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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 2

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HIE YORK DAILY. MOXD'AY yiOKXIXG, FEBRUARY 21, 1013. I honor of the recosrnition accorded his compositions by the singers. STEM POSLAM CLEARS THE SKIN BEAUTIFULLY of small stature and was well dressed When asked whether any prosecutior had been brought, Mr. Albright answered that the police department hati made no progress on the case and unti' the department had some clues he va powerless to do anything.

who were on the grounc and questioned Mr. and Mrs. Albright, and the neighbors, say the case is mysterious one. DUAL CHARACTER IN EVERY MAN BISHOP DARLINGTON SAYS THAT PRISONS ARE FULL OF SAINTS Memoranda TODAY'S EVENTS: Keystone Building and Loan association, 47 Fast Jlarkit stitet. Carpenters' and Joiners" union.

No. l.u. Smvser building. National Association Letter earners, council No- postofnee butldln. Court York, No.

1 4, Foresters of America. Aloul building. Hand-in-Hand lodne No 311. U. L.

O. O. 1.. isinail's building, 41 If your Curtains, Portieres, Blankets and Home Furnishings could only talk they would shriek for a Cleaning and Finishing at the YORK PRESSING CLUB. If you only knew how fluffy, light and sweet-smelling blankets and bedding becomes and how much time and money is saved, you would begin using our service today.

Send Veils, Silk IVaisls, Skirts, Suits, Silk Hose, Silk Underwear, along ivilh jjour Blankets, Portieres, Piano Covers and other Furnishings. PRESSING YORK Both Phones 25 WEST KING STREET We Cal! For and Deliver Al Big Bankrupt Sale S'SK? SSg Now In Progress AT (GREGORY'S In the Square MENTHIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY Take Advantage of It Eczema pot8. aone, pimples, blotches and all fkln attections are cpilcklv eradicated by l' ltcbim, stopped with appltcatloiu In ion i-ubdmd. t-kin soothed nnd comforted.

Inflame'l kin ulckly cleared. its hoal.nif process is rapid, improvement bfini; noted day by day un'il tho skin resumes normal color and condition. All eczeims. barbers' uod all forms of itch, till nipMonpl nirface troubles yield to Poslam us to nothing else. SOAP, medicated with Is unequalled the skin, not only when dlyeaso is present, but is the baffst and rnoKf beneficial soap for daily use.

toiUt nnd imth. Scot beg tender kin, never Alt- druT'-tsts sell Poslam (price. ..0 centM and Poslam S--ap (price, i't cr-ntsi. For free samples, writ" to thf Kmcr-jrerrey Iaborntorlea, 12 West Street, City. firmed.

Ke tondueted confirmation services O'nrp Ili'l last evening. 1,659 ATTEND RECITAL Many Unable to Gain Admission to St. Matthew's Lutheran Church Sixteen hundred and frrty per--ns were in the third of a series of emg recitals given in St. M-Uth-rw-'s Lutheran charoh last even-in? by the augmented chorus choir of the congrer.ttion under the direction of A. Frey.

An ad.litional were to secure pdmiesion to the 'arse auditcf iu-tn which xuti crowded dors nnd arwwrr ni made that three of the anthorrs rendered uld be at the evening worship in the church next Sun-ch'y evening. Provision had been mwtle ti accomn odaie l.r.00 persnrs, t-ut V-efere the rrcltil began every sell in the ibulldlng was oc-c. jicd and many wre along the alsics. The Et rvice i-i charge of th" Rev. .1.

Harms, titor of the who five 0 brief ai-fitfi ch ich antbeai Vf rc its rendition. Mt-s Fnvm-t played sis a rreiude on the organ "G1f 1 Dtm ni." by T. Tertius Vrel. ch-e-ruecs were all compositions of S. Frown, organist of the Vrrt Presbyterian church.

Wilmington. ard pi ived be term in cbject cf devotion bein apparent thrmighoat the rendtt'on. The anthem, -and Sinj the h(wd to effect the tonal and phrasing c-f tlis choir and the able tr.inner In which the work war? rpreted. Mis Clara loFshnrt, goprsnJ, fang -the ohlignto and her effcrt wis highly tpreclate 1. The mist striking on the program, however, n-js the chirus.

Thee a It trli, the soloists JITsT noshjrt. Sir. Timberl-iWe and Miss Bessie Olat-fclter. Mr. Tlmheriake.

who Is blind, has a sweet voice of considerable range and le- ssng with precision. M'ss came In for oon-sldersble praise from her ior her excellent etYrt. The other oloist of the evening was John F. Mt-ssineer, formerly bas salolst of Trinity church, wh.j assisted In the rendition of the anthem, "Anund the Throne of God." It is expected that Mr. Prown ded'eate an ar'hcni to St.

Matthew' choir, in "The state prisons are of sainte; men and wctrun who have been very tad and are now try-ins to t-c s.t'd th Rt. Rev. Jimea H. Oarlins-ton. D.

an address in St. John's I'roiestant church. Beaver treet, yesterday morninT. The ndaresa v.iu delivered to a class of catechumens which hit 1 j'Jf. I'ea ccntlrmed by the liaho; and to a l.trs The utterance (juote 1, was made hen lie was clearly deli.s-lrK the ireaning of the tiUo eaSnt.

Hisliop as text, St. John xx. 21: "Hut Th vr'as, one of twelve called Didyn'-us, waa not with them." This text se'ecttd fnm the Rosptl for the and the w'-th of St. The s.f alter siuir.t.tintd llict ail men have, like the Vmbtitis aj a dual character; a Kftul and a side. We not -rsh'p iXirlimum.

We only mor for chnracter jrocd Th norl saint, accord-in? to the New Tcscinunt, es irean a bul enc who is trying to be rc id. That meni thai th state rrlrona re flUd with sctnts; men and r.xmen who have been vct lad and are m' tryinfr tf 1e sJ. tine vh thinks himseU perfe.t i not a ralnt. And tijere are thve ivhi arc so wicked they nosscasp 1 the devil vre tar rcniove I tints Tho? want Io fo i ttre th? Krjfn'w. ThH th of t'hrisfa teaching.

He rcfeives yon not for what yo.i are. for what you want t. i.nrist recognizes your ldeais." Dr. Djrlins'on explained the nnrr" DldyiiTus to metn "the Thi-r nam, he said, r.ppiied we 1 la Tho-rv who was a man of twin nctures. Hre the, speaker referred to the stry Dr.

Jeykil and Mr. Hyde in mi'dns tho point that man's character Is du-t! that there is end bad In every man. It dhrruld t1 our pirpce, said, to strive to he the cro.l Thomas: to brins: foremosi the Kod in us and to eubJuRate the ttrl. If we da mt he said, there is rueh thins OB being absent when Jesus oorr-es. I There vr minini tttrent if the subject thrcghmt the addros-.

I)r. Darlington in making a reference to the JeL, had praise for them am religious pt Tple. 1 xjer sed the wish that Christians wuid worship the Almighty w'-th tr.K la'Vlme revcrance thet is nind In the Jew-. The speaker had words oi kin 1 tribute the various denominations of Dr. Darlington's words were uttered with In-H vk'-jal such pi at once charts and carries conviction.

confirmation rervice in Ft. John's, rrf-tes'-ant nnisrorpl churcM was held at 11 a. m. The Rev. E.

W. f'oulkes. curate, presented six cindl-dafs tn the bishop for ennnrm-ition. Dirlinr.ton delivered, an nd-r'ress at confirmation service- held in M. Andrew's chapel.

Norway Park, at 2:30 p. m. Three candidates were con- i BARGAINS IN FURNITURE, CARPETS, RUGS, STOVES AND HOUSEFURNISHINGS AT ROTHERT'S BIG FEBRUARY FURNITURE SALE EX-JUDGE HINCKLEY SPEAKS. Several hundred men attended th mass meeting under the auspices of the Young Men's Christian association, held yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, at Trinitv United Evangelical church. East King street.

The speaker was 11. At. nincKiey, 01 I'anviiis, Montour county, who spoke on. the subject, "A Happy Old Man." The devotional exercises were conducted by the Rev. J.

Theodore Pettlt, pastor of Trinity church, and the Y. M. C. A. male chorus sang a number of selections, directed by Prof.

Urban Hershey. H. A. Failey, general secretary of tho Y. M.

was in charge of the meet-'ing. CHRIST LUThtHAN SERVICES. The services in Christ Lutheran church, the Rev. G. W.

Enders. D. pastor, were unusually well attended yesterday. At 10 a. the pastor preached on the theme, "The of Christian Conduct," using for the text Ephesians v.

2, "Walk In love as Christ also hath loved The Bee Hive Smidp.y school at 1:15 p. had 700 present. At 7 p. the pastor prcachcdon "The True Standard of Blersedness." He used for the text the words "Blessed are they that hear the word of God and keep it," Luke xi, 28. FIREMEN ATTEND SERVICE 125 Memtars nf Liberty Company Hear Sermon by Rev.

Charles L. Ritter On" hundred and twenty-six members of erty Fire company. No. 1, North York. hundred of whom were in uniform, attended dtvim- vice last even-insf in St.

Pi ter's Lutheran church. North York, when the (recently elected ch-iplaln of the company, thj Rev. Charles L. Kilter, preached the annual sermon. Tho r.n-nibers of the company assc-mbled at the eitfine house.

North George street, at 7 o'clock and proceeded to the church in a body, headed by Foreman Harry O. RcSubiUch. accompanied by Fire Chlof Slicha' Is, 'if the Hanover fire department. This wua the fifteenth annual sermon to the onip-iiiy. The subject of the chap-lain'f discourse was "Why K- pond, to the Call." Prior to tl handsome v.ire diui''Ut(d each nifm-ir of the as compliments from the eoini any.

was tho order of service: Or-tan 1 relude Clark Part-, church iinthVm. the church choir; S-'tlpture cotiprecatlon; lesson; the concreatlor prayer. the rhuplain; offering; bjmn. tiio wrmon. "Wnv Resrnnd to the the chaplain: Lord's Pre.yer.

the ronir-e-Ktlon. votal daet. Alts. 'Jeorpe Wertz urn! Earl hymn, the bcpertlctlon. the chaidcpj.

Pr.or to j-roceedin-i to the church, the member of the coin nan contributed to a liberal nurse. was presented to the Key. Sir. Tiltter as a mark of annrs- ciation. LIBERTY FIRE COMPANY TO INCREASE EQUIPMENT At a meeting last Thursday evening of the Liberty Fire company.

No 1. of North York, It was derided to procure an additfonil hose wagon and to fur- Ither increase the facilities of the bor ough for fire fighting. Hiram Faust, this city, chief of the York Slanufac-turing company fire brigade, attended the meeting. It was further decided to order a number of additlanol fir extinguishers. Announcement hss been made that the large card containing individual photographs of all the members of the has been framed and Is now on exhibition Jn the company's parlors.

Seven new members were added to the roll of the company at list week's meeting. It was largely attended and wes presided over by the president. Edgar SI. Bare. COLONIAL TEA PARTY Yorktowrl Chapter, D.

A. Celebrates Washington's Birthday Anniversary As a tribute to the memory of George Washington a colonial tea party waa held last Saturday evening by the members of Yorktown chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution. This was the fourth annual function of its kind In York and took place at the home of Sir. and Sirs.

James G. Glessner, 673 South George street. I The Glessner residence was taste fully decorated. The colonial colors, yellow and blue, also the favbrlte colors of the D. A.

predominated. Washington portraits, American flags, the symbolic hatchet ami cherry-branches transformed the home into an abode that typified from every standpoint the colonial days. Potted plants, aouthern smilax. blue and yellow daffodils and hyacinths were arranged In profusion In the hallway. In the dining room the color scheme was blue and yellow, set off by the candelabra, ornamented wlh dusters cherries and miniature About 40 persons attended the celebration.

The colonial was served promptly at o'clock. An old fashioned spelling bee. In which prizes were given to those spelling correctly the largest number of words given them, also proved a feature of the evening. In this contest, prizes were awarded Mrs. o.

1. Schellhamer and Mrs. J. T. Intsrtimental music as furnished by Edward Straw-bridge.

Sllss Camilla Sties entertained with so eral vocal solos, accompanied on the piano by Sirs. A. A. Lon. Tho.e in charge of the ptrty were Miss; Irene Laucks.

chairman of the supper committee; Sirs. Joseph O. Kirhvv-brlige, of the entertainment committee, and Mrs. O. p.

Schellhamer of the decorative committee. MYSTERY IN HOLDUP Mrs. R. K. Albright's Description of Assailant Unsatisfactory.

I I Sirs. K. Albright, 314 North Hartley street, who was assaulted and choked by an unknow man near ler home on Friday evening, has not fully recovered from shock and fright and ahe is still confined to her bed. Her strength is slowly returning on account of an operation performed upon her at tho York hospital, only a few weeks ago. (in Saturday afternoon she bad a and for an ur she was aain unconscious.

She was last examined by Dr. L. S. Weaver, her attending physician, on Saturday ewninx. Airs.

Albright began to get better late Saturday and yesterday her condition was s- much Improved that her husband telephoned to her physician that he was not needed for the day. Mr. Albright stated last evening that hist wife was s- frightened on Friday evening that she is able i give a very unsatisfactory description of her assailant. She says hennas a stout man Kalunka tribe. No.

I. O. buildiriK. Codoius council. No.

l)-gree or CBhoiitas. Odd Fellows' hall Jit. Zion lodye. No. 74, J- O.

U. Odd Fflli)W' Jia'l Owloiua council. No. ll.J, West Afarket t-treet. Crystal X-.

UtN. Fytli utt. Rupp buil.Iiim. i- xv, Jr. O.

Kr.iphts A. of of York Knrvlf ItllUrlln amp No. 510, O. S. ot Liberty 'wilHmj" Wrt'rd' lodge.

So. 12. Star of Bf.bUbem. Polack btilld.nsr. Ji u.

-pcrrtent Fraternal and Beneficial eofi.ti, Red Alton hall. 2- VK.KS AGO: titled "Around the World In a harlot of Skru, in fhrlst Lutheran church. Kl'zahih Alexandr, Idow of Charles: r. died at the ixsridt-ncr. Lis est W.

a resid-nt of this? city. diM at Baltimore, acd Mxty yen rs. Thfe York Benevolent r-ociet di trlbuted among families. consisting of SU pr-'pit, oni- barrel of molat-e, bt but rets of flour. pounds of cornmeal.

.12 bush- els of potatoes and 1T.V tons of owl LICENSED TOA KD. Clerk of the Courts Alelsenhelder has 1- sued marriage licenses as follow: i LETTERS GRANTED: Register of Will Kohlcr has granted the following: REALTY TRANSFERS: City Engineer Warner has Teordrl the lrinf em of the following real MARRIED: ETON -NTCN. On Feb. t.n3, at the funonitt, Scuth Duke street, by the Rev. Owrge W.

Enders. P. pastor of Christ Lutheran church. Howard Kins Stone and Si's Ethel Sligdaline Fettton. DETTLNGER FREY- On Feb.

21. 1915. at the parscnase. South Duke Ftrect, by the Iiy. Oeorra W.

Kndom. I). pastor of Chrl Lutheran church. Vil-llm IL tetUnger and SI1 Lllll C. rey.

1 1 LEJt RUBT On Sunday. Feb. 23, WW at 12:30 p. at th trt St. L.

l-amonaee, by the Rev. SI. E. Swart, r.ayn-ond H. 21gler and Ada It.

Huby. both of York. BIRTHS: I --MJlLlNtiOn Feb. 22. 191.1, to Mr and SIi.

Ooodltns. East a. hey. I 1LUKN FRITZ. On Feb.

22. 101:1, to Mr. and Sim. Samuel lljrenlrtti. 2.

Buthi tshtrman trwt, boy. LL1CKW. fn Feb. 22. 1HI, to Mrs.

Jesse Lerew, 13C9 West K1ik ntr2-t. a trL DiED: -HIi-LER. On hoturday. Feb. 22.

at i p. at hl rptdvnee. near Sit. Wolf. John frhlaler.

ed yerrs. 2 xai ea Rtlatlvta and friend are Invited to attend the fvmerai xlncpdny mcrnlna, (h huiif at clot k. -inu pro- cira.i.u the mwilns hfnine. re (t-nkc will bo held. Int-iinent tu to fining i.

23. 1913. at the MFtUtnce. Z'J Cooper aente, 1it- K. agtd ia yrara and l' On Feb.

at 1 a. at Fort Jr.d.. Ir. Kdrd F. formerly of th.s city.

auJj S2 I and 27 days 'Hi riinaSns wl.l arrive TuMiav f-t'ofn i.n i lie 1.42 ttuin nil win itt sir io thv llnrtnian clwiptl will li In matt; until whrn aer-Htn hv i.j nich lakves and tr.tndM sttt invtttot. Intcl'mvDl In lro-it-- llilt 24-'H s-aiurday. Feb. 22, Uia. at it Vo, William ilawo.

usri'U ttra. U'laltves and frler.da are lnvltd to at-i-itu be fumiai -r at the home of hit fjughttr. Mrs. L. K.

Fltnohbaugh. to-, on Fi. 2, In-l. i.ui, I In C'tiion Cs-inetiiy, 1i oe. i'a.

WLLLKH un V. at Ci F-it Collcst avemi' Lewis Welier, aaed eluhty years. mntha and nfn iy. lUlatlvea and frW.ds are Invite! tu attend I he iunral Tu'-iwiay after-r)j at 2 o'clock, lntet men; In Prospect i 1 11 cemetery. Bll-KT.

On Feb- 21. 1013. at p. Wmfltld Scott liilht. ad thirty-one years, seven months and ten days.

Lt-latlves and friends are Invited "to attend the funt-ral his late reldncc. Twesdjiy. Feb. 25, Leav hofKi at a. m.

ani pnce t-j the H. church, printia. where service will held. Interim nt In Jit Zlon cemetery. C.

A. 8TRACK SON Funeral directors, 155-16n S. George, EL L. A. SHIVE'S SONS Funeral directors.

213 W. Market St tl P. E. MeNITT Successor to f. M.

Lovctt, Undertaker, t5 West Market St. feb21-tf I BRIEFS Emanuel Roeckel. Ku East SLtrket street. Is confined to his home by nets. i i The vestry of Chi 1st Latberajt church wiil meet In the parsonage.

2 South Duk': street, ai 7 Mi o'clrck this evcn.n. I The Bee Hlv Slite aoelety y.dl meet tomorrow evenlns at the heme of Jacob Winter. uOS West Princes street. The senior Luther league of Christ Lutheran church will hold meetlisy tomorrow tvenlng at the home of lr. and Sir.

Free, 12 Kat street. A congregational sock social will he held in 8t. SJark'a Lurberan church, the Rev. Peter I-rvtnaston, pastor, tomorrow-evening at 7 o'clock. An int-restin pre-i gram is being arranged by the committee I Woman's missionary day will be eel--: brated at the Fourth United Urtthrf-n chuih.

the P.ev. E. L. Hughes, p-istor. next Sunday.

An interesting projtram. 1 aiproiriate to the day. wlil be fciven I Wllliant Goft, I.VJS West Market street. has1 to tht P.o al Fire company a email alligator. Mr.

OrofT brousjht the all.uator from Fiortda on a recent rJth-crn trip. The Willing Workers" soel dy e.f F.m-mnti-l Reformed church, the Rev. Ju- ph S. Peters, pastor, will meet r-vininji at the erditumd Sloore, 225 North ttteot. tomorrow hom- of Sherman The monthly busln-8s mettin? of the K.t!,Jy scbfKfd association of Pt.

Matk'g Lutheian church, the ltv. I'etec pastor, 11 be held in the church, Kast SIsrket street, ext Wednesday following th midwetk prayer servic. The Brotherhood of the Union Lutheran rhurrh will hold Its monthly next Thursday evening at which the installation of offi(-r, hich was from the last v. ill be made The oRlcera who will be Installed, are: President.

SI. L. Howard; vice president. K. A.

VU-key; recording secretary. John I-. Rcs-er: corresponding s.cretfry. Albn Oood-Unsr; treasur-r. Krai Kinzie.

DISCUSS CABLE SERVICE Monger G. Rentz, of the Western Union Telegraph comp-tny, this city, was a guest at a meeting In Harris-burg which was called for the purpose of discussing freely the new- cable services, also the reduction In the transmission of money bv telegraph. J. W. Re-d, district conrmereial eu-perintendent.

fourth district, eastern division teIrion f'uster. fourth district eofnmeretal manaser, and F. M. Von Xeida. district commercial nun- PERSONALS II.

Brill, of Lancaster, visited his parents. Sic. and Airs. C. Brill, 112 Ncrth Penn street, yesterday.

i Flora Crimins. of the llotel Pee InK, spent yesterday in Harrliburg, het iht was the of friend. I Blanche C. Wetser, It South Deke street, has returned from .1 husinets trip to t'miaiieipnia ana rsew orK. 's.

.1 Craver. after spending set -eral weeks with his PTandmotber. Aug uftus West Slarket has returned his his homo in Philadelphia. I nnd Sirs. Stanley J.

Trcn. 7i7 North Georse street, returned home latt evening after spending Saturday and our-, day in Hanover. I Carlton Sunday, a student at th-i Medico-Chlrtirslcal college. Is vlsitinu his brother, II. J.

Sundav, drut-yifct on the corner on West Market and Hartley streets. MORTUARY Oliva J. EppUy. The funeral of Olive J. Eppley wa held last Saturday afternoon from her late residence, 427 West Princesi street.

The Rev. Richard Brooks, pastor of the Ep worth SI. E. church, officiated. The pallbearers were Robert Keech, Harry Kunkle, Bruce Smith Samuel Smith.

Interment was mad i in Greenmount cemetery. Dallas EhrharL The funeral of Dallas Ehrhart was hed last Saturday morning Ctom hi late residence, 655 West Locust Services weri held at the Union Evangelical Lutheran church, the R. Steck officiating. The pallbearer consisted of four membera of the Independent Order of Americans, Lincoln Ilantz, George Beck, Frank Bon 1 and AL L. Arbegast, and four members of the Order of Orioles, W.

II. Kuh Jthn Lehr, Paul Gcrber and Willlari Saver. Interment was madi in Green -mount cemetery. Dr. Edward.

F. Wagner Dr. F. Wagner, formerly this city, died at 1 a. m.

yesterday Fort Wayne. Ind. He was aged tlfty-two ytais. The body will be brojglt to this city tomorrow for burial. Wagner was a con of the late Erntt Wagner.

He graduated in 1881 from the Jefferson Aleiical college. Phila-t'Elphia. At thrj time of his death he was medics! Inspector for the lines cf the Pennsylvania railroad west i-th headniiarters at Fort Way ne. He' survived by the widov, a brother, Jamfs Wajner, and slste, Kate Wagner, the latter two residing at 440 Fast Walnut ftreet. The lody will arrived In this city on the 1:42 'train tom-ji row afternoon and be taken to Prospect Hill where funeral services will be held it 3: 30 o'clock.

Harry E. Younksr Harry E. Younker died about- 10:40 a. yesterday at the residence. 509 Cooper avenue.

Death was the resu of tuberculosis. He was aged thlry-tlve years, and Is survived by the' widow and several children. Samuel Frsy The funeral of Samuel Frey, who died early last Wednesday mornlnjf. was held Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, 512 Em Slarket ttreet. The services weie conducted by the Rev.

Peter Llvlngn-rn, pastor of St. Mark's Lutheran church. The pallbearers were thre ions. William. Edgar an 1 Horace Fray, nnd a son-in-law.

Curtis Freed. Bji-ial was made in Prospect Hill cerrw-tery. Lewis Waller Iwis Welier died Saturday it :30 a. m. at the family residence, 3 East College avenue.

He was aged about SO yeats. Death was due to in-tirmitlen attending old age. He was a member of the First Moravian church. North Duke street. His wife survives him.

The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon. Interment will made In Prospect Hill cemetery. Harry E. Arnold Harry E. Arnold, who died Frldsy morning at the family residence, 414 South Duke street, is by wife, a son, Edgar, and a daughter.

Aliss Elva, residing at home. He also survived by his mother, Mril Susan Arnold, Windsor; a sister, Mr. Wiley Norris. this city, and the fo -lowing brothers: Wesley and Albert Arnold, this city; Benjamin Arnold, Windsor; Gcoaj Arnold. Slyerstowi.

and John and Samuel Arnold, both Windsor. Mr. Arnold was a member of Trinity Reformed church and alto of the folliwing lodges: Ivy castlj. No. 134, Knights of the Slystic Chair; Chosen Knfght.s commandery.

No. 171, Knights of Alalta. and the Independet Fraternity and Beneficial society. Tte funeral wiil be hell this nfterronn ttt 2:30 o'clock. Interment will bo mite In Prospect Hill cemetery.

SOCIAL GATHERING. A social held at the home of Mr. and Airs. Arkhony Kahley, 7:29 Edlscn street. Saturday evening.

Games were played, after which a few selectlot 3 were given by the East York quartet, composed of Ivan Hlausser, Anthory Kahley. Reader Brady, Andrew Euler. Refreshments were served. Thote present were the Allsses Helen Campbell, Catherine Euler. Lena Engl.

Elizabeth Lee, Viola Rhlnehart. Catharine Lloyd, Barbara Htlfrlck, Hllca Plausser, the Alessrs. Adam Helfriet, John Greenawald, Elwood Along. Beat -it Brady, Raymond Schwartz, Andrew Euler, Paul David Knhlcr, Air. and Anthony Kahley, Air.

ard Airs. Ivan Blausser. NATIONAL EDUCATORS GATHER Philadelphia, Feb. 23 Teachers' salaries and the high cost of llvii.g will be procnlneo: among tho tuoje.s to be discussed at the annual meeting cf the National Education association, which begins here tomorrow. EJueators from all section of the country arrived here today to participate In the proceedings of 'the association.

The committee on salaries ard the cost of living has -prepared an exhaustive reiMJit the Increa-ie In the prices of necessities as comitate with the salaries paid to teacher. i wMsssssssMssssssssssg MAI 1Kb AND WOMAN'S YT'ORKll have produced the grandest remedy for woman's ills that tle world hi ever known. I'ro-n the roots and herbs of the lieid. Lydia E. Plnkham, more 'ban thirty years ago.

gave to womankind a remedy for their peculiar Ills which has prov ed more efficacious th; any other combination of drugs ev rl. and t-day Lydia E. m'H Vegetable Compound Is from coast to coast as the standard remedy far woman's ilia Ma a i CLUB I Cash or Credit 50c Weekly on 920 75c Weekly on $30 $1 Weekly on $50 James McLean You better liurry or you will miss th big bargains that are being offered at our February Clearance Sale. The Store of better Clotl es. TTAUFFMAN'S JJjJL "I AV USUI JC York's Better Clothing Store- i to le know as the Red Alen Leagu-) of Conewago tribe, for the purpose of taking an active part In Redmenshio and to boost the membership of Conewago tribe.

TELEGRAPHER PROMOTED. E. K. BiiUHher, telegraph operator of the Western Maryland railway, ot Hampstead, has been promoted to night operator at the freight office, this city. The position her was formerly assumed by J.

Al. Kraut, who has resigned. Air. Buugher will work from 12 o'clock, midnight, until m. WIFE PREFERS CHARGE Albert Ketch, 2S Kavt Jackson eireet, was arrested last evening aliout 7 o'clock at bis hme upon ooimpla'nt of his wife, who alleges that be abused her.

The arrest was by Patrol -man Hoke. Keech ibe given a bearing before the mayor at this morning's 1 ollce court. SONORA TALKS REVOLT Henmosillo, Scnora. Feb. 21.

Inflamed by the killing of Aladero and Suarez, vv hcie i-Hiise they had espoused, members the Sinor.i tat i -ngress assembled here tonight f'T a special session tomorrow to decide whether I hey shill formally declare-the Mate in rebellion acilnst General Ykteriano Huerta, the provisional president of Mexico. Intensa exciia-aicnt prevailed. r) McLtanStora )) Nw (f jj Special Sewing' () 0 Machine Guaranteed for ,20 Yean Why Didn't Someone Think of It Before This Store Closes Mondays at 5.30 MADERO AND SUAREZ SLAIN (Continued from Fage One.) character that tho prosecutor general of the republic make a further investigation. "The government deplores the event, and, wishing to attend to tha necessl ties of the public welfare, had asked the minister of Justice to formulate a plan of legal action against th prisoners for their several responsibilities, at the same time making, an effort to have some ot the frlenda of Madero as-sist In the solution of the difficult and dangerous Da La Barra's Explanation. Francisco De La Barra.

the foreign minister, sent an official statement to the foreign diplomaUc representatives, In which he said: "The departpient of foreign relations desires to make known, as already announced to the ambassador of the United States, the British minister an1 other members of the diplomatic corps on various occasions, that the government decided at a council of the ministers that all acts relating to Madero and Pino Suarez should be adjudicated ytrlctly according to law, aa was due, anl that In consequence the accusation process. If such had Liken place wovld not have departed one lota from the legal measures applicable to the care, "That after making this derision the government agreed to remove Aladero and Suarez to the penitentiary, where they would have the necessary security, consideration and comforts. "That yesterday morning the minister of foreign relations so informed Ambassador Wilson, saying that the Alexican government would proceed always in accord with the law- and that tho removal of the ex-president and ex-vice president to the penitentiary-would be lor the reasons afore-lndi-caUu. "That it was further expected thai with the pausing of time polltwal pas s-ions would be subdued, resulting in tlie establishment of greater calmness and Judgment throughout the republic. "1 ticKire to give all the facta of whkh I am cognizant connected with the'air of last night, which la deeply deplored both for sentiments of humanity and because of th3 gravity of tho affair, which has surprised the government and the importance of which is not underestimated by the government Describes Attack.

'Last night about 11:30 o'clock I was called with all haste to the national palace by the chief of stall of the president. An automobile was bent with an aide to take me, as well as the secretary of tho interior, Alberto Garcia Surprised bv the unusual call, I attempted to talk by telephone with General Hlanquet, the military commander, who mad! known that something serious had occurred. "On our arrival at midnight at the palace, the president explained that Francisco Aladero and Joso Pino Suarez, while being conducted to the penitentiary In automobiles, were killed In encounter which the escort guarding the pilsoners hud with a group of individuals who attempted to llbciate the two men. "Uthtr members of the cabinet having arrived, It was agreed that it was an absolute necessity for. the honor of ihn prtvfT nifn tlLnl nrvt mlv Kholihl it ucevd in investigation ot mi: act.

ac oromg as imi law aemanu.s. but going further, that Immediate no-lice should he given to the chief attor-i-ey of the military court, Jose Vasquez Tagle, that he, with the judge advocate, should make InveatlKations and consign thosa responsible, whoever they might be, to custody and tint he proceed exa uine them In conformity ith the law, it. vaa agreed also that Attorney General Castellanos. energy and cuxujetency ara well known, should 42-44-46 S. GEORGE ST.

1 take action In this most unfortunate affair. Fiva Man Started Attack. "According, to the reports which President liuerta received and communicated to tho ministers, a group of ilvt. Individuals at a point about hair way between the palace and the penitentiary fired upon the chauffeur of one ot the automobiles which was under escorL The older was given for more speed. Shortly afterwards another group, more sallied from the cross streets, firing on the escorL It seems that Aladero and Suarez at thU point attempted to escape.

"President Huetta communicated the ministers the news ot the death of the ex-president and the ex-vice president, adding that there was another person killed and two persons wound ed, ac'-ording to the Information he ha-1 at tl.e moment, without being exact as to which group these belonged. He also informed the ministers that there had been some arrests. "The secretary of, foreign "relations, echoing the feeling of the government and moved by personal sentiments which have caused him to view with horror the shedding of blood outside of those casts wherein the law has imposed the pitnlshment, not only lamen-s the afL'atr. but is convinced that thj honor of the rep-ibllc demands a careful Investigation and exemplary punishment tor those who may be prove.i guilty v. ihls act, whose transcendancy cannot bo hidden." WASHINGTON BIRTHDAY PARTY A Washington birthday party was given by Sir.

and Mrs. B. Feldman. 231 Soiwh Water street, last evening, In honor of their son, Abe Feldnnm, who is nineteen years old. There was instrumental music by Atie-a Sarah Laveton and Alius LllllanJ'eldman and vocal solo by Harry' l'oiell.

The hostesses were Aliss Rebecca Feldman and Aliss Rtbecca Korss. Those present were the Alifyc Fannie Feder. Alamie Trattner, Helen Forner. Alollte ITuss, Pauline and Lillian Zlegler, and lovie Forner. Sarah Laveton, Gertrude and Blanche

Fannie, Alarie and Lillian Feldman, Irene Hochberger, Airs. S. V. Freed -man and daughter, Aliss Lillian Freed -man; Alessrs. Harry Podell, William Tannt'baum, Joe, Albert and Jaco'o Korss.

Emanuel Vv'elfeid, Emanuel Forner, Martin Freednvan, Silas Feder, Alartln G. Free Jrtian, Alark Feder, Llebowitz, Aloses Llverunt, Samuel Hollander, Stnvuel Frlschmnn, Alax Feldman and Jonan Luilg. WASHINGTON ORANGE SOCIAL An orange social was held In the entertainment rooms of St. James Lutheran church. West (York, Friday evening.

Feb. 21. There was a large turnout and a splendid program, consisting of the following numbers: Vocal music. Airs. Kern; Instrumental music, the Misses Helen Kelly, Alary Thomas, Florence Throne and Bessie Hamme, on piano, and Roy Yagle cm violin; recitation, Airs.

Elmer C. Stauffer; elocutionist and humorous readings. Dr. W. E.

Hoffman. Refreshments were served by the committee, com posed of Aiargle Altland, Anna Stauf fer, Bertha Gro.s, Sadie Hare, Alkjry Shan and Willis Stauffer. TIMELY DISCOVERY OF FIRE. When Air. and Airs.

A. B. Kline returned to their home, 276 West Alarket rtreet, at 5 o'clock last evening, after an ftisence of three hjurs, they found a fire in the kitchen that had burned holes In the lloor and had spread behind the plastering In the Fire Chief H. L. Wills and a dozim Vigilant firemen had to use plaster hooks and axes to reach the tiro with band extinguishers.

No more than damage was done, but the discovery was a timely one, for the adjoining are o'd ones and a spreading lire would have been difficult to control. Th3 building 1st occupied by Kline as a residence and a shoe repairing shop, and is owned by James ChalLint. PLAN RED MEN'S LEAGUE. Several members of Conevvago tribe No. 37, Improved Order of Red Alen, till uiu.

are planning to form a H'axuo Postum Instant A food-drink with the rich, mild flavor of Oriental Java, but free from Caffeine or any other harmful ingredient. No boiling re quire a made In the cup. Nowadays, when buying good things for the table, the housewife thinks of palatability and health as well as price. Strike it either way in the test of Instant Postum and you'll find it responds. Iry a lin A 00 to ioocup tin of Instant Postum 50c at grocers about Jc per cup.

Small tin at 30c makes 45 to 50 cups.) Regular Postum, Lge. Pk-. (must be boiled 15 minutes) 25c. Pleases taste, saves worry, work and waste and conserves health. "There's a Reason".

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