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The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina • Page 6

Raleigh, North Carolina
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Wefjdy link OAJJLAXT CSAZfJX IT B3X23 lobar Gives Tarther fi stalls sf the Battts TTQV LIT- I IIIDN. DEFEATED South Carolina Wins, Twelve to Naught. Gtlli COX ACCEPTS THE PHESKCY Head of the State Agricultural Society. LETTER OF ACCEPTANCE TEX fuTISIOX C0T1T ADJOTJUTI. A larrs Batch sf Orden Vu Eaaisd ia tha Last Say.

The Wake county Superior court adjourned yesterdsy sfter having been In session for three week. Judge Robinson has dispatched very much work in that time. Solicitor Poo's report wss sent In to the court. It stated that he had examined the condition i of the clerk's office, and tt it was better, haa it had beea for many I years; that cne affair of the clerk's office 'were well admiaistered: that ail the books required to be kept by law. were kept, and well Indexed, and that the papers and reeorde were in excellent hane.

In the case of Linle Daniels against W. N. Moore and others. Judgment was entered In favor of the plaintiff la the sum of 174.73 with interest, and an order was entered for foreclosure of the mortgage. A verdict in favor of the nlaintiff in the case of B.

F. Montague vs. W. T. Taylor was given In the sum of In the Icaae of T.

B. Holt, executor against T. M. Johnson and others, an order of sale was granted. An order denying the motion of defendants in the case of T.

V. Upcharch snd wife, against the Western Union Telegraph Company, and W. j. Unchurch and wife, against the same, was granted. The defendant desired to remove the case to the Federal court.

In the case of J. D. Boushall. General Agent of the Aetna, Life Insurance Company, against R. H.

Berry. Judgment waa granted by default and order of Inquiry entered, The defendants in the case of Q. B. Galley against J. B.

Ferral) and wife New Tork. Not. 19. The hank statement today shows the following changes: Loans, decreased. I8.C72.800; "deposits, decreased.

circulation. de- creased. legal tenders, decreased, specie, decreased. $1. 786.400.

Total reserve, i decreased, A SCOTHC BBCOVEar. Dr. Agastut Raggies, Treasurer ef the Greater Kew York Medical Association, Jt one seieatiflceosnpwwsut known as Dtaitoso Digest Taslets whica can be relied upon to cure dyspepsia and eonstipauoasothey will stay earedL Positively the only advertised yspepsia remedy ever endorsed by prominent physicians. mm mm. They prompt? digest every particWeffoed taken late the rtonwh.

sad Sf powUvei gsersntwe cws the wwt fotwts oi Utsiteiwla, Iswlir tie. Uertsaum, eowr Bimswh, us Cst-ma BMtiew, natorring ta Wwwle autd Uvea tm perfectly Skatwrml mUn La two weeks or mxtaey nrlonoed, try SU ingxt. 13 wad fie. I DIAMOND DKCG 88 W. gway.T.

1 feiiiiy iiEfiDcnE A trttlywroodscfa disooeery eontaiains dans-erous drag found ta ALU CTHER headache nmadioa, OseTablKCrms ftTa II darhe la lust (hM Mtamte, iorooly ftcAaAjruaax SUn "worlds" Progrcssiio Stous Museum, Menaperie and Trained Ammil JF SSSBBBBaBBSBfMraBfMI8a Largest, Richest, Best 25 Cent Show on earth: ITOVEWIBER J4; RALEIGH. N. i Afternoon and Evening, 2 and 8 p.m.- Street parade at 12 o'clock. J. L.

RALEIGH, N. a Cut flower, boquet and floral digns oa short wotle. Palm, ferns and all pot plants for house ana window deeeratloaua, Shad tree, evergreens and shrubberies. and vegetables of all kinds ta pum lO. Raletc ear Botka villa.

(By the Associated Press.) London. Nov. It. Lord Robert telegraphing from Johannesburg. November 8th.

reports to the War Office a follow: "General Knox states that he takes no credit for the very successful eagage-meat of November which was dae ta the first instance to the determination of Lf Gallafs never tr lose touch, with the enemy, and secondly to the able way la which De Lisle handled the firing line after Le Gallas snd Koss were wounded. "Smith-Dorrlen reports that the twe days' fighting mentioned was very hard. His force consisted of 250 mounted troops, the Royal Canadian Dragoona and Mounted Rifles, two Royal Canadian artillery gins. Jour of the Eighty-fourth battery and WW infantry of the SuColka and Sbrop)iires. "The Boers were met soon after starting frn Belfast and hung on the fianlj and rejr until the Komatl river waa reached, where they stood at a very strong position.

From this they were forced to retire by a wide turning movement by the Suffolk and the Canadian mounted troopa around their flanks. "All the first day signal lire were lighted la all directions and before morning they were strongly reinforced. "Our casualtlea the first day were six killed and 20 womded. chiefly of the Shropshire who fought splendidly. The next duy the1 Boer tried to seise the strong position on the bank of the Ko-matk from which they were beaten out November Cth, but were prevented by Colonel Evms with the Canadian mounted troop and two of the iElrhty-fourth guns, galloping two mile and seizing It ia the nick of time.

The; rear oa the return march was defended by Colonel Lessard with the Canadian dragoon and two Royal Canadian gun under Lieutenant Morrison. "Smith-Dorrien says no raise can be too high for the gallantry these troops showed ta keeping off the enemy from the lrntry convoys. 4 "In toe aftercon an eTent, unprecedented In this war oceirrtd. when some 20t noun ted Boers suddenly charged the rear guard to within seventy yards when they were stopped by the Canadian dragoona. During the fight sixteen of the Canadians fell lata the hands of the enemy who treated them kindly and released them after removing their own dead and wound ed.

during which operation the Canadians were compelled to lie 00 their faces la crder that hey might not see how heavily the Boers had suffered. "Our cssualtles were two killed an'' twelve wounded Furniture sold through Lewitb Mercantile Durham. N. C. Ths Valet Gets Damages.

(By the Associated Press.) JCew Tork, Nov. If). The Jury In the suit brought by Frank Mowbray, a valet against Howard Gould, a sos of the late Jsy Gould, for $25,000 damages tor breach of contract, brought ta a verdict today awarding $3,000 to the plaintiff. Mowbray alleged that Mr. Gould engaged him aa valet for life, at $80 per month after he had lost the sight of one eye and sustained other Injuries aa a result of, setting off a damp aky rocket on Mr.

Gould'r yacht, July 1893, and that he waa discharged Immediately after the statute of limitations barred a auHl for damages on account of the Injuries he had received The We shin ton Pest says the seat of Hon. W. W. Kitchln will be contested. Mr.

James Gibson, cashier of the Cabarrus Seringa. Bank, died yesterday. He waa for many years- clerk of the court ef Cabarrus, and one of Its best men. I Far LaGHnne and Influnz us CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT. FIFTY PER CHIT.

I1R7 Holleman Fayetteville WE I STI1LL Women suffering from female troubles and weakness, and from irregular or painful men- -scrs, cragnt not to lose hope if doctors cannot helDthenjuPhr- sicians are I btisr with other Jdiseases that they do not cn-ij derstand fully the eculiar ailment and the delicate organism of womanj What the sufferer ought to do is to give a fair trial to which is the true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the distinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers, wives and danehters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to 1 1 A tare lTTcgmaxiry in ine menses, l-en-corrhoea. Falling of the Womb. Nervousness, Headache and Backache.

In fairness to herself and to Brad 1elds Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a trial A large ft bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. The Braiflcii FCfula tor Atlanta, Ga. weeks exposition at the beginning of the the mla a few weeks or months, but de- must be provided to make the brick, for while the debt of the society Is being annually fairs are not money-making Institutions. "Proper preparations are not made for them in a few weeks or oaths, but de- mnnd the constant thought and care of Its officers throughout the year.

The receipts may be large, yet the outlays are necessarily great, and a rainy day may dash the fondest hopes of its "Whatever those more experienced in the management of our State fair may determine is for the best Interest of he people will be carried out without' seeking for the lion in the path or expecting to find him. "This is an age of progress, if not of Impatience, and excelsior is no longer a strange device. Our 8tate ia growing in population. Increasing ia wealth and securing greater and cheaper transportation faculties. And as the lines of life are growing smoother, greater numbers of our people ourht and will exchsnro th monotony bf their every day life (or the recreation! secured through visiting the capital and State fairs.

"Hitherto the society has been fortunate fa Its presideats. and I sincerely regret, at Ita recent session, it did not exercise' its usual wisdom and impose it labors and responsibilities upon some younger man. more familiar with its contact and suited to ita management than myself. "Hvalug left me no other alternative than to ohv ita behest, I will rely on the very capable officers it selected to assist me. and a benign Providence to make the fair what it should be a grand success.

"With assurances of my best wishes, 1 Very truly yours, -Wll R. COX." rax csiinuMcomxacz. It ajoarasd YetUrtsy Aftar a Praltahla On laat Monday the Eastern North Carolina Conference. of the ChrUtlan church, met at ToungsviUe, ia this conn-ty. Rev.

W. P. Clements, ef UorrUsvillo, was elected president and ifr. Herbert Scholfx. of the University, was secretarr- The conference was attended by mln-isters and delegates from the entire Raa t-ern section; of the Stat, gad was one of the most successful that has been held.

The reports of the delegates showed the financial condition of the conference to be uniformly; graufytng; aad many new members have beta added to the churches during the yeari The pastors spoke of several revivals that had been held, la which much good was accomplished. Prof. Lawrence, the traTellraf agent of Elon College, was present and made his report. This lcxUtutloo ts In a flourishing condition, the enrollment this year being the largest ia Its history. The outlook for its success Is flae.

Sermons were delivered before the body by several prominent nembere. Yesterday afternoon, Mr Morlog conducted a praise service. The conference adjourned yesterday af-tejnoott to meet at Pleasant Union. In Harnett county, on the Wednesday after the second Sunday In November 1301. Talking About ClirjiAnthearim.

Talking i about Chrysanthemums! the News and Observer was rememhrwd a few days ago by Mrs. Florence P. Tucker with an exculsite larre selection nf mammoth beautiful ones. They convert ed the office Into a flower garden for a whole day, and were then seat to a lady la Washington She wrote of them: "I haven't Been any Chrysanthemums la thia city half so beautlfuL They are as lovely aa can be. Clothing.

Shoes. Carpets, Rugs. Mst-tlng. Hardware, Guna, Ammunition. Furniture.

Toys. Lewitb Mercantile Durham. PU1 mall orders promptly. If you hare ever seen a child In the agony of croup you can realise how grateful toothers are for One Minuter Cough Cure which gives relief as soon as it is It auickly cures coughs, colds and alh throat and lung troubles, Eobbltt Wynne Drug W. H.

King. Wm. Simpson, Mall orders filed promptly at the Big SUre. Lewlth Mercantile Durham. f- Gesrgttowti rrom the lYirginla ilHi'a'j stitu'e and Thus Bt comet the Champion of the South.

(By the Associated Press.) Columbia, S. C-. Nov. 10. The game of football played here today between the South Carolina college and the Agricultural and Mechanical College, of North Carolina, was won by the South Carolinians by a score of 12 to 0.

OI0XCIT0 wTT TEX CXAXnrjw. The ralsa ef Tlctory Wrtstsd Treat the Tlr-giaia Military Iaxtituta. (By' the Associated Pres.) Richmond. Va, Nov. score of 17 to 11 Georgetowa College wrested the palm of victory from the Virginia Mints ry Institute team here this afternoon, and with it the title of champions of the South.

The contest was spirited, it waa clean, scientific exhibition of football. The Virginias undoubtedly played the better game, but it is equally true that they were outgeneraled. The features of the Virginia Military Institute play were the gains of Kirk, the brilliant runs of Miller and McCabe and the splendid tackling of Tucker. For Georgetown. Devlin and Buckley were most conspicuous for good playing.

TALE DEFEATS CARLISLE. New Haven. Nov, 10. To the surprise of even the most ardent ot her admirers. Tsle this afternoon rolled up a score of IS points against the Carlisle Indians la the annual football contest between tesms of the two institutions, while the Indians failed to get nearer Tale's goal thaa the 20-yard line.

The Yale eleven played with unex pected strength and the speed snd dash of the New 'Haven players was as re markable as their strength. Tale stock rose la the contemplation of Tale-Harvard probabilities, but experts lost bo time la proclaiming that while Tale's work today was fully equal to that of Harvard against the same team, the Indiana lacked that rigor and finish of play that characetrfzed their five to. seventeen effort against the Cambridge boys. Tale's goal line waa never la danger in today'a contest. BROWN MEETS DI3 ASTER.

Cambridge, 10.i-Harvard defeated Brown at Football today by score of "11 to The very poor showing by Harvard waa due to the absence of Captain Daly, and the wretched playing of the sub-back ends. The eleven seemed completely demoralised at time and were fooled by i trick play again and agala. AUBURN AND TENNESSEE. Birmingham. 10.

Auburn University 22; University of Tennessee 0. DORSET'S WORK THE FEATURE. Athens. Ga. Nov.

10. Clemson College today defeated the University of Georgia by a score of to 5. The work of Dorsey, Georgia's quarter-back was the feature of the game. a addition to aiding in the execution of a number of tricks, he made a 23-yard" run. scoring Georgia's only touchdown.

FOOTBALL GAM E3. Pennsylvania 12 LaFayette S. Northwestern Chicago 0. West Point 11 i Hamilton 0. Naval Cadet 44; Pennsylvania College 0.

Cornell 29; Oberlln 0. State Cook Stoves. $4 65; warranted. Lewlth, Durham. Arbuckle Coffee.

12He. Lewitb Mercantile Durham. 20STXLX TO MaZXXIZT. Large Fart ef Otrmaa Prsea CeauBsats litter! 7 a Kseult of XTaetia. (By the Associated Press.) Berlin.

Nov. 10 Lord Salisbury's guild hall speech Is commented on favorably by the German press, especially the pass are aaeat the Anglo-German agreement, la which lnferentlally. Great Britain's pro-German sentiments are dlvulced. The British Premier' army reform reference likewise meet with approval and the hope Is expressed that the reform will be thorough. The passage touching upon the United Statea was paaaed over silent ly bf a majority of the papers.

Interest Just now center In the Reich stag opening next Wednesday, which will be particularly solemn. At noon la the Rlttersaal of Berlin Castle, previous thereto, there will be a divine service, both Catholic and Protestant. The press generally calls attention to the Importance of the forthcoming session, whose first part wilt deal with the China policy, the Emperor and the Government's hither to unauthorised comprehensive measures. Including the creation of a special China "army," which the Liberal press ha beea pointing to a unconstitutional. Furthermore, the Reichstag will deal wth the Posadowsky-Bueck matter, which win arouse bested debates.

The budget and bills referring to Insurance companies, publishers rights, commerce and marine will also receive attention. The Center party will agin Introduce a. bill providing for the recall of the Jesuits. In spite of the North German Gazette's emf-offlclal statement that the German pre, regardless of party, received most favorably the newa of President Mr Kin -ley's re-election, the truth la that a lsrge oart of the press Is commenttag hos-tilely sad venomously oe tht election result. It 1 significant for.

Instance, that the Cologne Volka Zeitung. the leading organ of the Center party, which dominates the Reichstag, continues the most bitter comments, deploring President Mc-Klnley's re-election as likely to re-engender in Washington a policy unfriendly to Germany. lie Proprietors of War ner's Safe Cure will send to any rerson requesting same, a free mple of Warner'a Safe Cure. Mention this paper, fend today. Ha rarer a Two 7eeki Expoiition IText Tear.

UUCH MAY BS LIAPNFD AT QUS FAIRS They Hare Becjm Gneit Eductiorul, Social tai bdjs rial Factors For the improvement cf Our Pe sjla Who, Are Africa Uural Rather Than Urban. At the annual meeting1 of the Xorth Carolina Agricultural Society, held in this city on October 12th, lion. William I. Cor warn unanimously elected to the presidency of the society. date of Octoler 12th, the notifiea-.

tiort committees of the society wrote to General Cox, informing bira of the notion of the society and expressing- the hoie that he would accept the ffiee tendered him. After mature connideratioTi, General Cox wrote to the committee on the Mh instant, exprewdngr his thanks for i the distinction conferred upon him and I ucwptinjj the office of president of the jKM-iety. The letter of the committee to Gen-tnti Cux and his reply follow: rRaleigh. N. C-.

Oct. 1900. lien. William R- Cor. Peaelo, N.

"Dear Sir At the annual meeting of the North Carolina Agricultural Society, held la thia city on Thursday evening, the Jiith In yoe were unanimously elected Ita president for the next year, d1 were, appointed a committee to notify you and request your acceptance of the lint. "Your long public aenrlce to the country and the. great Interest you have always manifested la the prosperity of your State render you peculiarly suited i for the position to which you hare been railed' and an appropriate successor to tfca distinguished North Carolinians who hate occupied this honorable and responsible position. This committee personally express the hope that you will accept the position so heartily tendered you by the public spirited citizens ot the State. Yours respectfully.

"BENEHAN CAMERON, -JOHN NICHOLS, V. 1,. -Committee." "Penelo. Edgecombe County. N.

C. "November 8th. 1900. "Meatr. Cameron and Nichols, Commit tee.

Gentlemen Please accept thanks for your courteous and flattering communication la which yoa notify me of my election a president of the North Carolina State Agricultural Society ror the ensuing year, and express the hope that I will accept the same. "I have given the matter mature consideration and am not unmindful of the high distinction of being called upon to 1 preside oTer and giro direction to the aralra of a society which is not only growing In popularity and usefulness, but has become an established andcberiahed Institution of the State. This is as It should be. for our State baa no great congested centers of popu- laiioa filled with Immigrants fleeing from oppressive conditions in the old world to create like conditions in the new. Our people are not urban, but agricultural.

And at no period la our history hare the results of agriculture, la Us broader sense. beea more appreciated or given greater consideration or fostering care at the hands' of the general and all our State governments han at the present time. Not content with building up agricultural and mechanical colleges and experiment stations in Its aid, learned scientists are employed to traverse both sea and land for new and fertilizing elements, rare i lrt and seeds for the use of the 'man with the hoe. "Our State agricultural fairs have become great educational, social and Indus-trial factors for 'the improvement and i recreation of our people, where age for- gets decay and youth delights to linger. Else why do thousands and theuaaada of orderly, congenial and excellent people, with Increasing numbers, continue to annually throng Ita halls? There they ran see, aot only the natural product of her soil (and so State has greater variety), but likewise the varied Industries of her sons, and the deft creations of her daughters, and return to their homes with a warmer affection and' higher appreciation of their State.

"As has beea suggested, our fairs may be too abort, and we should have a two- 'Treasures of Flowers Rare and Roses Red' i Come from, enriched, well nourished soil, giving the re-szlt cf perfect growth. The same result can Be obtained by humanity in general, if they look after the blood, the life of the whole system. ibocf Sirhpn2jL is the one specific remedy for tf-Js, xs transforms poor Heed perfect Uoodfrxm Mch foU Jokx-s ihegrtstest cf blessings, cxxdfcjdih. Eczema "Since 1 kdas a chZJ I f-jri hxJ crvpiiorj on my body Kuhich our pf-yxcum pronounced ecsemx- took sa hxues of ILxxf SirsspsrSU end futve hsS no ttiarn of the disease." ilrs. Hi AT.

Tdt'r. Gut H('i rv er ttrcy trrtU llrvf tk4 LED were allowe-1 sixty days from the rising of court to file aa answer. Alias summons were issued in the case of J. D. Boushall against J.

B. Carraway. Final Judgment, according to compro mise, wss entered the case of Mary Haywood against Ernest Haywood. The nlaintiff In the case of J. A.

Lee against J. D. Hunter recovers The report of sal4 In the case of A. W. Shaffer against Helen Christmas was con firmed.

The pis in tiff recovers $21.00 rout the defendants; in the case of W. E. Wood against M. E. Wood and D.

D. Johastoa. Judgment was rendered for the de fends nt in! the case of L. E. Castlcbury against the Raleigh Water Company.

Judgment for the defendant was ren dered In the case of Gerald McCarthy against J. jS. Primrose and o'hers, trus tee of the; A. and M. College.

The plain tiff wss suing ffr salary- alleged to be I-'-' vr The plaintiff recovered $29.50 in the case of the; Sua Life Insursace Company against the C. S. Fldellte Company. The defendant in the case of the SUte at the relation of B. P.

Williamson. Treasurer Of Wake county, against H. T. Jones, was! given sixty days to file his a-swer. gAXLX0AJ) TAXATIOJf CAIXt.

Takiag of Testlmaay to he lasamsd This Weak atwTLalagtsa. I The taking of testimony la the rail road taxation cases will be retmmed tfcUf week at Wilmlagtoa. The week follow tag, testimony will be taken in Raleigh, closing the evidence for the railroad aide ot the Three months will then be given" the Corpora tloa Commission in which to take It evidence, after which the railroads will have a month for taking testimony in rebuttal of that brought out by the Com mission. In these hearings Judge Simon ton Is represented" by Judge Jamea E. Shepherd atandlng master.

He simply takes the testimony without finding facts or draw fag. conclusions of law. and submits It to Judge Simonton. Many people worry because they believe they have heart disease. The chances are that their hearts are all right but their Btomachs are unable to digest food.

Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digest what you cat and pre venta the formation of gas which makes the stomach press against the heart, It will cure every, form of Indigestion. Bobbltt A- Wynne Drug W. H. King. Win.

Simpson. THE SHOW IS COMING. The first 'show of the season will visit this city next Wednesdsy. the 14th. Surely this Item of new will please the young folks, the children, and the older ones also.

8ua Bros. World's Progressive Show Is one that has a atanding record for presenting a good performance In on big ring. In the good old style. Sun Bros, run their show strictly on business and moral principles. Nothing Is permitted to appear that will mar the pleasure of the jakeptlcally inclined.

Neither are the army of fakirs (often seen following In the wake of shows) allowed to follow this organisation. The long-ataad-Ing reputation of the Sua Bros, through out Americaa and the Dominion of Canada ahall aot be Jeopardised by allowing any catch-penny affair tv be connected with their show. Fifty great celebrated arttat will appear4 at every performance. Fully two hour and one-half of enjoyment la afforded for 23 centa. a price which Is surely within the meana of everyone.

all attend. "Afternoons at 1. o'clock. Eveninga at 8 o'clock. Elected Hosiruy Kemberi.

(Special to News and Observer.) Wiihintmn n. C. Nov. 10. The Jack son Democratic Association, of this city.

naa elected Hon. r. M. Simmons an bob-nnrv m.m., it will rlT Its annual dinner on 1 Jackson's birthday. January 8th.

Evervthln for everybody cut prices. Lewlth Mercantile Cov, Durham. N. C. Ton can't afford to risk your life by allowing a cough or a cold to develop into pneumonia or" consumption.

One Minute Cough Cure will cure throat and lung troublea quicker than any other preparation known. Many doctors use it as a specific for grippe. It is an Infallible remedy for croup. Children like It anf mother endorse It. Bobbitt A Wynne Drug W.

II. King. Wm. Simpson. Octagon Soap.

8 cakes 23c. Lewlth Mercantile Durham. There is nothing more remarkable la hlatory than the misstatements. Bears the Mg9 PRICES: With ths best and most complete line of STANDARD ADE Bugg'es, Wagons, Harness. Lap Robe.

Etc Our goods sell upon their own merit A trial will prove it. J. 17. Daf bpf Raleigh. N.

C. SAVED dSS dcrtisttrt YORK DE11TAL ASSSC jIATIOH for ten 7.CO 1 we ee 5.C3 Expert Operators in Charge. CAHDY 1 fin i i a t. CUnEPILGG snd an rectal disorders. Sot Pkysie Results, cr money refunded, SO cesta.

BCXBTT T. HICKS, Balefgh, JT.C TTM. BI3f FSOX, EaleUa, K.C McOEZ-8 rHAJrUCAtT. Balslga, 21. O.

arTTS DRCO (X. uta. Pa The -eery beat Set of Teeth guaranteed Second grade Set of Cold Fillings Amalgam Gold Porcelala Crown "uv ui jivr vuoia. Extract A A-Work Guaranteed. Carcjina Portland Cement Company 194-1V KA8T BAT, Charleston, 8.

Peyr G. Ilanahan. Sec. and Maas'r. OLD DOMINION BRAND, Americaa Port laud Cement, sold In cooperage.

OLD DOMINION BRAND. Americaa Portland Cemeat. sold ta cloth sack. 20 cents rebate per barrel for return of sack. OLD DOMINION BRAND.

Americaa Portland Cemeat sold ia psper sack, saving 20 cents per harreLi OLD DOMINION BRAND. Americaa Portland Cemeat. highest grade of Portland Cement manufactured. Also agents for Clover Leaf brand Americaa Portland Cement.1 LOUISVILLE CEMENT, Last Government test ea OLD DOMINION st Washington Navy Tard. over 800 WlLUIIIQton.

R.C investment Sncrrlllos Stocks and of EOUTnraN CASTORIA r-fhfnarfttJia TliKti Yea Kns Alxrajs Bcht pounds oa 7 day test..

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