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The St. Johnsbury Caledonian from St. Johnsbury, Vermont • Page 1

St. Johnsbury, Vermont
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

THE ar. joii.ssitLitv. vr. Sr. C.

Lulllsliers Ornc.ii'H door north of Court llouse. oin cojin ii.imiiii. Jl pji.l rtrictly i mhauoj I l'OiTAliK -Th" pottauo on Tnr. Cai.mwoian nth- riti-r-t in tliii nmuty i-i liee: to nny part oi tho Lnitedi tVsntv j'cr vi'ar. payable in advance iit tln otlice puper it n.cvivd.

Tniij.ieiit copk cuu be t-nt JUIiue iii uin wuiuuy, ur tui pwi iiiauu. i Ia l'KKMa OF APVERTISIXU Fnronc -qnme (12 linea n.e iiii- or lc. Kucli tmuiil int rt-iit. iuan'.

eontracti at rate of a any pnrt ot a column. 1 lim- Librratioiu, KMiayp. tir-. I.c-H!.ittirr, advance. Obitua-ra- hlx ccnth ii liiie.

M'KCIAL I'O Sl'HPCKlHEHS. xubxr.nber irill i ii), It'i i on-n omnrctiitn mth hin mhlre. thc na'e tu irluch hf ha- jnvl. NVu jHVunent ix made ila'e mll bt a Imnreil tin.inriiiulaid ifthe chaniie wjt inoili- cnnectl'j the Arst n-cmrt xijrr frmn the tnneoj iupntnt. viicnh tn bewitififd iniHialiately.

ir- o.r iriperf Ml directed bv machinerv. tn isiiino: deliver them ut ttiir1 otliff, or ut any other I ji-irf exeopt tho po.t othce ailclrt. ol the tuliicrtuvr. i usrlcfs for to onltT tliu addrojM of jnjn rhaiip-d thoy pive thc jio't otlice to 71ii-1i liJa Ijtii sent ad wt ll aa ilit; to whicli tliey n. j.

iH of kind-' dnne tit liviii; jiiirw. Ppi'r 'li c-O'HtaMtly nnlid. Sl'. JellNSlU'KY UusIXKSS DlKKCTOICY. HOUGIITO.V IIUNTEK, nOMffil'ATHICIAXS, Mamitfet, St.

Johiiibury. M. HOfGION, U. n. II M.

HL'NTEK, II. D. J. F. LAUrCKK, Afjent, Manuf.icturcr of A li A KIND Opposlte Honse, Kallroad Street UOSfTA: IH RHANK, ATTOIt.VKVS AN'I) AT LAW, AXD'lTORS AXI) MASl'KRS IX OUAXUKRT, Sr.

Joii.vdRCKr, Vi. Wil at''iid tolcyal mattfr-J In Orange. Orleans, Ksspx a- lCilf loiila coiiutirs and lve especlal uttt'inlun to the iI jii rlaiui- from abruad, throunhout iiorthern Vfnii'Wit and Xew Hampnhiie. Wlll also attend Justice iruif lii thlb townand otliur towiH the County. JO.NATHAN ROS3.

(i.A RCUBANK. .1.111 l. i) (i i) Agent for (iRKAT WKSTERX I.AKK SHORE R. R. AKrlcultural Warehouse R.

Ii. Street. tApi6C I. 1). KlLKOITRXE, D.

D. S. OKNTAI. C'orncr Jlalii and Central streets. Otllce.

A I. 1 A M'TORN KY AN'I) COUXSKLI.OR AT LAW. SOl.DIKRS1 1SACK I'AY, AXD PKXSIOXS oMalned. charKcs uniesi successful. JJACON, CO.

DKAl.KUS I. HIDKS, l.KATHHR AND OIL. ht. Joimnbiiry 1)K. J.

L. I'EltKlXS, l) rs'i' Otlice, Corntr of Maln Street and K.isteru Aveuue. K3ULY A. VAitNEY, M. D.

PIIYS1CIAN X- SURGKON. OUIco oppolle J. C. Hi.ncham's Diico Siop.e. 11.

11. ULACKSTOXE'S II A III DHKSSlXli SAI.OOX, Flrt door to the rlaht, up stalrs, Ui.ock. NEWELL Ai HROOKS, 1' YSICIA 11 fiEONS. ofi'ice ui'ek nowAiin's nooKsroiiK. DrXV resldence, Maln St.oppo-lteXorthChurch.

l)i li's rriidencc Otitral bt, 3d hotise lrom Suuiuier St NUT MLK MA'TUFACTUIlEll, STKAM MiLLS Oppoiltu l'asseiiKer Depot. Mi K. DtALKit ix MH.LIXKRY and DRY (iOODS Opposlte Oaledonian Oltlce. f. ii.

artist, AT ST. JOnXSHl'RY 1'ORTRAIT UALLKRY. Ai.ibrotype-;. Melalnotypeh, and Ule-lze I'hotographs lirtter and cheaper than el-ewherc. LiV.O.

S. SFIAH', I A A Olllccovur 11. Jkwkit's Store. C. C.

CHILDS, ix "W.vtchk-;. Jnwr.LitY. and 1'IATRD uouns, Toy.s.ic. doni'ulih clesaticeand i)ipoituolil l'ost Olllee. ilaln street.

WM. II. IIOKTON, TAII.OR nlshin and dealtr In (lent's Fur Railruad G. K. 151 I.LAIU), I'HVSICIAN AND SURGEON.

and Onlee, corner of Central anil tfprlng Sts. 1' VSSIM1PS1C LODGE, o. V. A. JI.

MASONIC HAM. BIXtJIIAM'S IW.OOK. Stated Called meeilnt! Oct. 5. i JanOi) K.



IIADLEV, Liccnsed Auctioneer, WEST CONCORD, VT. tG7 1). 3IORSE, Liceiist'd Auctioneer, ISLAND VT. ttuyW 1. H.

LA1RD, MAXUKACTl'RER OK CRAXITE -MOXUMEXTS, and ad UmN of gramte wnrt-, V. PANVILLK, VT. Letterliig dotie on ranlle equally as well ns on tXovtiS marble. illKUI A. Ci TT1XC, "iOVERXMEXT CL.vIM AXD IXSURANCE AGEXT, Lunenburg, Vermont.


t. (JEO. W. CAIIOON, COir.VSEI.LOK5 AT LAW, SOUCITOltS IX CIIAXCERT, Procure lVnaions. liounties and Uack l'ay due deceased Soldlers.

I.YXDOX, YERMOXT. RARNEV, Si'EXCER dc WEST, --'uceessors to (ieu. A. Simmons wholesale dealersln KEKOSE.NE, LARD AND WHALE OILS, WAS AMO 5PERM CANDLES, -Ml State.andil Commerce Stroet Boiton. C.


.11. S. UURR iloT, Wholesale and retail dealers in l'ROI'RIETARY DHfliS. IIAIR PI1EP- AUATIONS, TOItET AKIICI.ES, PEKKCMEIIT, AC 20 Treni'int Street, next door to the Entrance. M.

HCUK. iw'n r. keyes. BOSTOX. Tuk Duy Tur.rrcA?.

There are several islands beariug the nanie of Tortuga. The tcnn is Spanish, and signifies a tor-tois. Thc "Dry Tortugas" constitute an island group and bank in the Gulf of Mexico, about one hundred and twenty in'tles west of Cape Salile. Florida. There are ten islets or keys in all.

They coiiMst of a coral formation, and have little vegetation except mangrove bushes. )n one of them, known as liush Key' and "Ganlen Key," a lighthouse has been reeted. At the beginning of the rebell-ion thegovennnent undertook theconstuc- tion of Fort and sent thither Iractory persons to work upon the for-titications. They are too remote from any populated plaee to enablc prisoners to obtain means of escape too desolate to invite trad'mg vessels and all articles of luod must be supplied by governmcnt trans-jiorts. The place furnishes a seeure rath-t-r than an attractive place of rcsidencc.

Ecening J30it. In one of our courts vecently, a man "ho was callcd upon to appear as a wit could not be iound. On the Judge where he was, an eldcrly gcntlcman up, and with nuich cmphasis, said, 'Vour honor, he's gone." "Gone gone!" tlie where is he gone "That 1 eannot inform you," replied the coiiiinunieativegentleman he's dead." "This is eonsidered the best guarded ans-wer on record. rr ita 1 I I I I I I I I JAJJXU.J dJ XIV. The Horrors of Andersonville.

THK WORST STOHY OF ALL. A Georgia planter, wlio livcd near An-deisonville and liad the means of accurate as to the treatment of our pris- oners, gives to the New York Post an account more phockiiif; in soine repect? than has been published There is no doubt that it is a plain statement of i'actF, without the slightest exaggeration. We (juote the material portion of it The position of the prisoner's camp was selected by Capt. Winder, a son of Gen. John II.

AVindcr, ilo vas sent from liiclimond for that purpose in thc latter part of 18G3. AVhen it was suggested to hini by a disintcrestcd but hiunane spec-tator of his operations that it would per-haps be better to leave the trees standing within the proposed stockade, as they would ailord sliade to the prisoners, he replied That was just what he wa3 not going to do he was going to niake a pen for the Yankees, where they could rot i'iister than they could be sent there." And admirably did he aecomplish his mis-sion. At lirst it was custoinary to send a into the stockade cvery niorning at 10 o'clock, loaded with the rations for the day bacon and com-bread, nothing elsc but as the number of prisoners increased and the greed of gain upon the trio above nientioned, the corn-bread was redueed in its quality. being then lnanufaclurcd of etiiial proportions of ground field peas and coriij unbolted, unsiftcd, uncleansed in-doed, from the dirt and trash whicli peas naturally accuinulate and at last, when the number of prisoners increased to over 37,000, the meat rations pcr week were redueed to a piece of bacon about three inches long and two wide, with one )one of bread above described per day. Then.

also, the custom of carrying thc prisoners' food into tho stockade in wagons was, abolished. They drove up to the gates, which were slightly opened, and the scan-ty food, foul and unhealthy as it was. was thrown inside by the guard to bc scram-bled for by the wretched prisoners, the strongcstand those nearest thegate getting the largcst share, the weak and sicklyget-ting none. 1 linvc mcutioned thesmall brook which runs through the lower part of the stockade, and whicli supplied the water for drinking and washing. Tiiis brook has its rise in a swanip not far i'rom the pris-on, and at no timc certaiiily not for a lcngthcned period was the water suitable or hcalthy but when the fa-ees and lilth, ihe drainngc of the whole camp of prisoners, canie to be superadded to the natu-ral unfitness of the water for drinking or eleansing purposcs, my readers can judge what thirst was aspuagcd, or fever cooled.

ui iuiui)iuig wiiMii'ii, oy uus 1. i 1 ,1 1 1 il tloating stroain of iilth and disease At any tiine, under the most hygicnic restric-tions, it is diHicull to maintain health and ch amongst a large body of men what do you think was the condition of 37,000 half-naked, half-starved men, with- out any police regulations, under no moral or restraining influcnces If the remnant who were linally allowcil to pass out of this military (lolgotha were not wild beasts, unwashed, befouled devils, no thanks are to be givcn Honry Wertz for lack of etfovt to produce such consunnna-tion. "When it rained, as it does in that climate alniost continually in the spring and fall nionths, tiie soil within the en-closure was one mas? of loblolly. soft mud, at least iifteen inches in depth, through which stalked and staggered the gaunt, half-clad wretches thus confincd. The stonch from the prison could bo perceived for two miles.

and farmers livinir in the ncighborhood bcgan to fear for the health of their families. Gen. Winder, then commissary jreneral of piisons, but having his headquarters at Andersonville, was forced by decency, not humanitv, for this he bimsclf asscrted, to ask the aid of the presiding elder of thc Methodist church of that curcuit to adopt some means to alleviate the miscries and soothe the wretchedness of the poor inmates of the Andersonville hospital. This gcntlcman invoked the co-operaiion ot the wonien of Sumter countv, who re-sponded with clothing and necessaries only, for these alone were allowed, to the amount of four wagon loads. L'pon the day appointed, tour ladies, accompanied iy tncir husuands, went to tlic prison, and souglit from the provost marshal a pass 1 1 to take their benefactions to the sick prisoners.

It was refused with a curse The party proceedcd to Winder head- (piarters. wliere Henry Wertz was 111 ompany with the general. The demand for a pass was rcpeatcd. Understand the ladies were prcscnt, and the reasons given why thc party were there, in accordance with mdcr's special rcquest. lo their astonishment they were met with this re- ply you, have you all turncd Yankecs here? "No, general," rcsponded the spokesman of the party, I not, as you know, nor are any here present we have come, as you requcsted us, through Rev.

Mr. to bring neces-sary articles lbr the federal hospital, and ask a pass f0p the purpose of delivering them. it a be I never gave Ijciiuiuu iui- tiuyining 01 tlic kmu ie otf with you, all ofyou! Shocked, terrified, beaten to the verv dust with mortitication, the party retired antt loiicu 111 their eltorts to suceor the sick, or alleviate the tortures of the dyino- iituu suituer, iney gave meir loads ot clothing and food to a passing column of tederal prisoners on their way to another place Millen. They at least had the sat istaction of knowing that some were ben efited, even if they had failed in their ef-torts for those who most needed their as- sistance. During the last winter whicli was un usually cold for Georgia, when the ice made an inch thick no shelter, no blan- kets or clothes, no wood was provided for ST.

JOHNSBURY, PE.IDAT, ATJGTJST the wretched inmates of that prison. Squads were permitted, to thc number of thirty, to go out under guard daily, for one hour, without axes or any cutting tool, to gatlier thc refuse and rotten wood in the forests and if they outstaid their time they were tried by drum-head court martial, charged with violating their pa-role, and, if found gnilty, were hung! Imyselfsay three bodies hanging, who were thus exccuted. Poor fellows, I thought, God has taken pity npon you and given you deliverance from your cruel jailor. When you and he meet at anoth-er judgement seat, woe to him if his nu-thority be found insuflicient for this taking of your lives, wretched though they be. AFFIDAVIT OF A CONNECTICUT SOLDIER.

I was corporal in company fith Connecticut voluntcers, Avas captured in front ofPetersburg, July 18, 1863, at Laurel Hill was taken from there to Libby prison, then to Belle Island, and to Anderson-ville. September 5, 18G3. Whilst at An-dersonville the rations were served out by Major Allen of the 2d Virginia cavalry (rcbel). Allen sometimes would go up to the Uniled States men and ask them if they would take the oath to the confedera-cy, and upon their declining to do so would say, don't give them a mouthful to eat to-day." At one time he took eight of us, mypelf amongst the number, all non-comniissioend ofncers, and upon our refus-ing to take the oath and to persuade the privates to do so, tiedeach of us, ourhands and arms to our sides and our feet togeth-er, so that we could not upc them, laid us on our sides, and then took a loaded pistol and resting it on our ears, tired it otf, caus-ing us the greatest aguny, and tho blood to llow from our ears. Ile caused the pistol to be thus tired on niy ear twolvc times, saying I will niake you so you cau't hear the command of another Yan-kee general or conimander." The hearing of niy right ear has been dcstroyed in con-sequence of this treatment.

L'pon niy re-turn through from my imprisonmont. I saw Major Allen in Richmond, serv-ingout provisions by the United States governmcnt to the poor of Richmond. There is now Richmond a Mr. Schaflbr who was a baker for the military prisons, who can substantiate this statement. I'etek J.

Smitii, hisx mark, Co. Gth Connecticut Voluntcers. The Deatfi of Alpine Tourists. The telegraph hasalready mcutioned the death of three Engliphmen, Lord Francis Douglas, Rev. Charles Iludson and Mr.

Hadow, durinir an ascent of the Afatter-1 1. 1 1 norn rwitzerian(l. iv nci ghboring cler- it of the mel-' gyman has givcn an account ancholy atfair in the London Times. Having brielly narrated the ascent of the party, the wnter siiys met with 110 trreat diihcultv. Tl ley and reached the top about '2 o'clock.

There they were in the greatest delight at theac- coinplishment of their purpoc. We saw them distinctly from Zermatt. About 3 o'clock they bcgan the descent. Soon after they were all roped together. Croz (guide) was first, Hadow next then came Iludson, Lord Francis Douglas, Petcr Taugevald (guide), Whympcr and Peter Taugevald's son.

Not far from thc sum-mit they had to pass over a ditlicult and rather dangerous place. It was a decliue composed of snow and rock, with very inditferent holding for thc feet. They were dcscending with great caution. when Whympcr was startled by an exclaniation from Croz. and thc next moment he saw Hadow and Croz flying downward.

The wcight of thc two falling men jerked Iludson and Lord Francis Douglas from their feet. The two Ttiugevalds and Whymper, having a warning of a second or two from the time that Croz called out, planted themselves as iinnly as possible, to hold the others up. the pressure upon the ropc was to much. It broke, and Croz, Hadow, Iludson, and Lord Francis Douglas fell headlong down the slope and shot out of sight over a fearful precipicc. Mr.

Whympcr's feelings at this time may be imagined. The two remaining guidcs were so completely unuerved by the calannty which had befallen their com-panions that he found it difiicult to defcend with them. He and they spent a misera-ble night on the mountain at a great height. As they camc down they looked in all di-rections for some traces of their compan-ions, but from the shape of the mountain they could not catch even a glimpse of them, At 10.30 A. M.

on Saturday they reached Zermatt." Fhc writer, who accompanied the party that was dispatched in search of the bod-ies lost, savs "After an arduous walk, in which we were exposcd to much danaer, we reached thc snow field on to which our friends had fallen. When we looked up at the 4000 teet above us, and observcd how they must have bumped from rock to rock beforc they reached the bottom, we knew they could not be alive. and we feared that they would be so awfully mangled that we should not hn nlilr to reoormize them. Our worst fers wnrfi rfinlized. We found 110 traces of Lord Francis Doudas, with the exception of some trifline articles of dress.

His hn.k- Tnucf mtlifr linvo remaincd on some of the rocks above or been buried deeply in the snow. Croz lay near to Hadow. Hudson was some fifty yards from them. From the state of their remains, the danger of the place (for it is exposed to showers of stones), and the very great dif-ficulty of the way to it, we came to the conclusion that the best things thc we could do would be to bury them in the snow. We drew them all to one spot, covered them with snow, read over them the 90th Psalni from a prayer book taken from poor Hud-son's pocket, repeated some prayers and a few words from thc burial service, and left them." Jeff Davis' 4 'Fobte." Fortresa Monr oe.

The Burning of the Ship William Ifelson. Capt. Levy, of tho ship AViUiam Ncl-son, has made a statement to the Ameri-can consul at Havre, respecting the loss of his ship. We copy the material portion as given in thc French papers Several emigrants who liad been ill for soine davfl were sufFering from a vio-lent fever, and fenring that this might be-come contagious, the captam gave orders at 10 a. m.

on the 2Gth to the first matc and carpentcr to go below and makc thc passengers come on deck, in order that thc 1 i 'ri 1, 11 1 emigrants were into' on inalter Ihe havmg all ascended, the tiecjuri It is nndoubtedly true tliat thcrc l.avc if 'TthlrTT 7 Mv something horriblc to pco thc Jlame-s leap-1 dis turkmces by returncd sol-below witli seeral sailoi-s, funushcd witn 7.A... J. i.or. P.nt 1 wUl. mio.n.

Lnr buckets and red hot. irons ar buckets and red hot lrons. The oner- 1 1.1 1 ition was nearly completed, about halt 1 1 wist 1 2 clock, wiien the hist tar barrel llicoper- ation btirst into a llnme, and the boiling tar llowed over upon the deck, in the centre of the ship, seriously burning the carpentcr and the sailor who was assisting him. The vessel immediately took lire. The middle deck was then, as may lc imagin-ed, full of smoke, and the ignifcd tar, which had fiilloii on the deck, fiowetl with the roll of the ship under the bed of one of the emigrants, setting it on lire.

KKFOKTS TOSAVE THE SIIII'. In an instant the flames sprcad to all the other beds fore and aft, rendering it impossible for the men to do auythiug to extinguish them. Even beforc they could reach the leck immensc cohnnns of Hame shot up through the hatchwav, and reach-j ing the sheets of mainpail (all sail was sct at that moment), enveloped the maininast with thc rapidity of lightninjr. In thc twinkling of an eye all the sails on the maintniLt were on fire, as well as the rig-! ging. 1 he captain immediately ordered part ot the crew to get the boats ready, in order to save as manv j)asscngers a posi-ble, and the rest to close the ventiiators and the hatchwavs.

This was hardlv 1 done, when a number of men, consistinr part ly ofsailors and partly of emigrants. formed a chain fore and aft, in order to pass buckets of water. which were pmircd 1 jdown the main hatchwav, whence issued'had no proisions and thc other had a coluinn of flame. The pumps weiv also 01 thive ibwls. a duck and a pig." sct at work.

irtiod. I order had been maintained. The lire. I however, made such rapid proress above i and below that the captain cons'ulered it ms (lut-v to lowr tlll nnmetiiately. i'xu And now a general panic seizcd tlie un- 1 1.

iortunnte passcnrers. all of them throwini: themselves upon the boats, which. from their nuinbers, it was completelv impo-si-! pieteiv mipi blc to pivvent. One had no sooner touch-cd the water than she was capsized bv a number of emigrants who jumped into her. These, not knowing how to swini.

wero nearlv all drowned. Four sailors. how- ever, who were also the water. smvrvd ed with much risk in rightiug theboat and bringing it to theside ol the ves-el airain. and then saved soine of the unfortunate men strnggling in the water.

Hut wliile thc boat was still alongside soine more emigrants leaped into it and capsized her a second time. The saiiors were again able to right it, and took on board a- manv passengers as it could hold. The captain hiniself assisted in lowering the launch. and the second niate. the only sailor who cniereu 11.

was ionunaie enough to save several cabin passentrers, amonr seven wonien and four ehildren. one not three nionths old. The two other boats! were lowered witli much trouble. The largcst contained no less than thir- ty-live jiassengers, with six of the crew. some of whom gol into boat less heavily Iaden, leaving two to steer.

The last boat with the same number ofsailors. and full of emigrants. succeeded in rcttinr clear ot those who, endeavoriiiir to jump in olf the ship, fell into the water and swam around it. It is miraculous that it was not capsized in the eflbrts the poor ereatures made to get on board. Mean-whilc the captain, seeing that he could do nothing more to save the ship, ordered the rest of the crew, about iifteen men.

to throw ovcrboard cverything possible that would float spars, plauks. barrels. hcn-coops, All were lashed together, so sis to form a kind of raft, in order to save as many lives a possible. This was hard-ly tinishcd when the unhappy passengers still on board, Iosing all presence of mind, threw theniselvcs upon it in large nunibcrs tollowcd by several of the saiiors, lilling the air with despairing cries. Others 011 board the ship rushed inadly from onc cnd of thc deck to the other.

and, going into thc cabin, broke the furniture and threw it into the water. TF.KKIBLE SCEXES. The confusion which now reigned was boyond anything possible to conceivc. The tumult was such that it was impossi-ble for the captain to make himself heard, though giving reiterated orders to stop the panic. This took place about half an hour after the fire broke out.

At this time from 130 to 150 emiijrants had suc-ceeded in getting upon sjiars alongside the ship, though there were many strnggling the water, when the topmasts, with their yards all ou fire, stiddenly gave way and fell right upon them, killing many at once and throwing the others into the sea. The cries of the wounded and drowning were terrible. AVords are pow-erless to give an idea of the horrors of thc scene. Ihe untortunates still on board the ship, in their great terror, surroundcd thc captain and the saiiors, clinging to them and bcsceching them to save them. But they could do nothing.

Some time after, the fire between dccks gaining thc uppcr deck and the imists, a iresh panic broke out among them, and, seeing their only cliancc of safety was to get upon the raft, thc poor ereatures fought among themselves to reach it. Several fell into the water and were drowned others succeeded in reacbing the raft, 18, 1865. but they were not to escape their fate, for tjlc maiinnast fell upon them some niinutes attcrwardand crushed several to deatn. The same frightful scene was again pre- years chaplain of tlic Second 3Iass. reg't, i scnted.

Tlien only ditl the second matc 1 gives much truth and good sense in a let-1 and a few of thc crcw jump ovcrboard. 'cr tie a retUnieil soldier' llein2 jiood swimmers, they procectlctll toward the boatSj at some distance, and were fortunate enough to reach them, antl "at lo one still more so in being taken bv the occu- with rctunie1 5oldier5J 15 a frcluenl4 pants. Atter those lamentable and horri- out a part ol ut' thedcck, being cntirciy un- Hlin, anda fcinsu numlHir of iieriniiied. tc lng oui oi iins utui ine neai sunoc.i- in ting, and it was mipossible to rem; c' lonijer on board. bome passeimeis ed into the sca, and with them the remain- ing sjiilors, three of whom are supposed to Jiave been drowned.

The lasliings which hehl the ralt toircthcr beinir burnt throu'h it oartcd in two. witli manv ncrsons climr-, inr to lho nhiiiL- jiiiil Tiuniv I'lie capmin. under the absolute impossi- bility ofdoing anything to save those still 011 lioard. and not beiiW ablc to rcmaiu blc events there was onc more lanientable U1 U1C papers cnaractenzc a -oui- sent me a rutpict, or took me out to and horriblc to take plaee. retunietl soldiers." lany good Drivc.

as the rase I beg lcavc About two hour after the tire broke I)eoPIe re sadly afraid, too, of thedemor-lto infonn you that 1 liave Iwoome posess- witli them longer. jumped ovcrboard. and 'ou lorScL lJlt cn who have eomuutteii set-ing two boats at agreat distance, wam juflences were sometimes givcn tlic ojilion towards them. of imprisomnent or enlistment? Xow. AtV-r swinimingfor this class, and the genuiue sol-hour, together with two who Her ot tlie earlier days, there was a vast lowcd hini, thev were at last perceived This elass has come back and rceognized by the emigrants.

who uo lemoralized by thc army, but demor-with thenreatest humanitv. steered towanl hY Kfc beforc they went to the them, and. at the risk of beinr capsized antl drowned, picked them up in a stnte of ahnost coniplete cxhaustion Tlie cap-; two boats tain then toik conunand of the and immediately steered toward the ship. in order to sce if with thc spars lloating atiout, they could niake ratl to save thcte dinging to varituis objects antl those hang ing upon the slnp's bowspnt. llut nothing could be done.

They remained. however. near the burning ship until 3 a. when she sank. carrying with her the rest the poor ereatures 011 board.

boats then stcered N. X. W. There The was 110 water on board either of them. 0lie two Ainon the urivoi is an infant iour- tecn days ohl.

born on board. Tiiis infant and his sister. vears old. aiv the sole urvivors of a whole f.imilv Oil UIKUU. i I he little orphan was caretully tentleil hy layoungwoman years ohl.

who hasl her chare. Another in- 1 nionths old. is the sole sun ivori fainily ot faiher. ehildren. mother and seven A Sfcam J'loir.

Some one at Lower Waterford sends the followingto the Newport 'lrjirc. You will be intortMed in the lart that a re-ident of this town. W111. II. II.

Millen. has ivcently invented and got pntcnted a plow to be propclled and opernted entirclv by steam power. A cuiious niodei. just examined. shows very nicely the workin of the maehinery.

whicli is quite Hinple. anil constructed upon such principics as will readiiv eonvin-e lneclr.uucal numl- that it will ove a uselul invention. An experinient has been made Avith a smali niachine. which siitisfaetory- that measuivs aiv being taken to build one upon a larger scale. to be thortughly teted the cnuing Fall.

It nuir-i be usetl. ol" course. upon leei land. and hentv is iit-temled mainly for the prairie-We-t. The woight will probably nol excccd three ton.

antl our farmers can move thrc or four tons acro-s their fanns upon tircs livc inches in Avitith. The machiue wili muve upon three whcels. one on ich side aml and one in front. the tire of the side whcels sixteen inches in width. and the other, perhaps.

twelve iuehes. Astripof land eight feet in width will be completely brokeu and lightencd to any depth de-sindilc by means of a large number of pc-culiarly constructed tt'Clh set upon the sur-face of a large revolving cylinder af the rear of the niachine. liy thrwing the maehinery out of the gear the whole will stop at any moment. A sower or planter can be attached and opcratod at the same time if desired, or at any other time witli- out the plow. It is estimated that it will move at the r.ite ot lour nide per hour.

it is certauuv an interestinr cun- osity, and, as it looks to such a noble ob ject and promi-es so fair, I think it deci tkuily deserving of eneouragment. BKLLHJEKKxr Socnrrv. John and Charles Kemble were sitting one night in the pit of Covcnt Garden, listening lo a play. Charles rcmarkiNl to his brother 1 reaily think thn is thc very best play or representation that Shakspeare ever wrote." No sooncr had he made this remark than a huge, red-hcaded, broad-shoulder-cd Irishnian, who sat immediately behiud him, leaned forward and tappcd hini on the shoulder to seeure his attention. I think.

sir," hc observcd with a strong brogue, said it one Shakspeare what wraught that play. It was not Shakspeare what wraught that play. un, sir, repuea.Mr. oolv, well." A short time after this the Irishnian tapped him on the shoulder again. Do you bclave, sir, it was my friend Linnard M'Nalh.

wlmt that play?" ''Oh, ycs. cerlainfy. sir if you say was the peaceful answer. For a while he remained unmolestcd, but at last hc felt thc hcavy fingers oncc more. Your friend that scts myour left to cxpcl the unweleonic guest, the boat hand," exelaimcd thc Irishman, "donT was put.

to the shore and the fish look as if he bclaved it ftw me friend Lin-, wis found to be over six feet in leagth and nard M'Nally what wraught that plav onc hundred and fifty pounds in weiglit. This too much fbr the brothers: Jllad not the ladies and ehildren preserved they and left the hotise. not deeming utmost quiet, consequcnces might have it either pleasant or safe to sfaiy iu such followed which are not pleasant to con-belligerent soiety. template. H0LE NUJIBEIl 1464 A Good Wordfor theSoldier.

Rev. A. II. Quint, for three or four A iuut.Icrnn cciuiij is aKca in ue 5lljztion of the coumniuity by thc reluni oi men- 1 to l3 sometliingj nuiuU ber that they are verv few number ot the disbanded troops, the diturbance are cxceptional. Tlie ber of badly disposcd men is ven' ell.

dui you suppose there eonltl be so many men eollectetl and have them all llavc you forgottcn how vou imuisfieil mto the armv at one time a vast number ot the worsl eases you couhl iuid. 01 enlting yoursclf: ormther be CUISC were afndd of thc draft Do deinondi7.ed at home bv home so- icie' lM army has nnprovetl what of society had corruptel. Now when a lev men niake disturi turbance. Ion go to abusuiff 41 ihe It, is not right.,tiayincrc making nio neu inereareworse.listurbances than thesc nulroad statious.

Even- copper i.e.iu 111 iiieKumnaioneiniunteivworse: the raseallv scum. Lverv shoddv eon traetor has done v.utly worse. 1 preaeh- I ml IM'lllll, 1 eonoTvnTinn- Avnor." knew. below me. man had cheatcdl I A 1 1 uiv-mu-rs 111 me Mioe- ne iurmsheu ne vi ..11 mit ttici.lll.

1 1 1 pi to clieatmg 'ontraetors It was a great self denml not. uimbbl 01 men get lrunk. Well. Avho turnishei Did the.o!dit rs brin: it home Did thev imporl grog hops into this Eden 1 lave they made oveiy corner a trap to catch some nnwary volunteer Was 110 one ever drunk until tlip. imn 1.

t-i .1. 11-. It is wicked. When vou see lue nuK'- "niMvnoiut penhHi l5ess ehher of llge iecllBar lns htc ior you a maa who has braved Dkc Agur Rlver deathagam and apun that you niiht1M111i 1 1 I i a 111:111. tiipthi 1 liusiaineu ui)on tnese, anu ne niuca ot r.

iuc inuigiiaiion is poniwl out on mort. likcIv to hcauh. uanimilv swindle the sol.her ot hard-earned Four pouillls uf mullon 1 1 M.r 7ie "-VI" wIlw hv boiri-r tmn- bv -o to headville (a eunp tor soldiers) inlroaqW. onit mii 051J1I. i' iram after train 1 hey iid not look to me liko niis-ionanes.

ho are those wamng at thc I rovideneeslation They did no: seem lik fOllHlrtir. Yhi orA .,1.1:. .1 .1., did not appear Iikc those eminent oookinsr the meat then conHV the oot who ymved eiernal gnititude-if the men of hxili vogetables. pickk- KlltU- Oiili.f 1 lyih talk of the danger that the re-jmake it palalable! On the fontnirv. ihe ttinung soldiers will demor.tlize sociely.

tlour that we use requires more than its Humbug and eani The total daurer "is own buik in water in mixing. and in-that society will demor.dize thc soldiers. the vohiiiiL oftlu-Wl. Af! this You spread tempJations around men just 'is favorable. beiv.u we mvt bulk ivleasetl from years of hard sen ice youa- ia ihe that -vve eat.

ll weave the ne! tiil it.s meshes aiv jis weil to thl.ik oi'thie thing-. andcpet--you let villians get control of I ialiy for us why have ptirs. and open he.irtetl men you let two thousand stady cconomy rather than the nitiiiv-i-liquor shops otl'er tlrink you allow houses iin of luxurioas tastas. "A ol" ill fame in ahnost ever-street in lwo enec earn.d. ton: and then you fnlk of thc ddieri is lruc fuLul- We do nol use haif demomlizing" the eminently pnre eity i enough of it as an artiele ot dailv nuxds.

in which vice reigns nunpant If we add th'is to bread and the fruits and It J.O- a dangerous period to a young man vegotables which are twtally at our com-when he is just rele.ised from the armyunand, we shall seeure all the nutritams -erviec. He is accessible to temptation in and snstaining eionicnts that mr lD'e ordinary degree: iust freed 1 need. whelher har.l work or nol. lrom peculiar restraints. He supposes, tu.

ii u.iu.i.M titvu nave iuatie every man a friend. Tlie Luiger is to him. not to society. Let societv do its lutv. The ihet is.

I ieel de- lilf. I rrn 1 1 .1 1 1 in-w liiiisi; iroiu i i M'rder br a rctunied soldier is marketl i ,,,1 -1 1 published when societv spreads all the temptation around him the stalc snubs him. and thc eopperhead, and the eheat-ing contractor who has grown fat out of his swindlings, tuni up the whites of their cyes in fear of the I tell you the proudost man in Massachu setts is honored by taking the luind of the poorest soldier he meets in thc street. I insistthat the upright, the and them.

But all should be. Tlie soldiers are not paupers. but you owe them an eternal debt of gratitnde. Show a little OI it ll- I'lVionir tn nf trilniTn tlm ill n.n eonduct of a few to Whesoldiers." Have a little tornearanee tor even those few. who fall bcfore the temptations you allow Remaukahle Occuuence.

At Ilavcr-al Mass. on the 3d a pleasure party. consisting of two gentlemcn. three ladies and two ehildren. started out in a small on the Merrimac to take a trip i down thc river.

When opposite May- nard's Island a large sturge'jn jumped from the rivcr directly over one of the young ladies into thc bottom of thc crowdcd 'boat, After nnny unsuccessful attcmpt-1 ui iMiau, M.OU1U imerest themselves in 0n upproadiing and shakin2 him io wake these men Erforts are makmg to seeure lrim UK lt. discovercd a roje his them work. Many are earnest to sen-e nr.i- )r Marrlage Jlade Easy. Dru; 31ns. Gin-xiy If yoifre and want to get (whicli of conrse vou do.) do as we little girls have done.

T1il thc vvav "vve luanase it: poon as Va. hcard alont ttbe Younir Voman in -who liot liae Wrctch Avho liad written to lier. Pa ravc me a beautiful Rciitin2 I shoi a i 3Lnn -svith it that verv dav. He liad oncc sent me some Stnnvlorrjes-vvlieii I "was ill, and then didn follow the mat- ter nn as lie sliould have done a clear riglit to slioot him. Tlicn I got tlie Girls to form a Soriciy.

1111,1 uU Sct ibemselvos. and theiiiw agn'edupon the ibnn of a IeJterlobc sent to 3LirriagcJibIc Young AIen. The lettcr wa- like this: "Sir You mav romcml)er thatrou joncewavwi 3-our lanilkercJnei at me (or ed of a Rifle of jrrcat You will see tlie iiroprictr ofai J10WCT. jtropnetv ol ai once lul- fdliiijr thc promise which I have every to consider that 3-011 have made to me. Yours.

Well. each one of us 5ent ten or a do-zen letters to dilVerent J'ellows. and the result wais. that they all. with one exce-tion, cjune, within twcnty-four hours.

and offered xhemseives to the ladies who had rigni-d tlie letters. We all took our pick. jof cmm. and all oxntvt to 1k marrietl in (thc Fall. Tlie Tiirli "vvho didn't olor lltr niade the letter lie receiveil.

iras a 1 lew he r.i "OUmjnnto i the Jnun. in onler to cscapi Ouunla. you IX'ar Old Soul: jnst iollow our example, and 111 vcnlnre to siy tliat you'll bemarried in next to 110 time at all. Your trimnphantly. FiOUA De Rvr.FEI.LE.

Meat in Hot Weather. Meat is rtimulatiug. I'lie nerxms en-ergy of New England eople is too tnuch. nither tliau too little, We need jiiates, than stimulants. lut in our wiup list of anieles for ihe table.

there is no need of selecting auvthing beaiuse they tHUlli, llor lhat fo0ll wWdl wouM lentl to 5tUpWitr anfl he-aviness. o'rms ihouW the lead- nnnf tnA rnr i.r vu, i.i,ttur whjL.h ch olher in qulek succcs: .1 1 .1 -11 1 -mu iiin.m;u r-uiumcr. inerc wiii ue 110 of for of ti1w MmSnur i.o q. Jjmy I A mftlts ail(1 ravi 1Wo or a In these times ofhiirh prires. when a mece lbr a familv of a uozen er- sons eosts on to Virw 11 is a i rritnd tnil( in iit linilr 5it tit i economv of the malter.

woll as ai in hvoienic point of view. It is that (ouY pounds of Kvf lose bv boilin- oUl 1 1 I We sunnose this is nn I Licc 1... 1 it 1 i aml iellies, to irive the nicit a rolish. and jNo diet will keep hunian sjrngth bei- ter than this. it is tnr.osed of a mixture of vegoiab'e and food.

K. Funner. Accn kxta i5 Dk A young lad namcd Lewis A. Osbonie, 1 yf age. was found hanging by llic neck about ll o'cloLr'iyesterdayaftemoon.

in the of hi brother. 7 King-ston street, under peculiar circumsianees. About -1 o'clock Robert Donovan. who says he had an to meet his pby-mate. went into th.

shop jassed through into ihe low Irtck shop, where he saw Lwis apparer.ily sitiinirin an ann chair, with his thrown baelc- in and inimediniely took measures lo re-store vitality to the bodv. which wa slill but in vain. We leani from Dr. i Urdwav that the r.p.: nail jn" lw lo a six feet from the iloor. and encireled the bjy's iuvk in a noose.

Tlie roe wa nsed to put around stovcslcft for repjiirs. in order to hold them together. The protiabilities are that the bov. who was of a livelv, active tem-peraineatj endeavored. in the absence of his brother, lo experiment in the proress and of hanging.

for the chair was standing with its fcark to ihe and the rope. lacked only about six inches of being long enough lo allow him to sit down in Uie cliair whilc it was aroiuid neck. IIl? probably thought it snliicicnlly long. and in endeavoring lo sit down strangleil him. and his eiTorls to himself only made thc knot tighter.

The probability of it being fxperiment is snpjorted by the facl tltat lie ltda borl time Imfore Uiken inter.tsl in the pic-ture of the hanvnug of the eonspirators in the illustrated papers. JournaU asil lon; iile, tnan 11 llalr.

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