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The Daily Free Press from Kinston, North Carolina • Page 1

Kinston, North Carolina
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"i 1 i 4 .1 1 RESSc except sundry, TOUVIIV-NO. 13. -V 'TKmSTONrOU SATURDAY, APRIL 30. 1004 PRICE TWO CENTS. i i i i i i i i High-Class Entertainment.

STEHMERIESTOCLOSE NORTH STATE HET7S Beported tor Tax Fass Pat The "Greek Poses" and elocution GENERAL HBPS ITBIIS atters. Condeased Into We Offer On Thursday afternoon at 1:3 o'clock at Oak Dale, th lovely c6uo entertaininnt at the opera house last evening was witnessed by a good-sized audience, composed of the elite Act of English Parliament Will Close try home of and Mf. "DaoBpsey, Wood, parents of thp brljMi. Eunice Idell Wood nd Mr ftofo buppea ua tmiea rrom our Icra CtrollBt $1,000 American Tobacco Stemmeries. of th city and they were very appre dative of the hljrh-class and truly exe- celleut entertainment, and evidenced 1 4 LITTLE ABOUT HDMEEOHS IHI5GS IMPORT DOTY FAYORS ROUGH LEAF.

i i ODD UD IITERESTISG HAPPEHISS their appreciation by. frequent ap plausW'- fSj- uoages ootn or tws oounty pllX married. The home was i fully deconteoiAt 'the rtar, tKM parlor an embankment was taade crf palms, fern snow balls and aaref Liqaozpne VRU a Ctossip 'Gathered from Murphy Hi Pith of tha Nwt ThM Might Our Rosdsrs. An The reading of Miss MaoMlllan was Imperial Officials in England Order of the highest order and fully met the Their Plants in America to Cease sua. color scheme was fully fiermDiseases.

Item Her and There. standard represented of her. Her Manteo of Importance to Our Tar Heel Reader. The Republicans of the eighth con rled outlnr.wnitd'.and green. Stemming for Export.

The recent act of the house of com San Francisco, April 23. The facial expression and absolute control 'Tbese are the known 'germ dis-i tl it room 'was beautifully lighted witM amored cruiser California was launch of it in reciting humorous selections is gressional district have Issued a call mons in England in. imposing a dif wsx tapers which made a ed today at the shipyards of the Union eQW. aii. na maicuie can an for thes troubles is to help Naturqf orercome tlw trerins.

and such r. remarkable and the applause that fol for a second convention, claiming ferential duty of 8i perhundred pounds scene as the doors were thrown open Iron Works in this lowed every number was proof of the that Blackburn's nomination wu suit are indirect and uncertain to the invited ruests. First came three manner in which It was received by on stripped tobacoo, that is stemmed leaf, Is of the utmost importance to illegal. The date is set for June 1. the audience.

Her reading of James ''Washington, April senate in executive session today confirmed the nomination of Jeter C. Pritcbardl of pretty little girls, Charlotte Harper! Hodges, Muriel. EUnlra' and Mary Mr. A. D.

Helms of Mecklenburg leaf dealers in this country, but ex Whltcomb Riley's productions and county accidentally shot his 12-year-. actly the effect It will have is not fully North Carolina to be United States Josephine Hadley, relatives of the bride and groom, beautifully attire of Ella Wheeler of all others a perfect understanding known yet. The head officials of the old son Thursday and one leg had to be amputated as a result of the shoot circuit judjre for the fourth judicial Imperial Tobacco Company, in Eng In pink, white and the next enters of the sentiment Intended by the authors land, have notified the stemmeries in circuit. Knoxviile, April 28. Mr.R ing and the other leg will be crippled for life.

i and sympathy with it that comes only the bride leaning, on the arm of th groom. Liqdorone kills the grms, wherever they are, and the results are irwvitable. By destroying tba cause of ttofrtrouble, it inrariably ends the ding, and forerer. Asthma Kidney Troubles Anemia LaGrippe Abscess Liver Troubles -Bronchitis Leucorrhea Malaria Blood, Poison Billiousness Neuralgia Pneumonia Bright's Disease Pleurisy Coughs Colds Piles Consumpton Richmond, Danville and other plaees through careful training of a gifted mind, and in the last number, the At Elizabeth City the fishermed are where they are working to cease stem. The impressive Methodist ceremony L.

Taylor was granted a divorce from former Governor Robert L. Taylor in the chancery court today after the making record-breaking catches of mlng tobacco for export, The stem wa periormea, tne omciaung minister beautiful words, of Joaquin Miller's, herring and shad. It Is considered being Rev. E. H.

Davis, of Klnstoni tnlog of the company In this city has His Wedding" did Miss MaoMIllan deposition of a few witnesses had been closed for some time and eonse The bride was handsomely gowned in been read. display, her wonderful talent in the fullest, reciting the musloal words of blue silk with white chiffon an queatty ao order was necessary at this duchess lace trimmings and wore no unusual thing for one set of nets to catch 50,000 herring In a day and hundreds of shad. More herrings by far are caught in the river, without recourse to the sound, than the city Mime, pat the effect will be undoubted- Paris, April 28. A dispatch to The Raphael from Sofia says the sultan of the Rocky Mountain poet in such feel lrttoshut dowh everv stemmerv in ing manner as to sweep the audience cresent of pearls, a gift of the groom The groom wore the conventibna thU city and In fact all on; this side the Turkey is seriously ill. Tba correspondent says.

the sultan refuses to al off their feet, so to speak. black. After the marriage, the happy can consume, and hundreds of boxes As an addition toMlssMaoMUHan.s low European physicians to be called are shipped each day. Atlantic next season, A representative of The Free Press waited on Mr. Woodson, manager of in to attend him.

A number of charges 'against ware reading the a series of tableaux by 17 of Elnston's most beautiful young ladies, was a feature no less appreciated and the beautiful couple left for the horn of the groom The groom" is a member pf one of -tba most prominent families of" Nortl Carolina am? verry successful farmep In his wife he has gained amostcharni- th $perjal Interests In the this St. Petersburg, April 28. The JRus- house men for breach of contract were mornrng, ana Inquired bis views of the whmj at j-iouisourg tnis week, The affect the act would have. Mr. Wood- Quinsy Choleralnfantum Cattarrh Rheumatism Cancer Runningores- Dysentery Skin Disease Diarrfiea Sore Throat Dandruff Scrofula Dropsy Syphilis Dyspepsia StomachTroubles Eczema Salt Rheum Erysipelas Tuberculosis Tonsilitis Feversr-all kinds Tumors Gonorrhea Ulcers Gallstones Govt Varicocele Influenza Women's Disease iaaresoue expedition sent out in the spring of last year to search for the Polar expedition under Baron Toll, drummers for the warehousemen made) contracts for the farmers' tobacco be lag young woman whose lovely qualf-Ison stated that as he had hot beep off! scene effected by their? wall ordered appearance in the several tableau all costumed In ancient Greek robes clally advised of the passage of the ties have won for her a place ia- fhe fore the season opened and when the has returned without having found any trace of the party.

It is believed esteem wi an woo Knew oer. lOB that, with soft colored lights made a act pf the English parliament he did not cars to express officially an opin sents were handsome and numerous. most striking and Inspiring picture. slump 'came the trouble arose. The warehousemen are living up to con- -tracts where they were clearly expressed.

i the Tpll party has perished Washington, April 28. Mr, Allen, United States Minister fcTXorea, has ion, hut said that It appeared no that the effect would be to close the stem- The young ladles responded to the training of Miss MacMUlam perfectly A Delightful Storm Party. merles of the Imperial and all inde cabled the state department very re Raleigh Post: The work of excavat- and every one of the series of tableaux Ladrange, N. April 29, J904. 1 Weak Eyes Impure Blood 1 assuring message touching the copdi- hltch to de-1 ing for the splendid new 125,000 dor- pendent concerns that stem, tobacco for export.

'iT-y 4 went off without ft 3 i 'One of the enjoyable social functions Hon of American missionaries in that is of the mltory building at the Baptist Fcuale of the week was a auprlse party last What effect tMs will hav on the ln- country. He Bays they are tn no dan All diseases that begin with fever all inttammation-iill catarrh-rail contagious disease all the results of rmDureor poisonous blood. Is row roll ulJpp way, tav-l" I Wc' 'iv. Ir' 1 it ii evening, atihe home of -Miss Lillian ger and will sot be, 'so long as present dc; indent li" dealers Is not yet clear, butone th! is known, that It Fields. About 8:30 o'clock a merry 1 1- party of -ytmngikdes tan bUsw April 3.

An visited from LaGrange. -i- what nft drugf can 1 i iv. ladles who assisted in the poses, whom The evening was Idealrnot: a cloud attempt was made last night to assaasi ate D. M. Robini.candidate for mayor gtoes who have; earned their livelihood that way, out of employment.

Mr. John E. Hughes, of Danville, The Fekb Peess is by Cir to mar the pleasure. It was indeed cle No 4, to thank through Its columns on the Independent labor ticket. Mr.

Robins was seated In his home when fitting- evening' for the occasion. a big leaf dealer and exporter k-y ilt'w i no pushed for completion. September 1st, that the contract was only awarded Monday, Mr. M. Al Moser is the contractor.

Professor Charles Baskerville, the eminent chemist at the University Of North Carolina, who has made himself world-famous by the recent dis Miss Fields In her own charming way 0f iobaoco, was here today and says Effects of the Carnival. two bullets crashed through the win- that Independent dealers are feeling The following dispatch ban be ap weloomed the assisted, by rher lovely visitor, Miss of one splintering the chair on, preciated by the youth of this city, which he was sltting-and tba other de- great concern for tobacco in England and in transit, as it is net known on Germanton, Va. Then for pleature who did not go to the extreme that molishlug a lamp. The shots had free and unalloyed" until 10 o'clock, been fired from an alley in which a re covery of two new; elements, Corolin- the Elizabeth City boys did, but evl denced pretty nearly the same enthus when refreshments were served. A very pleasant featuce of the evening's lum and Berzelium, as be has named volver was found- later.

No arrests have been made. this side when the act becomes operative and whether the duty will be imposed on it or not The cause of the trouble is that heretofore an ad valorem import duty iasmv Lay ton's Carnival was there them, has received the offer of the entertainment was several instrumentar and be has the famous "Bosco, who IJew York, April 28. A new bond solos bo Miss Attle Fields. At If you need Liquoxone, and have never tried it, please send us this will then mail $bu an order on E. Hood Co for a full size bottle, and we will pay your druggist ourselves for it, This is our free gift, made to convince you; to show you what Llquozone is, and what it can do.

Jq justice to yourself, please accept it today, for it places you under no pbliga-tion LiquQzone costs 50c. and 1. CUTOUT THI5 COUPON (or this offer mar not appear airatn.Flll theblunUs and mail It to tn Ugulrt Ozone 4W-400 Wbash Chi-caga My same is, My dis ase is Give lull address-rit plainly. eates 'em alive," which was the cause issue of to run forty years I the euestsl deDarted. aU votinir the wa Imposed on all tobacco shipped deanship of the department of chemistry and medicine at the Columbia University, in Washington.

Professor Baskerville has deollned the offer and of the trouble. The dispatch explains Elizabeth City, N. April? 28. atnoimore than four yper evening one of the most pleasant they inttfUrigland aadtoavold payingdu-flt kh ever ty on stems the tobacco was, summed Issued today by the directors of the Those presmt were: Mi9Se, Bessie in this country for export, but the Norfolk railway. It Is Kennedys Mabel Kennedy, Adair pew act makes a differential of $0 per will remain at Chapel Hill.

A The carnival, which recently showed here' left such a deep Impression among" the small boys, that they imitated the the principal feature given uu uaraee, Mae Bowe, Kate Wood, Attie hundred pounds of strip, 'that 1, the sell any of the new bonds at the pres- Fields. Mriorl AT THE CHURCHES. Services will be held in the follow by the juveniles being an tnterpreta 7 i iwuwii wuaj vu ntcuiuicu svubvw 19 An timo- a at the aaoh Asnm In. 1 per hundred mdVe than on leaf un tion of the snake-eater. The youth ing churches tomorrow, to which everybody is invited: stemmed, and the difference makes it who essayed this part swallowed tad favorable to shipping in its unstemmed poles, minnows and fishing worms in Any phrslclan or bonpltal not ret usinu Llnuozoa will be gladly supplied v- fields.

Messrs. iSr from the sale of the consolidated Ej Moye, S. Wootea, M- S. mortgage bonds and equipment trust Walters, J. Walters J.

Stantonj certificates are ample for all current. W. Sutton, B. S. Harper, J.

W. needs. The ffcw mortgage is to Fields, Berwick and M. Mc, vide for needed capital expenditures. penaid.

1 Mr. M. Wade came home from I Missionary BaptUt Church. Preaching morning and evening by' lieu of snakes. The result was the state.

As stated the effect on independent dealers, except" those having 4 ors test. 4rvlces of a physician had to be Dr. Vann, President of the Bap called in to pump him out. stripped tobacco to come under, the new act. is not known, but it appears tist Female University, of Raleigh.

J.E.II00D&G0. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. To The public. Wilson this morning to apend Sunday; Kinston College Commencemen tha ia tbI countr Prayer meeting Thursdayevenlng at doomed except where directly connec with his family.

A few of our bread customers have 7:30 o'clock. Kinston, N. C. The commencement exercises of the Kinston College, a colored Institution jigenis strayed off and are using goods other HYOMErS SUCCESS 15 KIISTOH. I I i I than pure home made.

B. Y. P. U. Sunday at 4 p.

m. Methodist Church. Services morning and evening by 1 take this space to invite you back of learning in Lincoln City, a suburb of the city, will begin tomorrow afternoon with the baccalaureate sermon Cured Many SerioutCases of Catarrh. to my bread. 1 ted with the factory here.

There is no reason for the act to' effect the price of tobacco to the farmer, and in fact it would seem that he would benefit by it by having greater opportunity for getting labor on account of the number thrown out of employment in the shutting down of the stemmeries, the pastor. J.E. Hoed Co. Will Refund Money It It Fails. I No other medicine or treatment for at o'clock by Rev.

H. D. Albrltton. Wednesday evening iat 7 o'clock the took the bakery business in your town when you were very much in need of one, and no one else would Sunday-school at 9:30 a. Epworth League at m.

Sunday. CbrtatlaW Church. Service morning 'and evening by exercises of the preparatory department will be held. catarrh has ever achieved such quick and remarkable success in Kinston a venture In on account of so many mak Hyomei. The fact that J.

E. Hood St ing a failure, Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock the pastor. V' VI want -your, patronage and 'must I Prof. H. E.

Hagna will deliver tha when they first introduced Hyomei sold it under, poitlv guarantee to refund the money in case 'it did Morning sabjeci-' fChrist Knocking havJj Or cut out that part of my bus annual address, and at 1 p. m. the at the iness. I College department wilt have tlfelc ex of ladles! and gentlemen went irveriinir" subject from th cure contributed largely to its Successful Introduction A sfuat-aotee from a firm like J. E.

rave oeoole WUUstreet'a Vciaft frst-glass down the river on Mr. ercises. Sdr. J3l Cb -ention." trade J. and.

if Eveirrbody -i cdrdlaUr -itivtted to Iwtnch jesterdiykPn a fishlngtrip and confidence at the start. you wintry one more loaf and don't who obtained a Hyomei outfit attend and will oeire-4 had delightful time. They served for white people. The exercises at Faulkner's seine beach, four or five found that the treatment did all that think it the best ever made tnr JCinston was claimed for; it; that the first few will be held in the colleze building in Lmilei below the city, and fished In the we return your money. Every oreatns or Hyomei cleared the air passages and gave an exhilarating and loaf guaranteed to be pure and sweet LIlcoIu City.

e1 vicinity until noon when the ladles' -x spread a very appetising lunch under My line of groceries is complete and Tf-. O-. T7tr 'ivigoraung effect. Ita continued use liree Iicasons Wliy free5 tte irom catarrhal toothed and healed the mucous invigorating effect. Its continued use the trees and all enjoyed it aaonly hard Yo.ung peoplaa iLteuiiat Sunday school at 9:30 a.

tn. Christian Endeavor at 6 p. m. Eptacoffal Cherch. Services both morning and Children's service at 4 o'clock, Sunday school at 9:30 a.

m. PreabjrteMaa Chwrch Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Pre Will Baptist Chore.

Services morning 'and evening by The more you patronize me the bet worked "fishermen" can. party membrane, and made a comnlete and You should come to this drug ter goods you will More business caught II fish, an average of one each; makes better business. lasting cure. srV Compared with tne' dangerous stomach druggintr that had been used They returned to the city at 6 p. Send in your orders and they will receive prompt attention.

Winterville High School. The Winterville Higk' School has issued its annual commencement invitations. The program Indicates a very interesting series of exercises. Rev. G.

N. Cowan, of -Kinston, will preach the sermon, and Hon. John Hi Small, of Washington, N.C.; will deliver the literary address. An oration and a debate will be given' by the Chattel: Mortgages, lien Bonds iteoate siamps wun every iuo pur guarrantee and Mortgage Deeds, on good paper and nicely printed, at The Rev. B.

H. Moxlngo, of Ayden. 'i. be tress otnr. Caascv''' "Respectfully, KlNSTOJf Bakeby, M.

Herbert, Prop. store: We have what you want of the right quality at the price you wish to pay. We give you courteous-attention; tnake you feel like com- ing back. We have a quick delivery system that saves annoying waits and delays. These are the most important There are others.

AVI LX. HUNTER, Jr members of the Vance literary aociety, Sunday school at a. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday night Fin Charch of Christ, Scientist. 1 Room 3, 103 E.

Gordon St Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. -Subject: "Adam and Fallen Man." "16aat Kinstaa M. E.

Chapel7 Sunday school at 9:15 a. m. heretofore in the treatment of catarrh, the balsamic air of Hyomei created a most favorable impression. And the medicine itself did even more than was claimed for it. In fact, to make a success, it was necessary that Hyomei should cure every case of catarrh in which i.

a.3 used, for every outfit was sold orx a guarantee to refund the money Jo casa it failed. If it had not posessed unusual merit, an offer like this would have resulted in an enormous los. But as it did, Hyomei soon gained an enviable reputation and made toany friends who recommend it far and near. Its 1 in Kls-n has been remark-, 1' are still f-'ratvtca toes not while tbeFhiloatean Society will give the closing concert. I I haveused Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets with most sstisfao-tory results," says Mrs.

F. Phelps, HoustonTexas For isd igestion, biliousness and constipation these tablets are most excellent. Sold by J. E. Uood Co.

ScUUe Rbeamatisa Cared, "fhave been subject to sciatic rheumatism for says E. H. Wal-drom, of Wilton Junction, Iowa. "My joints were stiff and gave me. much pain and discomfort.

My joints would crack when I straightened up. I used Chamberlain's Pain Balm and bavt been thoroughly cured. Have not bad a pain or ache from the old. trouble for "His Certainly a-most won-1 -Jir sale. 'at jj i dru-tiorej' I -v.

Xo4htnc EqaU to CWnberUU'. 'cdte Cbolers od IHarrhoe tor-Bowel Complaint In Chlldrrai. i We have used Chan Wlain'sColIc; fa. Serictea Stotaarb Trouble Cared. I was troubled wish a distress in'mv I 1 anaoar Cholera and Di-rrc a li; 1y in our A.

tftciiy- nr ysrs.v J. U. tOn acb, sour stomach and vomiting Ti.s: aadican say that ry f. Co'ke, cf I-1 'iex. base rirei it f'l of our i Cbsmberlain's- Stomach and Liver Tablett cured mo.

Mrs. V. 7il- yi r-i' Weln 'f the 1 3 i Iis-V t.b- I i ffC'i it 1.

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