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Corpus Christi Caller-Times du lieu suivant : Corpus Christi, Texas • 15

Corpus Christi, Texas
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DICK TRACY CORPUS CHRISTI CALIBER Wed Dor 21 lOfifi 13 HEY? I SAW BRIBERY! ORBITING 104000 yUST SILENT AND COMPLETE POWER THATfe THE MAGNETIC space coupe OUR SPEED F0R7 MINUTES WILL BE WELL OVER I 300000 MPH THEN WE START DECELERATION MO FI RE AMD BRIMSTONE! NO CORNY 'COUNTDOWN Legislators Are Agreeable To Changing Constitution 1 roco sttHSSBSSSS? iS' 6AC S'JWL SHVU P- 1 present constitution the 19671 One senator said the Constl-I-egislature must provide state tution should be updated "by re- period rad- not 1MI ing Aug 31 19(9 Twenty representa lives and four senators who responded who asked not to first Indicated they had no set tluofJ reewunend-ideas on how lo update the Con- revision "by constitutional stitutlon convention elected on a one Ton Ikkhc I man one vote principle not Several listed constitutional re-nity11 or clique poUUcIai1 0m "I son A bwrtx of Tn majority bctol --ul the iimiKdi nuunhor i-hn haH the comment we cannot ideas on the subfect said jjUJ appropriate sensibly In two year favored the constitutional anLwe can dolour vent ion approach Three etna-nthcr necessary work also tors agreed i A handful of representatives Transit Strike Called suggested that the Legislature it-d i ii self rewrite the constitution llon another group said revisions! ROME (B Unions called should be submitted to the out the nation's 150000 urban voters section by section bus and trolleycar employes The idea of an appointed Wednesday on a 48-hour strike commission whose draft consti- during the neak of Christmas tution would be submitted to the'shopping voters or to a constitutional con The workers want a new fM EDITOR'S NOTE: This is another in a scries of stories on prosjiects for the 1967 legislature based on an Associated Press mail survey of Texas' 181 state senators and representatives Ry I KK JUNKS AUSTIN IB Gov call to streamline Texas' Constitution apparently fell on sympathetic ears In the 60th Legislature Rut the senators and representatives don't Rgree on how to do it More likely to win legislative approval without much fuss is Connally's plea through the state Democratic platform for annual legislative sessions to keep budget-writing abreast of state problems Only nine of the 43 House members and me of the seven senators first answering an Associated Press Survey said they oppose constitutional revision Annual Sessions Annual sessions were favored by 36 House members and six senators and were opposed by only seven representatives and three senators The Legislature consists of 31 senators and 150 representatives Connally told the state Democratic convention in September that the Constitution is too long too restrictive on the executive and "docs not permit our state government to function effectively under today's conditions" He recommended a constitutional convention "widely representative of all segments of our society" Close Check Annual sessions would enable the Legislature to "keep a close check on the expenditure of public funds and hold accountable the executive branch for their actions In day-to-day adminis tration of our laws" he said It would take a constitutional amendment to change the system of legislative sessions at two-year intervals Under the Two ISomlm Explode At Newspaper Office NICOSIA Cyprus Two bombs exploded at the office of the right wing Creek Cypriot daily newspaper Makhl Just before midnight Tuesday injuring six persons The explosions occurred soon after news reached Nicosia that the Greek government of Ste- eianos Stephanopoulos had col-psed Makhl supports Pana-yiotis Cannelopoulous' National Radical Union Party which withdrew its support of the Stephanopoulos government and forced its fall 14-11 labor contract with improved benenfits They rejected a last- vention had some support Bridges' View "By state convention the pen-: minute mediation attempt by pie electing the delegates" said the Italian undersecretary of Rep-elert Ronald Bridges Cor-j labor The strike which began pus Chrlsti at midnight was the second "By well-balanced commis- walkout in two weeks sion composed of governmental experts and by representatives of all groups In the population no stacked suggested Houston Rep-elect Rex Braun Four big unions both Communist-led and non -Communist involved Municipal governments used military vehicles and drivers to help fill the lack of mass public transportation JMITTY rtxsoss-ooymi vvf ACCiZBTMOU TrSRXp 6gGKJ6g 5 eoZQCMgO Stti'nvs CA3 WHH0LTK6 I wwws rsrw ho? teWF fiflfce tfsa sucy GLV-WA Who nttds to It bm with 'a silvtr spoon 7 Give them Wm A Rogers sikerplated BABY FORK and SPOON L1V1LU Ll'LU 1 GOT TO DANCe WITH ALL THE VCUTE BOVS Precious beauty she will cherish forever That will bring a glow to her eyes HICKEY FINN a Diamond In center of 14-Kt sold buttercup shaped pendent Fine chan Is also of 14-Kt gold 129 bDiamond in center of 14-Kt sold buttercup shaped parrinss 149 6 sparkling diamonds subtly Illuminate twin cultured pearls set in 18-Kt gold 139-95 UAMULLNE out Lost! Cold! Kf It's almost hopeless! go never find out'and him in this i warm up storm! ycithe cart Skeezixthat float haclY there some-1 Homeless! Nobody! Christmas Nina! nothing to do with any where in this I caring whether i It of these things that have happened! You know thatyr w- storm'JLs lives ordies! seem 4V ADMIRAL CLOCK RADIO rlSKENDA STlKIt Deeorator clock radio' with complete automatic control that awakens you to the program you prei far New super-heterodyne circuit U4-I7 WALNUT KEG BAR Walnut keg bar to hang-on rKOFfSOK I'KUMIfLK end remember Take 3060-90 ddji er 2fHytertto py jJVrj wo payment until Ftbrnsry 1967 12-21 wall or stand on bar 22 pc glassware Room lor 4 Bottles 39-95 aniF5p R7mzaiMPiiD4agi NOW COUOVtXJ WRAP rTN A BIGGER BOK AN01NEN pur ITINSIDe A BIGGER PACKAGE AND open every night until Christmas ''SrS' 424 CHAPAMAl TU 2-9413 -i -ii-A 1 22 PARKDALE PLAZA a TE S-736S i Wenieida anlarsed to aha datag.

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