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The York Daily from York, Pennsylvania • Page 3

The York Dailyi
York, Pennsylvania
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

mnp -rrry-nv Tti rr xr rr-TTTr la ion XX Alt J. lilA XV jtl. A. A J. 'A Lj -CM.

AM itiff 111 V- MJJM- -v NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. BRIEFS UNERAL OF W. T. COX SPORTSMEN ACTIVE YORKER SUBJECT Hotel Codorus, WANTED Girl, at Middle fined preferred. WILL OCCUR TODAY ABOUT $400 PLEDGED OF EXPERIMENT I he York Daily Bargain uays FOR J8ALE-Two 2 -story brick houses 2J.

25l W'pat Baptiat avenue. $iHH) each. W. 8. Owen Uro.

Active Pallbearers Will be Employes 4 Fund for Purctase of Quail The regular meeting of the Y. W. C. T. TJ.

will be held this evening at the Christian home, 03 South Beaver street. The Never Weary Mission band. Miss Sarah Miller, president, will meet this evening In the dorcas room of, Christ Lutheran church. The Bee-hive Mite society, Mrs. Ell Knaub, president, will meet on Thursday evening at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. R. Moist, 338 Reinecke place. Hanover's fire department was called out early on Sunday morning by the burning of a smokehouse of William H. Fuhrman, on Locust street.

of York Carriage Company Rev. D. 8. Curry Will Conduct Services obn B. Eyster Took Exam-ination in Calorimeter is Swelled IN YORK'S LEADING STORES Tuesdays and Wednesdays WANTED At once, an experience woman, two in family, for (renmil housework.

To sleep at the house; will pay $4 per wpok. Address care of The ork Daily. The funeral of Cox, common MATTER IS DISCUSSED AT WESLHYAN UNIVERSITY councilman from the Third ward, will take place today. Services will be held at the family residence, on North George street at 10 a. m.

Rev. David WANTED A irlrl for general housework in umall faintly. Apply to Mi North George tret. Meeting Last Evening of York Coun Experiment i Described at One Never PERSONAL. Curry, pastor of the First Presby 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in ty Fish and Game Protective Association Before Attempted Three Hours the "Box" terian church, will officiate.

He will also be one of the officiating ministers WANTED -200 men to appear In the panic seen of Wm. A. Brady's production of Th Pit." Apply at Btatf door York Opera. Hous, Wednesday, Kebruary IS. at tt p.

m. Howard Boulden, Siae Manager. 14- at the servloes to be held In Lancaster. Four of the officers of the York Car- The movement to procure by popu What tfco Bargain Days Monday and Tuesday the following York merchants announce through the Daily the one bargain of bargains which they offer the buying public as an inducement extraordinary to attract purchasers to their respective stores on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, i Hera, in a nutshell, are found the most attractive offerings of many of York's leading stores, and it follows that "Daily Bargain Days'" will appeal to the purchasing public with a directness and force that means dollars saved for the thousands who acquire the "Daily Bargain' Days Habit." The York Daily readers save money, the paper acquires an attractive feature and the business houses secures desirable patronage. Watch tha Daily avery Monday and Tuesday, for the bargains are new each week, and you will miss something good if you don't keep your bargain eye open.

1) 4 Aa experiment, the nature of which has never before been attempted, was of the company will be active pall pall bearers and four of the employes lar subscription funds with which to re-stock the county with quail, is performed yesterday at Wesleyan uni meeting with success. Nearly 400 versity. Mlddletown, upon Jonn LOST Somewhere on Market, Oeorpe or Quen stret, a bunch of keys. Finder will rewarded by leaving: at 113 North Queen street. Eyster, of this city, captain of of the company) will be active pall bearers.

After the services here funeral party will leave at 11:80 o'clock for Lancaster. nniveraitv foot ball team, who Is con' BidereJ to be one of the finest athletes has been guaranteed, principally by York city sportsmen, for the purpose. Action in the matter was talten last evening by the York County Fish and Game Protective association, held at the National hotel. There was a good In this party will be, in addition, to In the college. Mr.

Cox's family, the Rev. Da- Instead of taking his examination In id S. Curry, the pallbearers, Coun- FOUND A bunch 6t keys, on George street, between Kinff street and Centre Square. Owner can have same by paying for this advertisement. Call at this office.

advanced French In the cllmen C. F. Borgel, E. A. Dempwolf, Eyster took' It in the famous Atwater THIS attendance of members and addition! subscriptions were announced, many of which were in cah.

while Prof. Benedict, or and John H. Dohbling. a representative of each of the York fire companies and The members were informed that all OzeUa Boyd, who has been on an trip through Maryland and Pennsylvania, spent Sunday at her home on Fast King street. Mary Gardner, daughter of County School Superintendent Gardner, is suffering with a sprained neck.

,..1511 Forney. East King street, who had just recovered from an attack of blood poisoning, caused by a puncture of a safety pin in his left hand, is now seriously HI with an attack of rheumatism. the 7-year-old daughter of Murphy Mitzel, South George street. Is con-tlned with an attack of muscular trouble. and Mrs.

Andrew Henry, of East Market street, have returned from a visit to Reading, where they were the guests Of Mr. and Mrs. George Garrett. The Misses Mayme, Addle and Emma Gotwalt, of the Plank road, have recovered from on attack of scarlet fever. 1 The condition of Wilbur H.

Thomas, K-ho recently underwent a delicate operation at the city hospital, is still serious. William H. Thomas, independent candidate for mayor, who has been seriously sick for several days, Is stated to be improving. L. Lloyd, the North Duke street grocer.

Is oonnned to his home with an attack of' rheumatism. Rev. D. Hays Kvch, of Coopers- burg, is a guest at the home of Alder- man J. F.

Keech, South George street, Clarence Gore, of Glyndon, who was visiting her brother, Samuel Gore. 814 Pouth George street, returned home yesterday. Margaret Martin, of Washing the chemistry department, stationed on the outside, took data to determine the amount of energy an athlete ex quail Intended to be purchased must Undertaker B. B. Bltner, who will have charge of the funeral.

As soon as the funeral cortege leaves the Cox residence, City Electrician Warren G. 4 FOR RENT A desirable store room and warehouse, tit No. 377 West Market street, York. now occupied by Ketch-icy fc Co. Possession given April 1, JOoO.

Apply to W. 1. Ammon, Room 2u, Security building, York, Pa. fHtf be shipped before March 1, as the pends in taking an ordinary three-hour laws of Alabama, where the college examination. ThU is accord- Fastnacht will begin to toll the fire TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY "Keep Your Bargain Eye Open." Cut this out for ready reference when shopping.

Ask for The York Daily Bargains" or Tuesday-Wednesday Bargains." ng to a despatch from The York is to be made, forbid the shipping of quail on or after the Urst day of March. This means that considerable bells and will continue until the train leaves. Daily's special correspondent at Boston. At Lancaster the body will be taken haste is required if any satisfactory Mr. Eyster's First Experience This was Mr.

Eyster's first exped to the residence of Mr. Cox's mother, Mrs. Amanda Cox, No. 205 North number of quail is to be secured this year. The needs are great and the ience as a subject of scientific inves WANTED Agents to aU the "No Burn Kettla Bottom." Prevents vegetables or anything fclse from burning in the kettle.

Won't rust. Made In two sizes. Rests in th bottom of the kettle. Sample and fco-page catalogue of line of other up-to-date household specialties for 2c prepaid. Keystone Mfg.

llliO Kast Philadelphia street.York, Pa. Prince street, where further services will be held, conducted by D. S. tigation, and in order that no element of nervousness might Interfere either with the grade of his examination or Curry, of York, and a Presbyterian hope' was expressed that friends of the project will come forward at once. The quail will be bought from an East Lake, company, at a cost of $6 per dozen.

minister and a Lutheran minister of with the operation of the experiment. Lancaster. This will take place at he was allowed an hour to accustom FOR RENT. 12 room house with all 30 o'clock. The interment will be himself to the "box." conveniences.

Owner would like to board made in the Lancaster cemetery. The calorimeter is a large box filled The Subscription List The" subscription list now stands: Previously reported $125.00 with tenant. CVU at COO West Market The floral design given by the York street. 13-Ht with delicate apparatus for measuring ton, IX c. is the guest of her grand-, mother, Mrs.

Emma Oswald, 82 West' Jackson street. the energy and other matters given city councils and furnished by the supply committee is a handsome one. W. Kline J. Edgar Small off by the body.

CIGARM AKERS WANTED. I want rlgarmarkcrs; will pay irom to tft per 1(k. Jiarrion Kauth, tlroy, Pa. Dawn HolHnger. 800 Smyser Tt is three feet square and rests on an street, and Missrs AnreUne atd Helen easel.

The interior is made of white BIRTHDAYS IN JAPAN. Blagle, 305 Smyser street, have returned i FOR SALE OR RENT A fine 3-story brick house. 8 room and bath, good locu home after spending Sunday with their -grandmother, Mrs. Harry Slagle, Pleasant all the Girls Celebrate la February, carnations and a cross of violets Is en-ca-sed therein. Outside is a framework of fuchlas, roses, tulips, maidenhair fern, etc.

street, Hanover. tion, all modem improvements; mimt 1ms seen to be, apprx lated- Apply t. George W. Bacon, IT Market street, oppo W. H.

Jessop la the gueet eCl Alt the Boys la May. The Japanese have a queer way of relebratlng birthdays. Instead of a friends in Harriaburg. site court house. l.l-at Annie Soott, of Marietta, fsf AMUSEMENTS spending several days in the city with', 6.00 6.00 6.00 18.00 18.00 12.00 6.00 6.00 10.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 18.00 5.00 6.00 20.00 6.00 6.00 WANTED.

Hous, fiat or part of house, containing nt leust three slt-enlng friends. party in June for little Tama and a party In September for little O'Tatsu H. C. NHes P. A.

Small George Small v. Samuel Small Campbell Tyson and Snyder J. Schall Smith James H. Small D. E.

Small Charles Eimerbrlnk Cash George W. Drury Peters Cartridge W. P. Swartz Nelson M. McSherry Alvin Reist Ell Zinn May M.

Garrett, of 1 rcoms. kitchen, dining-room and parlor; conveniences would be desirable and lo Miss Hclma Herman will be seen at the and a party In December for little is spending the week with her eousln. cation must closn to corner of Duke Ume there's a party In February in local playhouse tonlsht In "Wedded but No Wife." Miss Herman attained prom Mrs. James A. Kell.

414 Park street. Edna K. Grlstinger Is vlsltlnir and Philadelphia street. Address M. care of York Daily.

11-tf inence in "A Young Wife," the play her brother, John Grlasinger, In honor of all the little girls and one in May for all little boys. In February -which hod a. lone run at the Fourteenth FOR SALE Stationary engine and boiler. 25'horse-power; reason for selling. Street theater, New York.

every little grirl receives from all her grownup relatives and friends gifts of want of use. Cheap and terms to suit customer. J. Is. Kunkel, Wellsvllle, Pa.

Tomorrow night the dramatization of 8-M dolls, and besides these dolls ber moth' FOR RENT. The Pit" 'that has been made for Wilton Lackaye will be given at the opera house. It is stated that Mr. Lackaye has er takes out of the closet many of the dolls she had when she was. a child mR RENT A twn-atnrv frame hnn Total $298.00.

In addition to the above several associated with him a cAt-able compuny. and some even older dolls that the lit McLean, of the firm of James McLean A Sefts, Is spending a few days in New York city. Misses Georglanna. Little. Orlln Krug, Estella Krug and Miss Bowman, all of Hanover, are the guests of the Misses Marie and Romaine Rosenfleld, West Princess street.

A. Spiegel, of Philadelphia, treasurer of, the Germ an town saving fund, is the guest of the Rev. and Mrs. T. T.

Everett, Dr. Everett and his gues went to York Haven today to Inspect thm-power plant. An announcement thut should create seme amounts are guaranteed amounting to with mansnrd roof. Ten rooms; modern improvements and bay window, possession given Immediately. Apply at R26 interest in the pit scene is that the local West Philadelphia street.

j-tr management has been instructed to engage, it possible. Six) supernumeraries for nearly $100, making a total of nearly $400. The birds are expected to arrive about March 3. A committee will be named to receive ajid take care of the "frenzied speculators. tie girl's grandmother had when she was a lUUe tot, aad I dare say are dolls that Belonged to the little girl's great-grandmother and even her great great-grandmother, quaint dolls in faded clothes of a hundred years and more ago, carefully handed down The Wizard of Oz promises to be FOR RENT.

itrge second noor room In front building of former Olspatch of-flee. Also first and second floor rear In witnessed by the largest audience of the season, despite the fact that it has been them until the time arrives for their same building, suitable for manufnetur Ing purposes. Heat lurnisnea. Apply to running in New York and on the road MORTUARY. K.

C. ziegier, Keat jeitaM xjeaier. Mecur- for more than two seasons. It will be the aov2-tf ity build in. from mother to daughter ever since.

first presentation here of this spectacle, John Blessing John Blessing, one of tha oldest liberation. Thifc committee will be appointed at a meeting to be held this week, time and place of which will be announced. To Protect Quail -Several local sportsmen have decided to start a side fund for provid saw one old about six inches tall, dressed as a daimlo, or great lord of 'The Mummy'and the Humming Bird," to be given at the opera house on Friday bygone times, in gorgeous brocade night, is described as a comedy of con robes, covered with steel armor of lit slderable merit. The company is said in advance notices to be a capable one. tle overlapping pistes.

Just as beauti ing facilities for the protection of fully mail as if for a real warrior. lie quail. Farmers throughout the coun On Friday night of this week the fourth ty will be paid for erecting in fields number in the V. M. C.

A. star course wore a tiny helmet and carried two tiny swords not as large as matches. and woods, shades of brush or retreats will occur at the High school auditorium THE Cut Rate Summons Sale of Shoes and Rubbers will only last until March 1st. LEE REINEBERG, The Shoeman. constructed of straw or cornfodder, when the Rev.

I. J. Stafford. T. will You could draw the swords out of their Rive his lecture CM "A Delineation which will afford the birds shelter dents of Hellam township, died on Sunday at 12:45 p.

m. in the home of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Smyser, Hellam township, near Hellam, aged SS years, and after a sickness of about one month's duration. Mr. Blessing, was born on the family home-stmd near Helam, and devoted the earlier portion of his life to agriculture and to thai mining of iron ore, from which pursuits he amassed a large sum of money through which, he gained an enviable reputation for integrity.

Mr. Blessing is survived by twoi daughters, Mrs. John W. Carter, of Johnstown, and Mrs. Albert Smyser, with whom he made his home; also by scabbards Just like real ones, and they Shakespeare's Hamlet." The Philadelphia during and blizzards and pro Public Ledger said of him: "Dr.

Btaf were as sharp as they could be. Well, for about a week all Japan is one tect them from the attacks of hawks and owls. Tine farmers also will be paid for placing grain of various kinds grand dolls tea party. then the festival is over, and all the best dolls. ford's illustrations, especially '1n the soliloquies, gave marked force, to his lecture.

He has for this purpose noteworthy advantages of bearing, and presents voice musically sonorous and perfectly controlled, and a nnlshlng touch of art that suits the action to the word." in the proposed bird retreats'! It is said the idea was suggested to even the presents to the little girl, are put carefully away, never to be even 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the local sportsmen by those farmers. looked at for a whole year. I don who have tried with success the pro how the little Japanese girls can bear vidlng of artificial shelter for the quail. Vie farmer in He! lam township built New York Store! that part of It. several grandchildren.

George Sowers George C. Sowers, aged 80 yeanfc THE AGE OF STARS. Then at the 1st of May wipes the boys' festival the fish festival, it is dler yesterday morning at his home, on called. Every family that's lucky T. THE STORES THE BARGAINS Saving.

STRINE MOORE 60 pairs Ladies' Fancy Bed- 1 Aft fc centre square room Slippers ImVU 1JU LtJL THE BON-TOM 6 in. Taffeta Silk, all colors and 1 QQ- 77- 36 west market street Black; every yd. guaranteed ULO VQK, Ll JAMES McLEAM SONS 36 in. Round Thread Shirt Waist Cfr 7ir 31 east market street and Suiting Linen; soft finish 3UC dfC IOC a mmWM taHHHMHnaWiaMMMHBMBl MMHHM YORK FURNITURE CO. Genuine Mahogany Princess 0 AA AA i AA 15 WEST-MARKET STREET Dresser HJeVV I.VU itJJ MORGAN E.

GIPE Polnt Lac. curtain. MA 3.50 2.50 34 and 36 8. GEORGE STREET WV UetV VJ PIROSH SIMMONS Rogers Best Knives and Forks. i CA 75 I 1 "'75 21 SOUTH GEORGE STREET F-H set for $3.25 fetW VLd iLu P.

VYIESPS SONS Colored Madras Shirts; 1 AA 7C- 14, 16, 18, 20 MARKET STREET all Sizes IsVU IcJW LVV COHEN COMPANY 8-Day Kitchen Clocks. hour I 7 CA 1 CA AA 106 west MARKET STREET and hour strike Lt)J letJU JsUV vTLS2i,GoGIW 5Qc I 19c lic" mmmmmmt mmmm mimmwmmmm mi mmm mmm mmm mm mmm waiHaa mm C. A. GIVLER Children's Gingham Aprons; yr jr 105 and ip7 s. GEORGE STREET size 2 yrs to 8 yrs 1 luC L.

HERZ SON Boys' All-Wool Sweaters; 1 75 I 75r 5n CENtre square latest shades ImLU It)w t)Uw THE K-W-K STORES One Gallon Galvanized. yr 43-49 EAST MARKET STREET. Oil Cans t)w lUV YORK TAILORING CO. Trousers Cleaned and IP. A I 354 west market street.

Pressed; Ldt. 13w lUw 1 35c 15c 20c mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm JOHN F. THOMAS SONS Flaked Rice Kr -Cr 1Hr COR. PHI LA. AND GEORGE STS.

lUw 2Z 94 Men AU.W00I Suits "cETgoRE00' HandBags 2,75 JL25 I J. G. STRAWINSKI All Bristle Clothes irr A. I 14-24 SOUTH GEORGE STREET Brushes tJw LUv I SUNDAY'S DRUG STORE Combination Water Bottle and 1 -r n-, I COR, market A. HARTLEY STS Fountain Syringe VoC OlC I THE SHOE man Laced Shoes 1.25 87c 38c I 0.

0. ETTLINE Two Pound Package Pawnee Oats a 2 WEST PHILADELPHIA 8T in Every Package 1UC lC iZ I THEO. H. GEHLY I 200 Carpet Rugs, to 4 feet long A I 7- west market street Beautiful Patterns I.iU i3C t)0C EAST END DRUG CO. Triple Extract Rose of York" I iA if I 730 east market street Perfume Bottles 1 4C IjC Z5C J.

G. EISENHART Mattings, yard 5Cr 11- 7i- I 32 NORTH GEORGE STREET ODW 1 lV 4C IjjOTljfe I REGAL UMBRELLA STORE 100 26 in. Udies' Silk Warp Urn- rft aq I 130 west market street brellas, horn.sllver handle yQQ dLC "yp 1 2.5Q jjjO I BEAR'S DEPARTMENT STORE White Spread, full size nen ir ja I centre square It)w 4DC oUC I MILLER'S SHOE STORE Men's Burt Packard AA IAqTaT I 8 west market street Lace Shoes dUU I.VO oJL I S. G. GROVE BR0.

All-Wool Shirt Waists; a variety 1 1A 1 Aftl 3A I 133 west market street of colors; all sizes ltd" l.UU I si anSsouth gISrIe st. Mercerized Underskirts J0() 5C 35C 24NOOREET Dress Suit Case 2jQ 1.75 75C 10 dozen White Muslin Skirts enough to have a boy puts tip a flag pole in the dooryard, or perhaps sev eral families combine to use tbasame pole and have it a bigger, handsomer one than one family could afford. Oh 79c trimmed with lace and embroidery, $1.25 values. Our price the top of the pole is a gilt ball or else a basket with, something bright and tins elly in It. And flying from the pole in the brisk spring winds is a whole a 'small shack of brush on a hillside and placed loose hay upon the inside.

The shack was reared after the first heavy snow storm of November. A flock of seven birds which had hovered about the farm throughout the summer and autumn, took refuge in the shack and have kept close to it all winter. IJe places cracked corn, oats and other cereals in the shack several times a week. This farmer permits no gunning on his premises. He protects the partridges because he claims they destroy more insects than any other species of field birds.

-Resolutions on the Death of William T. Cox, Chairman of the Fire Committee of Councils of York, Penna. Whereas. Almighty God has seen tit to remove from our midst Mr. William T.

Cox, and Whereas, Mr. Cox was chairman of the fire committee of councils of our city, now, therefore, be it ETZ'S Color Aids the Atronmr Is M-tmm Ills Calca-ttto-a. As a star contracts from the surrounding nebulous matter from which It was thrown off its temperature rises, nd with this augmented heat occurs a change both la the star's spectrum and colo-. Iledhot iron is Dot nearly so hot as white hot iron. By observing the various changes in tint which the metal undergoes the foundry man is able to tell with considerable accuracy Its degree of heat.

A somewhat similar method of gauging a star's temperature, and therefore Its age, is relied upon by the astronomer. Color, then, and spectroscopic analysis enable the astronomer to estimate the age of orbs that are only beginning to exist as stars and others whose light is fast fading. After having coagulated, as it were. string of carp made of oiled paper or cloth, painted in bright colors and any where from five to fifteen feet long. YORK OPERA HOUSE, B.

C. Pentx, Manager. Tuesday. Feb. 14 th The sifted young American Actress Each fish belongs to some particular boy, and the carp is chooen because it is a big, strong fish and not only con swim against the most rapid currents, but In its eagerness to get upstream SELMA HERMAN will leap straight up waterfalls.

The Resolved, That the fire department of gold ball means a treasure, which the carp, leaping and struggling, buffeted i or nas sunerun the loss of an ardent worker for the betterment of the deportment and a sincere frU-nd of u'l Its mem the Carlisle pike, near Hanover. Albert Aubitz The funeral of Albert Aublts wu held at 2 o'clock yesterday from his home, 551 Smith street, to Prespect Hill cemetery. The Rev. Henry Walker conducted the relfgious services, and three of Mr. Aubltz's sons, Edward Henry and William F.

Aubitx, and a relative, J. Boesch, acted as pallbearers. Mrs. Boyd C. Wilkinson The funeral of Mrs.

Boyd C. Wilkinson was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon from her home, 475 Madflott avenue, to Prospect Hill cemetery. The Rev. M. L.

Ganoe conducted the religious services, and Thomas Balrd, N. Sergeant Ross, Robert Barnlts. Richard Cochran, Granville Hartman and George W. Williams acted as pallbearers, i Mrs. Mar F.

Susong B. I. Susong. of this city, has been. Informed of the death at Xewport, Ttnn.

of his grandmother. Mrs. Mary F. Susong. aged about 68 years.

Death was caused by a complication of diseases. She is survived by six children. She leaves one great grandchild. Httla Miss Mary Louise Eleanor Susong, of this cHy. Mrs.

Elder Hmrnmr Funeral services over the body Of Mrs. Elder Harner. who died Saturday were held last evening at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brier.

443 Wast King street Rev, W. Enders officiated. The body will be taken to Harrisburg this morning for interment. by the wind. Is forever trying to reach, And a supporting company of merit.

In the sensational success WEDDED BNuoT WIFE By Maurice J. Fielding. bers, a man of sterling integrity and uprightness; he it further And the whole thing means that the boy when he's a roan will have to bat Resolved. That the Rex Hook and Lad der company. No.

1. extends to the be tie his way as the sturdy carp strug reaved family its heartfelt sympathy in this their dark hour of trial and hopes the burdens of their affliction will Prices JVe. Xie, 50c. 75c Reserved sal mni Monday morning, Feb. 13, o'clock.

gles up the river. The fishes look so very pretty and gay, flying over his house, and the boy gets so many treats nt fish festival time that I don't think lightened and the consolation assured by hts rtevotlon in the worship of his Maker; be It further Resolved, That these resolutions bo he minds oven the curp is a nice lit printed the daily papers of our cltv. tle Jolly lecture on ambition. St. Nkh copy sent to the family of the deceased and that a page in our minute-book bti olas.

from a nebulous mass, a star assumes a color that may be best described as an'intense bluish whrte, much like that of the electric arc. Stars of that hue are, therefore, In their infancy. Then comes the white stage, followed by the yellow, orauge and red, each succeeding hue Indicating greater celestial antiquity than the last. Up to the yellow period the star as it contracts grows hotter nnd hotter. Then a gradual cooling takes place.

Accompanying the changes In color are changes in the spectrum of the otar changes that indicate a modification in physical structure. In the bluish white period of a star's infancy the characteristic wide lines of hydrogen gas predominate In the spectrum. As the color changes, the lmes of calcium, magnesium and Iron appear, the hydrogen Hues gradually becoming thinner and those of calcium brooder. Hooklovers set aside as a memorial and these re.nolu tlons be engrossed thereon. H.


The man's Apollo Is generally Comely specimen of flesh and blood, Committee. it ORK OPERA HOUSE, B. C. Pentz, Manager. Thursday, Feb.

16, The rreat success of modern times THE WIZARD OF OZ. The complete original cast, with Montgomery and Stone. Curts.ln rises or. the great cyclone scene at o'clock stiHri. Friees 5nc., fJ.Oii Reserved sale opens Wednesday Feb. 13. 9 o'clock. with a blooming cheek and bright eye, who Is credit to his tailor. Women admire a more rugged type, or a type In which a tinge of asceticism is com blne.l with Intense nervous strength or the picturesque msy take their fan cy.

Roughly, the good looking; are vain or not, iu proportion as they are dow ered with the saving salt of humor. So with the women. The pretty dolls may ti 4 Costs Money. When Fanny Kemble 6pent her summers in Massachusetts she engaged a neighbor to drive her regularly about the country. Ou their first excursion he began to discuss the crops and the history of the people, when Mrs.

Kemble said in her dramatic fashion, "Sir, I have engaged you to drive, not talk." The farmer kept his peace and when (he vacation was over sent in hi bill. "What is this item, sir?" she asked. "I do not understand it." With equal gravity he rejoined: "Saw, $5. I don't often take It, but when I do I. charge!" The bill was paid, and it made a firm friend of Mrs.

Kemble ever after. Christian Register. he vain. The nobler and more interest lng beautfe ve probably less so than Tha Attraction. Prim Mother--My son, I am afraid; you are going to make a mistake in, marrying Miss Easyways.

Both she and her moth are fearfully lax housekeepers. Son I know It, toother; that's what caught me. If so comfortable over there, yon know. I can alt down anywhere ia the parlor without being told that I'm massing things up I Detroit Free Preas. their plainer sisters, for the simple rea son that their physicnl charms are uu doubted and have beii tacitly ac Knowiedged ever since tDey can re member.

They shine without effort. YORK OPERA HOUSE, B. C. Pentz, Manager. Wednesday, Feb.

IS Bnsiernent of the Distinguished Actor' Wilton Lackaye In Wm. A. Brady's production of THE PIT rrkts Me, 7.V. ll.tlO. 50 served mxIh opt-ns lut-sday mornliiK Feb.

U. o'clock. and their attention Is preoccupied with other things. London Chronicle. Married His Grandmother.

There lived in the village of Arreton. Isle of Wight, many years ago a young Traffic In Hainan Skin. The sklu grafting experiments which have been so successful of recent years have led to a new form of livelihood, which is fairly remunerative. Several of the London hospitals have on their books the names and addresses of many men and women who have undertaken to sell portions of their cuticle whenever the necessity nrifs, and it is said that quite a regular traffic is now being done in the buying and selling of human skin. The persons who are willimr to sacrifice their flesh for money ore by no means confined to the poor and destitute class.

London Mail. The Postal talon. The first step toward the formation of the postal union, which has had such wkie results, came from Germany jn the shape of a proposal for an International postal congress. This met at Berne In 1873, when twenty-two countries joined the union, including the whole of Europe. A second congress met iu Paris In 1878, when ten other countries came iu, and the official title, 'International Postal Union," was definitely fixed.

Its sphere was further enlarged at congresses at Lisbon In 18S5 and at in 1801. YORK OPERA HOUSE, B. C. Manaasr. Friday.

Feb. 17th, JULES MURRY Onions as Waathar Prop One of the rites performed by th French peasants on New Tear's eve la the forecasting of the weather for tha coming year by means of onions. When the bells ring for midnight mass they scoop out the middles of twelve onions, set thera to a row oa the kitchen table, fill them with salt and name them for the months of the year. Then when they return from mass they examine the condition of the salt If it has melted In any of the "months," those months will be rainy; If the salt remains dry, it Indicate dpoughtj if half melted, the first fortnight of the month will be wet. The peasants have such implicit faith tn this means of foretelling the weather that they plant their crops in accordance will tfcejroph of the nioaa.

I Pennsylvania R. R. Tonr TO THE New Orleans Mardi Oras BY SPECIAL TRAIN Rate from York $70.00 lYiv-is round-trip trnnsportati) n. I'ull-rmm Iwrth. all imuh Km-elii! train, Including Uvy in New Orleans, nnd rc-cerved Ktiat In special gmmlKtaml to view parades.

Tourists occuov Social Train continuously nr.d full information may be obtained of GKO. W. BOYD. General Pas. Agent, J.

It. WOOl Brmd St. Station. Phila, Tabs. Traflic Manager.

it 20 28 Presents the Nw York and Comedy Headquarters for Everything Electrical man who waa betrothed to a young woman. Both were poor and in humble life, but the grandfather of the young man had and be fell In love with the young woman and proposed marriage to her. The girl told her lover. He was displeased, but, having pondered over the dilemma, saw a way to extricate himself and hia sweetheart from the same. "Marry him," said he to the girl.

"Ho is rich. He oannot live long. When he dies you'll have his money, and I'll have you." She took the advice. By the marriage she became the young lean's grandmother. Not long after tha old man died, and then she wedded her first betftthed.

THE MUMMY and the HUMMING BIRD YOU CAN HATCH And reur chickens any ol-J time with Cyphers Incubators and Brothers. I offer them under the Cyphers Kuarantee. Incubators, up; broodr. Wl" V- t. o.

b. York; l' lbs. ltef scrap, lbs. crushel ovster shell. 7f.c; 1 lus cut clover, 1 lbs.

crushed flint grit, lbs Cyphers chick fxl. t-'JW. For catalogue price list. address DC A ALrV N. K.

V. D. No. 3, York. Pa.


'Whitecfir as and a cat. A conrrIete scenic: production. I-rJces ev. 7c, $1 104-106 East Market 8t. Select Stoc of dneHera an: KC8rveci miip Thursday momintr.

AFeb. lti. 'J o'clock..

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