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The Salt Lake Tribune from Salt Lake City, Utah • Page 8

Salt Lake City, Utah
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

8 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 6, 1913. 1 HOUSE REPUBLICANS WILLGET NO EST Democratic Minority Purposes I to Press Direct Vote for I Senators Resolution. On behalf of tho Democratic minority ft in the state legislature Representative A. M. Durham of Beaver county will In-B uoduce In Uic houso today a resolution ratifying the proponed amendment to tho conatltutlon providing for tho dl-B icct election of United States senators.

A similar resolution was defeated yesterday in the senate- ff The Democrats arc looking forward with considerable gloo to tho opportunity! of placing the majority members on recti ord concerning this resolution. They aro I not hopeful of passing the resolution, but aim to make the Republican memborH Ff vote one way or the other. The Roput)-B llcan state platform and tho Republican a legislative platform for Salt Lnko county i a tho direct election of United a states senators and the Domocnita an- 1 nounco that thoy will magnanimously give the Republicans the opportunity to icdoom their platform pledges, rl In the senate tho resolution failed bell caupe It Jacked one voto in tho affirmative. Sovon Republicans and two Deimocrata voted for tho resolution and ovcn Republicans voted against It. Two 3 Republicans declined to voto either way, Wtiti which was In effect voting against it, r' sluco it requires a constitutional majority fH of ten votcn In tho senate to pass a mil resolution.

A A. There are fourteen Domocrata in the houso on whom the Democratic leaders say thoy can rely for fourteen votcn in favor of tho resolution. Nino Republicans, with these fourteen Democrats, will be sufficient to pass tho measure, and In case the resolution is passed by tho houcc. tho sennto will bo given another opportunity to pass on It. It i probable that when the resolution Introduced today in tho houso tho author will move a suspension of tho rules in order to placo It on Its final passage.

This will require an affirmative ypto of two-thirds of tho membership, which can hardlv be hoped for by tho proponents of tho resolution. Howevor, the rules of tho house provido that on the request of five members the roll shall bo called on any question. This will givo the Democrats tho opportunity to placo the. Republican members on the question the moment it iff introduced. Should tho motion to suspend the rules fail tho resolution will bo referred to a itommittoc.

Should there be a disposition on the part of tho committee- to burr It the Democrats aro in a posit on io secure a votr occasionally on a motion to take the bill from tho committee. Democrat are rejoicing oyer the opportunity to play shrewd politics. Should the resolution pas3 tho leglslaturo tho Democrats will be In a position to point to tho fact that thoy resurrected tho resolution nnd forced its passage after the Republicans had killed It. Should tho resolution fail tho Democratfl may blame tho Republicans, declaring that tho measure wa killed by the Republicans over tho protest of the Democrats. BJUNK DEALER CLAIMS TO HAVE BEEN CHEATED Feb.

4. Julius Sugar-nian, a San Francisco Junk dealer, appeared before Assistant Secretary of the Navy Wlnthrop today to complain of the details of a. 53100 Junk deal which profited him nothing, tj' A friend of Sugarman quietly informed Mm that much valuafolo brass lay b-neath a long disused dump In the Mare 'U-'. Island navy yard. At tho Junk dealer's W.j suggestion tho Mare island officials ad-Hvl' verUscd for bids for the hidden, treasure, fcy and as his bid for 3100 was tho highest.

Ipfi tho privilege was given him. to work the CI ground In a certain specified section. 5-' There was nothing of value found. fffii Now Mr. Sugarman wants his money Bill back or else a chance to ntako out a new BU claim.

Representative Julius Kahn of Bill California is aiding him. I POLICE OFFICIAL CONFESSES GUILT Saw YORK. Feb. Police Captain Thomas W. Walsh, accused by Patrolman Eugene Fox as the man to whom he paid his graft collections for flvo years, sent tonight for District Attorney Whitman, and, according to a statement by the district attorney, confessed to his the nltcgcd pollco graft.

Captain Walsh has been 111 for soveral veokJ and It was said that his condition spurred him to tell all that he knew of the graft system disclosed by Fox. Mr. Whitman said that Walsh had corroborated In detail tho statements made Fov who pleaded guilty on Monday i turned slate's evidence. I TWO WOMEN SAVED FROM OPERATIONS 1 By Lydia EL Pinkham's Veg- Compound Their Own Stories Here Told. Beatrice, Neb.

"Just after my mar- riage my left sldo began to pain mo and the pain got ao severe at times that 1 jjjj suffered terribly with it. I visited three i doctors and each one wanted to operate yi' on roe but I would not consent to an op- iy eration. I heard of the good Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bottles of it with the result that I haven't fccen bothered with my side since then. i am in good health and I have two little rjirls." Mrs.R.B.CiiiLD,Beatrice,Neb.

The Other Case. Cary. Maine. "I feel it a duty I owe to all suffering women to tell what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound did for me.

One year ago I found myself a terrible sufferer. I had pains in both sides and uch a soreness I could scarcely straighten upattimea. My back 1 had no appetite and was so nervous I could not sleep, then I would be so tired mornings that I could scarcely get around. It seamed almost impossible to move or do a bit of work and I thought I never would be any better1 until I submitted to an operation, but my husband thought I had better write to you and I did so, stating my symp- lome. I commenced taking Lydia E.

rinkham's Vegetable Compound and soon felt like a new woman. I bad no pains, slept well, had good appetite and rlm could do almost all my own work for a "fal family of four. I shall always feel that 1 owe my good health to your Vegetable Compound," Mrs. Hayward Sowers, Maine. UI-POOLSELLIG BILL PUSSES HOUSE (Continued from Pago One.) should accept a piece of that candy, the sweetheart's sister would bo liable to a sentence of one year in the penitentiary or fine of $L'C00, or both.

However, another construction that may bo placed on tho wording of tho bill Is that tho only, kind of stakeholder It affects is one who Is tho owner, lessee or occupant of a building wherein he accepts tho custody of tho wager as stakeholder. Tlic whole question came up as a special order at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Kriobel of Salt Lako was the first to be heard. Ho spoke to a question of porsonal privilege. Emphatic in Denial.

want to say," said Mr. Krlehel. 'that a certain' newspaper this morning published a statement to tho effect that 1 had Introduced, at the request of racing men, my bill which was killed yesterday. I deny that; it is an absolute falsehood. I do not know any racing men.

I introduced my bill to correct certain abuses, and my bill would have corroctcd them. I say again that tho statement Is an absolute falsehood that I Introduced that measure at tho behest of any racing men. I will not be misquoted or misunderstood." Mr. JCriebel held a copy of the Hcrald-Ropubllcan In his hand while ho spoke. Ilcnrie of Garfiold, chairman of the judiciary committee, moved tho adoption of tho committee report, which was favorable to tho passage of the measure with tho amendment making betting misdemeanor.

Ho explained that tho Judiciary committee had stood five to four for this amendment. Welling of Box Elder moved as a substitute to eliminate tho proposed section providing for a misdemeanor. "I bellevo tho Maboy bill Is comploto in Itself." said Mr. Welling, "and I do not think tho bill requires or permits of this kind of an amendment. Its provisions arc too drastic.

It makes every man who makes tho smallest kind of a bet Hablo to a sentence of six months in tho county Jail. In that case thoro would soon bo more and better men In Jail than thoro are on the floor of this house. Don't load this bill down with amendments; they will only weaken It and hamper its enforcement. I bellevo that baok of this amendment lies something whoso purpose Is to defeat the bill." Morris Scores Paper. Morris of Washington followed.

First Mr. Morris spoke to a question of personal privilege. "It is nfortunatc for tho people of Utah." said Mr. Morris, "that there Is permitted to bo published In this stato a newspaper known as tho Horald-Ro-publlcan. That paper has spread through tho stato tho report tJiat members of tho Judiciary commlttoo havo sought to put obstacles in tho way of this bill with a viow of kllllne It.

and T. have been ono who has como In for a liberal sliaro of those rcportB. "I want to say now and hero that tho statements contained In tho Horald-Uc-publlcan wherein thov charge me with having obstructed tho passage of this bill are absolutely and unqualifiedly false, and I nok tho representative of that paper and the representatives of all tho papers to take down my words. "The falsehoods published In the Herald-Republican are only following out a lino of personal and political slander begun against me two or three years ago. I ask that tho papers put these remarks In a conspicuous place." Little Opposition.

Morris then continued his remarks, speaking to tho amendment. Ho said that, the Judiciary commltteo hod held four open meetings and had heard scores of persons. So far as he could rocall only tho president and the secretary of the Btate fair and officials of the Four-State fair at Ogden and ono or two Farmlngton residents had spoken against the bill. "In the Maioy bill," ho continued, "there Is not ono word against betting and every man or woman or child, can bet on horse races to their hearts' content. There arc twenty-serven counties In this state and Salt Iake Is only one or them.

I am opposed to gambling of any nnd all kinds, and therefore I am in favor of this amendment." Mabey of Davis, author of the bill, read a telegram from New York wherein the governor of that state was quoted as saying that the New York law, of which the Mabey bill Is a copy, had proved effective. "I havo canvassed tho situation," said Mr. Mabey, "and I feel sure that this bill cannot pass both the house and tho penate if this amendment Is attached to It." Little Bet Harmless. Mabey said he did not see any wrong In placing a little bet on a wrestling match, a football game or a baseball game, which, ho said, were always on the square. He then related tho history of horse racing in tho United States from the earliest times and the legislation adopted in various states to rid the sport of Its gambling feature.

"In a statement mado by an Inspector i the New York police department," Bald Mr. Mabey, "ho said that if tho legislatures passed tho antl-bookmaklng bill It would pass tho best legislation of a quarter of a century." "Becker?" asked Morris. After the laugh at this had subsided, Mr. Mabey paid IiIh respects to tho stato fair. "Now a word about our dear atato fair," he said.

"I respect tho state fair and I love to see succeed; but Just uoon ns our mate fair departs from tho functions set forth In Its charter. It fhould clooo It3 doors. I have been told by numerous exhibitors that Just a soon an tho racen aro announced the peoplo all go away from the display buildings and In that respect at least ono of the purposes of a state fair Is thwarted." Smith of Kane spoke briefly for thn amendment. Judd of Salt Lake spoke In opposition to It, Dire Prediction. i Barker of Wober raised a laugh when i.o declared that "If we adopt this umendmont we will havo even more rirninals In this house than wo now i.ave." "If the gentleman will yield to a ques-ilon," iiid Pago of Piute, "I want to know how can have more criminals In this house without Increasing its membership? Southwlck of Utah Kpoke for the amendment, nnd Cardon opposed it, Ben-.

nlon of Uintah opposed It because It would have a bad effect, he thought, on the local races In his county. Day of Iron opposed It for like reasons. Chrls-' tennen of Sevier called attention to what i0 took to hi a contradiction If the amendment were adopted. Oldham of Cache opposed it, and Henrlo of Garfield 1 made an extended speech In its support. Among other things, Mr.

Henrlo ald there would be no professional book-, makers and pool-sellers "If they had not I been trained from Infancy at betting on I horse races, ball game and foot racos." tMcRae Sarcastic. I Crouch of Morgan. Marchant of Summit, Hammond of Grand and McRae of Halt Lako opposed the amendment. The venorablo representative from Salt Ialce paid he did not see any great harm In placing Jlllle bet on a race or a ball game "or of boya betting a chew of gum on a game of marbles, which Is Just about what this amendment amountK to a chew of gum The amendment was then Mrlrkcn cat bv a heavy viva voce vote, and the ro-Jport of the rommlttco favoring th bin SOUR STOMACH, DIGESTION, GAS OR DYSPEPSIA PAPE 1PEPSI! This Delightful Stomach Regulator Brings Relief in Five Minutes Puts an End to Stomach Trouble 'Forever. ''Ecally floes" put bad stomachs In order "really does" overcome indigestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes that just that makes Papc's tho largest selling stomach regulator in the world.

If what you cat ferments inlo stubborn lumps, "you belch pas and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head is dizzy and aches; bronth foul; touguo coated; your inaicles filled with bile and indifjestiblo wasto, jomcmbor tho moment Diapopsin comee in contact with the stomach all such distress van. (Advert! was adopted, after which tho measuro was put on final passag and passed by a vote of 14 to 0, the full membership of tho house. The bill as it now stands makes book-making a felony, punlahablo by a term of ono year in tho state's prison or by a fine of not exceeding $2000 or both. Tho Thornley bill in the senate, originally a dupllcato of the Mabey bill, was amended bv the senate to make the penalty. In addition to the two-year prison sentence, a fine of COMMISSION TO BOOST FOR UTAH Cardon of Cacho Introduced in the house yesterday a bill for tho creation of a stato commission for the boosting of Utah.

Tho bill carries an appropriation of $100,000 which is to bo expended In equal parts In the years 1013 and 10H. The commission Is mado to consist of the governor of the stato and the governors of the Utah development league. Authority Is given for tho appointment of a secretary, of whom a bond of $5000 Is required. The members of tho commission are to servo without pay. Tho commission Is to establish nnd permanently maintain in Salt Lako and Ogden exhibits of Utah's natural and industrial products and resources, and of objects illustrating tho history, progress, educational and material welfare and development of Utah; to prepare and distribute booklets, pamphlets and other literature advertising the stato; to encourage national organizations to hold tholr meetings In Utah; to attract desirable persons from othor states to become residents of this state; to Induce trans-continental tourists to stop over In this state whllo en route to or from the Pacific coast and to show them the resources and attractions of the state; to ongago In a nation-wide plan of publicity concerning Utah and" Its advantages; to make suitable oxhlblts at national conventions and shows and to disseminate information thereat concerning Utah and Its resources, products and advantages.

It is provided that the various counties of tho state sliall 'be given equal space In tho permanent exhibits and that the cost of gathering and transporting tho county exhibits Khali bo met by the commission. It Is specified that tho commission must in every respect consider all soction6 of tho state Impartially MANY BILLS TO COME UP TODAY Among the measures on tho senate calendar for flnnl passage today aro senate bill No. 1G. by L.unt. reducing tho Interest on deferred payments on state lands; houso bill No.

-4, by Durham, Increasing tho fees of Jurors; senate bill No, 49, by Kdghclll. creating a state bee Inspector; senate bill No. 79, by Eck-ersloy. changing tho of members of the stato text book commission, senate bill No. 22, by Smith, and senate bills No.

44 and No. 45, by Wight, correcting technical defects In the law, nnd hounu bill No. 3. by Judd, extending tho time for corporations to wind un their affairs. HANSEN'S IBANK BILLS PASSMD After a sharp debato tho Bcnate yesterday passed the Hancon banking bills, one of which I against tho Issuance of bad checks and the other against the" circulation of derogatory statements con-coining banks.

Ono makes tho Issuance of chockB on banks In which tho drawer has no funds a misdemeanor, and the other makes tho circulation of derogatory statements concerning banks a misdemeanor. Senator L. M. Olson of Sanpete spoke at length against tho second bill, declaring that tho legislature was bowing down before a golden calf. Ho thought it was moro necessary to protect the nubile against tho banks than the hanks against the public.

The first bill nassccl with only the vote of Senator A. Booth In the negative. Senators Olson and Kldeout and President Gardner voted against tho other. Bills Introduced i In the House. Houno bill No.

So, by Cardon Creating a development commission. Tleferrcd to tho committee on municipal corporations. Houao bill No. 8(3, by Dastrup Requiring bond with applications for water rights. Referred to committee on irrigation and reservoirs.

Houso bill No. 8V. by Barnes Establishing a freo employment bureau. Referred to tho commlttoo on labor. House bill No.

SS, by Judd (by request) Exempting dentists from Jury duty. Referred to Judiciary commltteo. House bill No. 89, by Judd (by request) Giving stato board of dental examiners power to Inspect dentists' offices. Referred to committee on public health.

House bill No. 90, by Krlcbel Giving stato board of land commissioners power to sell submerged lands for agricultural fturpoaef. Referred to committee on pubic lands. Bills Passed In tho House. Houan bill No.

34, by Mabey Prohibit-' lng bookmakcrn nnd pool-sclllntr. Bills Killed In tho House. House bill No. 31, by Mabey Providing for a commission to study criminal laws. Houso bill No.

64, by Swcnson Giving tho governor power to reinstate corporations. Houso bill No. 73, by Barnes Providing strMt cars bhall not bo oncratcd irith fewer than two men. House Notes Fourteen ptltionJ', numerously signed, wor received In the house yesterday In support of senate bill No. 29, providing pay for Indian war veterans.

Judd of Salt I.ako, by request jester-day Introduced a bill giving the board oi dental examiners powers to Inspect thr ofllre. equipment, laboratories, tools and appliance of with a view to ishos. Jt's truly astonishing almost marvelous, and the joy is its harmless-ness. A large fifty-conl case of Pape Diapopsin will pivo vou a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight iu gold to men and women who can't get thoir stomachs regulated.

It belongs in your homo Hhould always bo kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during tho day or at night. It's tho quickest, surest and most harmless stomach doctor in the world. t'sment) ascertaining If thoy are knpt In a sanitary condition. A companion bill exempts dentlots from jury duty. A bill will bo Introduced in the house today by Judd, by request, making It lawful for hotels of 126 rooms or more to maintain a bar service, for the sorvlns of Intoxicating liquors with mcalf.

Kriobel of Salt Lake yesterday Introduced a bill giving tho stato land board power to sell submerged land If tho board thlnlts tho land can be reclaimed for agricultural purposes and when It Is tho Judgmont of the board that the selling of auch land would assist in reclamation. A bill was Introduced In the house yesterday amending tho present law relating to water appropriations requiring tho filing of bond with the application for water rights. The object of the bill la to guard against loss In case of successful contest against the applicant. The house yesterday killed Mabey's houso bill No. 31 providing for the appointment of a commission to study the criminal codes of this and othor states.

Tho bill was unfavorably reported and the report was adopted. The same fate overtook house bll) No. 64, by Swenson, authorising the governor to reinstate corporations whose charters had been permitted to lnpse. House bill No. 73, by Barnes, requiring two operatives on street cars, was also killed by similar uction.

Barnes gave notice of a motion for reconsideration. The committee on mining and smelting yesterday reported favorably on house bills Noe, 16 sind 1C, by Elwood. The former "provides for the employment of a permanent deputy coal mine Inspector and the lattor Increases the sal-nry of the conl mine inspector. Tho committee amended the original bills so as to fix the salary of the Inspector at $2400 nnd the salary of tho deputy at S1S0O. The salaries In the original bills were made, respectively, $3000 and $2000.

Senate bill No. 50. by Williams, the urgent deficiency appropriations bill, was yesterday signed by the president of the sonate and tho speaker of the house and It now goes to the governor. The speakor of the house yesterday referred Sonata bill No. 10, by Hansen, to tho committee on banks and banking.

The 'bill relates to the drawing of chocks by persons who have not a sufficient do-poult to cover them. The judiciary committee yesterday decided to report favorably on House bills Nos. 55 and 5S by Judd by request. One Is a liquor bill and the other relates to tho sale of tobacco to minors. The committee also decided to offer substitute for Oldham's bill No.

S3 relating to possession of liquor by minors. Barnes of Salt Ijake yesterday introduced a bill In the houso creating tho office of state dlroctor of employment, otherwise the establishment of a free employment bureau. The director is to receive 51200 a year as salary and $500 for office oxpensos. Clerks of cities except of cities of the first nnd second clauses aro mado agents of the bureau. First class and second class cites mav come under the operation of the law If they so desire.

Tho director's duties are to procure employment for applicants. If possible, and to supply employers with help. Ho Is to keep a complete record of the wants of both employers seeking help and persons desiring employment. He Is especially charged with tho duty of collecting information concerning the state of labor at harvest time. Bills Introduced In the Senate.

Senate bill 121, by Rldcout An act exempting volunteer firemen and former members of volunteer fire companies who havo served for five years as members of such company from the payment of poll tax. Roferred to committee on state affairs and federal relations. Senate bill No 122, by Olson An act exempting widows and orphans from the payment of taxes on $1000 when the total assessed valuation does not exceed $2000 for any one family. Referred to commltteo on judiciary. Senate bill No.

123, by Williams An net creating a state hoard of examiners of drugless practitioners. Referred to committee on public health and labor. Senate bill No. 12,1, by Edgheill An act making the offices of city Justice of the peace, city attorney and city marshal In nil cltieB of the state, except cities of the first and second class, elective instead of appointive. Referred to committee on county and municipal corporations.

Bills Passed In the Senate, Senate bill No. 10, by Hansen An act making the Issuance of checks on bankss In which the drawer has no funds a misdemeanor. Senate bill No. li. by Hansen An act making the circulation of falRe and derogatory statements concerning banks and banking Institutions a.

mledemcanor. Reported Favorably In the Senate. Senate bill No. 79, by TSekersloy An ant defining tho composition and duties of the stato text book commission. Recommended for passage by committee on education.

Senate bill No. 4. by Wight An act correcting an error In th statute defining disturbing tho peace. Recommended for passage by committee on Judiciary. Senate bill No.

45, bv Wight An act correcting an error in the statuto relative to th time of commencing a trial In criminal actions. Recommended for I passage by committee on Judiciary. Senate bill No. 22. by SmithAn act relating to the commencement of actions In city courts.

Recommended for passage by commltteo on Judiciary. House bill No. 4, by Judd An act extending the powers of corporations in winding up their affairs. Recommended for passage by committee on private corporations and Insurance. Bills Killed In the Senate.

Senate bill No. 27, by Smith An act giving heriffs and constables the sole power to sorve processes in the city courts. Rejected by the adoption of adverse committee report. Senate Joint resolution No. J.

by Ride-out -A resolution ratifying tho proposed Ml WEWSPflPER ATT ACKSBE AU PRE (American Minister Accused of Making- Much Money by "Nefarious Actions." HAVANA, Feb. 5. The newspaper Cuba gives the utmost prominence to a virulent attack on the American minister, Arthur JM. Beauprc, and the secretary of legation, Hugh S. Gibson, alleging that the presentation to tho Cubau government recontly of frequent notes of roinonstranco against various questionable measures, while purporting to be directed from "Washington, was actually on the authority of Mr.

Beau pre himself i'or tho purpose of porsonal aggrandizement. Tho newspaper alleges that Mr. Beauprc recently greatly increased his porsonal account in two Havana banks, and also remitted largo sums to the north "as a result of those uofariouH iu which Socrctary Gibson is alleged to havo participated. Tho editor audi business managor of Cuba wore expelled from the island last 3'car and transported to Spain as pernicious foreigners, in consequence of tho publication of allegations of corruption against tho administration. Presidont Gomez subsequently permitted them to return under promise to abstain from similar libels.

The provocation for Cuba's attack on tho minister and secretary apparently is iho continued imprisonment of Enrique Mriza. who was sentenced to a term of two and a half years for attacking: Mr. Gibson last Tho nowspapor extols him as an illustrious patriot. amendment to tho federal constitution providing for the direct election of United States senators. Senate to Governor Senate bill No.

50. by Williams An act making urgency appropriations for the state government in the sum of $235,000. Senale bill No. 1G, by Lunt An act reducing the Interest on deferred payments on stale lands from to 5 per cent. House Bill References In )he Senate.

House bill No. SO, by Cardon An act requiring bonds from public utility corporations. Referred to committee on county and municipal corporations. House bill No. 03.

by Cardon An act extending the tlmo for making claims on townsltc property. Referred to committee on county and municipal corporations. Senate Notes Senator L. M. Olson of Sanpete would exempt poor widows and orphans from the payment of taxes.

He Introduced a bill in the senate yesterday providing that 51000 of the property of widows and orphans, the total assessed valuation of whoso property is less than $2000. be exempt from taxation. At the request of chiropractors and other drugless practitioners In tho state. Senator W. N.

Williams yesterday Introduced a bill in the state senate for a board of examiners of drugless practitioners. The bill provides that all prac-licers of hydrotherapy, electrotherapy, scientific massage, Swedish movements, chiropractic, mechanotherapy, or naturopathy shall be licensed by the state board of examiners of drugless practitioners. The bill was referred to the committee on public health and labor. The election of Justices of the poaco. city attorneys and city marshals In cities of the third ckiss Is provided by a bill Introduced In the senate yesterday by Senator J.

R. Edghelll of Juab. At present these officers are appointed. A score of potitlons asking for the passage of the Booth bill providing for compensation for the Indian war veterans were received by the senate yesterday. Thoy were referred to the committee on appropriations and Several petitions asking for changes in the liquor laws were also received and referred to the committee on manufactures and commerce.

At the request of Senator W. H. lunt of Iron county the bunt bill, reducing Interest on deferred payments on state lands from to 5 per cent, was returned to the senate by the governor yesterday. Senator bunt wishes to make a slight amendment in the bill to the state land board discretionary powers In tho matter of extension of time In which to make the payments. The bill will come up as a special ordor in the senate today.

13y the adoption of an adverse committee report the senate bill by Smith, giving the sheriffs and constables tho sole power to sorve processes In city courts, was killed bv the senate yesterday. Senator D. O. Rldcout yesterday introduced a bill exempting members of volunteer fire companies from the payment of poll taxes and extending the exemption to peraons who havo served five years as members of volunteer fire companies, whether or not they continue in the service. Salt Laker in New York.

Special to The Tribune. NEW YORK. Fob. o. At the Waldorf, P.

F. Keys or. LOOK WHO'S HERE "THE LITTLE DOCTOR" When going out of town tako tho Doctor with you in your grip. You may nwd his scrvlcos at your destination. Mac Laren'fl Mustard Cerate, "tho blttln Doctor," will relieve at once cold In head sora throat, congestion of lungs, pleurisy painful headaches, neuralgia, lumbago! soreness of musclos and cold In Joints Mac JLaron'B Mustard Ccratu will NEVER BLISTER, HARDEN THIS SKIN, or Irritate.

For Bale at nil GOOD DRUGGISTS In Jars, 5oc and 50c. Demand tho original FREE SAMPLE on request Mno Laren Drug Cleveland. Ohio, or Loo Angeles, C'a). CAdvertUomenU The Kind You toe Always Bl BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF jH In Use For Over 30 Years. lUCCIrJTiiiiCOMfAHV.

Hr1r OTJ1CCT. CV YOK OtT, JBt FUSEL SHIFTS HB GROUND CONSIANILY Slayer of Mrs. Madeline Her-' rera and Others Not Responsible Mentally. NISW YORK. Fob.

5. -After repudiating his earlier confession that he constructed and font the bombs that killed Mrs. Helen Taylor and endanger the life of Judge Otto A. Rosalsky, of the court of general sessions, a year ago, George Farroll, the apartment house janitor, who is under arrest for the murdor of Mrs. Madcllna Herrera, in a bomb explosion Sunday night, changed hla mind as to hie guilt tonight and said Ills original story was true.

His frequent shifts of ground, his many contradictory statements and other vagaries leave little doubt tn the minds of tho authorities that whatover may be thought of the truth of his stories, ho is not responsible mentally. Farroll now awaits action by the grand jury. He was remanded to the Tombs by tho coroner today after a brief examination at which he would say nothing about tho explosion Sunday. Before his arraignment he said he had no knowlodge of the manufacture of tho so-called Taylor and Rosalsky bombs. After reaching the Tombs, however, he asked to bo allowed to make a fresh confession.

In this ho reiterated hlH Htatements of sending tho bombs In revenge. The police, while mystified by Far-rell's contradictory stories, say they have confirmed his connection with the bomb that killed Mrs. Horrora but have not established his guilt of tho other crimes to which ho confessed. FREE SPEECH IS NOT PRIVILEGE IN DUMA ST. PETERSBURG, Feb.

5, Those who aro fighting for the privilege of free speech in tho duma received a Mvere setback today when the council of the empire, sitting as a high court, authorized tho piosecutlon of a Socialist deputy, Knznetzoff, for slander in connection with a speech delivered by him In the duma In which he altnckcd a fellow member. The same court also ordered a preliminary Investigation to determine the degree of guilt of IMS signers of an interpellation which asserted that decisions pronouncing speeches of deputies libelous would leave no parliamentary Immunity In Russia. The senate simultaneously confirmed the verdict of a lower court by which the odltor of a Polish paper in Warsaw hftd been found guilty of printing a stenographic report of a speech In the duma and thus xcltlng Russo-J'oliKh hostility. WILL SEARCH FOR HIS FATHER ON DESERT ST. LOUIS.

Fob. o.Pcrry W. Mader of this city, left here today for Arizona to search for his father, Leslie Mader, C5 years old, who, It Is yald. Is lost on tho Arizona desert. The elder Mader left here December 21.

to inspect Borne mines In Arizona near tho confluence of the Virgin and Colorado rivers. On December 31 he wrote from Arizona that he would start in a skiff down the Colorado river to Nocdlos, 12f miles away, and there take a train for St. Louis. Nothing further has beon heard from Mader and a money order sent to him has been returned undelivered. Perry Mader, the son.

will go first to Kingman. about forty miles down the Colorado river from the place his father Is supposed to have started. FIVE POSTMEN ARE INNOCENT VICTIMS DUNDEE. Scotland. Feb.

fi. Five postmen wero burned this evening, several of them quite seriously, by the combustion of chemicals contained in letters. Ono of the postmen on returning from his evening collection of mall from tho public letter boxes emptied his bug on tho sorting table at the poatofflce. The contents Instantly burst Into flames. A large number of the envelopes contained tubes of phosphorus and othur highly Inflammable chemicals.

They were addressed to Premier Asqulth, and the sheets of paper within were inscribed: "Justice for women." TRANSFER BRAIN OF DOG TO MAN'S SKULL ANN ARBOR. Fb. brain of a dog was transferred to a man's HkuII at University hospital hero today. W. A.

Smith of Kalamazoo had beon suffering from abscess on the brain and In a last effort to navo his life, this remarkable operation was performed. Oponlng his skull, tho surgeons removed the diseased portion of his brain and In its placo substituted the brain of a dog. Smith was resting comfortably tonight and the surgeons say he has a good chance to recover. AGREEMENT ON THE RICHARDSON BILL Special to Tho Tribune. WASHINGTON, Feb.

5. Conferees on tho Richardson Indian war veterans' pension bill today reached an agreement to allow thcsti veterans a pension of S20 per month. The original bill passod by the houso provided for and th'o senate cut this to $12. Favor Direct Election, LINCOLN. Fob.

5. The Nebraska houso of representatives this afternoon paasod tho bill to ratify the constitutional amendment for the" direct election of United Stales senators. There wer no negative votes and no discus -nlon. The senut it -vjt lo art upon the bllL to ufai1 I Officers of Western Fuel(M San Francisco, Summon Before Grand Jury, SAX FRAN" CISCO, Yea. ZrjM nas served louny on John ard, "president of tho Western pany.

and other ofllcera nf ih JjM Hon. summoning them to apptir3H day before the United Sum JX Jury, announced the lcgtntlnc ef ilB crn Investigation Into an tfrt 9 toms fraud similar to the tfl weighing cases hi New Wit According to government offldui'H are In charge of the alleged frauds cover a ptrio-l T( 1S or more. In tho subpoena ltr iH day, the ofticlals of the fuel ccbmbS directed to bring to the sratdlEM books of tho corporation llovB business transuded 9lnce IW5. The basin of the Inquiry irEl w'iH statements of David G. Ponert faH assistant superintendent of thi i ftdaX pany, who Is now a special irtat tlH treasury department.

AccordlnrtaiM ers, connivance with tho chief egil of American ships tluit coal in tSnl netted the Western Fuel codputibI thousands of dollars at th txnMH the government. The tariff cf IMHH "posed a tax of cents a ton oa coal, with the provision ttut ufcH be remitted in ense tho coal li wlH American ships. Pmvers's ctunjilijl when the Pacific Mall steamers MfB coal from the Western Fuel etefH barges, the chief engineers ccrtifiiB a larger amount than rcu rectlndiH I the coal company was enable! uiB to coll no a larger "drawback" frooflV government. Virtually all theatltflB at this port Is shipped inm JMH and New Zealand and therefore t)SB to the "drawback" when soil tliiBfl can ships. DlHlrk't.

Attoruoy John KhhJ caused a guard to be placed the officer of the Western Fuel CMftflfe He said that the oftlcerj acd utfiifll of the Pacific Mall Steamship also would be to tarijr flff fore the grand Jury. BRYAN TO TAKE PART IN THE CEREMOWM WASHINGTON. Feb. Bryan accepted today an InTlUBaa fjj tended to him by tho Inaugural tec tn como to Washington for JH auguratlon of President-elect romniltlee plans to appoint SflJ committee of twenty to metlilr.w upon his arrival here March tM Uryan may bo a member of ult tmm tee Mr. Kryan wrote the cemElUMlB ho would do anything In Ms "2f make tho inauguration a Thomas H.

Burch of the VifjaB tlonal guurd and military IJ.WB Wilson, arrived hr after the personal comfort ol tM Jjm dont-olcct during the InnuswatJoc Cr.boli Aatwked. WASHINGTON, Feb. JWSBj tlves Hammond and VoWo SBB nota today presented Ptm petition signed by senators from the nortl complaining of tho arbitrary and tyrannical raetio tenia! Revenue Commlw loner "Tjm the administration of laws and asking that a revoked or that the at directed to preaa the Wpm Judgment actT-.

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