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The York Republican from York, Nebraska • 3

York, Nebraska
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7vV.v-yiVV"' 'wj THB YORK REPUBLICAN, YORK, NEnH, SEPTEMBER 8, IBM. ip 1 i Pn TTtniM LUSHTON By Mra. I Ray Hays Waco Department DyMru J. A. Campbell, Reporter 'to.

nor, Boaa and Dorothy BotoiC VXjSrgut. and Fisher, Verdeua fitonffer, Mareella 7- geos, Daniel Graves, Jr. and Wayne -were; pupils, who took' part The. 6th- Anniversary-of Arbop-- vllle and rodeo was well attended Thursday by friends and neigh hors. -The parade the morning fuesta the opening and viewing of the many attractive andue-ful gifts: RefreshmenUconsUtlng of Ice cream and cup cakes wore served to over sixty.

Best wishes for future happiness was extended to the bride-to-be. Mrs. Chaa. Swarts, Mrs. Clarence Murphey, Mrs, L.

C. Moul, Mrs. MlloOwen and Mrs. Worman and daughter Eva Jane, of iYork, were ouVpf-town guests. which came on- Thursday, Aug.

ft, was celebrated on -Sunday at their country home two northwest of town. A bounteous dinner was carved at one oclock to about fifty relatives and close friends. After the dinner a program of aongs, readings and tap dances were given by Audrey Clark, Gerald Nutter, Betty Donald Snolllng, Mary I-ou Smy-era and Dean Pearson. After this a farce wedding ceremony ns performed with the aim of tying the knot a little tighter for the Mr. and Mn.

Rl I Newcomer returned Monday after "pending the past month vacationing In tho Western States. They rislted the formers brother In Oregon while In that part of the country. Their trip took them Into thirteen tates and Canada. Mr. and Mn.

Charles McDonough of York accompanied them but.their trip was marred when Mr. McDonough was unfortunate In breaking his ankle. The first meeting of the season for the Waco woman's club will he held next Monday evening, September 7fh, at the home of tho K- The purpose of this meeting Is getting members enrolled. The business nnd social session will be in 'charge of Mrs. Collins.

Roll call. A Pleasant Summer Experience. Anyone Interested in the community club Is urged to attend this meeting. Mr. nnd Mrs.

M. M. Casper and son Alwort, daughter Mrs. lister Woodward and Mrs. Ellis Casper and daughter Shirley, of Carbon-dale, were guests of Mr.

nnd Mra Wm. Flickingcr. Chaa. 1ropst, and F. L.

Propst families front Wednesday till Saturday. On Friday they all took their dinners and went to the K. of P. camp on tho Blue river where F. L.

lropst 'beautiful gifts of silver Including Is caretaker and enjoyed a basket a chest of silver salad forks, foa- party was dressed especially rr the occasion. 'Mlsc Jennie II. Reese and Clarence D. Pearson of Waro, were united In marriage August 27, 1911, at the home of the bride's parents. Mr.

and Mrs. A. A. Reese. In Kearney, in the presence of a large number of relatives and close friends.

They lived in various places before coming to York county where they have lived the past sixteen years. They have two daughters. Thelma: who Is now Mrs. Frauds Price, and Artis, of Greeley, two sons. Dale and Dean at home.

The honorees received many ARBORVILLE By Mrs. Clark Btosto Archie Doremus was a York visitor Wednesday. Rachel Schrader Is working In the Polk Progress office. A refreshing rain of about 1-2 Inch catne to this community last Thursday evening. Mr.

and Mrs. Elbert Neff and little sons, came from McCook Monday to visit Lloyd and Mrs. M. Blair. Mr.and Mrs.

Hi X. Bedlent'and Mr. and Mrs. D. Dornburg attended the Polk county fair Wednesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guldinger visited Sunday In York in the home of N. Guldinger, who Is In poor health. George -Nlerman of Reynolds.

came Thursday to visit with his sister Mts. Katie Salchow and 'family. Norman and Eddie Dobbersteln, Henry Klsler, Lyle Cockle, Fred Red lent, Fred Riley and Dan Ice have gone recently to Carter, to work. Mr. and -Mrs.

Daniel McSwan topped for a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Merchant as they returned from Denver to their homo In Unadllla, Nebr.

Mrs. Chas. Flick and Mra. C. H.

Slocomb went to the home of the latter In Chicago after a visit with their sister, Mrs. Nettle Hitchcock at Ainsworth, Nebr. Mary. Elisabeth Recknor, Rose Bedient, Irens Stewart, Thais Belle Lackey, Lois Cramer, and Marie Dobbersteln are among the new students In the Polk high school this yesj. Mr.

and Mrs. S. -Hayward of Benedict visited Sunday with Mrs. F. Riley end children, and their daughter, Nelda- Hayward, who had been visiting in this home, returned with them.

i next twenty-five years. This af- forded much laughter. The bridal ladle, berry dish glass service set, silver nnd a number Miss Twllla had chares of A number of messages congratulations were received them a telephone out-of-town guests C. F. Backc-meyer and son Francis Loup; Leon Tockey mother, Mrs.

Geo. Island; K. H. Mr. and Mrs.

John Donald, of Elm-creek; Mrs. Arthur Gresham; Mr. and and family, of and Mrs. O. J.

daughter Mary Lou, Mrs. O. W. Nutter Mr. and Mrs.

children. Mr. and and daughter Xazel Bell and all of Kearney, O. Babcock, of Louis Ekart and visitors in the home Sunday. Mrs.

Aturned Tuesday visit with relatives been recently located York City and 01 rs. Ekart i community with 'Mrs. number of years be unaware of the-, relatives until r-cently. who was niov- to Sprlngficd way and 'coir- i the trip and home ag 'n. I gathe -attend the an- festival of the Peace of Waco.

A previously hern school park and seats arranged to The celebration Rev. G. H. JlIg, church. A number of were present.

Rev. of TUd.en. delLv In German in the English in the afternoon. Miller preached In the oven Mr. and Mrs.

Gust John and family spent Sunday with rela tlves at Ong. Mr. and (Mrs. H. K.

Ronns ol MeCool were Sunday callers fit Mr- and Mrs. Harvey Swarts. Rev. Maude V. Mann will leave Wednesday to attend the U.

R. conference held at Grand Island. Frank Fair suffored a fractured knee and other bruises Thursday when he fell down the cave slips. Mr. and Mrs.

u. A. r'ursel visited the Inst of the week with Mr. and -Mrs. Joy Payne at St ro ms-burg.

Mover -McClure or Exetor, last week with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Chas. MoNurlin and family. Clare Iursel and family from near -Charleston spent Sunday with his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. J. Tursel. -Mr. and Mrs.

G. French enjoyed a visit Inst week from Mr. and Mrs. Otto Gottsch and 'family of Kennard. Mr.

and Mrs. Hoslngton and family of Lincoln visited tho last of the week with her falher, K. C. Workentlne. Mr.

and Mrs. Wayne Bllltngtnn and family of Grand Island, visited Sunday with Mr. Bllllngtons aunt, Mrs. Florence Cook us. Mr.

and Mrs. R. W. Roll of Walla Walla, visited The last of the week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

William Bussard. C. P. Tucker and family of York attended church services here Sunday evening and were callers of Rev. Maude V.

Mann. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hull-brandt, of Kansas City, visited the last of the week with his uncle and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Abe Gilmore and Thelma. The first meeting of the womans club will be held Tuesday. Sept. 1, at the home of Mrs. Henry Bredenkamp with Mrs.

Glenn Smith assistant. Among teachers from here who attended the institute at York Thursday and Friday were Jerome and Lenor Fuller, Muriel White and Luclle Pursel. After spending several weeks with Mrs. M. Brookharta fU4kee E.

F. Payne, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brookhart departed last week for I heir home at Erleon.

Mrs. Robert Rinehart and fain lly arc enjoying vf It. this week from Mrs Rinehart's mot tier aril brnttier, Mr. E. A.

Carte Wi'-li-iin. -from Denver. Colo. Lela P11 reel op duties as teacher in tin Claton! vln-rc he taught '-ist spending the 'uinnur month-' with siii-I Mrs. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Ch-i. -'iid fd 'family of O'Neill, visited from Sunday until u- evening I ie lae with his parents here. jwrho 'I' wilb borne.

ll ere acrom- Gladv- Mann dc-Tied Thursday for Astec. N. where sh-has accepted a PofI1 as teacher. Her sister Naomi, accompanied her. Luclle Pursel will fill Uip vacancy In the Lushton srhonl ky Miss Manns Helen Burgess, who la soon to wed Max Doolittle, -of Tecunfseh, was honored guest at a miscellaneous shower, given by a group of friends Friday ewenlag, Aug.

28, at the basement of the U. B. and 'foliage decorated the gift table. The guests assembled In groups and wrote an account of when and where they thought the wedding would take jilace, tfee color of tie ferlde's dress and her future. This created considerable merriment.

A guessing contest entitled Kitchen Romance, and two readings contributed by Miss Ellen Mann completed the program. Miss Helen shared with the 'Tr VTf -rv --V 'rsa 1 -if- Av tate leader In 4-H club work. They were enroute home from where the latter had been on official business. Mrs. J.

E. Miller and daughter. Mrs. E. C.

Beck, and her daughter, Jane, returned Sunday evening from an extended trip to Mrs. Miller's girlhood home In Pennsylvania. Most fthe time was spent at Point Marlon. She stood the trip very well and feels refreshed by the trip. Rev.

T. O. Brownfield and Mrs. Brownfield with a number of members of the eliureh spent Tuesday evening at Goeckes camp. A number of others stayed part of 'the evening and fished.

During the night several big fish were caught and everyone enjoyed the 1 fine breakfast of fish. Herman Price, daughter Edna, wnd son RAVph, of Falls City, ar-1 rived Saturday evening and were I overnight guests of the former's Miss Grace Price. On Sunday they went to York and Joined numerous other relatives who had gathered the York park for the annual Price picnic. Mr. and Mrs.

D. J. Naber, and Mrs. Chris Bristol, Mr. and Mrs.

Levewerna and daughter Lois of Scribner returned home after spending a ten days vacation with relatives In Ft. Wayne, Ind. They visited friends In Chicago and many other places of In terest while on the tour. Leo Beckord and two sons who visited In the home the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs Rooert Beckord, left Thursday for their home In Sioux City, la.

Mrs. E. D. Bennett, mother of Mrs Leo Beckord, returned with them 'for an indefinite visit. The former is a member of the Sioux City high school faculty.

The Carroll family enjoyed a picnic dinner in the York park Sunday in honor of visiting rela tlves-Mrs. Lily Thurman, a sister of Mr. Carrolls, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Vallery, of Platamoiith and Mrs.

Pariah, of Lincoln. 'All the guests bu Mrs. Thurman, returned to their homes Sunday evening: She remained for a month's visit. The Womans Foreign Missionary society held a picnic supper Thursday evening. On account of the approaching storm festivities were taken to the church parlors where a delightful meal was served.

The missionary society will hold their regular meeting at the parsonage next Friday, Mrs. Campbell will be leader and Jrs. J. G. Stream will be assisting hostess.

Mr. and Mrs. Searle Hawley have gone to their home in Bladen where they will establish their residence. Mr. frawley has been superintendent of the Bladen schools for a number of yean and has been recently married.

A re eeptlon and shower was given at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. S. Hawley, before they left.

Mr. and Mn. Jamba Fefree and daughter of Middleton, 111., Mr. Vallee Ekart and two sons of Mauekport, Mrs. Nora Back-herms and two sons of Dogwood, who haive been guests In the Charles Ekart home the past two weeks, returned to.

their homes Tuesday. An tile Ekart children were home the lint time twen- Mr. and Mn. M. J.

Hart and son Junior took a little vacation trip to Kansas City, leaving Wednesday and returning Monday evening. They visited a sister of Mn. Hart's, Mn. Nelson Rife and Mr. Rife, the latter being In a hospital at Sulphur Springs, where he has been quite 111 of pneumonia.

He was thought to be on the road to recovery when they left. at. 11 o'clock was amusing and fn" terestlng. At one o'clock Arthur J. Denney of Flalrbury gave an address which was enjoyed.

by alL Then followed the raeee, contests iand riding of eattla. and horses. Bseanss of tho rain In the late afternoon the evening program wm postponed until Friday evening. THAYER By Mrs. Harold Winfield Margie Helmers has been quits sick but is able to be up now.

Doris White visited over the week end with her Wanda Roberts, of York. Rev. Frederick Evers attended, the Bynod meeting at Seward several days last week. Mr. and Mrs.

Wm. Otte and Harold were dinner -guests Bun-day of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Seek-schewsky. Mr.

and Mrs. John Otte moved last week into the Otto Saek-sehewsky property north of the Lutheran church. Max and Rex' Reardon of Lincoln were dinner guests Wsdnes- day of their cousin, Mrs. Edgar. Winfield and family.

Willis Bredehoft and Herbert Heine went to Bewsrd Monday where they will attend Beward college the coming year. Margaret and Dorothy who haive been visiting relatives herp at -York will leave Wednesday for their home at Tel-fnor, Texas. Mr. and Mrs. A.

Tharp and Wayne Hagmann, who have been visiting in the western port of the stats and Wyoming, returned, home Saturday evening. Stanley Keyes went 10 Stroms-burg Thursday to visit Dean Dill-saver. He relumed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Glaon Keyes, who visited In the Dlllstver horns Sunday, Mr.

and Mrs. F. O. Pries and 1 Joan attended this Price picnic Mrs. Harold Winfield end Barbers Anne visited Mr.

and Mrs. Joe Stewart and John Pries at MeCool Sunday, morning, Mr-Price Is much better end was able to attend the Price plcnle Sunday afternoon. Several of the young folk! drove to Fremont -Sunday where they attended state Walther League convention. Delnor Conell, the delegate from the Thayer home. They-went to Lincoln Sunday evening to visit other Sunday dinner guests at the W.

'Winfield hoirie wereMrs7 E7 LT Bennett and Irma Mr, and, Mra. Robert and Ruth Ana of Lakeside, ap.CJMivr.; Winfield 'and Catherine, Hr. and Mrs. John Winfield and (Mrs. Irene White.

The Zion paroehlal and the Thayer school started Monday. John Blaslg Is the teacher at tho paroehlal school. The following are the teachers at the Thayer school: Supt. Lloyd Gotchall; Charles Smith and Mrs. McCrady In the high school and Maxine Kauffman and Mary Wlswell In the grades.

by Kettner dinner and supper and the day in the canvp. The ladles union of the M. E. church met In the church parlors Wednesday afternoon for their regular meeting. The time was spent quilting nnd hemming tea towels.

The following officers for the year was elected: President, Mrs. John Luethje; vice president, Mrs. Leo Hedrick; secretary, Mrs. Rupert Rogers; treasurer; Mrs. Alvin Kaltenborn.

It was voted to re-arrange the circles Into six circles with a vice president for each. Light refreshments were served by Mesdames A. Volzke, W. Schwarting, C. Finley, E.

Jones, and J. A. Campbell. Mrs. Ed.

Grass returned home Monday after spending nearly two weeks with relatives and friends In and around her old home near Knoxville, Galesburg, and Yates City, III. She attended the golden home-coming anni-wwsiy held- at (be latter phtcr and met friends and schoolmates -who had come a great distance for the celebration. She, carried, away second prise of 2 dollars for telling the biggest yarn about her home state, Nebraska. She was a former school teacher in Illinois and moved to Nebraska forty yean ago. Mr.

and Mrs. Fred Gloystein and two boys returned. home Wednesday evening from a two weeks vacation trip In which they visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stuhr, Martin Stuhr, Mr.

and Mrs. August Scheele and family, at Riverton, Mont. They spent a short time with Mr. and Mrs. O.

L. Miller and family at Sidney, enroute. in this part of the country where Irrlgatlr rt Is used vegetation is abundant They enjoyed a rest at Yellowstone park before going to the home of Luteran church Mr. and Mrs. A.

W. Wellman at Eaton, where they Joined a company of thirty Waco people whose vacation trip had taken them to this part of the country. Among those present were Mr. and Mrs. Kottke and son, Mr.

and- Mrs. Paul Kottke, Mr. and Ml Walter' Bulg'rih aiid daughter Barbara, Janice Luethje.1 They visited Mr. and Lou is Wens at Otis; enroute home. The silver wedding annlversar spoons, gravy nnd spoon, a cut a small purse of of other gifts.

Pearson, a niece, the guest book. of among call. Among were Mr. and Mrs. of Elmwood, of North of York and Tockey, of Grand Hatch.

of York; Bnelllng and son Mr. and Daughtrey of Mra. Max Lemmon Bradshaw; Mr. Smyers and of (York; Mr. and and family, Floyd Reese and 'Mrs.

H. J. Clark Audrey, Mrs. daughter Betty, and Mr. and Mrs.

Charleston. Mr. Mrs. son of York were Charles Ekart Ekart and son from an extended that have In New Springfield, Mass. lived in this Hunt for a fore her marriage, location of her Her sister lng from Ohio came this, panied them on brought them back A large crowd Waco Sunday to' nual mission platform had erected In the large number of seat the crowd.

was In charge of pastor of the visiting, pastors Ov, E. Schjechte ered the sermon mornlng-and In Rev. Mr. to a large audience Clifford Campbell and Donald Luethje went to Lincoln Monday afternoon. The Cotton Blosaom lingers will Cine a program in the Lutheran church Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Tewcll and boys drove to Trumbull i nursday and visited relative! and friends. Mr. and Mrs.

S. T. Clark' -V. daughter, Maxine, were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

I' it niirlok In iYork. Beth Getty left Wednesday for Alliance whore she will teaeh her eighth consecutive year In the Alliance high school. Norris Getty, who Is employed In Lincoln, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and iMrs. R.

F. Getty and family. Mrs. 0. W.

Nutter and children of Kearney, are upending neveral days with the former's sister, Mrs. C. D. Pearson and family. Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Kottke and My. and Mrs. Elroy Kottke and son returned home from a weeks visit with relatives In Colorado. Mr.

and Mrs. Robert Greene of Benedict were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.

Getty and family. Mrs. Greene and Mrs. Getty are sisters. Miss Evelyn Stewart who has spent the past week with relatives in this community returned to her school duties in Detroit the first of the week.

Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Tnbody and family moved to Lincoln Wednesday, where they haive leased a rooming and boarding house for University students.

Mr. and Mrs. Hayward Getty and two children who have been guests the past two weeks of relatives In this community, returned to their home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.

Levewerna and daughter, Lois, who were guests of Mrs. Levewernss parents. Mr. and Mrs. D.

J. iNaber, returned to their home in Scribner Wednesday. Margaret Turner, of Trumbull, arrived the last of the week to prepare for the opening of" her rural school in District No. 5. Is staying In the August Dinkleman home.

William Preult, returned home Tuesday after spending almost a month with his children in Wheatland, Wyo. He reports crop conditions In that state much, better than In Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Melcher, and Mr. and Mrs. Schuman, of Hoag-land, are guests of Mr. and iMrs. Otto Hoffman and other relatives In this community.

Mrs. Melcher is a sister of Mr. Hoffman. Glenn Lesserdlnk who had been elected to teach the seventh and eighth grades In the Waco school resigned and at a meeting of the school board evening Miss- Elfrida Peterson of Cozad was chosen to fill the. vacancy.

Mr. and Mrs. James Delsell and son were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E.

Collins last week. Mr. Del-sell is coach In the Sunrise, high school. Collins' father, George Collins, of Atklnaon, was also a guest in the same home but Mr. and Mrs.

Jess Thorpe and daughter, of Lexington, spent the' week end with the former's father, O. L. Thorpe, who accom- of Weston, Vere also guests In the same home. Robert Snyder, who plays with the Hut Andersons orchestra spent the first part of the week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

George Snyder. On Wednesday evening Mrs. Snyder entertained members of the orchestra to chicken dinner. Mr. and Mrs.

Floyd Claton returned home from a fishing trip In Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wellman and non Clarence who have spent the past month with Mr.

and Mrs. Noley Wellman and son, in Gurnsey, returned home with them. The Womans Foreign Missionary society will hold their regular meeting at the M. E. parsonage Friday afternoon with Mrs.

Brownfield aa hottest. At- this meeting officers for the coming year will be elected. Friends are invited to attend. Guests Saturday of Rev. and Mrs.

T. O. Brownfield were Ruth Brownfield of Llneoln and Mrs. Earl Nelson of Weston, assistant Word was received Iat Wedncs-. held at the York perk Sunday.

day by Mrs. C. W. Cockle that the! Mrs. Harold Winfield and Barbara three year old eon In th- horn of land Mrs.

Irene White attended In her sister-in-law In Fa'lfornla. the afternoon. drowned Th" -''n'-s mother was formerly Helen Cockle. The village school o--'-wd Monday wlh Martha G. Jl-mson.

of Aurora, hs letcher. Eipvor June will tench the Flick d's'-M pn-t Sybil OM" who toeeh's In th Shiloh dlstr'cl cg-iln, on- ne.l or school Mends v. Because of he 'serious llin her uncle -Margaret v- a unable to entertain th- Merri was I Stitchers 4-H -h-Ffldsr after- league, and John Blaslg attended noon and the meeting of the. Friday, Saturday end summer held at the home of Mrs. E.

Bennett and Irma of their leader, Ethel Flick Rushvllle and Mr. and Mrs. Rob- Mra, Le Taylor recel- w-'r ert Bennett and Ruth. of last week he- brother. L.

-Lakeside, jlslted jfiaturday bight-Debusk, o' Snrg" rnand Sunday at the F. W. Winfield seriously Injured In an automobile accident near Loup City and had been taken to a Tup City hospital where the Taylor family. visited him-Friday. Samuel -Lee gave an -inspiring sermon Sunday morning The upper room In bur Ex- burimr where' we could Ulk ihaf-lera 0 viSr with' (tod, asking- -for His guidance, should give spiritual food, meekness, trust, confidence, help In our troubles, end give lives that are brighter, happier, and more worth while.

Iva Stevens of Polk who taught a class In music this summer In this community held a public recital Friday evening in the M. E. church In Polk. Thais Belle Lackey, Florence and Bonnie Flick, Mary Elisabeth and Doris Reek- WAKE UP YOUR KITCHEN Peter B. Peeve.

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