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Denton Journal from Denton, Maryland • Page 3

Denton Journali
Denton, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

A SATURDAY, FEBECACT 23,1878. LOCAX, ly THE Orphans' Court for Caroline county will meet ou Tuesday the 2Glh February. is almost gone. News is very scarce this week. Good manners indicate good sense.

--Yesterday. was Washington's birthday. The Easlon Gazette press is now- run by stenin. --A Crisficld child has no less than five Temple Lodj-e holds a communication next Tuus-day. --The Salisbury matrimonial market is "looking up." Spelling bees and base ball are all the go in Wicomico county.

The Steamer been withdrawn from the Choptiiuk route. The citizens of East Xcw Market arc opposed to the co-education of the sexes. --A Baltimore man ale a peek of stale oysters and "shufllcd on" his mortal coil." --Salisbury claims to have more dogs and babies than any other town on the Shore. The probabilities arc, says the Cambridge ChronicJe, that Maryland will adopt the whipping post. A man may be sure of worldly success and po'itieal honors who has gold in his pocket, silver in his tongue, brass in his face and iron iti his heart.

Jump Co. dcs-iro tin; people of Caroline county, especially the of the JOUKXAL, to look over their nuw Advertisement, and then pay them a visit. Revivals in the Methodist churches of this peninsula the present season liave been 'of most extraordinary interest. The increase of membership is almost without precedent. We are indebted to Prof.

II. A. Xewell, principal of the Maryland State Normal School, for an invitation to attend the special exercises of bib jschool which took place yesterday. Don't ruin your health, and besides, make yourself disagreeable to other people by your continued coughing. A twenty-live cent bottle of Dr.

Bull's Cough Syrup will cure you. At all Druggists. shows are the fashion now, but as long as mothers continue to nurse their little ones with Laudanum or other opiates, they cannot expect their babies look bright. If your baby needs medicine get a good and harmless one such as Dr. Bull's Baby Syrup.

25 cents a bottle. Our townsman, Mr. Emmett Dowucs, who was married in Baltimore last Wednesday, returned home, his beautiful bride, on Thursday. In the evening, they were most de- Jightfully entertained at the residence of Col. Philip SV.

Downes, whero they received the congratulations of numerous fiiends, "The best way to resume is to resume. So the best way to recover health-- is to recover it. As Grceley would have no cllorts to bring out coin again, so iVc invalid should pursue no course of fancy treatment to regain health, but use I he most direct means to promote its restoration. As a health-renewing remedy, Keller's Vegetable Life Drops stand pre-eminent, acting as they do upon the iivuat organs of the system, very positivery yet so soothingly ns to occasion no possible discomfort. -Sol 1 everywhere 1 BISHOPS OF THE M.

E. CHURCH, SOUTH," Steel Engraving of Bibhops IPainc, Fierce, kavanaiigh, McTyiere, Marvin and Kcon- size for framing 16x20 inches, price 'S2; also separate engraving of Bishop Marvin for fnnmug, 11x14 inches, price 50 cts. AGENTS WASTED everywhere to sell these splendid portraits. Send price named for sample copy of'cither, or both, with terms io agents. Address THE ADVOCATE HOUSE, Saint Louis, Mo.

Bisnor MARVIN'S ''To the East by of the West," Marvin's Lectures on the "Errors of the Papacy." and Eugene R. Ilcndrix's "Around the World," with introduction by- Bishop Marvin price of each book 52.00. AGENTS everywhere. Sent amount named to Logan D. Dam- Agent of the Advocate Publishing House, St.

Louis, and gut "sample copies of cither, or all three," with terms to agents. The books are selling rapidly. Some agents have sold 60 popies in a single day. DON'T FORGET The best entertainment of tht season will be held at the Court-House in Donton this evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. The Dramatic Association, having made 'great 'preparations, will doubtless make his a most cn'crtainin.

affair. The plays, "Breach" of "i'romibc, 11 "The Toodles," arc very amusing and' will be much enjoyed. Mr. E. M.

"(Sansom, late of Xcw York, painted the scenery, which is very beautifully and prtistieally done. The Cornet Band be there, Low advertisement in this morning's JOURNAL, Messrs. Thompson Kersey, of Easton, ofl'cr their numerous Caroline customers eat bargains. now being between the seasons, they are selling oft' large lots of carpets, ready-made clothing, at very low prices. This firm, having established a reputation in this county for "quick sales and small profits," and for general fair- dcaliug, will always claim and get a large share of the custom which goes to Easton form Caroline county.

BLACKWOODS February number of this valuable maga- zinr, like several preceding ones, is conspicuous for an unusual variety of readable articles. It has long had the celebrity for short essays and tales, spirited descriptions of life and manners, incidents of travel, and records of adventure. The periodicals reprinted by THE LKONAKU SCOTT PUJJ- LISIIINO Co. (41 Barclay Street, X. arc as follows 'Ute London Quarterly, Edinburgh, Westminster and LYif- i.s/t Quarterly Jfeviews, and Hind-wood's Mfujaz'me.

Price. S4 a year for any one or only 515 for all, and the postage is prepaid by the Publishers. A I A Eastoa Feb. by Rev. D.

R. Wright, Jas. S. Willis, of Caroline, to Mary Shufelt, oi Talbol. Fob.

Eafeton, by same. Mr. Perry P. Smith mid Miss Martha E. Price; both of this counly.

Easton, on the 14th of Feb. by JL'J-SC A.Wrisrht and Miss Dura Carroll; all of thiH county. Feb. ISlh, at the residence of Win. Morgan, in the iHh district, by Rev.

J. E. Smith, Mr. John B. Letty and Miss Ella E.

Rich; both of Grcl'iisbnrough. Wednesday, the 20th at the residence of Jacki-on Holland. on Druid Hill Avmuc, Bait more, by the Rev. Mr. Courtney, Air.

Emtntitt Downes of this town," and Mibs Jennie Skinner oi Baltimore. A Late Sheriff's Sale OF VALUABLE Real Estate Personal Properly, virtue cf firs writs of Fieri Facias Uiuedoulof Hie Circuit Court for Carollue cnuuty, and to rue at the suit of Philip W. Downed usu of J. W. Uryant use of I'hilip W.

l)ownes use of Jsmei Wright, oue at the eult or M. Joues use of P. W. DOWDCU ol James WrUUt, oue at the suit of JamM Wrlghl, one at the suit of David L. Itaul- iwg.i aud oue the full of T.

1). Merritt against the and chattels, lands and lentmtnU of Henry Mobrav, I have seized and taken iu eiecutlou. aud villM-llat public sjle to Llulieat bidder for ctgh, la frout of the resldeiice of Henry Mobray, at on SATU1WA of Murch, 1878, comment-lug at uluc o'clock, A. All of the taiil Henry Mobray'u riglit, title, luttrctt and claim of iu aud to the followingiltsei'iUcil property, 8 HEAD OF CATTLE, Three head of Mules, one Horse, one Farm "Wajion Harness, 1 Horse Cart Harness, 1 Dearborn Harness, 1 Kockaway Carriage, 1 Carriage pole, 1 Dearborn pole, 1 Grain Fan, 1 Corn Sheller, one Scythe and Cradle, lot of oak and pine lumber, lot of laths, lot of peach-box material, lot of strawberry crates and peach baskets, lot of oak and nine 1 wnsjon and timber chains, 4 feather and bedsteads, 12 chairs, rocking chairs, 1 sola, lot of carput, 1 lounge, 1 safe, tables, 1 bureau, 2 stands, -J looking-glasses, 1 clock, 1 cook stove and fixtures, 2 coal stoves, 2 wood stoves, lot of tin and wooden ware, 1 grindstone. '2 double-barrel slmt gtins, lot of bacon and lard, lot of corn and fodder; Int of tanning ininlemeiits consisting of plows, hairows, cultivators, drags, shovels, hoes, forks, rakes and many" other things not here mentioned.

ALSO that trict part of tract or parcel of land situate lyliiR and being lu FedcraUburg, in Carollue coun- tha said Mobray now rcMdps, bmiudecl ou the east by tha comity road le.iillngfrom Demon to FcdcralsbnrK, on Ihc west by tbo lauils o'. John W. llroivu ami tho heirs of Mltrholl Cnvey, decM, on the nurth by Hie lauds of the Bald Urown aud ou tho south by the lands by Bald Mobray of W. Bryant, Trustee, containing 1OO Acres, more or less, It being the land arid premises conveyed Io Bald Mobray by Win. S.

Ooslin and wife by deed duly recorded among tha land records of uaid county. ALSO, All that tract or parcel of laud situate lying and lieiny ou Hie county road leading irom Federals- burM to Prt-Btou, and bouudcil on tho east by tho lanilrt of Jatncs Wrluht, on the west by tho land of the lieln of Mitchell Cnvuy aud Haniucl Pool, ou the nurlh by other lands of eaid Mobmy, on tho south by the couuly road leading from i'c Jeralaburg to Preston, cuntainiug 100 Acres, more or less, being the same land conveyed to tho cald Mobray by Wright aud Ifo by deed now of record lu the CliTk'o iifllce for nald couuty, rufereiice theroto being had will luily appear. ALSO, all that tract or parcel of laud flitnate lying bui ucar the laud hcrelu mentioned ami djscrlbed aa bought from Win. S. Uualln aud ivite aud from Corut'llaa Wright aud cuutalulug In tlic uuaui ui lose one of our best!.

He was a man of superior qualit'ici, one whom everybody thought well of. SPECIAL Croaking is not confined to thy Froi; Piitida. At lliis suusmi almost everybody is lioarsc. The blcitling ot ia licnrd everywhere. Why is this, when Jlale's Jfoner of Ifvrehound ancZ 2'ar will cure ony couuli, cold u- hoHi-suncss in 46 hours Sold liv Tike's Toothache Drops cure in 1 minute.

15-lin. AN HAIR RE.VK\\'KU is sciuntilic ol'soint- of ihe most powcrlul resiora- tivc ngents in the kingdom. It restores gray hair to its original color. It tiiiikus the scalp white nod clean. It cures (land nnrl humors, and of the hair.

It- ftir- uishcs the tiulrilive orinoiple by which the hair is nounshctl and supported. It miikcs the liiiir moist, soft and "lossy, anil is iinsiirpiissvd us hair- It is the most economical prvpiiratinn ever ofll-rud to thn pubfic, as its eflt-cts remain a time, muk- inj; only an occasional sipiilicuiimi nuci-sSiiry. It is rcconunendud and used 113- urn incut tnediestl nu'ii, and of- licinlly endorsed by ihe Assayer ol' Massachusetts. The popularity of Hall's liiiir Hi-newer has increased i the tost of many ea'-s, both in counlry and in forcimi lands, nnd it is now ami used in all the cnutiirii'B of ilw world. Fon SALE BY ALL DEALERS.

LIVER PILLSJ ImnlooJ fi.r tl.tSliL-ur.l HtniT-lj for Hit surt of Liter t'omptatnlt Co.tirtnui. Sict Hta Jr. and ot thr Hfd en' Llrrr I'll) euro! Deor l.lirr Cumpla-ut. ll(J vork "-Wni 1 can rrcitminrEi I T.Ucr P1I1. i.

friutte. 1 oi br all Qd ejuatrj Slors Kc-tLe E. SEtl.KILSft Prrifn PllnVuriih TIDMOXD p. SANGSTOX, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, MAIN STREET, GEEEXSBOROUGII, MD. THIS certifies that E.

F. Sangston his flniehed Us trade Hh us, aud we can recnmmetid him us heiug thoroughly compliant In every respect. C. W. BLAKE, Baltimore, Nov.

03,1877. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry for sale. WORK DONE ON RS.ISOSADLE work guaranteed. 3-tf being the part of the eame by said Jfobray from J. W.

Bryant, trustee tor salo of Thomas Trice's land, reference to tho deed will fully appear. ALSO, 1 all that tract part of a tract or parcel of land situate and being near FcdcralslmrR, adjoining the land herelubelort last described as purchased from J. W. Bryaul, Trustee, containing 3 1-3 Acres, more OP less, being the same land conveyed to said Mobray by I.evl Grltms and wife, by duly recorded among the 1 iud ri-cordfl for said county as by reference thereto Mill fully appear. ALSO, nil thai tract or parcel of land situate and being iu Caroline county, near Bloomery.

adjoining tho lands of Scolt, Jut) H. Twlford and others, containing. I6O ACRES, MORE OR LESS, being the same land which the Bald Mrbray pnr- chafiud from Thoe. H. Ki-inpfe J.

D. Kcinj), trustees or the sale of tha real estate of Abraham Lord, an by reference Io the Chancery proceedings In the eise of Henry Mobray vs Abraham Lord tn the Circuit Court for said county will fully appear. Seized and taken In execution us Hie property of tho Bald llcury Mobra.v, and will In- sold ou tha aboie named day to the highest bidder for cash, to pay ana satisfy Bald writs, debt interest aud costs uow due and to become duo thereon. 11EYNOLUS Y. COLLINS, eb9-tds.

1 Sheriff. "COLLECTOR'S SALE, TY virtue of authority contained in Iho Code of Jj Public General Laws of tho State of Maryland, and my office as Collector of Hie (Jonnly and Stale taxes tor Caroline county, ami tlic laws for the enforcement of tho collect)ou of tho name, I have seized aud taken iu execution tho following property, Bltnaled lu the First Election District of Caroline county, to pay and satisfy Iho county and State taxes due aud unpaid by the parties to which they ure NOTICE is hereby given to Ihe owners, that I will expoTM Ihe same ut public aitctlou. In trout of the Court House door in Ihe towu of Dentou, on Tuesday, February 3(ilh, ISTS, between tho hours of 10 o'clock, A. M. and i o'clock 1 P.

of that day, to the highest bidder for cash, to pay and satisfy the laxes due, interest, costs and expeiist-a. Terms of Sale. The terms of sale are, lhat Ihe purchaser fcliall pay to tho Collector ou the day of Bale tho cutire arnoiiut of purchase money, utuern Ue tho Collector will resell at the risk and cost ol the first purchaser. The right of redemption extends to "witblu tho period ot twelve calendar mouliis from the dav of sale," by to tho purchaser the ainouut of purchase ty and all laxea assessed ou tho said property slid paid by said purchaser since Bald salo ami prior to such redemption, aud all costs aud expenses, properly In-urred lu procuring the ratification ol said s.ilc, by the Honorable Judges of tfro Circuit Court for Caroline county, having jurisdiction ir the premises, together with the Interest on all said sums at the rate of fifteen per cent, per annum from the date of payment to tho date of redemption; as provided for in eectlou 55, chapter 483, Public General Laws of the Stato of Maryland, approved April 11,1674. The following described propeity will be Hold in fee simple, conditional on the provisions of the act of Assembly nforenal LOT NO.

1. Assessed to T. Hall, belog all that tract adjolulug the landi of Nathan Kilsou's belre, Eliza J. Don-lies and others, and containing TEN" ACHES OF VND, more or State tax IT County tax 71 with interest, cnsU and expenses now duo and to become due thereon. LOT XO.

2. Assessed io Stiles Kennedy, being thai lot situated lu the vllbge of Marydel, containing- 100 feet by 150 feet of land, more or less, adjolulug thelands of Jainoi Francis snd others. Stale tax 3s County tax 1 42 with interest, costs aud expenses now duo apd to become due thereon. W. W.

HICKAIIDS, febZtds. Late Collector of First District. 14: pile aoo'i OHM mi I I I I 5.1 "OO'lS I in 'niK-J jo Iili93i4 pcui 'pirj -isoJ inss rfiu) ua'Jiiijjjiyy jo) jpiraj A NATIONAL LIBRARY, A LL NEW BOORS and all ntandard books aup- piled, In any quantity demanded, and loaned to ill parts of the Untied States. Otd and uew books eM remarkably low for cash, or exchanged for other books. Immense catalogues In Hook Exchange Slonlhly, 50 cents a year.

Buoksellera act aa'our agenla. AMERICAN DOOK EXCHANGE, P. Box 4510. 5J lleckinau New York. flollai-Imk-Halffor 10 Stoddart's Musical Library, cd 12 full size, aud most popular music for 10 and i'ajmlar Snnyt, aiul Iiulrii- mcfltal intinif.

c.V., etc. For sale by all uensdeulers. Postage 2 ceuts, to be eeut lu ad- dillou to above. If ordered from Oie publishers J. M.

8TODDABT 4 Dte 3- 733 Cheetnnt PljiUdelphU BETWEEN THE SEASONS. GOODS AT LOW PRICES! Flannels, Canton Flannels, Blankets, TtEIXUOEIX All-Wool Kerseys, Fifty Cents! OVERCOATS, from 84.00 to S20.00. CARPETS 20 cents--lower than BRUSSELS in variety, 95 cents. OIL CLOTHS, from 1-2 yard to 3 yards wide; Halls covered in one piece. "LINOLEUM," For Halls, Dining-Kooms, never to wear out; Beautiful Designs.

LARGEST STOCK OF CARPETS TO BE FOUND ON THE EASTERN SHORE OF MARYLAND. CARPETS AND A A I GO TO Thompson Kersey's Feb23-mar3, 77. EASTON, MD. EASTON Ready-Made Clothing STEIXEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM gTEINEM ISAAC L. STEINEM, RESPECTFULLY informs the public that he baa Juil returned from tbe cities with an Immense stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING FOR MEN AND BOYS, including OVERCOATS, DllESS AND SACK COATS, VESTS AND PANTS, of all grades, and is able to fit put all who may call to their entire satisfaction, having feuits from the loivesfc prices tu the best and most fashionable articles kept in a first-class store.

GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS of all kinds, such as Shirts, Drawers, Collars, Cufl's, Neck Ties, Collar and Sleeve Buttons, which will be sold very low. around on Dover Street and examine the Large Stock and great variety oflcred by I. L. STEINEM, THE READY-MADE CLOTHIER, and he will try to please you in price and fit. nov24-3ra.

STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEFNEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM STEINEM L.UMBER! Building Materials of all Kinds. Weatherboarding, Framing, Shingles, Flooring, Laths, Bricks, Lime Hair, Doors, Sash, Shutters, Mouldings c. White Virginia and Carolina Pine. Fencing, Fenoe Posts, and Cant Rails. Lumber Dressed and Undressed.

FARMERS AND BUILDERS, LOOK TO TOUR INTERESTS. EVEBYTHING AT BOTTOM P3RHJE3, LDJinER-TABD AND OFFICE ON WASHINGTON STREET, NEAR THARP3 PEAflH HOUSE. Tha (subscriber Informs tha pnbllc lhat he has a full Hue of all kinds of building material anil fencing nii-ntioucil above, vrliich ha at city prices. He particularly invites a call from all wantluij lumber, tatlaned that ho can please all as to F1UCE Before ordering fiojn flis city write aud cot my prices: tyoOODS DKJJVEHED BY CAJ1S OB BO-VT TO ANT John A. Arringdale, NEW FIRM, Prices to Suit the Times! LOWER THAN EVER AT SHANNAHAN WRIGHTSON'S NEW HARDWARE STORE OPPOSITE THE COURT-HOUSE, EASTON, JttD.

OUR MOTTO Sales and Small Profits. "We beg leave to state to the public that we have now on hand as line a selection of ns can be found on the Short 1 Consisting in part of TOVJSS in great variety, the Latest and Most Approved Patterns. Owing to the advanced season we are now oll'ering at cost Blankets, UT.orsc Blankets, Buffalo lEobcs, Sleigh Blankets, Sleigh lEuimcrs, AKD of the latest pattern. GUNS AND PISTOLS at Lowest Figures; AMMUNITION SPORTSMEN'S OUTFIT of every description. A complete assortment of HARDWARE, TINWARE.

AND CUTLERY, comprising everything that Builder, Meciianic, or Farmer may need. Grain Fans and Corn Shelters, both Single and Double Spout, at lowest figures, and every class of Agricultural Implements AXD MACHINERY, CUCUMBER PUMPS, FERTILIZERS AXD SEEDS. A fine selection of all kinds of HARNESS, LEATHER, SIIOE-FIKDIXG8, RIMS, SPOKES AND HUBS, all of which we arc selling at and Below Prices. Our business doubled our most sanguine expectations since we opened, we trust to a generous public for their continued patronage iu the future. COME AND SEE US, Shannahan Wrightson.

COLLECTOR'S SALL virtue ol authority contained lu the Code Public General Laws of the State of MaryU.n.. nd my office aa Collector of Iho Sl.ito uud for the Second Election District of ovnly, aud the laws for Ibc enforcement of tin- ollectlon of the Fame, I have seized aud taken in execution the following property, situated In Unsaid Second Election District, to pay and satisfy luc State and County taxes duo aud unpaid by the par- to horn I assessed; and notice Is hereby iveu te the owner thai I Miill oxpofp Ihc samo nt nilillc auction. In front of the Court-House door, In nc town of Deulon, on Tuesday, Fcbntary 2(itli, 1S7S. jttwccn the hours of 10 o'clock, A. and 1 P.

of that day, to the highest biddvr, fur rub, to p.iy and satisfy the taxes due, intcriM, cost aud i'-t- COLLECTOR'S SALE. TJY virtue of authority contained iu the Code of public General Laws of tha blalc of 3Iarland, and my office oa Collector of the County aud State taxes for Caroline county, and tho laws for the enforcement of the collection, of the same, I have soiled and taken in execution the following personal property, to pay and tullsf)- the Caunly ant State taxes for 187C duo and unpaid upon tho laut Charles In the Flral Election Djefrict of Carolina county: Two Bay Marcs, 1 one-year-ojd Colt and a lot of Household Goods and Kitchen State tax 78 County tax 27 83 ALSO, I hare iclzed and laken lu elocution the followiuf personal property to pay aud satisfy the County and State taxes for 1876 due and unpaid upon the property assessed to Jamea llrown, situated lu the rirat Election District of Caroline county Notice in hereby given to the owners that I expose tho described property at public Bale, on Wednesday, February 27lh ,1878, betwecu Iho hours of 9 A. M. and 12 M. on tho prerclscs of the said Charles Spencar; and between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P.

M. ou tha premises of the said James Drown, to tho lilgheat bidder lor cash, to pay and satisfy the taxes due. Interest, costs and expenses. One one 4 year old Colt, lot ol Corn and Fodder, and lot of Household Goods. State tax 2 5 1 Couuty tax 10 ALSO, I hare seized and taken in execution the followluj peraoual property to pay and satisfy- the county aiu and btate Uxes for 187C due and uunald upou the property assessed to Joshua andler, MtuatcU iu the First Election District of Caroline counly: One Bay Mare, one Cow, one (Jart Harness, lot of Farming Implements and a lot of Corn and Fodder.

State (ax County Ux 3 55 ALSO, I have ulxed and taken in exeentlra the to'lowlng personal property to pay and aatlsfy the county ant Jjtate.tmea for 1S7C due and unpaid upon the property assessed to Ferry Kllaon, situated Fin Election District of Caroline county One Brown Horse, one Red Ox, and a lot of Corn and Fodder. State tax Jl 98 County tax 31 Notice la hereby given io tbe of the las described two lots of property that I will expose thi tame at public ulo ou Thursday, February 28fh J878, between the hours of 9 A. M. and 12 31. on tbe of the said Joshua Sudler; and between Iho hours of 1 and 4 o'clock P.

U. ou tho premises of the Mid Perry Kllfon, to the highest bidder fqr cash to pay aud satisfy the taxes due, inteiutj costs and expensed. TERMS OF SALE. The terms of sole are, that tbe purchaser shal pay to tho Collector ou the day of sale Ihe entir nmotnt of purchase money, other-arise the Collector will resell at ihe risk and of the first purchaser W. W.

UICKARUS, febltds. Late Collector for First District. ROAD NOTICE, DAYS AFTER DATE, (re, tbe -L signed, with intend petlllnnlng the County CommlsMencrs or Cirollue County fnr ihe openiug of a uew counlr road, Iwglanlup oppOBlte E. V. Murrin'i frout or road gate, ou tho eouuly road leading from yimpers'X roadn to tbe ccuntr road Icidtug from Outeneborougti to OuldHbornugh (mipposed oue mile) thruugli the of Bapp, tbn heirs of the late Tliomia Jonra.

and the trubteea of the M. K. Church, South to interact the. aforesaid counij' lotU leading from Qrecueborough to OohLiborough. near OoldBbu- rongb' Station on the J-Jirjbud and Delaware lUURoad.


BENJ. HOUSE, W. f. 8HAWGKB. Advertisements.

All that farm aud premises, situated on tho side of thel'arge Branch, iicar GrcensboroUgL containing SO Acres of liHiul, more or less, nhereon Mr. Thomas Jan ell uow rebldes. State acd County tax for 187fi i Interest from Ihe lul day of January, 1S77 1 $03:: TERMS OF SALE. The terms of sale are. that the purchas er pay to the Collector on the day of Kale tho amount of purchase money, the Coucti-i will re-sell at the risk and cost of the first The right of redemption extends to "within tbi period of twelve calendar mouths from the dale sale," by paying to the purchaser Iho amount of (In- purchase money and all taxes assessed on property and paid by said purchaser since Mid talc, ami prior to such redemption, and all costs and expanses properly incurred In procuring the ratification of Eald sale by tho Honorable tha Juilgca of the Circuit Court for Caroline County, having Jurisdiction iu tho premises, together wlili Interest at tit- rate of fifteen percent, per annum from tha ilatn of payment to tho data of redemption, us providi far lu section 55, Chapter iKi, Public General a of the State of Maryland, approved April 1871.

JA8. S. WH1TUV, Collector Second District of Caroline Counly. feb'J-tda. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE, virtue of competent authority I will offer si puhllc sale in trout of Ihe Cjurt-Uoiisc door iu the town of Dcuton, on TUESDA 2Mt of February, 1878, bclwccu.

the hours of 10 o'clock, A. and 1 P. of that day, two lots or parcels ut land hereinafter described. FIRST LOT. All that tract or parcel of land lying ou the public couuty road bctxvcen Ilubliard's lloads ami Potter's Landing, adjolulug the lanJs ol Ufynnlili Y.

Collins, Johu II. Horsey aud others, and euutaiL- iug Ten 4 Three-eighth Acres of Land, more or less. It Is Improved Iiy a Story and a-hall dwelling house aud Iho usual out-hiillJings. Nun in the occupancy of Zacliarlah Caurey. SECOND LOT.

This tract is located on the puhllc counly mad between Morgan's Mill and Srulthville, adjoins lands of Frank Covey, Isaac Leomau and known us the "Andrew coutalua Thirty-five Acres of Laud. more or less. The Improvements consist of ailtvelt- iug hoDBo, uca'ly now, and tha necessary out-liulld- ings. Also some Rood frutt. This farm is uow occupied by Mrs.

Alfred. Terms. The terms of sale arc one-third cash, tho balance iu six ind twelve mouths. J. P.

J. UUBIJARD. Mortgagees' Sale OF VALUABLE A A and by virtue of authority contained In a deed of MortttaRO from J. II. Hardcastle am! SaUle W.

Horde slle, his wife, Io Jauics 1'ipplu ami I 1 A. Ilppln, wife, bearing date the of November 1873, and recorded tu Liber T. 11. No. ios 422 aud 423, oue of the laud record bookn for Caroline County, and by virtue of an afslffii- ment of said mortgigc, duly recorded, tho undersigned, ne asslgueu of said mortgagees, will fell al public auction tn front of tne Court Iloueo door ii: the twan of Denton on TUESDAY, February ZGtli, 1878, between the hours of 1 and 4 o'clock, P.

of day nil (hat FA JIM, tract or parcel of lapO. situate, lying aud belug In the first election district of Caroline Counly, State of Maryland, adjoining the lands of Simeon, Went, D. B. Ueathcr, Jlenry Couuclly aud others, aud containing 90 and 1-4 Acres, and twenly eight perches of laud, moro or less known aa.ibe "Regway Lot" Tho Improvements consist of a SINGLE STORY Dwelling House, and the usual out-bull lings. Terms of Sale--Cash.

JOEL PIPPEX, Assignee of James IMppIu aud I'. A. Plplu, mort- feb-tdn. QEO. T.

MELVIS, Arr'r. II. Irwlu, Auct. LUMBER! LUMBER! I take pleasure In announcing lual with inrrraf facilities 1 urn offering at ray, yard p.t Kailon 1'olut. will deliver ai any point on navigation).

Lumber of any description. I buy from first handx FOIt CASH, and auk a call to prove that my prices, ar inovl favorable. Always on baud. DrcsBed and Undrresed White Pine Fencing lioar.U, Hemlock and press Foui-ioff. Dressed and Uiidrcsaed Lumber, North Carolina and Virginia Fiooriiigi, Palings, Lat'ia, Virflln'li Dill Stnff for ITonsc Framing, All grades of North Carolina Cypress Ilurt aua Lime by tbe barrel ar llogohcad.

Will also furnlish at iQveet factory prices Window and Door Franiei and Sauli, lazed aud I'rlmcd ready fro uie. Close paui-l, and Vcuotlau Urackets, Slalr Materiala, all aold as low rs the Harao work can be purchased eke- where. We cheerfully luvite the public to an examination of our stock, and guaialitec In every cafio QUALITY AND PlUCtS, feblT-tf. ROBERT 11. DIXON.

STEAM ENGINES, Cheapest and best for all purposes--dimple, and durable. Also Traction En- find for common SAW, ORIRT AM Rirc MILI-B, GJ.VR, rally. Inquiries promptly VortJcalEnjtfncs.with or 2. S- wheels, cnt, ccon-milcal nnd complete In, every do- best apjl Vert- leal in tbo Isenr'n-! miife.FlK. Srendy fur The Farquhar Separator (1TUTUU4) Pcai.

talaloi; Jilrtua B. PonpJuir, Dissolution. DC oo-partnershlp bcretoforo existing between Ji U. llcrae aud Wm. C.

Willoughby, luu tbli 2nd day of February been dissolved tiy mutual cou- J. II. KEE.SE, lEWSPAPERr SlEWSFAPERl.

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