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The Daily Free Press from Kinston, North Carolina • Page 3

Kinston, North Carolina
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PAGE THREB TOE KINSTON FREE PRESS a. Shirt BUI INADEQUATE SOCIAL And PERSONAE urn FIRE DEPARTMENTS i ll EVERY TOWN SHOULD PROVIDE Mayor Sutton was in Snow Hill on For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria NECE8SARY PROTECTION FOR LIFE AND PROPERTY. However Nearly Every Fire It Caused 67, I Waists In Crepe de chine and Georgette Crepe Very Stylish. Chamberlain Braxton OilUL 3 rtll CKN ANcgetaWe PrrparatlonforAs sImilaliiiAilirfbodantllWiila ling (lie Suuttaciis andUuwls i by Lack of Precaution Against Clean Buildings and Premlsee.

Always Bears the Signature We frequently see comments in the toon; preBS upon the fact that fires bring out tho fart that the cities and towns are often provided with Inadequate Are a ii til i legal business yesterday. Dr. Ira M. Hardy spent yesterday in Washington, on business. 9- Mrs.

Jesse Brown ami child are the guests of relatives in Goldsboro. Col. W. D. Pollock has returned from a business trip to Snow Hill.

Miss Elizabeth Dodson of New York State is visiting Miss Mary Dodson here. a Meeting of Society. The Woman's Missionary Society of the First Baptist church will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the home of Mrs. J. A.

Pridgen, at Gordon and McLewean streets. Promolps Digrsltonflw rP J-ness and Itot-Contalns neiitxr Opiuiu.Morplune nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. ft- 1 III IP-- -I I lv jo. -eL St I Sf departments.

This is a proper com mont and a matter that should be brought very forcibly to the attention of those whom the people have charged In JkMttUtf WANT ADS Aperffct Remtdy for Ctmsflp hp Use For Over Thirty Years Worras.rom'ulsionsjevrriw with providing proper protection against fires. The great dangers to which our property is subjected calls forcibly for an adequate water supply and well-equipped Are department, and there is no excuse In our present conditions, for any holdup in making these and other necessary provisions for protection of life and property. There is, however, a matter that the press would do well to bring forcibly to the attention of the municipal of fleers, and that is that the starting of a fire in nearly every case shows a lack of proper precaution, If our cities and towns were alive to the great advantages to be gained by using Biltmore Wheat Heart. All grocers, (adv) ncss andLOSS Or sleek JtoSimik Sijnattirt of nwt Centaur Compass; NEWS OF MOSS HILL NEW xuwry. 1 CENT A WORD 1ACM Us SEXTIOX MINIMUM 15 CENTS O10 ceat i word each bw Hon, nnleaa order Is aeeoanpaa-led with eaah and imaertlona are to be rive" 1 coaaecntira laanea of the paper.

AND NEIGHBORHOOD MAE MURRAY, THE "NELL BRINKLEY GIRL" Who to Seen in Lasky-Paramount Picture. Mr. Blanchard Jones and Miss Ep- even ordinary precautions against Exact Copy of Wrapper. AGRICULTURAL fires, such as proper buildings, clean premises and regular Inspections, then so many fires would not be started and there would not be so many occasions for the use of fire departments, and a great reduction would be made In the immense loss both of lives and RATES Consecutive Insertioni Oaly When Accompaaied -Br Caak 1 Iaierttoa a word I 2e a word I Ic a word Chicago, Mar. 9.

A campaign to to stave off a famine in boot-blacks is on here today. Prominent Greeks, assisted by the Greek consul, priests, national societies, Greek newspapers and settlement workers, agitated a movement for cleaner living quarters for Greek boot-blacks who work from 11 to 18 hours a day seven days a week and who live nine in a room. The long hours and unhealthy quarters are killing off the brush, wielders. George Prasinos, millionaire bootblack, is leading the campaign to "save the boot-blacks," of whom there are 2,000 in Chicago. BEWARE! pie Elmore, students of Winterville High School, spent the weekend with their parents near Moss Hill.

Miss Sac Jones entertained a number of friends at her home Sunday last. Miss Pattie Elmore, teacher at White School, and Miss Maud Elmore, teacher near Pink Hill, spent the weekend with their mother, Mrs. T. E. Elmore.

Miss Sallie Mae Andrews, music teacher at Moss Hill School, is spending a few days at her home in Kin-ston. Messrs. Ike Whitfield, John William Hardy and Miss Eula Hardy have been absent from school account of sickness. The Woman's Auxiliary of Holy Churchill Company Dealer in Hay, Grain and all Kinds of Feed Stuffs We also rmke a specialty of Seed Oats. We have both ninety day and Rustproof Oats, of the purest types.

7 Insfrtiona 4c a word 12 toertiopa. 6c a word 21 a word WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE FERTILIZER SITUATION. By B. W. Kilgore, Director of N.

C. Agricultural Extension Service The amount of commercial potash available for use in fertilizers is extremely small, and the price which it is commanding is very high for fertilizer purposes. The indications at present are that it will be necessary to charge about $5 per unit, which is 25 cents per pound for actual potash, about 12 1-2 cents per pound for muriate of potash, or $250 per ton for muriate of potash. Some quotations at present are as high as There is a business concern somewhere in this country manufacturing a preparation known as solvlte. The name Is doubtless also the product of the same enterprising pirates.

We call them pirates, not because we feel any uncharitablenesa in oar heart, but because, as it seems to us, it would require gentlemen with souls such as pirates seem to have remember, we are going on the printed descriptions SLfc US BLrUKfc BUY1NU rwitfvely No Books Kept When These Ratea Apply. KAYS DRINK LEMONADE FOR RHEUMATISM. IFOR PROFESSIONAL WORK ON we read of them, for we have no personal acquaintance with any to ad Pianos or Ofrts, Phone 138, Me- Innocents church met Saturday at Ihcgan Music Co. 3-7-7t vise the careless general public to buy the home of Mrs. W.

J. Rouse. Miss Jennie Whitfield of Rihston two ounces of their preparation and I NEVER MIND the weather when INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS C. OETTINGER, Manager Kinston Insurance Realty Co. Telephone No 182 (Next to Postoffice) who has been visiting relatives near here, suffered a bad fall Saturday, you want your clothes cleaned after dissolving It in two gallons of gasoline, use the inflammable combination in which to wash Boiled outer garments.

Of course, it isn't quite as 'just call us and we will attend to but is improving. Relief from rheumatism and sciatica can be obtained by drinking lemonade and avoiding alcoholic drinks. To get rid of this Btubborn disease, however; to stop the twinges, pain and swelling, and drive the poisonous accumulations from the joints and muscles, all generously-inclined druggists will tell you to take half a $400 per ton for muriate of potash. This product in normal times has sold for from $45 to $50 per ton. Under these will it pay to use potash in fertilizers at all? Limiting the discussion to the main staple crops of corn, the grains, cotton, peanuts, cowpeas, soy beans and other legumes, and tobacco, it 'is our the resh 'Ladies' suits sponged and dangerous as giving the baby a pound of gunpowder and a box of matches I pressed 50c Phone 536.

The Union. i 1 ILVv 1 IC It: H' it iv ta ft i or if in IT' U' i ii i ii Members of Union church have been informed that Rev. T. C. Howl will preach for them during the coming 1-19-lmo-Dly with which to amuse himself, but the schema arranges itself somewhere in year.

that category. As chemists and com WANTED TO RENT Desirably lo Messrs. Herbert Jones and Henry cated house of five to seven rooms. judgment that it will not pay to buy Cauly, who have been ill, are able to pounders of dangerous substances, the eol-plllol don't seem to be a startling success. There are many household angels in heaven who went there un Must have all modern conveniences.

Address or call H. Gait Braxton at potash except for tobacco, and possibly for cotton, to a very limited extent, on certain soils. Fertilizers should be used to meet Free Press office. expectedly on the Gasoline Express Insurance Critic. IT'S TIME YOU OWNED A Good the needs of crops on the particular 'THE MAN ON THE Watch or dock See us.

New teaspoonful of Rheuma daily until all misery ceases. Rheuma is a powerful remedy, because only a powerful remedy can overcome such a terrible disease; but Rheuma acts speedily the first dose taken and you'll know that you will soon be your healthy, happy self again. J. E. Hood Co.

and all druggists know what Rheuma will do, for they sell a great deal of it and guarantee that two 50-cent bottles will overcome rheumatic agony or money back. kinds of land on which they are grown, and when used in this way it shipments just, received. Mewborn Jewelry near Caswell Monument. unquestionably pays to fertilize. be out again.

Mr. Loyd Smith of Ayden has to locate in this vicinity. Bishop T. Darst with Rev. J.

H. Griffith and Rev. W. R. Noe held a service at Holy Innocents church, Monday and confirmed eleven persons.

Rev. W. R. Noe, having been in the neighborhood previous to the Bishop's coming, presented the confirmation class, and baptised several candidates. Fishing season is now on hand, the 3eine pullers are very much encourag Statistics agree that about 90 per cent of accidents are preventable, and For North Carolina and the near 3-8-tf-Dly this has not been disputed by any au FIRST NATIONAL BUI DF KINSTON Capital and Surplus $160,000 STRONG, SAFE, DEPENDABLE Your Interest as Well as Ours Will Be Promoted By Patronizing the FIRST NATIONAL BANK N.

J. HOUSE, President DR. HENRY TULL, Vice-Preat D. F. WOOTEN, Cashier J.

J. BIZZELL, AbbL Cashier T. W. HEATH, Teller by States of similar geological origin there are three main soil conditions, thentic authority, as far as the writer knows. The most Important question OTICE Chattel Mortgage Blanks.

We wish to inform numerous cus as fojlows: (1) The sandy loams or the east tomers awaiting this announcement that we now have a full supply. ern coastal plain section; (2) The mountain soils; and (3) The Piedmont soil3 or the area ed at the large number of fish which are being caught daily. WANTED SEVERAL SOLICITORS between the mountains and the coast Mr. Jim Hardy spent Sunday at for newspaper and magazine work. al plain areas.

Pink Hill. mission basis. Must come well re- Fertilizers should be made, and we to manufacturers and others employ ing labor, as well as to workmen themselves, is how best to go about the work to accomplish the desired results and reduce accidents to a minimum. Where the co-operation of owners and managers has been 'secured and machinery guarded and first-aid treatment given quickly, a marked reduction of accidents and hospital cases is in evidence; which proves that mod em methods are giving good results and are undisputed proof in favor of the new system over the old way of using unguarded machines and wrap ping wounds, without cleansing, and with any old rag that was handly. Safety Mr.

D. A. Whitfield made a busi find fertilizer manufacturers desir eonrmended. Address with references care Free Press. ness trip to Kinston Monday.

ous of doing so, which will best meet Rev. Wells, pastor of the Presby the needs of crops on these different terian church of Seven Springs, was DIRECTORS S. II. Isler N. J.

Rouse C. Felix Harvey David Oettinger H. E. Moeelcy soils. W.

L. Kennedy Dr. Henry Tull J. H. Canady J.

F. Taylor H. H. McCoy here recently. I AM OFFERING the Best Low As the result of a good deal of ex Your Eyes Are Valuable Asseti to You.

Are They Defective? If so, Then They Are a Liability. An examination will reveal any defect. Examination Free. Classes Fitted at Reasonable Prices, by two Registered Optometiisti at Mewborn Jewelry Co. NEAR CASWELL MONUMENT (Dont (orget the location) Phone 417-J Kinston, North Carolina Priced Photographs ever made in perience and a large amount of investigations with fertilizers, we sug ton.

Let me convince you. Photo- SOUTHERN RAILWAY frtphs from One Dollar per dozen up. gest with confidence, the mixtures given below as ones which will meet WARNING PASSENGERS. Amateur finishing. Willard Rich, Whitaker block, N.

C. the needs of crops under present con Train No. 21 Leaves Goldsboro 6:45 a. for Raleigh, Durham, 3-9-3t STOCKHOLDER MEETING. ations and profitably repay their intelligent application: For the Coastal Plain or Eastern Sandy Loam Soils: I Greensboro, Asheville and Waynes-ville.

Through train to Asheville. handles chair car to Waynesville For Cotton: "raai meeting oi tne stockholders of the Kinston Loan and Real ElajV 4 Greensboro. Handles free chair car 6 per cent, phosphoric acid, 4 per cent, ammonia. wt" held at the Nation-Fal Bank of The Time Has Arrived For the Progressive Farmer to Pay Attention to His implements and Fences. We Carry Emerson Brantingham People who insist on standing on the platforms of moving passenger cars place in Jeopardy their own lives and the lives of others.

It Is the intention of the Pennsylvania Railroad to put a stop to this practice, if possible. The officers of the Pennsylvania Railroad have gone to the point of writing a letter to the general managers and superintendents of the various industries around Pittsburg, requesting them to post notices in their factories, warning employees of the danger of standing" on the platforms pt moving cars. "uivuii, rnuay, iviarcn 24th, at ha1f.t For Corn, Grains, Grasses, vio ciock p. m. A full attendance is requested.

fi per cent, phosphoric acid, 4 to 5 per cent, ammonia. oiKONG, Secretary, 2-28 10 3-23 FOR BABY'S BATH LINE OF AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FEDERAL SUPERVISION. wM one .11...... K.I llr rner- im oii. from Raleigh to Atlanta, making connection for New Orleans, Texas, California and all western points; also connects at Greensboro with through trains for all northern aud eastern points.

Train No. 139 Leaves Goldsboro 2:00 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Makes connections at Greensboro for all points north and east, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago and all western points. Train No.

Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10:35 p. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro Handles Pullman sleeping car Raleigh to Winston-Salem through train for, Atlanta and Ne Orleans, also makes connection for tsheville, Chattanooga, St Louis. Memphis, Birmingham and all west-srn point i i 14 O. F. YORE, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N.

H. F. CRY, General Pa seen STALK CUTTERS, SULKY PLOWS, DISC HARROWS, PLOW HARNESS Soaps, Sponges, Brushes, Talcum Powder, Puffs, Pacifiers, Rubber Goods. For Peanuts: 8 to 10 per cent phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent, ammonia. For Peas, Soy Beans, Clover, Straight acid phosphate on good land, and 8 to 10 per cent phosphoric acid, 1 to 2 per cent, ammonia on poor land.

For Tobacco: 6 per cent phosphoric add, 4 per cent ammonia. 2 to 3 per cent potash. It may be desirable or necessary to change the total amount of plant foods the above formulas. This can be easily done and ttie proportions kept the SI Children Cry FOR FITVEH'S CASTCRI Much is being said and written about Federal supervision, and aa far as th chances for any net results in the near future are probable, a further discussion is a waste of time. It might not be amiss to say that If the recent reinsurance of the Knighta of Honor in the Continental Beneficial Association of Philadelphia by order of the District Court of East St.

Loula is a fair sample of Federal work, then deliver us from all such. American Wire Fence, Steel Posts and Rails Stock Always On Hand CHICHESTER PILLS Lenoir, Drug Co. D. Howl Prao. B.

W. Canady Son HARDWARE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Stoves and Building Material POMS. Five thousand school children are expected to participate in the Craven county coDinu'iU't-meiit un April 11. SulMicril t' Tba Free Pwta.

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