Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 29
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- Oakland Tribunei
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- Oakland, California
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- 29
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II) 1,1 II WITH TVPEWBITEBS! lie LEAD uu a SJ 4 A sia a A Jf jm-J Experts cf Machines From; This Country in One Month Valued at Million. A good, sweet-toned one fdrit comes from home: of checkering the piano 1448 SAN PABLO AVENUE, We want every boy and girl in Oakland to enjoy the advantages of- a Piano. Heretofore, before the Eilers Musie llouse introduced modern methods in Piano merchandising, Piano prices and terms were beyond the means of the ordinary family. But now under the Eilers liberal plan you need not deny your boy or your girl the musical education that you were deprived of. We meet you more than half-way we make it easy for you to buy your Piano by offering you the unheard-of terms of $1.00 down and Others in Plainer Cases at II VN.
1,1 i I 1 1 If 1 Eilers Music House, in agreement with seven of foremost Piano manufacturers, has now under way 1 85 1 64; Eilers Music House, at the home of the Chickering, Kimball, Sohmer and Auto- the most extraordinary piano tempted anywhere at any time. ft i 1 piano, America largest and most dependable music house, is bringing the Piano factories to your very door and making it possible for you to secure America's best Pianos AT AN ACTUAL SAVING OF $167! But that is not all. You pay only ONE DOLLAR down, and then as quickly as possible our big auto delivery truck brings your Piano at once. No mystifying conditions. Forty different styles of Pianos to choose from.
Display and sale now in progress at Eilers Music House, 1443 San Pablo avenue, opposite City Hall Park. Payments are only $1.00 down and $1.00 a week. A child can buy one. Come first thing tomorrow. Over 200 Pianos and Player-Pianos are on display in the big new Eilers building at 144S San Pablo avenue, opposite City Hall Park.
4 Only 1 .00 Oowo Pay Only $1.00 Everything Eilers sell Is high grada, bat low priced. Nothing unworthy tn m-terUl, design or workmjuishlp ever finds place among oar stocks. 12th at Clay Sfc-g Coat and Suit Specialists WeWnt Your Name on Our Books ILLITERACY U.S. BAD I Yet Circumstances Show the Country in Better Light Than Figures. WASHINGTON, Juns 15.
Considered I without qualifying circumstances, the PUIS All Our Former Efforts Eclipsed WASHINGTON, Jnne IS. The United State leads the world In the exportation of typewriter, in the single month af April, its exports under that head exceeded one million dollars In value as compared with 1131,231 to April. 1897, while for the complete fiscal year which ends with Jun ine total will be about tl3.0C0.00O, or I time'-, as much as In 1837. the earliest year (or which a sepa-rata record of this trad was made by the Bureau of Statistics. The growth In exports of typewriting machines has bees steadily maintained during- the IS years covered by the official record.
In 1897 the total exportation was 11.413,117; in 1902. 33.303,191; In 1907, H.374.439; and In 1913. as previously stated, will approximate From these figures it will be observed that this class of exports doubles In every five years. For the entire period frfra 1897 to 1911 the aggregate exportation of typewriters of domes tin manufacture has been t8I.S94.S3S. This rapid development In exports of typewriters Is typical of many other Intricately constructed and delicately adjusted machines of American manufacture.
Of cash registers, for example, the exports Increased from $818,098 In 1900, the earliest available, year, to approximately In the current 'fiscal year; scales snd balances, from $381,888 in 1897 to 11.000.000; electrical appliances. Including telegraph and telephone instruments, from $3,631,759 In 1901, ths first year In which a separata record was kept up, to sewing machines, from $3,340,241 in 1897 to printing presses, from In 1897 to and machinery of all kinds, from $29,442,884 in 189T to approximately $111,000,000 In 1911. These figures do not Include automobiles, of which the year's exports will amount to about mow ere and reapers, which will approximate and threshirs, which will approximate 000,000. MANY GROWING MARKETS. Most of ths typewriters exported from the United States are sent to Europe, Where business and industry havs long been In a state of high development.
In certain of the newer communities, however, such aa Canada, Argentina, and Australia, this class of manufactures finds a large and growing market. Basing ths figures for twelve months tipon the ten months' figures already compiled by the Bureau of Statistics of ths Department of Commerce and Labor, the exports of American typewriters to the United Kingdom will be between and to about to Oermany, approximately to Russia In Europe, about and to all other Europe, a little over $2,000,000. Nearly $1,000,000 worth will go to Canada, about $500,000 erth to Argentina, $300,000 worth to Mexico and Brazil, $400,000 worth Australia and other British Oceania. $300,000 Jrenh to the British East Indies. $100,000 worth to Cuba, and about $500,000 wort to various countries located In every part of ths civilized world.
The. extent to which American typewriters are finding favor even In -the great manufacturing centers of Europe as well as In less advanced parts of ths world may bs Inferred from the growth in exports by sountrles In Che period of 1897-1913 covered by the official flg-', ures. Taking the ten months ending with April, 1897, and comparing the exports during that period with those of the corresponding months of ths current year, those to ths United Kingdom increased from to thoss to France, from $80,221 to and thoss to Oermany, from $201,869 to while those to all other Europe Increased from (142,691 to In the same period our exports of typewriters to Canada Increased from less than $27,000 to thoss to Mexico, from $20,000 to those to Argentina, from $10,950 to those to Braxil from $3,557 to and those to the British East Indies, from (6,498 to $167,240. The suyremacy of the United In the exportation of typewriters, computing machines and cash registers is illustrated by the following table showing ths exports of this class of machinery from the world's leading commercial nations in the calendar year 1911. FIGURES SHOW Exports of writing machines, computing machines, from the United States, Oermany, Francs, and the United Kingdom, calendar year 1911: United States Oermany 2,065.840 France 421.819 United Kingdom (typewriters only) 131,814 Germany's exports under this (lead consist mostly of computing machines, and ars chiefly sent to Austria-Hungary and Russia, a very small proportion bs-- Ing sent to the United States.
Most of the exports of writing and computing machines from France are sent to Algeria, Germany, and the United Kingdom, with smaller amounts to the United States and certain of the French colonies, SAN DIEGO LEADS INCREASED CLEARINGS Bank elcaiinn raported to the California DcTtlopmeot Board by tba seTeral clearlog bouaa ltls (or the week endios June 18, with percentage coraparlaona (or toe corresponding week of. 1111, are aa (ollowa: Baa rraneiico $50,978 824. Ineraaae, 18 jr cent; Loe Angeles, lncreaae II per cent; Oakland 13.806.277, lncreaae 11 par cent; Baaramento, 81.647,082, Increane 28 per cent; San Dlfgo. i2.72.77, lncreaae per cent; Freano. 1937.887, Increase 87 per cent: Stockton 998,087.
lncreaae 21 per cent; Pasadena, tocreaaa 14-7 per cent FIND SODA SPRINGS. KLAMATH FALLS, June 18. Four big soda springs have been-dis covered In the Crater National Park by Gamewarden Rambsby. Heffb-clares ther water Is equal to that t( any spring In the Sacramento river canyon. A company is to oe rormea at once to develop the springs.
To Keep Skin White, tt (Auiit Sally In Woman's Realm.) fj w. says: "My arms sre so coarss and rough I cannot wear short sleeves. wht Aa vou advise?" The treatment commended to "Anise" will doubtless this condition A. O. asks: "What should I do for croWs feet and for a baggy neck?" Try a wash lotion made by dissolving 1 os.
powdered saxollts In pint witch haseL This Is Immediately efiectlve in sn wrinkle or flabby condition. Use dally for awhile and results will surprise you. Anise: A simple way to keep your skin smooth, soft and white Is to apply ordinary mercollsed wax before retiring, washing It off In the morning. This keeps the face free from the particles of life-lass cuticle which constantly appear. The wax absorbs these worn-out particles, so the younger, freaner, neaitnier skin Is al ounKor, irvaucr, iiTOimicr ih is ai- Startling Clearance Sale OPPOSITE CITY HALL PARK.
a Weel: lth1 at Clay No Extra Charge tor Credit Nothing Off for Cash Prices That Will Set the Townto Talking and Buying MAN-MADE SUITS FOR Hsv been Selling up to 122.80 MAN. MADE SUITS FOR a A .75 Have been selling up to 127.50 MAN-MADE DRESSES' FOR Hsv been selling up to $20.00 ManheirrT NtW Mazor building Work on our new store In Clay street, between Tftlrteentn and Fourteenth, 1 prog-esetng. The foundation Is now beln nut In. and from now on work will be pushed as fast as linroughnesa will permit. ON THE MONEY INVESTED 10s latest official reports Indicate that only Tjnlted Btate to b8 can, three persons out of ten thousand in I Oermany are unable to read or write, I running history of his entire school Great Britain Is 160 per 10,000 as against i reer the grades kept permanently 770 per 10,000 tn the United States.
These on file, according to plans formulated figures ars based op a comparison of by Investigators whoss report has Just illiteracy among some of the leading been fQr dtatrlbuttal by th. nations whlch has Just been made and lesued for free distribution by the Unjted States Bureau of Education. United States Bureau of Education. The Although this plan has Just been lnaugu-Bureau has used the preliminary figures rated. It has the approval of ths Na-of the 1910 census for this country, and tlonal Education Association, whiis some selling campaign ever at Thmk Card Directory Will Answer Queries as to All School -Children.
WASHINGTON, June 15. Every child In the. elementary city schools of the 800 cities havs already begun to keep the Eventually, It is anticipated, about 6,000,000 pupils will bs thus tabulated. ths nsw card-catalogue system In full operation throughout the country. definite nnn on.
nf whirh x. in large measure. How many times has a. given child been detained In a grade? Does kindergarten training hem a child through the grades? How does ab sence from school affect progress? The form of a card contains ths fol- lowing entries, among others: Ags of child; data of admission to school; grade, days present; health; conduct; scholarship; place of birth, vaccinated; name and occupation of parent or guardian. As ths child moves from grade to grade, or from building to building, tha card containing his past record will follow him, as wilf also be the case even If he should move from one city to another.
In this way his entire past and present in school will be checked off against each other, point by point and year by year. FIGURE C08T TOO. In addition to Introducing the cumulative Index card as a means of keeping the school history of every American child, the committee of Investigators has also drawn up a uniform method of reporting fiscal statistics, so that costs may bs computed upon the sams universal basis. Ths new scheme of school statistics wss drawn up by a committee appointed by the Department of Superintend ence of the National Education Asso- UNCLE 1 Index CHILDREN new i 'MM ftp -Bit I VfljyJ i the latest offlcal reports available for the others. A'' Although America seems to make a bad third In the comparison, theBureau (of Education's publication calls attention to circumstances which tend to put a much better face upon the matter.
Thus, the American figures Include ths entire nonulatlon mora than ten years of age, while the German figures cover only ths army recruits, and the British sta- tisues sre oased on data drawn wnoiiy'How many backward, over-age, re-from official marriage registers. Hence tarded children ars there in a given the German and British statistics deal city's schoolsT How doe this showing only with adults, and generally speak- compare with other cities? Dees for-Ing. with physically and mentally nor- elsn birth affect progress? If so. how? of III Pay 10 GREET EDUCATORS Federal Bureau Will Show International Congress New Wrinkles. WASHINGTON, Juns 15.How to wash the air; why the color of the wall affects a child's vision; ths "curvs of learning;" and the operation of ths aestheslometer and erograph are among the exhibits to be made by the United States Bureau of Education at ths first exhibition ever given' In America which deals with, the general field' of publlo health.
The Bureau's exhibit will show the hygiene of the school and the school child, as part of ths exhibition to be hald before the Fifteenth Inter national CongTess on Hygiene and Demography, meeting in Washington nsxt September. Among other advance Information lust given out, the Education Bureau spe- I clallBts who havs the school hvrlene exhibit in charge, rhake the statement I on ehlblt wllKshow that bout three' times as common among boys as among girls. The Bureau of Education's exhibit divided Into sections. The first of these considers the hygiene of ths school child. taking -up such subjects as food, sleep, i ani clothing.
With the co-operation of 1 w.u oi ecnooi iurnlturs and school appliances from all i uureau is aiso prs paring exhaustive exhibits on ths hy giene of the school building and the hygiene of Instruction. Other sections of the school hygiene exhibit will take up th hygiene of jfhysical defects, the medical Inspection of school children, and open-air schools. SECRETARY OF STATE SEES IN DREAMS SACRAMENTO. June 15. Secretary of State Jordan's mall Is full of Inquiring letters about photographs; he sees photos In his dreams, and they hang about his table when he eats.
Several weeks ago the report of a large photograph concern In. San Francisco appeared before him to ask for general letter of Introduction to all "state officials" who may wish their photographs taken for use In ths blue book for 1911, which Is soon to be printed under the direction of Jordan. The secretary thought tt a good Idea. A month elapsed. Then, one by one, but gradually increasing until they nnnnnlfxpri th flaliv nltn nf hla mil best have their "photographs taken for the coming blue book." The photographer has evidently been busy; Jordan will ve, explaining.
WONG PAYS FOR WHIFFS. SAN DIEGO. June 15. Wong Que, Chinese, only had two whiffs from his opium pipe when disturbed by the police, but in police court he was fined exactly 125 a whiff. Judge Puterbaugh told Wong that opium smoking was jbouttheworiK habit he knew oi -5i i "Rnd if you want' to continue Its use, you had better go to China," advised the court.
Wrong said ho was going to quit hitting the pipe. He couldn't stand th $25 a whiff ruling. IDEAS SIXTY LINEN SUITS ON SALE AT 1UST SS 3 1 Millinery 1 1 I Iff 1 Clearance $1.95, $2.95, $3.95 Every Hat uJ. House sweaters dj a Ki TaffetaSilkSuitsl Sj AtJi-Pricc Dresses WfSL' 1 Now foPHce mal adults, while the United States census Includes without discrimination svsryone above the ten-year age limit. MANY FOREIGN BORN.
Again, tt is pointed out, the showing of the United States is brought down by reason of the fact that the country" has a largs population of foreign-born whites Ss well as of colored persons', among whom the percentage of Illiteracy Is 12.8 per cent and 80.5 per cent respectively. Ths Illiteracy among the native whites of this country is only 8 per cent Density of population has an Important bearing on tha problems incident to bringing the children together for purposes of education, and therefore Is an Important consideration when discussing Illiteracy statistics. In this connection the document tssued by the Bureau of Education shows that the number of Inhabitants per square mils In the Ger man Empire Is more than 810, In Great Britain practically 463V and In this country Just a shade overt 80. France, with a population of 183.5 persons to the squars has 11.4 pr cent of illiterates in its population oVer ten years of ags. It should bs noted, however, according to the Bureau of Education's report, that this Includes a largs number of person who never had the benefit of oompulaory education laws, which were enacted in 1882.
NATIONS COMPARED. The treat nations of Western Eu rope are compared with the United States for the reason, among others, that like this country thsy all havs well-organ (zed systems of publlo Instruction. The Bureau of Education's examination of five nations of Southern and Eastern Europe shows that ths proportion of Illiteracy her runs from tt to 70 per cnt. "The lowest ratio for this tromi" savs ths Bureau of Education's mono- I. 4 l2 Price TRIBUNE PAYS BIG RETURNS EqueJ VaVlu to vll UK sirra cnaoet fos cnarr NtmK ort roe aSn OPEN A CHARGE ACCOUNT WITH US Ws are willing anxious, la.
fact to open charge accounts with responsible people. Our charge system Is free from red tape and we, alwayi arrange nivmant. tn suit the conven ience of our patrons. Just thi same prices 10 cnarxe customers as those who pay OKBh. elation, working In co-operation with the i came letters galore; letters from the United State Bureau of Education.
Thai jgtabl of Squdunk Imps-result of their labors Is Issued ss a Gov A county. from tn4 ju.tce of ernment document under tha title "Rs-l peece of Death Gulch township, Alpine port of the Committee on Uniform Rec- C0Unty. asking where thev oould No Extra Charge for Credit Nothing Off for Cash ords and Reports," and will bs sent free upon request to the "United states co.m- mlsstoner of Education, Department of th Interior, Washington. D. C.
SCIENTIFIC TARIFF REVISION FAVORED NEW YORK, Juno 15. More than nn a rl Kv tlh. P.nil mtuc Cobb, president of the National Tariff Association, MlSt-f-i, 3C- graph, "exceeds that for the Southern 250,000 business men throughout the States of the Union, where the greater United States will present a demand part of the American colored population to both the Republican and Demo-Is massed. rcratlc national conventions for a tariff I plank endorsing ths principles of scl- NEW CIXB BUILDING. entlflo tariff revision through a per- LOS ANGELES.
June 15. A five- manent commission, according to an i 1 1MA. tftintlir Will k. ways in view. An ounce of merconzeo I wax may be had at small cost at any for ths Railway Men Club at a cost 4ruf store.
Vm Ilk oold cream. 1750.00ft. A CLASSIFIED AD. IN THE.
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