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The Daily News from Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The Daily Newsi
Mount Carmel, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

OLD PEOPLE HE DELS BESIEGE i.iii IU WITH MONEY Mad Strong by Vinol A prominent Boaton lawyer, "My fattier is eighty years of age and BOY SCOUT CHIEFS MEXICAN TOWN JSES TWENTY DAYS HER HP A 'Wf CAL lit Convict Loses Good President Takes Great Interest In Movement. Fired on Federal Troops Outside cf Juarez. $463,500 IS MISSING I Charges Funds of Railway Equipment Company Were Misappropriated. Chicago, Feb. 8.

Charges that more than $463,500 has been misappropriated out ot the funds of the Chicago Railway Equipment company were made in a bill filed in the circuit court by Henry D. Laughlin, a stockholder. Five directors of the company are named as defendants. They are: Al bert Blair, of St. Louis; Charles S.

Cleed, of Topeka; William A. Pungs and Richard E. Plumb, of Detroit, and John P. Ahrens, of Chicago. Laughlin charges that the treasurer "abstracted and misappropriated to his own use or to the use of his brother-in-law, Dwight Furness, large sums of money." f.

The test cil, tl pfj most economical oil- it costs no mere than 1 the tank wagon varieties Behavior Allowance. he owes his present str-enght and good health to Vlnol. "During the last two trying winters he never lad a cold, and was able to walk farther and do niore than for years. "I think Vinol lis perfectly wonderful. It certainly is; de greatest blood-making and strengthening tonic for old people I ever heard; of." We wish every feeble old person, in this vicinity would try Vinol on, our agreement to (return the'ir money if it fails to give satisfaction.

Dr. E. W. Samuel, Druggist, Mount Carmel, Pa. ishinston, Fb.

8. Charles W. vi tiiiu 11 gives nt-ioniy oei- READY TO ATTACK TOWN cannot win back the- twenty To Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Scottvillfi. AflVll n-anf v.

toll good time he lost a few weeks service for a bveach of prison rules In Atlanta penitentiary. FAMILY FAV8EUTE- you how much good LydiaE.Pinkham's I. 1 Tff.nninl.l- .1 cgcmuie com bough the penitentiary warden Superintendent Ladow were in pound and Sanative Wash have done me. I live on a farm and of remitting the time, Attorney gives a clear, white, steady rat Wickersham alter a review name, win noi cnar. smoke S.

or smell. Your dealer will sprue case declined to approve it. tf-ry liave worked very hard. I am forty- KILLED IN MINE iw it from original barrels direct li from our refineries. tip hve years old, and am the mother of rse was found with money in his asion and told several stories of he got it.

His contradictory cost him twenty days Tvfnnv nennlp think- independent refincrs V3 fe'trfa Also makers of Waverly Ssecial fM-i Auto Oil aad Waverly li had been applied to the usual ance for good behavior. ifc strange that 1 am not broken down V'-' Wlth work and I xvi Ithe care of my fam Washington, Feb. 8. President Taft will receive the national council of the Boy Scouts of America In the i-t room of the White House, Tuesday afternoon, Feb. 14, the first day ot the first annual meeting of the members of the council, of which the president is a member, as well as being honorary president of the entire organization.

Many prominent men, connected with the organzation of the Boy Scouts, will be present at the reception, which is regarded as the opening session of the convention. The president lias taken a keen interest in the Hoy Scouts, members of which organization claim that the convention will really lie held under his auspices. give an address, after which plans for the n't lire work of the Boy Scouts v.i;! be generally discussed. Some of those expected to attend the reception are: Representative Nicholas Lor.swoith, Dr. Charles Parkhurst, Judge Ben 13.

Lindsay, Mortimer L. Schilf, John Wanamaker, Admiral Dewey, Major General Leon-aid Wood, H. B. P. MacFarland, Felix Adler, Lee McClung, Theodore Roosevelt, s.

R. Guggenheim and Gifford Pinchot. Worker Fell Three Hundred Feet Down Shaft. Wilkes-Barre, Feb. g.

John Claherty, a shaft worker for the Lehigh Wilkes-Barre Coal company, was Instantly killed by falling down the new Dundee shaft at South Wilkes-Barre. Claherty had been working at the mine for some time. He lost his footing on some timbers and fell a distance of you feet, being dashed to fieces. FLYING MAN AIDS U.S. TROOPS Aviator Carries Message Between Of cers Preserving Neutrality.

San Diego, Feb. 8. Carrying an official message from Major Mc-Manus, commander at Fort RosecranS, to Lieutenant Ruhlin, commanding the United States troops camped on the American side of the border at Tia Juana to preserve the neutrality of this country, Harry Harkness, an amateur aviator, made a flight In an Antoinette monoplane. He delivered the message and returned to his hangar on North Island, opposite Sail Diego, and close to Fort Rosecrans, in fifty-sis minutes. The distance for the round trip was thirty-two miles.

GENERAL MARKETS PHILADELPHIA FLO I'll firm-winter clear, tjjtfia city iv.iii? fancy, u. RYE FLOCK linn, at ppi barrel. WHEAT tiUiCi; Ko 2 rod, new, jZ Solitude, tude Is dangerous to reason with-elng favorable to virtue. IMeas-)f some sort are necessary to the sctiial ns to the corporal health, iose who resist gayety will be 'tor the most part to fall a sac fo appetite, for the solicitations nse are always at hand, and a to a vacant and solitary person speedy and relief, lie-ler that the solitary person is cer-luxurious, probably supers tl- arid possibly mad. The mind ates for want of employment and anguished, like a candle in foul Johnson.

Many Americans Watched the Fighting From the Texas Side of the River Casualties Are Not Known. EI Paso, Feb. 8. The Mexican rebels have advanced upon Juarez and are camped within two miles of the town. The rebels appeared at a point on the Mexican side of the river just three miles above Juarez.

The federals went out to meet them as they were watering their mounts at the Rio Grande river. The rebels opened fire. As shots were exchanged, the fighting bodies moving down the river towards Juarez, the federals slowly falling back. Suddenly the rebels veered off into the hills and the federals after a wait returned to their barracks. The rebels were soon down at the river again and declared they intended to hold the position until they could get their field guns in from the mountains and reinforcements could arrive.

Then they would attack Juarez, they said. The rebels camped for the night where the fight occurred The battle lasted but a short Hn i'. less than an hour, and only the -mi's infantry entered the fight. The federal cavalry remained behind the infantry and did not fire. Several hundred Americans watched the skirmish from the Texas side and bullets fell among them.

Pascual Orozco commanded the in-surrectos. He was located by correspondents southwest of Juarez, already marching around the town to the point where he was attacked. He had marched from the point where he ceased fighting and retired Sunday evening, southeast of Juarez, around to the west of the town and to the north, where he hit the river and started down the stream. It was there that the fight opened. He stated to the correspondents that he had two nioun tain guns back in the hills and that he would wait until he could bring ily, out; i ten tnem oi my good friend, your Vegetable Compound, and that there will be no backache and bearing down pains for them if they will take-it as I have.

I am scarcely ever without it in the house. "I will say also that I think there is no better medicine to be found for young girls to build them up and make them strong and well. My eldest daughter lias taken Lvdia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound for painful periods and irregularity, anditliaa always helped her. "I am always ready and willing to speak a good word for the Lydia E.

Pinkham's Remedies. I teil every one I meet that I owe my health and happiness to these wonderful medicines." 1) 3 Jouxs0N' Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs, contains 110 narcotics or harmful drugs, and to-dav holds the record for the largest number of actual cures of female diseases. The Kidnaped Brides. In the year according to old cus torn, all the brides for the year at CORN quiet; io 2 yellow, o'lii L2Vc.

OATS steady; No. 2 white, ZlV.Tt S8c. lower guides, POULTRY; Live atendv; obi roosters, liiliJi! lc. lire-s firm; turkeys, choice. 23c; towls, Hj'of.

oid 12c. TSUTTKI! steady; extra creamery. 29c. per lb. EGGS firm; selected, 2ZS, uar-bv, He.

western, 24c. POTATGErf firm; fiOfi G5c Live Stock Markets. Paying For Extrat, In one of the luxurious golf club houses in the south of England a visitor approached the steward and asked for a luncheon ticket "Five shillings," said the official. "That's rather a lot, isn't it?" inquired the visitor. "A lot? Think of the cost of this club.

See those pictures? They're vrorth thousands of pounds. And those tapestries? Their value is simply enormous." On the following day the visitor again asked for a luncheon ticket and tendered half crown. "I've already tukl you. sir," said the steward, "that the charge is Ave shillings." "Yes, I know," was the reply, "but I only want half a -crown's worth today. I saw the pictures and the tapestries yesterday." World of Golf.

Mara's Voien, Mine. Mara had a voice that extended from middle to in alt and waa one of the most facile and flexible ever known. She delighted in the florid music of nasse, Graun, Benda, Jom-melli, rergslese, I'orpora, Sacehinl and others of that school and with the utmost ease executed passages that are now consigned to solo Instruments, such as the violin and flute. She held the stage from 1771 to 1S02, with an occasional appearance after the latter date. Really Worth While.

Eben Pratt of Marshby had sent two sons to Boston and knew hehad reason to be proud of them. One day a summer visitor lingering in Mr. Pratt's grocery, provision and dry goods establishment mentioned some of the shining lights who had made themselves remembered in and near Boston and others still to be found there. "We've had a good many smart men and women in and around our city," said the visitor, "and there are a number of them left. We've got scientific men and writers and artists and musicians aud" Mr.

Pratt's dry voice broke in on the 1st. "If ye call those folks smart," he said, "ye want to go down near the water to an address I'll give ye and see the way my boys, Ed and Sam, can open oysters! I guess that'll give ye something to go by when ye're talking of smartness." Exchange. PITTSBFIIG (Union CATTl.fO blKher; choice. V-'S'i SHEEP slow; prime wetlwva. SI 25 (ft 4.40; ovHs and common.

3: lambs, Ten I talves, 0. active; prime heavies, mediums, he ivv Yv rs S.4.". lisbt ronshs, 7.25.' Sounded Elcjger. "How did you t-ct that, new elerU'i He wouldn't accept an oHVr frmu mo." "Probably I him linger inducements." "I told blm bis wasjes vouM bo $10 a week." "That's it, then. i ary would be 10 a Leader.

Dynamite. The action of dynamite is comparatively precise. The firing polut is ISO degrees At that temperature it either bwus or explodes. If free from all pressure, jar, vibration or force of His Bedtime. "When do you wind your watch." asked the man with the bulging brow- "morning or evening?" "Generally in the morning," answered the man with the bulbous nose.

"I always wind mine just before I go to bed." "WelJ-er-so do Trib-' ane. 10O REWARD, $100. i readers of thia paper will be to learn that there is at least readed disease that science has able to cure in all lta stages, hat is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh is the only positive cure now i to the medical fraternity. Ca-being a constitutional disease, es a constitutional treatment, i Catarrh Cure is taken directly upon the blood iucous surfaces of the system, ly destroying the foundation' disease, and giving the patient th hy building up the assisting nature in doing ork, The proprietors have so faith iu its curative powera hey offer One Hundred Dot-r any case that it falls to curs.

Cor; list of testimonials, res F. J. Chenney To by all druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for con- on. PROFESSIONAL CARDS Moser Magrady Attorney-at-Law ce Iu Vought Buildlmg, Mount Pa.

Venice assembled on St. Mary's eve at the cathedral, taking with them their dowries in small chests. There they awaited their bridegrooms, who followed them, aud after mass they were married and received the bishop's blessing. In this year the sea rovers of Triest -burst )u upon the expectant maidens, who were all dressed In white, with hair loosely flowing and interwoven with threads of gold, car rled them off to their harks and hoisted sail. The doge of Venice summoned his men to arms, pursued the rovers, overtook them in a creek still known as the Port of the Damsels and brought thebrides back in triumph.

In memory of this event a solemn procession of twelve youug women took placD yearly, and the Marian games were observed with great splendor until the year 1379, when they were discontiu ued in a time of disastrous war. HAVE YOU TRIED PAXT1NE The Great Toilet Germicide? You don't have to pay 50c or 1.00 a in for listerian antiseptics or You can irfake 1(5 pints of a more Moral Couraga. As to moral courage, 1 have very rarely met with the 2 o'clock in i'ic tn'oru-ing courage. I moan unprepared courage, that which is ry ci nn expected occasion, and vliit-K in sj of the unforeseen freedom of judgment and eV' Napoleon. any kind it merely burns.

That is how it comes about that one can burn dynamite safely In the hand if all conditions be wholly favorable. But any least vibration from such requi sites will cause an explosion, which is an excellent reason for avoiding too Intimate ventures with the compound. When ignited in small quantities in the open air dynamite does nothing more startling than to burn fiercely. When, however, larger quantities are Ignited explosion almost invariably re germicidal, healing and deodor- izing antiseptic solution with one 25o Willing to Be Honest, rhil Slay, the great English artist, earned his first fame in Australia. One day a brokeu down minister applied to liim for charity, and May engaged him ns a model.

As a joke he also demanded that his eighty-year-old pensioner agree to leave him his skeleton when he died. When May left Australia he called his model in. "You've played me a dirty trick," said May, "by swindling me out of that skeleton. I could have bought one In sound order and condition for half the money you've cost me." The old fellow, conscious of his base ingratitude to his best and most patient friend, answered: "Don't bo angry with me. Mr.

May. It's not my fault. I meant to keep my word. Stay in Sydney a few months longer and give me another chance to show you that I am a man of honor." hex of Past a soluble antiseptics powder, obtainable at any drug store. Paxtine destroys germs that cause sults, as the temperature is-raised by disease, decay and odors, that is why It the flames.

Chicago Record-Herald. Beginning Early. Caller (vicivinir new La''i-Po yon think lie is (joins to resemble bis father? Mother I shotiV.irt be se.r prised. He keeps, me up ni'ps even now. Boston Transi'rlut.

ntion given to all branches ofJ WtATriER EVERYWHERE. ted States is the best mouth wash and gargle, and. why it purines the breath, cleanses and preserves the teeth better than ordinary aentifrices, and in sponge bathing it completely eradicates perspiration and other disagreeable body odors. Every dainty woman appreciates this and its many ciher toilet and hygienic uses. Iaxtine is splendid for sore throat, ialiomc-d eyes and to purify mouth and breath after smoking.

Y'ou can get Pax-tine Toilet Antiseptic at any drug store, la'ice SSc and 50c, or by mail postpaid fiora The I'axtun Toilet Boston, who will send you a free sample if you would like to try it before buying. at 8 p. m. Observations of Uui wcatuer bureaus taken yesterday follow: these up before attacking Juarez. As the federals retired to Juarez the insurrectos came back from the hills, down to the river where the fight had taken place.

They talked and joked with the Americans on the opposite bank of the river and the Americans tossed them money. As the night wore on the federals retired into the liiils iust a short distance fro mthe river, and thetr. camp fires could be seen plainly. The number of federals wounded or dead in the battle Is unknown, but one riderless horse dashed out of the foothills and three federals were seen to fall. Reporters were forbidden to cross the river wheer the fight had taken place.

Wrecks and and Dogs. There is an odd provision in the English law on wrecks. It used to be that wrecks, like pretty nearly everything else, belonged to the king. Sometimes, if a vessel were only partly wrecked and it could be raised, an owner was averse to surrendering it. but it was generally seized for the king In accordance with the law until the question came up as to just what was a wreck.

It was generally admitted that when all hands were lost that was a wreck, but as they wanted to get as narrow a definition as they could they got parliament to establish a law that in future nothing shhll be considered a wreck out of which a cat or a dog escapes alive, and from that time until the present day no vessel coasts about England without carrying a cat or dog. How They Fight Fire In Turkey. This is the method ot lighting tire in Turkey. In the center of Constantinople a high watehtower lias bec erected. When the man in the tow.r sees a blaze the alarm 13 sounded and the firemen are called to their posts.

If they have horses they proceed very leisurely to hitch tbein to 1 lie engines ir carts and trot to the lire, but in most cases they have no horses, and the men drag the engines through tha streets at. a walk. They do not hurry to attach the hose to the hydraut. The captain first finds the owner of the building that is in danger of destruction and finds out bow much he will pay to have the fire put out. If the blaze is beyond control tha captain approaches the owners of surrounding property aud bargains with them for their protection, and of course tliey pay him liberally.

JJew York Post. Collections a specialty. Samuel, M. D. dence corner Third and Hick-imar Williams.

ear, nose and throat spec-Office at 32 east Second. St. Harpel, M. D. leopathic Physician and Stir-corher Third and Maple atreeta, Carmel, Pa.

Consultation in h. and German. Millard, M. D. nerly resident surgeon of tht Miners' Hospital at Fountain Pa.

Office at 38 North street. Temp. Weather. 24 Cloudy. 30 Cloudy.

22 Cloudy. 24 Cloudy. 2D Cloudy. TO Clear. 9 Cloudy.

Clear. 3rt Cloudy. 3 Clear. Ups and Downs. "Oh, well, everybody has his ups nnd downs!" "That's right.

Just at present I'm flown pretty low because I'm hard lip." soul of this world is just. Carlyle. Extra Hazardous. Beers roor Mrs. leAI(erres lias always been unlucky in the selection of her husbands.

Townsend Why do you say that? Beers Her husband was a guide in the Adirondack, her second was a baseball umpire, ber third was a manufacturer of djuamite and her last was an aviator. Chicago News. Atlantic Boston Buffalo Chicago New Orleans. New York Philadelphia. St.

Louis Washington. a Ft 4 ft es a sa vzy PROCURED il ON EASY 7 TRADE-MARKS and COPYRIGHTS Books and advice froe. Highest references. 3t years experience. We are registered attorneys meir.K-r'of the Courts of the" District of Colun Weather Forecast.

Rain or snow tonight or tomorrow; easterly winds. bin, Federal and New "York State Courts. 9 emswEu ti cmswELi: Do You Get Up 'M HEW YORKCITVt Street With a Lame Back? A Generous Spirit. "Henry. I want .2 this morning." "What for?" "Must I account to yon for every penny I spend "I don't insist upon knowing about every penny.

When it's less than a nickel you can bunch it." Cleveland Plain Dealer. Redhot Plays. "It is a tremendous undertaking to get a new play accepted and produced," owe said the late Clyde Fitch to a friend. "So many are written, and so few ever see the light of day. An English playwright with a gift of humorous exaggeration illustrated this ffict to me once.

He told me how he submitted a play to a celebrated actor and how in the course of the conversation the actor remarked: 'Don't you think it is growing chilly in this 'Yes; it is the young playwright admitted. "Then the actor rang a bell, and a servant forthwith appeared. said the actor, 'this room is rather cold. You may put three more manuscripts on the Lip-Xiucott's. The Dialect Was There.

Ex-Governor Bob Taylor of Tennes-see was once entertaining a northern guest who was rather skeptical about the prevailing dialect iu stories of southern negroes. He thought it overdrawn. To disprove the contention, Mr. Taylor laughingly made a wager -with his guest that the northerner would be unable to interpret the language of the first negro they met Accordingly they set out and presently came upon a black man basking indolently In the sun. Telling his friend to pay close hoed, Mr.

Taylor stepped up to the negro and demanded suddenly: "Weh he?" The negro blinked his eyes stolidly and then answered in a guttural voice: "Wah Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Schnader. and Surgeon, 38 west Srd. Formerly resident physicaa teyUle Hospital and the General Hospital. Hollenbach, Dentist Klefer's meat market, Oak jar Third.

Ail work pertaining ratlstry carefully attended to extracted without pain by new Office hours 8 a. m. to 8 Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's FRENCH FEK.4LE Swainp-Root, the greut kidney, liver and L'4 A Safb, Ckctain Rbmi for Pctprhsskd MnysTTO7ATT0ll. bladder remedy, ue-cause of its remarkable health restoring El KNOWN TO FAIL Safe! Snrcl 1 Satin- ivt.ou Uimriiiuee'l or Mt.acv Rofuadifl.

Sent prepaid I hi f.T$l.')0 mt box. Wiil snd be iiaid for Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, are properties, bwauip- when relieved. Free. 11 your druggUtdotis Dot a-a nave mem pen'i jour orders 10 ine due to impure blood. Burdock Blood a militia uiuiwt every wish in over- UNITED Box UCSTCH.

PA Bitters is a clensing blood tonic. Makes you clear-eyed, clear-brained, clear-skinned. II'. coming ijj pain in the back, kid-l! nevs, liver, bladder OVER 65 YEARS' it Hughes, M. D.

alclaa and Surgeon. Offices in Building, Mount Carmel, Kulpmont. Formerly resident Ian Maternity Hospital, Balti- v. 8 and every part ot tne Itching piles provoke profanity, but urinary passage. It corrects inability to I nen's diseases a epeclolty.

profanity won't cure them. Doan's Ointment cures itching, bleeding or protruding piles after years of suffering. At any drug store. If you haven't the time to exercise regularly, Doan's Eegulets will prevent constipation. They induce a mild, easy, healthful action of the 11 Anvmit? spn.lfng eh mnl Qniify (f'orfaiii our m.

in ta ei't ''i'. i S.M't tfitrt. (iLlfxjt. i ir i Faust, Attorney-at-Law. legal business given prompt ion.

Office in Syndicate builA-ount Carmel, Pa. Ouida Out of Sorts. Ouida in a decidedly pessimistic mood appears in Lady Dorothy Nevill's reminiscences. In 1887 Ouida sent to Lady Dorothy a card bearing the following "jubilee epitaph:" Full half a century of measures small. Weak wits, weak words, eak wars, and that Is all.

It Is amazing that Ouida could even for a moment have lapsed into such dull suappisnuess. Lady ascription of the frolisli couple, to "feelings of si" is doubtless just New York Tribune. Poe's Short Stories. There are in the best of Poe's brlel tales a constructive skill, a command of design and a gift of decoration rare In any literature and almost unknown hi English, which Is ever unduly negligent of form. And no one nerd wonder that Toe's short stories wandered swiftly out of our languages into French and Italian and Spanish, into German and Scandinavian aud Bohemian, into strange tongues where no other American author, except Keul-inore Cooper, had ever before peue-trated.

His weird psychologic studies have influenced later writers as unlike as Slaupnssant and Rlchepin, Fitz-james, O'Brien, Robert Louis Stevenson and Itudyard Kipling. His tales of a mystery solved at last by observation and deduction have been imitated by Dumas and Sardou, by Gaboriau and Itoisgobey, by Wilkle Collins and Conan And Sherlock Holmes, the only fictitious character to win International recognition in the final years of the nineteenth century, is the reincarnation of a figure first projected by l'oe. Lrander Matthews in Ceu- A Way Out. "She insists that her paternal ancestor came over on the May tin wit" "lint 1 thought tney pruvi-d to Her that there was no such naint on the Mayflower register "They did. And now she says ho was a stowaway." Cleveland Plain Dealer.

Canvas Currency. Banknotes appear la much the sams form throughout the world and have always done so except in China, where the earliest note was made of canvas, some six centuries before the Christian era. It was more like a tablecloth than a banknote, its length bcin? about two meters, or six feet six inches. This form of note was not verv convenient when large sums were concerned, so later the note was printed on parchment, and an other forms of money were suppressed. One emperor.

Issued notes representing more than three thousand millions. But the money was never popular, aud gradually the notes were retired. No Paprika In Her Bones. A Hungarian restaurant In New York became famous for Its culinary triumphs, and many visitors to the city became acquainted there with the mysterious dishes produced in Hungarian kitchens. In one of these parties several years ago was a young matron from the far west, who, anxious to extend her culinary knowledge and see-tag how ber husband relished one of the courses of the meal, asked the head waiter for the recipe for the dish.

"I can give It to you, madam," was the courteous reply, "but you can't make it." "And why not?" the sightseer "Because you must be Hungarian. It might come right for an Austrian, but an American never. You musl have paprika in your bones." And, taking that high ground, the request was refused. New York Tribune. hold water and scaldingpain in passingit, or bad effects following use of liipior, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times durine; the night.

Swamp-Root is not recommended fo' everything but if you have kidney, li or bladder trouble, it will be fouu. is' the remedy you need. It has bcci. Jior oughly tested in private practice, anu proved so successful that a special a. rangement has been made by which ah readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and how to bowels without griping.

Ask your touts tiikt'ii Ihi''-: Ml. nn le druggist for them. 25c. Stops earache in two minutes; toothache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes; hoarseness, one ftv. hii nticc, without forgo, in the fetich.

A iintlsnnciv il'iilrfit1'! T.nrpest clr. on iai ion ft" iiu: Twins, fit a i tl. Sulii by all newsdealer. 'i nw-fi. Ft.

1). C. hour; muscleache, two hours; sore throat, twelve hours Dr. Thomas Eclectic Oil, monarch over pain. findoutifj'oanavekul- ney or bladder trouble.

yjffijgpaipEii When writingmention gji.AiMivga3Bt-jMaa- Found the Saint's Day. One Russian peasant sued another to recover the sum of 50 rubles, the debtor having faithfully promised to return the money on St. Henry's -day. But, having failed to do so for a long time, the lender discovered that the Russian Orthodox church includes no such saint as St. Henry, and the judge before whom the case was tried was much puzzled ns to what verdict he should give.

Happily the Idea occurred to him that, saint or no salut. All Saints' day included even the most doubtful, so he gave judgment that the 50 rubles should be returned next All Saints' day. Have You Any Mantle Troubles 1 reading this generous oiler in this paper and send your address tofggggg ii riNF.n af BLOCK 111 11 jUlUHTQ I MANTLESl PATENTED-REGtSTE RED AND YOUR TROUBLES ARE OVERf l)r. Kilmer hw. liinghauiton, N.

Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-koot, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. on every bottle.

is N. Burke. irney-at-Law. Fire Insurance. You B.

2nd St. You That Man If you can find a man who never rides in a carriage, street 'car, omnibus, or on a bicycle, who cannot slip upon the'ice In winter or on a banana peel in summer, who never goes near horses, who is so constructed that he cannot hav arm or leg, who can't be cut or bruised, whom fire will not burn or water will not drown, whom a dog won't bite or lightning Will not strike, and who Js so round that he can't fall over anything or anybody, there Is a fellow who need not carry any accident Insurance. If you are subject to some or all ot the abobe; then, without delay, prepare yourself. re N. Cleaver Block Innertia LineJ Mantles give 50 per cent, more HgKt and will ontIal ix ordinair n6rXvJ per cent on yur man'l expene.

TWO COMPLETE GAS MANTLES LN ONE. Price, 25 cents LINE OF RANGES IS COMPLETE OUR GET ONE TO TRY WITHOUT COST at. -T 1-M ly a dve me dox covers rrom I Clock Vy-tal-ty Mantles live best 1 0 and 1 5-cent grade of mantles sold take them to your dealer, or send them to us, and Ret a Block Innerlin Lined Mantle fW jm I 5 Bloct Vy--R aIul Block Innerlin Lined Mantles re for sale at Hardware, if China, Plumbing, Grocery and Department Stores. 3 Dealiri Write fnr Our .1 Across ths Hall. "Say.

Snibbs, let me use your phone, will your' "Sure. What's the matter with yours?" "It's all right. I want to telephone to my wife that I'm going to bring a man from out of town to dinner." "Well?" "He's slttiu? in my room now, and I hate to have blm watch my face 'When my wife tells me what, she thinks of the proposition." Cleveland Plain SHOEMAKER Makes th BEST 3RtAD Representing six of the leading Stove Foundries In the country. All have an established reputation for excellence. We have a Special to offer for a slort time In a large size standard Range with a 20x20x14 oven at the low price of $28.00.

This Range has been selling regularly at $35.00. GOOD GOODS AT THE RIGHT PRICES BIT If? A ad.lT-.BT'W North Oak 1- 1 vovwjw, vm.mor ouu new K- I Block Light Youngatown, Ohio Villi. fSnl. 1 1 3 A The most reliable bakery. Everything fresh and clean.

Cheaper to buy cakes than to bake them yourself CORNER AVENUE OAK STREET "'til UMTere ror incandescent Mnntlei, lSurnen uid Supplies of every description. Gal, Gasoline, Kerosene, High Pressure, etc Mil mM aiHJM 4 Mount Carmel, Pa Dealer..

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