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Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas • 9

Abilene, Texas
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1 Wednesday Morning Jamjqiy 4 1950 TVio Abllono Taxor Reparter-Nowi Popof WEST TEXAS OIL Jones Project to Complete as Gasser CRUDE PARAGRAPHS 01 NAVINS Coleman Well To Start Clear Fork Discovery Looms for Ector Well Humble Spokesman Says Company Plans No Price Cut on West Central Crude Riley Maxwell at al vara County wildcat ai a ia wall In preparing to run pipe to complete the reef (he No 1 Mr A Butler Jones Total depth la 4564 feat Operator wai planning to run plpa to bottom and to perforata the iectum from 4472-4 534 feet A series of drillatem tecta In that lone shoo a a large recovery of gaa Location 11 33U feet from the eact and 4665 feet from the aouth line of William Littlefield Survey 383 Crown Central Petroleum Co No Ullie Brown oulpoat to production six miles northwest of Approximately 13 000 mure will he needed in tlie current Christmas seal and bond sale to finance Viking Oil Co waa moving fat rotary to start drilling below sum faro easing in Ihe No 1 Eatl Ellis wildcat la Cbleman County aix and ona-half mllea aouthaast of Santa Anna Ixwation for tho prospector la 330 feet from tho aouth and eaat lines of Iho west half of Block 494 Pleasant Young Survey French Robertson waa drill Ing below 3070 feet looking for tha Gray Sand In tho No I Scaly Smith north offset ta production one and one-half mllea northeast of Novice A drillatem feat waa taken la tha Gardner at 3553-81 feet Tool was open ono hour Rocovoty waa 180 feet of gaa In tho pipe and 13 feet of gaa rut mud Location la 1264 feet from tho aouth and 330 feet from tho weal lines of GHAH Survey 175 Fisher Well Svabbing to (lean Test Gam Oil Company No 1 Me drona central-west richer County wildcat la awabblng to clean out and test on perforations in tho Ellenburger at 1157 -40 feet after tho interval had been washed with 50 gallons of mud aeld After the load and residua from the washing had bean swabbed out operator swabbed for six hours At lha end of that period recovery was drilling mud and drilling water cut with a good show of gas and a rainbow show of oil There was enough gas and oil being developed In the mud to burn Swabbing was continuing Interested operators expect that the prospector will determine the value of its shows for production In the Ellenburger by the end of an other 24 hours This project topped tho Ellen burger at 4054 feet on a datum of minus 4445 feet It la bottom at T073 feet and It has 5-Inch casing cemented on bottom After the Jet perforations were shot in the pipe at 4957-80 feet it swabbed dry natural and showed alight signs of gas No forma tion water has been developed t'arl larkson mriiiinally earned as location is 1980 feet from north I' Bav et al has been plugged! am gijo feet front west lines of and jiliandonwl at 470fi feet l-oca-i ktclkm j0 block 2 IIAIC sue i tion was three miles east of Non-i vrjf- is ten miles southwest of County Judge Walter Pope din I W0 feel from the west and RoU Jr fined two Abilene men l'iO feet from the north lines of the 1950 program of Taylor County Merkel was dnlling below 2100 Tuberculosis Association that or- ai rfpJrt That protert ta located 530 feet from the aouib and 743 feet from i he west lines of Section 30 Block gamration said Tuesday Total received to date is OW "Everybody who contributes is actually salcguarding himself" £'for Mrs Martha Voshrn executive see- rilltog has retary said "By finding the TB 1lW: Newton east offset to iho vent roniagUHi of other prujito" dl(irinery ght miles north of The only nii'iii'y-iaisini: ci rni ihr association ever holds is its annual seal and bund sale Funds obtained in that drive finance the bi-weekly TB elinic the free rhest X-rays for fond handlers the sehnol TH-iesting program the rritiratiunal and home rare prujecls Judge Fines Abilene Men on DWI Charges pany the Puro Oil Company and Hunolulu Oil Corporation art supporting tho exploration Andrews Completion Rtanolind Oil A Gaa Company hat filed a completion report with the Railroad CommlsaUw of Texas for the No 1-H David Fasken wildcat In eentral-oouth And raws County two miles eaat of Iho North Cowden field The well waa completed on pump from a pay area betwaen 4750 feet and 4908 feet In 24-hours tha new producer pumped 54 87 barrel! of 31 gravity ell Production waa cut with 3038 per rent water Tho pay area had been treated with 5000 gallons of acid A 5l-lneh oil string waa act at 47510 feet Location of the Andrews County producer is 600 feet from north and eaat lines of section 37 block 43 T-l-N GAMMBAA survey Rtanalind Oil A Gaa Company appeara to have a new diarovery from the Clear Fork of the Permian at its No 1 TXI central-west Fetor County wildcat Thu prospector la located seven miles southwest of the town of Goldsmith one and three-quarter miles southeast of the nearest upper Clear Fnrk producer! on the southwest side of the Goldsmith field and it Is two and one-quarter miles north of the Edward Law son No 1 Augusta Barrow recently completed flowing oil well from the Clear Fork which has been designated a the discovery of the upper Clear Fork Held Drillsite of Rtanolmd No 1 TXL is 640 feet from south and west lines of the northeast quarter of section 31 block 44 TP survey T-l-S It look a drilUtrin test In the Clear Fork at 5 473-5760 feet The tool was open two and one hail hours lias showed at the aurfare In eight minutes Mud started Rowing mil at the tap in two hours and five minutes The drill pipe started flowing oil al Ihe surlare in two hours and 25 minutes The nit was flowed to pits for five minutes There was lines of Cass Survey 47 The new project is in Iho Lawson-Humphrey field a Shelly Oil Co No 1 Alexander Nolan County wildcat five miles south of Roscue was drilling below 5537 feet with no shows at last report That project is due to test the Ellenburger in the virimty of 7300 feet Location la 330 feet from the west and 1500 feet from the south hnes of Section 77 Block 23 TIP Survey In Fisher County Hiawatha Oil A Gas Co hat staked the No 1 Preston Morrow as a southeast out Pust to production two and une-half miles southwest of Kulan 933 feet from tho ninth and 330 feet from tho west lines of Seclwo 48 Block 2 I1ATC Survey Proircted depth is 6700 feel with rotary Seaboard Oil Co No 1 Reese Stonewall County wildcat three miles wesl of i'rarnck was drilling below 23H8 feel Staled for 75tiu feel with rotary A spokesman for the lfumble Oil Refining Co In Houston told this department Tuesday afternoon that hta company "baa no changa in effect at present In the price of West Central Texas crude" He further said "Tha Humble Company does not anticipate any cut In pnre at present" The statement came after a eev-en-cent a barrel price adjustment Monday by Onyx Refmma Co No notices of change In purchase price fur the crude bed been announced by any other buyers Tuesday Casing baa been run in the Paul A William Musa No 1 Cox Stephens County wildcat four miles east of Breckenridge 330 feat from the west and 1700 feet from the north line of section 2047 TEAS Survey ripe was set at 3380 in the Caddo with total depth of the well measuring 3419 feel Operator plans tn perforate and acidize In Haskrll County six miles east of Haskell Ilicmmer Oil Co No 1 Taylor is to he a 3ono-fnrt rotary operation 2300 feet from the aouth and 330 tcet from the west Circulating in" tnm to'wJrt no of 01 SCURRY COUNTY OIL of Section 349 Block 1 1 Air Survey Anderson A Word No 1 Armstrong Shackelford County wildcat six miles northeast nf Luedt-rs was drilling below 1350 feet with no shows al last report On permit to 2500 feel with rablc tools the well is 1650 feet from Ihe west and 990 feet f-om the south lines of Section 13 Block A ABAM Survey Kent Wildcat Completed Official completion of the Chap man and MrFarlin No 1 Cogdell central-south Kent County wildest has been filed with tho Railroad Commission nf Texas After treating tho pay area with 500 gallant of acid tha well kicked off and flowed for a calculated 24-hour pntentlal of BUI barrela of 417 gravity oil Flow waa through a half-inch coke and no water was developed Pay was topped at 0796 feet and total depth was 0857 Hit Gas-nil ratio was 534-1 A seven-inch oil siring waa set at 8800 feet Boylor to Publish Business Moooxine WACO Jan 3 'P-Baylor University has begun publishing a new quarterly business magazine Dr II Broom professor of statistics and chairman nf tho School of Businesa Research Com mitlee to editor of the research publication The first edition contains a study of market surveys of Interest to business concerns frames Survey 307 Kellers et al No 1 A A Hayden wildcat two miles northwest of Hawley baa been plugged and abandoned at 2406 feet No shows ware reported Ideation was 330 feet (rain the east and 400 fret from the north lines of Lot 1 Block 4 Cockrell Subdivision if C7 Marlines Survey 195 Tex-llarvey Oil Company John Wayne and Rigo Petroleum Cor-poralinn No 1 Monroe deep ild' rat in east Terns Counlv waa hot lamed at 1854 feet in Ellrnbniger dolomite and was circulating while waiting on orders This venture developed sulphur water in a drillatem teat at Mlfa 54 feet The tool waa open five hours and eight minutes Recovery was 2800 feet nf free gas tn the drill pipe 800 feel of ml and gas cut drilling mud and 900 feet of sulphur water There were no shows of nil Top nf Ihe Ellenburger was at 8 640 feet Instead of 1625 feet has had previously been reported Fleva lion to 2180 feet The Fllrnbtirgrr had shown only slight signs of gas before it found the water In that formation None nf the upper beds offered any prospects for commercial production This exploration to four miles north of Sheffield and 660 feet from north and east lines of the west quarter of section 40 block 1 IAGN survey Progress Petroleum Stokes New Wildcat nisi each Tuodnv after they had pleaded guilty In Taylor County Court to driving while intoxicated charges Raymond Wutipka Rt 4 pleaded guilty after bring arrested by police early Tuesday morning in the 1700 block of Pmr St Paerhall 510 Victoria Rt also pleaded guilty He was arrested Monday at North 10th and Llllni Rl hv rity xilire Another driving while Intnxiral-ed barge was filed county court Tuesday hv Ouniv Attorney fiuy hhaw against an Anson man Fred IVrrz IVioz was arrested eailv New Day hv ci-1 Grand Jurors for fhe 43d District police at 14th and Pine Sts Peer Cwrt Tuesday aR- natauMta iimlil TntiPMnu on-WMi I haw ha hffn rrifMd nn bond ap- emnnn until Thursday when they ulilrh was produced during that period Recovery was 1530 feet of nil feet of mud rut sail wairr and 180 feet of gassy salt water Operator was taking electric log surveys and probably will set rasing and make production testa Schleicher Location Wahlenmairr and Morgan Aikman A Company of San Angelo No 1 Pat If and Wren 51 Jarkson is to he a 0000-font wildcat In northeast Schleirher County I oration Is 660 feel from north and east lines nf srrtmn 46 block II G1IASA survey Diilllng is to atari at onre The prospector will he eight miles east of Phillips Petroleum Company No 1 Weddell a small discovery from the Strawn lime of the Pennsylvanian Humble Oil A Refining Company The Atlantic Refining Com- Thompson to Head Fort Worth C-C FORT WORTH Jan IP George Thompson Jr president of the Continental National Rank a native of Furl Worth and a past president nf the Board nf Education Tuesday was elected president of the Fort Worth Chamber nf Commerce He succeeded Web Maddox head of tha Maddox Properties Young wild pigs are camouflaged with stripes which disappear ai the animals grow older Progress Petroleum Company of Texas nf Houston has filed an application with Hie Railroad Commission nf Texas requesting a permit to start dnlling by January 9 on Its No 1 Biiffslne to he a 7 500-foot wildest In Central-North Scurry County The prospector will he two and one half mllea north of the same company's No 1 Garden a deep dry hole which had some alight shows of oil in hath the Prnnsyl-vanlan and in the Ellenburger However none of those shows wera of commercial quantity and the wildcat was abandoned several weeks ago oration of No 1 Ruffalne la 487 fret from south and east lines of the northeast quarter nf section 565 block 97 IIATC survey That puts It three and one half miles north nf the nearest completed nil wells from Ihe Canyon reef lime on the northeast side of the North Snyder field are scheduled to report mi several criminal cases pending before the The empaneling of the grand Jury and the cetting of the civil din-kcl by Judge Black Tues-morning marked the opening nf a new term of the court here Meanwhile In Anson a report sc also scheduled Thursday by the 104th District Court grand Jury The Jurors met Monday hut post poned a report until Thursday Dis-Irirt Attorney Euro Waller said Standard No 2 DoHmvi Terry Unit will he 2160 feet from north and 2102 fret from west lines of serfinn 364 IIATC survey ten miles north of Snyder Contracted depth to 7000 feel The two rompletion were also by the Standard Oil Company the disrnvrrer of the field The No 1-2 Mrs Jessie Brown flowed naturally on a 24-hmir potential for 1133 barrels nf 434 gravity oil Tubing pressure was 450 pounds was developed through a half-inch choke No water was developed Pay was lopped af 6610 feet and total depth was 6830 feet Gas-oil ratio was 1036-1 A seven-inch oil string wax set at 6624 feet I oration la 467 feet from aouth and west lines nf section 392 block 97 HATC survey Standard No 3 Davis on a 24-hnur potential flowed fnr 910-94 barrels of 435 gravity oil through a -lnch choke The flow was natural and no water waa developed Tubing pressure was 600 pounds Gas-oil ratio was 967-1 Pay waa lopped at 6720 feet and total depth was 0868 feet A srven-inrh oil string was set at 6754 reel Location of No 3 Davis to 467 feet from nnrth and west lines of section 339 block 97 HATC survey proved by Jonei County Sheriff Bill Dunwody Commission Sets Flare Hearinus AUSTIN Jan 3 'P-Tlie Railroad Commission today honked a aeries hearings on applications for exception tn Its flare sas order The hearings will be held Feb 14 16 and 24 They involve applications from various operator in as the LevelMnd Field nf Cochran and (lOVEIHOT Hartley Counties vvvvmvi The commission also set theso hearings: Feb 14 Application of O'McIveny for discovery allowable rights fnr his Montgomery well No 1 West Sinlon Shallow Field San Patricio Counly Jan 27 Application of George II Coates for dual completion and discovery rights for four of his wells in the Jay Simmons Field Starr County Snyder Club Speaker SNYDER Jan 3 Mnr ri acting lieutenant governor will address the Snyder Rotary Club Thuraday Jan 12 club officials announced today Senator Morris of Greenville has been elected president pro tern ad interim of the Texas Senate However at this time he is serving North Snyder Field as lieutenant governor He has served four terms In the House of Representatives and la now serving his second term In the State Senate In the North Snyder field nf Scurry Counly applications for permission to drill two explorations and two completions have been reported to the Railroad Commission of Texas Standard Oil Company of Texas plana the two possible additions No 0 Herod to to be 1980 leet from aouth and 660 feet from weal lines of section 383 block 97 HATC survey It to ten miles north of Snyder and contracted depth If 7000 feet Into more than 35000 homes more than 100000 readers goes jour Reporter-News Want Ads rveiyday you run it The First Thought Taylor Tesl Progressing Anderson A Word No 1 Sttth deep wildcat two miles west of Lawn In Taylor County was drilling below 3483 feet at last report Slated depth is 4300 feet with rotary for the project located 330 feet from the south and west lines of Section 430 George Hancock Survey Gehle has plugged and abandoned the No 1 A Curry wildcat three and one-half miles southwest of Abilene at total depth of 4802 feet Small shows were encountered in the Flippcn and Palo Pinto Location was 330 feet from the north and 8 COO feet from the east lines of Shapard Survey 96 DDDODTO than ever OF THOUSANDS OF WEST TEXANS FOR THE LAST WORD IN NEED FILLING IS A Want Ad -IN THE- Rtporter-News or your money Attlee 67 Years Old LONDON Jan 3 IN Prime Minister Clement Alt' a waa 67 yean old Tuesday 123-inrh wheelbase ends "short car fatigue" makea driving relaxing joy I Big! 10 ft dli-in total seating apace luxury riding for 6 over-sized adults! I Powerful Thunderhead Engine has gas-saving 73-to-l high compression ratio! Big! 275 cubic feet trunk space equalled by only one other ear at any price II Contest Closes Jaiiary 15th I960 A Ceateet ta a am far i5 saw law priced car to lha lewprta Said that will ha added ta lha KileerFrieer Ilia Fire! prita 11000000 eah Over 1000 other cadi prim Erj prim watched dnltarfnr-dnllir hr a cash dnnstinn to lha Panaa Hub yea Mrma rial (sneer Fuad ia Aeaer eaerk indiiiduaf ftit winner! Reporter-Newi Want Ads rate FIRST with thousands of West Texans as the very last word In need-filling action They'll be FIRST with you too when you experience the ease speed economy and effectiveness with which they perform any job you set for them Whether you wish to buy or sell to be landlord or tenant to job-find or hire to contact loser or a finder Reporter-News Want Ads are yours for quick satisfaction It's easy to put this simple but sure way of need-filling to work for you PHONE 27841 or WRITE BOX 30 Now? Mew irpe nl silent rel eriiiin" clutch plat tas drsianrd gear-shift ball crank pives lha naiooihail gaar-shifting kaowal A'oif Ltan amt h-idrnom ia lha (paewat rtar ml! improved hadliaina nrw tailor ln ntthad pivn rilradniMilat-ad iilnier look I Nine (minus Trn linn ins mad non tturdirr (moniker fata To make had-wraihnr drums nnnwiaddiirld iprr blade! hara bars re-designed 1 Yoif Nniie end dull rirtuab Iy weird mil by nee inwleilna yen talk ia conrrriatinnil tones al en speed i nrrna fresh relaxed and elm I iYow Shock bmtbrrs re-designed ta almost eliminate "road shark" (ie an rra wnixdhrr mriy-lree pitrh-lree tide aa lha roughed roada IlliFl II BOB FULLER MOTOR CO 5th at Walnut Abilene Slats year Kaiior-Fraser dcalrt ar Mktaaa caltr aa apprnilmate apprabal af your prat-Ml nr aa yaw Official Entry Blink aad yoa Sutoaiat tally deahfe aap pita neaap yoa ight win aad double aap doaalioa la lha Cancer Fuad ia yaa hmtrl Yaur KiiwTFravr data has your Official Entry Blank Contain! all ruin Cadi nothing toralrr 03" D3 OLNEY Sunnyviow Motor Co SAN ANGELO lob Fuller Motor Co EASTLAND Doan Motor Co LAMESA Pullen Motor Co MONAHANS DAD Motor Co COLEMAN I Rudolph Motor Co COMANCHE I It I Motor Co ALBANY Pancll Motor Co BIG LAKE Noblo Holt Motor Co 4.

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