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The St Louis Republic from St. Louis, Missouri • Page 36

St. Louis, Missouri
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sjjwkfeucsvi. jseks jfo; llIEpFi? FSi- v1 i- vi THE REPUBLIC SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1901. 12 -T rjt 6 it JJHIUH B. Ji.i J. ii Xl J.

nig; I s- W-eL ft rf fc Jf- ft. Rt7W -L-J pf iifeif tUvd'U Kf Ut HOW ARE YOUR I You Owe It to Yourself to Find 1 This Out at Once. A SIMPLE TEST WILL TELL. Then Leave the Rest to Which Has a Record Warner's Safe Cure has been tested many years and found to be an ab-Eolute cure for all forms of kidney and bladder dlbease. Warner's Safe Cure, to begin with, Is purely vegetable and contains no harmful drugs; it is a most valuable and effective tonic; it is a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid Her, putting tho patient into the very best receptive state for the work of the restorer of the kidneys.

It goes right at its work, and does it -with absolute method, preparing tho tissues, soothing where soothing is needed, stimulating the enfeebled organs and healing at the same time. It builds up the body, gives It strength, and restores the energy that Is or has been wasting under the baneful suffering of kidney disease. The one great fact that stands out is that 'Warner's Safe Cure cures. Miss Rosalie T. Teller, Secretary or the Floral Club, Milwaukee, in an interesting letter exactly describes one of those- attacks on the kidneys which presented characteristic symptoms unusually early, was attended to immediately, and resulted in a rapid and cure.

Miss Teller writes: spring I contracted a severe cold, which I neglected to my sorrow. It settled in my kidneys, producing Inflammation, with severe backache and continual heaJ- ache. We had part of a. bottle of Warner's Safe Cure in the house, which my brother had been using, and I tried it. To my surprise, I began to mend very rapidly.

I took a second pottle and a third, and kept on Improving until at the end of five weeks I was entlrelr cured." TRY THIS SIMPLE HOME TEST. ar When you arise in the morning put It stand twenty-four hours; if then it sediment in the bottom of the glass, your kidneys are diseased. Are you languid, low spirited, weak and flabby, have you a constantly drubbing ache in the email of your Have you chills, scalding and pains when you urinate and a frequent desire to urinate? If so your kidneys are diseased. This is the supreme moment when you should begin to do something to arrest all these unnatural feelings and conditions, for they are the unmistakable symptoms of kidney disease. And they tell you that your kidneys have been tdlseased for a long time, for kidney troubles seldom 'put out such symptoms as the victim recognizes until they have been working several months.

You have every reason to be alarmed, and you should take Warner's Safe Cure at once. Takes at this stage your kidneys will get relief from the free trial bottle almost from the first dose. A FREE A Plain Business Proposition to Readers of The Republic. i Ab evidence of their complete confidence In Warner's Safe Cure as an Iwnlntr cure for all diseases of the kidneys, bladder, liver and blood, the manu-v ttcturers have made a special arrangement with The Republic by which every one who writes Warner's Safe Cure Rochester, X. and mentions having seen this liberal offer In The Republic, will receive by return mall trial bottle of this valuable medicine absolutely free, postpaid, together with a medical booklet containing many convincing testimonials of wonderful cares.

This la looked upon as a plain business proposition by the Warner Safe fhmt hwansn thev know that Warner's Safe Cure never fails to cure, and 'taat the sufferer with kidney disease who if'' Its effect Is beneficial, and will continue Warners Safe Cure Is sold by all druggists, a bottle. Ask for Warner'a v. iue no outer. IS THE INSTRUCTION OF HOUSE GIRLS. KiBt, Louis Women Take Steps i TVroM "Co-l-oMiaTimOTit- nt a School of Housekeeping.

St, Louis women have taken the initial wtes toward organising a school for the In-tractlon of young women who desire to become proficient as cooks, waitresses and wiaedrla. At a meeting; of Wednesday Club women MM waa subscribed of the S1O.00O capital stock proposed for the establishment of the Louis School of Housekeeping, and a aoon as 81,000 has been raised It Is the purpose of the originators of the plan to Incorporate the) company. JThe servant girl question in St Louis ban skotlaht about the action on the part of the pL Louis women. Among those who attended the first meeting were: Miss Charlotte M. Rumbold, Mrs.

Flschel, head of the Industrial Committee of the Wednesday Clan? Mrs. Emms. XI Chase, Mrs. W. Morton, Mrs.

Philip N. Moore, Mrs. George Ot Carpenter. Mrs. John Greene, Mrs.

Oliver Mrs. A. L. Bhaplelab. Mrs.

Louis N. MsCSU. Mrs. George H. Shields.

Mrs. Meade Mrs. W. W. Boyd, Mrs.

Charles eUTHarrla and several women from Kirk- IF fe-Soston. Chlcasro and Phlladelnhla. hnvft (snaHlBt1 anrirtlsi qnA t)A ham luun nuuntAi1 2j 'Bjecessfnlly for several years. The word IX servant will be abolished by the school 'jRanacement and the girls who are graduated from It and eater the homes of St. Lstda families will be known as employes.

laj "-a employment nuraau win be operated SS, MinnMttlnn wrifli li wihMil mrA wlrla Every wtmaa in the country joogbtt to know About Ar niiicrd iricM Those iWho do know about it wonder bow they ever got along without it It has robbed childbirth of ha terrors for many a young wife. It has preserved her girlisl figmrs sad saved her much suffering-. It is aa external liniment aad carries with it therefore, absolutsly ao danger of spsetthtg the STStssa as drags taken intecn-aUr are apt do. It is to be rubbed into tfce abdomen tie-softs aad strengthen themascUs which tretobearthestxsin. TWs means much less pals.

It also jprevsate fynTftxp- atekstsss aad au of the other discomforts of prsgaaacy. Adrnggistof Macon, says: "I hare sold a large quantity of Vomer's Priend aad have never -Ca' fcaowa an iastanoe where it has fsfled to pndaos the coot malts ckiossdiMt" A prominent tody of-. Lam-bertoij. ArkwistoK. "WTsh my itst six caOftM 1 was in labor from 14 to jo After.

Homer's Frlsnd, my I ntaaaaT V'sKsSBslslslslslslslH 3r SIS ssssssssssssssssssBisi r- LsaHBrvJ 1KsMI1wXislHltiWICoft avvvvvMvvvmmtovvM-v---aavmmmmmmmjma KIDNEYS? WARNER'S SAFE CURE, for Cures Unparalleled. some urine In a glass or bottle, let is milky or clondy or has a reddish, chalky or if particles or germs float about in it. OFFER. uses a trial bottle will realize that to use it until a cure is effected. wmMmm ENGLAND GROWS VERY TIRED OF THE WAR IN S01TH AFRICA.

Bemarkable Utterances Boldly Made by Persons of Prominence Voice the General Dissatisfaction With the Cabinet and the Contest. SPECIAL BT CABLE. London, Oct 12. With all sources of war news except what may trickle through the official dispatches sealed up, owing to martial law at Cape Town, the discussion which has been growing dally In the London papers promises soon to revolutionize publlo sentiment regarding the war. General Sir Redvers Bullet's bombshell speech on Thursday Is regarded as the mere preliminary rumble of the coming thunderstorm.

His close personal friendship with the King gives weight to his words even greater than as spoken by the former commander-in-chief of the South African Army. A week ago Mr. Arnold White, the foremost spokesman in England of the reform element in the navy, demanded. In articles over his own signature, that the King ask for the retirement of the Salisbury Ministry. are graduated in domestic science work will be given a certificate and positions will be procured for them.

It Is the plan of the promoters to prevent any transactions between employer and employe. When the employer desires the services of a cook, waitress or houseglrl he will make all the arrangements with the school management and a girl who will be paid by the school will be sent out to do the work. The girls will have their ei enlngs off, and will be required to live, at home. Miss Rumbold has made careful investigation and believes that employers save at least t3.73 a week by the girls remaining at home at night She has submitted a list of questions to hundreds of housekeepers of St Louis requesting answers. Miss Rumbold and her companions in the plan to establish the St Louis School of Housekeeping believe that the matrons of St Louis will find that It will be to their advantage to employ girls who live at home.

An emcicnt woman win De Drought to til. Louts from the East to instruct the pupils at the school, and a girl with ordinary versatility will. It Is believed, learn all that Is required of her in a few weeks. In this manner. It 1 also thought, the wages for household employes will be increased.


E. Williams, agent for the Adams Express Company, died at his home here to-day. He formerly LONDON BEGINS TO British Capital at Last Awakens to of Rapid SPECIAL BT CABLE! London, Oct 12. London is at length waking up to a realisation of the absolute necessity of some means of rapid transit to replace the old-fashioned 'buses, boras cars and cabs. The County Council is clamoring for more powers, but the probability Is it will keep on clamoring until tbere is a new Parliament At least London's fifty-three members may be relied on to oppose anything? proposed by the Council; that is to say, aU except a handful of radicals like Mr.

John Burns. A letter in the Times from Mr. Charles Pullman hits the nail on the head, and at the same time points out a remedy. Cotnperhui London of to-day with thlity years ago. when he came here to Install the Pullman oars ion the Midland Railway, he finds the conditions slightly worse.

The 'Ms aad cabs which nrowl atoac WANTS BRIDE WITH THOUSAND DOLLARS. Omnha Man's Purpose Is to Promote His Kewly Invented Perpetual Motion Machine. NOT PARTICULAR ABOUT LOOKS. Will Marry Any Kind of Woman Who Will Furnish the for Greatest Thing That Was Ever Devised. Omnha, Oct.

12. Brazillal B. Britts, an lnentor of South Omaha, wants the name and address of any woman with who will marry him ard let him use the money in promoting his perpetual motion machine. "If the Dukes and other titled gentlemen of Europe haven't married all the American heiresses," writes Brazillal, "I would like to hae a chance at one of them mj-self. I consider mself better than any of the pampered nobility of the Orient, and my Idea of perpetual motion better than a coronet.

Moreover. I hae no back debts for my future wife to pay. To the newspaper that will help me get such a wife I will pay 81,000 In ono year's time." Mr. Britts Is retlclent as to the nature of bis great Idea, but from hints dropped In conversation It would seem that he had Invented something that will be to the mechanical world what Brown-Sequard elixir and Ponce de Leon's fountain of youth promised to be to corporeal man. It will be an emancipator from drudgery, enabling people to live like the gods of mythology, without work.

All power will be furnished free. Even the Intelligence of applying It will bo mechanical. Britts will make the first machine, which In turn will make the second, and so on. As the entomologist observed: Fleas hae smaller fleas to eat 'era And these in turn hare other fleas, end so on, ad infinitum. Mr.

Britts says a vast deal of energy is wasted In the world, and to prove his theory cites the birds of the air. Like the lines or ine valley, be says, these ton not, neither do they spin, jet they float In the ether for dais and een weeks without lighting, showing that they maintain their poise in space witnout enort. it is rrora the seagult and the hawk that he gets his Inspiration; they furnish him the Idea for tne Dane principal or his machine. Heat also seems to have a great deal to ao witn Air. units invention.

He proposes to do away with all heat; sae that hlch emanates direct from the great source of heat the sun. No coal will be burned while Mr. Brltts's millennium is on; neither will there be any animal heat generated, for it will not bo necessary for the human race to exercise. Every one will live a sort of Utopian existence, such as obtained before Eve ate the apple. All forms of labor, Mr.

Britts says, are unlovely, unnatural and unnecessary. Every time a carpenter pushes a saw through a board; every time the stonecutter whacks the granite. Just that much wasted energy Is recorded in nature's universal counting-room. As to the matrimonial feature of his en terprise, Mr. Britts regards It as a business matter purely.

"What would you do If a. wrinkled anC decrepit old woman should come with J1.O0O and take you up?" he was asked. "I would marry her," said he. "The main point with me Is to get enough money to make my model, and so I get It honestly it doesn't matter much how 1 get It." This article was copied and quoted In scores of papers, some even the hidebound supporters of the Tory government. The "Man-ln-the-street," whom Mr.

Balfour credited with better judgment in these matters than the combined Ministry, wonders what It all means. Sentiments which a year ago would have been denounced as pro-Boer are now openly advocated in the strongest jingo papers. Public opinion was never in such a chaotic condition. Could a Gladstone arise to stir up the country, as during the historic Bulgarian atrocity campaign, England would be ablass with Indignation within a week. Falling a Gladstone, however, people show their bitterness in national disgust, while memory recalls the significant words of one of the King's personal household, who, disousslng what might happen In certain eventualities, said.

"La Rol s'avlsera." It Is no exaggeration to say that never were the hopes of the people so bound up with the action of the sovereign as in those of the uncrowned King Edward. was employed by the same company In Kansas Cltf. FROM THE ROYAL HERD. Kansas City Beceires Blooded Herefords Direct From England. Kansas City.

Oct Johnston Line steamer. Rowan Moore, which reached Baltimore to-day, brought over the largest shipment of Hereford cattle ever mado from England, the home of that breed, to America. The Importation consists or 190 breeding Hereford cows, forty young Hereford calves and three Hereford bulls. They are for the late K. B.

Armour's herd here. W. E. Brit-tan, secretary of the English Hereford Society, the acknowledged expert of tho world, acted as Mr. Armour's agent Among the great English herds, from which the cattle were drawn, are those of King Edward Vn.

from which two royal heifers, one of them a winner at the royal cattle show this Beason, was chosen. The Earl of Coventry contributed the prize-winning 8-year-old bull. Mercury. The most notable among them, however. Is the prize-winning herd bull.

Majestic, obtained from James Smith. Thing Hill Castle. Others are the yearling heifers, Prudentia, Lady Brand. Malzle and SUver stream, which were shown at every Important Bhow In England this season, and were, as a lot consistent winners. One of the two 2-year- WANT TO HURRY.

a Realization of the Desirability Transit. the streets to-day were newer then. Nobody appears to possess control of the public streets, he says, and any company appears to have liberty to dig anywhere and at any time to lay pipes or wires. Ho urges the creation of some central authority having fuU power over all the streets within the metropolitan area. he says, "find, a man similar to Mr.

Terkee, with a brain to conceive a scheme and the ability and energy to carry It ouf aire him ample leeway and bind him under heavy penalties to complete the WK the thing is done." Possibly, if Mr. has the chance of revlsttlns; London thirty years hen he "LI-felMSSr hu vlews abot British SrocrasmaUon. but this description of Lotion rapid-transit facilities might still hld gOOuL VftsH lsUIUiim ail- ahre Osqsi xm Saadar same it. I HAVE BEEN CURING MALE SEXUAL DISEASES FOR 25 YEARS. I CAN CURE YOU AS I HAVE CURED THOUSANDS OF OTHERS.

(Established 1879.) THEODORE MILEIM, M. D. 5Iy ability to effect prompt and lasting cure in all Male Sexual Diseases Is due to ray Ionj; experience, coupled with close study of every phase of these ailments. The general practitioner, even if his practice is a large one, probably does not treat a dozen cases of Sexual Disease in year. The average specialist in my line does not treat one-tenth the number of cases during a year that I do, for I can aert without fear of successful contradiction that my practice is by far the largest of any specialist in Sexual Diseases in America.

During my years' eTperienee I lme met with and cured every phase of every known Sexual Disease. My knowledge of how to cure these diseases is derived from close study and observation of every case that has been treated by me. coupled with my original experiments In medical science. As a result of my life-long professional labors I have evolved new and purely original methods for curing all Male Sexual Diseases and their associate ailments. My cures are prompt and lasting.

Is It not reasonable to believe that eases than tho general practitioner with practically no experience, or the specialist with a limited experience? Come to me if you-are sexually sick and I can and till cure you. just as I have cured thousands of othprs afflicted as you are. I make no charge for consultation or for diagnosing your case. I'll explain to you my methods and show you why I have been 'so successful where others have failed. I'll not make an experimental laboratory of your system.

I'll at once be able from long experience to select the curative agents that your case demands and will cure you promptly, and you will stay cured. So well known among medical men is my success as a specialist in Sexual Diseases that many of them not only seek my advice In stubborn cases that they have treated without success, but send such patients to me for treatment. If other physicinns have confidence enough to send me their extra difficult cases for treatment, why don't yon come to me too If you are sexually sick and want to be cured? Itemembcr.j ALL CURES GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK. MY SPECIALTIES. ISWgr.PVS? iSSS Stricture (without cutting or dilating, or without detention from business), Varicocele (without an operation).

Contagious Blood Poison, Prostatic Troubles Weak Back and All Associate or Reflex Conditions arising from any disease pel culiar to man. 003SrSXJIsT.TI01W FIEIIEjX. Office Hoars 8 a. m. to 8 p.

a. daily; Sunday 8 a. m. noon. WRITE you cannot, call, and describe your troubles and receive by return mall flivsaav pinln envelope, free of charge, Dr.

SIHen's personal diagnosis of lour disease. Address THEODORE MILEN, M. DOCTOR MILEN MEDICAL (fseerporsted under the law ot the SUte old heifers from tho King's rojal herd was a winner at tho Royal show this ear. FAMOUS HOSTELRY REOPENED. Former Congressman T.

J. Campbell Is Remodeling Chamberlin. KEPimUC EPECIAU Washington, Oct 12. Formec Congressman Timothy J. Campbell of New York Is to reopen the famous Chamberlin hostelry in this city.

Painters and paperhingers began work on the famous hotel yesterday, and It soon became known that Campbell was to reopin the hotel. Mr. Cnmpbell Is being backed In the enterprise by August T. Glllender, agent of the Chamberlin property, and G. H.

Stayner or New York. Friends of Campbell are glad to know-that he Is to settle down as a bonlfaco at Washington, and his hotel v. ill doubtless become the resort of legislators and others who appreciate a bon hnnt with the peculiar humor for which Campbell Is famous, and who on one occasion asked: "What Is the constitution between" friends?" and who n-marked at a critical point In an Impending branl In the House of Representatives, "Gentlemen, this Is not the United States Senate." RIGHT-OF-WAY SECURED. Electric Line From East St. Louis to Mammoth Cave Assured.

BEPUBUC SPECIAL. Red Bud, 111.. Oct. 12. The full right-of-way for the proposed electric line from East St.

Louis to the Mammoth Cave has been secured, and Incorporation papers will be taken out next week. The line will be built through Mllstadt. Columbia and Waterloo, and later will be extended to Chester, through Red Bud. Secretary I Hock. and about forty of tho South Bide Turners- visited the cave last week and made several new discoveries.

Among them was a perfect image of the head and neck of a giraffe, jutted against the walL The impression of a human foot was also found on cno of the bowlders at a distance of about Hve miles from the entrance. SCHOOLS TO ABATE SMOKE. Conditions Under Which Varions Devices Will Be Tested. President John Scbroers stated yesterday that the Board of Education has taken up the matter of smoko abatement, aa far as public schools are concerned. In a spirit and manner calculated to brine about the desired results.

At the lnxt tiimIm hnnrd Mr. Rb. ert Moore, chairman of the Bunoing I uk ounce, luiroauced a resolution wmui ior I a.hitAl wwiuFHKiion or xiw. ior chy- cc. uuvvsja tnunlssioner ox pwm aiumi I am better qualified to cure these dis otMUtourl.) ST.

LOUIS, no. lngs William B. Ittner. submitted a specification upon which bids will be solicited at once for the Installation of smoke-pre ent-ing devices in the public schools for trial. The requirements of the specifications are that the device must be guaranteed to so control the smoke from the boilers In tho regular service of school buildings as to comply with the requirements of the smoke ordinances of the city, and must be economical In tho use of fuel, simple In con struction and easy of operation.

une omaers are required to give a pi un uquippuis one nouer for a ninety-dais trial, and In case the device proves efficient after said trial, to give a price on equlp-P 9 the In the schools. The bids will be received at the next meeting of the board. 12, after which all devices submitted in competition will bo Installed and the trial begun. CAUGHT PATRIDGE IN HIS AUTO. "Scorcher" Kan Into a Cover and Funny Complications Arose.

SPECIAL BY CABLE. Paris. Oct. 12. Chauffeurs are tickled over a novel automobile adventure that occurred recently.

A member of the scorching fraternity arrived at St. Quentln with a partridge caught In the radiator of his machine. A gendarme asked him for his game license and receipt for the octroi dues. The chauffeur had neither, and so he found himself A covey across the road, St. Loots Endorsement la What Coaata With the St.

Lon Is Public. You can't fool tnc public all the time. They will find you out at last. Every time a man Is fooled Another skeptic Is made Many the remedy tbatmake the skeptic Because It falls to kor. Doan's Kidney Pills bring renewed reward.

They cure the skeptic. Plenty of proof of thla at home. St. Louis proof for Bt. Louis people.

a case or It: Mr. John Eschbacher, living at 1230 South Sixth street, employed as a baker at Freund Baking Co says: "I had backache and sometimes very severe for 18 months. In addition to that, other symptoms of kidney complaint were very Once In awhile the pain In my back- was so Intense that I was almost compelled to stop work. It struck me when reading a statement about Doan's Kidney Pnis that they might help me, so 1 went to the Wolff-Wilson Drug Co. for a box.

continued the treatment until the aching stopped and other annoyances due to either excited or weakened kidney disappeared." rm wcik i-iice. For saie Dy dealers. Price, 50 cents. Foster-MUburn Co, Buffalo. N.

T. UIV agent ior uib u. b. Remember the mA tsV na ni, outer. WEAK Ii il Al WASTING, 1 STRICTURED I Wlfc" ,5 DAYS Jmf "Gran-Solvent" dlaaolvea Stricture like- unovr beneath the son, cares VARICOCELE and E.1LROED FROST VTE.

and trirrten the Seminal Ducts, foreier stopping dralne and emissions IX FIFTEEN Jjo dram to rnln the stomach, hot a direct loenl nod positive application to the entire Urethral Tract. READ Ot'B FREE OFFER. SEE COCFOT. HOME TREATMENT Every sufferer from Stricture, and Its offspring. Varicocele.

Prostatitis and Seminal Weakness, should write to the St. James Medical Association. US St. James Building-. Cincinnati.

Ohio, for their Illustrated work show-las; the parts of the human system Involved In Urethral Ailments, which they send to male applicants, securely wrappel In plain package, preptld. We Have Cured flEN la every State la FRFF TRFalTICE fiflllMIH-0" out thla coupon and mail It to the St. James IICC inCHIIaC UUUrUil Association with your naifie and address plainly written, when ther will send you copy Of their exhaustive treatise accurately Illustrated In half-tone, ahotrln the parts of the male system Involved In Urethral Aliments. ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASS'N, Please send tome a copy Male Sexual System, se Name curely sealed, PREPAID, FREE of All Charges.

Address ST. JAMES MEDICAL ASS'N, 215 St. James Cincinnati fl OUR PATTERN DEPARTMENT. 10 Cents Any Pattern 10 Cents. TvaiCaW UHTaelH laUiV Ml Wlwv MltMMtW Htm Mk-titoiiV Jacket, ML 84, Sg.

of, Skirt. IS, mm aui-LietiU' aHIRT WAItT. A47-LADIES' FIVE OORED WALKING MtlT. Waist, 88, 34, 36, 88. 40.

42 Md 44 lack hrat Skirt, 22, 24, 26, 80, 32 inch vaiit. wjjjM (JapfJnSWallner Jfl tw BE SCRE AITO FTLI. Uf TOSTJK CORRECT POST OFFICE ADDRESS. THE REPUBLIC'S ORDER BLANK centl (on.e. "Ter.dl"f) R'PObllc Pattern Department, Republic for each pattern ordered, and Inclose this blank, properly filled out with your name, address and site for each pattern ordered.

No. 8K6, Misses' Waist. Price 10 cents Ace Tears No. 8444. Men's Shirt.

Price 10 centsBreast measure Inches No. 8451. Ladles' Shirt Waist. Price 10 cents Bust measure inch' No. 8471.

Ladles' Jacket. Price 10 cent-Bust measure inches No. 8447, Ladles' Skirt. Price 10 cents-Waist measure Inches No. 84 Ladles' Skirt Price 10 cents-Waist measure inches NAME POST OFF1CD STREET No ntcataEoIk11 WCU)8e one-cent stamp for fall AND WINTER CATALOGUE.

POISON DLOOD -tj 19,846 CURES LAST YEAR Strlctaraia Isutaatlr BeUaraslaa ta Oaatraetios Dissolved late Stow eata taa Saa-1W x'lTTJtim PATS. Varteaoala fa Car, aa4 Weak Kern AiBtoTedtytia Pireatly to the A ta4 Farta. BY riAU. CAN BB USED by the PATIENT AS SUCCESSFULLY AS BY OURSELVES. the V.

S. and Almost Every Country on Earth. of your Complete ffiastraUd Work upon the 'FiyrfUTia Frraacnrasi Mint. 4LV tech feat. o784 and 36 tech waist.

WC-MllMt' IMrt Waist, Batteetf ta 12, Hand IS 444-Mtn't Hurt with Plaited Bosom. 84, 30, 38, 40, 42, 44 and 46 inch breae. cm Tttnnn JmVamtttwewHtnA TCX'saJS. -esnetTaaTBaT AsLni I atria..

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