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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 7

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

JANUABY 1S09. OAKLAND TBlBTJUE; ADVKKTISEMENTB THEY FAVOR GOOD MEN drawing well and there will be full houses until the end of the engagement. Passed Away. Nathaniel Damon, the father of George, Herbert. Joseph and Walter Damon, and the brother oi C.

W. Damon, 'died yesterday In the flT'th yeir of his age. Ha was Executive Dr. H. P.

Carleton, Chas. Z. Merritt. Rev. Brown.

Membership George H. Collins, A. H. Breed and Irving S. Watson.

Outloote-J. M. Haven, H. A. Chittenden and F.

H. Starkweather. Social J. T. Agard, W.

O. Badgvly and D. H. Porter The following new members signed the roll last night: J. T.

Dille. D. C. Brown, C. E.

Lukens, Kund Nelson, J. 30,000 CARTERS 1TTLE FOR CITY OFFICIALS I a native of Pembroke, Mass. The runera: I in v. i a T- Am I 1VER mil I'C uzi A iiiui ant jr a B. Merriman, C.

F. Osgood, E. T. Barber, H. F.

Kellogg, C. D. Parrlsh. Rev. Ft.

Brown P. IT. Fowler. C. J.

Waterhouse, I. Kreiss, W. T. Jones, F. M.

Parcells, W. C. C. Shinnick. F.

PILLS Damaged. Clothing CXT020OJODC0 SCS SCJOOS: O5OJCSOiO0COIO Warren Olney Reads I Denounces Bosses and the residence of the deceased at Seminary Park. Mrs. Cynthia Ellen Blanchard. wife of J.

J. Blanchard. died yesterday In h-r 44th year. Ehe was a native of Indiana. The funeral took place today at from the Chester Street M.

E. Church. N-'w Librarian. Herbert F. Patterson, a law student F.

G. Barber, W. R. Snow. The League meets the first Tuesday of every month.

JUDGE SMITH OH THE BEI1CH. OK HEADAGHE Interesting Paper Pleads for Better i Government. Positively cured by these Little Pills. Judge Smith mounted the bench in the on Suffrage. I has been elected to succeed W.

H. L. They also relieva Distress from Dyspepsia, Hynes as law librarian. The vacancy Police Court for the first time yesterday WW! OSOiOSO)C 0OSOSOSCCO0 end found a. docket of about thirty was made when Hynes assumed ni Of these twenty-one were those of mon new duties as ueputy district Attor-rcv.

Patterson has been associated who had gotten drunk over the holidays. with the ex-librarian for some tim indigestion ana i oo nearly jauug. n. per fcet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels.

Purely Vegetable. Small Pill. Doso. Thes.e the co'jrt excused, owing- to the and is popular with members of the season, co-inrasslon on the weakness of the To three of the im legal profession. He was appointed by the Superior Judges.

Death of Hr. J. Harrison. the democratic form of government is a failure. This condition is brought about by having the large element of idle non-taxpayers controlled by bosses who fillkliem up on whisky and sway them for gain in office, either honest or dishonest.

This has reached such an bibers, however he read a lively lesson, informing them that it thev came before him again orgsiJje charge of intoxication hr? would givfefm the full extent of the Small Price. Sale Begins Thursday, Jan. 5. Store Opens 9 a. m.

Mrs. Emma Isham Harrison died Maw. yesterday at her home, 2032 College extent that it is impossible for good tf 1 way Berkeley. Deceased was the citizens to determine who are worthy The Men's Leagrue of the First Con- Eregationai Church held its regular monthly meeting might in the church parlors. President R.

H. Cham-betlain occupied the chair. The flrst order of business was the election of F. H. starkweather as secretary.

President Chamberlain then mads a Tew remarks. He said: "Since it is one. of the objects of the League to Btudy and discuss subjects of vital interest to-men, I think we will all be benefited by a study of suffrage. We candidates and tvho are unworthy wife of Rev. James K.

Harrison, sup erintecdent of the California Home HIHCE OIIL tie mmwy "In- most of our large cities more money is spent yearly for their govern Missionary Society. The funeral will be held from th klUII I II IUiUI llklll TO BE MUSTERED OUT. As a result of the signing of the Paris treaty of peace, it has been decided to muster out of service a number of mith's Clothing Store family residence at 2 P. Thurs ment than it takes to run a kingdom. Then look at our streets, lights and water.

cannot visit any city, in the United States without feeling the day. moral degradation in the administra No Lonzer Wards. tor The presence of tne Doss is iett We no sooner get rid of regiments and other organizations everywhere. Andrew Ross has ben discharged a- N. E.

Cor. Tenth and Washington Sts. "Coon Hollow" on Boards at the Dewey During the Week. guardian of the estates of Emma Ross and Mabel- Ross, both wards having attained their y. one elephant than another is thrust secretary or war Alger has maae pub-upon us.

The voter votes for what he He the list which includes twelve full thinks is right and afterward he regiments, two independent compan-has voted for a job. ies and three heavy batteries of ar- "The system now stands out in bold tillery. relief, crving for reparation. In the The Eighth California, now at Beni-Starp at "larsre -the evil is not so con- Ha Barracks is included in the list. snicuous because it is in the cities that This news will be received with joy by Wants to Recover.

The Washoe Ccunty Bank has brought suit In the Superior Court against Henry Bowen to recover $5,490 on a promisary note. the idle element is fostered. But the the majority of the as they are The entire Brown Building was flooded by watej during last Sunday's storm and we were unfortunate enough to have our entire stock damaged by water. It is our intention to heartily tired of doing garrison duty. have one with us who has given th? -subject much thought and study an who will give us his views upon it." Warren Olney was then- introduced and read a paper on "A Necessary Reform in the Suffrage." Mr.

Olney read in part as follows: "During the lask-fitty years the tendency has? been to nnqrease suffrage, until now it lias-- reached such a pcint that it is a question whether or not it has gone too far for the good of cur government institutions. We are universal sulfrage; "The history of the country shows that our early forefathers deemed wise to restrict suffrage to those who were property holders, and in seme Instances the extended to religious views, none but church mem The starry theatrical firmament of this country today is well crowded, but the stars who flicker there are many of one order and but few of another. The comedians, farceurs, operatic and comedv-drama stars are in the majority, the tragedy queens being few and far between. This is, cf course, not without good and 'sufficient reason. No WELLINGTON IS KING.

ADJUSTING THE CITY HALL FIRE LOSS. J. Tyrrel John Martens, represent smaller cities and towns are beginning to pattern after the large cities and soon the corruption will ba complete. "Iri European cities they have a better city1 government than we have at muchness tax. This is especially the case in the cities of and There it is considered an honor -o hold an office, although there is no salary attached to it.

The basis of heir sucess is the fact that every voter -nust be a tax-payer and they see that men are put in office to govern them" You will find no saioon men in (Copyrighted.) coal, of DCNSMUIR'3 WELLTNG- ing the insurance companies. Inspected actress today with the flittering offers Of TON we sing. the -havoc caused by the Are in the City of the vaudeville and the offers held i Of all the coals the WELLI.MjTO.n Close Out the Entire Stock HO RESERVE I EVERYTHING GOES-1 RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES! The wearing quality of the goods is not impaired and bers of the Protestant faith being lowed to vote. At the birth of our the legislatures of English cities, hile in some of the cities of the Lmted Hall roof Sunday last. They wil! call a meeting of representatives of all the companies which hava issued fire insurance policies on the structure, and at that meeting ther-i will be an nar portion mem made of the loss among aM the organizations interested.

Pensions and Patents. out for feature positions in big productions, cares to try and win favor in the trying legitimate drama. Among the few stars, in this line, who have today the much sought after favored smile of the theater-going public is Xance O'Neil who Is to appear at the Macdon-ough tonight and trtorow night in "Magda" and. as Met Merriles in "Guy Mannering." Her triumphs in the le States you will find one-nair saioon king. For range or stove, for furnace or for grair.

The WELLINGTON IS prince and potcn-. tatt. One feature we desire to ernphasiza (This fact 'twill pay you well to For LASTING QUALITIES it ts th best; IT DOES LAST LONGER than do ail the men. The: gas and water works and -treet railroads are also owned by the English- cities' and pay a good divi- lend to their owners. "Now- contrast the cities of these tw The following residents of Alameda on some of the goods the damage is scarcely perceptible, gitimate have been clear cut.

shining county have been" graated pensions: country the framers of the Constitu-j tion made a propertyquiUficat on re -eesary for a man to "Vate. since that' time the States, one. by one, have betn lessening restrictions, until at the present time there are very few that require qualifications for the lIn the times of the framers of cur Constitution the party leaders had more power than at present, and more respect was' given to the thoughts cf wise men. At the close of the Revolu-ition we had a galaxy of ttat. who have not -been -equaled" in h.story, and thev held that a person, not own-inr property should not be allowed tj Vote.

'Now, I do not ibelieve that it is an forth with a brilliancy that fairly dazzles all contemporaries. Production af Ann M. Cotton, Alameda, Ann M. but the prices on every article In the store has been cut. Oakland.

JS; Henry W. Cotton, rest. Easy to light, is hard and clean and clear. For household pirposes has no peer. Cum readily and makes a bright, hot ter production has been staged by her and the first to met with disfavor Is yet to be offered.

She comes here with Alameda, $4 to $121 Charles A. Conger of this city has been granted a patent on a snap hook. fire. In short, Is everything that you desire. people of the same race and then ask what is the cause of -the difference.

The fact is too apparent. We have asen oh the decline, ever since we have become to enfranchise idle voters. The non-taxpayers are a cancer in' our government system and the knife must oe used to cut the ulcer out before i af- ects ojur whole system. I would propose to do it, not by disenfranchising present voters, but by making futur? vctersi qualify by paying taxes, Ok-registration to be taken by th tax "ollectbr." J. Ml Haven.

E. C. Wilson and Rev. C. R.

Brown each said a few word never makes mis- wie Hotel man Smith Slothing Store The a particularly strong company of legitimate players. 1 The sale of tickets has been larire and there will be a fine appreciative audience. THE DEWEY. At the Dewey Opera House, one of the best melodramas of the day is to inalienable right of every man, woman And DUNSMflRS he WELLINGTON always takes. The ri-stcurantrur, low child to vote.

The State is an or-ganilwsd society for the best good of all, it we are to be endangered by a lowing non-property holders to vote, grada coal re- fuse. But DUNSMHR'S WELLINGTON he al ways uses. then'I say they should not be given N. E. Cor.

ioth and Washington Oakland The store that always sells all advertised bargains. ommending the ideas set forth in the be seen on the boards. It is a picture of life in Tennessee and is known as "Coon Hollow." There is not a dull scene in the whole performance. The ndnnin Yi cjvnra I Substitution the fraud of the day. 3ee you get Carter's, Vsk for Carter's, nsist and demand barter's Little Liver Pills.

janer auid held that vigorous actior. the franchise. "If a class is detrimental to the in terests" of good government it shouN fee excluded from taking part in th --hould! be taken to right some of thi here for mora than twent years- jrlarinar wrongs which are being rr-- roles in which thv appear, the scene- By JAMES P. TAYLOR ot the -Pioneer. everywhere.

The members of the league then au Try DX'NSMVIRS WELLINGTON! giv- Thursday, Jan. 5th, at 9 A. U. Sale Begins ourned to the next room, where light ry is magnificent and the humorous and melo-dramatlc scenes in which the it a test. government.

Experience ha3 taug us in the last fifty years that by allowing unrestricted franchise to all have been declining in our municipa governments. llany good and wise men have been brought to "believe that 'The best is always cheapest. GET THE rlav abounds receive enthusiastic ap were served. The following standing committee were appointed by the chairman: i BEST. plause from the audience.

The play is 4r 0 4rr f4440 4--fta 4r wwmw ttt tww t-tvtvt. wwr Pi fpfo) mm Cloak Department 9 Silk Department YvTith this offering we begin our GRAND SEMI-ANNUAL REDUCTION SALE of the ENTIRE BALANCE OF OUR MAMMOTH WINTER STOCK OF DRY i LADIES' CAPES, worth .53. down to 95C GOODS, preparatory to "the receipt of heavy importation of Spring Goods now in LADIES' CAPES, worth down to $2.45 transit. 1 LADIES' CAPES, worth $7. down to $3,45 STRIPED AND CHECKED SILK: SALE PRICE 40c; a Yard; 75c BLACK BROCADED SILK, ,24 inchesj wide; SALE PRICE 50c a Yard.

85c BLACK DUCHESSE SATIN; SALSfRICE' 65c a Yard! FANCY PLAID TAFFETA SILK; SALE PRICE 85c a Yard LADIES' JACKETS, worth $5 marked down to $2.45 LADIES' JACKETS, worth down to $5,00 LADIES' JACKETS, worth down to $7.50 LADIES' JACKETS, worth down to $9.75 LADIES' SKIRTS, wftrth $1... down to 50c To accomplish the desired result we have made a SHARP and DECISIVE CUT I.N PRICES that is bound to meet with an immediate response from discriminating buyers, as Such Wonderful Bargains have never before been offered We will add that the choicest of our Superb Winter Stock has been affected by these startling cuts in prices, and we can therefore readily pronounce this $1.50 BLACK FANCY BAYADERE SILK SALE PRICE $1.10 a Yardj Black Dress Goods -50c FIGURED ALPACA, 39 inches wide; ill be CLOSED OpT at 1 25c Yard i .1 A Golden Opportunity for Buyers 40g STORM SERGE, 38 in all pure, wool: SALE PRICE 2c Yard 50c FANCY WEAVES, 39 inches Uiina karge variety of designs; will be CLOSED OUT at i 25c Yard i LADIES' SKIRTS, worth down to 90c 5 LADIES' WRAPPERS, worth marked down to 45c LADIES' WRAPPERS, worth 1.75 marked down to $1,00 PLUSH WRAPS, worth $3. down to $1.45 PLUSH WRAPS, worth marked down to $7.75 lankets 65c FIGURED MOHAIRS, 45 inches wile, irk new patterns: SALE-PRICE 35c Yard, 65c ENGLISH CliEIOT, in all-wool, extrai heavy; will he placed ON SALE at 45C Yard Table Damask1 T0e TABLE DAMASK, full bleach, 72 inches wide; value lor 70c on At 50c Yard. S0c TABLE DAMASK in cream, 70 inches wide; the 70c grade; on sale At 50c Yard. VT40--10-4 WHITE BLANKETS; a fine jrrade of wool; were on sale At $3.40 Pair.

K2.s-ii4 wniTE wool inchsc wide and PLUSTI WRAPS, wort $15 down to $9 75 very durab le; were 13.00; onfale Colored Dress Goods 4- At $2.25 Pair. i MISSES' JACKETS, worth $5.... marked down to $2.35 At 10c. 175 pieces DOUBLE-FOLD DRESS GOODS, in medium ani brigrht ef-0 lects; will be placed on SPECIAL SALE at 10c a yard. i OPERA CLOAKS marked down 3c TABLE DAMASK, full bleach, 37 inchc? wide worth 50c; on sale At 38c Yard.

1 HITE COTTOS BLANKETS, 72 inches wide; extra ht-avy; were II. on sale At $1.15 Pair BLACK BROCADED SATIX SKIRTS. 22Tc TABLE DAMASK, half-bleached, i inches wide; worth At 15c. 85 pieces 42-inch NOVELTY DRESS GOODS, regular price 50c a -axd; on SPECIAL SALE at 15c a yard. 30c; on sale down At 22c Yard 1M TOTTON BLANKETS, in both white and colored; we re ll-ou; on sale At 75c Pair.

LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS, worth marked vlown to $5.90 Towels and Toweling 4ic 10-4 COTTON in both white and colored; tea 75c grade; on sale At 45c Pair. At 20c. 102 pieces DOUFLE-FOLD DRESS GOODS, in fiprured. mixed and checked effects; will be rlaced on FECIAL SALE at 20c a yard. At 2sc 95 pieces 37-inch HEAVY MIXED DRESS GOODS, a full line of colors; former price 40c a yard; on SPECLL SALE at 23c a yard.

At 3ac. 3Ve CRAP TOWELING, 17 inches wide; a heavy cotton twill, woith 5c; on sale At 3yjc Yard LADIES' TAILOR-MADE SUITS, worth $15..., down to $7,50 Flannel Night Gowns Blarked Down to One-Half Price 5c-CRASH TOWELING, 15 inches wide, all linen the 8 1-Sc grade on sale At 5c Yard Comforters 3Se 25dozen BED COMFORTERS; thf 3-1 size" worth 0e; oa "le At 35c Each 79 pieces' 3S-ineh DRESS GOODS, in figured, striped and mixed vain for fiflr a. vsrd: in SPTCOTAL SALE at 35c a yard. av.w GLASS TOWELING, 18 inches wide, all linen; worth 10e; on sale At 7c Yard.

60c 25 dozen BED COMFORTERS; rejular size; the -5c grade; a sale At 50c Each. 5e TOWELS, a heavy, soft grade of cotton, size 36x17, worth S5c dozen on sale At 5c Each. 75c 20 dozeu BED C0MT0RTER3; regular Ue; white filling; wera $1.00, on tale At 75c Each, 5e 10 eases FRUIT OT THE LOOM and LONSDALE MUSUU, 36 inches wide; usually sold at 8 1-ac on sale At 5c Yard. 4e 10 cases 36-inch MCSC1N in both white and unbleached; tha Dc grade on sale At4C Yard. Flannelettes SUe-MO jteoe PRINTED FL.OfX ELETTi? tttrt Uaed; 7c; on tale At 3 y2c Yard 5e 15 eases CAXTOK FLANNEL.

unbleach only; thai 1-J quality; on sale At 5c Yard. 5c-2-i0 piece OCTING FLAVNEL; a heary grade, the uxual I-S Sexuality on dale At 5c Yard. 6e 200 dozen PILLOW CASES. Ize 56x45, well finished worth 10c;" on sale At 6y3 Each. U' SAN FRANCISCO 4liltttt fOft A.

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