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The Cleveland Leader from Cleveland, Ohio • Page 1

Cleveland, Ohio
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

HORNING- LEADER MONDAY ilOtMjiB, APHIL 13, 63. Bread Riots At th opening of the war, nothing was mora common, in the rebel papers, titan prediction of the starvation and want that would stalk through the Northern cities, suffering from a want of cotton, and in fancy we saw, through the rebel editors' prowiea, wiia riots ana nncontrouasie mobs of infuriated men and women raging throueh the atnwta of Rninn. tpw Yne-V and Philadelphia, crying "Bread! Brejid or Blood Has that prophecy been ful- filled Let the records of the Northern cities show, where the only riots hare been those the Copperhead of the rebels, against a persecuted race who hare not brought the wages of labor down one cent. But the curses of the traitors hare come home to roost. In their own streets rage mobs of half-starred women, H1W VTU (SI 9 I1UKB MJC UIVUU Cri of "Bread or Blood We hare already had an inkling of the bread riot in Rich- mond, about which their papers are so chary of giving information.

Deserters and refugees from that city confirm the meaere reports received. But Richmond is not alone. A deserter who came into oar lines at Suffolk, last week, reported tie occurrence of a similar demonstration among the starring people of Savannah The mob there was pacified by promises of instant relief. A number of wealthy men contributed on the spot several thousand dollars to ease the suffering. Only a few days before this Savannah riot, a mob of women marched the streets of Atlanta, entered provision-stores, demanded food for themselves and families, and when it was refused, their leader, described as a tall and bold-looking woman, presented a pistol at the head of the shopman, threatening him with instant death if he resisted, and ordered her companions to help themselves.

At what other points beside these tw similar outbreaks have occurred, we not know, but these serve to illustrate the (traits to which the rebel country is brought. The demonstrations will not top here. Such affairs are contagious, A mob in one city leads to another in another one, and we shall et hear of other such demands made upon affrighted au thorities, by desperate men and women. It is a terrible state of society, but the rebels have themselves and they only tob'ame for it. Great Haul of Contraband Traders.

For some time past there has been a great deal of contraband trade going on at some of the Ohio river ports, principally at Evansville, Indiana. These gentry, who have been thus successfully engaged in smuggling, have at length been brought mv. A V. 1 1 Ci.i Marshal and the District Attorney, who arrived at Evansville on Monday night last. On Wednesday (he following persons were arrested Leopold Lo wen thai, of L.

L. wholesale ready-made clothing and furnishing goods; D. C. Keller, of Keller White, wholesale druggists Cyprian Preston, of Krouse Preston, wholesale dry goods: George tteiller, Lute B.Smith, and James Rogers. The above were all released upon giving $2,000 bonds for their appearance at the United States District Court on the 6th of May next.

The stock of the first on the mbove list is valued at 33,000 to $40,000, and will certainly be confiscated, the evidence in the case being very strong. Another band of smugglers has been broken np at Henderson, Indiana, where a large lot of contraband goods, together with Confederate money, was found. It is thought that the contraband trade is now pretty effectually broken up. Great Haul of Contraband Traders. Sildenll Sees No Hope for the Rebels---He Advises Them to Give Up.

A Washington dispatch to the New- York Evening Poet says that it is now known, on the very best authority, that John SUdell, the Confederate emissary at Paris, has written to his government that the cause of the Confederacy is utterly without prospect of success. He says that neither in France or Eng land will the new nation be recognized, nor will any measnres of intervention be adopted. Both governments may for a time play with the subject, to please the tastes of the aristocratic classes, but neither of them is strong enough to take a decided step in the face of pubiio opinion. It is understood that he has consequent, ly advised his government to make the best terms it can for a return to the Union. Without foreign aid the struggle is only a prolongation of misery and ruin.

Slidell docs not say so, but it is well known from other sources, that the strong feeling in favor of the South created by the emancipation decree has compelled the ministers to refrain from all acts of hos tility toward the free Stales. Great Loyal Mass Meeting at Chicago. An immense loyal mass meeting was held in Chicago on Thursday evening in commemoration of the attack upon Fort Sumter. It was a huge gathering, and was the occasion of some eloquent speech es by Hon. Lyman Trumbull, Hon.

Wm. A. Howard, Hon. Thomas Drummond- and others. But the great speech of the even.

ing was made by the young Irish orator, T. Mason Jones, who lately lectured in Cleveland. Those who heard his rare elo quence upon those two occasions can im- ntrine how entrancing it must be to hear him opon the thrilling topics of the pres ent day. Of his remarks, the Tribune ays: We do not remember an address in this city, by any distinguished orator or statesman, on any occasion, that was more fraught with good sense, and more replete with eloquence. It was as close ana log ical as Webster's, and as burning as Clay's beet off-hand speeches.

He was manly in his avowals of sympathy with the Union cause, lucid in his explanations of the Iiolicy of European governments, vehemently denunciatory of the Copperheads, and noble in his expression of friendly hopes for our holy eanse. We much regret our inability to report his speech 'n eztento; but that would be literally impos-siblo. But the thousands who heard him last nieht will not soon forget Mason Jones, the Irish orator. Three rousing cheers were given to him on his resuming his seat." A eorrepondent of the New York Express, with the army of General Hooker, lays that the men are as fat as pigs, from the way they have been fed this winter." If the weather continues favorable, the army will move in the coarse of week. ii.


SS. Important of the War Department. The following important order was pub lished on Wednesday War Dinarnrsr, ADjrTMT-GEs'a Office, WAPHiJOTOif. Anril 2. 18ti3.

i- Orders No. under the antnonty contained in sec tions 19 and 20 of the Act "for enrollinz and calling out the National forces, and for other purposes, approved March 3, 18C3, it is ordered that for each and every regiment of the Volunteer Army now reduced, or that may be reduced hereafter, as set forth in said sections, consolidation shall be made in accordance with the fol lowing rules INFANTRY. 1. Each regiment will be consolidated into fire or a less number of companies, and the Colonel, Major and one Assistant- Surgeon mastered out. CAVALRY.

2. Each regiment consolidated into six Qaa less number of companies. and the Colonel, two Majors and one Assistant-Surgeon mustered out. ARTILLERY. 3.

Each regiment will be consoldated in to six or a less number of companies, and the Colonel, two Majors, and 'one Assist ant Surgeon mustered out. 4. The companies and batteries formed by consolidation will be or the maximum strength, and will be organized as now di rected by law and regulation. The first letters of the alphabet will be nsed to des ignate the companies. 5.

The company commissioned and non-commissioned rendered super- numary, with those enumerated in the foregoing, will be mustered out of service at the date of consolidation. All other commissioned and non commissioned officers will be retained. C. The officers to be retained will be selected by the division and corps commanders, under the instructions of the commanding general of the army or department, from among the most efficient officers of the respective regiments. 11.

After the consolidations, as herein directed, the reduced proportion of officers will be maintained, and no appointments to vacancies will be made, except upon notification from the Adjutant-General of the Army. To this 'end, commanders of ar mies and departments will report, weekly to the Adjutant-General, the vacancies to be filled. The said reports will be separate for each State, and must embrace the name, rank, and regiment of the party creating the vacancy, with dates, and cause thereof. If an order has been issued in the case, its number, date, and source mnst be given. Commissaries and Assistant-Commissa ries or Musters will closely observe this paragraph, and make no musters in excess of the proportion herein fixed.

111. 1 he following are the sections of the act referred to, and under which the foregoing is ordered bee. la. And be tt Jurthtr enaited. That henever a regiment of volunteers of he same arm, from the same State, is reduced to one-half the maximum number prescribed by law, the President may direct the consolidation of the companies of such regiment frovidrd, That no com pany so formed shall exceed the maximum umber prescribed by law.

When such consolidation is made, the regimental officers shall be reduced, in proportion to the reduction in the number of companies. Sec. 20. And be it farther enacted, That whenever a regiment is reduced below the minmum number allowed by no officers shall he sppointed in such regiment beyond those necessary for the command of such reduced number By order of the Secretary of War. E.

D. TOWNSEND E. D. TOWNSEND Treasonable Organizations in Indiana-- Further Discoveries--Bath of Second Degree. The Cincinnati Gazette has received from first-class authority a copy of the 2d degree of the K- G.

which reads as follows Do you believe this to be the Word of God? (Hand on the Bible.) i Do you believe that the present war now being waged against tu in be unconstitu tional? Then receive the obligation. I. do solemnly swear, in the presence of Almighty God, that I will Support the Constitution of the United Etaie, and the State in which I reside and keep it holy aad unraveled. I further promise and swear that 1 will go to the aid of all good and loyal Democrats, and oppose the confiscation of their property, either Aorth or south, and 1 further promise and swear that I will suffer my body severed in four parts one part Cast out of the east gate, one part at the west eate, one part at the north gale, and one port at the south gate before I will utter the privilege bequeatnea oy our forefathers blotted out or trampled under foot forever. I further promise and swear that I will go to the aid, from the 1st to the 4th signal, of all loyal Democrats, North or South I further promise and swear that 1 win ot reveal any of the secrets signs, pass- orus or enps to any one not legally au thorized by this order, binding myself under no less penally than having my bowels torn out and cast to the four winds of heaven, so help me God.

I promise and swear that 1 will uo an in my power to bring all loyal Democrats in this Cirole of Hosts. I further promise and swear that I will do all in my power against the present Yankee Abolition Disunion Administration, so help me God. The Order voted to have a State Conven tion of Lodges, and wished to have it April 23d, the day proposed for the Democratic, State Convention. The prudent men of the party learned this and postponed the Convention until the latter part of May. The signs of the Order include battle signals," to protect the members in battle, or befriend them if captnred.

The Expeditions Bear Virk.barc The Cincinnati Commercial says: "It will be observed, from the correspondence on our first page, that two important overland expeditions are in motion. The destinations of these expeditions were given by our correspondent, bnt throuch 1 perhaps, we decline, for the present, to putmsn tne information. It will not be imprudent, we presume, to say that our knowledge of the course the expeditions nave tacen, ana the objects in view, leads us to expect, in the course of a few days, developments thot will interest the country, though we do not see reason to anticipate the imme diate fall of Ticksburg. The attempt to take the rebel Fort Pemberton, which blocks the nroerees of the 1 atoo Pass ex pedition, has not been abandoned, as is the popular impression, a LIGHTENS RODS. TTENRY BOWEtf, Makutactu Improved Lightning Hods, m4 aod pot np on ndi rifle principle.

Warranted to protect boll darn from tUmotpMrio tlecsrici.jv Mhfiid Bowen hm Iwntoibra been Mnplofod tr the Cit7 (Council to prepare aid erect rvlj un the inhiir rhool HDildinm. LOCAL MATTERS. Local Item on thlo pace are from atardar Ji.venins'0 fiauioa. Peisokal. Captain G.

Judson, of the schooners. 11. Kimball, left this morning on the ears for Buffalo, intending to bring his vessel to this port immediately. Fob to 107th. Major Arnold, of the 107th Ohio Infantry, who has been home on a furlough for a few dayi past, will leave for his regiment on Thursday of next week.

Letters for the regiment may be left at the Lsadkb Counting Room. It is proposed by the Cleveland Toledo Railroad Company to baild a road from Ober-lin to Elyria, a distance of sevsn and three-fourth miles, and to ran their trains over that portion of the road, to and from Toledo. The road will probably be built this summer. Mon Rebel Pkisoheks. Six hundred and fifty rebel prisoners left Logansport, Indiana, at half past eight o'clock this morning, on their way to Fortress Monroe to be exchanged.

They will arrive here in about the middle of the night. They oocupy seventeen ears. 1 FLAG PmESEHTATios. The Ladies' Soldier' Aid Society hare purchased a National Flag for the United States Hospital, at Camp Cleveland. Professor Hnmiston has kindly consented to present the said flag on Monday next, April 13th, at three o'clock in the afternoon.

Daeino Attempt to Muedeh. This morning, about half past 3 o'clock, as J. F. Irtah, one of the employees in this office, was returning home from his labor, he was Gred upon by some concealed person, just above the Columbna street bridge, but fortunately missing the mark. Mr.

I. does not know that La has a tingle enemy in the city who would be gailty of so direful and malicious an Accident aud Mibacclocs Escape. A man named Birdsall, formerly in the employ of J. H. A A.

8. Gorham, met with an accident on the Cleveland, Columbus A Cincinnati Read, near Grafton, yesterday evening, lie came in from Grafton on C. Burgofs' freight train. While walking from the front to the rear of the train, Birdsall fell between the cars, the train being in motion. As he struck the track he bounded up, and the brake hitting him knocked him clear of the wheels, so that be was uninjured, save by the fall.

Such an escape has hardly ever occurred in the history of railroading. Lausch. A new schooner, the Sunllow, was launched at the ihip yard of Campbell Jwen, Detroit, on Tuesday last. The Adver tiser A Tribune says of her 1 The Swallow was bnilt for and purchased II. N.

Strong, and is designed for the grain trade between Baffalo and Chicago. Sh. is a fore and-aft vesset, and of beautiful oriel and proportions. She measures in length of keel, 1:12 feet; over all, 144 feet breadth of beam, 26 feet and three inches. tier tonnage is rated at 400 tons, and it is computed that she will carry 20,006 bnshele of grain.

She is substantially built, aod doe great credit to the firm who have oonstrncted her. She is valued at $22,000. She is to be we believe, by Captain George Shey, formerly of the John White." CoMPASr 7th Onio. Wo oopy the following items with regard to Company (Oberlin) 7th Ohio Infantry, from the Lorain County News, of this week We are pained to learn that the health of Lieutenant Liocoln, of Company who has been some time at home, makes no gain, bnt rather seems to be failing, lie is confined closely to his room. We have for our Obituary columns next week, notice of the death of Stephen Kellogg another addition to the rad roll of the honored dead of Company C.

"Mr. L. V. tattle, late or Jompany who had a year's experience of rebel hospi tality following the battle of Cross Lanes, has been lecturing during the winter in Michigan, for the bonefit of tbe Soldiers' Aid Society. We-understand that he has contributed to their treasuries nearly $S00 and proposes to continue the good work during the present season, in othern Western States.

Captain Shurtleff arrived in town last week from tbe East. lie has been snOering for some time with an affection of the lungs which incapaciated him for active duty, and last night by the advice of his physician, tendered his resignation, which was accept ed, lie does not altogether give up tbe thonght of re-entering the service should his health sufficiently recover during the coming year. MiLif art Promotions. The following promotions ef Infantry hare been made at the office of the Adjutant General of the State: 64th. Lieutenant Colonel Alex.

McElvain to be Colonel, vice Ferguson, dismissed Captain Kobert C. Brown to be Lieutenant Colonel, vice McElvain, promoted Captain Samuel L. Coulter to be AlBjor, vico euiltli, resigned 1st Lieut. Aaron S. Campbell to be Captain, vice Finfrock, dishonorably dis- nargeu 1st Liieut.

wm. u. bam to be cap tain, vice Myers, dismissed 1st Lieutenant Samuel S. iVoiff to be Captain, vice Smetr, killed in battle. 123o.

Capt. Horace Kellogg to be Major, ce Norton, resigned 1st Lieut. ill It, Davis to be Captain, vice Berry, resigned 1st Lieut. David Caldwell to be Captain, vice Newman, resigned 1st Lieut. Wm.

II. Ben der to be Captain, vice Reid, resigned 1st Lieut. Aionso Koboins, vice dimmer, de ceased. 102o. Assistant iSergeant Aaron J.

Irwin I to be Sergeant, vice Savers, deceased. 101th Sergeant Daniol X. Bovanton to be assistant Sergeant vice McKinzie, resigned. 126th. Sergeant 1 than Ii.

Weeks to be assistant Sergeant vice HiTH 2d Lieutenant J. Newton Camp bell to be Captain vice Ramsey, resigned Sergeant Lafayette Fojet to be 2d Lieuten ant vice McCoy, Sergeant iingh M. Cugh to be 2d Lieutenant vice Campbell, promoted. 126tb. 1st Lieutenant Robert Martin to be Captain vice Paisley, dismissed; 2d Lieu tenant lhomas w.

Mcmnme, to De 1st Lieutenant, vice Smith resigned. Ohio State Journal. WATCHES AMD JEWELRY. TirOODRUFF'S PORTABLE BA KOMhTJCKS-NV SU PILY -T her are the bant Baroroetnv in market, and have taN -n rrt mi-ohis at all tbe State Fair. We can ehur tetimoi- alt from arjy number ot bctcntilic men aa to tUeir ex cellence, boia ony ny KAJVt Agerita, mux.

7 137 WtMidfll Hr.ntv, EW SILVER WARE JUST reeeifed, and the highest price Un cash) lorU! via at lun a iu man 7 137 neddcll Hotim OLD, SILVER, LADIES and iQUeinene Amarican waicnea, ax mar 1 7 COWLEs ACQ'S, OHATALAIN CHAINS A Fins SI to S3, at ImarlTl COWLEH a Oo'8. JL0CKS! CLOCKS 1 1 At Wholesale J- Retail 188 Suveriot-SL M. BURT haa itnt retained from New York with a large and Tailed aaaortraent ol CLOCKS, eomBrtelsf It Least 50 Blffereat Kindt, tnerodlng th celebrated Calender Oioek, ataate4 by U. gktmwr, a tarce number ot which are In oae la U11 a cltr, and tire the moat pened ntttlactuoa. Atao, a floe atock ol WITCHES I JEWELRY FOR THE RETAIL TRADE! eta Tlinlrrnr ftnnn im ih-rt ntlirs Inn TELEGRAPHIC.

GENERAL FOSTER'S SITUATION. It is a Very Precarious One. Washington, North Carolina, Reported Burned. Federal Transports Destroyed. REBEL NEWS OF CHARLESTON.

The Land Forces Engaged. One Land Battery Captured. One Land Battery Captured. THE FEELING AT WASHINGTON. Nothing New from Vicksburg.

LATER FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE: Polish Insurgents Still Active. GENERAL FOSTER'S SITUATION. NEW YORK, April 11. the position of General Foster. It is Btat- ed that the rebel force on tbe other side of the Blackwater were under marching or ders on tbe 0th with two days' cooked rations and four days' rations besides unprepared.

A force of Union cavalry and artillery under General Dodge are out for the purpose of capturing a detached rebel force in that vicinity. When last heard from, which was at noon Thursday, they bad met the enemy and had skirmishing with them, and had taken some prisoners. Reports from North Carolina via Eden-ton, slate that Washington, North Carolina, had been burned, but by whom it was not stated. In the direction of Franklin the rebels had greatly strengthed their pickets and outposts, and had advanced their cavalry videttes. This news was brought into Suffolk by a reconnoitering force that had been sent from that post.

A Richmond dispatch of the 0th has the following We have news from Washington, North Carolina, as late as Sunday. Oar troops have captured the enemy's battery at Hills, situated on the bank of Tar river, seven miles below town, which post gives us an open field aod a fair fight with Yankee shipping. Two gunboats followed by several larg er transports loadod with troops from New- bern to reintorce Washington, attempted to run our blockade at Hill's Point, on Friday, when they were fired upon by our batteries, and so badly damaged as to be fuiced to put back. They could not pass our guns, and at the last accounts the ene my were landing troops below our works at Hill's Point, In attempting to go bv the steamer Louisiana wasstink by our guns. There are about 2,000 negroes in Washington, whom the enemy tried to get out, but failed.

The enemy have refused to surrender, or allow the women and children to leave' that place, so General mil it is presumed will shell the town. ITEMS CONCERNING CHARLESTON. WASHINGTON, April 10. The Times correspondent says: The rebel pickets on the Rappahannock last night hailed our men with an exclamation that Charleston had been captured by the Yankees, but to-day sung out "You Yan kees have been repulsed with the loss of several of your ironclads." The wind ren dered imintellirrahle further conversation. Commander Uilles of gunboat Commo dore Morris has done soma necessary work up Stone River, a tributary of Y'ork.

A rebel named Patterson Smith having bushels of corn which he was bargain ing to the rebel Government at Richmond, was visited by Gilles, and all the corn on his plantation, excepting 1,500 bushels saved tor ins family and negroes, together with 2 000 bushels of wheat, burned. Gilles used a force of 100 men in this work and had to fight a large body of rebel cavalry. A Chattanooga, telegram in the Rich mond Dispatch of April Ttb says lict). Johnson, son of Andrew Johnson, is reported captured by our cavalry. The Trbiuncs' dispatch contain the following: The Richmond papers of to-day found their way within our lines.

They contain dispatches from Charleston dated 9 o'clock yesterday morning saying in substance "all is quiet." The iron clads are sti 1 in the bar. The Keokuk is suuk in sight, and articles from her hnvo come ashore. A contrivance called the devil has also drifted ashore. The message of Governor Barbour of S. transmitted to the Legislature April 3d, would suffice were other proof wanting to show the extreme destitution from which the rebels are suffering.

He slates that he has called the Legislature together for the express purpose of considering the proper measures to be taken to provide food for the subsistence of the army and the people. The Herald has the following Washington, April 10. It is reported here that one land battery has been re duced by our foaces at Charleston. This 1 am told is admitted by the rebels on the Rappahannock. Washington, April 1012 x.

Nothing official has been received to-day in refer ence to affairs at Charleston, dispatches from the Richmond papers of yesterday being the latest source. It is believed that these telegrams are mutilations of official dispatches, and the anxiety for farther news has superceeded everything else there. Some of the Government officers are confident of success; but this confidence is not shared by some of the calmest thinkers, who have access of all informa tion there is upon the subject. FOREIGN NEWS. NEW YORK, April 11.

The steamer Glasgow, from Liverpool the 25 th and Queenstown the 20th. and the Africa, from Liverpool the 28th and Queens town arrived this morning. In tbe House of Lords the subjcot of the recognition of the Confederate States was brought np, but opposed by Russell, and the subject dropped. The Star says it is probable a similar loan will be introduced for The total bids for the loan exceed eighteen millions. The Polish insurgents were still active, notwithstanding the recent disasters.

Eeveral engagements had occurred with varying results. London, March 29. Tbe Evening Herald says that it is rumored that the Washington Government intend laying an em bargo on Untisn property ana shins retaliation for depredations perpetrated by the Alabama. It is said that Seward quotes from an English precedent that Palmerston, in 1862, blockaded the Dutch coast and laid an embargo on Dutch shipping without declaration of war. -Consols closed at 92J92 for money The alarm created by tbe Petorhcff affair has subsided and fund are firmer.

It is believed that Peterhoff will be released. Confederate loan 11J11J premium. The ease of the Alabama has been under discussion in Parliament. The Ministers strongly defend the Government. LrvcxPoot, 23.

Cotton closed firmer ana upward, iireadetulls heavy tendency downward. Flour nominal. Wheat dull, with a downward decline. Corn steady. Beef declining.

Pork quiet and steady. Bacon declining. Lard dull and declined 6dls. BATTLE AT CHARLESTON. CINCINNATI, April 11.

Gazette Special, from Nashville: i Late Southern papers state that a terrible battle is progressing at Charleston. The iron-elads were repulsed. The land forces were fighting within sight of the city. Nothing new from Vicksburg. The health of the army is improving rapidly.

iv eather very fine. Grant has moved hiB Headquarters to Milliken's Bend. Adjutant General Thomas arrived at Helena on the 6th, en route for Grant's Headquarters. A Sag of trnoe west to Vicksburg on the 4tb, accompanied by Grant in person. Mission secret.

Rebel advices from Fort Pemberton the 5th. The enemy commenced embarking last night, and are rapidly retreating. We Bhelled their camps and transports, disabling a REAL ESTATE I O. JENITINGS, 1 accessor to Boueo A Jt-nn-ngs,) Insurance and Real Estate Agent. lUnrb.e Block.

911 Saperior-St. ttcTtVUi mr and Mil ifoul nlata on iVimmlawInn tjVnr ami ollect Keiitu, Ac. rNo eharee to Pare haters. uralraur ix Actually Mad. W3t Ami ia ut r.mcie at Lowwt rylug Uatea in Klible luadLetB liumraoce Companies.

JTOtt SAI-I. 10 acres near East Clv land Village, pood hmisa and oarn aDU a varieiy 01 irun, 9HH), one-imK iu hmJ. balance on A new brick House and Bam oa lot 12'x 321, vnn improved, mm, Ac. nu; pu cash, balauce on 4 or Tears time. 3Yry nice 'iotliicTutHiicHon i itfKbnrgh-St.

Prices sittvuanu iwu, one-tDiru di-wn, balance od time. 1J4 nory Outtaje, 1 rc-omd, oo Lot in RuiHi oruer. siww. 2sU.ry fmaie Uoti'ts 0 rooms on Pprrr-M. Lot 40 tor a tsrin and nn mnnn- 2 Hnntt'B aod Lot on between and Kinsman-' a.

tLimnJSajuu srory Gott.tea, 8 too ids, on Ohio St. Lot 27 ftwtt front. slfiOU. Smail I story lloaw, lot Six 70, ou eaiit oi 9 Utiles id Lot on nouae 2 stories. rooms; lot (.

tfj). acrw between Emlid and Snperi-or-JU-. tiiou wr acre. 50acr niciy improved Ln a-1 kird of fruit, rory rt'iiK iwn, dEc lu UreckBWi.e, Willxrlianifffor4 to7acTi noar thee ty, or sell bfaD furciah. Hiuee and 2 arre in Pert a.

SHOO. Bitfk and ooe Iranu Howe ou Hov-iHsn 1 Lot on twt Side. 11100. fw bha'tfs Lake ore Kaitrond M.vk lorn l. Brn land fuilm (rum Siri.1n,kp (U acre wowl timberel land wH located iu WuodCe ball mile from saw aod cntt mi Also 40 scr In I'or er to exchange for a h'jrf and lot U.v.

cr email farm. Goot Brick nouiwand 2.r arret choice land fn Colla- mer ou fuci iu nu, so.iun, will ten tu house aud acres lor sa.frni. Kiniman near forest, goof two flto-r frme lo room, large lot.witb irult aud ibrub-I'1T f.1 MH). Brick tioiim and lot In Kairttnrt, bonne 8 room'. plfHeauUy luca ed, sj-mxI fruit, exchanged for wtMtfru laiid with 11 cash lloua-, aud toton 8covtll-st i.OO tioaiitud 1 ton house 2 itoried, 10 rooms.

II.7IHI. Muirsou-M Large two stiry Mfj l0j wtQ Barn. Ala ge Brick Boose in rood style with water and ga ana toi wxiw hiuuman near arte tt. rAKMs and orr lots. (4 acres on Cnyaiiugja i irer, miles frum ciiy, acres i t(WMi rirer outturn, ft acrts Diur-er, dmck nou' and mall Lara, CM, will oxcha'ige in part for City i pr ivity.

1 acre hMoe en land, adjoining Tallnp'd nurse ry, choice fruit. iu Irani boiiHe, 4.5tu. 13 a re on taiixsman-tt and Ml'sxn's laro two-st -ry bt tea roma, noi rruil. .1 acres mtlesfroni citr, gjotl lai.d, no bmidingf, Ju p-r acre. va Wtison AyeLoe, near Kinsman-st.

43,000 TO LT. Ofttafi on Ontario of the I'reabytrrlaQ uuim a. KtMi. Hou o. Park How, 1254).

Two hocm-i 50X-H 3-1 4(b ea iu Clothier' Block. HriDeior-rtt. mar it. It r.MaiL. A ery Brick ho.

17 Kiumuii-at. H'H urtxry and feud Mvro, a goou atsnd. JNO. 0. JENNINGS, aprlO 211 ta rrior-at.

KAL EST AT AGKNCV. Th derniirued ho openei au i flice at fo 19 e. ueur the lourt tl u. iu Cleveland. for i he Put chase and Sale of Eeal Estate In this City and elsewhere on cmmi-tnion, nntVr the uauieatid nroiif LiMAN A JUD.VIA.


o' the late firm of Little A Keyea. baa constantly on had a largt qiutntity of tine Fniiiiirg latnda in Iowa, witjconnia aud Missouri, io exchange (or city or country llial folate or Pfrroual Prop-arty Office with Eonw a ennings. Marble Block, bupe rtor-tit. maylUjr. YMAN LITTLE, DEALKU IN A BRAL KSTAT K.

eep a great Tariety of Firms AVf rroDrt Sale or Kent. Abu, choice Farming Lund: (owaand ftsmoar Michigan, Illinoli, Wisconsin fllos No. 6, Atwater Building Ih-Tnland, Ohio. KAL ESTATK. E.

N. KEYES, (formerly ot the firm ot Littles A Keyes. bat opoood a Real Estate Office in Boose lilock, corner oi tuiterir-8t. and Public Njuare, and has constantly oa nana MVvrai i nonnana acreti oi uni -jiiaiuy rcsii In Landain the ttit ol Iowa. Wisconsin and Miv oari, to exchange for ctty or ootintry property; also lor t( miKiKK yMtrstmai aroseriry.

rarccaan puioi FLSUS FEED. lLOUR! FLOUR I FLOUR! I aotX) hh Itrmds of Ohio and Indiana kt and White heat riour. blps1 Bakers and fca era can ana examine. t-a WI'N A ritEKHAJv, aprlO Cotpmi-aion Merchants, Rivcr-ot. AMILY FLOUR.

Tine and Sep r3D. to Sxtra to 7.i.o p. (tt.i. Fuuity to ST1, 'f hM. Verf teill-utrj to bbl.

A. a CO, aort 116 and 900 Bbls. FLOUR FOR SALE, UJJJ iu Sack. and Parrt-R to suit the tra4e. i bl'UaKUT.

ii and 51 liiTtr-St. ULOURI FLOUR 1 1 FLOUR II u. i i.t.. kh. ry, W'rtt-rn feail Qoii-cy, liociiMter CiTv.

Krooklvn. Tuwn. and ofbt-r well known aud re liable braneti or Baltwr's Family frcuh groaul Vionr const AQt'y on baud. Also-MkiWfl iiuua lOk SACKS, for sale 77 and 79 Morwin-St. aprfl '1UAHJUKK, uaki'w kk, mmu uu.

T)Y YE FLOUR. Choick Bbabds fur TtaXer rnl Family 11. tpnl TMATDHIB.OAltDSKB, BUBTlOCa. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. A Lit tie more left, "llurry np yonr cakes." apiC THATUD1CH, AttU.M' BUKTA fx).

FLOUR 200 Barbsls "Ashland BuddJ Uooa tkiuiherQ Ohio lour. or Hie bj n.arch!3 B. T. LTON ft TERRILL. KfT Bbls SOUTHERN OHIO and UUU Indiana KLUL lt, enitibk lor Bakera Thone In want ol Rood BHfcer a lour will aitmae call ana axAtilne utefle Dranas.

aec2) ULBK BOt'KSFKLLIB. OAA Bbls HIGBEE'S BEST EX IJJJ OEL8101iand Belloroe lint receiy l'orleat r.HK KIM'KKI'Kt T.rtrS SCALES. pAIRBANKS' 8TAHDAB.D SCALES, or ALL KIKD3. WB careful to bny only the S1i Sold is Clereland by I. ndW, BI l)BA lanU-KSS TA1LG3IK9.

ENTLEMEN Clots Cljak INO, EenoTstltigaija Mending KJUt)lihmBi ri.rta Ao. Tailor. No. 19 PrtMMCt itreet, wl! hereafter devote hn attention tocleaaing.renoTatlni rUnflMnMMMriins hu fawlll. tleetorl oin bit work in the beat manner.

Gentla sen will 1 ndit for their Interest dorinj tbeae har mn r. Acer ihui mjic.i DRY GOODS. EDUCED PRICES I am row JTV in receipt oi small lots ol Cotton Goods which Mill be Bold at Reduced Prices. Bleached Sheetings at Vc, former price 4Ac. do do 2sc, do do rsbleach'd do 31 4c, do do Table at do do 9U.

Be Onilt (ery cheip) at Giognams only 20 oenu a yard. Irish Linens. Twilled Crah. Hack Taweln. 8rotrh Diapt rs, Linen h.rt Bosoms.

Ac, all of which will be ott red at KEOUCKU PKaLKS. Persona wishing to buy Dry Goods will sare moLey Dy cabling ai a. uixd apitf Cheap Dry Goods Store, "VTEW SPRING DRESS GOODS. Poll de CheTre Poplins, Ac, EtCEIVED TEU DAT. aprll HOWIS BI9HIE.

"EVERYTHING in THE LINE or Dress Goods Just Openend rprll P. SDKR WOOD'S. KARGAINSI BARGAINS 1 1 I am now eel line a flue article of White Brilliants at 25 cts. a Yard. They are cheaper than common cloth.

-AL50- A imRll lot of good qnaliiy TEA NAPKINS, all Lin en, outy uoe L-oi-ar a aozenna cnap as tney wereuteraold. r. UYMAN, arrtf for. Snprior-Sf. and fob.

Square. GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE DllY GOODS! PEEEMAN KELLOGG Offer this Morning, March 21st, ItlAGXIFICEXT BAR6AIX8 IN FANCY SILKS Good Quality of Check Sitka for 37 ceott.1 Better Qoality for cent-voitli Still Beit.r worth.d.llM. Still Bolter for 87 nt. and to 38 eat. more.


GREAT BARGAINS IN MOURNING DRESS GOODS, BOMBAZINES, MERINOE3, ALPACAS, BLACK AND WHITE CHECKS, TO OLOSB OUT. Great Bargains in Fins Laces, TO CLOSE OUT. GREAT BARGAINS IN Ladles A Children' Summer Flannels TO OLOSS OUT. AT WHOLESALE! invite the fpecial attention of Merchants Is itlng our City to an examination of onr Stock, as itcomprtteaone of the Urgent and best selected in Northern Oblo, atd mnst bo Closed Out Within fiixty Bays. FREEMAN KELLOGG, marCl JI7 Snpf rIort.

II. KENDALL CO. LADIES' PAGES. A inpertor article Bubber jmt nceirerf. CHEAP TABLES.

Extraordinary imlucemen'g offered in DBESS GOODS from our Cheap Tables. OAnoarlr insnoction will nnsnrea BAIL. aprT H. D. KENDALL A CO.

I. BALDWIN OPE TDH DAY, Xlernnt Oenf Ctski In black and colcn. Huperb Grenadine Herntnia. Vrr-nch Chintz (rsandle. Tamlfte 'lotha, plin andstrlpod.

1 loths-lavender and others. Puns IVrratfH, plain and fancr-- Talma and Cloak lot In. Pattern Ttlmaa and earqnes. sVanry 'Jasiracrwi fnr Mtu and Bjffl. LinD Sbf line and Pillow Linens, laiatsk Napkins, Jjoglios and Towels.

aprS I. I. BALDWIN A CO. TADIES' DRESS GOODS. A i large ana enoicoaafloriment ox NEW IMPORTATIONS OF DBE88 this day receired by mr2 WOBOAH.

BOOT CO. PRINTS aud DOMESTICS --Otra atock of Prints, 8heetings, Bleached Cot tons, and all deacrlptiom of DOMESTIC GOODS, is surpassed in variety and quality, and will a tt unaersoiQ nyoar coaipeiorB. nnaa-ai -ormi ba READY-MACE CLOTHES. MANN, Would Call Attin- Oi Tioa to his Spring Caisimeres for Cuitom Trade. An Elegant Assortment of BOYS' abd CHILDRENS' CLOTHING.

A Urge stock ot Gents' Clothing, Undergarment. (Maimer and Flannel Shirts, bite and Fancr boirta, Hosiery, liecx. Ties, Hiupnnders, Ac. I haveon band tor the Wholesale Trad, a large stock, of Cloth, Ca almeres, h'attinets, (ottonader, Velvfts. Mitciae, Farm r' tatia, Qieens Trtmmiogi, Ac.

riVK CAS KM SPANISH LIN kN3 for Dnsters. 1 will sell the Koods at lower prices than they can be pnTcfaaaed elsewhere. MANN, mar 2b ho. 1A2 Superior -st. oss.

Bank-st. JEW SPRING GOODS. We hare init recelwd a fine aeaortment of SPRING Cloths, Casslnieres and Testings FOR CUSTOM TRADE? Atoo-ASplend'd Stock of Beady Made GarmenuS, lUPEOIALLTOKlONEOA.fftMAKDrACTOBED FOB THE CITY TBADE. DAVIS, PEIXOTTO mar23 Corner Water and Snpeior-Stj. rpHE POET ON A TRAIN; or, Tbe Romance or the Railroad.

By tbe Author of "Fair Inez," "The Prince of w'alea," "The Ghoat Hantert," Ac; CHAPTEK VI All Aboakd. Loud I Unshed wbD en the platform.) Battas all within mr sleere. To think th people round tue Uii the laidUrd ho deorlTe Bolsaid, "Now Mr. LauJi' rd. You, Sir, too, iltali have roar day, As I peeped in at the window Ana sw him receive hut pay.

He his pay had all collected JCre the oife wore near done, (Jokkl? "All aboard 1 shouted, And made sul Uie people ran Out they rushd, all mad a4 blaze, Hwore the laodl'ird wan cheat. And with the railr ad hmd combined That tbtty shuuld not half eat. Bat the man whe was the raadest. Was the one who Dxt wt, When o'er bis pj-rson be had spilled The coaieutMo hia liat. Ou- army once In Klaoders," Our army in the South, Wonld biush to bt-ar the corws 1 hat proceeded irom hiu month.

lie swore on me ho take rerengo, An1 wan buuod to have my ttte, bobeseizci I tom oil the tabie quick The landlord carTiog kniie. And with tbe kaife lu hand tfnd me, He looked madly through the car. While 1 wm in the depot bid, JLojoyiAg a scgar. When he mw hecutild not fir me, After looking through the train. Into the dtuioc ruom he rau.

Anil I tok my fwat arain In thcara, which aiartrd off then, Aud Uitt him socn behifid, Looking vainly in ear-h corner Ul tb deput me to ibtl TO IB OORTISnD.J -In the meantime 1 would uinormiw to fh nnhlio thmt I hT brontht hotncfrr.m th suust tha lu-itMt ud most nperb stock ol faahionabl WINTER CLOTIIIXG, (or Men and Bore wear, that ever been eeen In Cleveland, and onr stock of Kail and Winter Keady- matieuioinuiKsnrpafweaanyinmg in the estate, as I bnr and eell tor cah onW. wLuImkIh reLavi purcbaeere will well to cail at Isaac A. Isaac's Union Hall, Bole Agency for theMle of Singer's VlebratAd Sowing ucuiiitwiowrr nawnuiioD irtmauian, aura titrong's Patent Army Bea-TruDk. sWoroer Huperioi and Lnivn-Bta. TRANSPORTATIOSi.

For Bay City and rpHE STAUNCH NEW jjh GENESEE CHIEF will leave fir the abote Pi rte od MOND.AV, April 13th. ITnr rreilit or raAe npp to Huch4A fcoctttifeilpr, IKjmI 4 Murria, or ou boa'd. apy 1 Buffalo, Cleveland Chicago Line. 1863. 1863.

17011 THE ENSUING SEASON' 1 of Natigttion, the Ste miiri of ihi will mn ana ou alieruate (l'i'i. wr-i iu-te of the Hcsvn Transportation Co. SETWCKM BUFFALO, LEVEL ADD, MILWAUKEE AND CHICAGO, Touching at In termed late Ports wea practicaMe, and ADULT LIE, isundaya ex epted,) for the IransprrtatifD of and Fas-eners. connect im at kv 'land aith tne Cleveland j- Pittsburgh Clevtland, Columbu Cincimuitij end Clereland Mahoning Rail Roads, and Western Transportation Co.T on Ohio Canal The Stf amen comprising this Line are of the and of tfrratfMt Mreiief and DUiii. Witts tup -nor eccoajuoiati.ud for PatsDgrirs.

With ttHt uoeqnaUd facilhl the I tne edtoccu rtct to tru-iwrt en-Dor trtm Cleveland. rure oi LaKe siu-irKan, eta irum more itm Cleveland, i ituuurgu aha ai: icis swat. gSFor of JTrvight or Pawute. apply to J. i.

TALLM bGK, Age" Milwaukee, is. A. P. IftTTuN. A gut, Baclne, Wis.

BKJHMOMJA UA.nuoCK, AficiiU Chicago. 111. BOND MORRI3. Agents, CleTelaaa. O.

8HELLHJN rlAfB, Managing Ag-nt, uol Buffalo. For RllUvaukce and Cblcago. THE STAUNCH, UP- -IT1 Ai PKtt Cabin ecrewbteaiaer aam a the Northern TrarHirtatlon Co's Line, will leave oa AlOADAX.lne izia tusu WFkr Freight or ParMage app to a BuKKD. Agists, CvUtt's Kxbange, footanperjor St. cirrus the northern Transportation Company, or ohio, la prepared to Transport Property Mwn II 8 IV, AND ALL POINTS IN New Ingland, New York and the West Witk Fromptntu, Cart and Dispatch. of riCFEXN rIB.ST CLASS SLKKW STKAMItliS cunnecla at Otdena- Ball Boal for Bostoa AND ALL POINT3 IN NEW ENGLAND, At (Jape Vincent with tbe Sail Roadt Between Cape Vincent New Tori, Aad at 0go with a Line of TniRTr First Class Canal Boatb BETWEEN OSWEGO, TROY, ALBANY 4 NEW YORK, Forminf a DAILY LINK Irom New York. 0lrtibBrh, Cap i CLETELAXD, TOLEDO DETROIT, Aad a TBI-WMKLT LINE to CHICABO. SILWSUKEE INTEMEBIITE PORTJ. A 8 1.

MTXR9, Parl-Bt Jew Tort. 11 1. .1 HtAt-81 oa too. cio: A. EDDY Ogaenebnrgo, JNO.


E. B. MAT3EWS O. 1. H.

J. HaWHi. Cape Vincent. Toledo. Detroit.

Ml wauaee. PKI.TOS A BREED. Aomts, 'rr-n-a fwlnL. NVELOPS! ENVELOro Mr Sen, (oraalaaa toe uiaiwwiw QLEYELAXD IS E. lMt.

WINTKH AUUAtfQUCXHT. Ob and after Vondar, MoTombar 17th ger i rains wiu nua as iouows LKAVI CLXV1LASH. A. M. DAT EXPRESS TBAIN-Btopvi niUonghby, Geneva.

Aiiasim (Xjbdvu aad liirard onir, ana am res Erie at r. uiikirk ai P. at x- laio ai p. H. r.

AJl Ah 1) AOOOM MODATIOM Sun ping at all stailons aud arrives at at at. TRAIW etopvtBtf PalcesTillB, Ahtabuia and Oirard onir, ui amv at Xrle at Uju p. a sVonAirk JJnfiaio H. LXAVTXBLE. SaJDA.M.-NIOHT XXPUKU0 TBAm-etowstngM Uirard, Coaneaut, AehUbuia and PauMwlitA ouir.

aod arritde at Cleveland at a. at. fcK A.M.-MAIL AKU AC-CUMMuUATluK TXA-Ul topping at all stations and arrlTeaaa okT- land at a. P. KXPKES8 TBAIW-Stovpins at rard, pringtleid, Oonneant.

ILtngarli, A-Ubula, AllitKn, Painemlle and laoaA-by only, aiid arrive lu CWveianU i fetA p. a. gMr Second Claws Cars era run oat all threack Trains. All the trains going westward con nee at Olevalansl with train tor Toledo, Chicago, Columbna, Cincinnati, Iditaoapii, tit. Louie, ac; and all throagsj trains goins kiiward, connect at Dunkirk with tne trains ol the N.

Y. A Uailroad, and at Bufialo wIlA those of the New York Central and Buflaio A Sw York Citr baiiroada for New York, Albanr, Bostoa, Niagara Ac, and at Erie with trains ob the Philadelphia and Xrte Hailroad. Okv ot-ai. Eat swnd nt. enniavta m.t UM-i with Traids on ie and Pittsburgh Pn'trraj lo i4inaun, aveauviise.

aiuuMiuvfi. ac. H. flOTTUitiflAJa, Bcm. QleToland, NoTember 17th, lnfi3.

1U.VELAND A PITTSEUKGH BAILBOAD. AS. ABBANGKMINT. To take effect on HondnT. NotamW lTtla Tralnit It-are Cleveland dmiir 2UKlaja sifuptedj MAIL Arrive at New York 10:56 a.

H. Philadiphia7: MO a. Baltimore 7: m. i. si.

KifHS ArrlTesat Se-vTsrrk p. Pbitadf tpoia p. Baltimore JO p. riiuourgu tieetiug 6:44 a. l'-)th Trains connect at Bndson for Akron and slll- lorabnrgli.

Cr run through from Pittsburgh to New low (Tin. Aliftilown,) wit hoot change. v- r.irc low a l7 any other line. Through Tickets can be procured at the Unto Tktc-i ortic, Weddtdi Uuuas, at the iepot, or at tha Itu-JtiU-Street Station. J.


Agent. novlS CLEVELAND, COLUMBUS VV CLUCiMNATl KAIL Ai. 1364. WINTER ARBASGCMXNT. On aad alter Monday, November Ifitt, ger iraiua witi letb.e tvietetauu aa iouows: 1st Train a.

Stopping at Berea, Oraftoa. Melting ton, ISt-w Ltodon, Baiem, boelbf Crt-Mlline, Uallion.Cardiajgton, Adhierr, Del-ware, Lewis Center aad trtbingro, ar riving at Columbus p. Cincinnat p. Indianapolis r. Bt.

Louis a.m.; LouiTiile a.m.; fort War 1:56 v. m. Cbicago via Oreetline UnSO P. at. td Train :45 p.

at. Stopping at all stations north ot Gallon, and at Uiioad, Cardingtun and Dei-iu; arriving at Columbus a. at 4 Cincinnaii a. Indianapolis 7:34 a. sort Vt.yu3:4 a.

Chicago via Orsat-liue Knuu a. at. Trains Icuve ColimihiMior Cleveland a. an4 r. td Arrive in Cieveiaud tiom Colombo a.

M. and p. at. CONNECTIONS. bbelbr-aNifducikr, aiaasneid A Ni-wark Rati road, tat M.tnrieid, lit.

Vernou, Newark, fcanaa- ilie, ate. Fort Wayne A Chicago Bail-road, Upper 8nml twky, Delphos, Li--ma, lort Wayue, Laporte, Chicago, Ao. Eastior Mananeld, Ac. (sraftott au-1 BuUeioutinv lUtlroad Line, for Marlon, IMiHivntiuiic-, ijidiitr, Luiou, Muncie, Terrs liaute. Viocennee, Sjvana-Till-, Cairo, St.

Louis, Ac Delaware wjth priiignl(l uritocb for bprinsfletd. Columbu) Little aiiniui A Columbus, said, XenI lUili-ottd, for Xeula, Dayton, Kidianspolls Tt-ire iltitite, St. Lvuia, Jllorrow, Loreiand and tJitKiimati, and with the Ohio A Mis lixeippi laAilrued at I'lucinnati tor Lonis7iila KvtwijmHf, ira, Sit. Louts, and ail point Ob I ft i-'Uw Oolnmbus OctraiOhio Uail road tor Newark.

Zanaa-TilLe, VxiwUng, lc; Colaiubiia, riqisst et Indiana Kaiiruad fi Piiiia, MT for Ticku to all pitnts aud information at the ruicuttr tatiuu, and at Lnioa TJcAat t)ince, U7 bupnrior-st 9. FLINT, Hupertntendeat. Oleveland, NoTetiibur 17th, lwO. LEVELANL TOLEIX R. Iff WlNTiUi ABKANQKMEliT.

Co and after Alonday, XebruarySd- IMS, Trail wll rat daily, at u-llofci, (Suodtaye exotjpieU,) 7:16 a. a- LHIUAG EX PliXSH-copM at all ttatioas on A aiiiiigtoni4 P. a. A Htoae at all station ou "i nii-fi irriTttssi nnnnsj at r. m.

P. at. TELllkiHAPli tXPBXSS-Htopsat all iiona ou o.c;aorn uivuioii, ezcepi lownaeia, Wiuhinr Uia aud Cluy. Arrives sa Toiado at P. Chicago at 19 00 a.

at. (XNNSCTltJN8. Connections aruiltat jurowTllle with the Has- dnfiky, ftlaLn-tu t' vark B.ii., at Clyde the Auidiiflky, LayUn A Ciuriuntt K. at Ft at on I run urtMiioutA luamiia tt.i.,ana at oieuo wit. the Alk In.

au Soultiru Nonburo Indiana and To- lodo A tiiMitu luulroatls ltr Chicago, Detroit, Jack- sou, k'ort LKunsport, LaJuyette, Cairo, AI- urn. m. and ail pcinu west, nortnwjaat ana Trains arrlva in Cleveland from Toledo and th Went at a. fl. IJai r.

M. From iaudkr AJA a. m. L. D.

ltUCKKuV, np t. i-3 CLEVELAND aku MAHONING KA 1 LUOAD. CD and atter Monday. Mrch 5K i3. Trait Wil run aa follows; LEAVS CLIVBLAMU.

I A I TS AT CLSTmLAaTB. aiL a. 9. I Ex A. ta.

Ajtreii WHM.4:lR w. Mail.w-.. Mar23 CliAU. L. KIIODKH, any't.

itriit i kt xTii vr a vr a rtuw BAILKOAD, (wll'U 11S COfcECTlNd.) Is a First-Cla3 Eoute to all Eastern Cities. TliUEB DAILY TiiAINS FROM PITTSBUlWsH. Ail connecting direct to New York 1 via Philadelphia, TWO IBOU HAKJtlSBCBa TO HXW YOKE, via Allentowa. TUBES DAILY WN KCTIOS3 To BALTIMOB1 SA7sir, 8pixd and Comport, PAUJa AMI TIMM ttAME ASOTUBft AO UTS. Bafgage ChockM through all transfers free.

Oonnectlon irjule at Uanieburgh, via Allentowa tor Ni-w Vt rk dix-ct, and ptuMvngers bvthi rout run through irom PstuLurgh Jeraer Citr wlthoa cbauK't oi Cars. i iiov roar N-w Tor and Boston Tickets "via Plr bnrgu," which axe good either br Fbildepcia Aiientown. FKEIUHT CABBIED XAST OB WIST, PINN9TLVANIA GSNTRAL With Ureat L1 patch and at Low Bates. KNOCU LEWIS, General Sca't AltotjnPa- W. U.

llobasfl, Uenerni Western Agent, PHUSS AND MEDICINES. BBLS. 11EFINED CAltBON 'JKJXJ OIL arrnald a lint rate Burn, or OU. Price br inele beml low aa uie loweet. Baecial (Uaoouut to paxkiea bajllig iWe barrele at one tia octl laianpsrior-ht.

OIL VITRIOL, CAUSTIC, 80DA ttlA ASH aud 8AlHODA. Coal Oil Beflner and aoap atakers plaasM call. RUGSakd MEDICINES. THE I tent Ion of Plirslciansand all persons wishinf rcaa and asLiARi.K Mndictnee, is respectfully scLici-ted to oiy utock, which comprises a comaleta assort aaant o( everything pertaining to ta a DEUQ TBADE, sAdal price to Insure satisfaction to tha parcba Dental Snrirleal lnstrnnents, of tbe latest and most approved patterns, sold at maa uiactarer price. pBFUMtBY AND FANCT ABTIOLXS, In great variety.

Alao, PAIxVTS, OILS, DYE STUJFS and a stock of LIQU0B8 (ai to quality) aeocmd none la market. I (Umtitry Phyniclansare partlcnlarly Invited to a examination oi" my stock, aud will find It totnair ad vantajre to tavor me wiin mmr ornen. aprt 1. liattii, iiTP'iprnwm TJENTON 3 pa lm DtyofltSTS. 120 CaraslAod COAL COXE.

i W4LLACE BOf. Haaoiatinxoraaj I UVH rare HsmmoBflsTlUe Strip Tela Cou Also 'L'eaian in saia ww oajnuiLgww tie Forooaee. ill Oil orQere lor MlBeieonwa WATta fin AUE A.

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