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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 2

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

22 SATURDAY EVENING. OAKLAND TRIBUNE. APRIL 1CC7. STOT TO DEATH AT WIFE TELLS irO THE SIDE OF HIS BRIDE TT Gas Kifcheu by Xteiter. (Conltntiad from -ne ther vraitef bore a stingj Jor Marcovich, resulting In his determination to end hi'iormer employer's life, unless it was be- cause tne latter naa him alter tie was discharsred.

Spring -is Herc-rhc lazy seasonand with itthe imperative necessity or taltmg Hood's Sarsaparilla. A.t iirsttnought it seems singular' that when all; Nature is reviving and showing new putting forth tyid, and blossom, humanity 'should be so weak and wilted. i I Why is it thatthe lively season with Nature is the lazy season with men? and women?" It is because while Nature has been festing all vrinter humanity" has, been workinj: harder than ever. rushing at top speed, eating more and richer, food, loading the blood, the lddneys and liver, so that the overworked system is about exhausted. cran The peculiar lazy sensation is in the air.

About U-inSl'S-i every one has That Tired Feelmj. 1 r-a mm Now is the time when many men and women Ti IFSCi InSSSllllf OSC losc Posij their real chance in LTs by letting: others pass them; i '-i PLAYGOERS WITNESS MURDER The" Gasj Kitchen wasi fiUfed time of the shV)otjngr the playhouses having let out just sT short time previously: Uhat others were not miracle, but hiit aim was good and effect in Marcorich' b6dy. The Mrs George Na-ece when he was assassin gone asVxay, eitheqi might It is a'time of real danger physically, too, because the open to attacks from serious disease. health tone Mr. and; Mrsy.

Neece restaurant a few moments o'clock axid took setts at the second table tothe right of the dining room, the latter facing the Just now, above all things. Don't Sit Still. There's risk in this kind ci jreSmj Danger in giving way to That 'Feeling; Iis far, better to keep going and get Hold's Sarsaparilla On liquid form, or in tablet form called Sarsatabs) to help you. It will put new vitality into your blood, new strength into, your muscles, new ambition into your mind. It will sharpen your appetite, aid youx digestion, overcome that tired feeling and dispel all danger of this lazy season.

We urge you to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, believing that what it has done for others it low and you are 3 i on you will be added to that great multitude who say will' do for you, and doing this nn Is Aincrica Greatest Spring Sarsatabs are gaining and Medicine. Sold by -Itigg Everywhere. Be Sore to Get Hoodfc. i rapidly in pablio eeti-mstiOaV' the sales are dVuhling acquainted with the Neecest left his table, the first on the left hand side of tne room, as was I Us custom, and crossing over to that of Mr. and Mrs; Nefcce, gree'ted them.

Just, as the: restauraut bur leaned over a chair to shake hands with Mrs. whjo had entered the front door, approached him, from behuuf arui drasving a revolver, an Iver-Johnson cmptiedV the entire contents into Marcovich's back. The assassin said nothing but backing out of the. restaurant dropped the pistol on the sidewalk, and (made his way down Thirteenth street towards Clay. I.

BIDS HIS BRIDE FAREWELL As Smith fired the, five tfatal shots Mrs. Marcovich arose from her seat- and rushed to her husband's side, crying, MOh, Frank, Frank, what didyouido Smith made no reply, but made hi escape. Mrs. Marcovich it stooped oyer this fallen body of her husband and piteously called to him. to answer.

The restauirauteur struggled in the throes of deathiaiid as he turned over on his side, uttered 'U. V--' Men and women! rushed to Marcovich's aid as soon as they had recovered their senses, but it was seen that the wounded; man was ahnost-beyond aid. i PpUce headquarters-were notified at once and Jailet Crossman and Sergeant Walters rushed to the scene of the tragedy. auto-mbbiie; was secured and Marcovich was taken to the Receiving cpitat paste.V;, i Ass he 5vas about to be placed on operating; table, the res-teurauteur. breathed his last, Dr.

Irwin pronouncing him remains "Were then removed to the morgue, which was visited by process of evaportkn and destination, and here HaSSetSf the same caratfte properties. Sokl by drefgtotg or cbb premptly bj mail on receipt of price). 100 doeee one dBaW. 0. I.

HOOD Lowell, UsM, GnaratoedaarWsa41raoi i Bp. They axe so handyenable yoa to carry Hood's Sarsaparilla in your vest pocket. Sanataba are chocolated prepared from Hood's ftaell by a X. hundreds of iarcovicft enastouay Atlantic Gly and Return $90.75 On May 25th, JCth and 27th, the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. will sell round trip tickets for this SPECIAL OCCASION at the above low rate.

The tickets are limited to 8 days from that date of sale and bear liberal stop-over privileges. For further Information see W. F. HQLTON. fT: City Pass, and Ticket Aft.


A. ittjh and Franklin St OakUnd Cal. Phone Oakland 641. a ABSENT MINDED, GehtHere, you, sir, what 3e yon mean by putting your hand in my pocket? Seedsey Beg pardon, air, pure absence of mind. You see, I used ter have a coat Just like yours.

COMING TO THE POINT." Stella In what period if your par-lor furnished? Bella None, except that the sofa is planned for an 'Interrogation point. ffi i am perBistent eaang ox HER STORY Continued from Page ed tftfct they gl Mareovtca a beating tor this and teach hint a lea-sen. I told him that they must nol think of such a thing. He aald that he could not stand the disgrace of being- called a thief, particularly wbea he did not deserve It The other fellows I don't know their names they told Frank If be would give Marcovich a heating they would help him and stand by him. "This talk took place id the afternoon.

I tried to make Frank forget It, bat every once in a while he would speak about It and I knew it was worrying In the evening we went to the liberty theater and Frank seem, t'l to forget It and I thought he had taken ray advice -about leaving Marcovich alone. DRINKS WITH WIFfil "We came home from the play and as we were taking a fclte of supper here at our home, he remarked that be would go down town to see some of Ms friends who were also friends, of Marcovich and see if he could hot straighten this out He said that Marcovich would not dare to accuse htm of having stolen the money. If be did, Frank said he might as well get oat of Oakland for he could not stand to have his friends think he would flo such a thing. He less excited about It and I said perhaps it would be a good thing to have some friend talk It over with Marcovich. We had nothing to drink to speak of a glass of beer or so with a sandwich.

He sat there talking it over with me when he said that he would likely meet this friend however it was, I don't know If he went down town at once. He left and I thought no were about It. "I was preparing to go to sleep when he came rushing into the house. He stayed about three' seconds it seemed to me. He said he had shot Marcovich nd must leave me for awhile.

Then be ran out of the room and that was the last I saw of him. WIFE FEARS MURDER. "Oh, I am sure he will kill himself or try to shoot the officers before he allows himself to be taken." moaned tbe girl-wife as she clasped her hands convulsively. "I was dazed paralyzed. For a few minutes I could not understand what Frank meant My mind was a blank.

Then when he was gone, I knew that something dreadful had happened. But even now I cannot realize it It seems like some hideous nightmare 1 dressed and waited. In a few minutes the room was with police police, detectives, friends and newspaperman, all asking me whereFrank was and other questions. I could hardly think. I have been up all night trying to fla-ure ont how have goten himself to do1 such a ter- rBje.ung.

He had never nntil yesterday spoken a word vlch and during the ten months or. so ms ne naa woraea ror him, I thought they had always been friends. "Poor, heart-broken how sorry I feel for heriV.Tou know wuvy uve- own married only about half a year or so. and this must Just abcht be killing her." tears of sympathv rolled down her cheeks as thoughts of the other. woman's bitter grief came to- her." "Frank has ruined my life.

He has ruined hi own-iifef be Msesnd he has broken up another heme, and all for nothing all for nothing." she paused in grim recollection of what had happened and in the anticipation of the day would bring forth. "I dread to see anyone I tremble to think of what yet happen. Frank most have lost his wlts he must have been out of his nund. Ordinarily, he is quiet, -good-ratured and easy-going; but when he loses his temper there is no telling what -he may do. He has no control of himself.

WIFE MAKES EXCUSES. "But I know that those other men who were discharged egged him on." sho mused, her affections for the fugitive husband trying to make some excuses for the murderous "Frank had no gun. They must have g5ven it to him when he left last night. Perhaps he had an appointment wi lb them. I am sure that he is not alone in this, even If he did do it alone as the papers said.

He never owned a gun, and I know he had none with him when he left here after the play. fTsn't it awful to think of such a tliinr hannentna- a mn? aha aaWxt piteonsly, as If demanding to know why she should be made the victim or a man's lnnsane fury. At the Smith residence on Fourteenth street a number of sympathising friends were gathered to comfort the young wife and do what little they- might to soften the blow of it. Mrs. Smith looks like a school-girl, and despite the night's black anxiety, rer youthful face was unmarked with the grief that her tears and manner so plainly expressed.

4 She Is decidedly a pretty woman bc-iite. and with nuuiwa rt natural hair framing face of clearest coloring. The Smiths have been marrta titan a year. Considering' that- her husband was a waiter. Mrs.

Smith seems uncommonly well-educated. Her iitamncr associating with refining: influences, both mnfin aA otherwise. JiAt Is a. profitable money-makinff in- HiiTnplireysgeTentT Bctbix Cures Grip and ''Seventy-Seven'' is no bettrf than any of the other thirty-five Specifics prepared bv Dr. Humphreys; for Women's and Vhildrerfs Dfseases, for Dyspepsia; Indigestion and Weak Stomach, for Headache.

Sick Headache and Vertigo, for Rheumatism and Lumbaeo. for Blad der and Kidney Troubles, for iiaoxarxa, v.auxs ana x1 ever. You have tried "Seventy-Seven, now try some of the oth ers. Book At drtigglsts; 2Sc each, or mailed. Humphreys Homeo Medicine cor.

William and John streets, New Tork. Murdered in a Discharged fags Jl) with after-theater patrons at the killed by Smith's bullets is a five shots hit the mark all taking dead man was talking to and slain, and had the' bullets of the have been killed. door. Marcovich, who was well from vtheCWH that Smith had -charged -one of the ruests omitted on the bill and' kept the money. 'I aecased.

him of this yesterday afternoon-when he came to work and, he denied; it. I requested him ttr admit It, but hei would not do so and I discharged him. I then went home and left Mr. Marco- rich behind the counter. Whether he had words with Smith afterwards, I do not know.

If he did not, I do not know why the waiter killed him." PROPRIETORS QUARREL. The police state that Marcovich and Clecak had words over the missing bottle of champagne, hat this the latter denies. An examination of Marcovich's body showed that one of the bullets passed through and leaving the front of the body, broke the fountain pea. in the restaurateur's pocket, spilling the ink over his clothes. Three of the bullets entered the pleural cavity from the left ide of the back and two went Into the heart.

William V. Wltcher. manager for Blake MofTit, states that he was standing on Thirteenth street, opposite the restauraut when the shooting occurred and that he attempted to apprehend Smith, who. threatened to kill him if he followed. Smith had been employed at the Gas Kitchen 'about ten months and was well liked.

He was at one time In the Phnippinee. where it is said that, he was Implicated in several brawls in which men met their death. PROMINENT MAN. John Marcovich was among, the Elks of this city and well-known as a restaoranteur. He was married last 'October to Mrs.

Jane Broon. the marriage taking place shortly after his being divorced from his first wtfe, who was Miss Aggie Toomey. He has a grown daughter by his first, Wtfe, ytho i Mrs. -J Leber of .1134 Brush street. Mareovtca came to Oakland in 1S82 and opened a restaurant.

has been In the same business since that time. He was formerly a partner of P. Kisk-h, proprietor of- the Saddle Rock, restaurant. Decedent was 49 years of age and a native of Austria. No arrangements have been made for the funeral, nor has the inquest been set.

GIRL IS "(Continued tront -Page blmding hv, Then she screamed aad the man- struck" her again the chin, and she. fell faintiag to tlie ground. Half conscious though nshe the girl fought Jer fjssallant -screams scared the brute away andv disappeared in the darkness. As seorf as; the girl regained her strength she got up and went in. search cf help.

i She was taken td the Park Hispitai," later removed her- home, -115 Point Lobos avenue, early this jnorn- f- It Is believed 'that a fracture ot the skull, may, result from -the. and the-' police- etre -Joking- for the assailant 't firstt aceI" --A -JJ Gov. Ornaan 10 (Fischer), 8. 8-5. Lord Nelson.

,105 Buxton), s-t, 8-5, 4-5. Belvoir, 109 13. 4, 5-i Time, "i BEiTEK Cleanses and-' beantifie the taeth and, pnxlflea. the- breath. Used br of teflnement for over a quaxterof ceatttry Convenient for tourists.


VCABOOY 4. CO. i nv -rr- (C We never advise GLASSES except -r when necessary Chas. H.Wbod OPTOMETAIST and manufacturing OPTICA Mr 115S Wsshmaton' Sfc, Oakland. filgn "The Winking Eye." Jjj CmilllTilE' 3 2 A Dellclouo Dlendlft of Fruit Julcoa 1 A pus REFRESHING INVlQORAtlNa Manufacture by ALAMEDA WATER CO.

SODA CALL CHRONICll: EXAMINER Combined Edition April 18. Vary rr BOe Each E. WARREN. 419 Central Bank Oakland, Ca4. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CtMnm and tka tutp franuM a knmnanV aTawtk.

1Vtj Bail Co mt Qv Hair to Taothful ColorT Com mp diWM oslr hiliu, CONSCIENTIOUS MENS. Thara la Srtbubv an Ianar, whosa place ta not far from Pblla-elphia. who greatly pfoma hhaaalf uaan the auparlorlty of his products above all others In the vicinity. On one occasion he personally, applied to a Gerwntowa housaknevcr for a trtuia-rej- vt hei coMora to "I 'hear flat you bat a lot of dmubl "with dot Btrymait of yours;" said. "Tust you Sit your gustom unt dare- yJU bev mx yur eggs always fieshf-aakej the 'woman.

i "Froah!" repeated the Oermatu in an fnaliimajit tone, mwdetl you. madam. Bot my hena lay aaytblna but rru ilarpr's TO AILING WOMEN. f- A Little Sound Advice -Will Help Many a Sufferer In Qak- land. No.

woman caa ha- and wH tf th kidneys are sick. Potaoaa that pa ft in the? urine "tne kid ney are, welta, retained in-Uw, bady vnen ui Kianeys are. Sidneys nd btadPct rnfJamed antf sWOlle'n; crowdlnff thej' -deUcata, oipale- nearb and sometlmeR dlaplacln them. Thla la the true cause of iriany bearlnd-dowa pains, lamneas back-v sch, atdeache, etc poisoning alaoi causes headaches, dizzy spells, langruor- neryousness and. rbuia4Uc aiti.

i When auflerln mo. try Doam'a Kidney nil, the reniedy that cures sick kldaeys. Yon will get better a the kidneys get and health will return when, the kidneys are Oakland woman tell yoa abmt Doan's Kidney PHIS; Stewart, of 827 San Pbl avenne Oakland. Cat, says: '1 saw Doan'a ICldiney PiUs-adrertteadUji' tn 1 'a box was procured -far me. 2ly wasr backach, whlcft 'n' on rne" at -tltnes and -caused me very much and soon relieved rn.

Tiic-y- have my 'm For eale by all dealers. -Frtv- 69 r-nt3. Fcster-Milburn Buffalo, Vw York, sole agents for the United Elates. liemeuiber the name Doan'sT-mnd p9 other, I A 1 1(1 Je much food caases fermentatioirand tbe prodocuon of 1Jw.l1.Vi Ki Sases hq aciu suosxanccs, anauy iaiiviv ox streugxa, tf irritable temper and chronic dyspepsia. tiV Celery Beer Is a Most Refreshing Drink 4 The most delicious drink during warm weather la Celery Beer, guaranteed absolutely a non-lntorleant.

Not only Refreshing, but a most healthy liquid. Ask for It. Depot, Keller Candy 878 Twelfth street, near Franklin. i good thing to have In -the house, OAK RUN WHISKEY." Sold only by Tolle A Postel, 428-425 Ninth street, Oakland. Telephone Oakland 77SZ.

No charge for mRY HALLRfiAli Caterer, 1201 Alice. Phone Oakland a DO THBY. FEKL 8AFEf Harriman, Bogers. Ryan, StiUman, Stoekeeur, Prick Interesting men, aren't they? Xo you suppose they and their Uke keep big balances In Parts or somewhere abroad, as the South American revolutionary presidents do, so that If they should have to cut stick aad run for it they would hare something to live on? Life. improper zooa ana too far i few afestts; ar ceak safflai sAk, Signature every mmmmmgm Vice' President.

Cashier. Ll uilU If the Man in the Moon had a family of boyi he would- surely BOTS bring to THE SHOP for their wearing abparei 'V- 1 "EvefUhing: fori-boyi to wear at our popular trices. 1 Our lln -straw and crash hats at i ---50c- is We have every conceivable style and pattern to select from. THE BOYS' SHOP Washington Cor. 10th Youi Boys Our Hobby.

SAVE HOftEY AVOID PJUII TbsHi. btractitf rmftcu! Pali "1 AckDewledsd to be the easiest and' Vest painless extractors la Oakland. Until April 10 we 1 hare decided to make our best sets at teeth for siao. -vIkinW' SET Off TBFJTH 'XVK. GOLD S-M GOLD FILLINGS LW SILVER FILLINGS BRTDGEWORK No eharge tor axtraetlnj; wbea teeth are ordered.

A wrtttea guaraatae at 2 rears with all werk. BOSTOir DEIJTAl PARL0HS II8514 WASHINGTON T. GOOI GLAStacS are worth all py for them. fit the-best kind and fit them accurately, F. VS.

UXUFEQ OPTICIAN 1001 Washington 81, cor. 10th, OAKLAND. m. -r WHEAT FLAKE 0ELET1Y mm is an improved wheat food, rarniahing: all the eJe tnents requisite for the nonrisament and growth, of the human body: Made from the whole grain of the wheat, the only cereal designed by natare(for man's proper subsistence. ralatable-NBtrlUoaia Easy of DigesUoa mad.

Ready to Eat Cm ke tenr4 kat. rvt I feet tves a Baextri JWy AH Creeers mm- A generat ahm spread over genera aJarn rrh cltr. ttlaBOtllce -Iwmff to Maayi auT tot- tm i 'asaasBiB' aio' frlenJs- of theT dead, mas wftd' had heard of th tbe city In their automobtles, fcut thtir efforta vrre of no V', 1 SEARCH FOB MURDERER. rjetectlres Hodgktos. HoBand.

Green araT Flynn wer. detailed, on the cas and Captain Lynch, mad a systematic search fo Smith, It was- found that th murderer had pn detuerata In his escape, tohxg first to hia home at 62 Fourteenth street and bidding farewell ta his wife, to whom he had been married but a short time. Smith- rushed Into his home about 11 o'clock ana rooms, telling his wife that ha had shot Marcovich. without saying, where he was going he left again and going to hi- landlady's room, of the tragedy and) asked that sh eare for ht wife. Smith left the house and Went to a rooming house at the southeast corner of Fourteenth and Market streets, where he called on a woman named Murray asking her to look out for wife.

Mrs. Murray Is said to have replied that she could not do. this' as she Lad plenty to care for herself. The' TnardVre then went away again, and disappeared 9 dwn 2rket street. The police believe that he hoarded the laet train fof San Fran-, Cisco, which Jeft Uarket street station about 11J3S o'clock.

The alarm had not been sent to- San Francisco m- time to- cover the ferry and in all probability Smith ta now In" hiding across the bay. His description has been sent out all over the state, the murder having been one of the most dastardly in-crlmtnal aml." WIFE IS INTER VI EWfeO. When the police learned of the tragedy an attempt was madevtd locate SmlUV home, sv false address, 951 ptrfet, was, giyen tkem, but later they were -taken to the Fourteenth street1 residence by Walter Scott, who happened to know the waiter's' address, haying; taken him home lh his automobile one night. Mrs. Smith was Interviewed and stated that her husband had been with her several minutes before making his departure.

It has been learned that Smith. af" ter being discharged from! the restaurant at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon, told one of his fellow-waiters that he was going to "get" Marcovich. The desperate- garcon then visited the Bell Theater In. the was ousted for making a disturbance, having been' drinking. He was also la Morris' saloon on Broadway and.

there be toW. of having been discharged and frequently stated that he bore a grudge and would hare revenge Little attention: wa paid to at the time. Smith la 'thought to have' procured the revolver in a pawn shop, but it has also been said that It was loaned him by a bartender in a local saloon. HIS DESCRIPTION. The of the mas as seat out by the police is as follows: Are.

ri years height, feet i inches: weight. 155 pounds: complexion, light; smooth shaven I uJl round face tight hair, of a blonde shade; nose somewhat thrned up, and twisted, to the right; prominent forehead; hair thin Von the top towards, the front of the head. Smith wore- a -dark checked suit of elethes and a- light telescope hat. He parted his hair In the mld- OiC. Antone Clecak.

Marcovich's partner, told today the- transactloa. Which led tip to Smith's arrest, saying: "There was a private bantjuet rori Tharsday evening and Smith was one of the waiters. I told him not to charge any of the' members of the party anything, bufto give the bill to me and I would settle I found that a bottle "of ciampajne." was missing CAPITAL t3C0.C30.tl3 PROFITS Officerst. We. G.

Hena ha wr President. T. Rodelph, -'-A. E. Cramer, t- t.

Boardmsn, Asst. -Cashier. Board of Directors: Wm. G. Henshaw.

Henry A. Ltlers, Chas. T. Redolph, M. Wslah, Edwin Goods It, Thes.

D. Caraeal, H. W. Meek, H.J. Knownes, C.

H. A. E. H. Cramer.

ajajvaataaassav I Commercial and. Savings Bank. Interest Paid Savings Deposits. mw tmmm-mmmmmfmmmmmmmmmmmmmi 213 Dacon Dloc! CT'. ytxtffy Cu 0.

i xpert Instructors In all Commercial i 7.

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