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The Junction City Weekly Union from Junction City, Kansas • Page 3

Junction City, Kansas
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

The Badger Lumber Yard are exclusive arrents for the celebrated Bodine Roofing. 2t ZIEGLER. I N. F. GREENE, AGENT U.

P. RAILROAD LANDS, SOLE New Holland Herring at Fred. Mann's. Guns Guns Guns 1 1 The finest stock of breech loading guns in the market, including Parker's and Remington's, at Blakelys. The Badger Lumber Yard is making lower prices than ever on all kinds of building mate Champion AST) THE NATIONAL LAND LANDS.

Mowers Goods O. S. $25,000 just of New at the follow Worth opened More to IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED FARMS IX THE "GOLDEN BELT OF KANSAS." rials, etc septas-zw Go to Mrs. B. A.

Flaggs and select yonr fall and winter millinery. For Sale. Fiftv acres grass, nine miles west from Junction City. Section 28. Kobert Lehmasn.

Mrs Flagg received at large stock of the latest styles of Millinery. Attention Artists. I have just received a full line of artists' material, consisting of plain wood plaques, bird's eye maple, white and black papier raache, pure china, brass, gold, and silver plaques. Palettes, all kinds and sizes, artists' brushes, Tube colors, canvas, etc. C.

II. Ward. THE BEST M0WINO MACHINE IN THE W0SLD. CITY PROPERTY OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. FOR PROOF of this assertion I refer to uiy last season's record: Eighty per cent, more Champions were sold in this market last year than all others combined.

I have a good stock of those CITAMPIOXS on band, but, as the demand Is large, would advise ail to secure their mowers at once. HOUSEKEEPERS' DEPARTMENT. Blankets and Comforts. We have been able to get some unusual bargains which wc arc willing to give to our trade. We OUR CLOAK DEPARTMENT.

Dolmans, Jackets, Sortouts, New Markets, Jersey Ladies' and Children's Coats. Ladies' and children's under Our Lists of Property for sale arc the largest and most complete to be found, and contain property of all descriptions. We respectfully ask for vour inspection of the following, which is only a small portion of the property we have for sale LOW, part cash, and on time I have just received a full car load of those celebrated Ilenny buggies. Acknowledged by everyone to be tne best work ever brought to Junction City. Call and select before too late, as they are going fast.

J. J. Blattxer, old stand of Scott Thurston. TO OUR FRIENDS AND PATRONS. We -acre never better prepared to offer goods at as low prices having been able to take advantage of the extraordinary low prices on all goods, and having given it our personal attention, -xc feel confident zve can save you money by buying your fall goods of us.

We thank you all for your generous patron have 35 different styles and pri- 309. Timber claim of 80 acres, 7 miles from town all plow land; 22 acres in cultivation: rood 308. Improved, farm of 80 acres, 1J.J miles west of town large frame house. 2,090 A.l 1" V. I.

.4 1 1 two stables. 500 nesch A nice line of Quilts and ces. If you want the latest styles of hats and go to Mrs B. A. Flagg's.

iuid. uuuuicu iiui sixty acres, on jiclow- i well and spring shanty ti ell Creek, 75 under cultivation good build- I trees, 2,000 Cottonwood' well and spring, shantr. wear we have an immense layout. doing and FornisMng Goods Dspartmeut. This fall we have given these goods special attention, we show ings, timber, ana water; 320 rods fence; fine 371.

320 acre In Dickinson County, four mile stock range. 4 301V tm-n 11 in itlfi Grain Drills good stone houses, stables, granaries, chicken house, good pastures, and hedges, orchard 7,000 Spreads. It will pay all to examine our Blanket Stock. BOOT AND SHOE DEPARTMENT. 011.

ciguiy m-rcs in i.ioeri lownsnip so acres broke; log house, some hedge, corrals, all plow land 700 332. Five hundred acres near Milford 140 acres P.O.; eighty acres ln cultivation frame house. OUR DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT. la iillotl with everything made in FALL and WINTER DRY GOODS at unusually low figures. 2,500 yds.

Prints at 5 cts. Corsets from 40 csts up. Silk and Velvet Ribbons, Embroideries, Gloves. In HOODS and HOSIERY wc have an extraordinary assortment, this being one of our specialties, we call your attention to it. We have an elegant, selection of Silks, Satins, Silk and Cotton Velvctincs, and Plushes.

Reynold's Fine Shoes, THE WILLOUOHBY RUBBER FEED, age in the fast has helped to success and we hope to deserve your favors in the future V-Cranl-i dealing, best reasonable prices, and polite attention. Wc li'ant to sec you our- all at our Fair and to visit the 1. C. zvhere All Wool Knitting Yarn; all colors, qualities, and prices. ladies' Dress Good, all the new shades and fabrics, at very low prices.

Fancy Dress Buttons, big llnr. Trimmings, Velvets, BiMmns blaeh and colors, Silk Velvets and Velveteens in rotors, Xtm-pareil Velveteens. A complete line of ladies' Hosiery Ladies' Thread, Silk and Kid Gloves, ladies' ltriv-iny Glwcs. Itepellants, a choice assortment, ladies' (1-4 Irrss flannels and Sacking, Shawls from cents to $1S, Hihbons largest stock in the city, Xew Vail Goods in every department just opened by B. IIOCKWELI CO.

cultivation; 100 seres good Umber; good kitchen and cellar, good well and corrals 4.000 house cattle and hog pasture; large new 1 373. Eighty acres In lvls CountT, near Skiddy barn for 12 horses creek and spring water 9,000 all plow land 45 acres in cultivation 500 324, One hundred and sixty acres, eight miles 3T7. One hundred and sijtty acres in Davis south of town 30 acres broke house, stable, twelve miles from Parkerville nearly all plow 1'200l 50 cres ln cultivation; frame house, of 320 eres RUey near granary, corral, stable, spring and well, peach Milford; SO acres in cultivation; house of 4 orchard 1 -00 nd 378. Klghty acre in Dickinson CountT, 7 miles 339. tlghty acres, four miles west of town; 53 i from Alida; 65 acres in cultivation; 10 seres acres In cultivation; good new house, stable, pasture; house, cellar and kitchen, well, fruit gran "7' chicken house, and well- 1,500 tress, hedge on two sides, stone stable 1,000 Will not break the grain.

latest styles and best selected line of goods ever shown in the city. AVe can fit the smallest boy and the largest man in Suits or Overcoats, Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, Trunks, and Valises, an extraordinary at prices that are sure to suit. Having fitted up the Mullins' building for these lines of goods we are able to serve our customers to the best advantage. you Jin it an exhibit of goods oj Kin uwiiu vumj umucr aim i i J. zw acres 11 a nouse, Kitcnen, ceuar, gooa M.

D. Wells boots and shoes, and a complete line of medium price goods. FURNITURE AND CARPET DEPT'T. We still have a large stock of these goods to close out, and as we need the room for new goods wc are offering extra bargains to close them out at once. water; fenced on three sides: fruit trees 1.200 orchard 160 rods hedge 55 acres 2.000 The tot Drill on earth; and, as I have purchased a large number of them, can furnish them at LESS than wlil buy any other Drill.

Come early and procure a WILLOUUHBV. 395. Eighty acres in Lyon Township: frame house of two rooms, stable: small-fruit: two eood 347. One hundred and sixty acres, eight miles south of town 90 acres in cultivation good house, fruit trees 2,000 Eighty acres in Liberty Township 40 acres springs 500 336. One hundred and sixty acres, 4 miles from every description equated by but Jev.

M. li. B1TTERMAN, POPULAK CASH STORE. in cultivation; good house, cellar, well and Huvu uwum it, well Mill Money to Loan, Alida; acres in cultivation 1,600 AIIUi; rff ICm ID CUlUTtllOO I tf spring, fruit trees, good stock water cheap 1,000 337. One hundred and sixty acres in Clay Eighty acres in cultivation; house, well, near Industry 130 acres in cultivation small At the Banking House of W.

B. Clarke. 301, ol. torrais, na outbuildings. 1,200 1 house, timber and Mrs.

Flagg has a large stock of Velvets, r-iguiv acres, near Alius; ba acres in culti- 383. Two-hundred-acre farm, with 40 acres under ration; house, well, stables, orchard, etc 1,500: sultivation: log house, 16x18: axranarr: two names, Birds, mgs, also Ostrich Plumes, CITY I IXAXCKS. oGI. One hundred and sixty acres in Morris I good springs; a good sheep ranch 1,000 near Skiddy 70 acres in cultivation fsama 339. Eighty acres, 4 miles west of town- 700 nouse spring ana spring nouse, living i 3B0.

Eighty acres ln Dickinson County, 3 miles water and timber 3.000 1 from Alida: 00 acres in cultivation: house. Largest and best stock of Siding, Flooring, and Dimension. $3.00 reduction on Dimension, and 5.00 reduction on Clear Flooring, at City Clerk's Ileport for thii Onarter emiing September 13, 188::. I also have the MONARCH, or IMPROVED FARMER'S FRIEND, all at very low prices. Eagle Hay Rakes, Eighty acres, two miles west of town; 24 good well 1,000 in cultivation uousooi uve rooms, cellar, 397.

Mcely improved farm of 240 acres iu Clay Wadlewh s. County, four miles from station 3,500 C. If. Tioii, i.v artoi-itt it GVy. The Secretary's oflice of the Kansas Central Agricultural Society will open Saturday, the 20th, in the Singer Sewing Machine Company's office, Mrs.

Kielil's building, and will remain there till the evening of the 2d of October. All entries must be made with Secretary at the office. P. V. Powers, Sec'y.

John M. Wilkerson, of Liberty township, is named as a candidate for Commissioner in the Third district. Mr. Wilkerson is an old settler, well and favorably known in his district, lie is a man of good judgment and sterling integrity, and will make a good officer. The district JeH'erson, Jackson and Liberty townships.

4U1. une uunurea ana stxiy acres, nines irora Skiddy; nearly all plow land; 75 acres ln cul Jayhawk Windmills are the best. Manufactured at the Junction Citv Foundrv and tivation; small house SATl'KDAY MOliNINC, SEPT. 29, 1SS3. KCIl, JI1C1IIJ VI 11 UH 1 SOU 3C-J.

One hundred and sixty acres in Lyon Township, eight miles from town 20 acres bottom 75 acres in cultivation: good house. 1,800 308. Eighty acres in Davis Countv, about six miles from Skiddy frame house of two rooms, good well, stable, chicken house, corn crib, hedge on two sides, and rock fence- 400 40G. 240 acres, 12 miles from town 85 acres bottom in cultivation; 40 acres bog pasture; log house, chicken house, stable, two wells, creek 1383. l.ElMiEl: FACE.

To balance oil hand Sept. To collections from theaters, business licens? l.SS'J.OO donations by individuals to purchase-town cloek collections from liawkers.itedl's.Jie. Police Judge tines, 2IW.00 Till. 83 Machine Shops. Money to Loan, At the Banking House of W.

B. Clarke. water, timber, good stone fence 8,700 Send to Dr. Daily, of Salina, Kansas, and One of the characteristics of the recent convention was our old-time Scotch friend, For one or two h'trnea. Kaslest handled: the lighttlt 35,000 ACRES E.

R. LANDS AT $2,50 TO $5.50. omit; a porfert lock lever. get a remedy that will cure all kinds of headache and the worst forms of indigestion. It will make the most miserable dyspeptic in the L.

McKcnzie, of Parkerville. lie was a dele EXCELLENT RAW LANDS CHEAP. i.oj June 20. P.y int. on coupons paid city hall funding tKiuds, tt'a Aug.

1. P.y int. coup's p'd on city hail h'ls 7s Sept. 15. lly scrip paid during quarter Ky int.

paid on scrip redeemed By balance on hand 1:17.01 gate from Morris, and having served with hint in like bodies, much of the obstinacy and world comfortable and happy in a Miort time. Price 2.00, sent by mail. Announcements. I hereby announce myself a catiiliilate for re-vk-ction lor oHice of Register of for Davis County, Kansas. A.

L. Causes. In view of lie chaotic and ryc-lonUh xtate of lhi' political lioi ion, I have iletormined to lie a candidate for Register if Ieeils. Should I succeed in the free-for-all race, in capturing that marital and historic spotted pole, that from time immemorial has been used in wafting earthward the golden persimmons, it will lie by help from old and new friends, whose aid I invoke. Sam.

Sheriff. I announce mvself as a candidate HAFGOOD We call your attention to our List of City Property, which contains many rare bargains. Note the following Andy Nachtiuan's new barber pole is a daisy of the first water. Tassers-by stop to behold. After completing a mansion big enough for a hotel, we are glad Andy has enough left to make gold and gorgerotia colors glitter in the sun- -v G.

L. Linton writes from Junction City to Leavenworth: "Our pott is corning, I cannot say how strong, but hope to get sixty in line. We have organized a ladies' auxiliary with forty-three members and they will come. We have a drum corps that makes Rome howl. They are practicing for the prize." generalship which resulted in Morris getting away with the baggage, we know must attributed to Mae.

Tarlies wishing to yet into Ward's Drug Store at any lrotir of the night can do so by ringing the night hell. 500 RESIDENCE LOTS IN ALL PARTS Ot $1,371.02 Sept. 1. To balance FOE ijl'AEiTK. City Clerk 7.7.

00 City Marshal I2S.00 City Engineer 20.00 Street Commissioner 01) City Treasurer is. 73 Money to Loan, Banking House of W. B. Clarke. At tli SULKY PLOW.

JUNCTION CITY. ll.VX KtEUL. for the office of Sheriff. Street Money to Loan, At the Banking House of W. B.

Clarke. Castor, lard, and machine oils at Money to Loan, At the Banking Houss of W. B. Clarke. The following are the minutes of the non-pariizan mass convention held at the Court House in the city of Junction City, pursuant to a call published in The Junction City Union' Convention was called to order by John K.

Wright, and the call for the convention read by him. of John W. Swopo, John K. Wright was elected chairman. 274.

Hotel, all furnished 2,500 47.00 64.0S 2S.75 27.00 2.25 If the Hangood will not run lighter than an ordinary walking plow, 1 will give it to you. 253. Very desirable place on Eighth street; gooa frame house with live rooms and cellar three lots: rood well: shade and fruit trees: burn: 101. Large two-story frame hotel building and two lots withiu one minute's walk of depot splendid location 000 530. Four good lots ln Kailroad Addition, 'loo 516.

House and three lots on Tenth street, near school house good well, fruit trees, etc 7,70 196. Elegant brick residence and entire block: fine shade and fruit trees; cistern and good Mrs. Dr. Finlaw of Santa came to town a few days ago on an unexpected visit her sister Mrs. 15.

Rockwell. Dr. Fin-law and family were former lesident i of Junc also, small house for tenant 2.000 33. BO Material for street lamps Streets Park Fuel, lights, and repairs Books and stationery Printing Watering trees, etc Furniture for city Sidewalk on east and west bide park Repairs on Ciir Hall sidewalk Hook and ladder truck and fire 158. House and six low on "Quality Hill;" nice Thanking my many friend for past favors I announce myself an candidate for rc-ileetion to tin- office of County Surveyor, and ask the snppoit of the soters of Ibvis County.

i or Sheriff'. Please announce my name for the office of Sheriff of Iais County. If elected will give faithful attention to the duties or the office. jAMIv! Kkxxhiiv. 11.2; I fruit and shade trees: a good well, a chicken 10.00 i coop, cheap at 1,200 475.60 "1- 4V.

i -nt IhrM, li.t tion Citv, and left some eijr'it vears or so 1150 10.13 Buford Clipper Walking Plow. with a large stable, good well, fruit trees, Iu Kailroad Addition near Washington st 1,000 444.20 2.80 fnr California. Also Mrs. II. W.

Bunker, of Newton, sister to Mrs. Geo. A. Rockwell, spent Miscellaneous 473 1 111. Good livery stable 1 ,00 i pio.

A desirable residence on rourtn street z.ouu S3.043.26 Total expenditures for quart ast week in town. Mrs. Bunker was also a 250! wen, muuiuui, vurrrage uouse, staoie, corral, etc- 107. House and two lots on Jefferson street fine shade and fruit trees; cheap at 102. A brick house and one lot in Cuddy's Addition 250.

A nice two-story frame house on Washing- ton street 251. A good house of three rooms, and five lots, all fenced; barn, well, trees, etc 252. A nice house of five rooms on Second street good well, and nice trees 253. Good property on Waiihingtou ntret, cheap at esident of Junction City, when she was known Also, one on Jwnm street 113. A number of one-acre lots near the Fair Grounds, each 123 131.

Suburban residence, half a mile from city, 80 acres 4 000 Lots and blocks In Kailroad Addition, eniy a few HAHROWS. 000 soo Amount of outstanding scrip, Sept. 1.7, Ain't scrip in warrant record, Sept. 15, 183-Bonded debt of city, Sept. 13, 1833 91.41 ,.22,000.00 as Mrs.

Reuben Howard. Her present husband is County Treasurer of Harvey County. And Sow bloc grass before the fall rains. Arc you guing to the Chapman fair? The Hoard of County Commissioners will meet in regular session next Monday at 2 o'clock p. in.

On motion ot J. I. Ay res, Joan u. Svvope was elected Secretary. On motion of J.

F. Ay res, the chair was instructed to appoint a committee of three to attend the Eighth Judicial District Convention to be held on Wednesday, September 20, IS S3, in the Court House of Junction City. J. F. Ayres, Democrat; James Mansfield, Republican J.

S. Coryell, Greenbacker, were apppointed said committee. Committee reported that they have nominated the following delegates and alternates: SOOi left. lastly, Mrs. Major Chaffee is at home for a short tay.

She reports her mother, Mrs. ieorge JVS 'W ill g.iltili WMMMir'f Rockwell as doing well. The EAGLE, the DIAMOND, and otherf, all of the Total indebtedness of city Sept. 1.7, 1S33 State of Kansas, County of Davis ss. J.

B. Callen, City Clerk in and for the Cily of Junction City, do hereby certify that the foregoing js a true and correct statement of the financial condition of said city. Witness my hand and the seal of said city, this 15th seal. day of September, isi. J.

B. CALLKX, Citv Clerk. uct makes. Send for Pamphlets descriptive of this County and vicinity. Shall be pleased to show you around any time.

For further information and particu A. W. CaHtii returned Saturday morning from Arizona. I le v. ill remain in this neighbor-bond until December.

AtlasSteamEngines Junction City, Sept. 2G, AVe, the undersigned merchants doing busi lars cau on or address C. F. ZIEGLER. N.F.

GREENE. ness in Junction City, Kansas, hereby agree to BUSINESS LOC And Scalers. Write for Catalogues and Prices to 1VM. S. BLAKELY.

Airent. A. C. Schnell, John W. Swope, J.

M. Wandler, C. E. Murphy, W. II.

Kennett. James Kettner, W. B. Clarke, S. Corvell, .1.

K. Wright, W. S. Blakelv. close our respective places of busiuess on Friday, October 1S8I5, at 1 o'clock and remain closed Junction City, Kas.

The Fulr of tho Season. Fair and bazaar at Chapman, October 23, 24 until the following morning, October 6, 1831, The following prices were quote for grain on the streets Friday Soft wheat SO, hard wheat 70, rye corn oats 20. We notice in the papers that Congressman Anderson has secured an allowance of a pension fur Charles W. Tozier, of Junction City. and 25.

Jennie A. Bristol. Emma 12. Bristol. for the purpose of attending the Kansas Cen tral Agricultural Society Fair I G.

Howard, of Humboldt Creek, has sheep (Successor to MACKEY MASS.) BRISTOL SISTERS, Thomas Dixon, for sale in nnv number tinder four hundred. motion, report was accepted and com nittee discharged with thanks. On motion, convention adjourned. John K. Wright, Ch'n.

Joiix W. Swope, Sec'y. liorkwell A W. I. Clarke's Hunk, J.

Munroe Smith's Kauk, 1. 1. Howers, .1. i. Avrps Fotrartv.

Those taslefullv decorated show windows of W. S. lilakely. Free from all disease. Sept.

20-4-a- Notice. Last warninir. All persons knowing them 1 C. II. Wards, .1.

.1. Jilattner, C. II. TROTT BRO. Stationers and Booksel lei's, Offer at low prices a large and complete assortment of new goods, comprising Standard Books, Albums, C.

V. Ziecler, h. Marker, selves indebted to the late firm of Mackey Z. Miller K. mtteriuan.

M. Greenebauni Mann in any form will please settle at once. sep29-2w Feed. Mann. Hyacinth Bulbs.

Keeps always on hand a full line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WOOD AND WILLOWWARE, John Crowther, Rockwell are the work of Messrs. K. I. Blades, and Frank Brooks. They display considerable artistic skill.

Mrs. John Miller, a few days ago, 011 Tenth street somewhere between the school house and Washington street, lost a gold breast pin which was a present to her thirty-five years ago. Milton K. Clark, A. IX Kchaeh, A.

Ciouith. vt Sargent, J. C. Anderson, Itadier Lumber J. It.

Wadley, Murphev A Ame-, F. White, S. W. Pierce X. F.

reen, W. K. Ixin C. II. Trolt A S.

L. I.atshuw F. S. Kennedv, A. Votiler, W.

R. Cassel F. Durland John Cros Son. FLORISTS. House and Bedding Plants.

FLORAL. DESIGNS A SPECIALTY. Send fur Price List. Orders by telegraph or mail, for Weddings, Parties, will receive prompt attention. iate While, John Itos-s Nm, From Moss Springs.

Mr. Thomas Brown is still on the sick list. Mr. J. R.

Fry is also very bad with quinzy, and we understand that Mrs. Sam Andrews is also sick with some kind of fever not definitely settled yet. We are sorry to hear the sad affliction of Mr. F. A.

Cobe, who has been aiVjmlged insane and taken to the asylum. We hear that little Alice S. Phillips was badly burned last week with boiling coffee spilled on her lap while sitting at the table. M. W.

Keller, Louher, Frederick Mann, Si ZD. t-H A. saehtnianii. Mr. Ira J.

Richmond of Worcester, Mass, is spending a few days in the city, his Our imjKirtation just received, of superfine grades, double and single, in colors. Twenty-live cents each, by mail postpaid, with printed directions for cultivation. Bristol Sistehs, General Florists, Topeka Kansas. 2t John li. Buekner are prepared to do all jobs of blacking stoves and house cleaning.

Call opposite the Bartell. A Car I.oail Of best four pound double strand barbcb wire tieo. Killian, Ed. Williams, cousin Horace K. McFarland.

He intends to take in Denver and the mountains before he The postoffice will close at one p. m. of Fri Lnmp and. Lanterns, POCKET AXI TABLE CUTLERY, FLOUR, FEED, SALT AND COAL OIL, day of the Fair, and open between the hours of returns home. Mr.

E. PtJ'. Morgan and his nephew Morgan, have returned from a several 0 ami 7 t. ni. Frank Pattf.uson, P.

M. Northwest Corner Eleventh and Qnincy Sts. I'atriek Doyle, of Alida, one night recently a eW just recieved by W. S. Blakelv, and going oil' weeks visit in West Virginia.

Mr. m. was Having had occasion to call at Parsons' heard tome trouble among his cattle. He went (One block from the main street car line,) at f)J cents per pound. highly pleased with his visit to his native state.

mammoth carriage, factory the other day, the out to investigate the matter, and in the dark Writing Desks. Gold Pens, Pocket Books, Velvet Frames, Fine Writing Paper, Novelties, etc. but he comes back to Kansas to like her better TOPEKA, KANSAS. Ijoston Baked Beans at Yetl. Mann's.

ness ran into a barbed wire fence, and cut his than ever. marl7-l Salt Meats and all Kinds of Salt Fish at Bottom Prices, old gent unwittingly gave its some items. He had intended surprising everybody at the fair, with his fine display of buggies and carriages. leg and hand badly. Mr.

John Carlton has moved on the farm J. MONROE SMITH'S belonging to Philip Houtz. In fact a full and complete assortment of everything usually kept in a first-class And now comes the day of camp-fires, G. A. R.

and reunions, fairs, but the tallest sunflower in the field will be the fair and bazaar at Chapman. Curtice Catsup at Fred. Mann's. 14 The five Mt scalero Indians that escaped from Riley last July have been captured and are at P-i Grocery fetore. BANK The other day I was asked who that was writing up locals from Moss Springs to The Union.

I told the party it was either John A. Anderson or Pat MeTrovengcr some say one the Mescalero Agency. They made their way through the Indian Territory and Texas, to the We found out he will have one or more phaetons, end springs with top, and some St. Julian spring top buggies, besides a thousand other articles. We noticed abont a thousand black marks on the walls, and on inquiry learned they represented the number of buggies painted GQ F.

A. B. A. C. Cmadalonpe Mountains.

and some say the other which is it? Bakcas. TELEPHONE AND FREE DELIVERY. Hon. Samuel Thanhauscr, member of the board of Normal School Regents, accompanied and repaired this year last years marks were all painted over. The old man had better not strike Uncle Sam at the fair, or he'll get a GC by his wife and two sons, Frank and Abe, was in town Mondav night.

The former is a student GQ 3 r3 of Harvard cllegc. Mr. Thanhauser has sold Cross Elackwell's pickles at Fred. Mann's. Blankets and Corafoits of all colors and qualities at prices which cannot be beat.

M. K. B. During the week ending last Tuesday Blakely sold eighteen Bain wagons, all to farmers in this vicinity, besides a proportionate amount of spring wagons and btiggys. For Ladies, Misses and Childrens fine shoes, call for the Reynolds which are at the lead.

M. K. Bittermax. Highest Market Price Paid for Country Produce. CD 4 out at Beloit and is on his way to Newton, where he will establish himself in the dry goods "pea-warmer." The old gent is enthusiastic over Kansas, and expects to live to see Junction City booming with 00,000 inhabitants, in fact a beautiful villa on every hillside, like Kome of old, sitting on her seven hills, scorning the likes of Manhattan or Abilene.

I Olfers to the people of Davis County and vicinity the experience gained in fifteen years' successful Banking in the East. Discounts Good Paper, Loans Money upon Satisfactory Security, Sells Drafts upon Eastern Cities and all Important Points in Europe. C1IECKS OR DRAFTS ON DISTANT POINTS Cashed or Collected at current rates of Exchange. RECEIVES DEPOSITS, subject to check at sight, and solicits any business consistent with safe and legitimate Banking. Office Honrs, 0 a.

m. to 4 p. m. business. Fair and liazar at Chapman.

The Catholic congregation of Chapman, assisted by their friends in Davis and Dickinson connties, will hold a grand fair and bazar at Chapman, October 23, 21 and 2o. The object of the fair is to help pay for the new church now nearing completion. The money contributed at the bazar will be paid to merchants and mechanics here, so that a good cause is aided and the money still kept at home to help our own industries. No one after seeing the new TROTTS' BOOK STOEE, 794 796, WASHINGTON ST. William 15.

Cross returned lastSundav after noon from a trip to Kansas City, Leavenworth, Give Me a Call and get Prices before Buying Elsewhere. Go and meet your old friends at the Chapman fair. St. Joseph, Atchison, and Topcka. While 1 taking the round he picked up some new ideas Golden Star gasoline and coal oil stoves at in regard to decorating show windows, and inv Junction City, Kas.

Cor. of Seventh and Washington Opposite Clarke's Bank. i Blakely's. building will regret the offering they make, for the structure is such as would well grace any Eastern city one that will be a credit to this mediately on bis return fixed up a sand hill crane in the window of the store so as to repre The Thomas rake, the only rake that never sent a swan breasting the billows of a lake. breaks teeth, at Uiakely s.

section, and that will prove no small factor in Among tho many improvements made in our city during the past year, none is more marked than that made by the Universalists. The building, formerly owned by the Ladies' Reading Club and known as Centennial Hall, on the corner of Fifth and Adams streets, has been completely remodelled, euclosd by a neat fence, and surrounded by trees. A spacious vestibule has been added to the front. The windows replaced by others, larger and more modern in shape, and partitions made in the south end separating the church proper from two hand Tho i.VW.V t.l'IDE, iNO. BANKING HOUSE OF W.B.CLARKE.

$10,000 THE WALTER A. WOOD NEW The New Albany (Indiana) Leader: C. M. The nobbiest line of Hats in the cily, just arrived at A. dough's.

34, i a.t Winter, 1883; gives v. ix prices direct turning some emigration in this direction. The managers of the fair will leave nothing undone Barclay end wife, of Junction City, Kansas, are ii to eoiM.v on everytning Enclosed-Gear Mower. to make the occasion a very pleasant gathering of old friend from the sister counties, Davis you have fun wii'n. Telia how To Loan at Lowest Bates ESTABLISHED 1870.

in the city. They came here to visit Mr. Obe Terwilliger, brother of Mrs. Barclay, formerly if Lafayette township, hut found that he had removed to Nebraska. They were greatly dis 50,000 pounds of old Cast Iron wanted at the Junction City Foundry and Machine Shops.

Money to Loan, At the Banking House of W. B. Clarke. and Dickinson. Committees were appointed as far back as July, and the different members have been so untiring ia their efforts that at some parlors.

The auditorium with pews which afford a comfortable seating for 200, is well arranged and lighted. The handsomely deco For Sale or Trade one Top ISogrjtf. In flood repair. B. BOcKlfELL.

to order with exact pages large ones 3,300 st rations a whole picture gallerv. O.ntaina information gleaned from the cf the world. No other price-book in existence contains as much information, i-k nt free to any ad-dress upon receipt of postage (7 cts). Let us hear from yon, or visit ns when in our city. Near Exposition Buildings.

Respectfully, MONTGOMERY WARD CO. 9t7 As Z29 Wakaah Avcaae, CUeafo, II rated windows admitting a soft light which very appointed, ns Mrs. Barclay has not seen ht-r brother in forty years, having parted with him when he was a small boy. Mr. Barclay will remain in the neighborhood for a couple of weeks for the purpose of purchasing a lot of sheep to take to his farm in Kansas.

pleasantly contrasts with the gloomy darkness, frequently noticeable from stained glass. A FIRST CLASS LOANS i i Promptly cashed; no delay. I SUMNER W. PIERCE. present writing the coming fair and bazar can already be pronounced a decided success.

Parties intending to visit the Chapman fair can rest assured that their comfort aud enjoyment shall be the study of all interested in the fair. That is that the 23d, 24th and 25th of October will be red letter days in Chapman. Names of members composing the committees will appear next week, and different features of the fair and bazar will be enumerated in detail later. Names of friends donating objects to the fair will twelve light chandelier depends from the ceiling, which, with the side walls, has been tastefully decorated by skilled workmen, aud four bronze bracket lamps on each wall furnish Go to the Badger Lumber Yard for coal, hair, and cement. eep22-2w Our line of Corsets is now complete, and for quality inferior to none.

Balls Corset always leads. M. K. Bitterman." Blakely received this week a car load, 20,000 pounds, of the celebrated Garland stoves, from the Michigan Stove Company. The lot includes forty different styles, and is the finest lot of goods ever brought to Junction Citv in one shipment.

The Question of the Hoar. SOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Sauka, Kas, 1 0. 4.0S2.) Anrast 13. 1S83.

ample light when required. The aisles are covered with matting, and the puipit and choir platfornis are suitably carpeted and furnished Miller Brothers took ten premiums on hogs at the Bismarck and State Fairs. At Bismarck they took seven premiums as follows best boar of any age or breed, hot boar and five sows, second on two-year-old boar, second on boar under one year, second on hoar pig tinder six months, first on sow under one year, and second on sow tinder six months. the State- Fair their premiums were, first on two-year-old hoar, "VTOTICE Is hereby given that the foUowing-naioed i eiilpr has filed notice of his intention to make SUCCESSOR TO final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof appear next week, with a list of the presents. A cordial invitation is extended to the public to viit the fair October 23, 24 and 25.

wiu be made Deiore ciien, iictk oi jsistriei Court, at Junction City, Kansas, on September 17, 18S3, Tii David B. Monfort. Homestead Entry. No. 20,551, for the lots 7 and IS, section 18, township 12, range 8 The burning question of the present is not "who struck Billv Patterson lint vhrb Trill ea-t.

lie names the following witnesses to pro -re bis contin nnn rmtHnmnwio. and cultivation of. said land. vis. We Have Sold 60 MAKKIEIJ.

Le.mley Dahl. On Mondav stay home and keep house while I go to the morning first on boar tinder a year, and second on boar of any age or breed, there being thirty-one entries in this last class. There were "70 hops --uauiau iair; Ft T. Verrell and Gas Thierer. both of Junction City, and L.A.

Barber and Colman Estes, both of Briggs FIRST NATIONAL BANK, OF JUB0TI0N CITY, EAK8A8. TRANSACTS A General Banking Business. giving the whole interior an air of beauty and comfort, which at once impress the visitor. All this has been accomplished at an outlay of about $3,000, which includes the cost of the building. We learn that additional improvements are contemplated as soon as circumstances will permit.

A flourishing Sunday school has been in active operation for the past two years, and Rev. A. Barnes, of Earlville, has been invited to preside over the now vacant pulpit Rev Barnes has many warm friends outside his own congregation, and it is to be hoped he will SU1S-6W J. AU nuuur. wjwr on exhibition at Topeka.

Sept. 24, 18S3, in Clay Center, by Rev. Dr. Reynolds of this citv, Geo. Lemlev and Miss Emma Dahl, both of Clay County.

Cokyell Thomas. In this county at the residence of the bride's mother on Lvons creek, on Wednesday Sept. 26, by Rev. W. J.

Mitchell, DR. ILAETSHORNE, OF THOSE SECOND-HAND MACHINES Anton the "stickers" in the Ottawa dele gation iu the Judicial Convention is M. M. May be consulted at his residence, on Sixth street, west. ranK i.

toryeu ana Uara lhomas, both Mannflsctnredby the WALTER A WOOD MOWING ft BXAPIxa MACHEfB CO HOOSXCK VAIXS, T. Welch. 858 Pound. 46 106 tornrotheTTwo.Homi Mower. Width of Tread, ,3 feet 7 l-a In-ftom ttaee to six Inches wider thaaother Mowers.

Melarht of Driving Wheels 31 lrr cjvjjj- tocbct mom soa at clUssr end of bar. Coarins Enelosed, exeludlng MDuStand til other owe have ta Gearing exposed. Sd" pSh toe Bar laatead at puliing tt. Bearing maul of Beet Oomooal- Iroa, gvoenUly toe UUcr. Weight of Machine largely on tho atraasta sad darabilitj.

IstSrtsttsstHiraa Mews tt WM BLAKELY, Agent. BUT STILL HAVE SOME of this countv. Traugh, whom we have an interest in as being JnnctionwCiljr, Kansas. Office Hours from 9 a. to.

to 5 p. m. a cousin to O. A. Traugh, editor of the I loll i- EXCHANGE and DRAFTS on all tbs principal cities in to imiea waics spo uiropa oougai ana sola.

take up his abode with ns. We ore glad to know that tho church is iu a prosperous COLLECTIOK3 asade on all accessible points, snd re- daysburg (Pa.) Standard, a paper we have read for probably thirty-five years. If any one thinks a newspaper never leaves an impression he is Special Invitation. All to attend the Kansas Central fairnext week are especially invited to make my pavilion their headquarters, where I shall make it as comfortable for yon as possible. It CF.ZlEGLEK.

W. J. J. H. FRANKLIN, mmca pnnspuy.

DEPOSIT ACCOCXTS to check at slgbt. CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT issued, parable oa de- The best lantern in town is the Bull's Eye, at Fred. Mann's. sep20-2w Those new Mens, Youths, Boys and Childs suits are beauties and very cheap'. M.

K. B. I have some special bargains in Citv suh-nran property and can suit parties with good, cheap, pleasant houses; or especially suited to speculations that will give large returns. To all, come and see me at my office in Rockwell's Black s. F.

Geeexe. Just received, a new line of Lace, Collars, Fischns etc, from Sew York. At A. Clongh's. At a bargain that large Hotel, the "Wakefield House" with a little repair can be made a fine property, will trade.

y. F. Gbeexe. Special prices in hard coal at Badger yard. New Prints, new Yam, new Flannels, new Skirts, new Silks, new Satins, new Velvets, new Etcetraa.

M. K. Bixiebxas. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS LEFT. Also, a big: stock of Domestics, Households, Whites, and ATTORNEYS AT LAW Office in tbs Court Boose, staira.

The Agricultural College at Manhattan a carp pond a couple of vears aim. and the mistaken. At Salina this week two or three parties reminded us of articles they read in The Union twenty years ago. So we look back to the time when we first began to read, and we believe we could recognize any of the three llollidaysburg papers of that day as readily as we do one of our exchanges to-day. Mr.

Traugh has been in Ottawa some twelve or thirteen years. fish have multiplied in such numbers that half Bicycle Contest. The W. B. Clarke bicycle prize to be contested for at the Kansas Central Fair to be held in Junction City, Kansas, October 3d, 4th, and 5tb, promises to be a most interesting sight.

Wheelmen from all parts of Kansas are invited. Entrance free, second prise $25 cash-For particulars address A. L. Barnes, manager, Junction City Kansas. mana.

i nose can oa casnea st any Dane. NO INTEREST PAID oa deposits of 107 kind. DISCOUNT GOOD BUSINESS PAPER on abort notice, at fSTorabU rates. LOANS ON FAEM3, at low rates of Interest, specialty. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE io all lands snd lota in Dart.

County. Tbeso books are priraU property, and tho charges are very reasonable. CLARKE'S BANK BUILDING, Coras WasUagtoa At, aad Bevsath Street. Wilsons. S.

W. PIEEOE CO, Seventh Street. JOHN TEMP ANY, VETERINARY SURGEON, (U.K. Amy), Port Blley fTatfit Can left at Lrnry Stable sf Mr. Frank O'Eeilly H1 rsceiTe prompt attention.

the bsh poods in the state could be stocked from that one. Hundreds of farmers in Davis County have just as good natural carp ponds as the one at the college, and they should be planted to carp..

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