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The Holt County Sentinel from Oregon, Missouri • Page 2

Oregon, Missouri
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

pott ffiotmtn Sentinel Oregon, riHotirl. FRIDAY MORNING, XOVKMIIKR 18C5. Mexico. Affairs in Mexico aro very much mixed, and of tho final result wo can draw no safe conclusion. Until very rccontly, our ndviccs havo indicated tho entire overthrow of the Liberals and the permanent and almost poaccablc establishment of tho monarchical authority Tho Republicans had bcon reduced to small bands, anJ wero much scattered, only able to carry on a feeble guerilla warfare.

Their commander, Juarez, had fled tho country. Tho scigo of MatamoraB seemed only a farce. With this situation of affairs, and tho fact that our government still maintained o. neutral position, tho friends of tho Liberal causo could indulge in hopes of success but little longer. Late advices aro of a charactor somewhat more encouraging.

Though it docs not seem that tho Liberal forced have been augmented, it appears that the Imperialists have, in tho lato successes, gained no substantial advantages. Tho evacuation of Mexico by tho French, in certain evonts, is men tioned as probable, and hopes of somo decided action upon tho part of cur government are outertalned. In tho appointment of Gen. Lcqah, who is known to be an active advocate of the Monroe doctrine, as Minister plenipotentiary, accredited to the He publio Mexico, wo havo grounds for expecting a moro octivo policy in Mex ican affairs. Tho signs of the times, to tho adherents of tho Monroo policy, are very gratifying.

Wo may hopo that the futuro will unfold to us events equally as gratifying in their nature and not tho disappointment which re suits from a misplaced confideco in the sensation rumors of tho times. Jeff Davis. Nothing positivo relativo to tho disposition of tho great rebel leader has boon received. Tho Government, like most largo bodies moves slowly. For a long time it was thought ho would bo tried at Washington by military commission immediately after tho disposition of But Wntz disposed of, nothing further transpires.

All sorts of speculations aro indulged in. By some it is thought he will not bo brought to ttiul at all, but will bo banished, and by others that his release without trial is onlv a matter of timo. Tho following by tho Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, wo submit as advancing somo interesting facts con ncctod with the trial somo very soptont newspapers aro giving out that tho trial of Jefferson Davis is to take placo very soon, before tho bupremo court or tho United otatcs Now, if these news-mongers would take so much trouble as to refer to tho Con Btitution of tho United States, they would seo that tho Supremo Court has no original jurisdiction, and cannot pos siblv trv Jeff. Davis, unless on an an peal from somo other and inferior court ot tho United states, ilo must do tried by jury, and in tho Stato whore the treason was committed. There is no doubt that tho Administration havo ful ly determined that this trial shall take place.

Tho only points hcretoforo un settled have been too timo when, aud tho placo where. Richmond, Alcxan dria, or Norwalk, as the places whero United States District Courts have been held for tho district of Virginia, afford a choico of venue, but it is doubtfu THE NEWS. John S. Vooiuikers, ono of tho old est Law book publishers in this coun try, died in Brooklyn on Sunday. fc The Ordnance Department has de termined to rebuild tho national armory at Harper's Ferry.

Work has already commenced. Ghn. Sanborn, has been appointed by the President agent to liarmonizo frccdmcn, made free in tho Choctaw and Clicrokco nations by a recent treaty. It is intimated that President John son will i3iiio a proclamation prior to lis messngo, defining moro definitely the policy to bo pursued relative to tho reconstruction of Southern States. A joint stock company, with a capi tal of a quarter of a million of dollars, has been formed in Whoeling, for Proclamation of Thanksgiving.

Tho coming month will close a year tncmorablo in thn annals of our country, and full of rich blessings, for wo should appropriately acknowledge our indebtedness to tho providonco of Uod. Tho nation has triumphed in a struE glo for its existence Tho oppressoi scenes of peace havo succeeded tho hor- S- cret. I 'lift Fnllnwtnir nnrannn viort Frocoodinga of a Mass Hooting in Lawronoo County. Tho following wo find in tho Missouri Democrat: According to previous notico, tbcltad- lcal Union men of Lawrenco county met in tho Court Houso Fifty Thousand Sneaks. I War Botweon Spain Md OhiUjAto The War Department has ordered all KS.

procoodinga pending against persons panomfc advlces t0 Oct. 81st state who have deserted, and who fled from War baa, been declared between Spain the country to evade tho draft, to bo diB- tnd chili tnd alj the portl ot the latter "opp Saturday 21st instant Thn hillnrl Woods being called to tho Ch rors ot civil war, ana whiio wo mourn over our dead heroes, tho living ones aro returned to us. Abundant harvests havo crowned the husbandman's labors tho privileges of education and the benign influences of Ulmstianity havo been continued wo havo been exempt from mortal plagues; Mom continuod' This order will bo tho aietns declare(i bj Admiral Pazzi, commander JohnB of t0 the United States thou- of tho aniah 8qUftdron, blockaded 1 sands of persons who emigrated to Can- rfi.h. Hmi heinir nllowed ada and other places during the rebel- for vca8eis then in tho porta to clear, lion. A low cstimato of tho cowards flnno-rMs has authorised a u.

u- uv rro--- i- and (Him ini innm Aa a AHan i i iia i Jiuu luiiuniuu iJuiouiiD nviu uovu tn s.M..u t. -n .1 a committee to "draft resolutions exprea- 7 honsand These 0ftn 0 aivo of tho wishes of tho meetinc J. thousand. ariose wjth unlimited power to Taise nu n.u n' Po? oro oen. n0 t0 troons.

nrocure sWosfteV The' vdipW i jn nJ no higher walks In society, as they wero 5n nuti DrotMt emnhatio-rus Poag, J. H. Woods and Carey Bou-1, tcrm th lr sof I. John M. Filler beiniloudlvcal- maiWitb ua rr.

nmn torrA and dArmiA thn T' means of cruisers. The panto occasion- meetini in a "brief but thorouBhlv radi- P- a by the sudden rupture Is unpreceden- mecting in a oner out inorougniy ram than jj. ams defcnB0. nn anrniph An Ihrt mtparinn nf thn riav. I I vuu mcrco wo aro at peace with all the r- -Q- Cal ea Bnny-r u'T ted.

The EngTjsh line of Mmtw world, and tho future -is no less wpletp uon again grace tho gatherings bBtwoon Panama and Valparaiso resolve with promises as the present is with that assemble the parlors of tho shod- 'irefcEL ior south oi Bolivia. tne mors will be receiv- toms ot our forefathers, i hereby dosig- Bna army, to do cauea tho national fld at by" Mlikgunboit I I nnn orvnntr 1n 5 m.o mn.t-. Is" COnVOVed alOPK thO Uhlllin COOSt. tho purpose or entering into tne TIIURSDAY, THE SEVENTH DAY UtntlXxtU this army of coward- Th'e 8oop.of-war 'St. 6.Uva.,....b ui.

xuA4Mv, counlrv. bftV con. Mary was yaiparaiso. umucmou A Washineton dispatch of tho 15th to bo observed in tho Stato of Missouri rumfnii a reat nrien which hnuirht 8 arisins among the revolutionists in afno 'Plin nnnnSlifmnnt nf Ofn.T.nOAK aS a Ua HT' IUU as mmisicr iuu, Bwuuu tho peoplc abfllldon for tho JUAREZ, or liberal government, usuai vocations. and.

Jbscrvcd in the State of Missouri trlbutod t0 tho grcat price which bought SoMands of brave sons pjtho fanner Lftmong imomMin ay of public thanksgiving and dc- for our Nation tho victory in tho late and laborer rho a prospect of all parties lJJSSt 7" nlnBt bur ZAiA Ending together to assist Chill. LZi Vm -amhiin; in porsccuiions receivoa mo amid tho thunders the emoko, and avocations, and. assembling in nr vinia thn liinnrl nnd vm was determined at tho Cabinet meetine, thnir lacc9 of worshln CnrnPo in such riiMriT' "ja "i.T na8 or Dattie, carried tno nag or r' I ul vjfui iitciiu3 uuu iciuiiiko, uj duuvi -i conn try to victorv Tho yesterday l'. M. Sfca JlfcS inS nnd u8t torture In rebel pris- gttaDf 80n8 wUJw in car their names of these II.

I ill 2- I a I ooiio win iiyo iu luo uiuuiurv. ui 001,. A. JJcwmak, of tho united VL vVv eratoful people, when that of the re States Corps of Engineers, died at bto sneaks willbeforg, residenco in Williamsburg, on tho ttnj rendCr thanks and praise, lot us not tHra Bhedbv our soldiers' disconsolate Vl lit i. llo superintended tno ouiiainff or toreet to snaro our aounuanco wun tne l)n thirifnr ho T.t.

.4 4 1 i. A inw nn i nrnnnn. nn i in wiiii iiitnrn i 7. mmhm(i i rort ouunucr. uuu iu mu uuiu ui uia iiesuiveu xow xuat nu inr riUnfitrhPA thin mnrnincf convfiv I Ha or Am furl a hm nnhnn'a oaL'n I ml death was President of Engineers v.

against any policy ot tuo riauon, or or intelligence that Hon. Preston King, of in vesiiraony wucrooi j. uuvo hciu- ino CStaie, wnicn iossb me iruus or unri Now Ynrk nhn hart for mmn tim mn. i 1 1 1 4 t. .1 .1 Ll.l.

I uniu uei my unuu, unu cuuucu iu uU mcroor, oi mo viuiurj lor wuiuu uur viouslv been sunering from mental de amxed tho Ureat beat ot the Htate, army fought; and that if tho services pression, committed Buicide Monday ui iuu vjuy ui ucuciDuii, iuio imeuiuu our uuuurauiu buiuicro, uu ukuh i morninir. bv iumuins overboard from uojr ui unimuti ui) iuuu, aim etcuueu ui miunu unujf i.u vuiiuinavui iiouoKen terry, nir. lving, wno tho Independence of the Stato tho rebel favor, then have they spilled their hasenjoyodno little prominence in party GREAT EXCITEMENT Among the Ladies of Holt Cot! 6RAND RUSH! chatged with remodeling coaBt fortifica- Hone. The Now York Herald saya the Court of Appeals of that State has de cided that shares in national banks arc taxable by Stato authority, although FOR TJJE forty-fourth. T.

U. J'LUTUUUll. By tho Governor. WILCOX Ac GIBBS I'. SILENT SEWING MACHINE tho capital js invested in government bonds.

Tho question will now go to U'RANCis KODMan, beo'ty of State. Tho Supremo Court of tho United stray Law. States for final decision. We publish, horowith, an blood partly in vain, and tho demands nolitics. was born in or nenrOedens" of loyalty, justice and merit, remain un- Stf Lawrenco oounty, New York.

reauited. Tin 2d. That pardoning mercy toward udorflcd tho of law, which he IT 18 A0KTSMDAcaiNK TBE reoei icauera is uruBiiy iu uvtrv uiuuii nraet nprt with fionsiderAb In Ruceess unti soldier, disrespect to tho noble service wjthjn few year8 paBt wben be reti. "World UUI I irAfi nUAfAha mtm (ha hat 1-1 vaQ a I I ho has rendered, and an Insult to our A nnn.i... I rt I I WLVKVUIOI 11UUI The Jamaica rebellion seems to havo from tno stray ijaw or tnia state, ror beloved women who havo been made member of tho New York been finally subdued.

Tho barbarities the benefit of thoso concerned. The widows by tho treason of tho very ones Stato Assembly from 1835 to 1838. committed bv tho insurcents. of which timo for posting extends from tho first h'ho are being pardoned. From 1818 to 1847 he was a momber nrn fnn hAnrf.Diol-pnini, of Novcmhcr until the first of Anril ou.

xnat it is unjust anu uniair to of lhe lfmor houso of Congress, and mJ- s.5 rk excc.ut0. punishment on our soldiers and from 1849 t0 1853. He wa8 the ig rciaiu. luuiouua mo uuug unu uuw jmwvo iuuiuiu nuum nVfti zr.ns for trivial ottence9. nhl f.

by court martial. A largo number posted shall give i to the taker up a writ- wilful and commissioned rebels are re- state of Now York in 1855, when the ms already been tried and executed. 0 .17. A Pnrdon'. Bnd, even positions of party flrat a88nmed a distinct organiza AN awful tragedy occurred on tho 1st Lnd if bo valued at fifteernnTn' nf rnhfi, AS.

"6'0. at Caledonia. Racine countv. or morn, tho hikor nn shall, in "A icauera uoca uo( "uiuku trcnauu uuiuuo, anncoed Hamilton 4h. which omce he Wis.

A boy, named John Stiteskt, addition to sotting up notices, as before di8honor8 the blood of our three hun- Em I tbo ration of his term. March shot both of his parents, and after- 7. drod thousand slain, panaers to tno win ith. Ib68. Since Mr.

Johnson's acces i in iiii mi Miiuimii in nm ti 01 xr a nnnnp nil 11- 1 mm 1 1 1 TT 1 I ww.w,iinwv iimvuiu iivUDUUiin aF ha nahrtf I Vltflfl inOlllflPn 1 Wn rn a 1 lisncu in tno countv, it tnero bo one, nvnaonnfinn np -rrr'i partially insane. Tho parents, though for at lea8t threo cVSeCutiv0 weeks. and do not ru ee the exnlcta- iltlZ not dead, It was thought could not re- Sbo. taker up shall, imme- tions of tho loyal party which triumphed i nn ffirf Ron 7h in diatoly after tho appraisemont, causo a in tho Presidential election otherwiso 1 I I A. 1,11 Gen.

Lonostreet, upon recently 'r lu, ou BJ luri" BI. luu ncartuy endorse tno course or rresi applying for pardon, was informed by 'hQ Bt ia hic contftin It is Fatt Superceding all Others Wherever it is Introduced. THE following nr a few of Its principal ad-vautages oTor other machines, nndar aomo of the reasons ts great popularity Ti Is entirely moiskleis tn operation. It nerer gets out ot obdxb. and will not riin BACKWARD.

The blado of the needle is less than i at an Inch long, and It cannot ho skt wbokq. The IUmuxbs, Ixllkb ok BnAlDEn cannot be sct wbono. A blind person oan set either of them or the needle. It runs faster and easier than any other, and cover. tho President that as ho belonged to a COpy of tho old army bo would consider his par- stray-book don at a proper timo.

Only threo or ii.i. four who wero educated at Vcst Point rpu. p.psi.ipnf thn f.dinwinfr It taken the thread from the snool without rewinding, and it is the only machine which maks tne "TwisrKD loop stitch Thn hem and fell Is alw its turned cxntn. an It should be, rhnwing the right side of the atltoh on the right Hide of the work, and tho hem may be of any width without banting. nwuiuo perfect wor on any goodr, from Hnn flrtop.

Thn nrnmUns for the fith. Thnt wo most carnestlv insist tv I .1 I Ul'L, WUU IU UUIItl I .6 ItllbUt MWU. tno ontry on tno justico that nono have a voicoin thereconstruc- hoes weiffhini? 200 nnd tion of tho Southern States except thoso upwards, ready for saTo, and so fat that reilto the hoariest bearer cloth. wno nave oeon truiy loyai aunng tno cant waik. We seo no reason why war tor tno union.

nnrk shoulil not bo tolnrivhlv nlentv this m. -kv 1 r. 1 have been pardoned, and they were not towram rom Gov. MAav FIorida nTS '2. "iWJ" claim ffST i 1 at.

1 f. I Constitution of Missouri and Gov. are heavier and better preserved than Call aud examine this beautiful uu uw vm luicuur tur bis uoiorioiuatiun to euiurcei fnr nnvirnl vnnrs. Therft in na vat nn out. Tho Convention has nnnullcd tho or- it.

his untirincr cnerzv in behalf of the I Gov. Hahn. of Louisiana, renrescnts dinanco of secession, abolished slavery railroad interests of tho Stato. educa- uwvriug JUttuiurj, tho reconstructed rebels of that Stato as declared that all the inhabitants of tion, immigration, agriculturo and man- The weather is still too warm for pack 1..41.. tne otal0 witnout aistinction ot color, ufactures.

inir hut tho hoc? cron will bo verv accent Tin 7oZn 3 Tnd re es bli hed 8r T0 8hal be in 7th That miDi8ter8' who bccome to the people, as butter, 'lard and met in cnnvontion and rO'CSiauusnea nnmnatanf in in.i!rr 1 1. 1 1 1 ivumj b. iu aujr I muir own vuiuuiary ati, ngouio oi war, 1 grease are Bcarcer slavery Dy rormai enactment, urco court in 1 any matter wnorein a coioreu rebellion, robbery and murdor, shall not fa tho Grand River regibn, since Sir nogrocs wero shot, within a month, by person is concernea. 11 nas repudiated bo relieved from taking tho oath, and Time began to oil the machinery of his returned rebel soldiers, at Alexandria, tho State debt contracted in support of that we aro opposed to any new amend- rumbling old "steam engine." Buyers, Ono of the civil courts lately sentenced tho rebellion, amended tho Constitution ment ofthc New Constitution for the are offering 4, 10, and Iven 12 1-2 wno oi me oivii oouria hum we otber reapecta and adiourncd. benefit of rebols ar rcboj sympathizers.

Bl0Ss per for pork whew rAl-n, necro to uo wninned under tno old Wu xr Virginia code. Tho sentence was an- Provisional Governor, primary law of nature, it is the right nullod bv militarv authority. m. and duty of tho State to pass laws for I Marriaqk on Horsed aok. A novol www i 1'iiu ttjAl if I nnr I'ntif id rsrna- .1 1 v-i i6 protect on.

and wo hoartilv endorse marnaee took place recently in worth and court house: i I Or rend for circular contanlng full Information, notices from tho press, testimonials from thola using tnomacntne, HUUIKHUN FLVTTER, Agent, FOREST CITY, MO. M. W. LEET, Oen'l Agent, Saint Louis, Missouri. 1.22 6m CITY HOTEL.

MARY A KEEVE8 D. W. MARTIN. Vropr's. Orcgoa, Missouri.

TTIIS house has a superior location, being within two minutes walk of the post office i i i i is on a main sireei ronniog whether a loyal and safo jury could be irapannoled in Richmond, or, indeed, proceeding aro unknown. tho other cities named. Virginia is in lnl Hko ft 8 ook oE Ui AiwAtit niiiftF llhnoA nnrl tl, T.ihr.l rovost nouse at Alexandria I arA la Ariavfvnil wifri triiAlfiAQ atu ovrnr. Matamoras, Thursday last, the Impen- LoM tfced on inmate8 of tho inati al steamer Tczarro bred four shots up- Hnrirn? tha latter montha of the Tho casualties by this strange war. It cor- of abuse 8th.

Thatnono but Bhall be permitted 10th. That those mfavor but loyal persons young folks found they wore in the to teach our children. "State of Gentry," and single-blessed 3 infavor of freo in-1 ness. instead of the "State of Worth." during the latter months of the 8titutions, and no others, aro cordially and malrimony-and so they mounted Evidence so far fires a groat deal invited t0 horses, ad getting across the.lino, were se of power upon tho accused. i in, rnu.

'j t. on them. tables, always be filled with the best the market affords. There is a stable, well rurnlsn-ed and conronlent connected with the house. 118 tf this grcat Stato trial, would properly beforo tho Circuit Court of tho United States, for that circuit, which embraces Maryland as well as Virginia.

Tho trial, then, may bo hold at Baltimore, where no difliculty as to a jury would bo likely to arise Tho constitutional requirement that bo must bo tried in a Stato whero tho crimes wero committed, would doubtless bo met by tho fact that tho rebel chiof invaded Maryland, where ho levied war against tho United States. But the troublo now is a want of timo for this groat trial, 'which would occupy many weeks, where as tbo Supremo Court has to convono in Washington for its Decomber term just five weeks from to-day. Tho next ses sion of tho Circuit Court for this circuit will not occur before April next. So chances of a speedy trial for the ex Preaidentof tho cx-Confoderuoy, aro not yery brilliant. Tue Asiatic cholera has reached New York.

war. sr- of abuse of power upon the accused. ith. That wo aroin favor of ft married on horseback. There' is more 0f 5 r2.W State taking possession of the South- than one way to get 1 nw tbo 14th Wi imato oases, but seized citizens of Bpeeoy eompiettpn to loroing iDcm Dy Bystematio cru course our troops muit await orders.

A Nashville dispato'i of says the oitizons of lullahom ...1. In V. a ilnnt.iinhnn nl UMDCBi 1U1UIIIK lUl'UI UV DVHLI3U1UL1U UfU- I 1 r. nuu wcio uuiuio in mu uwuunmu ui i Wuruuu to mo ntirinptifiKl tho freedmen's school-house, some timo 1 Democrat for pubfr since, woro ordered Dy major uenerai wi.en hn wmilrl nnt. th Hii mi .1 I i ii V.

xnomas to roDuiiu vuo huwo. uompu- aouars for their arrest. Men consider i. I nlUl anco being rotuseo, a aetacument ot amy uigaer in ranic are said to he im- soldiers was sent with directions to en- plicated, and chorts will bo mado to forco tho order, and put every citizen keep the testimony from the publio. .1 i I unuer guaiu mini iuu rtiiuuuuivuvo ui tho order wero corapliod with Uf fanufaeturer and That those resolutions bo for- cro and tion.

ingueld. All we can learn leads to these con- riliiaiona '1 1. Fenianlsm' is Popish not Fro- estant. 2. It isTthoroughly vicious, whatev- Dealer in ITARNESS, SADDLES, DRIDLE8, COLI1AR8, r.l HI coming in, was called, and resfincfed inl er may be iU objective point, a fw very appropriate romarlf thj Ik ls ftnd Md completion or the Portrait of Gbn.

Lyon. A ioint 1 1 -or i rcDuiuuuu una uccu uuoruu ia vuo ueglB-i ranch of tho Paoifio railroad. invited to address the people nv length on the same subject durin court term. On motion, the meeting adjour: J. B.


ALL Work done under the supervision of bap-tain HART. Tr 1 i Stray Notice. A u.A. iiiiAiuin urstittrtr. by James H.

Knnkel. eWBB of Nodaway Township. Holt county, 1 on manrat ii at A. eorresponaeni ol tne now ior ..77" MS I Timeey traveling along, the ooast of r.i ihZX, THaSt 1(WiSSSm Florida and jlieorgia, found a wom.n Pt, no other maris per- vrti a At A nnr IrnAtv van ver. tnnBintnNi ceiTrtie, Appraised at sUty.

dollars, br.Oeorto was; Hannv woman She had WSSSSF of children and a pipe in her 22-8tf riohard aoton, j. p. Quito a mouthful Released. -We have heard that, the Qood News For the First Kakbas. Mature, authorizing tho Chair to appoint vvo are cratinou vo leuru mui, uy a cuiuiuhiuu 01 vwu ou tuo part or tno order from tho War Pepartment, eurvi- House, and the President of the Senate vine members of tbo heroio regiment, to appoint ono on the part of the Sen- a .1 TI ..1 VVTfl I 1 mi a I who enlisted prior to tno uattio or wii- ato, to inquire ot oioruecai uuvcr, late tub uqmye uavour, a Turin son's creek, in 1861.

aro entitled to Secretary of the State, what amount of confidently announces I that "the' ftZOO bounty each. They deserve it. subscription bad been raised for tuo pur-1 or perpetual motion has been so St. Joseph Union. pose of procuring an equcstrain portrait M.

Loucre lliitoi a mochanio of 1 nf Gen. Nathaniel Lvon. and what dia Ibourtr. who. the same iournaf state Thanks.

-Our thanks aro duo Hon. position had been made of the amount has invented a raaobine which finds i Jas. S. Roi.uns, for valuablo Publio collocted. The fund authorized to be motive force within itsolf, withoutftny homes in Toxas.xOoancll (Kfav) Stray Notice.

mAEEN UP, by 8usanna Kennedy, Irf Lewis a. iownnuip, noil oouniy, a nay bores h. ih Mn ufiiil tn hn na I IOUr TMrS 010.10001 roUTtn hanli Mirh rlkl sr.miiWekif aU nrlannuN lamrniil the fo" fooL now if i r' oeiore a j. roans, a Just Ice In Tand for Indians, have been released, and passed ISott equoty. Apprsis'ed at sixty dollars by tah.hrouirh hera on thnir wtv to their Joseph Coleman and Andrew 'anafiMft 'who Dorumonts.

I raised at tho last session was $2,600. external aid or power. I IPreu. 9.

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