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The Herald and Torch Light from Hagerstown, Maryland • Page 3

Hagerstown, Maryland
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

(aOOLLEOTOR'S SALE. -By Tlrtoe of aa order of County ifor County. I will proceed to aell Co.r, A HOUSE AND LOT, William Wilson, in ot Boonaboro' property Miller and othera to 'the highest hirtrfer flash, )r taxea for 186H $13 79 Feb. 8S. M.

MOBLBY, late Collector! SAXE. By of an oriler of the County Commissioners Washington County. I i proceed (b sell in front tke Court Honae in Hageratown, on TUESDAY MARCH 14th, 1871, A Honae aud 24 Acres of Land, Jo District No. 7, It rharged to William Fonkler, adjoining th B' Andrew HnwMr and otbera, to tbe highi Feb. EP.

late Collector. SALE. ordw of CommmlMloaen Coontr. loiellUfroat of the Conn Hoaae in Hageratowa, OB TUUSDAY Le Hta at MARCH, 1471, 48 Acrea of Mountain Land, Dialrict No. 7, i-'k tel Myer i i "(r property Fiaback and otbera.

to tb. bidder or lor 1866 and 1S67. fc. 90. i BO- M- MOBLEY, late Collector.

OLLECTOR'S SALE. Ti of ofdMof th. County Coanoi.aiouera (tt 0 Count y- i procvml to aell in front toe Court ia Hageratown, on TUESDAY the Uth of A 1871, A House and 14 Acres of Land, in DUtrtct Ko. 7, Coaaty Ca County, I will praceed to la front of tH Court Home in Hairwmtown, on TUESDAY, the Hth o( MAROH, 1871. A HOUSE ANP LOT, charged to Tbotrml Ainnworth, anil adjoining- taeprop.

erty of Wm. Miller and othera, in Sharpakarr Dia- trtct, for taxea for 1867. ilil, lit ED. M. MOBLBY, late Cellector.

QOLLEOTOR'S By virtue of an onler of the County Cotntniiiiloaeri tor Wnsliington County, I will proceed to nil in front of tbe Court House in Hageratowo, on TUESDAY. Hth of MARCH, 1871, 30 ACRES OF LAND charged to Joseph Haynei, and adjoining the land of Solomon Smith and others, in tbe Sliarpaburg District, for taiei for 1867, Feb. 24. ED. M.

MOBLEY, late Collector. pOLLECTOR'S SALE. By -virtue -of an oriler of the County for Wanhington County, I will proceed to Hell In front of tbe Court in ilageratovn, on TUESDAY, the Hth ot A 1871, 46 ACRES OF LAND, charged to Peter Beeler, and adjoining Dr. Keliey and othera in tbe town of or No. 1, for taxea igin.

I39.7B. Feb. 2i ED. M. MOBLEY, late Collector.

the property of Di 1 1 otbera. to the bidder for for taxea for I'eb. ED. M. MOBf.KY, late Collector.

an order of the County JS t011 CoilD I "'I! proceed to in front Hoaae la HaiierjtowD, on TUESDAY, the uih oi MARCH, i87i, 15 Acres of Mountain Land, in Dl.trict 7, R.yBokl, adjolniov the property of E. and ulhen. to hiybeit bidder tor caab, tales 12,07. Feb. 33.

KO. If. XOBLEY, late Collector. COLLECTOR'S SALE. tty Tirtue of an oilier of the County Commmalonera for Waabington County I trill proceed to in front of tbe Court Home in on TUESDAY the 14th of A 1871, A HOUSE AND LOT, charged to Hill, and adjoining property of Joaaph Geise anil Iu tbe town of Sharp.burg, lor ta.xe» for 18H7, $ia 72.


-By virtue of an order of the County Cummi.iiiODerii for Coauty. I i proceed to sell in frunt of the Court House in rfairentown, on TUEiiDA the Nlh of MARCH. 1M7I, A HOUSE AND LOT, SAiK. By rirlue of an Order of County Commiailonen for WaahingloB County, I i proceed to in front tbe Court Houee IB OB TUESDAY, the Hth of MARCH, 1871, A HOUSE AND LOT, lo the town of Smltbiburf, to Mary Ana Flora, tbe property of J. W.

Wianer and othen, the higheat bidder for caih tor taxea for 1867, M. feb. 23. ED. M.

MOBLEV, late Collector. QOLLKCTOB'S SALE By Ttrtue of an order of the County Commlaeloner. Washington County, 1 will proceed to sen in front of tbe Court House in Hageralotrn, on A If ARCH 14th, 1871, A HOUSE AND LOT, charged John Oitamn in the town of Hancock, ad- the property of Joicpb Murray and o'bers. to the hirbeit bidder for aaah for for 18h7, 117,38. Feb.

3-J. BO. M. MOBLEV, late Collector. in the town WilliHiimport, and to A C.

DelUnger, and a i i the property of Jos, H. Farrow and others, for for $11.94. 23. El. M.

MOBLBY, late Collector. SALE. By virtue of an order of tbe Connt; CommLalonera for Coeinty, 1 i proceed to in front ef the Court Home in Hajrer.Htown, Dn TUESDAY, MAROH A HOUSE AND LOT, in tbe town of Williamiport, and charged to Roeaooa Farreir, and adjoining tha Preibyteriaa Uhnrch property, for taxe tor I8K7, 4K.08. Feb. ED.

U. MOBLKY, hue Collector. SAiE. By virtue ol an order ot the Couuty OoinmiMiDners for County, I i proceed to sell in front of the Court House in HAijerstown, on A A Hth, 1S71, A HOUSE AND LOT, charged to Charles P. Milei.

in the tonrn of Boonsboro', adjoining the property of Ttios. i and others, to highttdt bidder for ortsh, tor taxes t'ir Feb. ai. ED. M.

MOBLEY, Lite Collector. SALE. of an order of Cor.nty Commissioners VVaahiDtrton County, I i proceed to sell in tront of the Ceurt House in on TUESDAY, MAKC11 Hth, 1W1, A HOUSE AND LOT, charged to Jacob iu the town of Booncboro', arijoioinjf tbe property of S. Onlner and to the hitfbetit btddar for cash, fur taxea 15,48. Feb.

23. ED. M. MOBL.EY. late Colioctor.

SALE. pOLLECTOR'S SALE. By Tirtue of an order of the County for Washington County, I i proceed to Mill in front of the Court House in on TUESDAY, the 14th of MABCH. 1871, A HOUSE AND LOT, in the town ol William.port. and charged to Blixa Woltz, and adjuininx; the property of Miuhael Krepiand for taiei for 1867 Feb.

2i. ED. M. late Collector. SALE OF VALUA- -l BLB REAL ESTATE.

By virtue of a Decree of the Circuit Court for Washington County, sitting na a Court of Equity, No. 3380. nndemttfned Trustees will aell at Public (tale to the bidder in front of Honck'a Hotel In Smiths. burg, Washington on Friday, March 10th, 1871, at 10 o'clock. A.

all that valuable Real Estate situate adjoining and near the town of Sm'tuaburg, of whioh Frederick Fiaback, late ol Washington County, died, seised and possessed, VIK No. 1--Is a Tract or Parcel of Land, as tue -'Home Farm," containing SO ACRES more or i near Siulthabnrg, anti immediately along tbe line of the a i Rail Koad, ttUpiining tbe lands of Kdward Ingram and Albert Blgo'am lute of said county deucuaed. The itnproreinenta on this traot consist of A LARGE BRICK DWELLING, Large (Stone Bank Barn, SpMng House, Wagon Shell, Corn Orio, and nil other neceMary iinproveuivula. 'Ultra is on the premises uf the finest Springs In Alao, a large and thrifty Orchard ol ax- I'riiU-- and about i5 ACRES TIMBEK LAN1J, which trill be divided in small liola. No.

H--Contains 60 Acres more or less, adjoining 1, also, the ianda of Geo. Gardenour, a portion of i within of This tract is improved by a comfortable Ston. Dwelling House, Bank Barn, Corn Crib, Blacksmith Shop, aud all other necesaary improvements There ia ou this traet a ntver-failing Spring near the dwelling. Also about 10 ACRES of FINE TIMBER. No.

3--Contains 130 Acres of Good Limestone Land, situate OB the Public Road leading from Mmitheuurg to Waynesboro, adjoining lauds of Ueo, tiurdeuour, John Baikdoll and H. II. Uarne, about 15 Acres of i is exoelleni Timber. Tills tract is divided into of convenient ixe, anil undurgoou leucing, and very beautifully situated wild well watered, which will divided i Lots. No.

4--Is a Tract Mountain Land, contains 30 A adjoining Land of Thomas A. Brown. George Gardeuonr aud This Tract ie a i set i I CHKSTNUT, which will be divided io Lota. No. 5--Is an undivided half of 30 Acres A I LAND, TIMBERED, adjoining lundii of linger, Swope and Dr.

Bishop's Heira. above described Ianda are all conveniently a portion of which aith ita proximity to the Western Maryland affords many advantagea, busiuese ailea aud and will offered in parcels suit purchasers. he urope now growing on premises above described are reserved together with tbe right to out, thraah and remove tue same. fcjr-The above property can be lean on A and A A of each waefc on application to ur Trustees, at Hildebrand'a Store In Sinilhsburg. of as prescribed by tbe of the purchase money'to paid on the day ef aale or the ratification thereof, the balance in two equal annual thereafter, the same bearing iuUreit frjm day of with approved security.

Posiesiion i be given April lut, 1871. COLLIFLOWER, HENRY FOLTZ, Feb. 15. ShoaklM, HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S COMPOUND FLUID A GRAPE ATA A PILLS.


pleaaant pur- Tbeae a ffatlve, nalf Tliere la nothing more acceptable to tbe to roach, -They wive tone, ami nor gripiDg pnJiifl. are of tbe fin cut injrredienii, -Attar a few d.ty»' them, auch an InriiroratioD of entire iyttein taken place an to appear miracnlouii to tbe weak aod whether frera iro- prudenne or H. T. COMP I A A A A GKAPJB FIlMtS uut lujHrar-tioated, from fact that tugar- roated Fills do nut dissolve, but puts through the fttoraacb without do nut produce the ilenired elfeet. THE A A A A 2 P1LLH, pleatuot in and odor, do not niovi- coated.

PRTOE FIFTY CENTS PEU BOX. SEEDS GARDEN SEEDS. We have on hand a assortment of A of all kinds. Early York, Early i i a Leltucfl, Beet, Celery, Radish, A FLOWER SEKD if a kinds, at tbe old stand of T. G.

ROBERTSON. February 24, 1881. By i of an Order of the County Commissioner! far Washington Ccttnty, I i proceed to in 1'ront of the Court House in Hagerstown, on A the Miu of A 1871, A HOUSE ANI LOT, to Mary Norris, io the town of Boonitboro', the property of M. a and to bitider fur cA-sh, for taxea fur 18H7, 22. EO.

M. MUBLEV, late Collector. I A OF PERSONAL PROPERTY The nndenlrned Intending to quit farming, will aell at i Sale, at bia residence the farm of Mrs Kliaabetb Bear, about i oJ Uayerstown, aQtl near the Weslern Tiunpike, on Mouday, the 6th day of March, 1871, the following property, i 7 Head of Good Work Horses, among n-hinii are 3 Colts, a of them are 3 years and 1 one year 11 Head of CATTLE, amonff which 4 flrat-rata I COWS. 1 will be fresh by day of aale, tbe balance are youtig Cattle 13 Head of Hogs, 1 Brood Sow, TWO WAGONS, I four inch tread Plantation Wagon, the other a narrow -trend ONE WHEAT DKILL, 1 Sprlnft'toolb. Horse Raae, 1 pair of Manure ONE SET OF A I TOOJLS, 3 Bfirahear Plowa for 'J or hones, 1 nearly new, a itmi- a Shovel Plow, treble and 2 double Tiees, 1 Spreader.

Single Traea, 1 Hnrmw, Butt, Breast and Cow Cbalna. Halters, Forks, Rakea aud and many ether articles not aecesaarjr to men- tloa. Sale to itonaimae at 9 o'clock A. M. on said day.

when a credit of 8 months i be given oa all suraa of and the purchasers glTlng their aotes with auaas under (10 tbe cash will be required It aot paid within ten days after due inter eat will be) eharsreJ from date. (ooda la be removed until aettled tor. JOHN S. BOSTETTER. B.

Shecklw, Auot. Feb. 23. I A OK Valuable Personal Property. The undersiarnod to dlaoontinne larming will aril at Public at residence, one mile Southeast of Haferstowo, 01 thai farm nf Beeler near the Woolen Factory of Kemp.

On Friday, March 3rd, 1871. the following personal property, to wit Eleven of Horses and Colts, 7 being- Brood Marea, 4 ot whioh are with foal, 4 of them being Waufaa. Leaders, tbe ba lance being from 1 to 3 years old 15 HEAD OF CATTLE. of whlah are Miloo Cowi. 1 jonng Bull, the balance younr; Cattle SIXTEEN HEAD OF HOGS, wliich are 2 Sowa with Figs, the balance being thrifty young Hogs TWO FARM WAGONS, I three inch trend, can't be the other narrow- tread alao, 1 8 I A 1 Wheat Drill, 1 Spring-tooth Kaie, 1 Wind Mill.

2 pairs I a Ladders, I pair uf Wood Ladders, Manure IManka, Barshear Plowa, 2 three-horse, L' two- horse 4 double and 2 single Shovel Plcvrs, 12 Hnrrows 1 treble, double and single Treea, 2 sets Breechbands 4 seta Front seta Plow 8 Blind idles, 7 Collars, 4 Flj Nets, 1 get Single Harness, 1 Wagon Saddle, 1 nidinr SaTUlle, 7 1 net of Bread Chains, 2 aem Butt Upnira Spreaders, I Fifth and 1 Log Chain. I Bearing 1 1 a and ee, a Grain Cradles, 1 Mowing Scythe, lot ofCo-r Chains, Fodder by the Bundle, Forks, Rakea, Shovels, 1 Mattock, 3 Axe. 1 Crow-cut Saw, 1 Griadstone, 1 Straw Knife, a lot of Alao The One-half of 70 Acrea of Grain growing in the Gro'und, and many other articles not menlioaed. CySale to commence at 9 o'clock A on aald day, when a credit of montha will be on of aad upwards, the porehasera wijb approved security aama "nOst 15 property to be rumored until aettlea for. JOSHUA SHBI.ET.

B. Shecklei, Auot. UBLIC SALE OF PERSONAL JL PROPERTY. The i sell at i Sate, at his residence 4i miles 1'rum Hagerstown anil 2fr from towo, ou the i Ittuiliojc to Doonauoro', on Monday, March 13th, 1871, i 1 persouiil to wit FIVE HEAD OF HORSES, 2 of them heavy i foal I A OF CATTLE, 2 i i Cows, 1 Fat Steer; 25 Head of Hogs, among which are 3 Brood Sotv-tf. Also, farming utensils 2 FARM WAGONS, 1 new brtm'J-tread, and I 1 new Spring- WHVTOU, 1 fullinif-'rop an'I I Grain Drill, (umilu i f( Guauo Attachment; Bar- aliear 3 niut I rtiojfle Plows, a tiitrrovvK, treble, double and single 2 good Log Chains, Waif on for 4 2 Sets of Single Harness, fi uptsi Plow, Bridlei, Collara, Halten, Sborela, Forkit, I Wheelbarrow.

Cradles. Muiring Woud and Uny nbuui 300 A OF CORN, also, 3G Acres of Grain in the Ground. A lot of Bacon and Lard by the pound, and Hay Fodder, (lay Knife. Sleigh and Balls, 1 set at Maul and Oaopaing Axes. I Riding Saddle, i Breast aud Butt Chains, Grnis Bags, Hand Saw Hud Grindstone.

Sale to commence A. M. on said day, when a credit of 8 mootlts i be given ou all of 110 and a tbe i i their with approved security under $10 cauli Nt property to bertnuovMil i nettled for. I A A D. K.

SloutTer, Auot. Fel. 15. I A I TO I TAX PAYERS FOB A 1871). You aro hereby notified that tbe taxes for the year 1870 were due on the Srst of January, 1B71.

Alt persons knotting themselves in arrears are requesfrd to call and settle tbe same at tbe Mat Store of J. Rons within 30 daya. or I ahall proeeed to ewl- tect the same by i of a i derived Irom an ordinance the Kith ilay if If70. S. B.

Collector. N. A persons i tbmntelven to B. W. I late Collertor for tha yeara IDtiS anil Idb'U, arc rt'questea to call and settle the same or I i pioceed tn collect the aaiue by authority derived from above named i a S.

Jj. Feb. 15--at. Dep Collector. TMPORTANT TO A KAMSDELL NORWAY OATS.

This Oats in far superior any other for Its great yield per acre anil exutillout a i The atatks yrow ftrna and ttt not lodge easy, many of them bearing from I iO to a.VI grains. A I have evidence that many bushela were sold last season under this name, which waa an entirely different and inferior grain. This seed waeobtainod from U. W. Ramsdell.

and Is warranted genuine, tree ef all foul seed. Furnished in nay sUad aacks desired. Address A. M. Franklin Pa.

FOR SALE BY A I Hagerstown, Md. February 15. 11-71--81. OLLECTOR'S SALE. UBLIC SALE! Wi i sold at Public Sale, at the residence of the sabscriber, miles North-east of Siuithjburg, and near tae road leading from Welly's Church to John P.

i on Wednesday, the 1st of March, 1871. the following property, via: 3 HEAD OF WORK HORSES, Sof th.m being Marrs with foal, and I being a good Plow Leader; 9 HEAD OF CATTLE, 2 of which are Milcb 1 voang Bull, tiud the balance Young A 7 Head of HOGS, among which is 1 Boar, ii fine Brood Sows i Piga, and 4 Sboats one 4 horse trend, 1 Wairon in good uriler, 1 puir of Wood Ladders, I pnir Ilay 1 pair of IJtvrk ladders, 1 Lime Bed, 1 Grain Drill, 2 Barshear Plows, 1 a two-horse and I a horse. 'J double Shovel and 1 single Shovel I Corn Coverer, I Harrow, 1 double, I trelIi nn.l lot of aingle Trees, I Rollgh- IcKjk, 1 Log a i new Stone pledge, Cow Chains. 2 jieta Butt Traces, Breast i i I set Dung- Boards, good WI ml mil Pucu and Shaking Forks Shovels, 1 Bag Wugou, 2 sets mjrs. I set of Front and 3 Plow Utmrs.

1 set of Siuirla I Riding Saddle anil Bridle, Collara, Bridles. Halters, Ply Nets 1 Grain Cradle, I i Bell, o. THREE TONS OF A 5 Bushels of Pototoep and 1 Barrel of Vinegar. tySnlti to coinuipncn at 3 o'clonk, A laid day, when a i ot iU inontha i van on all -ouna of 85 un.i npwariln. tliH i i their notes i a i sums under JD Ji'o properly tu be removed sealed lur.

ISAAC Joseph Howard, A t'nb 15 I A OF PERSONAL By virtue a Deed of Trust exacnteil by John Bm- tnert on Feb 3rd. 1871. to Louis E. MuComaa and Hetir.) II. Keedy the Trnsteen.

i sell ut i Snle. at residence of the said John Bmmert. neur St. Jain MS miles from liHgerslowu, on the fotlowiaif personal property, to wit 3 HORSES, One COW, 1 HEIFER, ALSO, A I A I or 2 OXE TWO-HORSE WAGON, 1 Wagon Bed; 1 a i of Hay Ladders, Double and Single Carriage Harness Wrtgim do I f.M»w. 1 Harrow.

2 Shovel Plows, 1 i 1 Wheelbarrow, a a Tt.rks. 1 Ilay 1 -Also, a lot of Household and Kitchen Furniture, i i of Beds, Stoves, and i other personal projierty of the Haiti John Km A i also, i a of about 80 of Grain in tbe Ground, on tbe Trtiul tn-nr the Mitnor nnd ujion i farm on i i i H. Sobamel now resides. The ((ruin to be itu'lured, tlire.thml and delivered ut a plane i i i 5 miles of the srtiil Seh.iinel. TBnMS.

A credit of months will on all sums of $10 and upwards, and If not pull! promptly when due interest In be ctmrg-ed from day ef sale, the Purchaser 10 (five note with approved security. All aunia under $10 cash. Nothtnir to be removed until settled for. L.UUIS K. McGOMAS, I I Join A Truslars.


FORCE. A C. LATBaOP, CHA8. H. BR1NKERHOFF, Aotisaury Aetg Secretary.

JAMES D. ORTON, Treaurar-r. only ia the UB i.aaiDg .11 polioies apna the HOB plan, one an- aaal payfaeat. Annual Dividends declared on contribution plan. Losses promptly paid.

AsaMs upwards of tf.lO.OOO 00. larare inoreaae of bualneM for year 1870, ia moM (ratifying, and olearlv Indicates proper appreciation by the potrons or of the proper management of the Company by ita able oncers and Board of aa they will compare favorably with any in the eoantry. Th. following extract from th. of the Hon.

Oeoraje W. Miller Bap't. Ins Oep't. State of New York, dated Albany, 17, 1S70, (is reiponae to letter from the Vice Presidwt of Company) tor itself. "1 a thorough examination of the affairs Mew Jereey Mutual Co.

The result of that eiarnlaatioa iaa bees to satisfy that busi- neeaof the 1: ayatematlcally and hoaoraqly con- doctvd. and thai Iu flnaaolal ooadltion ia anon aa to warrant Us ia In this State, and to entitle it to public By i of aii ordi'r of the Comity Commissioners for Washington Cotlnty. i i proceed to sell in front of tlie Court House in llafferstown, on TUESDAY, the 7th clay of MAUCH, 1871, College of St. James' Buildings, and 25 Acres of Land, Sltnatvd In the Wllliamsport District. No 3, and charged to College of St Jamea and adjoining the property of S.

Rowland and others. Jor taxea for 1S67 TaJtoaanit costs, Feb. 13. KD. M.

lateColleator. SALE. JBy i ot an ortlpr of the Cor a i i 1 jtroi'HiMl to seM in (ront tlio i iioii'se i Humors on A the 7th of A House, Saw and Planing Mill, cliarjfed to a ami a i i i UIH property of Geo i i io the i i Piatrici A for t'eb. 15. ED.

M. Ute Collector. SALE. By i of an County ComniinmuiierH for Wait i (ft mi I i proceed to in froot of the Court Hoiue in Hagerittmvn, on 'VU ESDAY 7th day of A A HOUSE AND LOT, Situated in i WMliumpport District, No. 3 aud charged to Geo.

D. Lediini, anil the prop- erry of D. and others, for tuxea tVir 1866 ami 1867, balance Feb. 15. ED.

M. MOBLEY. late Collector. r-iOLLECTOK'S SALE. By virtue of an order of the County Coramllalorjrers for Washington County, I i proceed to sell in front of the Court House in Hanerstown, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of A 1871, A Houae and 7 Acres of Land, Situated in the Williaumport Distriot.

No. ami charged to Eli Smith and adjoining- the property of Jacob Reichard and others for taxes for 1867, $20,72, balance. Feb. 15 1871. ED.

M. MOBLEY, lute Collector. WM. BBatRlKO. Maaaww.

13W N. W. SALE. By virtue of an order of the County Com for WaWbiogton Conntjr, I w.U proceed to in front of tbe Court Houee in Haeervtown, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of A 1071. 2 HoiieeB, and 3 Lots of Grotrad, charged to Geo, Shafer, Trustee of O.

H. sitaaited ia tbe town of the property of Ir. Weitwl, and for 1867, 15. ED.K. MOBLEY, Collector.

SALE." -By of an order of the County Commissioners for Washington Coaoty, I will proceed to aell in front of Court tlome in Ilatteritowu, on TUESDAY, the 7th day of MARCH, 1871, A LOT OF GROUND, charged to O. H. Heira, on the corner of Green and Walnut Streets. extension of Franklin R. fur taxea, 158.Hfi.

Feb. 15. ED. M. MOBLEY, late Collector.

By virtue of a Di-M of exeeiilort by John Em- inert, on Keb. 1871, to Louis E. McComasand Henry saul will sell tit Public i in between IU A. M. a 1.

on Tuesday, the 28th of February, 1871, the following Renl a 1. The A I where Mr. noiv lirei. formerly tbe of Prof f'm-itrnoTP. to Si.

and a 5i from thereto 4 34 ACRES OF A 7 Improved by the above hnuse, 40 by 43 feet, comprising 6 a larare Hall; a lately bnilt small Barn Good Corn Crib Wash House Smoke Hoiif and other out-buildings. Beside the property IIKH a fine Wwll and Cistern, au Orchard with 30 Apple and 300 Peach Trees, all in bearing- 2. Said Etntnert't. life ettute in firm of ACRES OF A l(Mojf Mil nor about I inilo South of a i VV. R.

7 i from a i i i i I a a uiui i '1 a i ic I i i i i 1 nnd i a state o( i i a i A TWO-STORY STONE i H.userr.rMiU nnl (Jellar.s LARGE STONE A a itream of i water oroMiny harn ynrd. nnd Ten Acres ot Timber Land. farm now occupied by Peter Scharoel. Wheat i i A tri.rt 93 1-2 A more or leas, second tract herein clcurribeil, on tbe east rjitte of W. U.

H. R. This land ulfto nione, and in fine condition, aad has Ten Acres of Timber Laud. i one of the ndjtnait the Aotietam oreek. This tract like all of tbe well fem-ed.

ID tbe ground cash on day of intle. Ibe nnce in two equal annual pay men tn thereafter, with interest from date of deferred imyiwenU, Said to be assured bv npoiirity. LOUIS K. MoCOMAS, II. KKEDY, R.

Auot. Trustees. February 13, 1671. I A I JE HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S HIGHLY CONCENTRATED COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA i radically exterminate from the ijitem Scrofula, Ulcers, Sore Eyes, Sore Legs, Sore Mouth, Sore Head, Bronchitis, Skin Diseases, Salt Bheum, Cankers, Runnings from the Ear, White Swellings, Tumors, Cancerous Affections, Nodes.

Rickets, Glandular Swellings, Night Sweats, Bash, Tetter, Humors of all Kinds, Chronic Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, and all diseases that have been established in. the system for I A EXPRESSLY FOR THE A A I ITS BLOOD-PURIFYING I A A A A A A OF SARSAPARILLA -I I THE I A A AND A COLOR AND KB8TORES THE PAT I TO A A OP A AND PURITY, FOR I I THE BLOOD, REMOVING A LI, I I I A DISEASES AHI.1INQ FROM AN I A OF THE BLOOD, A I A A A FOB OF A I AND I OF THE BONES CLCERATIONS OF THE A AND LEGS HI.OTCHBX, I ON THE FACE, ERYSIP- A AND A I OF THE SKIN, AND A I I TH I PRICE, PEE BOTTLE. HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S CONCENTRATED FLUID A The Great Diuretic Hat cured every cnno at in nrhloli It has been i I i i i i i of i nuciK 01 the Bliidiliir nnd la- uf tbe Kidneys. Utcerution of the Kiilueya iuid Uliiciiler.

lieletition of Uriuu, of Prualiite i Bladder, Calculus, Orav- DncK-ilust Deposit, and Mucout or Milky DinRbar- and for Knt.eblcd uuil Delicate CointitutiouB ot both attended witb tlie Mluviag tymplumi IndUpoiilliiMi lo Emrtiou. ol Power, of Memory, i i i i UreathhiK, Nerren Trelnbliuir Dr)neoi of tbe Eruption urn the Faee, PallK CotintMnanca, Unireraal Latitude ot tlie Muaeular tiyalem. eto. by fruir. tue ngea nf eighteen to twenty- Are, and i i five or in tbe decline or uf after ooiitlneinent or labor paiuH bod-wotting iu etuUlrwti.

A Is Dlursiifl mid Blood.Purifying and cures all Diseases arming from of UiftKipatiou, and Excesses and Impm- dsnctis in of the Btoed, Superseding Copaiba in for which it is used, and ueclion i IIELMBOLO'S HOSE A LADIES. In nlToctiunti peculiar to Ladiei, Bx tract IJiirlni iincqu.tlltMl by any remedy--Main (Jhto- ur i i i i IrrtwuluJity Pi.inftiiui.0ti ur Sup- prv.aioi. of tjiuttmiary Evacuations, Ulcerated or Schir- rua vtnttj the turuti or Wh.tvi, Sterility, and lur all incident to itiu imx, whelbtir i i or babita of Diaaipation. Ji is prL'ftnnbed by tha moat emlnvnt Phyai- ctHiiM ui.1 i i tor enfeebled nod of totb neied all with aajr of yn.uttm*.) H. T.

HELMBOLD'S Extract Biichu Cures Diseases Arising from Imprudences, Habits of Dissipation, In a i a at It tile expense, liltl. or no oh a eg-e in diet, tto incouveniancp. a no It uatuuc a I eft ire, anil to 1V t) but iinrt Curing- fitridtnroH of thy Palti and I it flu ut- iiiHiiou aii in of distoHMtm, aud 1 a I'tiinuDnun matter. who have been vlotim. of inaonipe- tent ami nrbo have paitl iit-nvy to curttd in time, have found ibny been and that thu "Poinoti" by the of "poirertul been dried up in fo break out in more HIU! pertitiuwanvr A lor all KtTeetiimn utid Diseases tt tbe Urinary in MalB or Fetunte, from whatever oau.te i i i ttiid no tnattrr of I.KW long- a a i PKICE, UUL.LAK AND FIFTY OBNT8 PKR UOTTI.B.

T. HELMBOLD'S I A Cannot be nurpaiifld RH A A and will found the upecifir remedy in every of Cn- 8 A (Ttotiou. I ftpee'lily Pitnplen, Scorbutic I i i i i a of the Cutaoe- onn Membrune. lUnpeU KednpiM and Incipient In- flu in tiiaiion, Hiven, llH.sli Moth Patt'hox, of or i KroMi liitws, aud till purposes for which Sftlven or tbu skin lo Hta i a of parity and softtieu. nnd continued a notion to the tissue of its vessel on which and i a i i of oumplex- lon tto muuh soujafht nod admired.

But however valifn na a remedy for ejcintinif tbe skin, H. T. I I UO.SE A lonir sustained ita prinoipal olaiin to unbounded by poitieHlnff wbioh render i a TOILET APPENDAGE of the moat Superltttive and Congenial character, com- btninir iu itn fiirmulu titoae prominent requisites A and I A aouumpm- niiuentii of ute-- as a and HeCrenher of the Complexion. It is un excellent for diseases ot a i i i Nature, and an au iojeotiou for diseasas of the (Jrinary from of I.OD, imvd hie.onneuiion i the A SAHSAPARJLJLA, and A A A A PILLS in suoh dtseaaei as recommended, eaonot be PRICH ONB DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. OUBLIC SALE The nnderalgned will stll at Public Bale, on the fans) Jacob Ntouffer.

about miles from Baeteretowa, an tbe Turnpike leading from Hacerstown to Smlthaburg, and known aa the Pike, on Thursday, March 9th, 1871 the following valuable personal property, to wit: SIX HEAD OF HORSES; 4 of wliich are good leaders 1 three-year old Coll, 6 Head of Fine Cattle 1 of which a young Heifer, and will be fresh by day 13 HEAD OF HOGS; 1 broad-tread Wagon, 1 horae 1 (new.) 1 one-home do. (with lop.) I Drill, 1 'J tlirea-bowe 2 honra 6 Shovel 4 Breeobbanda, 4 Front Geam, 3 Plow 3 aeu HHroeai, one of tvaaaoh ia new; 1 Curt ttnil 1 Harrow, Col Urn, Raktm, a lot ol old Iron, c. AUo, v.iriely of and Kitclicn Furniture. Tuesday, the 7th of March, 1871, at II o'clock, A. in front of the Court Home, ia All that YALUABLE FARM lately nflcupied by Col.

Holker Hughea. sitoate within i of a mile Iroin Uaferatown, on tbe Harcrstovn and Leitereburg Turnpike. This PAHM contains abgnt 62 1-2 Acres of Land, of first- rate Quality, and in a high etate of cuJt.ivation, all under good fencing, and lias un It a Large Orchard of Choice Fruit Trees, consisting of Apples, Pears, Peaches, e. The Buildings and Inprorementa eoaalat of a BRICK DWELLING HOUSE AND BACK BUILDING. A WELI, ARRANGED AND ELrOAMT, and In a beautiful location, fronting on a Spacious Lawn, well studded over i and Fruit A A AND SUBSTANTIAL A with all Bother requisite out-buildings, with CISTERNS aad WELL cunr.nient to both and llara.

Buildings are alt in exeellant repair. Thla property, ai I A A I all that is ilsilrabls ii a rsiidenoe, utlllly, beauty aud comfort. jy Persons i i to purchase are requested to examine tbe premises. Ey OF One tbird of tbe pur- cbase money in cash on a of sale, or on the ratification of ttie same by Orphans' Court, tbe balance in tiro equal Instalments one and two years after the day of sale i interest, tbe purchaser to give bis notes with approved security for deferred payments. gy will be given oa the 1st day of April.

1871, and when the entire purchase money shall been paid a good and suflloieut desd wtlrbe executed tw tbe purchaser. ADELAIDE H. BERRY. Ex'triz. Feb.

F. P. Jkt. B. Savcalce, Auot.

UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE PERSONAL PROPERTY. trill be seld at Public Sale, en premises now supied by Lydla being en road leading ITOB Williamsport to Four Lucks, tad adjoiuloc lands of Wm. Smith and Jeaeph Oehr, oa Thursday, February 23d, 1871, the following pmperty, viz 6 HEAD of Good Work HORSES, a of which are coed Brood Hares, I being with foal, auil 1 pair uf Match Marat, drive well ia Harness, 1 yearling Colt; EIGHT HEAD OF CATTLE, among wsloh good Mlloh Oowa, 3 of which will by day of Elereo Head of Cotswold Sheep, EIGHT HOGS, 1 wbioh la a good Brood 1 Cheater Boar 2 four hone WAGONS, (narrow-tread) Bolb of which in good order, I Wagon, for I or 2 horses, (nearly new,) 1 pair of Ladders, ONE FALLING-TOP BUGGY, nearly new 9 Sledges, 1 three-horse Barahear Plow, la I order, 9 double and i aiagle Sboval Plewa, 3 "arrows, Oraia Drill. 1 Ilay Base, aearly 1 Wurat Pan, Rakes and forks, 1 treble. 3 double aad 1C Trees.

9 seta Breechbands, aearlT 4 stta Front and -I sets Plow Qrara. Ply Nets. HouMBa, a lot of Collars, aud Halten, 1 Wagoa Saddle, 1 No. 1 Log Chain. 1 Fifth Chain.

2 seta Butt aad Breast Chains. 1 pair of Sjiraailera, 1 Jack acrew. 1 Cutting Box, one 37 feet Ladder, A Lot of Carpenter's Tools, 1 Heat Hogshead, lot of Vinegar Barrels. 1 Qraln Cradle, 'J Honing Scythes, 1 Dinner Bell, 3 Bushels of Clover Seed, nlnar of alt filth, and many other artieles tedious io mention. to commence at 9 o'clock, A.

U. on said i when a credit of 7 mouths i br given on all i I and upwards, the purchasers giving tlieir not as with approved security, (which I paid within a after maturity, interest will be charged from tlAte,) sums under tlO cash. No property to be removed nntil settled for. LYD1A A R. Sbeckles, Auct.

Jan. Xi. UBLIC SALE The intemliijg to iuit farm ing, will sell at i (in tbe IWrui of Jacob Fiery, (recently by VV Stuuffer.) and atljoiotug the lands of Benj. a John W. Stoiiffrr and otben, 2i llatcerAtuwD, on the Turnpika Uudiiiff frwm to on a tbe 9th of March.

1871, Ihe following 1 property, I I I A OF HORSES, i are two (food Brood and two bMRST- KATE USADKKS, I with foal, 4 ColU, 1 tlireft-yBars. 1 and 2 one-year old. TEN HEAD OF CATTLE, 1 will be fresh about the datr 1 1 farm Wagoa mail I Ml Orain Ladders, One Wheat Drill, Keller's patent, with Guano Attachment, and nieil only one Spring-tooth Curt, 1 BUKKJ, 1 Slfiyh, 1 of wb.fth 2 now Ilarruwi, 2 tluubla and ShoTel Plow, 1 (Jorn Corerer, I Uunjf Board doubln, treble m.d ttiugU I pttir wf Bmt Chtiint, I Mattoclc, i a and and I Cuuinif Hox, 2 Oralu Cra 2 liwinff Scythet, a of Qrain Bant, Half- Mtantire, Breuobhiff, 9 Fnnt nnd 4 AntH i II all en, Vfng- ou Linw, lit at lot of old Iron, dfcc. Altfo, Com by the Barrel, Potatoes by the Bushel, Hay by the Ton, Fodder by the and mwny u.hec arttcUt too to mention. ta cotntnenco at 9 o'clock A.

M. on mi id day a i fl a i be given ou nil of $5nud uvwardi, tha tfWinsf thwir notett i approved aeourity under 15 No ir.nerty remorfkl uutil for. WK. H. LANDIS.

D. F. Stouffar, Auot. Keb. 8.

RUSTBE'S SALE OF VALUABLE TOWN PHOPBRTY. By T.rtw* of a of Circuit Court for Wn.h- iiigtoH County, a Conrt of Equity, Tru i at Public on Tuesday, March 7th, A. 1871, at 9 o'oluok. P. ia fruot ot Ibe Court House In Ha- all followiaf deneribed Town Property, lo wit All that TWO-STORY I HOUSE, tllnate un the West tide ot North Potomac Street, with Half Lot or Portion of Ground, thereto attached, bninir part of fjot Nw.

3, on the plat Hay erstown. There is a very BACK I I ATTACHED to tlie main i i There alao an the premium, a A HOUSE, very convenience for on and eonduotinr. an extensive Bakerjr and Cntfactioaar)- Establishment, i ample ronm for dwelliBf. Also, a Splendid Spring of nerer- failing Water In the yard, i a large and convenient Spring House, and alt neoessary i i a and eonvanienoes. This property has for a long time heen ased as a bakery and Ronfactiooiiry stand, and has an established will be sold with the property aa ICE HOUSE South side ef Weat Clmrnh atreet, belns; on tbe niirnni nf Lot No.

1U. on plat of Uageretnwa, and i i a part of said lot. Sale as prescribed the Decree, tbird of the puroliasc money on the tlay of sale, or 011 the ratifioatio thereof, and tbe residue in two eqnal of I and 2 yearn from day of sale, i llinr-ioi) from day of sale, the purchaitcr to (jive for lt pnyments. i surety to by Trunee. W.

SMITH. I placed my orer due aoooaots and In U. HARTLE for collectioo wilb In. of JOHN ruction to tins to aoo4rdfDff to law OH all pro pi I to oinuinence o'clock A. M.

on saiil day, of ti will fflren on all auiuH of 95 and apwarda, tbe purebuaers their uotea with approved security, (whioh if aot paid within 10 days after saatorlty, Intereat will be charged from andertS cash. Ho property to be removed MJttlad tor. JOHN P. BAKBK. R.

A act. Feb, IS. Full And exp.toit diroetiona aooompanT the medicine a. Evidenge of the most reipomibla and reliable aoter furniihed on application, wllh of nandu of living- witoesaet, and upward! of 30.000 lioiUd nertificatec recomtaendatory many of Wbicb are frono em Ineat Pbyttoians, Clergymen. Stareamen.

eto. The proprietor haa never reported tt their publication in newepapen be not do from the fact that hit artiolait rank as Standard and not to ne propped bp by HENRY T. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Delivered to any address. Sranre from ebssrvatlon.

A OV SO by UraitKista everywhere. for ioformation in flonfideDoe to UEMRA T. UKLMBOLU DruDgist and Chemist. Only Oapota: K. T.

HELMBOLD'S Drue; and Chemical Warehouse, No. 594 Broadway, York or to U. T. HBLKBOLD'3 Medical Depot, South' Tenth Philadelphia, Pa. A OF OODNTBBFIITfl.

A8K FOR HEMBT T. TAKB Febraary IS, 1. DUBLIC SALE! The ititfinilinur to qnit ferning, will sell at Public Sale, at his residence on Beaver at the Store, on Saturday, the 4th of March. 1871, the following valuable property 4 Head of Work Horses, aroonjt i 1 (rood Brood Mare with foal 2 excellent Plow Leaders and 1 first-iale Pacing Horse; TWO VERY FINE MILOH COWS, 1 Good Brood Sow, 1 broad-tread Farm Waffon, 1 Wagon Bed, (nearly new) with Side Boards; 1 Wheat Drill, 1 set of Grain Ladders, 1 Falling-Top Buggy, 1 Spring Wagon, 1 three-horse, doable Shovel and 1 single Shovel Plow, 1 Harrow, 1 Corn Coverer, treble, double anil single Trees, 9 seta Breeohinjis, 2 sets Front Gears, In splendid order, 6 sela Plow Gears 6 Blind Bridles, tt Collars. .1 sets Fly Nets, 1 six-horn 1 Wagon Whip.

4 Houaenit, 1 set of Butt Traces. 1 set of Breast Cbaina, aets Spreaders, 1 set of Baggy Haness, Forks, Rakea, 2 Axel, Saw, 1 Cilb Waak Stand, a let of Stair Oil Cloth, a let of empty Tight Barrela, and many other articles too tedious la mention. TERMS A credit of 6 months i be given oa all so mi of (10 and upwards, purchaser to with approved security, upon whioh if not paid within days after maturity, interest will be eharged from date, sums under (10 oash. No property to removed until terms of aale are nomplied with. to at o'clock on aalil day.

JOHN W. MBWCOMBB. D. P. Stouffer, Auot.

I pu Real and Personal Property. Subscriber Intending to remove to North Cam- Una, will at Public Sale, at hit residence, situated on Turnpike leading front Hag.rstown to Boons- bora', 4 miles from Uagerttowu and. 1 from Funkalowa, on Wednesday, 1st day of March, the following valuable Personal Property 21 Head of Horses and Colts, 14 of which are excellent Work Horses, 1 a Sne Fami 4 three-year old Colts broken lo harntn two-year old and I yearling Coll; 29 Head of Horned Cattle, 5 of which are Milch Cows, 4 are very Joe Heifers with calf, the balance three-year old Steers, and I very flne Bull, and 1 A Nine Head of Sheep, among which are tiro full-bred Cotawold Back 29 Head of HogB. anieng whlsh xveral aewa wtla tig; 1 fall- Chester fl.w as. Bear TBKBB BBOAD TKKAD WA8OH8 AKD Narrow Tread 1 Spring 1 oac Wagoi, I A I A I A 3 BUQGIES.

asarly aew), 2 aets Hay Carriages, 2 Slelgas, I Sulky, 1 WORLD'S COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, and 1 McCORHICK REAPER AND MOWER, 1 Wheat Fan, 1 Thresher and Separator, with Hurss Power complete (Gaiser's Patent), 1 Fodder Cutter, 1 Wheat Scresa, I Wheat Drill with Crnano Attachment, (Keller's patent) ONE A DRILL, i Guano Attachment; 4 three horse Barshear Plon-s, 1 two-horse do 4 Double Plows, Single Shovel Plows. 2 Corn Coverers, 2 Harrows, 1 Horse Rukv, Grindstone, I Cutting Box. 1 Horse Hay Fork, i pulleys and rope. 1 Water Wagon, 1 Horse Power aud Circular Saw, for sawing stove wood, 1 Wheelbarrow. Hoards, a lot of Wagon- muker's Lumber, Harness for 4 four-horse learns, ti sets Plow Gears, 16 Halters, fi Horse Lines and Wagon Whips, 10 sets of new Fly Nets.

I set Carriage Harness, 3 seta of Single Harness, 1 Biding Saddle, 3 Wagon Saddles, 2 Filth Chains, 4 Spreadete, Trebleand Double trees, 3 Bearing Cbaina, 4 seta Breast Chains. 4 setta Butt Traces, 2 Log Cbaina, Forks, Saovela, Hoes, Digging Irons, 4to. About KORTY GRAIN BAGS. Also. 500 Barrels of Corn 10 Tons of Hay, (Timothy) 1 lot 1 till and complete set of BLACKSMITH TOOLS, and the One Half of One Hundred and Ten Acres of Wheat ia the gr0and.

Alao. 11 ACRES OF MOUNTAIN LAND, More or leca, adjvlatag laadt of fata' I Bmmart and David Sobindle. at 8 v'cloek, A. whea a crvdit of six months will be on all sums of $10 aud upwards, the purchasers to give their nates with approved all auma under i he required, and If the netes areaot paid within days after maturity interest will obarged from date. No lo be rsmoved until settled for.

JOHN EMMERT, Feb. 1171. D. F. STOUVFIiH, AuM, A IfKW EBJL IN A Patent Tanned Leather Belts! IUBLIC SALE There will be sold at Pablin Sale at the residence of tbe tubsnriber, one aad a half North of Xowaa- Tille, oa Thursday, the 2d of March Next, the following property, to wit NINE HEAD OF HORSES, Auaoiiff whjoh old oult, old.

I A OF CATTLH. Ataoog wbioh are tlx gotd milcb Cowa, of wfcUh will by dity One Devon Dull. oid, thr.rty youg Cnltla, aiitU two old, Two Good Brood Sows, One fine Bwrkulilre Boar, tind also bead of fine ihoati, 14 A OF I GOTSWOLD SUEEP, wuyonB, two narrow trtad, and one four i treatl i bud, two it at A of fonr of Jrout jfwaru, aix uf g-(H(l blind seven one cuddle, tttx and fuur-burKtt Ituas, nnu ri i i XUADO mt- tt.ohu.«ut (nwarly new) onu Valley Chief Header combiuad, (new) iwo Wbwat WMt- kin'tf make, tha othwr M. makti, in ttew al.o, One Good Horse-Rake, water two of hay of duiijf barnheur plairn, four double and two single vhovel barrowK, tribble, duuhlt) and ingle cbaintr, breast chaini, flftb chain and chairm, row rkains. forty hagi, two half bntbeU.

furku, rt.k«i, nLovBl- nod boeM, bay rope and pulleys, ono cart, one tnaroh tMower. ONE SET OF BLACKSMITH TOOLS. And a lot uf old iron, Household and Kitcbea Furniture. One tan-plate 1 Cook Stove, 1 1 Sideboard. iirbt-day Clixtk TRRMB OF SALK-A orwdit of i be given on all iumt of 310 and tUe lo glre with and if the eald lou.

are uvt Quid i i a a i maturity, latereit will be 01 at 9 A. M. A WOLKORD. 1, "71. 111.

Sheoklei, Aeet. I A Cew Chains, I ralr Saafla, 1 with 1 Chlld'a to rnrmlnf wlU at Public Stalo, on Thursday, March 2nd, 1871, at his i uiilu East uf I i i oa the road loading froia tu Suiilltshajry. tae fvtl- i i Four IIcad of Good WorK a 1 a i I'uiil. .1 ars 1 Plow Leaders I A OF CATTLE, which aru 3 good i Cows, 1 I Dwvoa tbu balance 3'ounff Cattle SeTcnteen Head of Southdown Sheep, 6 HOGS, Nineteen Small Shoats, 3 Brood Sows, 1 brnail-lread rond Wagon with Bed and fixtures 3-lnoh 1 one-horse Wagon, 1 Sleigh, One Thresher and Horse Power, 1 Grain Drill. 1 Spring Rake, 1 pair of Wood Ladders.

1 pair of Hay da it three horse Plows, 3 two-horse Sdonble and 2 aiugle Shovel Corn CoTemra. 3 Harrows. Single, Double and Treble Trees. I Jack- scrnw. 2 Spreaders, 1 Fifth and 9 Log Chains, 3 pairs Butt Cbalna.

Breast and Cow I lartre Stone Pledge, 3 seta Uraecliiog, 3 sets Front Gears. Plow Collars. Hridlea. Halters. 1 Wbeat Pan.

1 Cutting Box, 3 (train Cradles, orka. Rakel. Shovels, 1 Bag Wagon, a lot of 3 bushel Bags. EIGHT BARRELS OF VtNEGAR, 75 Bundles of Rye Straw, Hay by the Ton, Corn Fodder by the Bundle, 1 Ice Cutter, 1 Rough Look, 1 set of (food Brd Irons, and many othsr not necessary mention. to commence at 0 o'clock on said day whea a credit nf 10 numths will be It I mi OB all sums of 110 and upwards, purchasers giving their i approved security, wuinh if not paid a VU days nfttr mntunty Htereat will be oaarged from sume under 110 oash.

No to be removed nntil for. JACOB TKITLB. Jus. Howard, A Fen. 1.

UBLIC SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE I By Ttrtue of a Deed of Trust, the undersigned Trustees and for the benefit of tke creditors of Adam Mi-Ursa, will offer at 1'iiblio Sale, ia tke tewa uf Clearspring, oa Saturday, March the 4th, 1871, the following described Heal Estate, lyiag wl)hln two miles of tbe i Koad and North of tbe Innlan Spring in Washington ltd. Me. 1. A tract of 111 3 4 ACRES OF LAND, W1TII I STABLING and olhor iaiprovtnnmttff thereon. i Tract contains From 15 to 18 Acrea of Woodland, aud list South of Lanc'n Hun and tin Cove a.

Containing 215 3 4 Acres of Land WITH LOG HOUSE AM) A In toteralsle order. Tbia tract ndj 'inn Xu. 1 on the North and nenr lacking 1 Tbe quality land g-oud ami vuibracci about 40 or 60 Acres of Woodland. No. Cmtaininy 2 4 9 A adjoining 1 No.

1 on Norlli and No. 2 on thfl East, by a LOG HOUSE, STABLING and other improvements, with 40 or 50 Acres in Timber. These lands lie those of Hugh MoJCenoey, Janes Cnllen and otners, nnd an well adapted for farming purposes. They i be offered separately and also as a whole. All growing crops tberuon are reserved frein sale.

Possessioa will 1. givei oa tbe 1st of April, 1871. In aa4 oa day ef sale, or wlthla thereaf er, aad Ike ksihww la twe equal laatalamki la aad two laleresl froa. tae day ef parehaaen to gire wiU security for tbe deferred payments. JOSEPH A ANDREW K.



ROWAN'S CANNON'S TAYLOR'S I WIKB tor KwUuranU, In to rebnttirjr IS, 1871. IMBER FOR SALE. Tanned In Oil aud by the same process Leather, by PAGE inventors and manufactu- rers ol celebrated Lace Leather. perfectly toft, and hug the pally like pnre rubber, thus giving 25 per cent, more driving power than any other belt. They also have eighty percent, more strength than the belt xak-taaned belts.

They have been placed on pullies running 9,000 turns per tninnle, and in placea where all other have failed, given satisfaction, ontwearing othsr belt by 50 mat. feet thai they driving ant the market la Satt, very fast, the other klada of belt, la eanVlenl testimony. A large Eailern Factories now nse them. The fallowing a few af many testimonials we have received i MESSRS. CHARLES INLOE8 t- GENTS been using Page's Patent Belt In fltatorUa a Tear, and believe It be the beat and cheapest belt Best, because It Is stronger and mere durable than oak-tanned and cheapest, because its adhesive ties give it se mnoh more driving power.

Very respectfully, R. H. THOMPSON, Snp't Union Mfg. Co. of Maryland Elliootu Milta.

MESSRC. CHARLES E. INLOES OENTg fourteen Inch Page'i Patent Belt, heught from you, has In daily aad gives perfect satisfaction, and yon are at liberty to la indorsing qnalttlei you claim for II, la every respsol, aa believe It best Bell and shall adapt il altogether In our anilla. Truly, IT. W.

TUXI8 Oakland 8tean Saw Mills. Talbot Maryland. Thi are a of the parties now nslag il In Baltimore: -R. Sinclair W. E.

Hooper Sons Magns ft i a Liberty Mining P. ft. Chappell; i W. IL J. W.

Bailer Co. Jubiiioii L. M. Bra. Prialing Office, Washington.

The Lapii are all snarl, aa4 the rlveta aad glne are fastened hr two rewa of guar- anteed aot to oat, which is a great 8end fbr eirnnlars and price lists to-Chas. B. Inloes South Charles 81 Baltimore, Sole Agents Maryland. Dealears in i Railroad, and Gas Fitters' supplies of all kinds. A full line of Rubber and Oak Tanned Belt always ia store.

AC1KNTS rOH Mew York Ruber Hoie, Dell and Paoklng, Miller's Soapslane Packing, Pest Patent Globe Valve Fairman's Chucks, Cumeron's Steam Pumps. The Tauiu Wheels ami Saw Gummerii, Morris, Taftker and Boiler Finns. Gas and Wiiter Pipp nnil T.trr» a Drti every nhvays on liiunl. 1'ipe of I 1 A K. INJ.OBS ISoutli Charli-s Bnltlmore.

Md. Pebrunry 1, 1H7I--6m. A AGBNT8 A i By A I A I I A I Beaton, vr St. Louis. Mo.

4w A I TABLETS. A The most itnportaut Jiseovvry of the age is this derrnl Healing and Cleansing agent for all diseases weakness uf Kespiratory organs. Sore Turoal. 8utl- iles Colil. HunrsexiS, Catarrh, Dryncss of 1'liroat or i i disvavfs of anil for a i i a i uf Ibe a vm'alisis'altd i sprahiTS KpnaK i i i i i i sft'urt a i i i i i i i Dlt.

I Act i a i in aid I I A i i anil i br iu a i-xporiiri- or violent watlmr, us tlie i i nl the HIiMiil and want off all tendency tu itolds and Lung dltllculty. The propiii'tots nay, itll metlirines have i itiiilatiuits, nnd thvy wouUl CAUTION The public against impolitlun by a i other tnedl- olneii ttiriiHt upun in place of thene admirable Tablets. J. Q. KKLI.OOO 34 Platt N.

Sole Agnnt. Sold by Price 25 cent a a box. February 1, 1B7I. NBW A.DVBBTISEMENTS 8 I By sending .15 CENTS witb age, ooler of eyes and hair, you i receive, by return mail, a correct nf your 'iitnre husband ur wife, i name aud dale of marriage W. FOX, 1'.

O. Drawer No. Fnltonrille, N. y. 15 HE A I COMB will change any colored hair or beard to permanent black or brewn.

It contains ne pnison a by mall for II. at re- dncrd rales. AdilreM Patton, Treas. Spriugneld. Muss THEA-NECTAR IS A 1'URB BLACK TEA with the Green Tea Flavor.

Warranted to suit all tastes. Kor aale everywhere. Aad for sals whole- only by the Great PacIRo T.a Charch St. New York. P.

O. Box Send 4w Fen. IN GROCERIEg TO CORRESPOSD WITH REDUCTION IN DUTIES. The attentiou ol tlie public is cordially called to my FINE "GROCERIES, all of which are of tlo finest quality, and since HECL1NK OF TARIFF, the benefit uf which will bn most given consumer. Incluili-il in my stock i be found Old Government JtWB.

nnd Lagunra Ci'lTees Ner Orlfann. Demo rara, Cenlifiigal, Porto Rlro, anil Refined New Orleans Diamond Drips, White Drips, and Golden Syrups. i no "price llsl," but i i tbe public to call, my stock, the prices and be convinced I I "mean business." J. H. BLAKE, Cor.

S. Pol. Antielam Sta. February 15, 1871. I will sell at Publie TUESDAY.

MARCH 7th, 1871, II not previously sold, TEN ACRES OF PRIME TIMBER IN TWO ACRE LOTS. TERMS OP One-half cash, balance ia one year, with approved security. Feb. IS. A A ON BEST OF TERMS, 1 STORE ROOM and SHOE SHOP.

ALSO, ONE DWELLING. BENJAMIN FAHRNBT, Ml. PlaaaaoVvTaalilDgloii County, Md. Ayer's I'l-miwiarci MEK AX.OOB. The reputation tliis cx- nivilieiiie cnjvyn, Is frohi it? rnreev many of -vlvich truly JavHorHU? rnsvu Unv'ilom where ihn HH-ineil fwniprion, a imrillcd anil rm-l it, hcrofulons fnVrtinns a-ml were ng' by flip ncroni- loaf votitnn'iinarion nnlll they were painful ly flfllictsnp, have Ix-on rntTirally cured in Mich nnmbci in jilnioj-t rverv section ot'tlio country, Hint the public M'an-ely need to be bifoiinetl of it-- i or tin's.

poison is of cneinict of our Often, Uiit unseen ami nnfclt tenant ol the organ in iiiuleniiino lliev iif and Hie ntuirk of enl'eebliiigoi- dif without exoitiup tmep-icuir. of uvescnrp. Afrain, it to hrcod iufcction throughout the body, and then, on f-onie favorable ofeaMon, rapidly into ono or other of hideous forms, eilfier on flm surface or ninonu the In the Intlrr, tubercles be guuileiily JrpoMled in the IIIIIKS or heart, or tumoiij formed in the liver, or it enows its procnrc by on the tkin, or foul nleer- ntionc on some part of the boily. Hence the occasional iihe of a bottle of thin KarnnitaHIln is ad- vtaable, even when no ncttvc tyinptoina of riteeapG npprar. IVrtonn afflirlnl uitli tJic followinp rom- tilainta pincra)ly find immediate relief, nnd, at length, liy the use of thin fir.

JYrv or Tttttfr.Salt Xhrum, Hraltl llratl, JUnfftrorm, Sorr Snrr Eart, other eruptions or vinble lormc of Srraftilottt disease. Also in the more conreali-d forms, an Vraimu, Jfrart fill, Tirnrafiitu, and U)e various affections of Uic inusen- laranit nervous systems. ftiffth or IVnVrvnr imil Mrmiriat nri- cured by it. though a Innir iimo it. reijiiireil for KithOulnKliiwc obstinate a medicine.

Hut qnliniied m-e of I i mi-ilicin'r will enre the complaint. Lrnrnrrliirn or hltn. and mnlr are commonly ivlieveil nixl i i ellrril liv its ami l.irur:\tinj; eflVct. 1iniitf Ilire-- tions for i ach case arc in our A a a nip. plied Ithfti in ni ism anrt (Itrtil.

eausel 1-y i of extrsineniiK ivj'tii'rs In the bli.od, -eM to it. as a J.irrr maftott f.i as they do, from the rnnMinir blood. This storer for Hie Mroiifrth and vipor of the Those M'ho are and rifting. Itrtnan- dfnt. Mrrplrst.

and troubled with ffrrrnut An. or FrarK. or any of the affections of will Jmd immeilinte relief and convincing evidence of iu power upon trial. PK A f. C.

AYKR A Lowell. IM frarlifal anil Axttlytteat Chrmltm. SOLD BY A DRfCGISTS HF.RK. i A i A 187(1-- ly. Md.

i i a i from the rnnMinir poipons in the great re- TO TUB I now ui farntfh i con- tin- i of i or fur 4 iiioiutotd. BuRineM new. profitn- tff it easily from 5c in i 'l proportinnnl until by dcTofhitf i i ami i IB earn near- Thnt i who nmy ami Ivct hutui'iv iff To nur) HP KTW a i MV for i wrmnir. i i i to rnm n. HIM.

A ropy of IViH-lc'tt Menu inn of unit frttui I I i i by mm I. Kt if a i a i 13. C. A A- A i i i i a Maino. to iht hi ly tourU tiBparkllcif rl ofTvr to II i work ti THK of' i I A 1 a i WorM.

A i i I A i i In )icr war I lor I rttibpcrlbv for Tor it-Mr 1JOOK, I York Dr. S. S. Famil i i i A pns nil i ui Iry i i i Tcai'l ol cki Imir, r' 14 Jiruiuln-tty, Nen- i and i i to i i Flower i 8ccls, i i bv i tin or .1,111 i-n i ami i 500 A i i i for 1 ill' litoli HOD from i i i ttxi i i i MIIMTU i ffnin'ti by of i i i I a a a itnd i iH'arly A 1 I'U In the mill mut 1 i of 111 1 no i be I t-c in all iron) h) limit tbo To per nopy tt- i i i i of I i i i i iv mtttirf'tiicn'B i fo i auon a of I a i i i tbs tif nn to Cl)lOBEI) FOR Will bn rrndy to send out in Jaiittnry. Ttir Clironio i Forty.t\v\» of showy pojiu- lar ot iMfnrrtl and color.

We design to a II i bei.1 I'lalo ot i iwilid. Mre, Dollars; tiownviir. ir to oiKtomerB 15 j.i-r ropy, imd offnr it im i npoi, ir- ful vrbf-n i i i I i i All, I you a i i a i i i i i a i i K.H'.S i U. ni if ir- i i i i i i an.l the of a a fruil. i liaiM an.l male lo rat MI of 1 I A 8 Weslville, Cunn.

1 826 "VBOITABLB 1870 A A A Col.ts Conauml'- BltOS. The oM a tr Uy fo lion i i i i Bostna. A I A 1'OW- Removr hair in five minutes, williiiiit in )ury to tbf Sent ly for A i A A CUKE Believes mwt rinlenl in live minutes effect" cure, Prii-e l.v mail. A A A I A I Colorsthe and a i a hrHuliful A It o.iu»lsl« tl olio nu by K. C.

AM Jay Stnirl. by all JMilUrtalphll Pa. Circulars sent frei' Hold TO S10 PKE DAY. paid Ad- Mr- Women Boys ami who engage in our new from I A in own Fa" p-rllo-iili" awl In.tnietioniiaent free by mall. la neoil of permanent, profitable work, should address at 6r3 I A Portland.

FOR ALL. A A VKK ond Agents. 1.1 sell our nnd i i 'Ii A a a Ilich. A READ THIS i pay ajreuts a salary of prr ivcrk and rx- peniea, or allow a large and M. A Mari-hnll, Mii'h.

PSYCHOMANCY. A or a cut) a 11.000 iinnith, i i i i i i a a a i i obtaining or Soul dm ng. 40t i i i i to i over or at i how lo ranoo i i i i a i i i i i a i A i nf OIIKMIS a i Dreams I i i i i '5 uido to a i a all i I tins book i ciiu wld pni-f by a i i clolh S5 vap'f covers I A person i mi to a a i i i receive a sample -op of As no capital is required, a i a I i 8th Phlludclpbia. I 110W I A Harried Ladies Pitvale Companion contains Ike information. Sent free for two A dress U.

MBTZGBK, Hanover, Pu. not dry Confh cleanse-, tlie lunps and allays Irtiiatlon, bifftKieavMot tlie SETH W. FOWLE A SOS, Proprietors, Boston Soll by drmrgtaU and dealers Rcneralty. Kout geauloe unlesa nlgned I. Bern.

March 1870--ly. TINEGAB VINBOAB Imported Vlnefar, warranted lo be pnre frora Sulphuric aoid or other injurious to health, for fanily use ft cannot be excelled. Qtve it a trial and convinced, in Store and for Sale at 0. ARTZ'8. Keli.

1. I HATS! IVilh our the SOMETHING A A HAT DRAWS A PRIZE Something Useful or Ornamental. large atook of Hats we now intnwlitoe to of HaifTstown ami vicinity, tbe Idlest style. a in The Prize Hat lias just been issued in Krw York, and wo offer to our ouatomers and ii anJ low. as everything sold by Our atoek ol BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS, lien's and Boy's CHOIOK PLAIN ANJ) CANVA8SEB AMSaml DRIED Choice factory CHEESE at 33, AKTZ'8.

LANK BOOKS, WRITING PAPERS, AND and cktapett at McCLEERY McLAUGHLlN'S Imihs) K0M fctamly by OM. 1870. GOODS at Moderate PRICES invite to tbe One Price, Cheap Cash, Shoe, Hat and Trunk Storr, of GETT1NGER OONDRY. TV set Washington oM Mw4.) P- INFAVSPAPERf.

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