's heart via his stomach, but the lge had been unsuccessful In spite of the repogUd sign of weakening and ohn dear was not th man to withdraw when success lured him and Aunt to persevere. But "on tha eighth day did th town fall. Captain Asa Oaynor had don hlf beat disregard the longing that assailed him, when on his every entering of the house, warm soft smells of delicious culinary blisses filled his nostrils.

But he found to hi chagrin that one waa often times hungry for turkey after having eaten corned beef, and hi appetite, which he had believed to be subdued to a more mechanical rmelnder of need of fuel, (was still to be stirred to Irresistible fury of desire for some particular viand. Rather than to acknowledge to Charltis. however, that he had underestimated the simple pleasures of the table and overestimated his superiority to their allurements, he had at last gone into that dark and unattractive "eating room" at the Harhore Arms, and sent up a despairing cry for turkey, turkey whose tender brown and wtlte slices and whose spicy smell had driven him so near defeat at his own table. The turkey at the Harboro" Arms wss tough and stringy, and the dressing wss dry and tasteless. But he at It voraclosly, nevertheless, as if to queel Ither by surfeit or disappointment the clamorous desire within him.

The Inefflcacy of this proceedure became apparent when the silenced longing revived at hla own, table, louder and more Insistent then ever, for "some turkey." not the dry fibrous turkey of the Harboro' Arms, but some of those dellcare morsels of Aunt Rhody seclected to heap upon the plate of John dear. He had come back again and again to the Harboro' Arms, however, as Bill Anderson faithfully reported, to fortify himself against the insinuating allurements of the odors In his ow kitchen. All the youthful hungry love of good things rose up in htm and conquered the meanness of later mistaken years. The wood) an anpatal able product served as turkey In the puldic Inn. failed to quench the fire It had not originated, and he knew that the food he carved would not quench but feed the flame On the eighth day the old order rhanged In the bouse of Oaynor.

Aunt Rhody and John dear beheld the figure of victory stalking In at the gate, and the figure bore a remarkable resemblance to Captain Asa. borne down by the weight of a heavy basket. John dear clasped Aunt Hhody a triumphal and congratulatory' embrace as they waited for him to come In. "You're gcdng to be a heap sight happier after this!" he said "You're born cook and a diet of cold corned beef Is to you as air to a fish." He released her. as the captain came Slowly Into the kitchen.

Captain Asa Oaynor put down the basket ouletly. From one end the yellow legs of a mammoth turkey "helplessly protruded. "Rhody." said the captain, "there's a basket of truck for dinner" He cleared his throat and hesitated. "1 reckon I've been close snd stingy some with you. but It won't be so no more John Chsrltls heard a Utile sob from Aunt Rhody and prompt!) turned away.

There was a bit of a sl'em-e and then the captain said with a humorous spreclation his own position, that did him vast credit, "and If It's quite convenient fen you. Rhody, my dear, we might have dinner a earlier today." "Hurray for you." cried John dear turning about. "Come, have a smoke r. -n fs rrr. i luLJAi Pacific Coast Lumber and Mill Co.

Second and Grove Streets to her husband a plate loaded with Christmaa cheest But John dear positively kicked her under the table to remind her that the end was not yet. and Immediately began a minute and detailed praise the many goodies set before him. which did not end until they were consumed, and the after-benlann of hot mince pi and cheese and Aunt Rhody eoffeo waa being; absorbed In the reverential silence It deserved. Long before John dear and the proud and happy culinary conquest had finished approving and appreciating her spoils, the captain had earused himself and departed to parts unknown. Then did the sinful two compare and consult aa to future developments and much Iron did John have to Instill Into the tendr heart of Aunt Rhody to brace her for a continuance of their heartless procedure.

"For supper. Aunt Rhody. we will hve ff'TTtf of our turkey, the white m-at made into croquettes, with the can of peas and a cream sauce. And some waffles, my dearest of dears, afterwards with marmalade." Aunt Rhody sighed as she rose, "flow you can think eating wafTlee and croquettes with your Insldes as full of ChrtMmas dinner aa they must he. ts past my comprehension." "You haven't been living In a boarding house for twelve months." replied John Thnrltls.

laughing. Maybe I haven't," said" she. And John clear remembered the thin coH meat. seoeeeeee Li: a large building, well equipped with nds upon this plant for Its manu-he company clvlng up Jobbing ftusl-n to the of heavy miy erks ie nioMitv in the nuiufa ture Hammers. Salt lryers Rfin-r Wood Stiiiiig Machines.

Itrass t'ast- nd tbivral Mai.igei. is one of the Inists on tlie ast. founded l.v Mr Frank I. Matthew onflncd Itself to the building of port- lm reMse of biisltiess now makes the ost HOTEL '-'f cis-t Air Pl if Jordan, manager. One of the 1 1 1 1 fcA BAY CITY IRON WORKS A LARGE CONCERN EMPLOYING 50 MEN.

sJ'! I A. KENDALL, Prss. said Hill Anderson. "Hy gum. he his a plate full and he was eating away for dear life.

And th cooking at the Harboro. pretty dry and unprofitable, too!" To the amaiement of the good-natured fellow. Charitla suddenly sprang at him. caught him by the waist an! arm. whirled him off in a giddy triumphal waits, which with difficulty evaded collision with every article of furniture the kitchen contained.

Willing but mystified BUI Anderson lent himself sheepishly to this enthusiastic demonstration until the breath of Charltis was thoroughly exhausted, and he fell into his chair, pai.ttng. able only feebly to pat the hand of his smiling Aunt and smile at her himself between gasps. "It's going. It's said John dear, so soon as he could say any thing. "Oh.

Bill Anderson, the Ixird bless you tor going by the Harboro' Arms." Of course there waj no way to relieve Bin Anderson of the apprehen sion that insanltv brooded over the whole household of day nor und relatives eicept by telling him the truth, which Charltis did. so enlisting Hill's Interest and sympathies in their cause that he became fertile In suggestion and often hereafter In delivering their orders, wnuli bring along some suc- Incorporated July 1, 1892 rt f) I' A. J. PATTERSON. Tres.

sz-tm: a Home A 1 088 Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Redwood and Pine Lumber, Sash and Doors lr 7. This well-ksjown Iron Work's has latent machinery. The stead) dema factured produ. ts will neessitate nesa and devoting Its entire attentiu chlne'ry. The Interest of the Hay t'lty im Power Forgln vi fun -ft ing Machinery.

Machines fo Ings. Shafting Htil Shaft Mr. Frank M.i.tth-ws. President mt practical and experienced mach This Iron. Foundry Works i In 191 At that time the company JSle engines and genera! Jobbing.

Mi manufacturing he.iyl.r machines ---ee ATHENS t. -f WWv- fsroadway, n-ar Postofflcei. John I A tha first Hour. I IS msi" i HOTEL METR0P0LE 5 -r a. m- I 't3ont Li i i MILL WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS swss tJ- jwalj i 4 1 (Qj; Glass, Weights and Cords PHONlfs 1 1 1 I Sunset Oak 88: Corner Thirteenth and Jefferson streets.

This splendid modern hotel Is known far and near as one of the finest In the State. A large new annex ha lately been added, giving additional accommodations to over 10 patrons. AH th facilities of prlvat bath, billiard rooms, buffets, private phones, sre found here. Mr. af.

nriare Is a wideawake cltlsen. deserving of liberal patronage. TRIBUNE FfflTSTilEISVSMlTlinC -----e-ee MH eeeee-t.

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