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Cleveland Daily Leader from Cleveland, Ohio • Page 1

Cleveland, Ohio
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JLEVELA1TB EAILY LEADSS. lHbitab-d TtT, Trl. Weekly ul Weekly, 1. COWL CO, (hap. tft.8 OF DAILY AD Tl- i v.

watt. ei (. ABD tu-wuu-iau Ptiye--ear, if be. oca y-ar, rir ow eeaiy Tirw-n of wfshit nrariTrs. lb int1cce4ueats.0rr'ha It ,1.1 f.l i I $.

1 a 17 tH 1 SO 0 tc oot an (x I no c. as An copy allowed to th.gsi.ier apoi ths Hi) IUB ISVABTABfiY ir-rTg." WLBM, 1 riui, Xdltar. IHONDAT xMOBKISa. OCT. 31, IS61.

tT All Reading Hatter on tlis frou our Satur day Afternoon's Edition. Activity near Harper's Ferry. Our dispatch from ths vicinity of Earp- r'l Ftrrj Ar lutmatiiij and tnoouraglng. I ti brilli.nt rjgemBti whloh pwUd, oar troop miy Ind oaum for n- 'eouragcaent and tnUiualasm. Our forctl" hsciSer Col.

Qnrj nd Msjor Gould hT 4oa well, ad voa for UtamaelTM bigk aovo. All thest lilU ffaln And 'mitbet lrlU do our mn (ood la fIsg tissm to tb rnih, tb exolt.mtnt Asd bw of teta. CotOflary, irlio eommmdi the PennfjV 281b, hM ba a promlnamt bad for yoATA. oommftBded lh geoond regiment of PtsBfylTaslA TolantMrt Bfcxieo, vai ksled for jrt limnui And Ui rigid to which men, Wbm be Snt vent to th wAr la thtt ao-fortuBAto republio be (u LieuteBMt Colonel of Robert' regiment of Tolnateers, And At the battle of ChA1- palUpee, vbere he held chief command of his regiment, iraa vounded, bat notwith- ttanding led bie mn In the terrile battle i foogit ai the Belen gat just prerioua th capture of the City of Uexlco. 1 For all gallantry on that occasion he mi pro-i jMted to the rank of Colonel, hie commit-tloa bearing dale KoTember 3, 1S47.

He weodred epeoial mention At Cerro Gordo, 'jtiter the wir, in 1848, he 11 Ted in Ban Franoiaeo, of which place be appointed Poetmatter, and wai afterwards elected the iihjor of city, molding bi offioe far or thrts termi prior to the organic kation iT Tigilanca Committeo. wsi after irardi QoTernor of Xata under th Buchanan rtph tnJ ftr bi recall set tied ai Greenbur' Wtmoreliid eounty, Pa, in the airUt ef 'u-. i i For the Cleveland Leader. For the Cleveland Leader. Sword Presentation and Public.

"Tnoitiien of Mt. Onion tf.yldlij I'yTeaented to tbsir fellow-ciuten, Willi Am BakeilTAW, A tery fin nwori, preesBo ei jus own eompAny ana iai of CapL Kerby, and a' large conaoiirar of oititeat who bad Assembled in front of the Court House, with a ehoic (apply of pro Tlsionk for the aboTe-named eoMlers of the Kineteentb Regiment, now qnartered ia Camp Ford, Alliance, The Mt. Union Ja-decile Choir sang the "Star-Spangled Banner," "Our Flag ia There," and some oldier of Capt, Eerbr Company lane Dixie" Admirably, to word xprc8UY of their pnrpoee to I ght for the Th committee of arrangement, the ilar- thai, and the Mt. Union young Zouave Company diechargec1. their reipeotiT du-t liei wiUi eammeadsblo prompiitnde, gen eroaity and patrio tism.

Th soldier eemed to reluh th varieties of pies, cakes, cheeee and apples, I cheerfully and bcun-, tifally farnienedby he ladies, who heart-' Ily Appreciate tieix generous sacrifice of bome-eomforts for camp-life, and go to Imperil their 11 In defence of our cifil, religions, domoitio and free institution. Oar interest, in Capt. P.aketraw'i Company wai tb more intense in consequioce of all th eo piKiaaioned offieers, and a large portion of the non-commissioned officer and priTat-tw, having been faithful Btudeata of ML Union College, and many of them having reached fcigh points et literary attainment, and occupied place of diatin-gcished a-ffalnei A nitiiens in peaceful Ufa. The Captafa and Lieutenant S. fire-Hon And.

D. W. Beidenbrand Mand high both a scholars and gentlemen, and are Tooag axon in every war worthy of their beworabio and reoponsibla positions, and will aoubties ri se, by twr own nctoai taerits, to positions1 of still superior mse-Xulaesa in theservi ce of their It was to pay a just tribute of personal re-i (pact to Capt. Bakeelraw and his brave associates, for their mral werth and recip-rojattd friendship, at well as to oommend the cause which thuy have so nobly ea-pouaed, that thi whole ooc imunity were proud to participate Ia a pub lio demonstration. I And new transpired the charaeterigtio seramonles of th oaoasion.

That untar nished sword reminded all tl At the Pew. en that Be ar ordained of rod," to be it-ended by His children for I lis tlory and RiM People's rood, Against the hand of treason, injustioe, and publu -ain. From "tho oldest to th yeoBgee present, -the heart cf parent and chiYi re brothers and itra. were all aglow with -patriotism rand affection, pure and fei vent. While bob uttered the warm and vhilanthropie heart, in am lible -words, others expressed their jfor humanity and interest in a dear eon.

brother, or com panion, enlisted to-1 mt the ford: to the of tyrants, by the impaosioned. eloquence of their tear aid siienC messages lev. Mr. L. T.

Park 'ieillvered, with starved eE.ct. th address on behalf of the oitiieti, and then gracefully presented the iword to hita whoe hi nd w. Ul never dishonor iL Capt Eakestraw gi atefully received tnis emblem of power am 1 rightfully oouttituU aathozity and ipemded ia languag appropriate aad tart Uing. t. Urn motion, Prendi mt Hartshorn was le quested to prepare a a abstraot of the pro-.

oJicga, and solicit their publication' in Lead and a O. N. HARTSHORN. Mt. Union, Oct.

16, 1861. Mt. Union, Oct. 16, 1861. ADDRESS BY MR.

PARK. of ao ordinary uajjurw vm wimt. Jij assailed bv traitor, whoo-very to Ua down thi Tempi of at.7 -hers. and cocnosed of the or. aacrei Aonor and their and hr their blood.

Thi truotur ant of thirteen orieinal a wnioh have been adde others thirty-four, tx- i-UL the Atlantic on the oast to IT, 1 off Pwriho west. rom ons on the sooth to the froaen north, ehellerins; under itl broad canopy almost thirty mlliiont of Penvidencc could begtovt th vwisr.lhe admiration of the wor.d 1 For a baa waved ever this Urn. pit the gloriou old Start ind.StnrtM, ill pillar of cioad that went before our father. vvi Monmouth. and t-i Tt lha hand of it twria lUal i a.

i.i if a i I lii'-O la 4 .1 J.j UW i vrr MI AO; mTrnn.Trn LUJ-Uliiif A In i. iJ i erf. NwiA.JL -m PAMerg. VOL. XV.

Office No. 142 CLEVELAND, MONDAY MORNING, OCTOBER Sapcricr Street. Terms, Til fcntum-ltivn ml. MaWierlMn Oaliu-i 21, 1861. war SI ee.v.

wuk per roekr; 2 ri-Weekly, tare erwtiavra per last NO. 247. oar Liberty, and seeking to substitute th horrid palmetto, rattle-make, leeesslon rag ia ita plao oa th verv dome of our na tional Capitol. men, and suffer aaeh dishonor l- Ment and 'wash not away the slain ia blood Your presence bare with your gallant loader to-night answer Sol Your firm, dolermlced. tread, ave, and your every puis beate with that of eaoh mother, later, wife and daughter you have left, at home, answers A Vh roll of the stirring drum indignantly answers AW Tour bristling bajoaets Bash hack th Answer Jt'o I While from every tent in Camp Fold Come np th answer Soldiers! Napoleon, when about to attack the Mameluke tyrants of Egypt, pointing hi legion to the Obelisk of Haliopolia, that stood out against th eastern aky, and ah far off Jrvramta or tbe Lybian desert, he claimed From the summit of yonder Py ramid th ejea of forty centuries took down upon you' -If hi watchword of vie- tory wa ablimo, your ellll boot so, for not only do the good And great of th past look dowa apon from height infi nitely higher than Uie Pyramids, but un-namborod generation to come ar looking up to you aad claiming At your bands th unimpaired transmission to them that prise lea hritag that has been committed to yoar keeping.

Capt Rakeatraw, your friends esleemlt a duty that they owe you, And especially the glorious cans ia which you art enlisted, to present you with thia sword. Take it i an evidence of their sympathy and regard, believing a they do that th gallant arm that shall Wield it will never be palaiad by fear, and when oao poised it will never be nrturned to its scabbaTd until if shall have Accomplished that whereaato It wa sent. ince th sword flaaed evr th portal of Paradis, natil now, it ha been drawn in no holier cause than that in which you art now engaged. Remember, too, the millloni of hearts made desolate by this unholy rebellion. Then o-ic boldly I Strtkt In the power, of frufA and dulyt Sirilx with a bound aad a- shout, knowing that your blow will fall on Ingtalti, Traitor and Paricidei, whos motto, '-rule or ruin," weald make of oar goodly land one vast Golgotha.

jj i' V. For the last which yoar fathers beaeathril you in irusi, For the tombs all hallowed, ovf slum tMTVihetr dust, Yot tbe inn tlity loved, for freedom and law, lor tiie -old Hag, their emblem, this sworwill you draw; And Lever" till fmuon Is eruthed tieath your Heel, i Sboold the rnat of the scabbard befocod on your rtteh- Jior Un aiillnees of peaca hush the boom of your T11 the taail of yoar fathers is saved lur sons Take it, and may th Qod of your there give you th vittory. The Soldiers at Baltimore. From a very pleasant, goasipping letter, from on of Zouaves, located on Ffclerat Hill, Baltimore, Uk on extract; i rlJut of the prattiest sights 1 thai when the boys are swimming. A score or so are always in tbe water, and what uproarious fun they do have, anting for ail the woild like many joungslers, while the squads on sherd in the act of dressing, fill" up th foregrontid with A bright And vivid coloring, to use th words of some of the artist critics wa argue tot sagely oa art matters in, jour eity.

Tail bathing haaineaa is a cood thine far the UfclLh of the regiment, and I think that on of th wriaoipal reaaon why cur corps have en-yred such unpreoedentad good health is 'tAcftct that both at Fort Monro end Fed iilll we have hod superior dnUge Tgrd During p(od nea.iy six month' service, not a tingle death oeoorrei in th Fifth Regiment fn itnmJ causes, and I believe the to tal numbvr of deaUt aunng teat ume. uo hot reach a far as twelve. Tnii aiipa fn a former letter how we were treated in Baltimore, and what was the feel ing toward the regiment. Wow as regaras that, I. have bat Wit-jOiH union people think all tbV worm 01 us, uu uy do all sorts of.

thing. for na ii the way of civilities and to as when we meet in the street, thronging up to me Hill to see our parade, wnue on toe otner hand, the secessionists are 03 the very devil, and you wou'id 'agh as we do, when walking in tbe city the pretty airs displayed by the pettieoateu1 rebels, and the would be Insults thrown our fac93-such as a sudden twitch of their a funny little scowl and a turn np of th. 004 at our brilliant and flowing breecues, for the men, they take devilish good care t-ul tossy anything offtniive in the prefenco tbe boys, lor they have an wea mat "it wouldn't be healthy," as a yankee would say. One thing is very certainthat the Fifth Regiment of New York, have contrived, a strict attention to drill and a stiff discipline, to earn an enviable reputation in addition to the great nam accorded to tbem by their fellow-ciiiies ia New York which will lead tnuW like tbe pillar ol fire scripture, on to deeds pf glory and renown, it erer the alight-1 est chance is afforded it that tbe boys are afraid never will happen. The Soldiers at Baltimore.

Immense Armies. There it Utile doubt that the armies now on the Uoe of the Potomac Jand its vicinity amount to the unmenae aggregate of near 200,000 on each or4.00,C0Q comba'tanta. Whenever a geaerai battle shall it will not only have no parallel on theTTtsUra Continent in the terce engaged, but hardly one in the history of modern Europe Will vhywithtL Toe erreai battles ol f.a?oieon were generally fought with number tar iot ferior to tnose now under the walls pt asn- For instance, at Austerlitz, where Napo leon defeated the combined armies of Russia and Austria, he had but 80,000 troops; the aUie had 100,000, At Jena and Auerstadt, where be broke the power or frusaia, ijis forces, were not ever 130.000 strong. iAt the (Treat battle of agram, iought with the Austrians" oa the' "banks of the in 1809. he had but 160,000 men.

At Boron dino, under the walls of Moscow, he had but to oppose me Jiuasiana. a Waterloo he did not have to exceed 80,000 troops. The only battle-held we now recollect oi, where the combatants were a numerous! as those around Washington, war in 1813. where Napoleon had, ana tne eUies--Russians. wedet aao.iwot 'earij half a million of men took part in this re-mendoui battle, Which was known as the Combat of the It lasted three days, and ended In a complete overthrow or Wa- ooleon.

who was driven into France, where a sarie of disasters commenced that did not end untii Napoleon abdicated his crown hnd was exiled to thaJtland of Elba, In 1814 No battle waa ever fought on the sol', of the United State where 00,000 combatant took rjirt on both si let. i jfrom ineae tgure we uao juufre oi. wuat r- I 3 1 a battle we nave reason to expect wircu uio hdstvof UcGlellszt 1 and Beauregard, more than twice the namberof those 01 xnapoieoa and Wel'ington at -Waterloo, come lnld coU liaion on the banks of the Potomac. It will be an event that Will be tbe great military teaUirs urobably for' ages to come, at martial prowess in America. I Wubingtoa never bad thirty thousand men in on army under bit command Jackson: never bad fifteen thousand men, and Soott never before the present jaar bal seen twenty thousand troops under hi orders.

Great it the ability required to manosurre and handle such a large body of tneu aud bring lueui into, action at tbe proper time and place. The late at Bull Run extended over seven miles from one end of onr line to another. To know what is going ou in such an amphitheatre, and to be prepared to order up reserve aad strengthen evtry exposed point, require the highest degree of intUIect.OittAiijj Anyw TELEGRAPHIC. THE REBELS ABANDONING LEE3BUEG. OTHER IMPORTANT REBEL MEMT.


SECRET ART SEWARD FIRM." "MILD BUT This Morning's Report. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Oct. 18. special The abandonment of Leesburg by th rebel foroe wai confirmed to day.

They ar said to have proceeded towards a point on th Manassas Gap Railroad. It it presumed they went to Manassas to join the main body of their army there, but the faot is not definitely ascertained, and the opinion it entertained in om quarters that they hare gone towards Harper's Ferry, by way of Straaburg and Winchester. The latter, however, is hardly probable. For some dayt th rebel army ha oocupie 1 th segment of a circle, several mile ia ex tent, reaching from Leeabnrg to th mouth of Ace oqaaa Creek. The movement recently made by withdrawing from Leesburg, Vienna, Fairfax C.

and Anaondals, wa onqaettionahly intended to reduce the front which now extend only from th Potomac River, at the month of Aocoqnaa, npoa that creek and along Bull Run to Manassas Junction, with Ceatrevllle aad Fairfax H. occupied as outpost. A very large body of their forces ii known to have been thrown towardl the Potomac, in the neighborhood of Shipping Point The movement is purely defensive, to meet the supposed intended advance of our army of the Potomac in that direction, so as to cat oW tbe communication of the rebel army at Manassas with Richmond General Stabel of the New York 8lh, with a srpall foroe made reconnoistanee, first to Oftosacjle, which leads to Fairfax C. H. The village wa not deserted a others had been.

The Inhabitants said several rebel regiments left there only yesterday moroicg. General Stabel then commenced advancing cd Fairfax C. Q. After proceeding a 'mile he discovered four mounted rebel pickets walebing our movements. Our force arrived at a hill oalled Coyle's near the C.

H. Our men were very much disappointed when they learned they would not be permitted to go on to the Court Honse. rSome of them aatcelly shed tearr. Th object of th reoonnoittaaoe was bimp'y to ascertain the position of the enemy and not to seek an engagement. Hayinff satisfied himself that nearly all the rebel had disappeared beyond Fairfax C.

General Btabel returned late in the afternoon. To withdrawal of the enemy from bis advanced position la front of the Union lines, is fully confirmed by Prof. La Mountain, who made a balloon asoension this afternoon. Shortly before five o'clock he asoandad from a point about six miles west of Alexandria. The wind carried him five or six miles over th enemy's camps arqgqd Fairfax- Station, when rising into another current be took a eiroult to Fairfax C.

and thence back to our own lines, landing at Gen. Bleaker'i hoad quarter. He had an excellent view of th enemy' position, and eeuld see their encampment at Manassas. Ther were no rebel forces, exoept her and ther a man thia aid of Fairfax C. H.

At the Court Houre there were only a few companies, and th appearance of tbe bivouaoa demonstrated that the position ad been recently almost entirely evacuated. At Fairfax Station ther appeared to bo a larger foroe. to of in it it of I5 IS, This Afternoon's Report. FROM ROLLA. ROLLA, Oct.

18. Th correspondent of the St. Louis Dem ocrat furniabee tie following A scout bat just coma ia from th west, and reports tat Price has made a stand at Carthage, 60 mllet from Springfield. The Legislature) 11 to Dt causa together on the 4th of I I 1 The rebel at Vienna havt a portion going bom and the remainder to join Johnson. i i Job neon ha Dees placed in command or all the rebel foro ia Missouri, and ha iseoed a proclamation forbidding the trans portation of any more property, meanictr slave, from the State.

it i not stated whether Johnson uper- eede Prioe. Th following letter it clipped from the FU Smith ExrcuTiTi DipixTMi5T, ti Pait'IliiL, C. Aug. 24, 1861. Major Clark, A.

Q. Mt C. S.A.:, bin: 1 herewith forward to your ear dispatches for Gen. MoCulloch, C. 8.

A whioh I have the honor to request you will cause to be forwarded to him by th earliest express. 1 At a mass meeting of about Cher okee, at TahlequA, oa th 21st the Cherokees, with marked unanimity, de clared their adherence to the Confederate States, and have given their authorities -power to negotiate an alliaaoe with them. i a via of this Action, a regiment of mounted mei will be immediately raised And placed under aommAnd of CoL John Draw, to meat any -acaergeney thtt may arise. 'J 1 Having esponsed the Confederal cans, hope to render efficient servio in the prolraoted war which now threaten th oountry, and be treated with a liberality aad confidence Incoming th Confederal Statea. I hav th honor to be, sir, very respectfully, hnrnbl rvant, JOHN ROSS.

Principal Chief Cherokee Nation. FROM WASHINGTON. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19. Lord Lyons, several day ago, addressed a letter to Mr.

Seward, SeorctAry of State, lit which he says: i -s jj Her Majesty' 1 Govsrnmeat wert much conoerned to find that two British subjects, Miser. Patriok and P.ahme, bad been subjected to arbitrary arrest, and although they bad been released, tould not but regard th Batter as oae requiring very serious consideration. Lord Lyons, nader instructions, therefore, felt beund to remonstrate against such Irregular proceedings, at he designated ahem, and to say that th authority of Congress is necessary in order to justify the arbitrary arrest aad imprisonment of British snbjeot. i Becretary Seward in th courst of hit reply, after detailing th faot in regard to th two prisoners named in the note of Lord Lyons, says the proceedings -which tbe British Government oom plains of were taken npon information conveyed to the President by the legal police authorities of the country, and they were not instituted nutll after be had suspended the great writ freedom In just the extent, that in view of the great perils of the State, he deemed necessary for tbe exercise of that diaore Hon, he, as well, at hit chief advisers, among whom are the eeoretary of War and Secretary of Slate, it responsible by law before the highest tribunal of tbe Republio and amenable also to the judgment of hit oountry and the enlightened portion of th civilised world. In' conclusion; Mr.

Seward remarks: The safety of the whole people baa become In th present exigenoy the supreme law, and so long as the danger shall exist, all classes of society, equally the deniaen and the oitisen, must oheerfully acquiesce in tl measures which that law presort beL Thi Government doe not question th learning of the legal adviser of th British Crown, or th justlot of th deference whioh Her Majesty pays to them. Never-the esa, the British Government will hard expeot that the President will accept their explanationsof IheConstitution of tbe United State, especially when the Constitution, thus expounded, wonld leave upon him the sole executive responsibility of suppressing the existing insurrection, while it would transfer to Congress th most material and -indispensable power to be employed for that Moreover these explanations find no real support in the letter, much less in the spirit of th Constitution. He mast allowed, therefore, to prefer to be governed by tbe organio national law, enabling blm exercise hit great trust with complete tucoess, and receives the sanction of th highest authorities of our own country, and is sustained by the general consent of the people for whom alone that Constitution was established. WM. H.

SEWARD. FROM CANADA. TORONTO, Oct. 19. Both the Leader And Globe newspapers to day, devote each a lengthy artiole to Seward'i circular.

Tbe Leader says, if preparations of this nature are (o be oar. ried on on the South shore, British power the North 1 bound nst to lag behind. cannot be an idle spectator of works avowedly intended to be a menace against dominion. The Globe lays lbs Federal Government exercising a wis discretion, which we the British Empire, considering our an tecedents, should be the last to impugn. COMMERCIAL.

NEW YORK 19. NEW YORK 19. KLOIJR lUclDU 17.4(0 bbll. Mirkat Suit nS drcopiug. ijra ddii ai i tor lupetsne statn; iu extra 5,4 1 lur luperBu wttrQ; td.ftoaa.fH) fvr common to mwdium i-xtre western: lor brands extra round boep Onto.

CANADIAN dull 6UU bbl. at 1..3: 1.411 for g.6 fur eouamon to choioe extrw. rib Ki.ui ic-ataraei suaa? ai s.egajt.w com-saun to choice extra WHKAT -tteoeipts 141, M0 bush, klerket le lower wrtvAT. aceuunufrum are decldellf 'ower. late.

ab at tor A liwauEee SI.70isi.3S f.r winter ied weatern; ai for anibr Mlcbisan. as aarixt arai ai 73c7so. BAHl.t: V-Qniot and firm at 'RN Bwlpta bnuli. Slarket very firm, with lair inquiry, fcal.s Su.Ouo buahat tOjtSA. iur mixed western.

AT-et Market Krm at K3U lor Canadian, west ern anu ate- rOKIa uarket arm. Vales Mj) bbla at 75 Tor meaa; prima. BKKF Market dull. CUT tTlKATS-llarket rntet. LARD-Jaarkat firmer, bales BOO bbls at Btt vr.

Belliaf at JGUo tor Ohio; and 12X3 lBo I'HEESS Harkpt steady at M2To common 10 prime. WHISKY Market qulot at Uo. BUFFALO 19. FT.OIJR-lIarket qnlet. EWI1KAT In fair demand, cloilnk shade easier.

Ealos bush sprfng at v5-tr; bn do at tx; l.uuu hu.h Milwaukee utuh at 111,14) tU'hdoat bush red winter at II, (KIRN Market closed firm. Bales 13,003 bush at 4tc 4JA.WAL FREIGOTS-ISo on corn, no oa Wheat to Ni Ttrk LAK.E I.llPOKTO-tl 000 bbls tour; 1 10,000 bu wh-ai: t.OJO bo.h bush brlT. CANAi. ubbls flour; 5Ccnoobu wheat; 119 nisi buab corn; bush oats; t.uuO buih bar er; bush rye. I RIAL Attest tie; and In luturj we shall aaeaT.r to Kllf WILL BOPPLIIO with this favorite and Much Sought Aftir Candy! MOULD A HOOASr, Euclid and Pub an.r.

ootl" Co-. JOHN SCHRLNK Bavin removed to his new quarters, HO. 23, LYUAH'a BLOCK, 1 OPFOBlia COUBT B008I, OH "OBUO ouajts, is prepared So reeelre the ceils at Ala blende as tbe public at large. teerrthinr la tbe line of Oonrecrlonery Is kept ai WiKiJ.A2iAJ.Ji AMU usual. OYSTERS AND HOT OOFFEI, as well as tbe choloaat eatables a at a Sao- aunt's notioa.

DINItlR IS 8ISYID DAILY ttr ths acrcuiTDodfttioa oi persons having bust sees as ia. uourt nouaa. I KXaNXTT ALB OS DBAUQHT. octlS QONFEUTIONERY FRUITS MOULD MUM3EX, 185 Stjpibioe 8t clivblabb, ohio. Since the destruetiofl of onr stand.

Ho. lzf Supe rior street, we haw taken the large and commodious bending, rto. is bupertor street, ana nttea ll up i a style superior auruusg la tew city. ODB. A EbO BB For the serving ot Cakes, Creatns, 8oda, on the second toor.

ar. laree. airr and light, and neatly famished, and with ear facilities we oaa assure our eustomert that we can kit. them la much better styl. thaa formerly.

In connecttoa with the Wholesale and Befall AhO OONrtOTlOhJCaM BtblMtfJt, PARTIES tothewtlreaattitaetionolOustamera, with erery article needed on such occasions. Our stock riaiioee. ruckles, Prreerree, aad Fresh Canned fruit, lobsters, halmon, Is eery large, aud will be kept in supply, of the very bast aaallty oaly- pj well svpplied, and will honor all drafts mad. ea It. SJS w.

are whoieaale spanufactanrs ef CANSIX9 AND CONFBOTIOKIRT of erery rarlete, and also wholesale dealers In OB-ANUfcS. Lia'oMi, bANAlihAS and rORKIGS ITS of erery description, aad 18 el all kinds. el th. ehetceet brands can always he fctmd. iplatsUl TEKNUIICOlilSETd, X.

Lailes' Vests aid Pauts, Mlesee' Vests. ve.ts, tteiia' Pauts aud Testa, A full variety Just opened. o.n;t a. tin IIKI HAVE; COME I 2,000 Yabd3 Moax cf ALL-WOOL D1LAINE8, AT 31 CENTS! BtAXher are the greatest barg.ins of the Reason. P.

saiBWt.on. cot1 84J Hnp-rl'T itr t. BAKGAINSI BAK(iAINS If Id order to ensure the aaleoi this asasoa'i purchase of goods, I will oBur loured rreucb Ilrllllantm at IS, worth II rente (Jhluta Omandloa at li 37H Jl llolored Lawus at 10 cents. Kmbrotdernl fcovlish Dareiine only IS cts. a yard Oood feet tkilorud print.

only I oiints a yard. Ghalieys worth 24 cenu, at only 15 cents a yard. enrn, aa'iqne Earasois, only 70 cents eacD. A law Black Lace Mantillas at half price, and suaup other artiolee, which wiU be oflured at fury Low Prlceo so aa to sell them off during this aeaeua. Call an gat-aoes Qood Pargaitis t.

HTMAS, Cheap Dry Goods ritora. JQAYKIN'S WATER DRAWER. AHEAD Of ALL OTOE RSI The mott limple and eficUnt machine now in utt jjr elevating water from well of any depth. Its principal merits are It Smruoivr, DcxiBiLrrv, Eass ra Woaxito, 0LBAHLIMB8B, And it Impossibility to Freexe Up I It neither Ties the Bucket or the Rneet. J.It...

away with the cotnelicutedl mpchtneiy ijocoksary u. accomplish both. Its simplicity makes it leu I) bL to eu tout ot order, than any other Drtwer. Ta Ourb, Vucket, Ac, are substantially made ot Uw beet aiaterlal th whole being calculated to mae) the ants 01 tbe rablio. WAT IB CAN BB BAI8CD IH LESS TIMi XBAM 1 AM OTHIH WAV I It Discharge from the Eottom of tbe Backet SWAll th.

power raaalnd la to rala. ths Water In the Bucket. Please examine DATKIN'8 WATKB DBAWEh betore purchasing any otnor. Address uaimm Propr's, Fswoa-raoS Ontario street. Cleeeland, Ohio, aparaues aad Ooutl ahta far aala.

Aidmua. ahov. aovlu- RJS "YT" HEELER'S IiTP ROVED PATENT WATER PRAWER1! bj I te Th pTi IftrwIryriewi. tmerAlnm th laf-aa Nr-vw. nf WUKtLXli aft UJM ia iV aaaiaUUfiWlara of Wktcler't Improved Patent Water Jrtw.

sow fullr to itipplr tbi public with thii j-t niveial rtlclo. It ia Dt4it la ai piarauce and oo- cupiec little pc: Slmplf In ooaaiructioa nl no. liable to Btt out AH loTri of pure water ihoull bur tb 014 Oaktyn Bact" with ho Ur Improvements atttu hd It th che-p nd batt aVrtrCl it Welli 't kail doptMl 6Tnf Qltd. rwiTEtt UKA.W k.tL-i ma Qlvcturtd tml go ri wholoMalo aud retail by H. tl.

WKKKLIB, Hewitt'i Vtnevard Cleveland. Ohio. ft.SUte and CoQQty freaie. LL SIZES AND STYLES SOALIS made at tha EESIEA itCALX WORSTS. Booth side Beaeca at.

Bridge, Cleveiand, O. ten atti iJin LJ MARVIN, No. 50. South lie PnbHo Ponarf-. havhiat ben Want arrl lettctfd from all tbe vrincivfU Stove Foundrl- and HniM- Varnivhtng KetB.blitihmntt of Troy.

bun PbiLadelpbta and Hew tork all the aewtat aud moat appruved raristiej of fcrOooVintTy Parlor and Heating purpled, aad also all of the moet Useful Article of Souse -Furnishing Goods. BealdMbavtvc the mot adTataiTeoni facflltlee for purchesliitY HtoTrw of Cleveland niknuUeture, po-enliarlr adaoted to tbijmrket. Also. hl arraDno mente with OiQOiinati, to weokty nupplkd with all the newcit and most beantlfal etylee of ENAMELED GRATES, wbieb, with hie lorif experience of IS reare tn thii city inthie boiineee, enables him to offer to hie nu aeroai trteawti and the wrvet ot mankind" In Bene-ral, the Ureateet Indncerante in r-gwd to qnahty and pricei fur tbem to purctme (oode In hie line npaa theONS PtUOlC THE "DISPATCH COOKIXG la eomtlnnlnff to rnoreaeA la roblte fiatr. ad le tbe moet 1UI.IIABLK, tOONOMlOAL, QUit.K.

and operating Htov in the ioaraf.t, ae tboiu-ande of BoQaekeepere In thia city and enrroandMig oountry, who are deity nting the Mtove, will ttify. lie btt also a large variety ol other lSew Sty lee ol COOK LB 0 ae well aa PARLOR, HALL AND OFFICE STOVES, Both for Wood and Coal, of CLEVELAND AMD frilR MANUFACTUT! 1. manuXaVstOTviev and ku toi aeJe at wholrasale and retail, ail kind of Plain end Japanned io, Copper and Shoot Iroa War. Hie etocfc of Uouee-farnUhing Qoosia, MatbU Manila and inameled QtaXtt large and complete in etyle and flnuth. are most cordially lovitd to call before pcrohaifng ehewbere, and iQdge for ttamaelvee, BUU BP UtnuljiJvW m.


asath side Public B.iisre, SSllSa OUeelaud, Ohio. oy I i tC "dif'i Oil ga.qnUKysl fiJEW HONEY WE HAVE 1. just reoelTed a eery alee lot of this year's Honey, ia hoxea of Brosa to twenty pounds welatit. rereel. bv ra I son.

UBLIN MUSTARD WE hare received oa ooneignntent nice er-f Mustard, manufactured In Dublin, Ireland. licliof We aaa recommend It ae being a trst-rate article. Yog sal. br th. or etherwlaa.

i. 8TAIB A BOH. StiKfcerii -fiPw biltf'K-, M. FOGG, Comer of Superior and Seneca Streets, WHai.rriii mo iRinttun COAL OIL LAMP WlOKB, ClIIxTTilTS, A GOOD COAL OIL LAMP, Complete with Chimney and Wick, Fob Forty Cists. a marble stand coal oil lamp, With beat patent Bnmor, Chimney A Wick, I OB SiYINTT-FlYI CINT8.

COAL OIL CHANDELIEE3, fcr CharchM and Halls, With 2, 3 and 4 Lights, COAL I Or ths Bjst Qu Jlty, Br Tab Barbh, ob GiLlon. PULPIT, STAND i HANQINQ LAMPS Altered to bora Coal Oil. LAMPS FOR CHURCHES. A large assortmjnt of GOAL OIL LAMPj and CUANDEoIElS, with 1,2, 3 or 4 Burners can fr Land, at tho lowest prices, at W. P.

FOGG'S. Corner of fc'upsrlur and Sereca a a. aMTLard Oil, Fluid and Camphene Lamps altered to burn Coal Oil at a small expense. COAL OIL LAMP DEPOT, '1 audLSarrior recta, CLEVELAND, O. WILLIAM P.



103 WATER COOLERS WATER COOLERS I All Iclorosted, are hereby Informed that HOT WKATHEU ie now on anil now Is the time to prorkle yonreelres wltu WAIBU COiiLKKB tocoei anu purnr four water. WekeepalarreTarletyofth. best allele, which w. will sell off at. WABPBIOB8I Also, a superior article ol aa ICE PITCHER, which will also bs sold off at WAR PBIOBS.

RICE BURNETT. 103 Snriaion CROCKERY AT WAR PRICES Owing to the extreme hardness of th. Mbm brought 00 by the act ol TBB SOUTH HUB TBAIT0B8, wehaTeputthearleesoCoarOBOCBBJil eotra to WAJt PKlUCd I We wonld Inrlte alt Tjoaaekeeaers to call ao4 ev amine prioos atii ndality. aad thaa the preaeni opportuurty to SOT CjaoCKIBI OHKAPXB th-n was aver scl belere la this dtp. SICE BURNETT.

103 Scpmiob Sx. jaMii VI, mi OTICE TO CONTRACTORS. ritr ci PrOrVTtimlii will be recttvrv at the offlr of tbe 'Wil of the City of Cli-vjUnd until j'clooVt isct'tbtar 1ai, fo sfje grsliriaf and Btreeri alio, liJims lull Nt. H7. K1,, tVt if tji, itjet, iw and mj of Jf AI.

aud tub utrieiun ot a te loli .04, un.roaific ci inira eiref. rmtw AeOrAjn aul nt. 1 'n ana 1 iv riftTie aid tec natloni may be swwa and irore piart ciiinr in' rtuari hl at aid oillj 1 am aiifr inn tvtn runt. Kv profKntal aiunt acoom id by a g(K-4ul aituirit'iit nd urluir lite bidder to CDtcr inUt ti ntrart at the phre 11 timed in hte prepeal, ihuuid ttf be art.i. 1 Boar I ity Impnenianti luvtte the rjb- miMim or httJe.

rfrvin? the rijzht toatrpt or the eaae. urucr 01 tbo Uoard. JOU.S HITKLAW, Mm City Orvil JCagineer. ClevttHnd.O.'t. 16 Jl1 We are p-e- parf to Jjruirh Ki.

r0.u nmdt a err ting to Aiuy b- Kiilttu ui atVsjiy Itiw r-ttti Usgrm ntal Cokr. Ca aliY b( 4117 dt. Art llury Hajii( ir eBy C-'arriBOu tc, deot.Ht'h. int. iutfatud Wub.iu, to onler on dhort no Ko.

3U Superior (up sulrs.) Clereluud, iblo. MOT ICE. ALL Tilt SB II A. any cl-iois against oont.sctei since 1.H win prisen; for srtfle-neut wii" 1 nirtr AA trotn cat. J.

eut, r. rl A hl-smea ste. PRESERVE YOUR CIDER. 1,009 Lbs Sulphite or Limi, 7hoart'cUeo successfully ue.t I -t g'ar, fbr ar- ie.uiig i.ruieuia ion i UHir. just by ootll feTllllNO a HMSTR iQ.

WHEKLBiUROWS Oabdbn ani but Uarrowip kioitly or br the doion. fiia, uw UULiW lj it II ot" Ui ontarft NATIVE WINE Fori and vy (h beat manaf-teta-, cb fonnd at 370 So-p -iWrBTrt. klt.a.. an Bio. Th a pure Hrtirlj fWl- nAtdicinaJ pu poin't will flaJ it ju'l thp thing.

Gtfi). D. IrEEP YOUK FiCfcT DHY. Laiter'i Watib Paoor CoMtVg'TIOM ill flloOQ that will mmke entuor p-i ctly vaur proor and it actt and plubla. tt ban tx-cn tu tjt eeTrreet U'atr members cf the Firr 1 andadniit-ted by all to he the beat In fiee.

and Deiief gfneril wouki do Wfil to ca 1 and ex amino it sUanufaotared by T. LAKTIR, li)2fcupirior octlO LLvolaiid. SHERMAN WITHE RBEES, DSlLKkS 1ST Lake Champlain and Lake Superior Iron Ore, Pig Metal and Bloom Iron, West Hirer aear Light Boos. Street Bridge, Clevelund. tt.

serj 100 LAKE SUPERIOR CHAR COAL PIG IRON, for Sile hy rs'p-w-rni K. SPIWiH. P. IIAHK8, f-S rtaniorte Taoer. All orsreie It-ft at the Miuie ritora of S.

Braioard A or will bj p-omptly tended to. CL ve'ao ept. ILLI AM KID11, vatfcrAOTTjaKB or JEWELRY AND OSSAMKNTAL HAIB WOBK. avey-RepAltingdooe In a superior manner at redo I prca. ALo All kinds of IjgraTtngand Stencil Cuttlag.

a.Orer Fugg's China Hall, Buperkr Clerclaud. eeplttu.27 AILS1 TENTS I FLAUSI 203 itivcr Street. Tbe nn'ioraiFned are prepared to nianaliwrtar" every description of 8A1LS, TKNT8, FL.ACiS, AWNINGS, Ac at hart nctlce, and on the ciowt favorable terma. Thy are enabled to re- A ADAM CtlAKLES JfSHBHN will have charge of mr Paainres the iviainder of the season aud are tlie only peraocs anihorixtsd to ntceive money tor DM-nrafie. ClTMand, Sept.

17, PATENT OFFICE AGENCY, IS'o. SI Bank Street, CleTeland. Ohia We are prepnrea to transact BusiUms of every de-eciirtion to inri.ntion, Drawinrs, )avate, KpeciiicaUoas. PaU nta lufrfnirenients aud the Pat-eat Laws. BliAIitKlii-1 A liUKlUI-lvK, febg; tktliriton of i'atatnta.

TlfE af.h: NOW MANUFAC- I I TCKiNG. at 107 Brk trejt. every mil ity and co'orcf LL- OOL 9 TChUNU may bedcirbd by te Ladiei of CWveLtad. Bi ry ITV. VC Blipp.lOU fc luwr JU Jtrw AUSAAl SBaWeBJ.

py bought ot tfce Nmw York or Duenou trade. A ii-w oci uaia itBCnii a bheetiiiff- aid. Ahk eSoititen Blanketa en baud and made to order. CLEVELAND WORSTED ect2 H)7 Bk atrvtet. ESRICK A KING, Bail, Tent and Flag 'Makibs, no.

203 KiTer orxeet rre-y ityle and af Ttta or Flent inntattr.r"d to order, ol the boat material, oa ia- Tonit4fi tvrme. MAR. am both practical workmea In tbelr ttD. and run r-fr-r to nnmnroos partiee with relation to can, Tnt, iui, uitiTDiocK, awning ana mow wore orecut'-d at wUeiifthnaent. jy25 ri recti oaa for Seif-Vtvaacimtnt Bent Trai Everywhere.

TAG A SU Hvperlnr Cteeelend. O. inlrl at iiia i AIR DRESSINGr AND tfHAV- ISO INSTITUTION. WM. B.

rtotne. under tbe American, ia prepared to ao oommodate ail cimtoraeri with prompt atumtion froa aMe workmen. A aopamte Urr laditM. nrw X)R MCE PAINTING, GO TO A RfWITT'H fhat rrsrch WHTTB IIHO has come. Jrnt the right tblug lur Painters and inside work ol deecrlr.ucu.

a.rii do wo. trs Hfrrrtf aprsaLora MPORTANT TO HOUSKXKEP- BS. Varu'eh your own fumitory Oallattbe jreet City Vamish office, o. lie tSup.rior and get a neat little VaruisU cop, niion wun im o--. Tarnt.a.

iwnicn cup nae a oru.u best etpamtere. Price from fctto rwetTe.n,uH ,111 WO JOU-f OWU Jinui.i, 100,000 I HOLLS WALL PAPER War he been declared and Senenlrv ft the or tr.SK san.l new le the time fbr all tklr hsotv. keepera to aerede from dirty and iTnoky walla, and cbcvroe on tbem with a ruah new A LL PAPS fct, by improving their hooea, and moat of aiUM ROLLS NOW READY for sale at Oaretm A ua, Superior and ao sow tuasau oaa get taeui. TUB COST IB MCR1 ROTHIKO, Weareaow ready to eeil STencb, Bocltek and American wall papers from itf to 75 per cent, beiew aee.iooe pricee, and woald molt raepuetfal'r '11I'U .11 lonk in ubod our stock baring, for IA quality ot goofe and the length ot peeee. we call gire tb.

utmoat aatiatacuon. rw i rtutrebr ea.e one profit. Alas a large aaaertraeat of shade of erery ran GOLD BANDS, AC, IC, ihort nottSi rbT.xyorien.-4 workaMad at re-ou-'Heo w. -roold take area lobs of palnttrig, rrefa-lai and tarnishing at fair and J'i n. B.

To Dealers wswaatM tkflM tiwat atteuttoa le ear tar, stoea. aar4a. LARTER'S WATER PROOF HcCQSlTiQii SENT Hi EXPRESS EVERY- tlKBK. HS PENNSYLVANIA CZN- 1 W1TU lis COaWAi.BOTlOA.) 1 1 13 A 10 ALL EASTERM CITIEX TBRXB ILT TB VIS8 PBOS An.Dnnectlpg o1r-t to few Torg.1 Tla PhllaAlphja. TWO IBOM BAKBISBL'ttttB TO BXW T6RB, ta Alieatewm.1 3 DAILY COKJiKClIOiio IO BALTIBOBBt a Speid au Cojiro'aT Cojuliii." FareaeA 7W soaw a otAsr Rouiu.

a gage. Checked thrnah--ail liejiafisi frraj rhnnwtlflni It Hjrri lin.irW w. 111. lor ew York dirct, STrt pv-nyrte br thia m-c run thrfinh n. VHt-lmukin out rlianff- of Ci.

ft Pll lur yonr fork awl "net. r1 A All I i rBBIOHT CABEFtn HAST HT, PKXX3YLVASIA cLVnUL 'EAJLROiii With Croat liidithnnl st r. W. B. Hoaara, Gen'l Aauut, iaoianaivJis.

ind.' I M10UTA.NT.-All -T psvj-awM Ticket til for 8t. Jaj-vpii aivj t. (n liortiicTn Hi o--ri. tbe tUuv ot aaaa or tli, Tr-rnoie.

tvi 4 lite it on Tiaig iicL.ti lint nui by the NORTH MISSOURI RAILROAD. The only rail route from St. I culs to St. Jaaorh. 'tis the aherre.4 and gu'ekent line, br lblrtea hours, to tbe remo.l.pjaitttacluMl by rail, aad la always ae.h-Kp as aur othjr.

ttnr your lica-c. to a.nif. awf points ha Aorthem Slieeouri by tr- N-rthw-n iiw-cn rl. 14. Pm't and Ora'l ttup.

nf Ui. 24. M. S.1 BEVy H-SiaMiiNi. Ae-nt.

sepyeiff tJjia jiliAiv i A 'i'OLiuJJO to -SSI, SUMBCB ABBisuEBEirr iaet Ob an after Monday, ArrirrtitTy isk, T.alnj wilt ra daily ibuadaye exufpiedl ae tollowa: StOt a. a Chlcioro fciinm-SBiiDl et Hree. xeirji. Pureraia. atooroe-lllle, jHelleue, Circe, srKcct.

and arrivea at a. M0 r- Tbroerh at ali thtkiHoi the ojti.ltTieioot arrtng at Toledo. few r. St. fcSg r.

au Bail; steps all trtous eaet ol daadky i on Division, and arrive ei -dueler as d-is e. ai i litS P. Tclntraph MopHue at "BfTea. nroerille, bWI-vue, Ctyae, Jfrooj. at, eael 7 am Tee st ToWXtetfciia, f.

AU (etiaaa A. at. if ta OOSSECTIOIVS. OenaectloB. afaaanaVjAi uimoviR.

wta ea. dceky, irntt.ia anj Neark K. at wuh tru6wausky, Iytoe aadCiu'inuad B. gre-mont rremout A fi. -Ado with the Mich el A fcertfceru luitu anfl Tolio eid iroit, Jackeon.

Port Wayuev vniro, aiuu, oi. all poinie YMi, Juris west and Southwest. Trains arrive in Cleveland Irom TcsKls and the West, at 9:10 A. e. ...1 -AK ru.

taoduaky at J. BUCKES, ClewalandAng. 19, turn. feep't. ILK ELAND.

PiTiaiitjiU A I A i Dinar AaaAMsatxm. To take effect on Jmu i Jsare meweiand tie a. M. ftlail Arrives at htw York a.

a. at, Pltttburuh Wheeljug viu r. hw i-huadciphia SrSa p. H. 4:10 p.

B.Kzprfu Arrive, at New York P. w. ruiiaueipaia ur.Mv. rttcacarxa tiUSp. Wheeling 5:07 A.

H. Both Trains eoanaet at udaf.n. 4. 4km MS Bilh-rsbnrgh. Oars ran throarh frotn TMt( Verh piiraV (via Alientown,) wiLbvut chAiise.

a.rare ea low aa ey any other line. aa-'i arourh TickeU can be nrocureri at th. Da. arattheAuciidhtreetSutii.n. t.

JSfSf. T. Ar-nt. ja." CUliUAlJStfO aStTIBBATI BAILU0AD. 1MT.

Crniva inuanfmr: lien On and alter Monday, June tuth, 18OT, Trains will U-ave CloTeland ae fcliowa: Hit A.M. X. A Cincinnati oeriA, urartou, weiiioirun, ri-w ifor.oa. Balem, Sheiby, CresiliL-e, GiUon, t-iiea-l. Cardiugton, Aeb'y, Celssraie, Lewi.

Oeutre, Worthunrtcn, reochmg Ooruaa-bne at a. Cinaimiitii ei r. and Chrcairo Tie Creeclmeat tiS r. m. AccommotieUon btoppiug at and srrlf Hu at txtnaiDua r.

aa4 iucianaLl at a. si L-at r. m. Kisht Eapnvui stopping at all Statloaa Bonn oi iTeetune, aiiu at Delaware and at ai! otLr gietious, te, leare paeseugers euiy, arnroig at Co. lumhcsat ar.

CiDcinEati at a. x. Chicago sia Creeuiae, as a. a. 0 1 8.

Shelby, Secdoeky, MinailelJ A ii-k Ballroad, fo vecnoa. Acwara, zaeeriiiee Ac. Orastllue, Pittsburgh, Tort Wayne A Chicago Kail. roaa, lor n-rtai, pner sanuusxy, Lima, Frrt Wayne. Lapurte, Ac west, and Kaat ioc AlauAeld, Woeeir, iiaa atllon.

Ac. OaUoa and Bellefcutalne Bailroad Line, tr Marioa ttelleiontaln, Bianey, Lr-tnu, fllunciM, la dinaiv.lia. Terra llarite, Vincenuea, Arans. riilH. Loulseiile.

Cairo. St. Louie. Ar. Delaware, with lit.

Vernon and Uta Bkllroad, lor L. Terra riAote, he Louis, itc-rrcw, Loeooa-oT and Cincmnsti, aud with the Ohio A tl s-stuippi Lalruad at Cincinnati par nile, Cairo, ft. Louis, and ail aouits oa the Ohio riror. Ootnxnbna, toutrai Ohio iMiirjad lor Newark, Zanes. eiile, wneeimg, euu, ilumrae, rieoaafi Indiana fi-r Lrbai.a.

Ao. For Tickete to all potats and inferm.uoa as). ply at the Peeseuger Sutiion. w. a.

una crurerntenewan. UlcTcIand, June luth, 1,1. 1LEVELAJN1 fc It. Ii. Ia61.

SUMMKB On and after monday, Atap sth. xrauis wturuc as LEAVK ttt A. at. MAJL I li Ai StfTiog at all autnona exeepc anciri, eicuh n-, ea-. tor, Pry, oytrvoic, Veirrfew aud hwtuville; aud arrive, at arie at 13:44 P.

Junkirk r. "iNki BI. 4P. at. Clh 'JlSNATl i tiAlS-top-, ping at Paiaerrille, A-UMalwla acdOlrart cmly, and arrivea at Ewe r.

Loav. kirk at r. au. Jiciialo at W.1S r. at.

COMKEACT ACC-ttOI'Ai'iOlS-oloa- piiis at ail Maur KAPKkiiS TRAIH Stopping at fainevilie, Antaouia aud Hirara oaiy. aa arrive, at at A. Sk, IHlaJura at taxi a. a BnJlu ta a. b.

LlUTTriiTW 1:1 A. BIOBT XXPBBS8 TBAIB-Stopnrag at Astilaoui.iujrf; aaa arnvee at Cleveland at 4: a. at. MAIL TtiAIi 6t.ppirf at all Station except!, rerrr, aeu-tor aud fctuio, and arrive at tdeveeaaat al p. w. DAY KiPRSSSTTlAlS-Stoprlnf a01- rara, AsaiHoUia ana onlv. and arrive, at ClevlMd at iA' t. ar. AOOOBMOliAiiO.1 THAIS will leave Conneaut as e'eu a.

Blrt Btoppane a au, wees arriving at C'oveiand at a. bu AU the trains w.etward oonet at Cl5-rlanel With train, tor Toledo, Chicago, Cnlujiptua, txta in-aAtt, St. Louis, Ac: ai.o the traiuii r-'int ar aouoet at Lirutirk with the train. ol te a. Kailriied, aad at tiafUlo with thoe.

oi the KorA Oeotrei and BudalO A ew York Ity Bailroevtav O. AUiUii'jIiA, Sip a OWreiand', Bay liKL CLEVELAJND a.vt MAHO.NlNtir is ALLBO r-4 TiMsTm a Bo. 19 To take eScct oa aad tfter Thursday, March list, laM. OiawalaarA to Tornsauera. Trains leave Miii.

ti'st J. ir.50 a. at. r. ad Plank Boad.

Bo Ion. Geretuville. lodhamM LeavttUtiarga arrea. hues. OiranL.

brw HlLL Airtvaat Yountownl2 rmairsn-r w.iaeve.anu. -Trains leave xxrujsa. baK. 1 oungiitowB a. bx.

irep r. a. Brier liil 6rart fcllee hi 4. r.3 i.i Mt 1 kit 1 ia 7:12 Ali Leavituburga- warreeu Eracevtlleo Vi hid 6erretcavilaa iS-? au lua C4 A Iienk Boad 7:" A ia- 1 1-nA UilAi'- o. Clereiand.

March in, aL Suprrmuniieut. TJU v- ::4 A .4 ))( eu 1 vi -lo-TT s-ir 111-iJ fl a a-vj" mi 'Li r. 74 6-i2 Mi liUS .7:11 70 I i iti i i 1 1 1 1 -I BBAIBBJUP A BOBBICOX, Bo. SI Banit Street, C0Tei.nd5i DISIGN2RS abd UTHOGIUIliiia, BNORAVINO Of? WOOD; hn oji.vs;i. aid

qHE fcUBSCRIBER IS PR EP AR- Dubaa. and a-i oti arttcrM et tt aa roc-d ijpw aleOa 6tair boua. Door Knoii, Celi X'uiia. Ao-s vw-ptotea wr pit4 to ur4or, by bxad or e-avcttro prcefM, gooi aa any Oahcr eatA6hh2AeA.t la tnA bill HAanra pNBtl'r ttntted and ail work, vArraat4 ttfreaWited, ai raseiive prkwagy koom iio. 4, Hecbaiirc'a itock.

corner ol Praaot tm4 avcrrtte, inp etrw. Jl -JtiOVjCO tii -iit iri, tnralTg toe tea wawTWAjnaiw4 Its ewf i 1 I i A.

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