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Nevada State Journal from Reno, Nevada • 2

Reno, Nevada
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i DOWNING EASTERN DISPATCHES ailure Pathology Bail The ifg in the Department and Colonel Ly ford of the Ordinance Corps left orally observed in this eitj f(V Repairing Neatly Done PRINTING! PRINTING! Proposals excuvuting a cellar on 1x4 No 17 We understand that the Hon Goodwin late llepublican nomi nee for Congress has accepted the responsible position of Private Sec retary Correspondent and Orator in Chief to Mr William Sharon candi date etc Virginia Independent RIDAY JULY 3 1871 tHlt XAT1O51L HOLIDAY to be something Great excitement among the The Supreme Court of California lias decided in the case of San ran cisco against the Spring Valley Water Company that the Legislature can not confer on corporations any pecu liar powers or subject it to peculiar duties by special legislation The constitution provides for the organi zation of corporations under general laws the provisions of which cannot be altered for special eases of any kind could Iw found near and yet he wis sliotlthrdugh the heart The sanjer Colitna brought 317 passengers and 1500 tons of freight When eighteen hours out from Pan ama the steamer lost one blade of her News from Wisconsin shows that the refractory railway corporations are already as good as beaten and they will have to piiccumb to the law of the State before the Supreme Court of the United States reaches their case on appeal Assistant Charles Conant of New Hampshire present chief of the warrant division of the Treasury Department was Wednes day appointed by the President As sistant Secretary of the Treasury vice Sawyer resigned Conant has been a clerk in the warrant division of the Treasury Department for nine years and chief of the division the lost four years 1 '4 A ordinance has beenciintrodnced which if passed and eJorcecl will effectually stop the present method of crusading It imposes hue or im prisonment on persons assembling in front of premises where liquor is sold or engaged in singing praving or other demonstrations tending to delay' the business tif liquor selling i i The Mayor in his annual message and the Chief Engineer in his annual report recommended the adoption of the automatic fire alarm system SECOND DISPATCH IT! will find it tn thir advantage to get their Cards Bill heads Letter heads Notes Checks Blanks Etc Etc printed at the State Journal ottice nr facilities for executing evn' descrip tion of Job Printing are unexcelled in thisState The Post states 'that the mines pur chased by Senator Jones are sixty five miles southeast of Cerro Gordo on the western rim of Death Valley Kern county They are named the Wyoming Wonder Chief and Hem lock and the purchase money was close upon Just Attorney General has decided that under the Act of June 16 1874 no payments can be made to any railroad company for the transportation of troops sor property of the United States where such railroad was constructed in whole or in part by aid of grants of public lands and that the remedy of a company if it has any is by bring ing shit against the Government in the Court of Claims REPRESENTATIVE KEXDALI The correspondent of the Virginia Independent has the fol lowing about our Congressman Representative Kendall of your State is the personification of mas terly inactivity He has distin guished himself thus in se curing by some means a lot of speeches purporting to be his print ed in the Congressional Pecord The most constant visitor to the halls of Congress never heard him deliver a speech and doubtless no one labors under the supposition that he ever did make a speech except some peo ple in Nevada and elsewhere who un doubtedly have received certain pam phlets from Kendall setting forth that the Hight Honorable individual the Representative in Congress from Nevada had made such and such a speech on this and that great ques tion All those printed circulars of may succeed in convincing some people that he is a legislator of some account "but if he is there is not a man in Congress or about the National Capitol who has had any op portunity from actions to know it Oui Washington' correspondent calls attention to one of the few good things that may be said of the last session of that during it no railroad subsidies were voted Senator Jones anil Representative Kendall of Nevada during this ses sion made strenuous endeavor to get through a law "hick would compel the railroad cQiiqianifcs to pay taxes on the land which they claim and on which they prevent settlement The importance of a ktw of this kind can not be overstated It would at once compel these companies to return a large revenue to the States and coun ties through which they pass and ould force them to put their lands on the market on reasonable terms We have sosne hope that a law of this kind can be got through the next Congress Post The ourth of July will be gen Hie business houses will all be closed A committee will collect funds for the Louisiana suflcrers on the ourth Tlie Robbery rom Ariionn San Diego July 2 No new developments in tom honso robbery affair The young man Williams who was arrested on suspicion' was examined to day Tli'efe beirfg nd evidence pointing to his guilt he was discharged The World this qvening has the following from Arizona: July 2 The' 'Miner has the following We learn that the new contractor Mr Van Dnzen Has filed satisfactory bonds and he and Dr will run a line from Prescott to San Bernardino Califor nia and also a line from Wyckenburg to Phoenix or lorence which latter tor they have purchased' from 'Mr Ashcroft They also say they will pay Mr James Grant $40000 for his stock and stations on these routes They are almost certain to ask for a shortened schedule or extra pay al demand our people will hardly back The people however would be will ing to sign a petition for tri weekly service of both routes and will never rest satisfied until this mucli needed service shall be secured To morrow is the ninety eighth an niversary of our nation's birthday Reno will celebrate in an appropriate manner The Committee of Arrange ments have been indefatigable in their exertions to make the affair a success The procession will form at 11 a on Virginia street right resting on Commercial Row in the following order: Grand Marshal and Aids Nevada State Brass Band President of the Day Orator Reader Reciter and Chaplain in carriages Car of State containing Goddess of Liberty and young ladles represent ing the several States ire Com pany and other organizations citi zens on foot and mounted etc The line of march is as published The exercises at Hall will consist of Remarks by the President of the Day Music Band Prayer by the Chaplain 4th Vocal Music 5th Reading Declara tion of Independence 6th Music by the Band 7th Sth Vocal Music 9th Oration 10th Music by the Band In the evening there will be no display of fire works as at first proposed but there will ba a grand ball at Hall to which all are cordial ly invited free of charge We trust the celebration will prove a complete success in every particular and that nothing will occur to mar the pleas ure of the day Murka El San rancisco July 2 Greenbacks 90 1 (7g The case of Marks and son was re sumed to day on a motion for a new trial The arguments of counsel will be closed this evening McAllister is concluding it on the part of the de fendants A banquet inr honor of Avery our new Minister to China will be given at the Grand Hotel July 8th The steamer Arizona sailed from Panama for 'this fiort yesterday Local Option Election Oakland July 2 At the local option election nt Ala meda to day much interest is mani fested in the result About 200 mem bers of the San sancisco German Grocers' and Saloon Asso ciation were over with the ourth United States Artillery Band Large numbers of temperance inch and women of San rancisco and Oak land are in the field It is generally believed that the anti local option party will be de feated in Oakland to day All the saloons are open No arrests have yet been made Liquor selling as usual Anti Locnl Option ire System Public Deist Statement The public debt statement issued Wednes day shows a reduction of 82180197 The balances in the Treasury at the close of business Wednesday was: Currency $14576010 special de posits of legal tenders for redemption of certificates of deposit $58760000 coin $74205304 including coin cer tificates for outstanding legal tenders here this morning for San rancisco where they will takcj the steamer of July 11th for Japan These officers will have in charge with instructions to present in person to the Mikado a complete assortment of the uniforms arms and equipments in use by the various corps of the army The Springfield and Remington rifles i Spencer and Remington carbines Colt and Remington pistols and a Gattling gun will represent the arms in use The object of this mission is to return in some degree the many presents sent to this Government by the Japanese authorities TA i 'T WESTERN DISPATCHES! In a country town in Illinois a few evenings since at a panorama of the Bible a little cight year oldcr sat wrapped in admiration at the scene until the picture ofOacob and Rebec ca at the well appeared when he looked up and said do yon scq that pictuiq? just bet live dollars Grangers 7 SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED for excavating a cellar on Lot No 17 Block town of Reno from date until July 1 lij74 of the following dimensions: Seventy two feet long twenty five feet wide anti seven (7) feet deep' The undersigned reserve the right to reject any or all bids CHIELOVICH By A Hendtr Co Agents Reno Nevada June 1874 New York July 2 The extended paper of Hoyt Sprague fc Co jvaSuiioLniet yester day DrHammond afteps carqfJ anfl thorough investigation of the patho logical changes in the case of Ent wistle a compositor who was bitten by a dog two weeks ago and died yesterday says no peculiarities could be found nor were there any changes that would not be observed after a death from delirium tremens except a thickening of the blood vessels which had probably been going on for years The cause of death had been hard drinking The patient had fear of hydrophobia be fore him induced perhaps by the bite of the dog The fear of water had bee'n very prominent when in truth a hydrophobia patient does not fear it but cannot drink it Entwis tle could and did drink whew die really tried to do so George Ellis President of the de funct Bank of the Commonwealth has been held in $20000 bail on an indictment charging him with mis applying the funds of the bank Senator Carpenter has published another letter in relation to the so called gag law' This time' he replies to newspaper criticisms to his former letter he says by a1 New York editor In order to come within the scope of the operitioq of the Jlth section two things most concur: irst you must be engaged in doing lirkiness in a district out of which the cause of ac tion arises and second Jyou must have an agent here in respect to that business Neither of these conditions exist in your You arc not pub lishing a paper' here nor have you an agent in respect of publication of a paper here i( Eiilixhteiiinc Japan Chicago July 2 KENNEDY CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER (Opposite Boot uinl Nliov Stoi) A LI WORK ENTRUSTED TO ME WILL BE Rone with and in the IxtM pub sible manner abi CALIORNIA to theDAiL'Y On a by Webteru I nion Tekrjh Line I an ordinance the liquor li 1 killed himself or was murdered The flOttlo sjO pei' quarter singular exist that jp weapo I I I fe 1 It I I LA 2 1 I 1 Zt kt kl Suicide Nevada Cal July 2 A Chinaman named Ah Lock who was confined in the County Jail on a charge of murder committed sui cide by hanging this morning a I iioM 11 Cheyenne We July 2 1 An incendiary fire in the rear of Theater this morning burned Whipple's grocery store input inryket and damaged wholesale liquor store Loss about $15000 no insuranei Rejoicing Mlcel HALL Stt Tashonable bootmaker it NEyr jOJf TO MARKET COMMERCIAL ROtU RENO propeller but proceeded Avitbout any i 1 iuexay There was a panic to day in Golden Chariot and Empire stocks of Idaho The reason for the decline is notpub liely known The British steamer Lord of Isles sails at noon to morrow for Hong Kong direct The Avill sail for Hong Kong and July 18 Articles of incorporation of the Edith Quicksilver Mining Company were filed to for the purpose of conducting mining business in Sono ma county The directors are Morris Jacobson Chas A Paeon of Napa Henry Bowie A Loav and A Jennings of San rancisco The capital stock is $640000 in 64000 shares It is estimated that the surplus wheat crop for export will amount to 700000 tons lUcentie Oakland July 2 The Local Option election in Ala meda resulted in a victory for license oi License 201 against 108 Most of the anti license ladies became dis gusted sometime before the polls closed and Iqft gcrada Mate oiitMl 7 San rancisco July 2 The German grocers and saloon keepers Protective Association re turned from Alameda this evening Avith their band Thev attracted great attention as they marched through Kearney street cheering over their victory and waving flags ami banners Thir friends and sym pathizers fell into line of march and when the procession reached Bush ahd Keittioy it iifisnhered about 500 The police havp been unable to de T'he Cummim Council has passed terminc whether yaug Linderman 1OR INE PBWIXr CALL 1 Hie Neva va Slme Juviuau" iilik eK Under AdvlucmentWW 4 I gAN rancisco fuly 2 Charles Linderman committed suicide last night near the flume house on the San Bruno road by shoot ing himself through the heart The Consolidated Mining Company has declared a dividend of $1 per share payable on Monday Judge Blake of the Municipal Court has taken the case of (Marks son on motion for a new trial under advise ment till July 18th A fire at the Corner of Pine and Dupont streets to day in Yates coal yard Damage about $1500 The Pacific Mail steamer Colima arrived this evening from Panama She' will be the next steamer China line i Ciiinnbnr Deposit Munchville Cal July 2 The Abbott Company have just opened a new deposit of cinnabar which promises grand miners Carried the Day Truckee Jub' 2 The license party have carried the day here by 115 majority Sale of Still The ourth Eos Angeles July 2 To morrow the great auction sale of San ernando lots will take place in this city There are still threats of hanging the wife murderer McDonald by the Vigilantes but no fears are enter A Washington special savs General tained that it will be done Sheriff William Myers of the Quartermaster Howland keeps the jail well guarded TELEGRAPHIC Special 1776 1874 S' TlT ETirt ATIOJT Of the Elghth Anniversary Of American Independence at RENO NEVADA SATURDAY JULY 4 1874 1 President of the Day W1LLLUI WEBSTER Orator I DOWNING Reader OKVIS BING i I 1 Reciter LEWIS Chaplain REV WM LUCAS Grand Marshal GEORGE HARK XM PROCESSION The Procession will format 11 o'clock a on Virginia Street right resting on Commercial Row in the following order Grand Marshal and Aids Bnisa Band President of the Day Orator Reader Reciter andt haplain in carriages Carol StaV containing Goddess of Iilierty and young ladies representing the several States Alasonic raternity Runo Encampment I Truckee Lodge No 14 1 0 Reno Lodgo No 19 1 Ueno Lodge of lied Mi I i Champions of the Red Cross Good Templars Mexican War Veterans Reno Hook anil Ladder Company 1 Citizens on foot Patrons of Husbandry mounted Citizens mounted Citizens in carnngi LINE MARCH Av'cst on Commercial Row to West Street South on West to Second Street East on Second to Vir ginia Street South on Virginia Street to Court House fMn termarch on Virginia to Second Street East on Second to Laic' Street North on Lak to Commercial Row 'Vest on Commercial Row to 'Vest Street North on 'Vest to ourth Street Easton ourth to Sierra Street South on Sierra to Plaza East on Plaza to Dyer's Hall PROGRAMME) 4 14 Remarks by the President of the Day Music by the Band Prayer by the Chaplain Vocal Munir Reading Dcclrration of Independence Music by the Band Hi'e itatiou 8th Vocal Music Uth Oration lUth Music by the Band Aftr th wfcImm at the hall there will be a font race for al boye between ihe age of 12 and Ifi years the winner to receive ax a prixt a fine gold pen anti bolder A prize consisting of a set of sleeve buttons will be given to the winnirof a wheelbarrow race No more than twenty entries to be made The races will be under lie supervision of the Committee of Arrangements In the evining there will be a Grand display of IRE WORKS The whole to conclude with a GRAND BALL A cordial invitation is extended to the citizens of Washoe County and adjacent counties to par ticipate By order of the COMMITTEE 01 ARRANGEMENTS THE OCEAN SPRAY SALOON Cor of Sierrn anil Plaxa Street STOPHER BRADY Props A LWAYS ON HAND THE CHOISEST Wines Ixlciuors nnci Cignr riTA fine Billiard Table in gerjd renuir to the free use of patrons of the Ocean Spu" ER J1R Ud ARCADE HOTEL HOMAS GUIN EAN PROPRIETOR Second st bet and Sncraaaeri I vS aSItf or Sate tTWO HGIiSE TK'M WITH IHK pndj hinuux at ethre (heap 1 $Hsrrllanams! JOs" De BELLfill WATCHMAKER A JEWELER HAGERMAN'S' STORE MASONIC i HALL BUILDING i 'i JAS OR SALE A INK ASSORTMENT Of Watches Clocks and Jewelry Comprising a full assortment of everythin la his line of business Being a Practical Watch maker and understanding the Manufacture of Jewelry In all its Branches he is prepared to executa all Orders intrusted to him to the satisfaction of his custoiiierf ST" All Work Guaranteed i THIS SPACE I RESERVED OR NEW CLOTHING AND URNISHING ADVERTISEMENT I rii 1 4 i A Branra Bkspbb A 2EJTDER dL CO Western Union Telegraph Office RENO NEVADA rgNHANSACTA GENERAL BANKING BUSI 1 ncss issue Gold and Currency Exchange on National Gold Bank of Mills A Co Sacramento Bank of California San rancisco 'Agency Bank of Cal (Ijlidlaw Co) New York oreign Exchange Bought and Sold Pay the Highest Market Price for Washoe County Scrip "Will Procure Railroad Tickets to Eastern Cities and to Europe MAKE COLLECTIONS (ol: Alining Hon ht and Sold on CoinmlMdoss K7 Afrents of the Imperial InSr nnce Coiupn ny of London WATCHMAKER JEWELER JS JV TJVVIOSOiv No i 1 Virginia Street Rena EES CONSTANTLY' ON StW1 a most elegant selection of new atyies of JEWELRY SILVER AND PLATED WARE GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES CLOCKS ETC All of 'which he will ecll at unusually liberal prices Being a practical jeweler and having a long experience in the bufiui ss he is nableil to guar antee liin piaxle tndiia uustomem aa belli ottb best quality ATI MBS Skillfully Repaired and Warranted.

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