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The Hutchinson News from Hutchinson, Kansas • 5

Hutchinson, Kansas
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TT1TTCIIIXSOX DAILY KWS, SATURDAY, MAY 15, 1897. 5 wi-KHAKNHt-nr. it 1 I I.I always be reidy to enter every door of IRVAFSl i BROWN opportunity opened to us. THE HUTCHINSON NEWS. NEWS OF Mr.

Robert Burns was to nave Tho Cold. Cruel World," but said that he could not be out so late at night and If You Have Not Read it You May Find it in This Column. Jubilee week next week. Get your tickets for the Jubilee, May IS, 19, 20 and 21 is the Jubilee. Go to the American Steam Laundry THE CITY.

4 4 4 the program was closed to secure an oolior ndiournment for his benefit. 'Em CHEAP COAL! Until further notice we will Pell ou the beet domes 0(8 II Those who danced had a good floor Up Sale, and Satiirilev. nn and plenty of good music for the best work. Alumni Banquet Held Last while those who did not dance engaged All work is cuarantecd by the Amer Friday ican Steam Laundry. tvening.

in games and social conversution.wnen they adjourned at 2:30. THE BAnTaFFAIR. Plenty of strawberries eveiy day at Colin Campbell oi Co's. tic coal in the market as follows. No Weir.

Pittsburg and Rich Hill Lump 1.00 per ton No 6 Weir, Pittsburg ami Rich Hill Nut per ton nt Rftunion ot the i a Mr. Breidenthal Will Return Monday to ngam A Great Shirt Waist Sale. Do you want a Shirt Waist? If you do, 4 4 The American Steam Laundry maites a'speeialty of washing lace curtains. Special sale on bed room suits this week at King's. Don miss it.

Miss Lizzie Kilpatrick left Wednesday morning for Caldwell, Kan. Meet the Bank People. matter which is of most inter- Hutchinson High School Graduates CSi iu -V ttSt now ib an answer to the question Ej3 Id Not Don't miss the first day of the Jubi- This means good well When will the Bank ct uutcuinsu. kc, May IS. School uiti, uuw f.itpil the Standard Dress screened coal, delivered, open? THE BANK MATTER.

There is nothing definite known to- Cutting Academy. tlrt door east of the also carry a good stock of nnlv thill Jir. ti i postotlice? iiri- Tinberts. of Topeka is ex iiiitdhinsnn luuiJ- other hard and esft coals, es nnniiucr LU 11 lvh and Olilta Breidenthal Will Return U- to JZJ 4 4 Lot NO. 116 dozen Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists, elegant patterns-Wake 'Em Up Price, 25c Each.

Lot No. 222 dozen Ladies' Laundered Shirt Waists, tbj3 parties wuumv. Next Monday. pected tomorrow to visit her sou, Mr. and Mrs.

Geo. Roberts. Call up telephone 107 and the American Steam Laundry will answer you and attend to your wants. money to pay oil the depositors, jar. Breidenthal will arrive Monday and Pea.

CEHTRAL COAL and CORE CO. Telephone No. 33. will consult with the bank people cn it is hoted that would be cneap at oc i Wake 'Em Up Pric 29c Each. Other News of the City and There is a fortune teller in town and Hob Burrs is going to have the curtain lifted at view his future.

w. Main. E. L. ODELL.Mjrr.

some arrangements vun oe niaue. The depositors have used commendable Wash Goods Items for Your Careful Consideration. What we have left of those B-autiful will go in this sale at 6lc Yard. patience, and have taken a wise cum in being guided by the examiner. Mr.

MavlSth to 22d-Spccial sale of ladies' shirt waist sets aud ladies' wateu chains at Zinn's, the jeweller. ttiH snecial sale of shirt Breidenthal bus evidently submitted bv a wish to best serve the 6 Also 500 yards of Agra Linens-you know what they 4 1 1 1 1 .1 1 A ic ovo vxrnnl hft p.hHat) at 12 people who have deposits in the bank, lie has submitted reluctantly, though, The Hutchinson High School Alumni nnnnrJ Via fillet waist sets and ladies' watch chains at Zinn's, the jeweler, May IS to 22. Mrs. Montgomery has moved her dressmaking parlors from 21 North Watch repairing and fine engraving a specialty. Friday and Saturday, 5c Yard.

glve their fifteenth annual 1 there is no doubt that he will Ust night, at Armory Hall, in honor bre tbe nearest end Tl Main to Her permanent the class of 1807 To all present wa, 4 4 4 IlRVAN BROWN LET US FIGURE iw in ladies' shirt waist sets and watch chains attend the special sale at Class It was a. lilliv i A man can buy a suit of clothes 0f an interesting experience with a even ng. THE CHURCHES. ready made or of an ageni wno White-Dearaeu um j. DRY GOODS MERCHANTS.

rompr r.f First and Main. Huchinson, Kansas. Zinn's, the jeweler, May ism io --u. The best pen on the market is the QlnnimiTn Snl A at the News office. represents an eastern house for initiate them into the alumnai mysrer represents an eastern nouse ior initiate mem mbu Zl 00 or 820.00 that will hold its ies, until they found that no such treat Places Where Our Citizens and Strangers Can RVinnft n.

month or so, soon bag was in store for them. The Armory Worship Tomorrow. shape a month or so, soon bag was in store for them, ine Armory When you want to buy this pen by the gross you can save money by see TTNIVERSALIST CHURCH. i bTiPPR. limns iaae 1B1 hpen tasteiuny uecuiaicu Horner Second avenue and loplar uag and probably rip in a few weeks, occasion and the elegant costumes oi You can get a suit of Jno.

Buet- the fair sex, sobered by the conven- tner for a few dollars more that tional black of their escorts, combined ing us. W. E. Gaston Co. sold a 100-acre farm in Haven township to Doc Bennett todav.

The farm was cultivated Rtrpet. Services tomorrow morning and evening. Subjects of sermons or, Whoro ia Truth?" but had no other improvements, and will hold its shape until worn te make the scene one of beauty tu nwimin for the evening was D. of Ideas." Sun out not rin or bag and where sold for 3,500. Mrs.

Delia Bennett and Mrs. D. T. will nrvive this evening on No. nnfmpd bv a irreatly enjoyed selection I at 10 a.

m. A cordial wel the very best of linings and trimmings are used. Which will by Haughey's orchestra, after which cQme extended to all GEO. N. FALCONER, Pastor.

the president, Mr. John Fontron, de be the cheapest suit to buy lRACE (EPISCOPAL) CHURCH, livered the alumnai address. 5 from they have been attending grand lodge of the Order of the Eastern Star. For four vears Mrs. Maury has never been absent nor tardy from tbe school Corner First avenue and Maple street.

Miss Anna Wimpleberg then sang "Life's in a very charming Holv communion, 7 a. m. Sunday onnnl.ioa. morning service 11 a.m.; manner. room a single sne was -a-" The Best is the Cheapest.

Makes the She is better out ssun Mr. Bert Baker delivered the alum Daughters of the p. even- slCk Tuesday confined to her bed and it will be sou.e rml address of welcome to the incom in? service, 8 p. m. tims befcre ste is out incr class.

Mr. Baker spoke in his usual ALFRED BRCWN, Kector. nna nf hp nrisoners oo inr hia nwii weiiare iur. iua IW -J o- happy manner, assuring the graduates CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR SERVICES. a -Via J.

PAYNE, Secretary. jail was robbed oi Ed in sev made the mistay sey made the miscaue nail 1 17 oi mvauiuK REDHEAn, President. nhictinn V.ndpavor societies of an Thp rinV.ars were foucti Be that they were received as irienas ana wrontr communitv. inereEeemo iu vyLwfr momViprshin in the H. Vauehan Co, Sliver.

xuc I the city will hold a union devotional creted ia the next cell. Prisoners have a preUy strong sentiment of decency con in KnmR wav. and rrxmpritv past of here, and ngnt- in some as ui S. A A. meetinc tomorrow evening, hi u.j.

io auiunc meeuufc, o' tA or, pvpllent nlan. rtr Vint nn has overtaken a so- meeting tomorrow evening, at 6:30, in to amuse themselves found an excellent plan. The Union Ice and Salt Go. PURE DIST1L1M1TER Carl Flodina responded on behalf of the Luthcran church, subject, "Things these have nn skunk Rural towns seem to be There are lots of tramps in town at cial kunB fls rf There are lots of tramps in town nlnss nf '97. thanking the Alumni T.

Pn A11 are invited vw 1 CV Vi Tha nnmhfii' reooriea louaj uv 1 -J tnrtar 1 LUC for the hearty welcome extended. He aUend tWs Iventeen There sient and dazzling cavaliers. Kinsley spoke at some length concerning the raoisTUVrnnRCH UJ ma.ia cr.nn has had her share oi tnem mis Bpim. CHRISTIAN CHLKCU. will be some arrangements made soon has LIFE AND FIFE INSURANCE AGENTS.

District Agents for the Aetna Life and Acci "late war" between the Seniors ana me Corner of Fifth avenue and main tQ provide for tbelr amusement, xnere to a few giggling, silly fools I Freshmen and announced that the streets. Regular services in the tuna- are many for whom there can neither be tympa- "Uopnpr nf wamrjum" of their class had tian church (Church of Christ) tomor- heaitmui or reSpect." taken the scalps of the ringleaders tin row at usual hours. Morning subject Prices Reduced. the now iustlv celebrated resnmen 'Sundav School ana tne cnurcu. oriri ft.

cnTes dent Insurance Co. KoomB 1, 2 and 3, over A. A. Drug store. It is to be hoped thai mis is PROMPT AND RELIABLE SERVICE.

Evening subject, -The Gospel." Sun- the dispositions the final chapter in that conflict which i Order from Drivers or Telephone 4 J. ehooTa; a. W. E. Hawley sicknesT" LocatesToVs'es Don't held responsibly superintendent.

Junior C. E. at4p.m I IT lai cnnari YiT.PnnfinL. oiaiudviwm Aina nrhih mn Mrs. iv.

ucii ht for toe trermB ui uiacaoo -ii Tinr rtfau uii i ifac ilomsplrps in our blood as a has been more exciting than me Graeco-Turkish war. The Senior and Freshmen scribes have nearly outrivaled Weyler in the number and ferocity of their literary productions on of the f- S. C. E. will attend union meeting r- Tka MS scbeme on foot to rob serf MaTinry' wis a mem luaui.av heritage from former generations.

But anil at Lutheran church ganger. USe hardware store last night, we are responsioie we anuw iuc district. He lives was burn in the but it leaked out and was caught by as Citizens, nic wwxu.t.., J. H.F.PLATE'S 1 DELICATESSEN germs to develop into serious diseases Marshal Benedict. ine parties uu war in it, learned that the thing had hanninpss.

Wearerespon- of our services. G. K. BERRY, Pastor Residence, 515 North Main. 1S4S.

H'; the c-nTMerste in the fall M.l lateT been given away, and did not get close Je W(3 tranhmit to our descendants the subject. Professor Wiuans gave a short address in which he urged the members of tbe Alumni to stand by the principles of free public education and to aid in the work of founding educational institutions. xiiFina which it is Dossibie srrve: a thf oneaera.e enough to get into trouuie. LUCW.Oiom-"- navy. After tne war ne Ten "students" for the Reformatory for us to eradicate by the ne of Uooc is YOUTHFUL DEPRAVITY.

town coil Ke. D. and alr trraauat- arrived this morning from taswro Mrsapmio, i I JHJii i i ir.H t-ui'-'hr s-hool aivl stu h-m riw ra Fifteen-Year-Old Boy Steals while Waiting for 0ra rich. XbWd and "establish perfect Mice Whinerv sang "Good-Bye

In 1ST4 he reiuni" i ronico- 4- i i Jf nnoH tin nTTdr in apfl ni aiseast. ln, anil since then ha iirie-icr 1 law in Sweet Uay," in her charming way, a and tbe otners were uuu.u,- CD 15 tb w.j Sup.nnWndcl Mors. Fuorcl.i, and has alf-o besn mteres.ea in t'vins; in li bvanf'ies in which pleases everybody. MALLOKY JIADK SKS.tTOU Vrnfessor Frank Messenger gave the state i iture, hid tne national ttie Chlpley r.ets Lost In th Slnitllo vu Hull, l. some word pictures of the Senior's trip ef w.vre ne was Xn 14 Fourth avenue west, ior some Telephone 182, Franco-American Soaps.

Monarch, and Piatt Canned goods. Crosse Blackwell's, Heinz', Monarch, and Piatt Bottled Hoods. 1 -a ims memb. of tae on TalUhasfee, Fl.i., May l' 3'x-Con around the world, which were greatly- thing to eat, and while it was being nrpnared. the youthful tourist stole a opeauiuK v.

ioned things kept as relics of t'-i there ia a man living on Avenue who has a real, genuine, bench-legged sawed-off rat terrier of the old school. c-siiiiiu Stephen It. M.iKory of IVn appreciated. He said that the old-fashioned girl's way was to "knit and ot tmlrl-rimmcil sijectacies. ine f.i:,'v The oil the twnty-liflh IMIETI'Y TATK 'V AVtWIV.S uj.

You may talk abjut your ancient rents, f'np runt, was ad follows theft was aiscovereu ooou ci but vou should see that lied Tai'o mill the th.) Amorlcon say but that the up-to-date girls "know and say Mallorv 03: Chipioy 41; Call I. departure and tne in r.olice Miii-iiu- Yotk, Miy No arrangements i-hinlt-v eame so ntar i-l-vtion yesier- After another selection by tne or tiling uact jiiau rj him. .1. trisrM'nrd for New onlv three while the Colman's and Trieste Mustard. Arrowroot and Rennett, Marshal Benedict, found the lad in Tnpr(, were three chestra the otlicers for the following have as yet bet-n ma le ror ioraiums cn CD PQ CO niwit; wis ilivileJ anions four ean the tons of corn stored in Uiook- ith a number of before Judge Noyes in "fi- year were elected as follows: CD CO pi PL.

fli, i ri- Tt li sulers of the wareln-ases to tne plague-siriCKen lyn upon search found the missing specta- 0ne day. l'hey were given 3 and costs i. on antiHntft for their failing. him a comiH-omis-'e can 0 I ml'. .1.

II a iu rr dif trie: e.iueus in t'a. senate cham- id ate. eles. mon thp other a ne- pose that this is a matter wmcn rests the custom ease authorities. Six the outeo.ue.

Stv- President Fred Leidigh fc Vice President Bertha Flodine. Treasurer Edward Colladay. Secretary Anna Wimpleberg. Aftpr the errand inarch they all re- Capres-Beef Extract Olives, Potted Meats and Fish. As Mr.

Robinson did not want the WCIC with were taken In which the hnv nrosecuted, Marshal ueneaici. railroad eommis- ululates were Maliory, Uancy ber Uit eral i lealins ra and lit.cki the caiiet'o wteks aK .) congress tne secretary of the navy to chartor a steamshia ot American nUtry. to convey the con- headtd him for other parts with orders ionerg have called a meeting at Tope- r. At 2 o'clock morning c3 CD 4) naired to the banquet room, where an tame to an agremeiit upon to sprint, and he sprinted. ka for May at wu; 03 oWnnt.

unrpftil was served, ine ioubib Boneless and Codfish Mailoty. trlbuti of food stuttd to inaia. iu contrlhui! ms comprised chiefly wheat, buekivheat. barley and rye. which wers THE SPOONERS Will UUU1C1 rious roads.

It is supposed that the a mnva toward lowering TT.vm the etlnst of the Joint iwm wpr as follows: Sfn'o ArViliitinn." hv MrS. L. H. and with the proceeds corn wan bU at no. the eindlJat.

for the u-neo ballet was 5w I nice nut; therateaon Kansas products sent to Richardson. She spake of the ambi bought. When congressional lo'oiV'iit Into the without a pr Ilallibut and Bloaters. Swiss Limburger N. York Cream Edam and Spiced Cheese.

inns trraduates who want to make a to hire a vessel was granted the contributions amounted to aoout four thou When the ,01 the roll call mark in the world, and said that we "The Egyptian Princess. utegt repot from the ship that "The Little Swede," presented last gtarteti fr0m here to New Orleans Is nitrht by the Spooner Company, proved tuat the entire party will continue bill and thpir iournev. The crew discovered a net ti v.uv sand vis. ahnnlrt have an ambition to make de 01 W. Hawthorne, the acpu.y col r-iitM-y Maliory 47; two tm hav cided advancement in an intellectual an miercBuuK i ii ujc.I.

Mor lector In charge ot tne marine uivimm of the house, reported to the ec- will insure a good attendance at their wpll as a material way ran. who had previoa-iy i ,,1 n. vet v.ited. th 'n liquid at Wichita which seems to cut the terrors of sand from their course, and the sails are once more unfurled. Two members of the party will remain in Wichita until tomorrow evening, then walk across the country and over closing performance, inis aneruuuu the company gave a'iiiatinee, present- (.

A ...1, in flnhfl." ie-ao' of the navy that a vessel oouei be procured to carry the grain for $10 a ton T'fii; rapid acimui.ition of the In one of tin' pirate cb.irniH wonmii can 1 given It. Mr. Howard ftauer spoke of "Graduate's Ambition." lie is evidently not given to "tripping the light fantastic," li.illot lleor s.nta 111 i. i.u iiiir. ot 'tiltiir that Tonight the play win uo ine great grain made it necessary to iook io, mihor- to si Uiioe drama, "The Egyptian rnuuess.

as he took occasion to roast the members of his class for having no higher and tlH'eW vessel, but one could not ne roiino. There Is no American vessel available take the boat. On the outside that is the hist place to Ucl-d the huge, old-fashioned mil. vo 1 t.i" rot- Maility. ils made the Coming Every Month.

si that will hold ton. The oniy ves- ambition than to learn to tread the 1 mn VI' Wttlt. t'o. r.imtemimlum prevailed for a On the Hth of every month Dr. W.

that will hold so larg-3 amount is a a von iret it infcide, it bo Coleman, specialist in chronic diseases. Whftt.i lhe use of ttm. the partisan of both eatidi latta Jtiniplns Wn the tUsk and walvln in their olTofts to TRY I TISEIKiF. Treats kidneys, lungs a 'r uh -j you caa get Hambtirs-Atneiean line The thini; to be done, apparently, ns the givretary of the. navy not empowered to engage more than one vessel, Is to Pierce's Pleasant no i- i hear.l.

At length Sen nerves, ueiects nibeaBi-o iuiuuSu nr terill matter. Pay monthly as you get belp fom Dr Miss Mary inn gave "The New Neman" in a manner that was convincing that the truly new woman is an improvement on the old woman. Mr. Albert Thomson responded to tn.t "Business" in a thoughtful ii A 4- USrltnnH lwJl. t.1 nn I iC VD .,,,.91.

KnnipA granules do if the Hritish atiihortties win not vnffl frnm ChlpHvV to Mai guaranteed. lnry Three others flLnvvl BUlt. Th na tiltt-T txhA'Q (inT vMe a vessel ti take th larger phu tho corn, wh tin American vessel takes the remainder, yon permanent good, lhey act mildly and naturally, and there's no reaction afterward. Constipation, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, aud all derangements of the liver, stomach, and bowels are An Edge for Green Stuff. nrpoared mustard in bulk.

VOli? vi mi- nt formally declareri I explanation of how we should "take i FSlillilH Farris.McKinziz and Mills, Barbers. No. 1151 N. Main. Hutchinson, Kansas.

Just the thing for your meats and the principles of business into our Will Take Care of All. every day lives." He said, "We should fresh vegetables, at Thomson IVJ3 North Main. 3t. Senator Maliory spoke befor? a large nth-Tin In the hoine of tonluht. He paid that he omlowd Colin Campbell Co.

will be pro prevented, reliev. ana fui'u; cured. rn a fow "Oh. so cay" men pnreo, Jubilee wecic, vj taue v. ait of tne tvanksi or the rmeao pn.i- on the fln.atv NOTICE all who desire fresh fruits and garneu in Hutchinson who should read this item from tho Kinsley Mercury: Ld.

Bussey, a gay and festive traveling man. was convicted at Howard this nimrtrn of having en- truck, as they have made arrangement to receive these goods fresh every DR. J. W. MAGTJIRE, SPECIALIST.

dlseastioMhe Kye iand Ear. Noe and Throat. Spectacle nclcntincally adjusted omce la Miionlc Temple. Hu chlnton. clal question and ndvoeltlnu the free polnase of ilvr at th- ratio of 1 to rocardla-H of foreign countries, lie dhl not xprM decided view on th? tariff.

TVaahlmtton, May 14-Stephen. pu- morning, and will have everything Bicycle Riders. I am prepared to vulcanize old tires, enamel'old frames, in fact, make your Old wheel look like new. vy. KEYS, No.

11 E. Sherman. that is in the market. WeCK tlced two young Butler county girls away from homo lor immoral pur- Califomiai Out and Back. Sotne luterentlntf facts concerning the trip to California and back via Sanut route may be had by apply eg to sgent T.

B. 1. Ry..

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