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Weekly Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina • 4

Charlotte, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

otwqmwomtoo011 THE NEW ALLEY CHURCH THE NEW ALLEY CHURCH coast were in good demand Continental buyers are taking all offerings Exporters were frt-e buyers in New York Baltimore and other ports and it is estimated that about 1ittofast in all IA ere taken The welither conditions in the spring wheat region continues to be unfavorable Unless there should be a favorable change very soon the season for planting corn is likely to be late A number of speculators who bought July corn below 40 cents were free sellers the early part of the season being satisfied with a small profit Some of the shorts in May became uneasy and brought quite liberally Oats strong and good demand by Ehipperb for eastern points The movement of hog product continues liberal the market was steady with very little change Lamsos Duos Co in the be mite a a-son for bought 'et stil1 being 01n103 Of isy and ong and eastern product steady Co MONEY MARKET NEW YORK May closed Eay at pet cent The lowest rate was IS and no higlaA wax 2 per cent Exchange closed steady Posted rates 4 87V-a 4 actual ratos stA fur 66 day bills and 4 Ma fur demand Government bonds closed steady: currency 6'8 IOU hid 4's coupons 115 4 bid el: tended 2's registered IOU bid 1 easy at and Ilut closed Lila' rates for de-tidy cur-bid NEW YORK PRODCCE MARKET quiet but steady fitte grades spring I 404 25 do winter 2 illt4c62 oti super-doe spring 2 1a2 65: do winter 211t0)li 00 extra No I Spring3 0144 60 do winter 3 WO 4- 50 No 2 spring 25043 20 do winter 2 11kit3 25: CitY Mill extras 4 5 for West Indies Southern tiour qtbiet Trade and famil extras 3 50a4 50 opened firm on unfavorable weather and firmer cables and prices advanced slightly but as the local crowd was short the advance was -vigorously opposed The market tintituated within narrow range during the greater part or the day On a era' I rat ting and cloted higher Spot Iota closed strong and higher: spot sales of No 2 red winter Ni) 2 red winter May isci June July Si 'A Aug SOW were dull and unsettled and Closed unchanged except for May which was higher Spot lots firm higher spot sales or No 2 mixed 53 No 2 mixed May tAll do June 47 do July 47 do Aug 47 OATS options were fairly active and strong closing IfieCSc higher Spot lots closed firmer: spot sales of No 2 white 37 No '2 ed 3Wi No 2 mixed May 34 do June 31 do July 34 4f new mess 1050(011 00 LA lower: May 6 41: July 6 52 Aug6 1)(1 SU GA fairly active firm museovaili test VI 1 centrifugal 06 lest 3 1-16 relined steady and active cut-loaf or crushed powdered 4 granulated 4 5- iti(et cubes 4 ti-latw 11--l6 mould A Hollers A 4 '4 WI CO lots dull fair io cargoes 15N Futures closed lower Ho or santos No 7 Nay 11 65 do June 1160 do July 1160 Aug IRO no grades su ver(() extra 4 50 Not! 25: City Southern I 50a 4 144 nutrowd was oopoz4ed 'OW raligi ti a modr her spot winter tettlerl and which was sales el ay 511 do active a No 2 mixed July 652 museovadu -10 relined erusluqi 4 5- Mkt WV cargoes santos No 00 Aug lief Pplellthtf the halo of sanctity and ITEMS Or STATE NEWS co glory Which surrounded them in their be youth Will IPA fade from their A Angier was re-elected mayor Of la vp ill 141 better more earnett more Durban) over Christian by 24 ma- pi faithful Catholics because of the aphau- ktrit)' The widow a ges this sacred edifice will have afforded of the late lime Weldon them Edward' of Warren died Monday at 1 S7 he church therefore will be the coin- Itidgeway in her th year fa mon joy and pip le of all our vt matter Is here they may be scattered EIitor Roberts of the Lincoln pl through the State Still limn the Courier was elected mayor of Lincolngreatestclrawback to Catholieity in North ton Monday by a large majority over Carolina has been the want of earnest Sir Wade II Motz independent midi- el zealous learned self-sactrificing priests date Sf No matter how great the efforts of those The a 1 lett Visit'Or says a deed of ti ho labored for God their number was too small to dP) Ilis work efficiently St trust was on fuesday executed and filed It iltvl 1 tc le rtgtster deeds 3 the fl of tf ed of it Slary's is to supply this dreadful want from Dr A sexton conveying es lie in our midst under the a I 1 A eye (if the the care of re- Arn ustemt Jones as trustee certain el proptrty for the benefit of creditors vt ligious who labor only for heavenly TI dt 'c transfers real estate in Raleigh the future 'priests of North unite' elsewhere consisting in part of a Carolina will be educated in all knowlvaluable lot on Fayetteville street and edge human and divine here they will three hundred acres of land in Harnett be trained to dc battle for God and Ills county The li $00 abilities are about 00 1: kingdom how fit then it is that especially they The Sun says that 19 Durhamites ex- Sli0111(1 be brought up in the shadow of pea to go abroad during the 131101111er: 4 (iiillS sanctuary surrounded by ell Prof and Mrs Simmons Mr aud Mrs Iln that van increase their reverence for re- Doke two children and nurse sir ligion increase their zeal increase their and Mes It Lyon four children au love for the beauty of God's house! nurse Mr Duke and Miss Carpenter Here they will drink in the beauties of principal Of the Methodist Female Sent- Catholic Church service and the ac- haary Sliss Lida Carr will spend a year 0 customed to those holy rites which abroad traveling and studying in some ti are so essential for a proper comprehen- of the fittest schools in Europe She will sion of the true dignity of the priest- not sail until September hood Not only will they see these sa THE PRIMARIES cred veremonies but take part therein and To be Held this Afternoon at 4 81 thus make thelspiritualilife of the Church Meeting of the Committees Last Night a part Of their own lives- But to The ward executive committees of monk before I was either priest or Charlotte township met at the court church is doubly dear la house last night for the purpose of makcause it will resound with the prayers of lug arrangements for the primaries to be Diell dedicated wholly to God in the held this afternoon at 4 o'clock All of monastic state Day after day ere the the wards were represented Capt sun gilds our mountain tops the voice of It Robertson was chairman and Sir prayer will be raised to God in this Phifer secretary church: day after day when darkness The vacancies on the various ward and silence over the earth the same committees were filled as follows: voice will praise our good God! Some Ward Maxwell elected in people only love and value or tolerate place of 131J Torrence moved to Ward mouks for what they can do in active Atiard 2-2-Dr II Wilder Dr tillers of the soil learned men Brent and j' Torrence elected to fill artists tettehets and pastors of souls I the places of IL IL Jordan Chainloee them more for what they do Mine- bers and Long resigned diately for their quiet lives of Ward Irwin elected in place prayer and meditation I This is the first of II Weddington resigned and greatest ideal striven after by those The polling places will be as follows: who founded the Church who Ward of new city hall has nourished and loved them as her building entrance on Fiftirstreet special most dutiful children 11 then Ward court room ail have reason to rejoice to-day surely ward aunripaldrs tin store on our of St Benedict that Fourth street we be greatest because we Ward house know that oar labor and prayers ill erect- Every Denmeratie voter in the town ing this abbey church Will build a house ship is urged to attend the primaries It of prayer especially for those whose lives is vitally important that they should go are altogether dedicated to God promptly May then Heaven bless our work I conehiSion of a Murder Trial "Ut in onthibus glorifecitur Deus" is our Three negroes Michael Carpenter and motto The initials are on the corner stone Slay God be glorified in all our McDowell were put On trial in Ruther- lives and especially in the church we ord Superior Court last Friday for the murder of another negro several weeks begin to erect to Him this (lay May our holy Father St Benedict Nvhose children ago as reported in these columns at the time and the trial closed Tuesday even- yetus of their existence look down with built so many grand edifices in the 1400 ing Michael was found euilty of mur- der in the first degree Carpenter of man- favor on our humble efforts May our dear whom this abbey and col- slaughter and McDowell of assault with lege are lady help of intent to (onunit murder Michael was Christians be our hell) and stay in the sentenced to death Carpenter to twelve years and McDowell to twelve months in work we have to-day begun" The bishop then pronounced the sol- the penitentiary The case excited a emn benediction and the procession great deal of interest slowly returned to the church a urch where the T1 ti ilission to the lecture to be de- ben edictio with the blessed sacram i livered ent I WWI given the A hall Friday night by Rev A ixo will be 21c The ceeemonies were eceedingly in Sfr Dixon is one of the ablest divines in teresting and possibly witnessed for the the Baptist Church first time by the many people present In the evening the students took part in MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH the grand illumination of the institute grotto Special to Smith Watts Brokers 10 South College Street Over Their A Charlotteates Adventures Private Wire The trip of Mr Tillett WhO NEW YORK Slay was Is just home from the West was not without ad venture When he arrived about 2-01 higher which was not quite in Indianapolis the Democratic State tts full an mivance as had been expected and the market opened at a point or so convention WaS ill session and the hotels l-lower than last night It was rumored full that accommodations were scarce The hotel clerk to whom he last applied all day long here that several of the State for It told him he could give hint a agricultural bureaus would come out cot in the parlor T11i3 Sir Tillett With it nmterial decrease iu the acreage for their respective States and under cheerfully accepted but on being- con- ducted to it found that his quarters had this impression buying started In anew orevionely been the bar of the hotel and before long the market had advanc- l'hireI N-v ere enough of the signs left to ed 5 or 0 points With the higher prices tell the tale Mr Tillett's 'prohibition however there was an immediate falling eoul would not let him enjoy sweet re- off ii the inquiry and it seems that conIe and he manaed to secure a room siderable limited cotton was reached on next day pose the up track so that such ma a demand as While in Chicago Mr Tillett and all- there was was readily supplied and short-Le other gentleman were riding on the front ly before noon the offering became de-iv platform of an electric car The car celedly more free and values again sold ran over and killed a loan and the next off to nearly the first quotations after morning an advertisetnetd appeared in which the business became light and the fluctuations very small the chitty ITeing one of the papers describing Mr Tillett and companion and requesting that they as it was last night report us witnesses in the case If there is any truth in the expectation of a largely reduced acreage there is al) More Evidence as to the Genuineness of solutely no question but what cotton the iteetacation ought to do materially better We are Ti) the Editor of the Oloserver1 however very reluctant to credit such There seems to have been some ques- extreme decreases and it is hard to re- tion in Lincolnton as to how the site for alize such a condition particularly in the light of what we hear It would that town was procured The Lincoln certainly in our opinion be a wise step Courier publishes a card front Sheriff on the part of the Soath and redound to Noxon giving a copy of the original the benefit of everybody directly or in- grant The 1611owing is an extract from it: directly connected with cotton There has been no feature to the trail- "The original grant for the land upon ing today outside of the fact of the re- which Lincolnton is situated vas given by Richard Caswell (at that time) Gov- alizing mentioned above Liverpool is halting ltild atvalts development of near- ernor of Noah Carolina to Joseph I tixon at Newlierne the seat of govern- by meetings between operators and 015e ment the Ilth day of December in the ter splutters In regard to the present tenth year of our Independence and in trouble there We believe that an early the year of our Lord 1781" Ten years settlement of this matter must have at least a temporary bearing upon prices front 1775 would be the date given LEHMAN Beos Su epic iti in IS 4 or 1-' BALTIMORE PRODUCE MARKET western super 2 50(0 10: 414 extra 3 15443 85: family 4 ttodi4 50 winter wheat patent 4 tring wheat patent 4 70(aih do in might 4 404360 No 2 red spot 954 (011- May 93440:06 June 9170(028 Stumm red No 2 Southern wheat steady Fultz 90(06 Long- berry fill(t197 mixed spot 40 Nay 48(01i June 41 bid July 474 bid steamer mixed 47 asked Southern corn firmer white 471fit yello No 2 white wester MA) No 2 mixed western 3040)35 ICY No 2 good to choice timothy 15 OM 16 00 United Kingdom quiet Continent wady unchanged middling 7V1" PROVISIONS steady creamery fancy 22 fair to choice 19421: do imitation laltel fancy good to choice IfSats rolls tine 17 do fair to good 14(a)16 store packed 12004 EtlIlS firm 14 ti rio cargoes fair 17 No 7 13 SVC granulated 4 I 22mil 25 I EA fancy hand picked nail shelled 34(0 North Carolina 344 Shelled 4 RE ET T41lal3 inter wiles ot 4 70(aih 4 ot 95 '( (a)1- 4 steatnt ly 47W bid gi9 wester" tothy 15 atkA dom quiet fancy 22 I mitation Iffieti Ira-II store pack-fair 17 No cod 3V az) shelled 4 A SITE SELECTED in Eht tritarloittObsour The Creamery -1 iir-C be-iocated East of gl the Cits-11 he TOE Colts 1Its1 ONE LAI 0 1 LSTIEDA i Yt eunotienved Ltt CHARLOTTE A 5 IS102 The awl hhters of he creamery prose fa At Mary's College ith reat Pop themselves business then by the manner and Ceremony-A Creat Day for the t'l THE CITY AND SURROUNDINGS in hid they bate taken bold of the cal hones 4)1 1161 State The Address tl new enterprise 'As teem as the last Correspondence of the obscrvenl Vt'eat her Forecast ebare of stock was subscribed a ill May 4-he corner- in WAsntee'ries May 4-For North tee was otarted out in search 11e1sioaT of a site That was saturday offi la it stone of ay the' new th A Jibcy tiiur9twasittid ti Carolina slightly cooler variable inds esterd ut an nsisetticent ors- klifflAll Unit there was a general concur- z----------- nooileS the Catholic ritual prescribes DRIES LOCAL ITEMS reface face in favor of a bite offered by Capt lite evening previous the Student's Vail on his plat just east of the Assoc 's Sheriff Fteith Las ten prisoners tit thca city but thatter as ot delinite Dramati iation entertaimal the ly jail decided until Tuesday morning 'When th" 111stitethitt a with a drama "The Recognition" All the purchase was formall made and the Cotton is reported up in many sections who were present pronouneed it a con- a land transferred to the stockholders and harrowing going on The situation is the most desirable fur Piste sucess- EsPtsdallar -well little suggs Asheville Ground with yesterday broken for Mr the purpose to be found It consists of of art the part se A Dlirhani'S residence on South Trylin 2i right on the line between (apt ()filo! young count Antonio child- li street 'Vail und Iiir 51c1) Arledge There i8 like innocent olemeanor made a Jeep il impression he wait epeatedly applaud- NI good shade and a line spring of water on The at the Y' 4- the davet end the locatiim IS central for cd- The music fundshed by the Celit'ge uesday eight cle $50 ared for the Ladies' me I stocabob nt ou lers fro all the Varis orc hestra was excellent i Auxiliary township's The amount paid for the This mooting at 9 it ht a fol vice was Rev A Din xo while in the city will property was $150 of thaekgivins held in the si be the pest of 51r IL 11 Jordan at the As Noon as the purchase numey wag present house of worship At 30 8 Buford Ilotel passed men as ere put right to Aork nt tee procession MS the college clearing the property staking it MT euilding atm slowly marched to the site The straw ride to have taken place to- foundation for the th of new churc I I udreds of people I 0 and by evening the morro I 1 1 I has been postponed unte 1 igt had assembled from Various parts of 1 hulloing was commence( le whits Moseley night eu North Carolina An extra train brought I Will be completed and in operaton to many visitors from Wilmington others The convicts are doing good work on dive from 'fuesday arrived front Raleigh Greensboro Salk- the bridge at the eastern -an'ittus (1r On the Wayside-Notes at the wiry Charlotte Lincoluton ete etc 0 Seventh street l'ark Tile Students led the procession with The Charlotte Clothing 3litnufartory It has been found that the ten-pin I handstime bannera proudly waving in I will Start up Monday after a shut down hys at the park are too narrow and net the breeze 'lite brass band followed of some weeks enough In a few dap 5Ir So tnen the clergy and lastly the Rt Rev Asbury ma ill retnedy the defects and the Bishop attired in the gorgeims robes Of The Catholic train on the Carolina alleys be made first-class in every respect his oiliest I Central yesterday was the first chartered train of the season l'oe refreehment counters in both pa- he hen blessing a he eornerstone 1 viliOnK IlaVe been opened up The pro- Was finished it was ph iced in position to 1 The morning and evening visits of the prietor is ISlaj A Burke but the rest for time to come 'lite box which Ice wagon remind us that Minima's ri- guilds are in charge of 31r Fun former was buried in the stone contained the 1 petting breath IN upon conductor on the electric ears moist interesting journals to the college' Ony 11 bales depoalted on the plat- The Work of enclosing the ball grounds tot Tile Co el writ' ORSERVER Ashe- was com deted last evenin o' he form yesterday by wagons Ittaeipts are 1 IT tine Citizen Charlotte New-s Nev ew York grounes wive men niece anti liallotiO tin an erald an th ath ers ohe pap In the gradation of little less least and will be in regulation style by the of the South Aside from these various Why can't the bell be tapped at 7 7th the date Of the opening of the sea- coins nadala etc The following 0111- O'CIOCk in the evenIng go the merchants aim eial document was Written ou parchment will all be regulated by the sante time itt It is hoped by the ball-loving part of in Latin closing? the community that the ear track will be In the year of Oer Lord Jesus Christ extended from the "curiae" to the bail ISers oil the 1th (lay of Slay Leo III ill Alexande th W110 Waa Ni On roauts The walk is not short and 1 is 'n chain gang for stealing bade the guards Isa 1 icig li opts Leo ald Yietr Apostolic 1 every respect a 'rough road to farewell yesterday morning and has not travel Of North Carolina and Abbot of St Mtiry's Abbey under the secular govern-been seea since 'rho shrubbery at the park is looking ment of Benjamin lian'ison President Polk Alliance met at Craighead yester very pretty new There are few of the of the United States and 'rivulets Al (lay afteneion The principal wildcat of handitOnte flowers 'Molted last season Holt Governor of North Carolina in discusition waft the creatnery The far- but the other flora is thriving the 1th centenary year of the diseov'ery triers are enthused over the enterprise A Ereshyterian Church Organized-4i 'lard Of America by Christopher Columbus and think "there's millions in it" erdict the entire earth enjoying peace the Rt I 0 Ilaid Bishop and Ala it laid One or two of the new' bar roonts At Belk's School House in ni on ev '-'4' the corner-stone of Ine enuren ol iss were opened yesterday-not With a new county (S on last Sabbath morning stock but the remnant of w-hat Mel been a Presbyterian eiture was organized by ataty's Abbey asking (oo protectiiin and the intercession of Mary the Vil gin It won't be many days before Charlotte a emninissiim of Mecklenburg Presby- tha this church may become a perpetual will be "in the NWhn" just tts of old tery Rev It Reed Was chairimin el monument of religion in these districts the commission and conducted the Ser- The shoot of the gun club at the park Done at Sq 511-ry's Abbey Belmont ices In conne cion With Ow ol quilti- yesterday afternoon was more than us- Y- 6 on the ttit day of Slay twit 4 ne ureaeyterian churen nes men ually interesting The scores were close After the foundation bail received the of the country unknown in that soli and contest exciting Capt Andrews i blessing of the church the Itt Itev Bishop until the evangeli 1 -vv 'Jonas 11trclay nettle the beat record followed by Capt titioressed the assembled people Vito lis- began his labors there about a year ago Stokes tened wait marked interest to every word Some of the people said Olen he came spoken In substance he said: The marriage of Miss Katie Hooper among thelli that they did not want the and Mr It Chapman Jr took place Preebyterians to get it footing "be- THE ADDRESS yesterday the ceretnoey being performed cause said they "the Presbyterians We have all ardently longed for thi by Dr (loamy Mr NV Orr acted as nave no religion except on Sunday They day Six years ago It WaS the 11h of best to II newly-married left on swear and fight and drink all through the May-1 felitelliber it well-we layed the the 2 o'clock train fur Columbia week and then Sing and pray and pre- et MI er stone for the lit AV college All teed to he very plow on Sunday" This as dark then and UnCertailli WO threW Rev DIJames Fair of Richmond was a very lead verdict but it may ap- ourselves into Gleams of Goditnd Prov- tv ill deliver a lecture before the ply in smile measure not only to Presby- ithince Wait kind to Year after year A at Davidson College june the 4111 Dr Fair will make a short viit to this terhinif bilt it180 tO 000'8 It is liot an the onnmenity increased and other build- city on his return frcun the Clltge and unknown thing for people tit try by Sun- inga were erected and besides working this worship to Moue for weekalay Mean- for our own needs tee looked farther Will meet with a cordlid reception from nesa The good people of Cobol county south-to the land of flowers-Florida- Charlotte in general have modified their opinion of Presb -w yte- here there Was Ill) Catholic college anti Rev A Me3lamtway chaplain of rians and are as 1 i 1 1 AM ant cordial as one though we Were OlirSeiVes bard pressed the Hornets' Nest Riflemen will preach could wish Rev Jonas Barclay i8 doing for noel mid means yet Nve divided the the annual sermon to th mp coany th od and has a go work has the confid ece ei little we had to save souls elsewhere The third Sunday in this month A resolu- ssteem of all classes The church which Benedictine spirit is not selfish but gention was mitipted at the company's meet- was organized has a prontisitig stliture emus anti self-sacrificing and enoleavors ing Tuesday night inviting the Queen before it to multiply its effork to do good to all City Guards end the Naval Rat to or the God blessed our poor efforts in Floritht Lutherans in Session -New Oiticers at the service syii oi also and to-day "St Leo's" on the lake is Fishing patio were numenma yester The Lutheran Synod st'hich con- the ii01110 Of piety and education All day Some of the parties wcre c011itiosed Veiled ill tit Plitir8 church near Sedis- along We W011ied and prayed that a still of both ladies end gentlemen while in burY FridaY has been largely attended holier desire of nur leetrts should be the forMer were not "in it" both by ministerial and lav delegates allA Mien Dashl'had built himself a Aiming the stags were 5lessrs Warren The reports front the various churches Palace worthY t'f his 10311I greatness he Roark Mae A lexamh'r 3hCaus- showed a healthy improventolt and ail- 1 onged to raise a temple to great Jehovah land Charles I btvidson and Sheriff valmonent in church work Among the saintly as ftr as human hands could make Smith new churches adniitted are St 3lattliew's it of God thefountain of all being 'frue ill Wilmington Rev Berultelin eve had and have no palace-yet NORM We Among the appointments of cadet al- compare the buildings which sheltered pitstor and Augsburg Mission in Win- (airs at Ifinghant is the name of Lieut us with tit pin a' little dWelling-place of stun Rev A lan pastor the Davi dson (Baxter) and Ser gean Graham 1 1 i it i courca th ouriingeon and St Paul's near our got RI God we re ashamed a (E gene) of his city Salisbury admitted as a new pastorate 143Yed and worked that I IC might eatable 51essrs )V Gardner and A 'rite new officers elected for this year us to build Jilin a temple Today we beFiMier of who sPellt Tut'sdaY are as follows presidunt lz (I 11 gin to realize the fulfilment of our and yesterday in the eitss returned home cox viesspreselent Ifee A Hose Prayers---tuday we lay the corner stone last night secretarv Rev King treasurer of the Abbey chureloind though we know 'Wouldn't It be a good idea for every 31r I Prattle Patterson The new mem- and feel that it 1011 fall short of that We citizen to sweet before his own door be- burs added this year are Rev Is would gladly do yet we also feel that it fore the 20th There is grass in Brown Rev Stieldy 'Rev 1) is the best our poverty will perndt us to some places which needs removing D91111s1111 Do 1o111 Hos" n'of Deur)" underttke and iimice we are filled with and ugly places in the sthiewalks which rOler gladness and will watch every stone and could be remedied with little troll Rev Il 31 Petra pastor of the new brick until me meet under its lofty arches hie Nature her crown of verdure has mission at Richmond Via Was ordained tti welcome our Redeemer in His real at retailed and arrayed Charlotte in her to the gospel ministry Tuesday morn- liresence in its sacred precincts beautiful spring attire NoW let tuna ilo ing at 11 Welovit Rev Irolist of That the Clinfell Wilding itself should what he can to make the eity attractive noxville Tenn secrettry or the board be itu object of veneration and love to the to the eye of strangers of missions of the United Synod is in eathtilie is but natural it is the out-attendance on the Synod also ale A growth of his faith The church is not Charlotte's Enterprise Tahoe Advantage Ault of the Lutheran Visitor only a place of privs ate and public mayer or One of the most interestieg sessions of a place where we have the true word of Charlotte's enterprise in bringing some the Lutheran Synod was that of mis- God where good resolutions are made of the most prominent tnen of the country situ's Addresses Were made bY 14v for holier lives but it is also the sacra-here on the 20th to participate in the Probst secretary of the board of mis- mental home of the soul kneeling at the celebration of the Mecklenburg Deviant- sions of the United Synod Rev (I le communion table the child (if God is fed tion of ludependence is appreciated by Bernheitn II 1) of Wilmington Rev svith the bread of an NN gels 'licit come II Of the sorrounding toenS and Bowman l) IS of Charlotte and down from heaven Here with bowed vitiesand the Greensloto Record throws Rev Khnball or China Grove heads our young teen anti wianen are out a $uggestion to that place as follows: Following these addresses the Synod annointed in holy confirmation and made "On the 19111 Senator Ilill moon- pledged the sum of $1500 to the mission soldiers of Christ before its al tat malepanied by Speaker Crisp Senators Vance at Winston to be ptiti in three tat troth and love are pledged in the sae-and Ransom and all the North Carolina etinal annital illStaltilent 8 and also ap- rament of nett rimony thriiugh it resound Representatives and others will pass this propriated the sum of $300 to the ink- the last plaintive sounds of prayer as the city en route to Charlotte This party sion at Burlington blessed corpse of our dead is carried to will contain many of the first Melt of the A telegram of congratulation was gent its last rusting place But above all it is milieu of both political Parties Our 'Monday to Dr Seiss of Philatlelphit the christian altar-the christian sacrifice citizens will never have a better mix- ou the celebration of his 200 anniversary glorionslY within ils holy Waits is NItunity to see these distinguished gentle- in the gospel ministry Wilidi event was Idled MalachY's Proldlec)" "The clean men-unless they can go to Charlotte celebrated at his church in Philadelphia sacrifice is offered frou the rising to the on the 20th All cannot do this and the 31ondity setting obedience to Christ's coin-Record Suggests that a meeting of the mend "Do this in commemoration if A I' lllll ono 0080 eitiZenii be belt! this week and invite the me" party to It See1118 that a trooSe Can become spend a short While in our City" If I tl Id 1 tl mre fatuous after an 1he (me which fol Hoven le law as a Holy of here dwelt Jehovah in the new Real Estate ransfers lowed Capt Lovell's train last week for I l'AV there is the Reality in Ilis resence FIluchanan and wife to Char- eight miles flying at the rate of 10 miles where we all humbly kneel to adore lotto 3Ioran city lot considera- an hour turns out to be the properte of si 1 rsee give thanks mid ntise oar hearts tion a distinguished Virgini $21000 A ill litlitible petition in all our wants Bow James Byers end wire to Richard front Burk ville to the Richmond Times natural therefore that our churches Martin city lot consideration- 400 00 of yesterday gives its history It says: should its 18 I I I I saerel aces the Sidney Connor and wife to 'aro- "Ex-Congress Ril Oahu's possessea I liOnie of the Catholic soul line Ilarcis c1ty lot cosblera- goose which leaves the flock and tiles for let for other reasens too the Abbey OM 11300 wiles with the fast trains of two roads chu 1 I I I le 1 is ear not on to te atholies Smith to A Beattie city connecting' here Several tittles within and their friends in the iinmediftte vicinicity lot consideration 2e100 the past month he has piloted the Nor- ty but to the whide State The reelE Garrison to Garrison folk Western listilroal fast trains into enee of God hes destined this A hbey and tract of 1811(1 consideration- 20000 the station here screaming' at every 11 of 1 1 ti 1 V' stroke of the wine expre4ve 0 1 (( (e it tt titer at to it ity in Charlotte Investment and 11n- 1 tt North Carolim i To St Mary's College prevenient Ceimpany to ames wildest joy 'rids turd Is a half breed its ll lie i 0 (nt the ns of out laop le es IL Bunter city hit considera- father being a genuine wild gander It is pecially front the Southern States Lion 41100 perfectly gentle and sheps in the back where our i 1 religion iti Is least yard at home every night" East Nide Chapel knOW anti has the least means t7harlotte Exports Her Comb of unfobling her beauty before the eves One of the most mi interesting and File- nr -very day bris to light evidences of her er children in the grander of Ler cessful or au the ssions established in ci i 1 Aar 1 otte ausreasen ousiness territory glorious ritied too the yonng the City is the East Side chapel on North It IA I Mites ill co me to ilco Sacred Heart street The work has prospered very In 1cen goo( 8 I liyie 1 wen shipped front I 1 re toyeintit in alifornia and the West a ean a nd ty just building and on the much lately and the attenolture of the to et ork 1' 1 dtinto a re nd Ph ila I ti Nort South (liel willing Our or' Sunday tattoo' constantly increases I I isa aim various southern dries ues 'Inm et ti ill tin a leant! All will as- Last Sunday there were 7resent 1 ay Sae he 1 1 to Send her goods "milk in th abb I ey' church tio're to timidity school IN prtparin 0 pg ftir an enter- is across ae waters The Charlotte Oil witness what is impossible elsewhere In tainment to be give about the latter Fertilizin ompany slo pt set via tho the State-the grata! cerenninies III part or the month A ii attractive pro- Seaboard Ai Line 50 ear heels of etittiot I loly Father and though When they re-gramme Is bg arranged a it the affair seed eal to Bremen 110W is that for Writ to th eir hoes thli wi OW have Will be al ein together intertating businees? the opportunity of avong their religion in ti11 ta I I a a I A I 3 II II a I' tl if t- tr 'e it t1 Id Ie I't II I' Le Ie Ie '1' 1'e I pd in CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET CHICAGO May FUTURES The wheat market was extremely dull molt flf he day It started out strong on firm cables and unfavorable crop news but the slaw raided it near he close mid wiped out nearly ail the advance Closing prices were Ai higher Corn was sluing for nearbV 0141011A lI IIIINVOrithil3 weather conditions May clo Jug higher July was ess active and wt ol unchanged Oats we'e also irdineneed by I he bad weather and closed hight ProvisionsNvere firm on good buying by shori and COMMOI) merchants lard and ribs 014 no change iut pork is higher RKET UTURES ly doll mwt on firm c3- ot the slier! 4 out nearly were 44 arhv optiosiA IS May ve and cloiInueneed it bight ng by shori ribs 8114 Wheat Corn May Juno July May Juno July Aug Fnp May Jun July May July Oats too Highest 1 S13( 81 NI SI NI 81'N SI 3 814i 43 41 41 41 41 413( 41 29 'IS 7( 28N 2SSI 29 24X 970 9673( 6 15 015 6273( 625 642 311 64)) 51)0 580 5)423( 5123( 595 5tes I elosint SI 14 43 4() 40S 41 41 '1876 2stti 2sx 90 Moss Pork Jrp IV short Ribs J110" Ziel) May July Sep COTTON Galveston Norfolk italtimore Bost Ain Wilmington Philadeiphia Savannah New Orleans Mobile Memphis Augusta Charleston Cincinnati Louisville St Louis Ialveston wlorl'olk talti more lostAiu 'iritruington '1111adeiphia ittvannith 40V OrlettlIS itobile olemphis kugusta lintletittin 7111(11011AI muisvil le bouts CITY SALE! TONE WET ItICOP easy 7 116 am 216 steady 7 id mom 7 2 il quiet 7 5 16 (106 iti rm steady 7 5M :100 quiet 71-16 IWO 1000 quiet 7 319 MO quiet 6 15-16 127 759 steady 7 110 iis quiet 6 nom 7 814 steady 7 471 firm 7 1-10 110 quiet 7 SIF NEW YORK COTTON FUTURES ILL) It ighest Lowest Closiuf May 7 June 7 27 7 20 7 no :1 July 7 37 7 28 7 lika 1 A ugust 7 48 7 38 7 Pu III tivptember 63 7 47 7 47(o A October 7 61 7 66 7 57(0: November 7 7(1 7 65 1 7 0714 wl 1)ecemla3r 7 SI 7 76 7 77(ai January 7 67(ti i Feb 7 07(6 ll Market closed steady sales 108000 I I A I WI CA I I t4 Middling in New Yin: lc: 7 gar LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET Livartnom May 4 4 wli improved demand Middling 3 15 trains 8000 American 4800 bales rioaed quiet but steady May 8 88 May and Juno 3 88 June and July 8 ISika1 July and A lomat 3 August arid Sildember 4 September and October 4 info 3 Oct and Nov 4 417 Ntry and Dee 4 11 Dec end Jan 4 12 111) i Li 1) The (traded School Entertainment The teachers and pupils of the graded school are preparing an Interesting programme for the closing exercises of the school Daily practicings are held and Judging frtun the enthusiasm Which all are manifesting the entertainment will be one of the best ever given by the school The stage in the and was not large enough to accommodate the number titking part in the various features of the prograinme so yesterday the work of building a larger stage commenced A rehearsal will be Itch at the and Friday night A "Tony" Corinna for To-Morrow Night The Young Boys' Club Nvill give a german tit Davidson hall to-morrow night NVIlkil Will be a "Luny" affair The Italians will furnish the music and the dance will be led by Mr 13 Waters and Miss Virginia Singleton Thirty-five coupits are booked It will be the last dance of the club this season and all are atiliripaling a Frand dine Zeb Moore DelJogle Stiller and Jenkins Hutchison are managing the allair instirCS success STOCKS NEW Yonic May 4--The market opened about steady and shortly after the opening the London market became a little stronger and they began to buy a little St Paul Although their purchases amounted to only :1000 or 4000 shares 8011 it was enough to give a cue to the traders and they worked all day on the bull side They argued that as London WaS coming In again 118 a buyer and the short interest has grown to respectable proportions the latter )vould have to cover The room traders were Buccesaful In a measure as they brought on quite a rally during the afternoon St Paid was strong throughout and although the eprnings for the fourth week did not show up as well as the preceeding weeks still according to the present returns the stock earns a dividend of over 5 per cent The Cammack party attacked New England during the niorning session and sold large blocks of it think the short Interest in this stock considerable The rumors are of very blue just the opposite Of what they were when the stock Was 20 points higher The sin )rt interest has again taken fright and bought in quite some stock during the afternoon If London conies In strong tolmw ow the rally will uontinue but when this interest is covered up prices Will sag off again 1 Kull Co NAVAL STORES WI rm tgriToK NC My turpor Win steady 30 Rosin steady stritinv I I in: wind stritilloi I 10 far iiiendy I 35: crud til rputit inn steady hard I 10 yellow dip 2 2 virgin 2 25 (11 1KSTONT Mal firm 30 ft rosin steady 105 I I jut CI NCINN ATI PRODUCE MA RK ET 11 011V11 regulor 10 Ind 10 12 LA It tl tlo dried ulear 6 W4l1 ri5 WHISK of 11171 larrels of 1101811(0 peek on Om basis of L111 per gallon for goo! lor iI Li 1 Als to the Reduetion or Cotton Acreage The reporter queried several prominent cotton men yesterday as to their opinion on the reihicthin of cotton acreage relative to the statonent hi the New York lerald All seen placed the decrease at 20 or 21 per (amt Where little fertilizer is usedsahl one gentleman the acre age must neressarily be very In less Several ISLIMICES seen express (al the same opinion ClIAILLOTTE corrON MARK ET thloil Middling -'k 7 Ht rivt Middling Middling' Li itti 13-iti tit ritd Low Middling Ttligt14 0 8 tai 004 0010 Id oRms Cmc 'Alay foreign market is generally firm 114ith an advancing tendency Liverpool Berlin and Paris from Iv to lc per bushel higher cargoes off.

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