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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 6

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 'ffkf9 TlttS YQttK DAILY, TUESDAY MORNING, 'APRIL 14, 1914. feuy a USED 50 LOW RATE Chi Biffin, Tl'rs nvvnai en includlrsf H. Brenner. TVieet. Downing.

P. Brenner. R. Rhotter, Kraber and Downey. Herb l.renner.

the star forward of tht- five during the last two eea-fon-i, discontiiiiKd hl studies at the orange and blue 1n3titutior. yopterday ainl has accfpteri a position as assistant chemist to A. H. Zoll'nper. 40th and 1-cust streets.

Vst Phlimlelphln. He wltl Icao for the Quaker City today and will assume his new duties at once. regularly rerr Saturday afternoon daring the nestt two month Boys' Work Jiirector I. II. Farnham wes In charge tf the gymnasium classes yesterday, owlns to the absence of Pn-sical Director The senior ladies' auxiliary was well pleased with the success of the Easter Market, which was held In the lobby of the association build, Saturday.

A neat sum was realised, which will be ueed for improvements for the boys" ROUND TRIP "JUmUiy JLiAii! 31UM WASHINGTON THE NATIONAL CAFTIAL SUNDAY, APRIL 26 PITCHER FROMME, WHO PROMISES A BIG YEAR The trip of a life time. An education as well as a delight. An ideal Sunday outing. FEDS UNDER WAY; BALTIMORE WINS SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES Lancaster (1.44 A. M.

I.ltt lestovrn Itobrerstonn fl.SS Hanover Mount vllle 7 A. M. Sprln tirove ('olumMn 7.SO.A. M. West Vork WrlehtuvlUe A.

M. York irn Tickets round trip only S2.S0, en Pennsylvania Railroad FREE'S PURE RYE Thoroughly Matured in Wood Before Bottlin; KISTER FREE EOTF PKONES, GARAGE STORAGE REPAIRS ACCESSORIES. We ere thoroughly equipped for taking care of your cars. first claaf mechanics employed. We invite your patronage.

CENTRAL 1 REAR 132-134 WEST MARKET STREET. Norman Gallatin, Prop. Steward Wlyrn RAN-DANDY BREAD Pies and Cakes of all kinds. HERSHEY BAKING COMPANY New National Museum. Library of Congress.

Capitol and Corcoran Art Gallery open on this date. A. m. 7.03 A. M.

7.22 A. M. 8.UD A. M. 11 RHiiingllin I .11.

sale at ticket Offices starting April 24 BV3 44 K. GEORGE STREET GARAGE DIAMONDS WATCHES and JEWELRY On Easy Payments at Casb Prices International Jewelry Company 24 West Market 2nd Fiooi "Weaver Pianos" Ueaiis Hiade Right. Deal Ue Mannf actor en tVareroom. 39 W. Markel SI Spring Showing Now Going On Myer Miller's Under Selling Dspirfmsat Stun 286-288 W.

Market St, BIQ LEAGUE BASEBALL SEASON OPENS TODAY New York. April 13. Granted favorable weather conditions the clubs omposinsr the Nutional and Americans leagues v.ill opon the 11'14 bascliali tr. morrow afternoon. The fiunil'ar slomm "Play Bull" will ring out around the criruuit and another tlx month of America's national sport With hardly a break the clubs will stiiitfsli fr supreniHcy in the two learues and tho climax will iino with the playing of the world's sctles Octnuer tc-twijsn the wlrninsr clubs of the two ruuiilKations.

The present season will mark the thirty-ninth year cf play in the' National leasuy and the fouiteenth in the American league. AMUSEMENTS Jungle Girls Big Winner. "With a oriek bill, the week at the York Opera Hous? has opened and the attendance at the matinee yesterday found the Jargst Monday afternoon audience in many weeks. Tom Linton and his jungle girls proved itself be a strong beadliner. The songs were catchy and the chorus jnung and pre-tty.

There were six fascinating girls in thy beauty chorus and the four principals were adepts in presenting the comedy of tne cleverly devised sketch of music and mirth- The act throughout was an Immense hit and promises to prove a sure winner for the remainder of lbs engagement here. The Ray dassy Duo, artists with harp and violin, was a live musical number and met with a hearty reception. Jack George, a colored mono-loguist, Jilled a period of screaming laughter. Mattie Locket was a character singer and dancer of genuine merit and Watson. Hutehlnjrs and Edwards offered a bright vaudeville skit of (Mjresihot entertaining qualities.

Surprise Night will be given a thorough ce.leiration this evening. Manager Addison Intends to make it the hit of the seasion and from inside Information there is every reason to believe that It will be such and a lot more. There will be but one performance, aiarting at 7:30 with the picture, the regular bill coming on at 8 o'clock-After this the surprise program be gins. Fifteen abs are Included, among them several well known local people, besides a (rearrangement of several of the main acts. Hippodroma Another great bill for this popular playhouse today includes six special reels, first time shown in this city.

"Come Back to Erin," three reels, made In Ireland and America, features Ciene (Jauntier and Sydney Olcom Like a -visit to the "auld country," i this wonderful production. This is one of the most charming and sensational productions ever made by the Gaurvtler Co. The adventures of Peggy Irt America: her meeting with a dance hall habitue; her imprisonment for the theft of her mistress' diamond tiara, and her release, and vindication through the efforts of her lover, are reenes of gripping action. "Discord and Harmony," in three reels, features Murdork Mac Quariie and Pauline Bush, showing a young man who works to support his mother, and loves a girl. Tho girl marries a man vn worthy of her.

The hard working-man's mother dies, nursing his sorrow he goes into the mojntalns in search solitude, and falls Into the hands i of outlaws. Word travels back to his friends he is an active member of the frane but is only a visitor. Later he becomes a marked man, shunned and A gripping drama that will hold your interest from start to finish. The Mystic Star Kxcellently well received was the three-number vaudeville bill which started the first half of the week at the Mvstic i-Uar yesterday, a musical act bv the Mudge-Morton Trio, the De I.atoom Twins, singinr and dancing. Krazee In shadowgraphs, and four reels ot motion pictures make a very complete and entertaining show.

"Corner Grocery is the added attraction for tonight. Y. ffl. C. A.

NOTES The examination papers of the rf the L-ditcatloiial clashes of tlu association were fo, warded to Ki. B. Botlse. national educational secretary of Y. M.

C. A. work, af New Tork. esierdny. The papers be return the latter part of May.

A filial rehearsal of Ihe combined" of the V. M. C. A. and ti.e Y.

W. C. A. and the Ihllharmonic trio a held In the Hlh school lum last n'sht In prepitratlon for the ervnert to be given thire on Thursday evening ot this week. There will be 5" persons ar-t'cipaliitK in the concert, the Y.

M. C. A. ns numter'ng 23 members, the Y. W.

i A end the Philharmonic trio. The coi.cert will under the direction of P-of. I'rlan H. Ilershey. The chart for served sits open At the Y.

-M. C. A. tonight at 7 o'clock, after tickets will be ex-c'janed. Physical IdMCtor V.

T. rav is spending several days at Bit rr sbura. ot whtcp pliice he attended thrt Bl Kimsbtirg State Normal school before taking up his duties i. I be 1-jcal EOi iation. The cym-nastic team, codtposed of "Jwtii, Jioy U'linchbaiiKh and Br.

Ieavls. which was to halt participated in the cymnaa-tic exhib tiof btin Ii- id at the Blr.oms-burj rrhool tcday, disbanded tie-cause of the int'iry sustained by Uwmi last week, and the placing of ITincn-beuch un.ler QMai amble by local bealtn otlic nils becai'se tf tie small vx hich developed st the Iafayettij hotel last week. Fllnhbaugh is the son of tne proprietor of tho hotel. The tumbling class which was inaugurated by Ir. Davis on Saturday was well attended.

The clashes will be held I i SPRING GROVE Spring Grove, April 13 Preparations are being made for a home talent entertainment to be given in the T. M. C. A. auditorium on Tuesday evening, April 21.

under the direction of Mrs. Anna Menges-Swortz, of York. The first rehearsal of the children, who will participate, will be held Thursdat ifternoon at 4 o'clock. There wiil be at least 100 who will take part, imong them being many who were ictlve in former local productions, the program supplemented bv a prestation of "Th Rejuvenation of Aunt Mary." a three act comedy, will readings by Miss Bertha Olarke. of New York city.

The Co-dorus and Union Campflre circles, in ihe last number of the performance, vill present a fire lighting scene in lull ceremonial costume. "The Rejuvenation of Aunt Marry" is one of the omedy success in which May Robe-t on starred. Mrs. Harry Jaeger and daughter lther Marie returned this afternoon to their home in Baltimore, after a few days stay with Mrs. Jaeger's par-nts.

Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam H. Stauf-fsr. Mr.

and Mrs. Walter Sudick. Vork. were guests at the Stauffer rome, on Easter. John A.

Spangler, Jr- a student of tie Pennsylvania seminary, Gettysburg, is spending, the Easter vacation ith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Spangler, North Codorus town-s ltp. Final rehearsals will be held this week for the annual Easter entertain-nrent at Christ's Lutheran church, Jackson township, to be held on Sunday evening.

April 19. at 7:15 o'clock. Amy is in charge of the program, entitled "Beauty for Ashes." Miss Romalne Musser and Miss El ale Knisely, of Yoe, were guests yesterday of Miss Ruth Marbel. daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. Marbel. Visitors here vesterdmr wora- JTv and Mrs. Leroy Tubbs.

Hanover; Clinton Hoke, Gitts Run; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Marbel, Mrs. Pierce Emig-. M-.

and Mrs. P. C. Brandt. Mr.

and Mi-s. George Stover. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kopp and children.

Miss Bessie Edgar Bowman, York; M.rgie PHtzler, Aibottstown. -Charles Pair returned tn Pnlinn xn mis evening, to resume his work, after a week's stay with his parents, Mr. and Airs. Amos Fair. Maurice Senft accompanied Mr.

Fair to Fulton, where he will secure employment. The Ladies' Aid society of the ML Zlcn Reformed church Will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Boy Scout will meet at the Y. M. C.

A. on. Tuesday evening. Nearly 300 persons yesterday participated in one of ttie largest spring communion services ever administered at St. Paul's Lutheran rhureii bv the Hev.

Martin L. Clare. All records" were broen for attendance at services held in That church yesterday. Including the early dawn service. Sundav school sestion.

wedding and the two communion services, the estimated at-, tendance waa 2,000. At a Reformed congregational me tin of Ltshy's Union church. North Codorus township, on Good Friday the following officers were elected: Elder. John A. Spangler.

Sr dea-conii. Samuel H. Bollinger, and Howard D. Rohrbaugh. The largest attended communion serlce ever held in the Mt Zion Reformed church, was conducted yesterday by the Rev.

George W. Welsh. One hundred and forty-three com-mured. The offering was also the largest ever received, nree members wero received into the church. The monthly meeting of the Brotherhood of the St.

Paul's Lutheran chutch will be held tomorrow evening at 30 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Lau.

Steelton. were entertained today at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Lau.

GLEN FOCK Rock. April 13. Miss Helen Roe er, a teacher of domestic science in the Baltimore public schools; Miss Mlri-im Roeder, a teacher in the York city schools: and Miss Julia Roeder, a student at Goucher college. Balti-(mon, spent the past few days visiting their parents, the Rev. and Mrs.

S. M. Roeder, of the Reformed church pc-' sona re. Herbert Hoover, a student at Uri- sinui collea-e, Collegeville, this state, 1 .1 1 liU L' r. i 13 BIUUIUK "'a 1-ODiri TavauiMi 1111 his jarents, Mr.

and Mrs. George Hooker. Hiss Beulah Wolf, a student at Goucher college Baltimore, Is spending some time at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs.

William Wolf. Guy Bollinger, of Baltimore, spent the eek-end with relatives and friends in' en Rock. John Schriver, a stenographer employed bv the Standard Chain works in their York offices, spent the past few davs with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John B.

Sehrlver. Iale C. Hannipan. of the flrra of B. F.

Helstand Sons, Marietta, was visiti lg his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hannagan. the past few days. Claudus Rohrbaugh, a 'senior student at Franklin and Marshall college, Lancaster, and Stewart Seitz, a student at the Hahmemann Medical college.

Philadelphia, are spending their Blaster vacation with relatives af this i.lace. Prof. Austin Grove, principal of the Terre Hill, lancaster county. High school, has been spenttng some time in Gli-n Rock the guest of his parents, Mr. aid Mrs.

James W. tirove, Miss Martha Malles, of near YORK MAY GET ORIOLE CATCHER MANAGER DUNN PROMISES LID-GATE AS PART PAYMENT FOR -LEFTY" RUSSEL Cntcher lVdMte. a young player who flcured In a number of ames with the HaHimore International club last 11 In ail virobahility wear a llore uniform year, to a rmnrt coming fro-ri titltimore yiteiOay. will likely b. rnt to York In ran rayn-ent t-t 'Lffty" Itussel.

tno tic first sackor. who recently Slid to Scianton vhll! he wes th proi-erty of the York -lu)i. said tUat he did net want to play In the and Mr.Oicrr Heekert fl.i:red it nut that he he brtt-r off If he could per eevfral good plajfrs hi stead. The firaninn imimKmnU has nromlsea th? affair. ilaiiaser Heokert tins r-stleent In Udt-at.

tnd raid he net In a postilion to make a d-flnlt statement the Oriole lBekti. Hp admitted that York had a pood ihanrt of lamltair him, however, and PxprwH fceltfrf that th- cafhlnH- department w-juld be amply taker, tare of by Lldcate If were obtained. Marias-sr Heckert w-11! lav eerly this morning in a senrch fi players, and will vo directly to tlaeketitack. N. Where ho exjHTts to the Troy end Albany clubs of the New York leajr-'e tn action, and eleo to srM a player two from the Voik State mamycr.

tin hi way bark "Heck" expect to stop over In Trenton and confer with Zeky Wrm-ley. the Tisrer maiacer. rn the Clsy.Wn-11am trad. Manager Herkert was notified yesterday that "Bob" Ta-lton, the first sackr that has been the sr.rre of -nuch troall to the local manasement since his pin- chns from th Alltntown club iat sprintr. has slpned a contrast to play with the club of the Tcxaf.

this H-sson. "Heck" at once to the president of the Texas league, InfonpMiK "ln that Tariiton not free to sign u. contract ui.til pays the Yi.rk chih the which tie received as adtanee Wat spring, and which he national awarded he York eltii recently. The local lead'-r hns received no reply frotn the Texas league executive. Tarlcton was purchased by Yorl fr.nn but the soutberrer to rrert to York end rtirtfd the iwanm Montgomery in the Sn'therii afrtic.

Th latter club to kcp him nfter learn in that he ves the property of York and wm to the Newjvirt club of the Virginia l-8fue aftrr pif m-Uinir that he cin aerors with the mrnty tdvenced him. and lo buy his whlo.i was rffered No word was f-om Tsrbuon for some time and Heekrt the matter before the, wnlch lis York's favor. Manarr Ileekert ip-nt a greater par: of the day vpsterday p.t the West F.r.d park supei vis in? the Improvements peine made to the grounds and The altrrtions to the grandstand ire fast being completed, while ihe diamond in trim, a large rcller liavm beii vs-d en Saturday to place it in condition. liters Wf-re recived yeitf-rd3v ny Mara-r ileekert frrra "Oils" t'unflnn "IJ.IJ" the r-xr hi lixtures on the York nine 'hU kfascn at tlm prnt Mm. that tjny would arrive In thi city on eith'rundrty or AIon.T.iy. Th KaKle, Mir arrets have been to appear on thk program of the benefit h. to -Id by the York club on Tl.tirc'ay a Friday of this Wfck at th Yoik Opera Itcuse. Packed hoaswa ara bcth nights, and the committee in efctfrse of prrtuite s-reat 11 of raudevlih; ft. The MirUPMH have deliBhl l.r!;-? fti'dlnce in this city In previous rior-manss, and expt to extend thenrsIvt over any t.ievitus ecisaijement.

YESTERDAY'S SCORES Federal League Baltimore HtifTalo 2. Cnh'r clubs not scheduled. STANDING OF THE CLUBS Federal League Won. Ist. I t.

P.O. 1 .1111 Ba'tlmor "hicao li Kiiapolis Kansas Louis HuTaio 0 1 TODAY'S SCHEDULE National League New Tork at Phllaiirlpnla. B-inion at I'hicaro st Pittsburgh, at tfl. Louis. American Leaqua Athletic nt Nw York.

Washlnrton at Boston, tlvvelaml at Chicago. St. Louii at Detrtilt. Federal League Buffalo at lialilmor. Brooklyn at Ptttsbiirirh.

I.nher cIuIhi rot schetiuled. U. OF P. WINS IN ELEVENTH. Phifadt tpbl i.

Ajprli lit. def. at1 IVniinl.jr.lH Statf nn eleven lort'nj: here teday bv the scor" of tu l. ntf. wii iu' run uas s-ord when Captain fohwert.

rnpp Wallf.ep tio Stort; by Innings: out 'on h't. if from second Stite Collect: Penisyl vania I no eon 000 i fconojoi -j BatterUa and V'ot Sayre ai CIPOOP THE CUB sJVVJwJT REPORTER GrVJE5 LL GO UP KN ABE'S CLUB, WITH QUINN PITCHING, DEFEATS BUFFALO. 3 TO 2. A5 ril rj. N'o' since Ihe Bal- i lirnore Orioles mptilied three Natlonul (league penanis has fcoch a crowd witnessed a of bafecbalf In this cny as today's, when the Baltimore club of thu Fedetal league dfcatel Buffalo by a score of 3 to 2.

When the gates -were opened at 11 o'clock, four licurs before th-i tame tliore were Tt.WAi persons waMlnic and It I est. mated that inoro than ar.XiU were within the encloeuro when Mayor James 11. Preston threw tho ball into the diamond. ThouKh thoro were numerous errors on both fides, the. pame' abounded In biil-ll iiit plava.

Jack Qulnn plKhed insistent lull for tht locals and perfect support probably woflU ha. sliut out tho visitors. President Ollmore, of l'edral leauc, saw tht samp. by :i.ninss; Baltimore 0 .1 0 S' H.iltalo 2 0 2 5 4 Pa.tterl"S Quinii and Jaekiitecn Jlwrc, Krapp tnd Blair. TRI-STATE BULLETIN Philadelphia.

April i.i. --t'resident Grahum. of the Trl-Statc Umsus, today nnnounced th-i players slcned. released or rold by Tri-S-'tate duo: Signed By Bitdinir. Hamilton Bay WyikofT.

Harry Weinlierier. Morrison. C. W. Beaver.

By Allvmtow-ii. N. Boylo. Alexandfr Morti.eimer. Owicp Robert Y.

Scott. Uoii.t Melllngcr. J. W. Mecherley, Wiiiiam Hetfner, A.

J. efcennun, Gilbert Miller. James MeOovern, J. A. Mocrtr, P.

Ic-Oeohan, Frank O'Bri'-n, D. McGeehan. By Y'ork. A. Hine.

Jack Morrison. Jamis Horan. K. KtHcker, II. C.

Wallace. Carl Williams, Iunr.ini-' Boss. G'js Dilution. Noil), F. W.

Zinkaid. J. Mifheit. W. J.

Marlarily, Oeirtre Boyn. S. 1. Rhodes. F.

W. Heck, Ioc Davis V. Hammersly. Released By Harrisbunr. Strth, Fund-h-Mm.

Tmndon snrt Klanasan. Hold By Harrlsbutgr. O'Connor to YVlIkes-Earre. JIM SHAW IN THE BOX. ProviCrnce, It.

April LI. TSmty hlttin combined with errors by the Providence International rave Ineton Ameilcons today's pamo 4 to t. The weather was cold and mad th-s field nt: slow. Fee re: Wiishtntrton ..4 8 ') Providence 1 4 PattTls foeplon. Shaw, Hnrx and Ainsntlth; Mays.

Burke, Koehr md Om low. Vmplree end HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETICS Interest Lacking In Track Work And Belay Team May Not Be Formed Frim present Irdlcut'ons the X-t'a ph school w'U not be reprt pnted by a relay traTl at the i-prlng field mt to be hld by the of Pniis Ivnnie on FrankliJi Kirld, nxt month. Coach Bllhelnifr has lcn err-ileavorlnof to ttlr tin Interet amcnir the pupils dnrlnsr the lat couple weks. but up t- the present t'nvj very enthusiasm has been ihown and only a sm.ill mt-nber of pupds have born out for the trial runs h-do on Penn Coran In the evenlrcs follolnir rrhool hour. Thfre is reoson to believe that ther-j Is Rood material at tbe school from which to select a test quartet, and those In ehdrce of athletics nt th-s Hlh school nre st the failure of the pupils to reKrt.

-Only lr. men would have to be sotten to com- 1 plcte the team, as tif-rc nre two mem- bers of laet year's nuattei of still at th school. Ilamon and Smywr. The probable outcomo i to be rostetted. es Vork has dirwn the inside position In Its class, according tc an announcement coming frcm Philndelphla yesterday.

Tho schools, as thty will lineup in class No. arc as follcrtvs: Nj. 1. Vork; No. 'X AHf-atwn; No.

S. Bemvlek: No. 4. Iias'on- No. 5, Grtenwburtr; Xo.vli.

No. 7. Loneaater; No. t'arhins-tou Western. Tethnical school.

Han 1st. ui jr. has been udvancod to a hisber class. An Inter-class l.iis..ball leajut- will be orvanUed at the school next week, and Coach BlllheSmer is at present work up a sctn.dule cf Contest will be played Iht r.f 5l-s, the one sesicii school day making it possible to play fames every day. It likely that the schedule will provide for I') games a wk.

with a poneibil-ty of four. No came will confPet with the de.tes on ishich the Y'ik team Is schedtUd to play in this city. Tl'j orK.iniiutfon of the le-tcrue meeting with 'jnthutasni amoiij: the p.ipIU. und a numoer ha been pi acticir.p durlnp the last wek. Each clam will well represented, acccidln? to and the lower class teams favorably lhoe ot tin upper The Junior class wilt have a Rood pitch-tr In "Hav" Shelter, the porula- and blue athlete, who has pl.iyed in that position for a number of yecrs.

Mh'-r junior popils who wll ttv out for poslt'oiis or. the class r.lre wi'l Kls-dngi r. i1. Kraber, Binder, Bupp, Iiinvler. Becli aid Hot; seal.

Coach Blllhf-lmer oni'oincj yci-trrcay lhat there is a that an -aek meet will be held before the close of ihe scliool tei m. and that the prot.sition old be taker up nt tne next meet ins of the athletic committee, whkh will held this week. meet will doubtleM-ly t-e htld on the York Athletic club srajndft. Biehland aicnj Th Itaslcelbsll ttatn wus ot th 1 l-jiiadle end Buser stsidio vester- ay. ICeht plsyeis were on the picture.

The standard of motor values at a moderate price Packard Motor Cut Compaay of PW3elpkia 07 Mtrkat Strat Hart iaburc, P. Rain Resisting Top Coats In this climate a raincoat is an Insurance policy against the rweather. We have a coat called the "Niagara" which is a raincoat land more. It is a careful tailored 'coat of shower proof fabric with -a style and hang that make it a pleasure to wear on any kind of a when an outer coat adds com-lort. I The "Niagara" is one of the tmost serviceable garments you can find.

It comes in various shades and mixtures. 1 For protection, comfort and general satisfaction, get a "Niagara-" H. S. SCHMIDT CO. That clrar yoa smoking- has not pleating an aroma as tt might have.

Why not tep In and invest In one of our cljare? We are certain you will enjoy It more, besides your friends 11 rot criticise your Judgment in the selection of your cigars. The Young Busser Company CENTRE SQUARE Sales Agency LINESerrice A Station General jvcrhaullns; of aU snakes of care by first class jae-chaaies only. Rspetra storere. accessorler. York Garage and Service Company 243 South George Street Southern Perm' a.

Garage Both 'Pfconaa. AUTOMOBILES SECOND BAND CARS STOP, READ AND CONSIDER. Feed 1911 Runabout 1275 Feed 1912 Runabout 2M Tord 1912 Touring 1J1300 Ford 1912 Touring 350 Pullman Touring, 1910 Everitt Touring, 1912 Overland Runabout, 1912. 325 Appereon Touring, 1911 275 Thsse Car Are Guaranteed. CITY GARAGE Phone S93D.

Rear 38 E. Market St. York, Pa. Both 'Fboces. R.

J. SomnaerriUe Never Closed OMMERVILLE ERVICE Ulght ll-vVeys Fire-Proof Garage Get Acquainted 116-118 E. Market St. York, Pa Republic Men. Service Rejmbil- One Ton Trucks are made reliable etanderd parte.

50 to per cent over elze. They give the kind of service you have been looking for. E. P. BREAM Distributor OMMERVILLE GARAGE 116 E.

Market York, Pa. PI T( "A Arthur From me, a big right hander of the Giants, promises to have a bis fear. The old Cardinal twlrter Is rounding Into great shape tinder MeG raw's driving training tactics, and his friends look to see him have the best year oi his career. ATHLETICS Will SPRING" SERIES MI3PLAYS BY PHILLIES IN TENTH HELP RIVALS TO VICTORY Philadelphia. April in.

The Philadelphia. Americans cnptmd thi srrliitf series from the local National league team at Snib pfalk when the worlds chaju-pions today's gain- in ten lnnlnu by toe Kort! of 2 l. It wa a tinners' baltte between Jacobs. jf Hi.uck and lViut'Xk. la tho inn.ii Pentioek.

doubled in'ii etit to third on a ulld pitch by O-st Kddio Alurpuj-tin ii tilt lo lbert in, matie a iow throw to tin- plate and I otk scored the v.u-r.inu run. Scoit by Nationals An. rl .0 0 0 0 II 0 0 1 0 01 1 1-' It--itterlea Jarcbe, ticcher and H'i'ick, IViiiiick und La pp. Kvttian. ORIOLES WORRY GIANTS Ilaiilniurc.

Airtl a last ati briliiaiitly plaetd imnvi ihe New Von. Olanta today the Baltimore In. trnatlr.nala 3 to 1 Hcore: New York Baltimore itj.tteriis Schupp. Heal ne una Iean; ami tvn. 3 Si SPRING GROVE BASEBALL Campaign For The Necesiary Financial Support Has Been Started i Spur Clve, April 1:1.

A cuiiipaiett for lunds to t.ramx- tlie ft proi ntatlvo ttara this vlaee will In; started tne r.ur future. Indications ixiiiH to Micvensf ul ft'u 8 in tr.e outdoor namp lter. There Is plenty or po fiom wnlch to select a nine ami baseball has always pioer. a bl- drcwiiij; crd st this pijite. The buklness met.

and citizens ure expect-J to to the aipeul fvr ipiluris. A toMtmlttee i i.tlm; the prins Cpivo Athletic will hold a confri- tico with Sec ret my A. V. Ioff. fprmsr Cirove V.

M. in an to soc.u-e V. M. C. A.

athlvtic wtilch to pity Its heme game. If tho Ibid sjttni it uiil b- plated into con. Siller, nt and practice will be ed on hi jn Jay cf mxt wt-k. With prop-, er attention the Spring Urove dlamoivd I considered one th st in tr.o count. 1 An Item that should to tiiw b'prins Grove fans Is the hrbi t-ami I that will Ix t-n the tihed- diiriris ihe The te.un that lll r.

lr-s. lit tii- V-Hitish in expected to be :i.str than that cf List --asou. which won li; r.d liniht the sen without ot Hn-sley. nich a gtMS ihfii'iaj on the mo.iiid last y.av. 1U cl.vldo the pltcliti'tc with 'Socks" Mvir.t, a vst'ian twiiier who aw err-vice in the old Oimhnrinid ValUy bsaur.

and the i-nlr siioiiid nu re than hold the.r own In county umatecr and seiiU-pro-fetlonnl clicl s. th team, hes tilrendy (i-tit rr.mei. A series of He fames with A. C. h.i 'wn ai-raiuol.

The firtt cam v. ill Ih played ut New Oxfoid on Way hii! tvwo Kurr- Kill tie played at that plnen Maj- oii. In the nnriiing ai.d the other In the afteu.oon. The New Oxford nine w.n npl'-iir here pi and th. uther daSe will hp deeidl til-dli later.

Tiie will be c.i ii1 on M.iy Jf. wttil New ixfjrd hri. The Ltmaiier Ath-leticn hiv been scheduled for two on the home grounds July 4. Two Carres are wltn the Uettysbur- pnpaiatoiy school nine. HE.

COP Z4-S 'w 4 Stewartstown left on Friday for Mc- Keesport, where she will make her future home. Lewin Lutz, of Burnham, is Franklin and Marshall academy, Lancaster, is spending some time with his parents. Dr. and Mrs. J.

Fletcher Lutz. Jesse Koller, of Burnham, is visiting friends and relatives in Glen Rock- Mr. Koller is a detective in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad company. GLENVTLLE Glen vine. April i3.

One of the most enjoyable social events of the fllemvlllo academy, this term, was the annual Easter banquet held Friday evening at the Glcnvllie hotel. Toasts were responded to by the Tltv. Jacob Stick. Atr.os Taylor, Israel Nace, Charles Shilk and MIbs Margaret Stick. Considerable school predominated.

The dining reonr of the hotel -was decora tad with class pcn.ints. and the schoM colors, orange and black. Those pttsent at the supper were: Amos Tr-rlor, Noah Sellers, the Rev. JacMj Ktick. Uiael Nace.

Titus Rohrbaugrh, Warren HIidebrand, lien tun Albright, Charles Shilk, Claude i'reed, Amos Krcbe, Vincent Border, Jchn Stick. Samuel Deivlck. Wllmer Bair, Misses Mi'anda., Margaret Stick, Jennie Stick. Before an audience numbering fully fioo persons the Ptone church ctiolr auie meiited to ') voices, last night rendered the tacred ccntata, "Tlie King of Glory," under tho direction of George V.

Saubel. Miss Miranda Mick was the accompanist. Members cf the chorus were: Altos Jen-n'o Stick, Lrttie Bortner. Florence Ro-ser, Jirs. i.Izz.e Bowman, Mrs.

Henry BentzJ. Mrs. W. trodbeck; Viola DjII, CHlvt Glbbs, Btatrico Dubbs. Ieulah Gorman.

RCsa Holtzappie, Jessie Iloitnr. Kattt Garmaji, Anna Rohrbaugh, Laura Ronrbaugh, E-'lia Kraber. Arta Fortnor. Mrs. Wiiiiam, Knbs: tass.ja Ncah Shearer, Robert llamm.

George V. Brcdbeclt, S. B. Jesse Kerr; tenors Jeremiah Holtsopple Joseph tf. f-hearer, Saniuel Broobeck.

Melvin Brodbeck and Alter fcnearcr. ZION'S VIEW Zions View, April 13 The funeral r.f Mrs. Leah Wire, who died last Thursday of blood poisoning caused by the prick of a rose thorn, held on Saturday morning, was largely attended bv relatives and friends. After brief sertces at the house the funeral party, rroceeded to the Salemn church, near Dover, where concluding services were held. Interment was made in the church cemetery.

The Rev. Ir. o. P. Schellhamer conducted the services.

i LA BOTTE La Botte. April 13 Alfred Roland, the three months old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. S.

K. Brown, this place, died aturady afternoon after a week's sickness of pneumonia. This is the second death that occurred at the Brown residence within a day. Mrs. Mary A.

Moul, York, a niece of Mrs. Brown, who had been visiting at the l'rown home died 24 hours previous to the infant. The funeral of the child was held this afternoon. After brief services at the house, at 2 o'clock, the luntiivi jiji iv rJn.M.rr-u-u iu .1 Lutheran church, Jackson township. where further services were held.

In- terment was made in the adjoining! cemetery. The Rev. Frederick S. Geesey. Spring Grove, o.fiolated.

The funeral of Mrs. Moul, who died last Friday was held from the Brown residence at 9 a. m. Brief services were held at the house after which the fi.11-eral party proceeded to the Trinity Reformed church, Jackson township, where concluding services were held. Interment was made In the adjoining cemetery.

The Rev. Dr. O. P. Scheil-hamer, York, officiated.

FOR RELIABLE FURS At the Lowest Prices, go to SiNGERMAN'S GET REAL FURS Trattner's 144 Straight Whiskey $1.00 Per Quart QUALITY WHISKEY. WE ASiv YOU TO TRY IT. Trattner's Liguor Store SOUTH GEORGE ST. By "HOP It Takes Two At Least To Stage A Good Fight X-AM VhM t- i 1 1 r- r-. yTK I AN PICK rv 1 CANT VAI) k' lAITM 1 CvmT.


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