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Oakland Tribune from Oakland, California • Page 11

Oakland Tribunei
Oakland, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

nonozco seeks SAFETY FLIGHT KW LC3JTICS CLAY AT 15lh STREET "Hi MEW FALL ATTRACTIVE i urn Evacuates Juarez as Mexican Pre-Auxurnn Sale Federal Trocps March From South. Eicspiionally Low Priced Handsome Jfew Suits made of all wool Rebel Leader Practically Surrounded and in Desperate Straits. mixtures, diagonal serge, and clam serjre, Skinner satin lined and beau tifully tailored. Specially priced at. $20.00 JUAREZ, Hex.

Aug. 1. General Pascual Oroxco left Juares early to A Stirring Start of the Season Sale OpensJSaturday at 9 m. and continues during' the entire month. This timely and important sales event deserves the attention of every wide-awake shopper who wishes to be dressed well at a nominal cost For months we have been carefully planning for this fjreat sale and have made a critical study of the style, tendencies for this fall and winter.

To stumulate early fall buying we ttave se.lected a 6eries of extraordinary values for this great sale. Everything is well bought and carefully chosen jand unusual saving opportunities exist in every one of our 15 departments. day, leaving behind a small rebel guart to preserve order until the ar rival of federal troops. The guards looted the customs house, but secured no money. Th American and German consuls organized1 a citizen committee Tr'i'i'lv-" to protect the city.

'with Benito Alsa Unexsslled Goai Values Newest Fall models, plaid back material or Scotch mixtures, fancy trimmed or with storm collars. The tl A A best coat3 in Oakland ar 1DUU. No Extra Charge for Alterations Pre-Autwnn Sale of Tailored Fall Hats $4.95 Unusually becoming are the new effecU for fall oo which Dama Fashion has placed her ituio of approval. 6mart littla hats in the new "Coloniar' shape and "Boat" style win be favored foi early fall wear. Striking effects la black and white predominate.

For this opening sale we exhibit a wide variety of pretty Tailored Velvet and Hmh Hats, tastefully trimmed with satin, in contrasting colors and finished with moire slllc and fancy wings, satin bands and breasts. Extraordinary, value at I4.93. f' 1 in command. All saloons and most of the stores were closed. United States border patrols stopped all traffic from the American side.

Federal troops moving along Hie railway to the southwest are already to enter the town when the fast rebel has gone. This arrangement evidently was made to prevent a repetition of the battle of Juarei In the Madera Revolution when El Pasp was showered with bullets. General Pascual Orozco. the rebel commander-in-chief, has been promised that there woul'd be no fighting la Juarez. He Is engaged In trying to work, his way out and la.

practically surrounded. wotXD joix forces. The rebel forces here will Join General John Caravero's force, said to number 1500. who have been stationed south ot Juarez along the Mexican White Felt Shapes $1.58 Without exception the best values to be, found in the city at this price. Come in about 6 of this season's latest styles.


An. 16 Two Tips, $1.48 Another fall trimming which promises to become very popular this 'season. Prima South African bird feathers, three la a hunch. Com la all leading fall shades, Including black. Ostrich Feathers $1.48 Just received by express.

Tou'll agree with us that they are the best value aver offered at thta price. Full It laches long, prim mala bird feathers. In the prettiest two-ton effects of emerald, fuschia, tan; French blue, etc Knox Bands 69c little daughter end the four-months-old son of Mr. and Mr. Peter Doucette.

who live In a large tenement house, rad Central line. West along the border from Juare to Palomas, opposite Columbus N. Is another rebel GIRL COMES ACROSS OCEAN TO MARRY Anticipating th arrival next Tuesda-y of "hi future bride from Melbourne, Australia, Erie Spencer Macky. a loot artist living 1433 Myrtle tree, today out marriage license ir the office of the county clerk to wed alls Constance Ulllan Jenkins, who It also an artist of some note. Macky Is a native of New nifmerou ret blee treated to prevent group numbering more than 1,000 men.

blood poisoning. The children had been attacked by rats while their parents were away and were seriously bitten befere i Verr amart novelty to go with that new felt shape of yours. Come in white, black, raspberry, taupe. It Is the mobilization of these three bodies that Orozco will attempt to ac-compllsh, In the meantime avoiding Patrolman Smith drove them off, killing several with nis night stick. the federals.

French Ostrich Feathers $4.95 up to $18.95 "Come In black, white, color and bewitching two-tona affects. See Washington-street windows. fuschia, French blue, eta Pre Autumn sale special, 69a. The evacuation of Juarez was order ly. Two.

trains departed south during the night, ech carrying about 400 men. General Orozco remains in Juares with a scant 200 followers. The rebels are Pre-Autumn Sale of Bed Sheets and Pillow Cases bound for Sonora, the border State to the west, where the remnants of Or-ozco's former ami? have sought refuge." As the last rebe soldier leaves the town, members ofthe citizens' vigilance committee will arm them Children's Wash Dresses In Siaea from 6 to 14. I School open Mondayget your little girl ready. Our assortment in Wash Dressei I unexcelled and offer excellent value at the following IS'CHOOL 3 lie 12c Venise Lace Coat Sets, 98c In dozens of different designs.

Made of heavy Venise lace. Consisting of long collar and one pair of cuffs- to match. Box Ruchings, 15c New fall styles in crimped, pleated or dainty wave effects. 8-8 Inches wide. 6 lengths to the box.

Colors: "Raven" Pillow Cases. 45x38. Each "Special" Pillow Cases, 45x36. Each "Popular Sheeta," 68x90. Each "Full width." 81x80.

Each selves and establish a police system prices: until the occupation by federal troops, 35c 45c 50c 66c I Jveader Sheets," If 76x90. Each IL. ln.n Ch. Juan N. Medina, a former Mayor of the town and eag-federal army officer, will be provisional commander.

65c 95c 75 Colored Dresses, worth now. 59 Wash Dresses, worth $2.00, 81x90. Each Oakland Sheets, hem "Raven" PillovrCasea, hemstitched. 45xlt. 14.

Each IOC "Like Linen" iPlllow Cases, 45x36. cr Each "Our Best" Pillow Cases, Porn alze before hem- miwe-4fit3. pink, blue, black and white. Pre-H -stitched, 81x90. Each "Our- Best," torn size before 65 Colored Wash Dresses, ffl t( worth $3.00.

now Tailored and (tjl AC hemming 5x90. AQ Each Honeycomb Fancy Waists Bordered Comforters Autumn sale special, box, 15c. Onyx Hose, Pair, 33c Regular 60c values, but as an Introductory special for Saturday only, pair 33 l-8c. Made of fine quality silk lisle In a full assortment of sizes. Black only.

The best wearing hose In the market at this price. 100 Pair Elbow Length Kid Gloves, Pair, $1.65 Actual. $2.50 values. White and tan only. All sixes.

Extraordinary bargalna In, an variety of styles and designs. Bed Spreads Mad of dainty lingeries, marquis Double bed size; honey Headquarters for nil Books and Stationery Supplies used In Oakland and Fremont fiigh Schools and all local' Grammar Schools. Sclentifio Instruments and Books of Instruction for Botany, Zoological and Architectural work. A prcat Dictionary Value Special sale of WebsterSit- tfinabridged Dictionary published by G. and C.

Merriman nearly 2000 pages. Over 3000 Illustrations 8000 added words. Appendix tables and up-to-date population statistics. Regularly $3.00. Special $1.50 Webster's Condensed Dictionary Flexible leather bound 1500 illustration nearly pages.

Best desk dictionary on the market. price $1.25 Same as above board cover 75c Full double bed sise Comforters finished with 9 lnchea plain silkollne border; scroll extra heavy; coma In four different patterns. 31 pauui no. ette, fancy tome elaborately trimmed: also (mart effect in striped wash silks. ''finished with fancy collars.

Very special values at, each $1.85. $1.19 stitched. Regular 12. SO value. Special $1.98 Regular values.

Special 1 2nd Hand Bchpof Books Bo.ught amid Sold SKULL FHL1D; BOY IS CHEERFUL "A man has, a' right to do as jplease a long a be behaves hiniMlf and obey the law. That is what I am' doing, and I don't think It Is any one' business whether I gt married or stay single. I guess I have a rUht to get married the same a anyone els," Mia Johnson I prominent In Plymouth, but It wa aot known her until recently that ah and Hathnway were acquainted. It Is said, will take place at Old Orchard, within a few days. Mr.

Hathaway I 78 year old and his prospective bride I 39. Mr. Hathaway didn't think It was strange that he, at 73, should want to marry a "girl of 88," and furthermore, be remarked, "it's none of anybody'! business." "Isrl't this a free country?" he added. AGED MAN ADVOCATES 'LOVE'S JTOUNG DREAM' Aug. 16.

"Love has no age limit," said JValter L. Hath--away, of No. 153 Spring stret, this city, regarding his approaching marriage to Miss Lillian Johnson of Plymouth, which. MfTM Art Dealers, STATIONERS Picture Concord Lad Kicked by Horse Shows Recuperative Power. The vitality and recuperative powers I3th, Bet.

Broadway and Wash jngtoOaKland B5SSSEXSB! OROZCO SEEKS PEACE? PALLAS. Aug. 16. That Gen-erakprozco has receded from nis de-manSvthat President Madero retire from omajyid will abandon his revolution against the Mexican govern ment if certafn reforms are established, 'is the declaration of Dr. Henry Allen Tupper of Brooklyn, representative of the International Peace Forum, who interviewed Orozco at Juare last week.

Pr. Tupper was In Dallas yesterday en route to Washington, where, be will confer with President have been made heretofore that Orozco would never eon-sent to peace until Madero retired," Dr. Tupper said. "In his interviews with me' Orozco said he is very anxious for peace and will not Insist upon Madaro's retirement. He said he will not make that an ultimatum, but will insint on certain reforms, such as the discontinuance of nepotism on the part of Madero." Dr.

Tupper exhibited a personal letter by Orozco in which the latter said "he vehemently was anxious for peace." He also exhibited, but not for perusal, a 2000-word statement which he said set out the conditions on which Orozco will agree to cease his revolur, tion. Dr. Tupper said the contents of this statement may be given out for publication when he reaches "In this statement Orozco make ha has never before made and 4. believe they may be the bafis for peace," Dr. Tupper sa.d.

"This movement was entirely on )ny Initiative and I wish to emphasize that President Taft, who Is the honorary presldant of the International pacc Forum, has not been consulted in the matter and will not be unt.l next FF.AR AN INVASION. EL PASO, Aug. 16. invasion of American soil by Mexican rebel troops is feared by United States ar'my officers and this it has been learned orr reliable authority has led to the rushing here of additional cavalry from Fort SamSjIouston. The considered in daivgsr is on the New Mexico boundary, just west of Columbus, N.

opposite whith town more than 1000 rebels are located. At a point 100 miles east of El Paso, the New Mexican line, bounding on Old Mexico, turns abruptly to the south for a stretch of thirty miles, and there resumes a course due west. It Is this short cut "across lots" that it is feared the rebels at Palomas will employ la making the retreat into Sonora coincident with Orozco's evacuation of Juarez. The reason for the intrusion on American soil would be-that federals are guarding the pass alone the border to the -west, and by cutting across this slice of New Mexico, a ranch and mining country, sparsely inhabited, the rebels could evade the federal forces and enter Sonora without danger of an engagement. AMERICAN BEHEADED.

MEXICO CITY, Aug. 16 Beheaded by rebels after, they had carried him away as a captive frm a point near Morelia, capital of Michlcoa, is Thefate oTRowan Ayers, an American civil engineer, according to official reports given by the minister of war to Ambassador Wilson. Wee End Excursion Kates Girard's Consolidation Sa Starts SCO of a six-year -old patient at the Nauheim Sanitarium in this city, has furnished tire attendants, and physician of Dakland with an interesting subject for observation and discussion. The case li eaid by interested physicians to be one of the most remarkable In their experience. The little patient Is Alfred Nicholson, son pf a well-to-do Concord farmer.

Last Saturday morning the youngster, in a spirit of boyish mischief, pulled the tail of one of his father's horses and the animal's return kick landed squarely on the lad's forehead, fracturing the skull for more than three Inches and driving a piece of bone two inches long and an inch wide Into the cranial cavity. Two hours later the districted parents had reached. Oakland in an automobile, bringing with them thsir little boy, still unconscious, and apparently lifeless. Dr. J.

L. Lohse was hastily summoned and an operation was performed at the Nauheim Sanitarium. The surgeon's knife made an Incision clear across the boy's forehead, exposing the splintered skull and the pulsating brain. The damaged lobes of the brain were washed, the broken parts of the. skull removed, the periosteum (covering of the bones restored ira -much as- possible, and the skin of the forehead sewed together.

Sunday rooming the attending physicians and nurses were astonished to find Albert sitting up in bed apparently In perfect heatth and eager for breakfast, ir was with difficulty that they could keep in bed, and apparently there was nothing but the bandages about his head to distinguish him from any happy, healthy American youngster, The danger of tetanus, always something to be reckoned with in cases of the kind, has not put In an appearance, possibly due to the fact that the physicians used 1500 units of anti-toxin to guard against such a peril. Before a group of attendant and a TRIBUNE reporter. Albert sat up In bed this morning and laughed gleefully when they brought him afStairror and showed him his shaven littff head and the big bandages. Albert will be permitted to run, around again In another' ten days, but ho mustn't pull any more horses' tailf- OPPOSE PAYMENT OF iLORIMEirS EXPENSES WASHINGTON," Aug. 10.

Threatened opposition to the proposal that the Scnat appropriate toward YViiUlam Lo rimer's expense in his threo, years' fight defending his right to a soaf is expected to keep the Sente election committee's reeommoiutation to tliii effect from being and Return GO SEE GILBERT a SULLIVAN'S OPERA COMPANY in the MIKADO, at Cort Theatre SAMSON at Columbia Theatre Tickets good on all trains. Our Agents will be delighted to quote our rates and other infor-mation. rThe Girard Piano Co. and the Busey-Mihan-Furniture Co. have merged into one great con cern, to be known in the future as GIRARDS.

The greatest sale of Pianos, Furniture, Carpets, Draperies, in the history of Oakland will j' start Monday morning at 8:30 o'clock at the former Busey-Mihan store, 517-19 14th across street from City Hall. Watch for Sunday ad. Yours truly, GIRARDS. New Location, 517-19 Fourteenth street. ioiithera Pacific Away your Safety Blades.

We sharp, en -thorn better than new 25o a dozen. Ludeman Co; CUTLERS, 1315 B'dway, Nr. 14th RICHARDSON, D. F. and P.

Agent C. J. MALLEY, City Ticket Agent P. E. CIUBTltEE, City Passenger Agent OAKLAND OFFICES: Broadway and Thirteenth Street.

Plioucsr-Oakland 102 or Homo A-5221, -Slxtcciitli Sirtxt Denutr I'Jrst and Broadway, Seventh 'and broad way..

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