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The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 4

Raleigh, North Carolina
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FEBSOKAX. POXHTS. News and observer. Irlaltr Cellaca 1 1 fl v.ui Wm MllfcMW -fllil id LwJ U-l id UUy IIMy Bib bly SiiJ -o feSCT fer fell stress the W': il I -4 PARISH, Slieffield, -gin. inrfiuimMiiwiii pang an i mm iu wuiii 1 ra rsi -a -v i at mm i -v wi mmu a in va.v.

i -THE ikA4 uwx9A (r-4- 11 TT" AZk iU.Uftfll Aiw Xll II I III AWT EVER INAUGDRATED IN THIS CITY. CE MEN'S SUITS 3,000 GHGI That were eicel ent stroke go dovn to -vn- w- POSITIVELY NONE CHARGED. Outjoh Approllation. ralaes at 122.50, $20 and $18, at one CHOICE- reduction ot truly fine, custom-like and elegant thera at $1475 114.75 This great sale opens iUark you. centtemrn.

we don inerelt! atv- that thes suits aro 'iih1i" (- mnoh ntmWI m1 uuwn iraucea rnem irom K.nnm that i. nualities eitlier Nov. nr mAn lm inul im-t in nii $83.. begun afford to puss tt is rire, timely and Milei in this city andMciiiity who are willine to t4te -v ouu tiw vui mat wc i to equal vfithtsame excellent and superior jxiLLcma, iu suiLa, lor nieyjare nounced the beat fotflhe money in this city, nd We COt tOO many Of tuefle me niainiess suns inas no asanas oi von tought vdi th-y are three sud four button cutaway and sinele and and S18 SUltS.

but we are wisn and nl.l Irnnv ttitf Saturday, May SL and endsWednesday, June 4tl, and thoe who can should come S.tturdiiy or SMondav if they'd like first choice, TTTTr years) reduced Jrom foi -1?" ll J. Vf $3.03, $3.63, $4.23, $5.50, $6.89, $7.68, $9.03, $12.10, larger sizes often fit TTTTiTllI rlT as use. hj some house) otber nouse in Jtaleu it seasonable InVuso to reiterate the innp the past two months and uf double-breastod sacks. there are nlcntv of von eentlemni i former priceV fo $13 TUe $2.37, $3.68, $4.34, $4.03, $6.03 and describe them all; prefer you'd call, and i 1 jULJUL wH I I I I Va.O Tf Mi -vf All I rN your fime to clothe your loy, and no matter how complete your son's wardrobe, don't you think one XT J- of these suits would be a good addition? This sale ends Wednesday, June 4th. Remember, none will be sent on approval, and positively noae charged.

Tlie Latest in Outing Ring Scarfs. washable, light and airy .1 We're aMe asentsi for this new neckwear. We're always" first' to cive you the new stvlc. Durham Sun. The building committee of Trinity College was in session yesterday and considered matters- pertaining to the erection of the College.

A plan wm adopted and every arrangement made to commence work as soon as possible. Mr. S. L. Leary, an arcnitect if Charlotte, was selected to take charge of the design and see that its requirements were fully carried out.

lie will move to Durham in about two weeks to enter upon his duties. W. Tucker A Co. On Ock "Decided Bargain" tables of Dress Goods, you will find the most appropriate stuffs for travelling dresses, for either mountain or sea shore; all-wool and light weight, well as a choice line of mohairs. You can afford to buy them in anticipation' of a trip the prices are so low.

v- W. n. R. S. Tucker Co.

i a im ICCKKK CO. Ladiea' KoaKa Underwear Department. June 2 We begin our annnai June sales of Ladies' Muslin Under wear. Prices are marked in plain figures, an i the lines when closed; out will not again this year bo duplicated. W.


Mew York rtaaaelal Market. Nkw York, Mat 81. Money active, heavy and easy at 4 per cent. Exchange long 4.84a 4.WJ; short 4.86a4.86. Oorernments ne'glected.

State bonds doll bat steady. Exchange, quiet and firm at 4.854.87. Money easy, no loans, closing offered at 3 per: cent. Subrtreasury balances gold currency $5,828,000. Gorernments doll bnt steady; '4 per cent coupons 4 per cents 103.

STOCKS ASD BONDS. Nkw York, May 81. State bonds dull 106 110 101i and featureless. Alabama, (class A) (class B) i Georgians, mortgage, North Carolina Consols, North Carolina 4s, 124 98 101 South Carolina Brown's, Tennessee 6s, 1 Tennessee 5s, Tennessee Settlement, 4s, Virtrinia 6s 1081! 102J 75 50 50 115 J46 1454 28 1 10 113 90 60 104 95 109 65 86 84 47 22 232 93 78 121 2U 48 66 123 74 85. 29 i 7- Jl' Chesapeake Ohio, Northwestern preferred, '1 Delaware Lanawana, Erie, East Tennessee, 1 Lake Shore, Louisville Nafhrille, Memphis Charleston, Mobile Ohio, Nashville Chattanooga, New Orleans Pci0c, let New York Central, Norfolk and Western, preferred, Northern Pacific, iv.i preferred, Pacific Mail, Beading, Richmond Alleghany, Richmond West Point, -Rock Island, st.

pni, 'i St. Pan! preferred, 1 I Texas Pacific, Tennessee Coal ft Iron, Union Pacific, New Jersey Central, Missouri Pacific, Western Union, Cotton On Certificates, Brunswick, Mobile Ohio, 4s, 81 62 Tork Cot tea Market. NewYoek, May 81. The Cotton Exchange was closed and prices were nominal. Middling uplands were quoted at 12.25.

May 81. Cotton, mkldling Galveston nominal, 11, 51 bales; Norfolk, steady, 12). 1 bale; Baltimore holiday, bales; Boston Unn, 12, bales; Wilmington firm, 11, 10 bales; Philadelphia steady, 12J, 10 bales; Savannah quiet, 12, 76 bales; New Orleans qoHjt, 11, 991 bales; Mobile firm, 111. 5 bales; Memphis firm; 11, 24 bales; Augusta firm, llal2, 28 bales; Charleston firm, 111, 14 bales. New York Prodae Market.

il; Nkw Yok, May 81. Southern flour dull and heavy; common to fair extra 2.50a 3.00; good to choice do. Wheat dull and hearr and 1c down: No. 2 red 94: Options dull and Jafo down and weak; May and June July 941. Corn quiet and Weaker; No.

2, 40 in elevator; options dull and 1c off and steady; June 40; July 41; Au gust 41 f. Oats dull and unchanged; options una ana easier; May 44a34J; July Ilops quiet and firm, Coffee options steady; June July August spot Bio firmer and auiet; fair cargoes 20. ugar raw held rmer and quiet; fair refining 4a4 13-16; OentrifngaL OO-test 5 7-16a5l; refined firmer iWl fairly active: 4 13-16a5 1-16: extra 5 confectioners A 5 13-16; 'cot loaf t. i r-i i.ii crusaca. juuuunes lorcigu neiu nrmiy at 19 for 50-test; NewOrleans quiet; common to fancy 3la45.

Rice quiet ana steady. Cotton seed oil dull. Rosin steady. Turpentine' steady. Hides firm with fair demand.

Wool firm with good demand; domestic fleece1 34a Texas Pork quiet and steady Beef firm. Beef haras strong. Cut' meats dull and easy. Lard doll at options, no sales. Knights weak; cotton, 5-64d; grain 2d.

Liverpool Cottoa Market. i Liverpool, May 81. Cotton Quiet with limited inquiry; American middling 61; sales 5,000 bales; speculation and export 500 bales; receipts 5,000 bales; American bales. Futures quiet but steady; May 6 41-64; June and July 6 41-64a6 40-64; July and August 6 44-64a6 43-64a6 42-64; August and September 6 40-64a6 41-64; September and October 6 9-64; October and November 561-64. Tenders- 500 bales new docket; 300 bale old docket if 1 Pi M.

Cotton American mulling Sales included 4,800 boles American; June 39-64a6 40-64; June and July 6 8944a 6 40-64; July and August 6 41-64a6 42-64, sellers; August and September 6 40 64, sellers: September 6 4044, sellers; September and October 6 9-64a6 10-64; October and No vember 5 61-64a 5 62-64: November and De member 5 5844a 5 59-64. Futures closed barely steady. Baltimore Frodoee Market. il Baltixoek, May 81. Flour dull aud rather easier; Howard street and Western jftiper extra family 34.25a4.85; city mills Rio brands, extra 4.73 V.00.

Wheat Southern fairly active aucl steady; Fultz Longberry 80a92: Western stronger; No. 2 red winter spot, 89. Corn Southern fairly active and steady; wnlte 42a yellow 4141 western easy. City Cettoa MarkeU CORRECTED BAILV. Raleioh.

N. Mav 315 P. M. Good Middling. '121 If Strict Middling, 12 fiddling, 12 Strict Low MiddHni-, 12 Tinges, i 1212 Stains nominaL bODA)Vj JUNE 133 0 OrSK O.

A2TDBSW8, CHY EdITOH. We will be clad if city subscribers wh fail to get their papers regularly woul-promptly report the same to us. Foster Bros. Atlantic HoteL Julius Lewis Co. Economists, Attention.

T. II. Brings Sons Adjustable Wire Screens. W. C.

A. B. Stronach Candy Manu-fartnrers. W. II.

R. S. Tucker ft Co. For School Commencements. NOTES ABOUT TOWN.

Go'td-by- to the. flowers that bloom in the crriTiff. i But though hcy've departed so soon. They'll never be raised, for a welcome we'll bring To the roses that blossom in Jane. Peace lastlf te Cwmw ciemeat.

Monday, Jane 2d, 8 p. m. Commencement exercises. Tuesday, June 3d, 8 t. m.

Annual concert. Patrons and friends of the school m. invito 4 am. ID 1U11 fel dkWUU lUCffi CAVIO i ii Mr. J.

C. CaddelL the solicitor of the News akd Observes, has been given a month's vacation. The Eer. Dr; Hoge, of Wilmington, N. occupy the pulpit of the First Presbyterian Church this morning, and also at 8 p.

m. Dr. P. E. nines has been elected a member of the standing committee of the P.

E. Church, to fill the Tacancy caused by the death of Col. Anderson'' Air. Sain Black yesterday sold two fine fillies by Pamlico; foaled this spring for $500, which is said to be toe highest price eter paid for suckling colts in North Carolina. Attention is called to the meeting of the Ladies', Memorial Association on Monday erening.

The presence of every, member is desired, as some Yery interesting questions will come up. The improvements at Pollen Park are assuming quite attractive The pavilion is nearly com- 51eted and will be a handsome affair, lie drives are now in elegant condition and are very popular. 4 On the 10th Rev. Thomas Dixou is to deliver an address here, and we know that all our people will be glad of the opportunity to hear" a North Carolinian who has deservedly won such high fame at the great intellectual centres of the North. The season at Morehead opens with today, the first of June, Messrs.

Foster Brothers make an attractive announcement this morning of the opening. The mackerel fishing is now at its height and everything promises popular season. The Greensboro Patriot says Capt. J. M.

Walsh, master of trains of tba Richmond, and Danville I Railroad, with the enormous amount of extra work and extra trains resting upon him, has sent the trains along here and there on time, and without an accident. A splendid record. Tickets drlthe lecture on Tuesday June 10th, by Kev. Thos, Dickson 7 are now on sale at Alfred Williams book store and Lee, Johnson drug atore. Price of the same is 25 cents for gallery, 50 cents for main hall.

No exUa charge for reserved seats which can be had at the above places. Attention is called to two sales by It. Battle, Commissioner, of Tal- uaoie city property, tomorrow, at i o'clock. 1. The two Eoulhac stores, two or three doors above A.

Williams bookstore, and running from Fayetteville to Wilmington street. Fine business stands. 2. The Crowder houses and lots, on the square cornering on Dawson and Jones streets. Offering convenient houses for several of our citizens.

The gardens are suffering from the depredations ox the potato bug, we learn that a little phosphate lime, procurable at the factory here, will do dp the gentlemen in fine style. It is a cheap harmless and, as reported, a most effective remedy. It settles his hash in fine order. Try it and let ns bear how; it succeeds. Just sprinkle the phosphate lime over the juapt when the bugs are and see if it does not end the whole batch.

"Lawn party" on the Postoffice lawn Tuesday, June 3rd, 1890, by "Lend a Hand Circles" of King's beginning at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, when all the children will be expected. Later in the even ing all te "circles' and friends in. the city are invited to attend. No admission -fee. Music, neapolitan, banana, chocolate and other ice cream.

Strawberries, cake and fruit, at usual prices. W- The Ommr't Ma toa. 4 'i The work of completing the Govt ernor's mansion is progressing rap-idljr and visible' results of the pro gress are to be noticed. The col umns have been put in all the por ticosoi the buirdmz and quite an im provement is noticed in the gen eral appearance, i xj a rwei a a a A a nis morning at v.av clock in lieu of the regular Sunday exercises at the First Presbyterian church, the oung People's Missionary societies ill observe what is known as "chil Iren's day," by appropriate exercises. tThe exercises commence promptly at i I.

30 o'clock, lasting one hour. The pongregateon and the public are rdrally invited to attend. The P. B. Clab.

Every member of the D. R. Club is requested to meet at the residence of Col. r. fai8on tomorrow even 5 o'clock.

XT lMat'Pto1i Perttaeatlv Picked asx! Pithily Pmt la PriaU Mrs W. 3. Mann is visiting hi oxford. 1 fei Mr. George Strong, of Wilming-j! on, is in he city.

Gov. owle returned jestefd ay evening from 1 Miss Helen Fowle returned last evening frpm Richmond. 1 Col.W.Lv Saunders has returned to to the city from Richmandi 1 Coi. Creecy, of the class of, 1835, will fespond to the same toa t.H The Governor yesterday appointed M. Terrll, of Monroe, notary public Col.

Thos.jS. Kenan has returned from Richmond, where he attended the Lee monument unveiling; Dr. Thomas Hill, of Goldsoro, of the class of 1822, is, we thihk, the oldest graduate of the Univetsity of North Carolina, now that Gen. Geo. W.

Haywood Sis dead. Auditor Sanderlin and Mis. yesterday fop Salem, where. the Auditor will deliver the literary i address on i Wednesday at Salem Femae! Academy. Judge James Grant, once of Iowa, now of California, a native of Halifax, N.

on of the oldl Comptroller of our jState, graduate of the class of 1831, has promised to attend. on banquet on June 4) and respond to ihe toast of "Old TimesJ in the 4 ,1 .1 -J i Mr. and Mrsi W. H. Smith; of Goldsboro, are in the city attending the commencement exercises They have a daughter in the graduating iclass.

Mr. Smith is president of the jWayne agricultural works, one of the most progressive and well known establishments; in eastern North Car olina. Maj. Finger returned yesterday 11. from the University where; he has been! as a member of the jjrisiting committee of the board of trustees, which is composed of seven members of the board.

He reports everything in splendid condition, with a flattering outlook fori the approaching commencement, KeaUy (Da, A'f'- The lively interest which, iiaa recently infusediitself into the drderof Odd Fellows ld to the orgarization of the -secondj Degree" with Mr. C. H. Lewellen as its Captain, and he has succeeded so admirably in drilling the team to reach la high standard of perfection in: it duties that of course his energy was! highly appreciated, and i Friday night- at Manteo Lodge he was but for congratulation! I Wrhile on the floor Mr. C.

M. Busbee, in behalf? of the new team and the members of Manteo Lodge, No.8, presented to Capt. Lewellen an elegant gold watch chain with a beautif ul emblematic charm attached. This1 was indeed a surprise I to Captr Lewellen, though he made an effort to respond to the elegant little speech of Mr. pusbee, whose words were pleasing, instruct ive, and carried, with it the assurance that the efforts of the new team and its gallant Captain were ull yj appre ciated.

i-' 1 On vesterdav 1 the Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance through its general agent, S. D. Wait, paid tl.515.G9, insurance on the life of the late Col. W. E.

Andersoti. The claim was paid in less than six days 1 1 rrvi irom senaing on proois. xne policy was issued September, 1875. $The in sured had received annual dividends, the insurance cobting cash 1524.38. The 1 15.69 is- a mortality dhidend, or insured's interest in the company's 15,000,000.00 surplus.

Mr. Wait says the company; 'has promptly paid death claims, in this State, amounting to nearly half a million dollars. Messrs Berwanger Bros, announce this morning in their advertisement that they will have a bargain suit sale this week lasting four days. The prices -are something marvelous. Thir line of neglige shirts arid sum mer wear is now very complete and handsome.

They have something new and nobby in the! outing ring scarfs wbich every body snouid 'see. Mr. David Rosenthal, the old reliable clothier, is holding the" fort' as usual as his advertisement this morn- 1 1 Tt ing win ten you xie is pnermg somethjng nice now in light summer wear. Th Tarbor Kxearslosu The bisr excursion of theBaptist Tabernacle Sunday School for Tar-boro will leave Union deoot on Tuesday, and every arrangement has been made for; the comfort and pleasure of the excursionists There will be twelve and each? car will have a special servant to wait on th guests, and keep plenty of ice water in the coolers. The public invited to go.

Tickets for the round are only $1.50. The Aalww Papar Mill. Messrs. Urewer and Holding, proprietors of the AskjBW Paper Mills Falls of Neuse hive ju si ordered and will put in a full equipment of wood pulp machinery to grind their own wood to be used in the manufacture of paper. The new machinery will be in by June 20.

The mill is now. running regulajrly and is making better erades 1 ot taper than ever before. jj f' ai Meaaorial AuiwUttoa. Sm There will be a meetiug of dies i Memorial; Association the President's Council? held residence of the president at Monday evening, d. of great importance and interest be considered, and every member urged to attend.

.1 Mas. J. B. Bac ECHEtOE, i President oee winaow awpuy. Another new lot of beautiful Flowing End Ties, iice them.

We can't TCl (frora yrs) red-ml to $1.73, ADDED TO TPE ABOTHEB- The Value-Giving Clothiers. fflOHDEB Chicago Produce Market. Chicago, May 31. Cask Quotations were as follows: i Flour Cash steadv. Wheat No.2.

serine 2 red 92a92. Corn No. 2, Oats No. 2, Mess pork 13.23. Lard $6.0.

Short rib sides 5.35; shoulders Short clear side? Whisky $1.09. -9- 1 WUmlnfrton Naval Sterea Market. (Closing Quotations.) WiLmxoTON, May 31. Spirits turpentine steady 34 $1 15 1 20 1 35 1 25 2 35 2 70 oimiwu rano arm, Good strained, Tar firm, Turpentine (crude) firm, hard xeitow aip, Virgin, DRY GOODS. FOR SCHOOL COMEStEMESl AND THE I Teachers Assembly.

We can supply; every one who will attend several school commencements and the Teachers' Assembly at More- head with all articles of a trav eller's outfit Trunks, valises, telescopes, traveling bags, trav elling shawls, All articles of dress or wear, for luxury or comfort. Walking dresses, day. dresses for forenoon' and afternoon, evening dresses and all articles of ladies' junderwear, hosiery and Gentlemen's complete outfits, hats, Ladies' and gentlemen's bathing suits, shoes and hats. Shoes in all styles and for all needs for every oneJ Correspond ence solicited with those, who cannot visitour store. W.H.&R.

S. Tucker Co. Care to our coffins adds a nail, no-doubt, But every cup of ITe-No diaws one out. W. G.

2tR. 8ironach GROCERS AKD Candy Manufacturers. IMPORTER AOEXTS FOR i HE-JSTO TEA Green Turtle Soup. i I English Gheddar, PINE APPLE AND EDAM CHEESE. An'chOYies in Oil.

lYannouth Bloaters. DEVILED LOBSTERS, ALEXIS GODELLOT'S' Brandy Ifeaches. GORDON D1L)V0RTU'S SALAD -DRESSING. WOULD IS THE areSfillinf I Price at-which fe SPRING CLOTHING. An embarrassment from one-of the largest manufacturers has given us another ojiortunity seldom equalled.

i Our Standing Offer fonTMs Week.1 Men's Cassimere Trousers, i Englwh Fancy Cueviots, English Cassimeres, i Superior Imperial Worsted, Custom-made Imported Gratle, 52.00 2.50 3.50 4.00 5.00 150 Suits from the 500 placed on sale last week still left, and cost to manufacture $15, McKtMMON, I lOSELEY McGEE. SMLE Ladies Muslin Underwear To clow out puritentire stock of Muslin Underwear, we will jbfler at a sacrifice this week 8,500 garment DRESSING SACaUES, Slarked of cosf. Thero goods are of superior make aud finish. Fit C0RSE11 COVERS. We call your specM attention to the various styles in Corset They are made from fine Cambrio Perfect in shape and finish, and sold prices to satisfy all.

tST Best "Tork and Material p-uaranteed. We warrarlt ivcy garment made with lock-stitch macluue4 and only the best sew ing thread used. JNight Uowns, Lhenmsos, Corset Covers, Infant's Dre awers. blurts, ana bin, at just about. one-half what the are worth.

Ladies Only Ii Attendance at This i Counter. BEAIEI CAPIS ANI SIIOUL-IUK WltAl'S. If you want one ot them come and make an offer for -the one. you like 129 and 131 FaVetteville Street. NEW UOKDON, CONN.

MANUFACTURERS OF conosi gihs, i FEEDERS and ICQHDESlSERS LINTERS of the Litest Improved Pattern, with Automatic! Feed, for Oil MILLS; RIBS, SAWS and ALL other REPAIRS for Cotton Gins OF ALL MAKERS. All work guaranteed. Write; for prices. Gins delivered free of freight. Address as above.

ISiG. THE BRQWH COIidN'fllH A Lre Line of Neckxvear. A Lot All-Linen Colars all over town 15 Only. You cannot afford to miss this opportunitr. Your clothes are j('t jsole commendation to the courtesies of tho stranger.

You owe it to yourself and to yur friends to attire yourself as well as you can afford. You can do it at half price by buying of S3 1 BfLIB ROSEnTHIlL 11. Leading Clothing llousc, i Men Spring Snits, Comprising a full line of Sacks and i'tita -ways. Prince Alberts in all acceptable shales 'and finish fully equal to the best custom-made clothing. Men's Stylish Worsted Business Suits, Cassimere and Worsted, 13.t0 Walking Suits in Cheviots and Wales, l.

Dress Suits, Prince Albert and Cutaway. 22.0 SPECIALS. Adverisements inserted In this position at ot. eent per word for each insertion. No ad 1 1 1 cement to occupy less than 15 words or more than 80.

Noadvertisement will be inserted UDiow the cash is paid when the order is given. ANTED I want employment as a i vrtc or -W aervant for a lady proposing to spend the snnuuer away from home. Satuuactorr ri-T-, encea given. Jane BlaeknaU, ears Apdrvw i-U-ia. flENERAL AGENTS make from J3.000 to tft.0TO per year: canvassers from $4 to $10 per uay selling the Taylor Adjustable Shoe.

Every ray is a possible customer; permanent business! ex-chuive territory assigned. Address with atumr Consolidated Adjustable Shoe Co-, Salem. Special Notice to th University Aliuvai is very Important to know at once whether you will attend the Alumni UiUHjnet at Chapel Hill, Wednesday, June okUt that suitable preparations may be made- Ity special resolution of the Alumni Association, every one is considered an 'alumnus" who has been a student, or a Please ad dress at once W. T. PATTEaSOK.

Chapel JEIiU, JS C. State papers please copy. BlawltuHoM. Alan, too oftn admonition of a mother to ht ctuld. 'lhe poor inuooenv has irobably in-Limited catarrh and is not resptMwible for its pore and tilthy noBtrila.

Ind rou know that tender, soit, tbin skin lining the nostrils, called the mncous membrane, extends all over the body. Evt-ry orpan in the syxtem nud eyrrv ortice at tho itnrtnco ha this thin delicate lining as a protector. So you ee what a nx the body i thrown into when the macona membraoe l4 cornea irnta ted and inflamed by constant friction with poisonon matter in the blood. C'a-tarrh, iencorrhea and piles result freqnentiy iromthiM couditiouof altairs These Ii8eaeM re i mere tiymptoma of impoverished blood, fiow 11 or itotaaie Blood Baliu, will by en-richiufr the blood canse all snch symptoms to disappear. Give it a trial, i P-eevcs.

hhellwan, Ga writes: "Any iuuu or woman jrho i snflVrina from piles aud will notnstt JSotamc iilood Balm is a fool, and it liVcs me to tall them so, for 1 snffcred two years Jith bleeding piles, audillill relieved me st nee." 1 I J.J. nardjvToecoa, G-, write a ouiek v-uro for ctUrcli. krtx bottles cured me. ibid bet-n troubled several yar. Jas.

VV. Laneaterr Hawkinsvhlc, writes: V.viy wilo was in bad health lor eicht years. doctors and many or more different pat-ent medieines bad done her no good, tiix bottles of JIB J) has cured her." Vast IIouteh's Cocoa Pure, soluble, eco- aouucaL, i Market strong. i.

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