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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 3

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)


if A.S. COHN. To Complete a Circuit From Paris to Cities on San Fran- cisco Bay. On of the biggest theatrical eom-btnattons that haa ever been perfected ta to ba consummated at a mealing to ba held' at New York, the first of January, and In thla combination four Oak landers will be greatly Interested. They are E.

A. lloman, A. B. Cohn, Ju.lua Cohn and Oua Cohn. They are to Join their Intereita on the Pacific coast with fiose of John Considlne and Tim Sullivan In the East and the allied Interests will then organise a circuit that will extend from London and Parla to Ban Francisco bay.

The. meeting at New York la to he attended by A. Cohn, Jullua Cohn and Mr. lloman. They are to leave Oakland for the East Immediately after the holidays.

After the consolidation Is perfected A. 8. Cohn. Hainan and Consldtne are to go to England and France where they will either secure control of theaters already erected, or will make arrangements fr the construction of new buildings. They eipect to have a aeries of play houses, both In Paris nd london.

COMPIJ-rrF THE C1IA1X. Conaresmnan Sullivan and Julius -Ml- nlh.r mmhon of INCHED 1(1 PUN (ConUBued From Page 1.) door, and fell heap" upon the floor! knocking- down a woman named Theresa Hall aa us faU. Thinking to complete bis work Jones advanced and fired two snore shots at the man's prostrate form, the women all the while aowcrlng behind him and afraid to move. The stricken man. however, bad still some fight left In him and he too.

pulled a weapoa from bis pocket and snot talcs at his assailant Jones staggered through the door to the street and fell aa the sidewalk, breaking hla right leg. The sound of the shots and ths comma tion la the place attracted a Urge crowd and reports rpread like wild Are to ths effect that a mob was trying to wreck a PacMe street saloon. It was Just at the hour of the changing of the police watch and no officers happened ta be la the neighborhood. A number of men of the relief, however, were riding to their beau oa a street ear. and while at the corner of Clay street they heard of the commotion and Policeman Rocca ordered the motor-man to put on fall speed and five officer were quickly on the scene.

With great difficulty the police succeeded tn making their way to the front of the saloon, and. taking tn the situation at a glance, removed both men ta the Central Emergency Hospital. MESSENGERS ARE ARRESTED. Bales was dead before the ambulance arrived, but Jones, after being placed ou the operating table and his wounds dressed, seemed In fairly good condition and was left at the hospital under guard. The saloon where the trouble occurred la owned by Iula Purceli of Berkeley, and the hertender, following the shooting, hurriedly dispatched George Hud-dieston and Benjamin King to Berkeley to Inform the proprietor of the trouble.

nue ui men were hurrying to catch the last boat they were taken Into custody by a police officer tn the harbor district on suspicion havtng something to do with the shooting the word having been paaaed for all officers to be oa their guard. The men were later released, after being Identified by Officer Rocca as having nothing to do with the trouble. If U. W. Jones, alias "Panhandle Pete." recovers from hla Injuries he will be charged with murder.

a VALDEZ TRIO MAKES HIT AT THE NOVELTY The feature acts of the Novelty Theater this weea are the aides Trio and the Fran -Is Pooley Company, consisting of four very clever performers. The Val-des are noted contortionists. Miss Lucy aides Is a handsome young woman. This young worn ins gowns are all Worth Ideas made by this noted rostumer of Paris. The aides are assisted In ttrelr act by several very Intelligent dogs.

Francis loofey and company present an amusing comedy act that keeps the audience laughing throughout Its pre sentation. Their eacellent singing and dancing Is a feature. The Bavada Japanese tioupe are good entertainers and receive their share of applause. Wea- ser. Jones.

Bryant and Mexico are four very funny comedians, that can be voted; a success. Worth and Ielmar possess'1, vry 00(1 re above medlocrt- ty. Jolly Z-'b. hailing from "Zig-sag" al ley, does his share of keeping the audi- I ence good nat red. and with several new sets of motion pictures and the the program Is excellent YOU SHOULD HAVE ONE.

Another Opportunity Will Not Arise for Two Years. A few of thoae official maps of Alameda county, as compiled under the direction of the County Surveyor st the request of the Supervisors of Alameda county. can be secured at about cost. These maps are valuable to every mercantile. I Industrial and real estate Interest of Ala- I meda county.

Ready to hang on the wall. Ptre, fet. A I ply Can. Her TR1BCNK. JOHN CONSIDINE.

Angeles, and Ous Cohn Is to remain In Oakland. NKW TlIEATKll IX OAKLAND. The combination will mean tha erection of a new first-class theater In this city. The Sullivan Conaldlne circuit at prenenl controls the Hell Theater In this city, and tia playhouse la to be continued, but there will also be a new theater. Negotia tions for a fite are now un-jan der way and within the nett two three "weeks It is probable definlt-a announcement will be made of the lo- strengthen the quality of attractions, cation of the proposed

In this connection there are some Im-Ous t'ohn will have active charge portant announcements. It is an- of the Bell Theater and of the new playhouse to be erected and he will probably also have general super- vision over several other houses. In i vaudeville circles he is known as the 1 "huh tin manager." a tltlo he has galnd because of his aggressive met noIS. timiui.i mij i i )i it ill tko nnnn two it' Swears to Complaints Against Older and Crothers. 8 AN FRANCISCO.

Deo. Judge Carroll' Cook hvst night swore to com plaints before Police Judge Weller charging Fremont OJder, managing editor, and R. A. Crothers. proprietor of the BulKpUn with criminal libel.

The libel Is contained in a lengthy editorial printed In yester day's Bulletin, regarding the sentence of fifty years passed by Judge Cook last week upon three crooks. Following Is a particular portion of the editorial to which Judge Cook objects: Yet. bad aa these men tha nlaln troth Is that they were sent to prisan ror iirty years, not because they were Lhad, but because they had no money. poverty, not robbery. Is the crime for which they really were punished.

Had they stolen fifteen million Instead of fifteen dollars, they would not hare been so easily convicted: srobablv they would not hare been convicted at alL" 8 SWEPT TO HIS DEATH BY HUGE OCEJLTI BREAXER vVife Sees Her Husband Drown in Utter Helplessness. SANTA CF.CZ. Dec. 10 John Bay. a recent arrival from Globe.

A. drown ed here yesterday. He was swept from the steps of the pleasure pier tn full Ight of his wife, who from the Casino porch was preparing to watch him fish from the end of the pltr. Bay had hardly gotten located In his perilous position when a uogs breaker swept In and took him out wttn the undertow. The man batued for several minutes In the effort to swim to the shore, but the sea, which waa running higher than It has for several years, carried him out beyond all possibility of rescue, although his wife succeeded in bringing a number of Caalno attendants to her assistance.

They ran to the end of the pier with lines to throw to the unfortunate man. out no naa anttea tar beyond reach. It Impossible to render aid and he drowned in fi ll sight of them. The drowned man had been an engineer on the Ulobe and Qlla River Railroad. but during his short vacation here bad been employed a part of the time, at the Caalno laundry.

Heme Made Happy by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. About two months aao our hahv irt had measles which settled on her luuas ml at last resulted in a savsra mtimnit bronchitis. We liad two doctors but na hef obtained. Everybody thuuahr lie would die. I went to t-inht different stores to find a certain remedy whl had nt-en recomnientleo to me and failed to sisted that I try Chamberlain a Cough i ii.

wnen oije or trie atorekeeix-rs In Krmedy. 1 did so and our bahv la altv. and well today -O. o. W.

Bpence. Holly 8pnngs, C. Chamberlains Couah itemed) always cures and Is pleasant nd safe tc take. For aala rii. 7th and Isrosdway STEALS PURSE WHILE WOMAN OWNER PRAYS (Special to The Tribune.) SAN FRANCISCO.

lec 10 Whila Mr Mathllde Murray, of 1261 Lombard street! wss worshlDDlna In fit. Rriairl a rhnn-ii this morning, sneak thief stole her purse, containing tU 96. which she had piaced at her aide. Mrs. Murray rays she haa no Mea wh have stolen her money, and she paid little attention to those who were 'tM-e wrotin'l her ALL A to Brighten the Kitchen for Christmas Lin! 1 the party are In foreign countries, the that he Will seek to complete the chain of one of thf mo-t nentetie ami suc-vaudeville theater of the Sullivan oexsful nianair.r..

In the country and Considlne circuit that stretches arros this opinion stored by hi two the continent. This chain la to be I A an Ju It wlU be Dosslble for OI'EN Tlll-ATKIt. performers to fans or Lionann .1 lipnnvh In Nfl tl Francisco the Sullivan A Consldlne circuit were.rers; Itah Itah Quartet. Boston col- nnlv the tlmeionened last ntitht. One of thes HOUSE IN TREETOP.

A fanner living In Wren th am. Mass, a small Tillage near Providence, R. kas built a bouse la jhe tops of two adjoining pins trees oa bis farm and will spend the winter The man SS years eld and has been consumptive tor several years. Ths "bouse' Is about with a Joor and twa windows, which will closed only to keep out snaw and rain. Access la bad by saeans of a rope ladder which, Robinson Crusoe-like, will be draws up each alght.

Medicine to not af much asa to cure consumption. Fresh air and clean livtng are the essential forces to combat ths dread whits scourge. Every precaution should ba employed to prevent tha germs from settling on ths lungs, and coughs and colds should not be neglected. To break ap a cold quickly and curs any cough that Is curable, mix a naif ounce of Virgin Oil of Fins with two ounces of glycerins and a half p'nt of good whisky. Bhaks well end take a teaapoonful every four hours.

Five ounces sf tincture of Cinchona compound can be used instead of whisky with ths same effect The mixture aid usually break np a cold ever, night. Care should be exercised to use only the genuine Virgin Oil' of Pine, which Is prepared tn the laboratories of the Leach Chemical Cincinnati. end put up for dispensing, only In -ounce vials, each securely sealed in a round wooden rase. It Is etter to purchase the different Ingredients separately and mix them at home. et I OFFERS SAME TERMS AS GIVEN TO MOORS, PARIS.

Dec. 10. The terms ofj surrender proposed by General Llau-tey to the Bonis Naaeen tribesmen who have been engaged tn an Insurrection army movement In Algeria and who recently sent tn emissaries asking for pardon follows ths tines of the terms proponed for ths submission of the warring Moorish tribes st Caaa Blsnca. namely, the surrender of their arms, the delivery of hostages snd the payment of an Indemnity. Unless these terms are accepted an- conaiiionany.

itenermi uiaaity win re-stime the offensive tomorrow. We Are Open Evening fa PeCHKMo. N. EL Cor. 13th and Washington Sts.

Remember Sale Closes Saturday Evening at 10 p.a Sale Price 6bc laid 10c per yard less. rooxa ED HOMAN. the longest and most continuous In world. It is estimated the outlay Involved will be close to $2,000,000. i nat rour Oaklanders are to play a part In this combination reflect credit upon the city.

E. A. lloman has been a successful theatrical man- ager for many years. The Conns started Into the business only a few years ago, but by clear judgment and energetic business policy they have advanced with remarkable raoidttv. The policy from now on will be to nnunced that T.

Dun Frawley, the well-kown manager and actor, haa signed to go Into vaudevlUe on the Sullivan Considlne circuit. James Nt-lll. the popular actor and his wlf. Kdith 4'hapman. are also to become.

vaudeville stars. Eddie Foy the musi cal comedy star. Is likewise consider- ing a vaudeville offer, although he nas not yet signed a contract. lllt.ll-t I.Ass ATTU UTIOXS. A few other high-das attractions that have recently been signed are: Jennie McCrea and company; the On-etti Si'ters, whirlwind dan- lege boys; Hammond Forrester London sketch team; Joe Wood and his surprise party of ten people: Predion Kendall.

New York's favorite monoloifuist St. Onge brothers. European hand to hand balancers; The Hosalrles. America's bst comedy sketch artists; Five Rallatses Slaters, Kuropean sensational acrobats; Rose Maynon and her troupe of fifty trained birds: Koerners' trained horses; Madge Maltland. the Dancing Dun-bars; Oraysay a Burnett, Evans A Kvaiur, the Three Alarcona; Anna Plum and her girls; Jacklln A Long.

All these attractions will corns to Oakland and-they will prove very popular vaudeville feat urea SALOONS SHUT SUNDAY States Attorney at Chicago Enforce Closing Law. to CHNWOO. rec ta State's Attorney llealy announced publicly last night tnat he would enforce the Liws so ss to close try saloon In Chicago Sunday. This announcement came In an ad-drtux he delivered at a meeting of the Men's Chili of St. Peter's Episcopal Church.

The upeech followed tire Issuance of warrants arrilnst proprietors of lea. Una hotels In Chicago, charging of the Smiday closing law. The sa'oonkeepers by their action. It Is as-Rcrted. have hmum) a revolt among the thinking people of the city that will result, eventually, not only In Sunday observance, but in shorter hours for the saloon and total wiping out of many disorderly placea leagued with vice and they spend on the steamer crossing n.i if anitahlo nrrini- i 1 Ja- ik.r i.ui.l nf ntertalnmenta on with th combination complete.

Mr. lloman. who haa been PaclnV roast representative of the Sullivan A Considlne Circuit, and nas mane his home In Oakland, will be stationed In Indon. Sullivan and Con aldlne are to remain In New ork: A. S.

Cohn Is to be stationed at San Francisco; Jullua Cohn Is to have charge of the territory In Southern fntlfnrnH with hendoiitrters nt 'COLLEGE V'JIDOIT Students Purchase Tickets Bunches for Next Thursday Evening. in Much Interest' la being taken In announcement thap the student of I'niverslty of CaTffornia have ch the the chosen Thursday night of the "College "Widow engagement at the Macdonough as IT. C. The management haa agreed to decorate the house with the blue and gold of California and it haa been sug gested uiat the winning team in the play wear the Berkeley colors.

Already there has been a large demand for seats many of the students purchasing tickets In bunches. Alt.ioujrh thla Js "The Collere Wid ow's- third visit to the coast. It still continue to draw big houses. Mr. Ada haa done nothing better than -this play of college life with Its jrreat football fame and Its many well drawn chancers.

'The College Widow" wlil receive visitors until Saturday night, when she will give way to "Arlaona." which commences an engagement of four performance on Sunday afternoon. CHORUS GIRLS CALLED HIM 'SWEETHEART 5M Hart McKee's Letters May Face Him in Divorce Trial. PITTSBURG, Dec. 10. A voluminous bundle of letters, some of them addressed to "Dear Santa Claus" and others to "Sweetheart Santa," will play an Important part in the divorce case of Mrs.

A. Mart McKee against ber wealthy young Phlladelohla husband In Parla. Just prior to the time when McKee was named corespondent In the divorco case of Lawrence Phlppa In Denver. he was living at a hotel In Lxng Island. This was subsequent to the divorce of his first wife and Immediately before bis marriaae to Mrs.

Hush Tevia. While Mrs. McKee haa accused her husband of being penurious. It Is asserted he was so lavish toward his women friends that they dubbed him. "Santa Claus." His presents were niostly Jewetry and costly aowns.

while there were many theater parties, midnight suppers and automobile excursions. It Is declared I hat n.ore than one chorus alii wrote to Hart McKee. and after the salutation of "Dear Santa." or some similar opening appellation, asked for a new sown, piece of jewelry or a loan of money. The favor would be fortncomina. A Pittsburg woman, wtio Is now here dolna detective wotk for the present Mrs McKee.

wrote two letter to McKee. an.l Is said to hare got possession of much of nH corre- nf BEST OF PROOF That Hyomei Will Cure Forms of Catarrhal Diseases. All Testimonials could be printed by the thousands, many of them from Oakland. and nearby towns, that Hyomei Is an ab solute cure for all catarrhal troubles, but the best proof of Its unusual curative powers Is the guarantee with every outfit. "Money back If Hyomei does not do ail that Is claimed for It" Hyomei la not a secret remedy.

Its formula Is given freely to physicians who want to know what they use when they prescribe Hyomei. It Is guaranteed under the Pure good and Drug Law by serial No. 1411. By breathing Hyomei. the healing medi cation goea directly to every nook and corner ml the air passages where the catarrhal germs may lurk, and disinfects and heaia.

There Is no dangerous stomach drug ging when Hyomei Is used. Its healing medication Is breathed through a little pocket Inhaler a few times daily, and al most lm.nedlately a great Improvement Is noticed quirk recovery follows. The complete Hyomei outfit costs but $1.00. and In most cases Is sufficient to cure the disease, making It not only scientific treatment, but one that la highly economical. Oet an outfit today If you have any symptoms of catarrh, and 'see how n.ul:Jtly the remedy relieves and cures.

We positively guarantee Hyomei, for should you buy a complete outfit, prl tl SO. and be dlssatlsflsd with results your money will oe refunded. Hyomei Is sold by druggtns everywhere. Write for lit eratore. Booth's Hyomei Buffalo, N.

T. Plate Plate riTnvE gtohei ClfX Will Christmas Bring the MOOKS New Eilers Music Co. Furnish the Piano and the Husical Education Is Free OF THIS WEEK The Best 01ft of All Can Now Be Had at a Remktk-! ably Low Price and Terms to Suit Every a lass A structure at Sixteenth ttnerrero streets. San trani lsco and and the other 1.4 at Rtmkton Within tin next ninety days theaters will be opened Hakersfleld and Napa. To break the lona Jump be- Portland and Sacramento.

three small theaters are to be opened within the neit thirty days. Performers coming from Portland will stop at each one of these small thea-tr two days and thus no time will be lost. The same arrangements will be made where other long Jumps are necessary between big cities. Wh omp'ei. the tr-- tt nlll be Piano? And back of every Instrument Is the broad.

generous Filers Guarantee, which not only protects yoa thoroughly for years to come, but means your money back If you are not satisfied. FREE COURSE IN MUSIC Through the courtesy of the manu facturers with whom we are associated we sre enabled to furnish to every piano buyer between now and Christmas a course of music lessons covering a period of four months, absolutely without cost. Tou may select your own teacher' and we will pay the bill. In order that the Christmas gift may be complete the necessary Instruction books will also be furnishel without' additional cost To make thl offer still more attrac tive, to place the largest number of pianos where they will do the most good and where they will make the moat friends for us, special prices, even far below the Eilers prices which are always the lowest will be made. THE COMPLETE GIFT.

What could be more complete, what more appropriate mm a gift for the family than a beautiful piano, with a course of music lessons snd the necessary Instruction books all Included? This Holiday sale Is actually without precedent. Its like has never before been known, a id we feel that before the month Is half gone the quota of 600 pianos to be sold on these terms In all of our various stores will have been disposed of. i All tha Eilers stores will conduct this sals simultaneously, and you can get the slme good treatment, no matter where you go 107S Clay street. Oakland, of Ehattuck arena and Bancroft Way. Berkeley.

Oar stores will bo open every evening from now until Chrtfctmas. Don't wait until the last moment, but make your choice, carefully and Have your piano set IM and we wilt deliver It to yoa on Christmas morning or any hour you may "suggest Eilers Mul? Company. 1075 Clay St, Oakland; Bhattuck avenue and Bancroft Way. Berkeley. AT SPECIAL REMOVAL SALE PRICES Seamless Linoleum l'too Prices on Linoleums Include Laying if not bring dimensions of Was! else ran bring so much con rnuV tinuous pleasure Into a home as goes with a piano? It Is the supreme gift.

It means unbounded delight to ths daughter, the son. the father and mother and every member of the family. It means a lifetime of enjoyment In your home. AND IT 18 VERY EASY TO BUY. A very small amount of your Cnrlst-. money will have the Instrument gent home an I future payments may ba arranged at your convenience. Especially easy terms are made for the Christmas season. FINEST OF MAKES. Eilers pianos Include the very finest' of American makes. Such high-grade Instruments as the Ilaselton.

the Kimball. Iwker A Ron. Crown and other well known pianos to the number of forty, besides the Auto-filano the peer of all Player Pianos are here for your selection. No matter what your preference may be, no matter how critical your taste, no matter what qualities of tons appeal to you. from the tremendously large variety of different makes which handle you will have Ito trouble In making a choice that will meet every demand.

From the finest of baby grands to the smallest upright everything Is pea to 4 your choice la every style of case ana sin Is h. EILERS PRICES. Every ens knows that tha prices established on Eilers pianos are prices that sell. If has never been oar aba to make large profits on Individual ales, but rather to make theories so as to Insure a large quantity of buslne. Nowhere else-ran you.

get in much for the money you pay. Ko-where In the ntlre list of pianos can yuu find an Instrument of which the eicellonce can be questioned. Nowhere can you find afterward a better pl.tno for the money than tha piano j-ou buy at the Eilers stores. 2 Burner Special Regular $2.75 3 Burner Special Regular $4.00 Linoleums Every woman knows this qualify for its durability- its the kind that usually sells (or 85c Sale Pike 50c to 60c Inlaid Linoleums' The kind dut't noted lot wear, with colort that go dear through to the bid. Regular price $1.50 to SI.75.

Sale Price LIGHT AND STRONG TAKING UP BUT VERY LITTLE ROOM Fitted with removal grates, sawed burners, brass valves, extra high feet and finished in heavy nickel it's one of our many bargains. HEATERS STOVES GAS PLATES AT ENTICING PRICES DURING SALE COMB AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OE THE VERY LOW PRICES PREVAILING. nnc 12th Street Between roadway and Franklin.

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