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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 3

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

Goods and Lowest Arthur 8. WoUf ILIST AND IN BANGOR. to consult him sbosld i twiog limited 3 xx FLOUR, bbU Ejlra do A- ATWOOB Vessels Wanted" Two or 0 IX) C.PM.V rer ladle, a i FARJtSWORTa CO ESS MAKING! AT DweUey's Rooms, 3. 5 Union 31ock, MAIN STREET VT Dwelle- S) .) STREET the Hatch Houge to let. pIcsAant and Bonvenlent So 19 oasa 9 OhfcSL FAKNSWORTn Broad Street.

A ION a Keeper esta 1 i cit J-OQOC man wbv haj ic'ical eiperieoce InTunnat OD jay ea nd wi the applicant, In ptrs, JT Utter at Jiti oSce Of A Ic ciqalry 3 made oOd wi room for gardes. AD found I aave sum la toateJ LoLs on the leadinKstreetj sto the cou tr i a good view tf i it tv and terms. 1 havo UAC Lot a ou with fine i treea, i -i. FrtntJi -treet to BroaJwa Also (arLjioi. of first rale land, two on i water enue Ca 1 on UARLQW Jure For Corns.

sale by BRADBUrtY J. B. FOSTER, a and Auct ooeer i 1 I i Mutual Maine Insurance Office L- ocl to the purchas Loiober Real sale of Bo cdj, 110-1- or Private i-t Private Sale. -Baogor tj Bondi- 1870 AUCTION. HOUSE A STREET next Sept 21 at 3 o'clock, Oo the li a belong to llau mond airaeL, the 1 Pollen, 1 Icet front on Famtnond Suect) about aod contaloa about 4OW is atd and with )it- C4iu 1 be made accooiniCMlale two is very le irable on account Hi be bUMtte a i of the city and to ach Kfla ALSO-- AT SANfE TIME I atij I OS abore-- 14 Dd btrwet, ana aboat feel deep txut HiOO feet ALSO a i 2OOO feet, in atove lou, and aiUndiDg to IDIOQ je above will on sanf terms.

made koowo at the mo and ol ader Kid Gloves, RECEIVED AT pson Hichborn's. Piscataqnis Slate Co. a i held at oSco ID Bsjiitw bept at2o'cloek MASOJI. pt Kl THE LAST DV fatsair Tisrr or HTHUB S. WOLFJr, ON, OCUU9T TT Lectnrea, the (hty 11 PHYSIOLOS'Y AND HYGIENE Ear, Tkntt.

A A I I A I A I TO no jDatto tt)t)ts an Coiiritr. lon to snoh of negroes as were Kracemble to them If it were ones wtablrshed and known 1 1 to Evening Papers. jleviewioi Ihe Rebel Troops lien. gcUcllan Prohibits Ftrlnc Upon Pick- Company Coming Iron the Ha- ST Vt 19lb THE WAR IN MISSOUEL i Lexington Still Holds Returns from the BUte election art mcom OCTQ STATIC i 161 weal of Fort Kearney, 16th UJBUI rr.ncJp^ ENGINEER SOLDIERS There prescribed by the Fugitive 8'ave Law, that those who served us would be rewarded instead of being treacherously betrayed into Ibe bands of the ithnietio Tko K. i xi mi i enemy, then we should reap the just fruit of one $13 to per month, depend! 'l a f.r 0 fronT.

a of oor position, and we ran. atoned by eri, whloh hae 48,000, Conaera, Omoo Bemoorit, 20.600, honW and McConnell, BreckmndgeDemocrdt, 20,600 a lo The balance of the vole will not Tary materially TBAAH TUB COMCIHTHATION OF TBOOP9 SMITH INOTON Tbe 'Washington correspondent of the At Port Knoi. Buotoport. Maine ortionate TOte 8 Marshall baa eeued the tbip Henry meobaoici They mart DR. LIGHTHILL, DR ARTHUR WOLFF ding on''Surgeon to the Medico-Surgical Institute Surgeon, Oculist and AuriSt, Jvantrngcaof our position, and we ranh auatncd by ertt to whioh in added clothing, 1 for tho Treatment of Deafness, Ca- Lecturer aod Member of the Colic i i a torrh and Diseases of the Eye whjchj luo will paid to man houurabl, NQ 8T A 3 pLACB TO WASH Pott Will at tho mrtoos HotSE Bmoor FOR ONE MONTU from 17 be consulted by all those afflicted with eo ose a i wi and DEAFNESS, CATARRH, DISEASES OF THE EYE Maes in the Head, Discharges from the Ear, Earache, Catarrh In Its various forms.

and Surgeons of i crk Lori I and Par la borgeoD of the 5 ti rk 8 late BUff burgeon ID Vhe PurLugnt-bC Army iy i a i i a ft TVKSDAY SEPT It A And will remain fur 2 loj8 Oojy Dsmay beconnulted on all aeu ca of the EYE EAR, and T1J R. 'AT al bie like NO 7 A I STREET In all affeottooa of the Cj, ia alee Scarlatina Tj phue Jilowt Cataract, Acclcleota Coruett, 1 jNerveeor Mofolee, ID taot all the tbat detica urcan tuhjert--M eye) is nla Lacbry Mane disease WABIUVGTON, 19th he I I fencer says, beliesc Ibe threats Ki hoioud pipers, of closing the Potomac a i the Western shore, have paJt, serious imprtBsion on our military a 1 There are shells enough at any the rebels the ground one eighcb of her wsa owned by There need be no fear of the result EEBEL OAKP BROKEN UP NEAK Vir lDlftt18 3h Wfta relenaed on the haTe more Bull Run affairs filing of proper bonds at It be Custom House KAI8AS CITY. Seven eighths of this sup is owned by the INTERESTING TO HUSBANDS AND DBT GOODS Love Brothers, New Yoik. Sbe is now under DBALBEfl A ocourred Buffalo Imsl week. I UUL, i -n Of the P0uy ESPIES, i JEFPCBSON CITY, 18lb nJ IT afternoon Gen Price sent word to I at Islington demanding asur- i a replied.

Go to I I charter to sail for China, carrying a large and vm llUMa valuable dargo a who refused to pay a bill for The smkiug fund the State Srcarary has some $112 brought against him by a dry goods been to redeem $96 000 of the California dealer, for articles furnished nia wife, was sued Successfully Treated Ope ationa for Cross Eyes. Cataract, Artificial Pupils, Fiatula Lachrymalia, performed to the on tiro satisfaction of the patient uccl I i er Burns CI1 a Opt 'aseu to wi ch (crtitt- tlji. Poluculeii -ATA DISCOUNT. of tho Eye-Lida LOBS of flight a the greatest amount Jury to the Eye Cunauit tho tolcl ARTHUR 8 (From tho Tribune a jO We bad the pleasure bun-: i last night. TOR the last ten years 1R3 LUlHTilILL have the leeture ttncn I WM i J7 paid ejoiualve attention to the treatment 1 on at College of Sur cooq and Pby is attached to Lure a OD 'be Red inco was ith treatment lt 1 ai ir bave a cl rtl I i theGSih of the Oouli or a Wo i i i i a Thcli Thi I) ct 't and A an I ID r.

m-ide by 6rst open Seizure of Rebel Vessels at San Francisco. Diieaaea of the Eye a a I ractloeo ttWume uf ttie largest ties 1 od In ordor to ceotrallze tbe but moss and acoom Hodato tbolr pftileoto, they have pormaneDtlv lo tato.lio New York wdwro ooe of tho members of on the I a with hiaoeslstanta. Is constantly present to alve more alt nln tbc -taaenunJ acciQiDUU fcttenUUnhoir practice Por evidence of their BUG- whlcli the-e delicate arc i ct. He Id HR Bubsorlber offera for salo that Large and (conn the trealoctit of tho Maniacs of the above acjuamtcil with e. geutl Valuable btook ol mentioned Organs the reader i.t to tlio wa, wbo are 3icH or se 1 nolicoa ol the efa selected iDdlscriaiiaatt There is DO secunty for life or property them, and thst their purchase was unnecessarily Iiefl.ty JVia.06 8J1U JP Uru- ij from a lanro number in thoir posacosion HLgBTOOM be iMviDglherefor who are sick of se dere.1 the arliclis, that be bad receded 7 ch i aaJ making advaote under he Price was repulsed with i i an estimated force of 5000 pa 19 reported i i 40 milee of agimst the Indians or teceseioDists.

A1 the extravagant on tho part of a woman married to ishlDg Goods, a a ln 9 The In Store rcooatly occnpied 1 the dcfeoce a one. and a 0 THE EFFECTS 0 S.CESSION IN TEXAS would bring the secessionists to a terrible retn diet to tbetuiband butioD, Ihere are many on the road lo Califor, 7 Confederates 8 per.ed at Pe- MO- 1 from Su Jowph aod other points to teFSbUTg, Virginia a ligun 000 be 1Mb -'4ih aDd26lh regi JwreEsoii Crrr Central Qe i jone by sieamer to Lexmnton, also JKFPEESOII urrr. ajtn I3 i a from St Louis per the DM Momes A report was received here Ibis mormrjg sUU 0 i Tbese remrorcements num- ing that MoCullocb, i probably 2000 men, uc '-J effective meo, and would reach was on the Osage nver 70 miles hence, date not lun en liic i of the IBlh Rl'en, njarchmg on Jefferson Cily Tbe com "r) i t-fiJence 13 Iclt bere tbal Col Molli- aoi Desirable, and will IX sold at Liberal FOETHIOATIONS 'f, Tbe LtlOBTa.1 ,11180011111. It is estimated tbat Ibe number of emigrants iltimore Aroetican states lhat a fiw dnys 8iD--e I the Plains this year will reach fJom 25. I one of the oompUea of Ibp Maine SeveDtL Reg mfl TrSto KK) to 30,000 The greatest number are by the iment, now encamped at Pitteruon Park ID tbat Bsnior Also AT RETJRL at route city, was detailed to take DosaeMion of Porter's GREAT BARGAINS Tho's A.

WMte. (Times) city, wss detailed to take Dosaesaion of Porter's rTJlTAT 1 A A A i a commanding pos.tion east of the city IrHfcAl UAKUA1WS, BALTraoBi, 20th The gronm! was torraerly known SH Potter's i tlic who1 t8 ol 9od The Cumberland papers Bay that Cftpt Kidd'e Race Course It is desigDed to throw up n- cavalry from New Creek, and a com pun jf of in- trenchmtnta of a formidnb character, in order fan try from Fort Pendleton, made a descent up lo protect the approach to the city pn that side. officer here is inclined to credit the re- on a re bel camp at Petersburg, Hanly county, and the work basalready b-en begun no II be able to btdjj Lei ngton oattl rein- port on lllc tost shot frotn a i a a i Ool took a position today with a scattered the rebels like chaff Several TWELVE RAIMENTS IN FODB DATS --By to- i Undge 11 miles west from here, ie said regetuent of Home Guards, at Osage Bridge, wcrc Billed and wounded and a numlfer taken morrow evening twelve numbering be the point threatened by McCullocb'e where the first ftttok will no doubt be made n8Ooera he camp and all its equipage were about ten thousand men. will have been sent by (from tlit ftew York SCIENCE Sect tssn L---The aucctspcs to scl ance to tho art IB ana bolil shod, are uiore ih tLan when tLcy reeult perfect on aod lit tofuncUons ttial irevloosly liad Utto apparently Imperfect and )n 4apat) lo ol bvalihlul aoiOjaLion It plem-ureable raeyer a a No 1 to rccoi-d such uphs Ur ghthlll of No J-, bt Mark a Plfu-i h-ia receotly al Lamed such one of end ID nciae of i a trout i-ent He opeaud upon Mr Wm Oardner a ro tld i DC at South I Lad beta biiod from birth The operation was perfectly euo- cefcsiul and Ihu inao has ever since lejotcecl In the sight which bad eeo BO long and so Etraugo- obscured ITl Ol a tu of supen aitttintncnn, "pcoanty lie liaa Inlloucd Tor frreai, SUCOIHS ID ork has ttie mi 8accce ol tli ratulatlons of liia colleagues vrtr a V( te of thanks He nfers to a i Mott i ot the College of burgeooH Wuo 1 of iho Medical Time" i I fed win Morgan Oovercor of Sow a 1 -Kwt-vrrr -IT- NEW DiSLOVBKY or Preservation of the Eyes A A I I PEBBLES, Piano Coniei P'ino Conor an NEW FA GOODS. are now to be advancing He says he will not deaert the post till the last ta i a destroyed, atso a large quantity of way of this city to the seal of war, if no unfore- rot fri-m ti man a i iron guns oaiforme, etc I seen circumstances prevent CQ Lieut Montgamery Gen Fremont's cava 1 Tbe Bame pa fr8 aaj Uousual riserve is manifested on the part of I IJID ry.

has just amved Georgetown, and says attacked some 260 rebels while the military authorities in regard to iho desti 'he Umrocrml Wftehington dispatch says firing was at Booneville all day fiarbourtville The rebels fled datun of these regiments The three which t-ni a of MarUnd volunteers Wednesday, and late iuto thd night, thus dis- a 6rat fireu Their leader and two others left so sudJenl on Sunda evaning--the Third iei the Potomac at Wilhamsport, and drove proving the storyi tbat it wss surrendered on Jjja( priBoner were ki'led and Rho le Island, the Eighth Maine and the Third a tl oipaoy some distance from Sbeperds- Tuesday wounded ew Hampshire--are understood to have been jfo It is tbooght that Oen Laoe has reinforced at i L3fl a part of a coast expedition which has I regiment left at 4 o'clock this Lrxmgton LEATKNWOBTII, 17th flj coniidcrabte period, betn pnjtiird and vn a i i It is believed at BoCjneville that Pnoe could accounts from the Southern border rep the lestination of those which have since Ic LI rtpiments and a number of not take Lenngtob, bol if be should, it would as marobing Northward, and Oen parttd, though nominally for Washington, is a aiu a I this city today for Waah only be with lemtjle slaughter Lane following him mat er simply of soeculation I officers-Chub Jaoknon has, i is eaid, but 9600 men, jt a difficult to obtain information of the to whom mformitioti of future movements CD P- SEPTEMBER, 1861. s. C- HATCH i a FULL STOCK A (From the Dailv IfoTcrstrr Oft I I Wo are almost dail rcci fre li cv dences of 3r i a an ucuiint and Aurist and DOW WM havi, lo i uore opcrat on' te'-Lllv ing ax i i lj as po iblu to his pnlc abilitv Oo I a laat, l)r operated upon Horace Warner 01 West Hoyl uu Mr a been deaf ID his It ft car tor ars and wai in com i uf Liuio to pirfrct UD baturaay Mr a of i IclnaoQvllle 7" yi-ara Aubmilttd loan opera on an'' rectored Mr bad oeen ifliicted fur ytar-- a i suffered much frotn noms bis licd i ut 13 reeovored and urns Uuside nil self i tbu BUCDL 3 of tlio opor arc well rtwnri. what Dr ha," Imd tocooUtid osL IVople I avc been huiobu rn a a i i bv a i and to Lo cvoci cir own si.n«es lr 1 relied upon hi" own i surgeon bv aHow op- pratioos tofpcak selves Ho an ivial le poslllOD and DOW stands at (hi. laad ol hie DR AHTIH I B0BOEON OCCUTJST A I will be accon pauied bj Mr A i i I A iPfti i in Uti NEW 19th 1 tn i en 1 i Washington depatcbtsjs 0 i was examining I the i he discovered iu.

i ipproaching two miles distant nrt i i were put in i them, sent his comph ut -U bticlls, into tbrir midst scat- pr tei a DESIRABLE (Frnm tkr Springfield Rrj ttitican, A i i A PflftPPN DHY PflflDS Uf Li f' 1 -ratcl I ij suci and is surrounded on every dfe He movements of troops, owing to the necessity for nerully confided--profrea to be entirely ig- a a pttd to the AUTUMI which will be of tuh 1 rr 1 hold Lexington if he secresy nonmt in this respect, and the remark, in sub- tho LoWLaT a Prices a Di LuhHi LI a tins mdutc I About 1000 rebc's were at P'atto City, eight etni that the ccmmamlant of a rcgi throu'li tho seas will bo kept full tlte i i i rj 1 a i I He baa the rebels have gone off tni'eeeaHt o( thie place, yesterday They are) no longer knows where he la going," is not uncommon --JV Post, IBM In Pettrs countv all in squads to in Jack spa ista also Iqtt th Nearlj all the Un supposed to be marcbiog join Rama gr Price rough fear The county portion of thet-c troops have been engugd i IB perfectly desolate Fine crops are standing teccot bridge burning, on the wesiern Ji unfathered everywhere vision of the Hannibal and St Joseph Railroad jjo boats from above have- arrived yet, bat i pre-u coo-terhiuort, and killing, DC is hourly eipetted I a i i i tiem ne rebels are greatly alarmed about Lexing i from Muneon Hill states that I ind Ijbdaton were there yeaterday, 9ft i i horougb ssance bT ori3 ulu AFL ijjut 1000 men at MUDSOD'S Thn following pirtictlara in reference a nere on the 16th, from Rolla, having been con iht dam boJy bung a Fairfax a Ceo- fairs a been ascertained The first attack upcd the fortioat: el the rebel troops per to have been made on 25 Bales and Cases OF TbO Stock mu tn-n-a ii uv jn-i'u mil quaht an low prices, atcood lo ol i a i i In store all Ue popular makes of thir.ti Brown and Blc lihed Sheeting. rcd ta column of Federal troops are in pursuit of them Tie militia of Ibe coanties in Kaosaa bordering on the river have been under arms for the last two weeks, to repel any invasion Two regiments ol Kansas volunteers arrived TC-T recoiled probably the largest on the 16th, from Rolla, having been con tl iuc tinually on the move for nearly three atioos is said Th eothnsiastically received if last week, be fit i that tiny coutd 1 i tint th tr liall endeavor tiitako for the otertst A a ot cf uors at Wholesale or Retail to muJce theSr been treat uenUilttd purcliaien at tke Courier 0 2 Gothic Block, Mam Street li id but i Hi Me srt fa i mate ti caul or i i can in of I Ank vour ftlr Thajer mod cal prui-lit uliont, it and hr- i It isortmentol UdOOa ever opened in ktanpur tor caab aod will be ofierod EOWTON, Mo 18th A skirmish occurred on Tbaredivy at HI ick He WHS at Munson 8 "ill I but this IB certainly mistftkc, ag Gen Price a i the Federal works with a di 1 not leave forty miles south ol Lexington until Wedncsiay night The attack r. 15 miles Southwest of here, bit ween probably on Monday, aa Booneville Complines of Indiana volunteers uoder advices stale, i about men a aod a body of reM cavalrv, the Tbe lusted two hours, when cotonous Ben Taloot tive rebel? were rebels were repulsed, i a of 100 killed, 4 prisoners trken, and -tO horues and a a i Suckney Roberts. MAIN bTRELT rt nat 10 000 rebels had been li csterD irgtma. eipecting an attack daily by IISEASE3 CURED, S.

C. HATCH. Sopt 9 181,1 DTJM SPTTRO Ea. I Over Kcndu keagV fo BrilKO -ll- Water A 1 an old rt i Ui "Pou Dr Li ne-9 Mr Pboiw tleaf for up tarns ot it ticbs Itu al i fitc I i a i I'liV emu a A Hem ID I helps was peraud uiiti iscit rcl turn! uf ileaf 1 i cl and liiu I too iud Ue nl No bb I i a a It) us i i I own Alldtfeota Wi LH- i -uuct uu A I I D- 1.1 upi llui oc tuas moiit uf Di cuenlul lL i 1 ti 1)1 I Oeriuaii ti is and non als i treat ol his sue OQ i our uio HO 1 re No A I 'lo by Ur a i Particu cut I I i-al 1 to Ui WollI A A 1 Weak stpty diw Ttio anciool caterer t-lorc lliu ofloot: eUwjdlng: or of recent i 0 tinnR iu ttip Ma natioi; from ScioCulik Cancer Humor Local if A i. ftt tli TB.I Uelulit), or the lln IL.O, ohore lie K.

iti rl I I I IfJ 1 ic La. or fr 111 Ibu i of retell) were repulsed, 01 iuu prisouere irken, ana 1U norara anu rejll on Ihi blooa or Ihiu mr fnm Fortres' Monroe diled the 17th and between JWO wounded Our loss 19 arms captured Tbe balance ecattereJ all Mel and all Ulaeoaei uliion create Hit i Koanoki. and aeverkl other reporled at five LiUcJ ami several wounded directions Imuuntyof 'he Blood Ere cured without the i were under sailing oniers) lor the The fortificutioni liloaleJ at the edge of WASDIBOTOII 30th use of Mercury, loarlng tho blood In 1 11 JP I lor the Southern coast- another the town, on a bluff oterlookmg the The I a pure and healthy state I th. I i states that the works are of earlh, seien feet high and twelre Oen Fremont telegraphed to the T) i feet tbiok, with a c.uh feet deep and Iwelie lers of the armj, dated yesterday, that Major if n. 1 I 7 i tit i oitilo'nBb) ill I end of K.en to Fatlsfy Dr Li tit' ill I Ni D(JM MR BICkTORI) hlu olil cusuimerft, and a Jtn, I i a ujjun Mies i i fur Mmoiiiu o'rota bl mak 'li ejis alriujil in w-r- ftvc ui nutis ill i pj.m Tliosc vtho t3L wifh i-atisf I ul tlm this oratiun can i i a a 9-w the rtsult fur V1VAMUS! tbnnsiUei The a a another opera Viva.tu.yai for Fwtuia taibrj malis ol the pi tit vll n.

irjulmudool nefl liolUvinfi tlial lie Iiu3 lost To Rent, corn CD oo Teucmen i i olumblautree-l I I tl 1 rlok II II House for Reut. I IJousc on Palm SirC tlon for Fiatula Lw-tiri mails ur ukcrution ol the lien bljd contains 13 roornfl hen i i I upon au WM CMa) Luc A I a i of LOD- rfon food well ol and nve i I doD which contisicd in the Insertion of a silver m) Uun fcUjre on tichaase urn Ml It i he no 6rms en pickets unless it near Lexington, aod cut their way i 3 irj 10 resist i advances tr to ea emy forces, aoj join Col Mulligan i tu uineoced oy them It is said tbal gan expressed conbdeoce i i a i has been tendered the IO being aole lo hold bis position against any iK-ut fr lie lUwaam Inlands, and ac orc not more than tfn times greater than his DUO ais ut American emigrants and oma Jer, istipecled to come as soon gj B8 48 ClTT, Mo 17lh. President made an eiceltent shot ryPatie nUTuflici. wherebj they will avoid the oritlou. apulliecarteB arid clerka OP- STOCK rila.

Aurora The French yaoht, Jerome Napoleon, leaves for Bosloo ID the morning, via Long I Und New York Markets NKW VOBE, 20th 21J id weaternadvanced 5 a 10c, dd snptr State 4.85 a extra do 5.25 a 5 8b al force was sent over in the afternoon, who round boop hio a 5.70, eilrm witerii 6 .10 5 i paper publ.sbes the nb. rebels, took six prisoners, I net During the week past, vegeta- ur(d 4 nttnl ber of horses, and destroyed extra a 8.75 a ih i rcRion been roaring aod pitch- their barracLs One Federal soldier was wound- 4 90 a 4 95, extra a 6.60 i int inuch and toiDK i li tten I had alinusl ociuded to Itt it take its course none i Ur i i i i italkt succusiul la'O known as the Id und ftf rl i took one course of tbM huild tni'nm will Id or before Ui In on, wan laakd anft day of 3.1 le next Tern I i i tho discharge slopp.d a i I or feel particular-en I A U) a Ibe ear cure fl I Bucks). Southern-mned to good a .,80, CanaJa-- suner I I coin OD still nights one can ed trow sound resemble. roar Yesterday a large Of II I Wheat advancod 1 a 2c-red winter western 0 amber ,,6, white Ken.oky advanced Ic-- mned western 60 a 68J Waddings. Baitings and Corn Bags, 300 Bales for Sale by THO'S A.

WHITE, fg- Al his New btore. rt or Buckuport 18 Ift6l liar If few 1 i dan i iai ul a distance lib corn and oje A mw toeir appearance four milas below Uen tmgs and broutu wetvu a bltle place on the opposite shore, attempted Pork steady-- mess 14,50 to cross in an old fUtboal, sending part of their quiet orcJ to attract tho Federal troops, by firing into They were, however, Sept? Exchange Bongor i THE FuDtBU. AIMT Jew. this city and Wyandotte. quie Sugar firm-- Porlo Kico a84 10, Muscovado 1861--Spring Summer--1861 i-i 3r Or.

illj Lllrol fl I tosllinon l.y nnd i i to thod.cior tliL.iinpl«ol.jict I rcDder llooor to whom IB duo a. Pro bun tl tc Yours REV rilHB 8DHSI I flor for sale that Laree and LlU-hUelu 1 De8lret.le hTotK OF DRY eyoDS In th. (Fram Journal Jw I I Hoi bture reoently occupied on Exeliaul-e I I ears I WM all tleu i a lease of Ibe btore if wuh rct Ira of catarrh I c.uld no la on si cd a a i cd to Hie limes- rhla pronenw nielit. account of oitefa.vodisiliar»« Ashing to j- nt llalost nearly A i i i a 8 a a Copartrir.hl] furc 1 tho caro of 1 i and iw I am int.rely I FurSl i iln I i ouri.1 of thn in I Mj general BarTp A I I I I I I proved, aud 11 Soothing Syrup. f)C ORObS of a i i rccul Coui i terms.

a Rne opportunity for anyone bnsln ssVas the wilt be sold at A A A I great riuo In m. aSd tlio store I. onb Uie'BH'in the city wlthl a larice run of caMi trade The stocli will be eold ror oabh ftood notes or Lumber Tho's A. IB Wanted a few oargoes of Pine Boards 1 a9iatf opalred liaaalsu Un Pawtucket lOtb, I6I diwlm lludes to the patriotic action of repulsed, and the boat souk they succeeded in crossing at Libbey the Jews as follows I nrrrj of Ihe Union our people will be UJ foui i tcuoy no insignificant part, taking Last evening the oily was alive with skir their comparafire fewness of mlBne8 Several ehots were fired, bat no damn Ccromissioned and non commissioned as dona. 0 as well as privates of the Jewish Gwth 1 ii -e uitny some ID command of fine regi-- companies, have made their niv i i Borne alrfcidy been stricken tiviit hy the hi odi of the destroyer, some have i which a hlelime may not heal.

ie wlole they have been smgula: i I patriotism of oor oommunity 01 tscff in various ways, Ic of the star spangled banner 7 84Ci go boiea Havana al 9J a Molasses firm--Sales 17o hhds at oy Bucoeenea in crgssiun u.u^.j 22 a 30c sixteen miles btlow, which they hate poaseswoo Freights to Liverpool dull QEHT1EMBN fir years the fortunes of Tailors jinfc a credit bnjlness.aBd having rnseir proved at svloni to be utterly wron lor the Retail Tail Muscovado Molasses. do tbat Negioes as Spies. With all the discouragement Ibey get. these people are still important reporters of the ene my's movements, and they advance, Ibey will Wat SV'lODl vu uw utwii.y iv JH orlns huelnciM feel oompo led to adopt the uAhll MllJ oMo aJ ar(ce Breeie from SYsfBM 8tore an for sale by vm for hi! i.aruienU the amount lost by bad TiloMASJ STEWART debts tbe eredlt 8JBUHB, Is divided between -the patronmand Ibe patronliod, as the tormrr re- Dollar Monthly received by ceive It by paying as muoh a. 20 percent mp A BARTLETT on hand ani If are not 20 cent.

STEAM from NEW YORK to LIVERPOOL. A Commission and louvers of Flour and Produce; WOS 9 1 0 i i ITHJRf -BOST01 6 SAKCBHT PITCHER mchffl tr THE leu thao ai any olher llotninc Tbe CaULnc Department la under In the oily the of lor tale cheap fceptu Oen Pnoe's foroe advanced on the boats 5 two bodies, one from above, and the other below the town After a lery aharp engagement they and we have only to hold oat the ch.Bpeul in duoements Older to have a more perfect system of espionage organited to our It seems singular that a military rjommmnder Mr J. H. LARKIN, fkvorabl) Inown In New Tori and Boston as one ef A BARTLETT Medicines, TUT AWW I I A MAIM JM and IJJJ.M. of AVING fulBUed her contract with the British goverumeut, will noil "jj b- to b.

nowhere YORK Of those Nice Chaises JCST RECEIVED A Ifo 8 Main Street and eelhng low Also oo hand a ftill I of Willow Carriages, Cradles I uncy Qooda, Toys, Ac John Ellis luneaj No Ml IN STREET 1861. Fall Style! Gents' Pall Stylo A RECSHEll 2il STRbET CAKRIAGE SPONGE. txi.1 o. ty sal. i.

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