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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 7

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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4 1 OAKLAND TRIBUNE. JUNE 13, 1807. HEART 'THURSDAY: EVENING, miBUM'S PME SCHOOL GIRLS KISS EACH OTHER TO DEATH, SAYS DOCTOR BY: GOSSIP ABOUT THE SMART SET WINNER OF THE BEST POSE PRIZE IS ARE nORE DEVOTED THAN SWEETHEARTS, HE ASSERTS Head of This Fashionable Southern Seminary Warns the American Medical Association to Beware! GIVEN THE GLOVES; THANKS TRIBUNE 5 i V- 1 1 1 1 "a J) I June 1 1 907. Editor TRIBUNE: I thank you for the order for three dozen pairs of gloves as the prize for the best pose which was won by me.4 I am deeply grateful to THE TRIBUNE for the prize. I want also to thank the judges for selecting me as a prize winner.

I will try to live up to the reputation given me by THE TRIBUNE as the most beautiful poser in Alameda county. Thank you again for the prize and allow me to congratulate you for your enterprise. Yours truly, ALICE RUFENER. 1 LOVEGERMS LOCATED IN OAKLAND HOSPITAL ATLANTIC CITY, June you want your daughter to contract- tuberculosis or some other communicable disease, send her to a fashionable girls' college, that she may become the 'darling' of other girls and literally be kissed to death." This it the startling warning uttered before mambara of tha American Medical Assooiation by Dr. Q.

We'rter Drake, ha ad of Hollins Institute, tha oldaat and moat fashionable sehool-for young woman in Virginia, and, in-dead, In tha whola South. Under Dr. Drake' a inatruotion In Hoi-line Inatituta ara tha daughters of William Jennings Bryan, 8anator Benjamin F. Tillman, of South Carolina, and Charles Delmonieo, tha famous New York restaurateur. Tha public haa no conception of conditions in theaa women'a seminar lea," sol a red DrT Drake, impressively, in the course of hia talk, during tha aympoaium on tuberculosis before tha section on hygiene and sanitary aolenoe.

GIRLS CHOOSE "DARLING." "At the beginning of her school life a girl will choose a as these partners are called in Hollins Institute. During their school associations these pairs will lavish upon each other a de votion which for ardency and emotion exceeds that of betrothed men and women. "Especially do they kiss almost 1 1 i 1 1 fr Js)y MRS. SCOFIELD, WHO WAS A RECENT feRIDE, AND IS NOW LIVING AT VALLEJO. WINS HER DREAM OF ROMANCE IN NUPTIALS 4s 4v 4 1 la tt, tf W4--- Girl Disavows Purpose of Marrying, but Cupid Gets in His Quick Work.

the opportunity to shower her with at- tentlons since the announcement of engagement on Easter Sunday. 3 -J I a QUIET Miss Margaret Green and Charles Reynolds were married yesterday at. the church of the Sacred Heart, the. Rev. Lawrence Serda officiating.

The bride was gowned In a delicate blue accordion plaited silk suit, with blue picture hat to match, and car rled sweet peas. Jt RECITAL. Mrs. William Waldeck Biers sing at the recital to be given by Al vin Purnell in San Jose on June c' WEDDING ANNIVERSARY. Mr.

and Mrs. George Freeman cele" brated their fourth wedding annlvers ary Tuesday evening, June 11. Atner- ry evening was enjoyed with muslo and games. About a dozen friends partook of the hospitality of ths youngV couple. a J.

DEATH OF PIONEER. 15 i ft- IILeeeaai t. constantly, and that with an affection that is certain to transfer whatever germs may have found lodgment about or in, the mouth. "I have traced comm inicable diseases from one 'darling' to another. Some time ago influenza swept through the school like wildfire.

Every student had it. Only the men teachers and workmen escaped. "I warned every mala instructor that symptoms of Influenza In him would be cause for instant diaoharge, because I knew that his illness could coma only from the osculation which had apread the epidemic among tha girls. "With theaa faota before us, I offer tha following resolution, with the hope that where my endeavors to cheokthe practice proved futile tha action of this powerful aasociation may destroy it: "Resolved, That it ia tha aenaa of the American Medical Aasociation that kiasing in female opllegea ia responsible for the spread of many' diseases, and should be discouraged." "This action, if it should be taken," said Dr. C.

H. Iron, of New Orleana, with a smile and a drawl, "would have no perceptible result. You can't change tha course of affection nor its customary expression by resolutions. Tha little love god will laugh at all we can do to atop kiaaing. Let's be sen sible, and confine our efforts to methods of crusading' that have a chance for auocess." In' the laughter and applause that followed tha resolution waa lost.

der Is simply a realization of my desire to do something romantic. When left home I had no Intention whatever of getting married, but when I met Mr. Gilbert in New York a mutual desire to marry overcame us and we consummated the deal In short order." Mr. Gilbert did not come to Allen-town with his bride, having returned to Bridgeport, where he is engaged in superintending the erection of a gas plant. GRANDMOTHER oath that this young woman had allk underwear and allk heelery," said--Attorney Joseph R.

Burree Sn making the eleaing argument for the defense. "He admitted under erees-examination that he never had seen her underwear or her hosiery. He eaW he had been disturbed by tha rustling of her silk petticoat. Well, I can Imagine how a girl, hustling around doing three people's work for $10 a week, would disturb her employers with her- silk pet-tiooat" Mlae Wlghtman, who Is a graduate of Northwestern University and has been 'aetire in church affairs in the neighborhood of her former residence, Prairie avenue," was charged with the defalcation in "August, 1905. Immediately afteitward she signed a confession.

This, the defense says, was wrung Vrom her by unfair means. 1 Jn ALLENTOWN, June 13. Mrs. Elwood W. Gilbert, who was Miss Bessie Ryan before she was married In New York City Sunday evening at the Hotel Belmont by the Rev.

H. M. Warren, the Hotel chaplain, returned to her home In this city this evening and received the blessing of her parents. "I have always been fond of romance," said Mrs. Gilbert, "and the fact that I adopted a method of getting married a little out of the usual or A WORD FOR THE I Mrs.

William Biers (Zetta Fuller), has issued invitations to about two dozen friends to meet Miss Mae Bau-dln on Saturday, from- 2 to 5. Miss Baudln has recently returned from New York, where she has been visiting for three months. The decorations Will be carried out in pink and white, with stately palms for a background. Five Hundred Is the game chosen for the afternoon's diversion, after which dainty refreshments will be served. ATTRACTIVE WEDDING.

A pretty home wedding was that of Miss Hazel L. Roberts and Donald E. Scofield, which was solemnized at the home of the bride on May 29. The bride was attended by Miss Ella Bur-bach as bridesmaid, the best man being Glenn Scofield, brother of the groom. The home was attractively decorated with white.

The bride wore a traveling gown of light gray. Dr. Thomas, of Calvar? Baptist Church, waa the officiating clergyman. Only the relatives and near friends were present. The ceremony was at half past 6 o'clock, after which a dainty supper was served.

Mr. and Mrs. Scofield are now at their home In ValleJo. JC It USHERS DINED. Louis Rlsdon Mead entertained the men who win be memDers or nis bridal party next Wednesday night, last evening at the Bohemian Club.

Mr. Mead's guests were Ralph Jones, Dr. Percy oasuu, Aioert ju. uuiespie, Bruce Foulks, Charles Trlpler. Rev.

Dr. William Bade, Rev. Dr. S. W.

Bugbee and Samuel Mayer. BRIDESMAIDS' DINNER. Miss Mae Sadler, whose marriage tp Louis Rlsdon Mead will be the event of next week, will entertain her maids and matrons of honor at a dinner at her home on Saturday evening, June IS. Covers will be laid for nine. Miss Sadler Is such an attractive, loveable girl that her friends have delighted in eesseeeesee mm ee Cupid Plays Pranks With Men of Medicine.

Think of It! Cupid's germs have been located In the Alameda County Receiving Hospital, a place that seems Immune from ail germs with the exception of those directly pertaining to emergency cases of painful injuries. The quiet, innocent looking Institution run by the county down on Franklin street, between Fourth and Fifth streets, Is the home of the germ that Sets the heart throbbing and creates business for the house on the same block, where the marriage licenses are procured. The poor self-respecting looking building presided over by Steward Harry Borchert can hardly be held for such a horrid thing, but it is really, so and the genial steward himself cannot deny it, for Just yesterday afternoon he stood up for his friend, John J. Sherry, and Martha Davis, whose courtship began about four years ago In the little hospital on Franklin street, where Sherry called on his beat when policeman in that neighborhood and his bride was there as a nurse on cases that required special attention. MEET AT PATIENTS SIDE.

The little meeting in the hospital at the side of an injured patient appeared unsuspicious and probably the nurse aad the police officer thought nothing of It at the time. As days and months grew Into years, pretty auburn-haired Martha Davis was frequently called to the bedside of the Injured and Officer Sherry dropped in as usual. The pair became fast friends and lit tie beknown to the hospital attend-ants, their friendship developed Into such a mutual affair that soon suspicions were directed toward them, and bye and bye the stewards and matrons began to think the germ had originated in the hospital that some day would prove effective. Their forecasts were not mistaken, however, for yesterday the culmination of the Cupid germ really happened when the Sherry-Davis nuptial was celebrated at the groom's East Oakland home. Rev.

Sanborn tying the knot that made the nurse and her officer sweetheart man and wife. Just a few friends of the family were present in the pretty home that was profusely decorated with flowers and an exceptionally beautiful bell of roses that hun over the site of the wedding ceremony. Steward f'HaiTy I Borchert of the Receiving HopItaU was the best man, while Minnie Suth erland, an old chum of the bride and a sister graduate from Kast Bay Sanatorium, was the bridesmaid. LEAVE ON HONEYMOON. After the wedding a bountiful dinner was ready for the few family acquaintances and immediate friends who were present.

At the conclusion of the dinner, Mr, and Mrs. Sherry left for the Vickey-Bartlett Springs, where they will spend a honeymoon of about two weeks before returning to their East Oakland home. "Jack" Bherry. as he Is always call ed, Is a deputy Sheriff under Sheriff Frank Bar net. Sherry came under the list of new deputies that was allowed the sheriff by the new County Government Act passed by the last Legislature.

Since his appointment he has been acting as a night Jailer with hours from midnight until o'eloclf in the morning, but now that he Is married, Mrs. Sherry will probably see that Sheriff Barnet gives her husbandJ a position where he will have his entire nights at home, The groom is also a popular member and vice-president of the California Tacht Club which he has been connected with since Its organisation. He haa always been mora or lesa connected With Interests about San Francisco bay. Being the owner of a pretty rigged sloop Mr. Sherry takes great pride In sports on the WORK OF THE GERM.

The germ cast by the rtu.ty Cur Id 1 tct an tsw dovtry la tls This picture is from a recent photograph of Mrs. Louis Meyer, who figures in a sensational case resulting from an automobile accident to her husband while he was out riding with another woman. Only upon his signing a written agreement to have nothing to do with the other woman was he forgiven by Mrs. Meyer. I ft "4 ,9 -os.

-e-e- rylng to the. scene and made his es- cape. It was at first thought that Mrs. Lenni was killed, but, though two severe wounds, both bullets having entered her neck, were Inflicted, It is now believed she will recover. The pair have been married only a short time.

She was the belle of the Italian colony in Dunmore, and had a number of suitors. A NEEDLEWORK NOTES. t- Pretty cottage bedroom, curtains can be made out of Brussels net with roses and green foliage from cretone applique on them. One woman', whose shirt waists wear through in the back between the shoulders, while the fronts are still good, Qnds it economy to put new backs In. In the same way, sleeves that go through are renewed, and thus the usefulness of embroidered and lace trimmed fronts Is prolonged by many months.

To hemstitch on the machine, xtraw as threads as desired and fold over with the edge In the center of the drawn Let the tension be lore and stitch as near, the edge of the hem as Pull out the bastings, In goods In" one hand and the hem in the other, the 1ge of the hem to the bottom of the drawn threads and the work is finished. Tucks may bo hemstitch e-i In the same 4T Mb The death of Mrs, Eliza Ellerhorst, of Berkeley, marks the passing of one of the sweetest of women. Mrs. EUsr- -f horst was a pioneer, her husband hav- lng' been a large hay and grain dealer, -v and in earlier days resided in Hay- s' ward, where they had a large estate. For the past fifteen years Mrs.

Eller- 1- WIFE SHOT TO STOP DIVORCE PROCEEDING Society to be quite perfect must show deference to the older women, must pay Its homage to the grandmother. She can give It what no one else can treasures of experience, a fund of Interesting memories and the dignity and benignity of well-spent years. In one of James Lane Allen's delicately sympathetic romances of Southern life he Introduces three charming figures, each beautiful In its personality, each dowered with a surpassing loveliness. The three women stand together outlined by a master hand. There is the debutante in soft and tender unfolding of the bud; beside her the mother exquisite In a fuller bloom, and next her the grandmother with silver hair and un-marred grace, the consummation of the rose.

They who fancy that society may safely be given over to the care of immature youth, they who ignore the exquisite charm of beautiful age, have not well learned the lessons of letters or of life. Society at its best must be a reproduction of the world. In the world three generations are always moving together, interweaving, Interchanging, taking a hand in the game, That Is an Ideal society in which we Cnd each In its proper place, as the page of the poet dreamer the debutante, the mother and the grandmother. 4 CAW YOU TELL IF A GIRL WEARS SILK I CTrkrifiMszc dm tuc hiiiv cue mrni ire (r i horBt has resided In Berkeley. Her funeral took place Wednesday after-: noon, manyfriends gathering to pay a last tribute to -this kind hearted, loy- Ing woman, who was always a true A friend.

She was laid at rest in Moun tain View cemetery. The singing of Eleanor Connell was especially touch ing, Mrs. Ellerhorst and Miss Con- nell's mother having been life-long friends. Jl JS i VISITOR ENTERTAINED. Mrs.

A. J. Snyder will entertain on Saturday, afternoon in honor of Miss (Continued on next page.) it that later caused her to become the wife of the doctor, she was serving for. This was three years ago and now Dr. Emerson thanks the Receiving Hospital-for being the home of the sometimes dreaded infliction.

Wltn all these stories of' the germ, that. Is rarely located sometimes very difficult to learn of Its orlglnlthe young -physicians' and surgeons whr are on the active staff at the Horpital, and who c'lra to I uts from the ret: ir 1 t) I I a 4 1 NOW YOU STOP! 1 There was a young girl youould tickle By poking her ribs with a pickle. At a church fair one day Evelyn pay By announcisg: A nickle a tickle." SCRANTQf, June 13. Enraged because his 17-year-old wife informed him she was going to leave his home and get a divorce, Dominick Lenni today whipped a revolver from his pocket and shot her. Then, with the smoking revolver still in his hand, he' waived aside persons who were hur- --e-i his closing argument Attorney Bur-res made a vicious attack upon the business methods of the Hapgood concern in an effort to discredit the accuracy of the firm's books, which were offered in evidence.

MAKES PLEA FOR PRAYERS. The accused girl gained much notoriety at the time of the charge against her by standing up unexpectedly in a revival meeting and de mending the prayers of those present "that she might be cleared of the awful accusations made against her." In the hearing yesterday ehe sobbed brokenly as her lawyer referred, to the testimony of the -witnesses -for the prosecution. "The Lord will help me, I know," she said, after court had adjourned, "but it's hard. Why do Ihey accuse Kit of such thino' A i CHICAGO, June question of whether a man may Infer the presence of silk stockings and French lingerie from the swish of an obstreperous petticoat became a paramount issue yesterday In the trial of Mlsa Mary Wlghtman, accused of embes-kllar $1100 from her former employers, the Hapgoods employment agency. W.

Foster Burns, manager of Hap-good a' Chicago office, testified early In the trial that Miss Wlghtman, who bad worked for the firm as a cashier at $10 a week, had spent the amount la said to have taken In 100 days. In support of this statement, he eald, ihef appeared at the office la etlk Itocklngs and expensive French n-flcrwesr. HEARD BUT 010 NOT SEE. a irn yen unitr Receiving for It is not very; long ago that Dr. M.

L. Emerson, one of theu staff physicians i and a wefl-knowo surgeon of this city, met bis future bride at tha bedside of the Injured. He was summoned on a ease one time when he met Alio Fblger, who was likewise called, to nurse the Injured paUent. Miss Folger and the doctor became good friends. She interpreted his careful instructions, and although she succeed! In savin the rati--i'3 f- --i i i i.

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