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Oakland Tribune du lieu suivant : Oakland, California • Page 35

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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OAKLAND TRIBUNE HILLSIDE HOMES TO LINE OAH.P-.STIOCH RAILWAY Large Tracts of Land in the Northern "Sections Being Planted to Trs.ft K-r .1 The ornr industry of Northern, Cel-' ifomta, toother with larfs fjytt Ing contracts hast recently dmonttated the great activity In this direction. It Js conservatively estimated -that some JO. 000 -acres of land recently is about to be -set out In orangei lemon and oliva groves. Tlhi land la located about six to tan miles south pf Palermo, where the or-. and and olive Industry "hia reaohed aiioh a high state of, lying aa It does In the first slopetof the Blerra 1 1 iVVVvaXNSSSNtf GO IN TO WIN! Nevada mountaJna, Is n' subject to SUNDAY sroRKiNa hie lira GROWING IN STATE j' v.

iifjliliili a -jtT 4s. i i iii sis ire lit 1 1 1 i 1.1 GO LI yj jU 9 IN PIKES Bight of way of Oakland-Antloch rtootrlo Bne thrtraglj Beflwood canyon, which la to be vlDa aectlon. are also offering a very attractive bunding proposition, which will enable anyone desiring a home in the mountains on a spot covered with trees with an acre of ground to secure this for a small pay ment down and monthly payments. GOOD AUTO ROAD3. The property la very accessible from Oakland and Berkeley by automobile, as there are excellent roads over the hills back of Piedmont, affording one of the Is offered for the best answers to the question: What ideas or suggestions have you for making Havenscourt the prettiest place for a bungalow home in the whole of California? If you tell us in simple language what YOU would like, if YOU were going to live there, you will stand the best chance of winning one of these prizes.

Everybody has ideas about what kind of surroundings they would like for a home. We want these ideas to help us make Havenscourt beautiful. best scenlo auto trips In California. Experts frrnn the United States Hortl-culturaUBureau as well aj experts from -the -University of California' have made extensive examinations of the spll, cll-matlo and Irrigating possibilities of the land lylnff In Yuba county between Oro-vllle and Marysvllle and are unanimous In proclaiming that the opportunities offered there for the raising of oranges, olives and lemons can have but one ultl-. mate result.

While the report of these experts has been known for some time, to a few on the Inside, who have gone ahead and acquired large holdings In the district, It has only been since the orange and olive exposition In Orovllle In December of last year, that the attention of the public generally haa been attracted. Already several of the larger land companies are colonizing their holdings and Tuba county Is at last coming to her-'own; that to which she Is Justly entitled by reason of her superior climate and soli It is estimated by those who are keeping In touch with the situation, that before the next orange and olive exposition In Orovllle In December of this year, prparatlons for which are now under way, that Tuba' county will double her present population. This will be a healthy and substantial growth on account of the addition settling on the land and not attempting to overcrowd the cities and towns. Tuba county also boasts of one of the finest Irrigation systems In the State, and one of the least costing for operation. The water for this system is taken from the Yuba river and conveyed by gravity ditch to the farmer for the very nominal' mm of per acres a year.

The Yuba river la a never falling river, being th fourth largest In volume In the State. The numerous large tracts of land purchased within the past six. months show an unprecedented activity la this section of the Sacramento Valley. fc The securing of these several tracts of land ten miles northeast of Marys- villa, the selling of the Diggs 1500 adres of land about four miles northeast of Marysvllle, Seattle capitalists purchasing aome 1400 acres of land In the foothills, and over 9000 acres of valley and hill lands being purchased by San Francisco and Los Angeles capitalists, mark the ra of a very elaborate and extensive operation In fruit growing here. The limitless opportunities of.

acquiring choice lm at the ritrht Drice Is at present ob It Is the Intention of the promoters to build eventually an attractive mountain Inn where meals and refreshments can be served. Owing to the present -lack of railroad faclltles the land Is being placed on the market at "a very low tigure, and will, One of the moat Important subdTvlslons from the stendpolnt of general Interest to the publlo will be the opening of Redwood (Moraga) canyon tract by the well-known realty operator, George W. Austin, who haa subdivided a tract of one hundred acres situated at the Contra Costa county end of the new tunnel for the Oakland and Antloch electric railway, which Is now being constructed, and which, it Is expected, will ba In operation within six months. The land has been subdivided into small villa sites of one aero or less suitable either for a summer home or camping spot, as It la beautifully wooded with oak trees, and contains many attractive canyons. The land lies along the road of the new Oakland and Antloch railway, and there are two stations on the property.

It is estimated that fifteen minutes will be the running time from Oakland or Berkeley, and forty-five minutes from San Francisco the railway having a thirty year working agreement with the Key Route system, which connects with the latter line at Fortieth street and Shafter avenue, Oakland. This caliyon Is free from fog and raw. winds and does not get exoeaslvely hot In the summer time. Camping lots of fifty feet or more will be sold, according to location, from $B0 up, and building sites of one acre or more will be sold from $300 an acre up, with terms to suit purchaser with no interest and no taxes. The promoters without any question, double In value as soon as the road Is running, aa it must be remembered that rolling -land covered with trees accessible for summer homes and camping spots within fifteen minutes of Oakland and Berkeley will always be In demand as there Is such a limited area of this character adjacent to large dues.

A. r- The trip from Oakland by auto now tako about thirty minutes. i i G1! This Is the only wooded canyon of the kind on the new Oakland and Antloch railway that Is accessible to the bay cities. It will enable a business man to live In the canyon and still be able to reach his business dally. Several sites have al ready been selected by residents of the bay cities, who contemplate building at tractive mountain bungalows.

rrefr i 1 1 1 vi NEW FRUITVALE PRETTY HOMES FOB "italnable, but ere long these advantagesi ii V-A I II 1 I Trill have vanlsnea ana prices win imvo oared steadily upwards and beyond the reach of even the most sanguine. The reason for this Is climate, moisture and a frr'tless belt, capable of producing In large quantities oranges and other frulta earlier than any other section in California, Havenscourt Being Developed Here's the Story! as Residence Features. IKES SUES Oil Street Work In the District Ail Completed With Cement Curbing. SAN FRANCISCO, April A number of attractive bungalows are under construction In the Crocker tract One of the prettiest of these homes, which has Just been completed, Is a two-story cement plaster bungalow of Mission style. Undoubtedly the greatest real estate development of the year Is thaf which SIXTEENTHSTREET the flan of Wlckham-Havens Incorpor ated of Oakland have under This firm has aculred by purchase what known as the Pope estate property, near One of Its special features sis a pergulal Frultvale avenue, an absolutely un touched piece consisting of 176 acres Owing to the fact that It has been in the hands of an estate, It has lain undevel oped, while the city of Oakland has grown up entirely around It.

It Is said to offer opportunities to the real estate Arm whe nave it in hand for a consistent develop ment program. on the second story porch. The house Is finished Inside with as much care and taste as if it were a much more expensive home. occupies an elevated situation on Peoria street, and commands a fine marine view. The street work In this district Is all completed.

The streets are 'macadamized, have cement curbs and the space between the curbs and Jhe cement stde-alka has been parked and ornamental stjade trees planted. The class of houses that are being built and the nature of the Improvements promises to make thla one of the most attractive home districts in this city. Arthur O. Duncan, sales manager of the Crocker Estate Company's subdivisions, reports a number of sales during the past week in the Crocker-Amazon tract to out-of-town purchasers. Plans for this property, as set forth by inclosing park spaces and beds of bloom witH-shaded seats, will make perhaps the.

most mag-nificent 'entrances ever created for a residence place designed for inexpensive bungalows. The pre-eminent place our beautiful Fourth Avenue and East Piedmont Heights properties have in THEIR class, Havenscourt will have oyer all other properties in its OWN class. Splendid sites will sell from $800 op. Now, what we want to add the finishing touch' to our plans for Havenscourt are ideas and suggestions, from practical people particularly from women. It may he soma very simple bttt something that neither we nor otir landscape architects or engineers had thought of; $500 is a smalL price to pay- for a good suggestlonfor a place that will ultimately be "a city in itself.

You know what you like- in tho way; of surroundings for your home. Tell us about it in a brief letter. Never mind the "fine language. Ybu may not be a good writer, but that doesn't tnake any; difference. What we want are good fdeas.

It will take only a few rairratea of your time. There are thirty-three prizes. You can certainly win one of them. K. A.

Jones, sales manarer of Wirkh.m We are now creating what will be, when completed, the best arranged and prettiest, a well as the largest, single community of bungalow homes in this part of the world even excelling, we hope, the wonderful places in Los Angeles. This property, lying close to the heart of Oakland for years in the hands of an estate while the city built up solid arpund it will give room to a big community with its own stores and places of amusement it will be "a city within a city." It is nearly a mile in a quarter of a mile wide, high and level, with a car line along the south boundary, a boulevard along the north boundary, Southern Pacific Electric through tho north central portion and built up on all Our plans provide for a Civic Center on tho most modern lines arranged around a paved court, and with a central park. The architecture of this Civic Center most harmonious and attractive. A pillared temple effect will yield added beauty to the central court. A splendid broad paved boulevard, nearly a mile in length, will run through the center of Havenscourt, connecting two main traffic arteries.

This boulevard will be especially ornamented. At either end of Havenscourt on the boulevard circular pergolas, over a hundred feet in length, Havens Incorporated, are ambitious and One of the principal -aales made by T. F. Sllnnty on Sixteenth street this week was the-Wilhelm Apartments on the south side of the street, between Castro and Brush, to I If. Lewis at a price of J50.000.

Another Important sale on the fame street was the house and lot on the south side, between Jefferson and Clay, at a price of $30,000, to Mrs. H. Lydn, a local Investor, who resold a piece of property she purchased through the same office two weeks ago on this street at a good margin. There was also sold to A. P.

Dickinson property on the side of Sixteenth street, 90 feet west of West street, with six flats and a nine-room house, at a prioe of $30,000. D. F. Mlnney sold for A. P.

Dickinson property on East, Fourteenth Street near Frultvale avenue, at a price of $7000, and for the account of Anderson Holbroolc of TJklah the property on the northeast corner of East Fourteenth street and Thirteenth avenue at a price of $30,000. This was purchnsed through the Mlnney agency about two months ppro. comprenensive. Through the heart this property which is to be called Havenscourt a broad avenue has been thrown ODCn Which Will he mo In arterybetween East Fourteenth street and the Foothill boulevard. This avenue will afford the main entrance, to Havens ex court proper, and as such will be tcnslvely ornamented on either Large circular pergolas more than end.

100 feet In length are to be erected both on The abolition of applause In the Congressional Record, will not cause any noticeable falling off In that commodity on the floor ofhe House. tast Fourteenth street and on the Foot hill boulevard. These pergolas will be covered with vines and flowers, and will enclose within their wide-extended arms i I spaces devoted to lawns and hd- bloom. Under each pergola wfll be i gravel walk with seats for the convent ence of visitors. mm giiifl imrl But these are by no means tha main features of the new property' as the plans nave Deen outlined.

A civic center Is to be created on modern and lines. It Is situated at the rjnlnt h. the Oakland Traction nimmnv nn. ana me bouthern Paciflo electrlo meet at an angle In the north central part of the 33 Prizes, Totaling' $500.00 For the letter with the best ideas we will pay 1 50 Gold. For the next best w-e will pay $100 Gold.

For tht third best we will pay $50 Gold. Forthenext ten letters we will pay $1 0 each. For the next twenty letters $5 each, RULES OF THE CONTEST: and Camping Lots In Our Subdivision property. Bulldlnra for hiiln posea at the ilo center will be grouped around a central paved court. In the middle of which will be a triangular park.

At one end of this park will be tht Southern Pacific electrlo station, tmii mm however, by the firm nf WlrWhnm Incorporated, so that Its architecture may oe sincuy in aooord with the surrounding business structures. These, la turn, ore to pe Harmoniously disposed, so as 1 IThera are no "strings' of any kind on thla contest. Tou, don't havs to buy sajrthtnj now or at any other tlmo. It Is open to all, of plaoo of rosldenoo. (Employes of Wlckham Havani Incorporated, and their famlllea alona cannot compato.) This contert closes April 15.

However, do not delay your replies until that time, but aend them right in. Tho President, Vice-President and Socrctary of Wlckham Havenai Ihcorporated, will be the sole Judfes of thla oontest, and Uetr decision will be final. The nama of the thirty-throe priae winners will be published hi this paper aa soon as the awards are made, whloh will probably be within ten days or twa weeks after the oJose of this oontest, form an Ideal commercial mmmm.ii. The center of the park Is to be specially auurnea wun a temple effect, with seats loumain ana otner features yet to be de elded upon. Property located three minutes' ride from Contra Costa end of tunnel of the new OAKLAND ANTIOCH RAILWAY, arid can be reached in fifteen minutes from Oakland or Berkeley, or forty-five minutes from San line is in operation.

Our lands are. covered with trees and are pretty canyons, plenty of clear spring water and no fogs or raw winds. The Immense else of the new property renders It capable, when built lift, of affording room for a community of MOO to 10,000 people, giving great soope for efforts In the way of creating strictly Address all replies to Contest Director, Oakland Bank of Savings Building, Oakland WicKham Havens Incorporated mouora cny wunin a city." Contrary to wnat might be expeoted, the building iic xiarenscourt will not be expensive prices ranrinff fmm tinn l.v wiui all the usual improvements la addition fcnure lop moor Oakland Banll of Savings Building to tnose above outlined. This tract is Just beings placed on the market and already many sites have been selected by residents of bay cities who intend building mountain homes. Prices of Lots, $50 Up Acres, $300 Up TPRMS TO SUIT Make arrangements to have us show you the property- thirty minutes' auto ride from Oakland over the most scenic road in California.

The sunt of 140,000 la now being spent for the sole purpose of filling Ux an unsightly creek which formerly ran through a part of Havens oourt. Wiokharn-Havena Incorporated expect OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA io jiv uns great tract, ready to placed on the market w4tfc4 WHM, by which time the Southern Paolflo electrlo trilns will be running to the staUon near me center of the property. GEO. 17. AUSTIN Breading Oakland uo more graceful than a Syndicate man because he has less to make him so.

The easiest way for young folk to ret into trouble is to have parents sure- they won.

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