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Clarksville Chronicle from Clarksville, Tennessee • Page 3

Clarksville, Tennessee
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

9 si SERLETT A OltANT. itfiWri. Friday, May 3rci, 1861. K8rSu)urlptlorui must invariably be paid for In IKJU to iniwrt trier Hon, must be kandiul in fednetday morning. CHS OF THE WKEKi week has been marked by much inter esting Intelligence from different qtinrters, but only few actual events of any note bare transpired.

At home the Srdour of onr people has naturally lost something of lis feverish excitement, but none ef it stern determination. The community is yet a ono man Id their righteous purposes. The sloppit of the flillman at Cairo, nnd the teiznre of a Urgu quantity of powder and lead belonging here and at Nashville, excited intense in-diguation here. That single act would make five thousand secessionists in Tennessee, if theroic material were in it. Some goods, (hardware, guns, destined to a liouie in this city, were seized at Pittsburg, a few day ago, and stopped there.

This system now ob tains with respect to anything like arms or ammunition, pmssing through any free State to any Southern State, whether seceded or not. In sotne places it has provoked heavy retaliation. The pe pie of Helena, bnve seized the cargo of two Cincinnati bouts bound up from New Orleans, and also retained possession of one of the boats. Another Cincinnati boat was fired into, and badly damaged at Napoleon, Ark. Good for Arkansas! A regiment of Kentuckians, under Wanton Duncan, passed through Nashville, Sunday, on their nay join the Confederate rriny.

Twenty-five hundred men are under arms, at Nashville. Our entire State, iucluding East Tennessee, is fully aroused and ''all right." The Legislature (ours) ban now been in extra ession one week, but nothing is known of their proceeding)), as they act in secret sessions. The news of the secession of Virginia was greeted -all over the South with the wildest enthusiasm. The Congress of the Confederate States met at Montgomery on the 29th April. "Vice-President Stephens recently in Richmond.

Troops poured in there so fast that the Governor had to order them not to come. Norfolk is full, too. North Carolina has called out 50,000 men) Matters at Pensaeola are in ttatu quo, except that 'troops still accumulate there. Lincoln has called for 83,000 more of his Northern soup-house soldiers to aid him in dispersing the risbels. He proposes an armistice with "Maryland fur" sixty days.

Baltimore is a camp of anti-Linroln -eoliier. The bitterness of Northern hate becomes rnore intense every day. The Banks in New York refuse to sell Hills on Loudon fur our Banks. Everything looks encouraging and hopeful to us, of the South. If we will only be united, Vigilant, 'determined, at the start, our independence will soon tie achieved! Attack oh a Boat.

The steamboat Westmore- 'land, bound from New Tht pftt Orleans fur Cincinnati, a fow S'apolcon, but was iufTLALL Rioiit! The gallant men of Palmyra and dityj ago, touched at mediately told by the keeper of the Wharfboat that there was no freight for him, but that a mob there was gofrg to take the boat. Thereupon the order given to shove her off, aud simultaneously it, there cnuie from a crowd of fifty or sixty men, ou the wharf-boat, a vollev of fun and pistol shots, fired directly at the steamer. There was a )n- number of passengers on board, including ladii, all of whom were thrown into the utmost alarm by this unexpected attack upon them-The wheels of the boat were at once put in motion' and me. hawser parting she was soon outiu the river, and out of reach of the fire, which was kept up kmjiu time. Although there wero so many passengers, gathered up upon the guards of the bout, when the firing was done, yet only oue man was killed.

Mr. Henry Hamncr, of Memphis. Several totherd'Were wounded, but none lntally. Tit Ve(aorrltinl proceeded to Memphis, and on arriving there, was formally seized and put in charge -of a body of armed soldiers and the people were to determine licit morning, what should be done with her. She is an out and out Cincinnati craft.

We have since learned that the boat was turned looae next morning. pKirn or WesLsv Wmekless. This gentleman well know a aud so highly esteemed in this town County, died about the fust of last mouth, iu Liverpool, Eugluud, after a sudden illness, of only a few days duration. We have heard no particulars his illness and death, save that his disease was ever wf some kind. His wife, and their two children, were with him when he died, Liverpool haviug been their place of residence for somo years iist.

Mr. Whctcss was bum and raised in this county, and was for several years engaged in business in this place. From here, he removed to Nashville, ud there engaged in Bunking; but being overtaken by teniOrary difficulties in tliat busiuess, he gave it up, aud iiecepted a position as partner and mann ger of the Liverpool house of James Hewitt, A Ot. which hu held at bis decease. His age wus about 40 yean.

Rki'Risals. The system of piracy ou our steam- roat commerce, lunuguraiea uy Lincoln has already provoked and will continue to provoke Eastern ol relalllutiou aud reprisal that will cost the uisKer worshippers very dearly. The Cincinnati steamboat, of the Wtsb fro.n New Orleans, was stopped nt Helena, a lew days ao, and a valuable cargo seized by her raptors and a few hours afterwards the stamer and for Cincinnati, was Sloped there a id 400 barrels of Molasses, nnd a lurge lot of sugar, roin, tuipeutitie, Ac, were taken from her. The an old the Helena folks let her 0 ou to tell the news, we reckou; lait the Mars they tied up under ruiinon, aud say the Cini iunutU people may hu her hen they n.uie and take her, or wheu they send down the arms destined fur Ar-kaias thai they lately seited 1 O'ooJ fur IL mi I ()tl Aiut! The individual who jut now enjoys considerable uotmiety uuder this apcllatiot. niut certamly be nearly scared to death.

His ignominious flight through lhiltiinoie was enough te put the damning bland of cow md lie ou his brow, but since then ho has it. The fact that be bus tor a snoulh ihiNt, bad tifly or sixty rude soldier quaitur id in the Kit! rmiM the finest parlor of thu Pies" lcut luuiiciou, at Washington, to protect an! 1MU.A collision between two express trains, oc-evidenee of jmsllaumily at which his owu inlnion curred ou Wednesday, teu miles below Teuncsee Viu-t crrtu.uly I'eel athkUied. 1 u.n irftv ill tiMjIlir r.llf. i iu our t.iwu and tlie pii.sperl is good lor iu Iv oi. Cataol It is already known i to oorJI thoaviof i reader that Lincoln bat quartered, icreral ands of bis mongrel Soldiery at Cairo, and that part of their business is to atop steamboats, passing; that point, overhauling their cargo, and stealing whatever they want.

They any they only take munitions of War, bnt we have no doubt they are just as Willing to steal one thing as another. Lincoln hm agents nt St. Louis, and, we reckon, at other points, who advise the military nt Cnlrd, of the character of the freight taken by every boat leafing the former port and If powder, arms, or anything of the Mad is amongst it, they are forceably taken from her, when the boat reaches Cairo. Last Friday, the steamer C. Ilillma.i, CapX Corbilt, when on her way from St.

Louis to Nashville, was intercepted, few miles above Cairo, by an armed steamer, and conveyed to that point, and forced to land thrre, and then robbed of a large quantity of powder and lead, that she had on board. Among ber freight tllus seized, was ten thousand dollars' worth of lead and powder, destined to this city, and a very much larger quantity for Nashville Of course the officers of the boat bad no other alj ternative than either to submit to the armed pirates or else blow all hands up, by firing the powder so they chose to knock nnder. We havo no comment suitable to this outrage that would look well in print. The ashes man with a leaky cart wasn't a circumstance to this case-Repentance may overtake these God-forsaken sin ners, some day, tchen thry are getting some more of cur pon der I Sfr Volcxteirs. Many of the young men who have Volunteered, in this hour of peril, to go forth and battle for the homes, the firesides, and the liberty of the South, are Clerks, who, in thus doing, sur render situations on which they have been dependant for their living.

They give them up, too, for the perils of war, and without the hope of any gain, save the glory they may win and in view of this, we whh to suggest to those, who have had these young men in their employment, that they shall let their salary go on, as heretofore, while, they are in the service of their country, as soldiers, and that whenever they employ other young men iu their place, it shall be with the understanding that it is to be given again to the gallnnt Volunteer, should he return to claim it, and have proved, worthy of it. Our merchants are able? to- do this, and we ho they will. If they cannot afford to continuo the full salary, allow half of it, any way (to such as deport themselves as good soldiers, we wean, of course.) We see that this has been done in New Orleaus the full salary continued, and the old situational' with increased pay, promised to the worthy, oa their release from service and we hope It wili be If done horc. Who will lead iu doing it? it HcAVV Travbl. Tho pasnger business of the Railroad from Memphis to Louisville is now very large.

The interfcrrence of Lincoln's minions at different points, but particularly at Cairo, with the steamboats, has diverted travel from the river to the railroad; and the route from Memphis via Clarksville being the shortest nnd quickest from all points South, is bound to absorb nearly nil the travel. One evening tjiis week the train from Memphis brought to this plnce 175 passengers, 124 of these through passengers. Mr. Cain and Mr. Murpbey are the Conductors ou our division of the Rond; and more efficient and aciximniodatinr' officers can't bo "Amr nn" mitwWn vicinity, have ehownstheiuselves among the very foremost to Volunteer for their native South.

On Wednesday morning a company of over sixty men, under command of Col. M. G. Guolson, came up to this city, nnd repaired to the encampment, nt the Fair-grounds, there -to await their call to the field. They are a body of fine soldiers, and, under their gallaut Captain, ill do valiieut service.

All ho or te the gnlluit men of the SoutU side I First or th Skasox. We received, on the 1st in-it, from our eUcemed lady-friend, Miss Lop, Chtlton, of this city, a bouquet of fine, large, nice Strawberrirt, iully matured, and luscious as the iips of Beauty. These nro tho first of the teason, we reckon. JM'8 Lou will pleaso accept our warmest ac. knowlcdgements of her courtesy to "the Local," with assurances of bis prayer that neither her gar den of strawberries, nor her garden of hopes, may ever know the blight of drought, or frost.

Thanks. We have received, dnring the past week, from different lady friends, several elegant bouquets, for 'which we beg to return thanks. It is especially gratifying to us to receive these little souvenirs of remembrance from our fair friends They lend cheerfulness to muny mi otherwise dull hour, and our hearts goes out in thankfulness for them on every of air that they perfume. Thank God that we live in aland of Women and Flowers. Fkhsokal.Wc regret vev much that we have been so situated, for the hut two weeks, as to pre vent our giving that attention to the military preparations now going on in our midst, as we wii-h we could and as we may be expected, from our official position, (as Lt.

Col.) te give. Our mociate is kept at home, by sickness in his family, and so bos one of our hands been, most of the time, and, this week, nnother is sick; so it lias required our attention to the office, all the tune, to keep things going. Our Adirf is in the cause of onr conntrv. anv Ulld wo be In the workl li J' j' Camp I.iFn. A regular military camp has been stabli.hed at the County Fairgrounds, some two miles fiom town, and it has, for two weeks (tost, been occupied by several companies of Volunteers.

There are, now, we reckon, between 400 uml 500 troojis there. The camp is named in compliment to ('apt. Forbes, who was the first man to repair with a company. Tho credit of raising the first company in Mo'itgomery county, we believe, 1 yulung to apt. ruibcs.

I 9 A I'lau! A l'tiu I We tdiuuld feel very proud to see the ot the Southern Confederacy Moating from tho tall lire-walls of the Chrnniete ojli but we can't sew oursrlve, worth talking about," aud nobody, who run, has "as fur as be'erd fiuui," sail alioul making a flag for u. We are looking out, though, every day to hour something like Will the Local of tho Chrouiele bo i goad as to accept the accompanying Flag whieh the ladies of So and so have pivpurcdl" and no loilh, uud to ou r.vcr, ly wbiih tlie cars were badly sumMied, but no one seriously hurt. The particulars we Could lint leain Vy li I'omcr In lint tlie fact i will account for the trains not connecting that even- iui and moiuiti'. Tfli NiKRTT-FtRflT. We bare elsewhere spoken the force nt Camp Forbes, but did not there mention Opt.

Bramcmt Company which is still In town. There are about 60 men in this Comply, and they bare offered themselves to the Govcrnor( we are told, for service In this State alone. The officers are as follows i F. S. Bbai-mokt let Lieutenant, Fount, McWhibtbb 2nd J.

Cbv'smah 3rd K. Withers. The othur officers, if elected Ure not known to us. Most of this Company are young men, who are capable of real hard service, and they are perfectin thejnselvcs in military tactics by daily drills, Tehi kminik Military. The military fever is epi demic in this community, beyond all question.

It has even reached woman, and infused itself into the peaceful walks of science! The young ladies of the Clarksville Female Academy, instead of submitting to be taken in arm, as they ought to doi have, in their patriotic ardor, taken up arms, and are now daily being instructed in the use of gun and pistol. Some of them, too, we are told, show a remarkable aptitude to learn, and are already "cracked shots;" and they all say that, If ClaTks-ville shall ever be invaded by an enemy, they will tun out, aud battle for its defense. Good! tfGT'The idea of neutrality on the part of the Border Slave States, in the present crisis, is unwor thy of the name and fame of their gallant people nor do we believe it ever has been, or ever ill be entertained by them. To stand by and sec the hordes of Northern abo litionists wage a war of subjugation upon our sis ter States, and lift no hand to help them 1 who, that bears the proud name of Tenncsseean, can contemplate it, and not feel his very heart go dry I Nol the t.n4 the cause, of the entire are one, and so must their struggles and their desti nv be I Dkatb op an Old Friend. We notice with unaffected sorrow an announcement in the Chattanoo ga Gazette, of the Death of Mr.

George W. He was a native of this county, and lived here till he nttained ts manhood. He chose the Law, as bis profession, and A few yean ago, located in Chattanooga, where he soon won a high social and pro fessional standing, by his gentlemanly and christian walk, and his cultivated talent. He has been cut off in the bloom of life, when earthly hopes were most alluring, but ho was not unprepared for the summons; for ho had "lived the life of the right eous," and bis "lost end was like his." Good! We have intelligence every day of the formation of new military companies in all parts of the county. At New Providence, Palmyra, Pea Ridge, Woodlawn, New Tork, Port Royal, Smith's Shop, Cabin Row, aud other points, companies have been formed ull made up of the best men in the neighborhoods.

Let the wot goon 1 If war must come, let ns go iu to make short work of it, by such lighting as the world never saw Rev. J. B. Duncan, pastor of tho Baptist Church in this city, and Captain of our military Home Guards, preached to the soldiers at Camp Forbes, lost Sunday-afternoon. Besides the military there was a large attendance of.civilians, ladies aud gentleman, from town.

Resigned. Our gallant young townsman, Moj. Jap. Wagqenkr, being anxious for active service has resigned his commission in our Militia, and joined Capt. Forbes' Company of Volunteers, and entered upon regular Camp lifo.

We are glad to learn that on joining the Company, he was honored with a Lieutenancy. It was a compliment well and worthily bestowed. The company are now ready for any emergency that may call them to the field, and we predict for them a full share of the glory that Teuuessecans will win. 1 Iatsn Citizens. Steve Brandon has raised a military company, composed entirely of Irishmen.

We believe there are about forty min, now iu the company, and they are as fine looking a body of men as we have, yet seen all large, stout, mus cular fellows, fit, and ready, for bard service. Last Saturday this company was presented, by Mrs. McCulloch, wife of Thos. McCulloch, of this city, with a beuutiful Confederacy flog, which wns received, in behalf of the company, by Capt. Bran don, in a neat and pertinent speech, Good Move.

Our merchants nil of them we believe now closo their stores at 4 o'clock in the afternoon in order to allow their clerks time for drilling with the respective Companies to which they belong. B6JT We are indebted to Mr. A. H. Jones, Express Agent at Louisville, for late papers, through Mr.

H. H. Poston, Agent at this place. Our thanks are due to both gentlemen for their kindness. PROCLAMATION.

To the Cvitstabln vf the several Civil Districts of Montgomery County The undorsigned, Colonels Cammandnnt of the 91st and 92d RefjiiOcnts Tennessee Militia, embraced iu said county, hnve as a preliminary step to organization, divided the said Regiments Into Companies, allotting one (Tom-puny to each civil distriotjrfnd whereas the laws of Tennessee provides for the election, by eacli company, of its proper Officers, Now Tu i reform. By the authority vested in us, we dp hereby notify and require the Constables of Montgomery county to open and hold, on Saturday the 11th day of May, in each civil district of said county, aa election, wherein all persons subject to Military duty (i. all men between the ages of 18 and 45 years) shall vote for one L'nptaiu, ouu Ut Lieutenant, one 2nd Lieutenant, one Cnsign, three Sergeants, aud three Corporals, to constitute the officers of the Company, in each civil district, as aforesaid; and of said elections, in the districts composing the respective Regiments, you will make rut urns to us, according to law, in other elections. Tho Constables aforesaid shall hold these elections at the usual places of voting, and appoint Judge and clerks as in other coses, and open the polls at il o'clock A. niul close them at 3 o'clock P.

M. F. S. BEAUMONT, Col. Com'dt, 91st Regiment.

1. II. SHELBY, Col. 92d Rcgimeut. April 2G, 1661 3L MARRIED.

In Paris, Illinois, fn the 22d of'April, by the Rev. Mr. Newell, Mr. A. F.

Smith: of thi city, to Miss luniikNE, daughter of O. W. Herring. On Wednesday last, at the residence of Mis. N.

Postou near this city, Mr. Johs G. Tuomion, to Miss Et-LA E. )Wo, of Keutucky. DIED, In this citv on the 20th after a otracted illness, Thompson II.

Baiiton, aed about S5 years. The deceased has been a resident of our city for i a number of years. He leaves a ife, three chil- dren, and many friends to mourn his loss. .1 1 1 1. lli.m in l.raia v.

I r'j urn. meut. Mar they look lo the Cod of Heaven alnne for ciiisolatlnii. Ii3U Mr. O.

C. r.lieA, editor and proprietor of tU Rnssellrille Herald wet in our town yoatcrday. Tbe Terr llcut I So Doubt Of It! WHAT! Why, ncimstreet's Inimitable Hair Restorative Evrryboriy who drs it recommends it. Price 5t) cents and (1.00 per buttle. Sold ercry- Tr W.

K. IIAGAX CO, Proprietors, Troy, New See advertisement. April 186l-3m. The siibscribers are prepared to BnnpW the' citi- xen? of Clarksville and others with any quantity of Lake Ice, they may want nntii cold weather. next tall.

We wi.l commence delivering on Thursday mcrning from the Ice House from 6 to i o'clock nntil further notice. We have prepared, and for sale, Ice Tickets of 10, IB and 21 vx value; which can bo bought at nomas et Bro or (J. A. Roth ill-quantities from one to fifty dollars worth, and the quantity of Ice wanted1 can be designated by the amount sent in tickets. We are determined to sell Ice exclusively for CASH1, consequently we have prepared the Tickets.

So there can be no trouble as to quantity and change. THOMAS ROTH. fivWe will also deliver at Thomas store during the day, until further notice. April 5, 1861. FRESHDRUGS 1861 We.

are in receipt of Fresh Drugs, Medicines, Just opened and for sale, cheap for cash, at prices to suit the times. THOMAS BRO, Publio Square. Fancy Goods, Such as Perfumery of the choicest kinds Son, Toilet, Shaving and Erosive Marbles, a large variety Balls, Gum Rings, Gum Bands. THOMAS 4 BRO. Pomades for the Hair, Of home manufacture, a favorite article; Hair Oils, imported Skin Powders; Fine Combs, Pressing do; Hair Pins, stdel and gum clastic; Hair Brushes; Powder; Snuffs; Rouge; Pink Saucers; Tooih Brushes; Tooth Powders; Tooth Soap; Tooth Paste, 4c, cheap fur cash.

THOMAS 4 BRO. White Lead and Linseed Snt. Turpentine; Putty; Window Glass; Paint; liilcwnsh Brushes, and Pointers Materials of great variety cheap for cash. THOMAS 4 BRO. Books! School and Miscellaneous Stationery Envelopes; stent fens; Oold Pens; India Rubber Pencils; Pa.

per, c. all cheaper than ever before sold by us. THOMAS 4 BRO. Late Gardening. We are prepared to lurnish Garden Seed to those who have not yet commenced.

Pens and Corn by tbe gallon, quart, and pint cheap for cash. THOMAS 4 BRO. March 22d, 1861-tf. Attractions to suit the Times. 815,000 Worth of DRY-GOODS, AT COST, FOR CASH! TO CLOSE BUSINESS.

Embracing Prints, brown Domestics, heavy Cot-tnnadca, plain nnd striped Osnaburgs, bleached Muslins, Irish Linens, Table Linens, Fancy Muslins, Ilereges, Ducals, Poplins, Fancy Silks, etc, together with a variety of other articles too numerous to mention; to an examination of which we invite the trading community. We would especially ask attention to our large stock of elcpaut Embroideries, which we are selling at unprecedented low prices. Respectfully, SKAT, McWHIRTER CO. April 6, 1861. COAL! COAL! COAL! THE Subscriber having secured the sole and ex elusive Agency for the sale of the celebrated BELL COAL, begs, leave to solicit the patronage of the citizens of Clarksville and vicinity, pledging himself to furnish a pure article of Coal, and of the kind above mentioned ut a reasonable price for Cush.

Pittsburg Coal, He has just received a large supply of Pittsburg Coal, of a superior quality, tte same as that used by the Gas works In this citv. WOOD. A large supply of seasoned wood on hand. LUMBER. Ha is the uuthorixN ngent of Messrs.

Gill Kin for the snle of their Lumber. A full assortment of which he has now on hand. Orders for lumber solicited. Cedar Posts, Clapboards and every article in the building line may bo found nt li Is Yard. All of the above articles sold at greatly reduced priens.

Terms, cash. Yard and olliee Commerce street, opposite Whitfield, Bradley Foundry. PETER F. LAWS. Agent for the sale of Bell's Coal.

April 12, 861 STIRRING TIMES Owing to the unsettled state of tha country we have determined to adopt the CABH SYS IU We nsk onr customers to call and examine OUR GOODS AND PRICES befiire buying elsewhere Our goods were bought late in the scasno, and at And as the North and the South are about to Square Accounts with a Fight! And we have no any Idea that we will fever par for these goods, therefore, we ran, of course, tell at Less than Cost! Mna to our very rrucmar menus win give mem away. i .1 1 an iiuuiruoiu'iT. i Jl aiwwtmt WAOOENER BRIENi I LI KB GE! PI PIE Plarksvillr, April CI ly 18 C5 li March 22nd Now receiving and opening at RICE aiOORE'S, 'o. 8, Franklin Street, Clarksvilky Tennessee, A large airf Attractive itock of New Spring and Summer' Comprising besides the latest styles of every description of DRESS GOODS. WRAPPINGS, LACES AND EMBROIDERIES, iltillmcrj) (5oobs, A complete stork of STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Hats.

Capetings, Oil Cloths, And Home Furnishing Goods, generally. All of which we offer for sale on terms that cannot fail to giVe satisfaction to any who may feel disposed to give our goods and prices a trial this season. Come and see us, one and all 1 We charge nothing for showing, and we do not hesitate tosuv that WE CAN AND WILL Save You Some Money, IF YOU BUY FROM US. TO CASH CUSTOMERS! Remember, "times are hard," and if you desire your niouey to go "a long ways," in making your Spring purchases, don't forget to call and see us, at A'O. 8 1 FRA XK I.

IX STREJST. try respectfully, Your obe't servants, RICH MOORE. Marc 21, 1861. CHANGE OF TIME! pn and after the 1st January, 1861, we shall sell our stock of DRY GOODS to prompt time dealers only on SIX MO NT HS TIME! All accounts due 1st July and 1st January of each year. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT FOR CASH! on all goods except Cotton Osnaburgs -AND- HEAVY BROWN MUSLINS, Which will he tohl ubout Git, Exclusively for Cash! Hoping this change may meet the approbation of our friends, Very respecttullv, J.

E. R. S. BROADDCS. Clarksville, Dec.

20th, 18fi0-lf. ARE Y0.U READY? Our accounts for last year are ready, And we need the money VERY MUCH. Please call immediately, if not sooner, And oblige, J. E. R.


The nhsvribers take pleasure in announcing tcJ the citizens of the United States that they have obtained the Agency for, and nre now euublod to offer to tbe American public, the above justly celebrated and world-renowned article. The Stimulating Ongucnt is prejiarcd by Dr. C. P. Hellinham, an eminent physician of London, and is warranted to bring out a thick set of Whiskers or a Mustache in from three to six weeks.

This article i the only one of the kind used by the French, and London and Paris il is in universal use. It is a economical, toothing, yet stimulating comonnd, acting as if by magic upon the roots, causing a beautiful growth of luxuriant hair. If applied to the els It will cure baldness, and e.nie to spring up iu place of the bald solt a Rue growth of new hair. Applied according to directions, It will turn Kku or ioy hair uaiik, and restore gray hair Ui its orimul color, leaving it soft, smouUi, iiiul llexiMj. 'J he OxiirssT is indispensable nrtiile in e-'tiy pciiilemHn's toilet, aud after one week use they would not for any consideration be without iu The subscribers are the only Agent for the article iu the United Slates, to whom all orders must be addressed.

Price One Dollar a Ikjx for sale by all Druggists and Dealers; or a box of the "Unguent" (warrant- ea toiisY. ipeurrirwi who it, by mall (direct), securely packed, on reo- ipt of prbe and postage 11.18. Apply to or jddre. IIORACt L. HM.fcMA.N I 14 William Street, New York.

March 6, 18CI tm. Jr- Blank of every nratly printed nd t.iiv nt tha I htomcle olbre. LATEST ARRIVAL 0 F- NEW GOODS, AT MACRAE COULTER'S We have just received our stork of Spring and Summer Goods, Which we hare selected with much rni and bought on the wiost favorable terms. piVrstock will be very lull and complete, embracing acr styis uress woods, Calicoes, Lawns. flESE GOODS ARE HEAD If 'U and will be sold tl 32 A.


Osnaburgs and Heavy Blown Domestics sold only for CASH. -We ask the special attention of Planters to our stock of Staple Goods. t2 cali, and se rs AT OUR NEW -H Between the Market House and our old stand. Verv Respeetfnllv. MACRAE COULTER, I'ranklin Street.

March 15, 1861-tf. PICTURE 1ALLERY! WE are prepared to execute work in every ktyle of I'llOtOSl at prices ns low as is done anywhere in the country. Our stock of FRAMES AND CASES aro of the latest and neatet patterns. Give us a call and examine our specimens whether yon wish work done or not. McCORMAC COM- Practical Photographers, Rooms, West side Public Square.

Clarksville, March 15, '61-ly II. 1. ACREE, DENTIST, Ojfie at my residence on Franklin Street, formrr 4 residence of C. M. lliter.

CLARKSVILLE, TENS, gti 1 Where I am prepared to perform all belonging to Dentistry, with ncatneaa and dispatch. Teeth inserted from one to an entire set, upon the most approved olau. As 1 make my own (fold plate, I can assure my patrons that they will have the best quality of platu used, rcrsons having unsatisinotory pmie work are requested to give me a tall. eue.rnntied. Office hours 7 to 12 A.

M. 6 P. M. March 2, 1860-tf "M'CAULEY BELL, Have just received their stock of FRESH GARDEN SEEDS, consisting of all the different varieties in papers. 'We also have on band a lot of Bulk Seeds which we will sell by the ounce or pound, together with Extra Early Peas, Red Valentine Snap Beans, Marrowfat Peas and Cornfield Beans, For rale by fie bushel; perk, gallon or quart, to which we would respectfully call the attention of families and market gardener.

intend to sell them out Cheap for Cash. Give a a call. M'CAULEY BELL. BIRD SEEDS. Canary and Hemp Seeds, also mixed Bird Seeds in papers, received and for sale tv McCAULEY BELL.

Jan. 4, 1861-tf. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GO OPS! C. B. Rountree Are receiving their Spring and Summer Stock of Boots and Shoes, which they otfer to the Trade on the nr.ost rcasonslde rerms.

They have biuifht these Goods at verv low prices, and wiil sell them low on their usual time, and a little lower for ra'b. We Invite all classes nnd conditions of mankind to examine our stoc and nr promise to use our best endeavors to nleaso all in mice and aualitv. The ladies w.U find an elcirant sUir'k (or their wear, and Dock will sell llieiu, for Uso nrcom modating. When Pock fails all must know Taiib holds out for a dollar or Conntry Merchant nre requested lo give us a cull, and they will save money and lime by buying of us as we are fully prepared to do jobbing hnineunn as reasonable terms as any oilier house in the rutb. Farmers will at all times find our stock cumplcte and very cheap.

Cash customers can't pel awny 1 bout buying, forensh takes them little lower than ere lit. Very re'peetlullv, C. B. KOOVrilEI CO. Harksvlllc, March 22, 'til -tf.

Look To Your Interest V--j Having purchased tho eutiro interest of i. Jno. W. Wriirbl In firm of lloneh 1 Wright, I fhall continue the business at their Old Stand, where I am prepared to arcotniuud.iie my old customers, and the rest of the riding public, with Good Saddle or Harness Horses and Buggies, and where I am nt all limes ready, willing and to receive all moneys due the old concern liy account or otherwise, from those to whom it may be convenient to rail a pay, having made arrangements with Messrs. Retui and DufT.

well known as clever gentlemen, to call ou all whose eonrenience vitl mil permit them to call nnd mv up, aud ho will enter soon upon the discharge of thi duty. All accounts against the mi of lioni Wright must lie presented lo me. WINFIEt.D ROACH. Mnrch 20, IflCfl Irn. Sheriff's Sale of Land.

I will sell ui lie nth day of May, IbKI, lo the i. i i.iiij.. hi i i i i .1..... lf lno dtjr 0 riBr.sville, ull (he intenwt in 0(. 1hiJ OM WlJcr h(U -Tlie tfncl ned by Jol.u II.

Crowdtr, decease. Isud I liw i Monigomety c.uutv. District No. 4, funded liy th lands ot Overton, D. II, Duii'-an, nud uih- era, to mi isty net ut ton iu my bsnU in lavor of Jo.

M. Joiic. id f'mwder. Sale with in lawlul hours. s.

r. UA.MF.Y, Si vj. April (4 pr Clud News for the Unfortunate the toxo soctnir ro DlSCOVEIU.i AT liAE: 1 CHEROKEE REMI'l 7 i An unfailing Sxeifir for nit IK'ttt of tbn I'nnrry Organs, and a O'enerul AUtratwt aud Mood l'v- THis'-RRMFDY" CUREf WHEN ALL 01 1' Lit PUKPABTATIONS KAIL. ft entirely unlike every ther Medicin pio-KCilbed for Ventral lifut, it eontiiiiis uo Viu-xrnl Poison or Nanwxiin lrug beinif piraiml lixnv Hoots, rUnt. nd I.KikVss, in the tnrm of a pleasant and delirious Pyrnp.

It is own remedy." fie Gunorrhnut, (Clap,) O'eet. Gravel, Strict me. and is tvconimmried for iir Alln. bin iu female) fur this vmuplaint it is invaluable. As a general alterative end purifier.

it ba no equal, nnd does not fail to euroVvrnfuhi, Secondary Syphilis. Glandular Swelling. Mercurial end all Eruptive Diseases, curing them more siee il! nnd iwrmuncntlT than any other medicine known. rt l'T purifying and elennsitijt the blood I Cnusine it to flow in nil its original purity nnd vijj- or, Ihns removing Irani the system nil iwpnre and pernicious ennses which hare induced disrnsea. la all old ensea of Gonorrhoea and that have bndled all medical skill, it lse.ipecl.illv recommended in old cases it never fails, and rocrut mice it cures lioiu one to three days.

A few does positively remove all scaldiwi heat, chordea and psin. Il does not effect the breatll, or interfere witb any class of business. It requires no assistance from other medicine. Uran lay on the Toilet-table, or in the Connting Room, without its ever being sospected as a remedy fcr private ditrases. A Treatise on Venereal Diseases, with full directions for their permanent cure, accompany tauh bottle.

For full particulars get a Circular free from any Drug store in the United States. HP5U. It Is fold at Retail for no per Bottle, or Bottles for 5 00, by all responsible Drnmista and Dealers in Medicines, throughout the United States, and at wholesale by all Wholesale Druggists. POTTER MER WIN, Sole Propt s. St.

ljuis, Mo. ftyguSold In Clarksville, by Thonia3 Brother, W. Vance, and McCnuley Bell, and all Druggists everywhere. Berry Dtmovillo, Ewiug Pendleton, Nashville, wholesale Agents. November 3, 1860 ly.

QLARK FULLER'S AMBROSIAL OIL Clarke, Gregory SOLE PROPRIETORS. GURKR Hendaehe, Earache, Toothache, In three minute Rheumatism, Coughs, Neuralgia, Colds, Erysipelas Bronchitis, Dyspepsia, Colie.Cramps, inflamed Vyt Phrnnir Soro Eyes, Sore Throat, Outs. Hums, Bruises, Sprains, Chapped Hands. Piles, Ulcers, Diarrhea Bunions, Corns, Frosted Feet, Deafness, Old Sores, Sore Breast, Sore Niptiles, Senld-IIead, ringworm, ruscetV ff.OM All worklTctier, Snake Ditea. Spider llitcs, Dog Bites, and a to Bites.

The world is challenged for its equnl Scalds and Burns. It cures Scratches on borsi -Soro Eyes on horses, Sprain, Swiuncy, Poll Evil, Fistula, saddle ahd harness galls, ireh tvoumts or Swellings, aud is the best known remedy to apply to tender-footed horses twin foundertake up tue feet and bathe well about the frog of the-foot. Cure ull ctttantotw diseases on man and No ouo can cure all diseases, but we ran show more real proof of the virtue of Amhosiai Oiu, in it healing properties, from responsible men, who are ahove being bought, than can be produced for niiy other medicine. We do nntaswt acure for every malady to hl. tho human family nre subject, butwhutw proclaim we ran substantiate by living wituesres.

The AMBROSIAL OIL is a Nashville preparation and sold throughout the South and Southwest by all good druggists and geueral deidurs. The South may be justly proud that Dr. Chirk, a native Ten-nesseean, afier much labor and research, has produ-cen a really worthy mcdiciue, which is bound to drive out much of tho worthless Imported tiash with which the country Is flooded. Please call at our office, where we will take pics-sure in showing letters and testimonials too numerous to put forth in te form of an advertisement--, some of which come from Physicians hi hijih standing, who nre using it in their practice, Re they state, with ninrvelous eUTccts. We challenge the world to produce a remedy so jieedy and effectual in its heapng properties.

nit Read the evidence of the virtue of Clark Fuller Ambrosial Oil, evidutrce so niitltenlio, from persons whose word and standing are irreproachable. Rend and be rmiviitocd. CLARK, (iREOOHV 4: CO, Sole Proprietors, Nashville, Tron. Sold by McCaLlky a Bkll, Thomas a od O. Vakcb, Clarksville, Jan.

11, lo61-ly. TDR CKEVT ENGLISH IJF'iIEUY, SIR JAMES CLARICE Celebrated Female Pills, Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. Clark, M. Phytifian Fxtraurihmrry to th tyieen. This invaluable medicine.

is unfailing iu ihe coin) of all those pniuful aud dangerous diseases lo y. hieh the female constitution is snbje' t. Il moderates nil rxccs8cs aud rewovMi ell utrtruet'anr, aud a' speedy cur may relied on. To Miiuiici) it Is peculiarly suited, lt will, In a short lima, bring ou the monlbly period with reilnrity. Each bottle, price Doe Dollar.

I the Government Stump of Great Britan, to pieveut vouuterfelta, A IT J' I These Pills rl.ttil'l not he Ain hg femahs d'tring the FIRS'I lllRF.B )10STltSf jy-gvanry, ihti tare to brmg on Mi'rarrUig, Lut at ami vthrr line (Am art eaft. In allcaws of Nervous and Ifwtioai, Pain in the Buck and Limbs, Fatigue on Alight a-crtinn, Palpitation of ihe Heart, Hysteric and Whites, theio Pills will vfl'eet curv hen all other means have lulled; and altlntiili powerful ifine-dy, do uot contaiu iron, calomel, antimony, or any thing hurtful to the ronsiitliiiou. Full directions iu ihe pamphlet aniuiid ea'h pnnk-age, which sbotilil be cnrcf'iliy pi'wved. Hole Agent for the 1." titled Mnte ami t'rada, MdSrX, ltihetr, N. Y.

II. $1 00 and potsge M.iuii to any authorized Agent, will insure a bottle, containing fiO Pill, by return mail. Sold in by VV. O. Vane, Mo t'aiiley and Bell, and TliotiuM llmther.

Ilerry Deuioville, Nashville, Teuii holonle Auiib November lwfli-ly. i CLEANSHAVEN sank Ai.wrt.1.. Rruitfcs Fsdivi. ALWKI.Ii KI.DHH. tSmtceoors to (ieoige Hart.) Having purchased of him hi entire iti, in his known bmbt rs Ou Straw ny Al- ley, will eoonnne tne iuisiiiu ant our ivst to ll hi my favor iheir jatrkCg.

1 "Ur oo i tvtut, AI.WCLL fci.OLll. U'li ly..

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