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Bangor Daily Whig and Courier from Bangor, Maine • Page 1

Bangor, Maine
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

1867, ft ere crce a Passed SquaJized. Joltitars and dowt and Hatrs. ot 1 tturasr Iwt, Ju th onUUoO, I flkl WM frff I- LAW TC Pmuion from Month, Mr woooiU 9r foot fo oer. bT letter JKMLK BROWN. I PAPfJU) ba Jy Conner IT in adrance.

ISCIt'C taliQg Bakam- S8I8TABT Anthill. OJttilllr LA JMM(W uuffe tb. Jf CARDS mmii 1 irnrt mi BY WZEELEK LYNDE. BANGOE, (MR,) MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 17, 1867. I A H01VIRH Bo.nuni Sleek, EiM ul KuauUig Bridge, th i Lower Tloor MS--J800 jc- Tear 4 CO for Sn Hontbs 2 Oft for Three Months JJf Portland Advertisements.

DEEBIN3, MTT Maine Telagrapi Company. I Iniortait to the Piblie: Banger Lumber Market, Th; Bango'- Weekly Conner rtriMunvfrj I Office of the Duty Whiff anil Courier at Two Dollars per year tmvtinalfit A 1.TNPR 8 I JOHK PKTTSVOILL ar C-OH 10 Stredl. Boston Pwk Row New Yoik AranlG or Adverb. and Subacfiptions for hisl per NIL IB Afest, Bmldmg Coorl treet Boston Sub-cnptionamoiJtiD all is9abep.tid Mf ficUag toll marked wil underhand tat bids for whioh tbey ban nearly expired SaUortptiOQ Dry Goods Woolens, bare remored to tliair new aoious store 58 60 Hicdla Street, oor. Kukat Stroort, the aite oocipied bj them prcTtou to the fire Co wer ti for Iho of Mains for the Emptrr SfWtnj SlaclnMf ItiT Jb IAH.OXB cDBmellod and eloth imitation Sellmr sirenlsforSarhswortllManafactannB Co PraneM-ewtwee Hllll Cumberland J1U1 Dlxfielc Milk II idiioni alii Co.

and for Dai a UeKwu i Banner HilU aotlon. Wup Mid Not wmej fortltnil KfickZl 1 1867. 8P.AIHG. 1867. Hartni this day removed to famr rpactona ware- honae upon of thin Company, wlllfce MKETINOor the aiookhoUUn panr, bo liola at tbe Junior r.

en WHDNRUUT Ox a a New S-ore, Frioe Onrrent, June 1, 1887. BOARDS VOLUME XXXIV--NUMBER 142. /T.v«M»i,a» itis than coal which .0 often WHIPPED IOB Sartina nt SCHOOL To obooso a Boa ofUHiietyri for year and to transact men oil or ktumeaa ai may properly come br fan themooting. Bj order ol ihn Olrfiotor. WILLIAM METTULL FoitlanJ.

Tunelat 1B67 Secretary Goods. infonn BM n4 I i pooplo of reen. do No 2 Green No 3 do No 4 do Dry Gang Pli Green' Belfast anc Lake RAILWAY GOif ANY. Store No. 2, Harlow's Block, HEundeUgnoc.bBmEthfteWpwaons fiwt I BKEDGE, nn-oedjio tbe firstaecUooJ.f act hJkeejteaonsUntlyon hand all An Act to jfioot potato the Brifibt and Hooaehead nd Feb ties be found in the shape of LATHS Snnue, $2 50 i Flue 300 I PIOKBT8 CfeetSomce, Sfeetoleirdo 20 5 feet Hoi do 16 (feotoleardo IS 4 feet Hoi do 12 4 ft clear pine do 25 12 4 feet Clear 2 in 16 4 feet No 1 8 HEMLOCK PICKETS Feet Pickets, 5 Feet do Dally UUblUhad Wi.

WMkly iUE. For otic aware. toi'M times For one square, week, each ontlnunoe. For badf-square, time, Soi 150 200 Tho 3em- commenced last month at Exeter -in a third the time that coal neeijs. Between ifty and sfacty schohxra are in at used on this trip cost about tendance About a week ego the school me of a The i this the veeBe went near- ng we tlws or half sqaarft, times.

For buf square, one taoliwevlE'ieontinnaaae. Weekly, three tunes, each continuant 00 ly cue ha faster than she ever went befcre, stated by the Manchester Union It appears A I 1 that the teacher .11 75 1 the re was not a quarter of: boi room is clean and neat as i Travelle Oce allows no smiling in the hereby irivo notice kg required said act, that the eistannualmeetmcoftluemembenof saidcorpo JU.QMC r.tjon willbobpldmmttheCoortllomjo.iriBolfajit, FURNISHING GOODS, OLD SITffi. Nos 54 56 STREET, oald reapeetfolly invite tbo attention of to their Jarre new and attractive atoos of the Belfast, on (he first Wednesday July eit at ten clock A atwtfiohmeetinvDirectora will be chosen by ballot, esch propnetor by failn self or proxy bems entitled to as many votes he bolde shares Bated at aid Be bat. ihto twenty aeventb day of May, 4 1867 JL a JOHN8UN. SHINGLES SON, BUSINESS CARDS.

LOTiaOP, BEAESE 00, I I 1, Coal, Speiin.Wlale, Lard, Onmera, Mach nery Spindle Lubnctinr Oils. ESCE GOODS, WOOLENS ANJ SMALL 4ABE3 I Agents -a Alame tfor Gray's Paten Molded Collar lao a full assortment of all tho lending makes and jtj les of Ladien and Qvntlemen Paper Goods, in tluding the 7ew Linen Finish Cellar wi th Onffs to match Asente for the SINGER SEWING MACHINE Woodman, "rue Co, Portland Mareh 4 1S.7 moh Slaw REAL ESTATE. jape 1 tni fc MILUKEN 8 A. IiOWKS. 11.

ii. PKIBOlS. Hate, Caps, Trunks, Valiftes, AL Having jutreoelved a large assortmen of BBOaDOLOTflS, TSIOOTS, FAHOT OABSIMEKES, 1 7EBTDIG8, Extra Hearth We offer Extra Inducements te all. Sap, Sprueei random sues 16 Sprnce frames cnt aTed So 75 IJilaoh 16 WoidJ' 1)25 J7 Jfo a 625 Green Homlock 450 lltol2 BMtBhdplM 7 5 No 2 do 00 do 6 oo 5 HA8B7 $1,611 per sdaare'for per square A faithful account of the trip to Rdn COWKH at th. 14 ok Dimcn 12 to 16 gS? oo Extra Siwed Sproeo Scoots Green Pino Deek Plank.

Dry Pine do CLAPBOARDS 1 TJE SUBSCRIBERS AVE entered into a Co PjrinQrahii name of ISAAC I Call and examine before pnrchas ng, as we arc bound to suit customers under, the OJSi for the I carryini on the Wort Made to Order, and Warranted Shipwright and Oaulkug Business In all its branchri They may be fonnd at the 'Inch hi Extra Spruce, Clear do No 1 do No 1 do 3 50 to 4 00 Best ex u.w'd Cedar 450 Ho 2 to 4 25 Best Ho do 8 50 24 25 ExSprcoedoS 00 No 1 to 2 25 5 5ftcedaf pottalo cents 8 ft do Hn 22 nimtfl 10ft do going to her seat, she smiled while passing a girl thirteen years old, named Hardy, who very naturally returned the smile. The teacher saw the Hardy girl smile and admin istered a severe punishment for this viola father is an overseer in the factory, and he time Tho President doosn feel safe a't gom any 80ys wnen tne 1 reached home there were ierwSe'iKderei tidl 8 oonlmned until whe'i without me to arrange ths details acd welte on her Mms and vrists nearly as largo as a man's finger, caused by blows with a stick used for pointing on a blacb-board, and much swollen, canjsed by the dothamce flnanceerin is necessary aovanoe Itto Bawly trip wuz the okkashun uv a Eespatclm to tte ErraJiat linn dent wnz in faVor uv Zz he sed, he wuz slapoing she had received from tie teacher a eBsenehelly uv fillial persuasion. He bed hands The affair caused considerable allua ezperieuced a most consoomm love for citement as well It micht his ftrents, perticelerly for oh his fath- wmenc as weii mignt. PHILADILPHIA, June 14 This afternoon, while some hoys i at a hydrant in front of some now Ssward felt thaUt wuz well go, Fil- MO buildings in the western part of theeity, one hal love Tfuz charming Sbafcspeer, who aged 7 years was instantly killed by a brick Wuz ez justly celebrated ez a dramatist is J-KBMEMBBR THE'PLACC THe Judiciary considers ice bearing on Davis' com the assassination of Mr Lincoln 12ft do do 4S cents thrown by a workman engaged on the huild one he cootl menshun wuz for diplomatic tot- hey have the originals, or certified copies i 109 The murderer has been arrested egrafin, remarkt, sharper nor a ser of a nupber of letters that reached him in BOStOn Cable Saws theTjuth'uv wreh he hid 18M wherem he wntore proposed assafsi- Dublin, Jnne 14 As four of the Fenian bed been styled the father u.v the Bepu'bhcan natlon ni 'here is nothing to show that ho OB AHD PETEplElTM PBTkOlEulf aad BLJiSlNr, Lamp Ware, Earners Tltud Tubes. Wiclcmff Ao At if 4 Manufic of Bodie Patent Car a and Bmnfcclo Lnmp JVC iSfypMIISilCIAL Ar BOSTON 4 I Hsudy Agent.

3BABSE I 28--4w 11 General Aieat for Banner PJTGHER, FLITNER COj VALUABLE TIMBER LAND SALE. The nndersigied won like to Ite following paroelv ar of la-nd and be fives this notice thatpartiei wishing to bur may avail of tho favorablo month of Barct which to make explorations viz -I CWJHTT One undivided fourth part ol two College Town fc to Owners of Dogs. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN TO OWNERS of DORS in thft City Ban jfr, that LICOEBWJ for tffl to ran at luge in said ctty. must bo ob Keceivdrs of Jilour Produce, WHOLIB41.I DXALKa IV SHIP aTOBES AND CHANDLERY "00 Uommefcial Strest. anil Fulton Street, BOSTON riTCHau HoajiTij FITCXBX.

I H.ITHKB rccWeba now on band a fine ot rho Southern and Wtutem FLOURS which we are (flaring tc tbe traduat the loweit marxctratee 12 PIUJMER. CO The Ponrth of Inly WI be relemtwl! out O-i tho of May animlJy, the i A A "nmis'Do 'offine viL Dgs going at large withm the city Hot bping every deacnpt.on of FIRE WORKS. Baigor May 1st, 1867 Citr Marshal tn4 "WM. T. Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, --OKFICE-- Over cantile JSank JHamwontf' St Nor (TiBOM copy) OUMMINQS do DEALIBS 14 SLit Bahlog Materials, Jaw now on hand ajkd for Bale LOT PIN3 MASf'S FROM CANADA, BPBDiOE SP4B8 and! POLE8, Harmatao Knees of all EIICS and Timber, FARDWOGD TIMBER AUo at abort notice I A SPl.D^E DECK PLANK tf ATI orders prooQ 117 attended to DJPICF Heed Teaae's Wuhington Stieet, mh 22 illwlf STUCCOWORK.

aodersigned bafvinn located in this city would respectfully nfoim the tueaa oi BangoraDct ty a i a pared Jo all kmda of Plastenng, Oonunng, and Etucco Work, WUITLNING COiORlbQ d. T1RTIHQ. ALSO SCAGLIOLA4 AND OIL MASTIC, the btfc miuiDer Old rooms mad 9 look as if el! as nerw STUCCO C.i])JTRE PIECES, conaUntlj on hand Please call and exa namo special ens nt 19 Exchange Street, BANGOR MAINE may 8 3m HALE ships. in the 8im Gore IB Township above and Half of Eart half Township Township a Or unJivulsxl Half tiFN (Jr. of ownubip Mof own hip Wboll Township IV Qr Xovrnahip WB3 10 Noj 7.

6. RP11 7. B. Ho 9. 1 No 9, 12 Ho 9IR.13 Tiwnskip P1KOB3COT COtSTV.

North half Township undivided No 1, R. 6 450D acrea Town of Wmn ID fOU tvorei in No 3 6 ft14 tats Town of Fdmburg 500 VSTCS Town of Patten 5'GO urea in Qr lownsliip' Ko 8 6318 acres in Kentiebec County, A a foregoing descnbfcd IBTI lg are well worth the attention of purchasers Ihoy are worth twice as rautih in the hania of twenty peraons ID they are to the enbacnber upon the same principle that one ttousand acres of land can with mnch more profit bo cultivated by ten thai) by man Toe QQdemigned wishes to avoid the incident to operating or permitting said lands By calling on Bon JOHN A PRTEIB prices will be iiven at which these lands will be sold' DWINBL Bangor March 15 1867 SALE OF TIMBER LAUDS, FOR BATES LIITD OPFICB, BINGQB. limn 7th, 1667 OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEV. In porananoe Resolve to carry into efeet chapter two hiiodrjcd eighty four of the eighteen huodrixlnxty four in favor of Bales College, ap MIj BY TRANSIT. OSBOBN, No.

West Markot' AOSHT FOB CERONOMETEBS, WATOHE8, A I A INSTBtTMEiJTS. Speout 1 attention tothefepaiflnc rntinff, lottinc and safe keeping of ChroAometerti Also. Jnlea Jergonaen land Charles Fr rgona WATCni-J3 furnlued at short 301,00 Clocks, and Nautical epaired apr 2 IMPOBTANT Formers, THE LARGEST STOCK! 1HE BESI QUALITY I and the LOWKT PRICES AUSTIN CO 32 ana 3G Federal and 107.1-1 and 113 Congress S(0. BOSTON. Only Wholesale Depot for tho celebrated I.

XL. SHOHT STICK A PATENT METIJOK ROCKETS Displays for Cities ind towns furnished to any amoaEt jnne 6 tjnly4 C. J. rOJWABWHO EHER4L LDMBEB COMMIS8IOF MERCHANT, Pmith'a Wharf, Porfland.Me The hichejt prices and qmck -etnrna eauranteed Coneixninenta Bolieited. Refcrmitit--Morae Lotbrop A Dyer Sm th.

Don nejl 4 Co 6mith 4 Clark. Doniell Qeo STATE STREET, tbecountyofWataJrforajmlyesteraayeTen yeara. bo manage togetalong i i of that commi.toe bohea his guilt to bo SOSTOUT a tt a Tttem 'o 0 II wuz ratl1 late ln lhe Ho be shown That he had dealings -with Booth eoftrat lleo cscort a partyof which had it fifty-hve yoars aster date IJhe speeches Davls bearing at Goldsboro wbon tho nex, moo in charge assailing the constables With ho didn blceve at all hed seen Borne of the assassination reached him, Ehowcd COMMERCIAL CREDITS, for the pnrcho of Hones and other missiles The rioters came uu lU-he hed ono toor nv the conclusively ttat he had knowledge at least JfercAandtzem.4i!?fandand ho Continent from ajl parts cf the city of Watarford, kind Ho hed been on it He wuz at i All descriptions of MERCHANDISE impcrtod over thirty police were wounded during the Cleveland, at Indianapolis attd Springfield, sometnlD similar, was con aftay One of the men was killed ly the Illinoy He to be reused He did twa-plated II is not reasonable to suppose fi'O of the poUce, a few wounded and some not keer about sich a kite agir that a man so merciless as to co'nnive at tho to order ADVANCES mode on ConsignmentB to Li and London mob 13 The Afflicted Will Fine ol hers made prisoners The Feniata officers -alo uv tho South shood roceewj asjezcorjelly murder of the eighteen thousand starved at wereheldbythoconstab'csand are in ez tho people uv the North hi preferred 77 jail I to consult his foelms and be B- 3 Wut He wuz 4 11 i would hesitate at the murte Ala June things of le demonstra ipci. i i I EE his memry served him rAe hedemonstra Alex Webb, (colored) resistor bf voters K.nscooden't be CDnsiFerekl Sstterm The for Hall and ttreen counties this btate, poeplo didn fling ieud cafe us but they ONLY SUBE REMEDY Kidney Diseases, Bheumatic Difficulties, and Eisorders arising from Excesses of any kind. Jofierson Barfs baa made only one speeph in Canada, and that was delivered on the But it was determined to g.

The eicur ho WM serenaded by the band of the town contrasted favorably with tho one we i VI ok last fall Tho people receeved us at ev "nd a lrgc number of the townspeople The crowd was invited into Mr Masons bore Mr Davis was a guest and was to tho deposed president Mr parti id by Gen Swayne NEW OBLEAI.3, June 1 4 r.u A letter from Queretaro published the cro TPI a rt iho 7r inaf uous uv luv, Jcnnson John ElCotnenco at Matamoras, of a sQa they place, wich in troduc PBIOE $1 00 PJE BOITLB. Sold all Apothecaries Hm MI Port land, Portland. May 271h. 1867 A Kew and TJaeM jitention, I T1TIIEREBY one wagon IB adapted to tt OHM VV of three, rendering it capable of accomplish i Ing tbe several 'purposes of Porter, Lamb ar and mp Cart, with the ease and fimhty aliimg tbe load on both axlelrees ll thishas been mttamed in Ryder a New Patent, ed March 186T I J. A.

BUKLE'GH, WHOLESALE DRUGGIST, mch 131 GENERAL AGENT roved February 28th 1667 that Townships nnm crtd Kin 19 17 and 10 "Unas 17. S. sitaated Qton the Upper Sait Jokn Biver, exqept- ing the Booth quarter ot last named town will ha offered for Bale by pnblio anotioo foi the benefit of Bid College at tbo Land Office in Baogor on Wednesday thellth dsy of September next at 12 clock noon One third caih, and payable in one and two yeara, secured oy 'mortgesre on the premises will be received in pasment. ISAjfPK CLARK, mch 9 ta Land Agent. PACTQKT PROPEBTY FOB SALE OR BENT.

Amoit rabstantial bmldmc 114 by 41 EBfeet, gattgemHe Village, finuheo ttAbest mannerttnrooiihoatfor a Woolen Fictory --with drivmc wheel ia-and one mam line of ahaftine ready to be put up I Turnuhed with Urge tubular boiler, together with water privilege duni and flow complete exempt from taxation for euc years, and pffered for aalo or rent on tains whiob will entirely aatiifactorr to any party WQO will pdtln macbmery and carry on tbe Woolen Manufaotnrinc bmioeea For further pBrucnlani to COL WILLIAM OAKES. Saneerrille Me October 29th. 1866 dtf Dump' Cart," ereatestl ease and fimhty Allthi issued March TOWW and COUNTY RIGHTS FOE SAIJE, For particulars enquire of the proprietors at Han-pdenSomer Bampden ApnllS 1867-j-ooatTimpgcopy) Canada Advertisement. ANTED-t At tho Melbourne SI ate Quarry, Canada OOOD SLATE KtlESS ER3 ttnd SPLIinHKb--wagoa 20 cents per daily working time eleven hotra CottBtaot em FIRE! 7IREU! DELAY MAKES THE DANQE't Till nowPircs Srerems 0 0 to.t7and the undeVatandin with the conductor ov of for'she has been the "asylum i onA onnoiho the traiio, for no sooner wood the President many of my friends, as she now an asy ROWOM commence Feller Simps' than Randall lam to myself I hope that Canada m. jjuaiuci, has limn nr wood pull the bell ropexaqd off tho trane 'orever remain a part of the British Empire derate re wood^ He wu, that the and may God, you all, and th, BrU G.

Wi MERRILL, Invitea the attention of purchasers to bis W3W AND STOCK and Chamber Sets, President shooda't put me to flag nevef cease to wave over you Mr wish concormng the waving of the British flag is under the circumEtancca jsAnu.0 UUIT i rifira thft RnflHcnpi Prcs xunnn jYini-lo --The ZlxtUlgaifilier, Oj VMZ ouch ez they pleased 3tttles welcomed TheSTirrattl ouch ez they pleased 3tttles welcomed The Surratt Tnal--Tta Bights of tne Preed YOEK, June 16 tne Fresideotial party and tho President re- mejl The Criminal Court was again obenedtbis spondee! IJe remarked ttat in Eawley he lormne by JuJge who announced first opened his tender eyej a penniless boy lat he could pr icoed to empannel a jury in Here is the scene OT his childhood here is T- IhetaseofSurrHt. avery thing to bind maa to his fellow, and -----Wi Iurt7a Faher continues ill and requires the ta associate him with that with which he is Fisber, and consequentlv nothing was done fr of ta pCioSr ossotiated. fiero is where tte tondernw OT th Surrattpame The judge has been Dtnote Ptibhc nollaH hafnrt, hi rmHnv.tliA npnr.nnrIinp'S«rnnld attached lUelt A Self Acting Portable JTtre Engine, I Is inexpensive, and GO Simple in its construction that June 14 The Criminal Court was not in to of the illness of Mr Amencon Fue Ezbngmajier Oompany, Bankrupt Notice. Oats, Flpur and Coyn. WAITER F.

DISTRICT CLUE OvrioB POETLMD. May themeelvea of tho lawyara and that the nnf A BUSHELS VBBY CHOICE OATS, eziWf to be able At TMBOD- 2000 bushels ttld Y.ellon Com Jnfit received per Bff Executive," All All JJ I K7T)) nng it, i jr judge Hr Pierrepont raised point ttat such course would be illegal feut the point was overrhled by the court Excuses were then heard and several tales man relieved from duty and one was Runmn a distillery at Warhall Court, terrupt the progress of the caae, as the chal said tho same thort that IB Merely in the nature of drotest that he President reely want ta know He Wl11 be tho ful1 bench with oth wus choked down, and lha President per er exceptions But three jurors haTO yet e( i ae been obtained jble rates all tboaa nqmnne them, vith Blank BOD or befoife Jnne 1stprox TOP In order to uniformity jn thelfcp-rs it or blanHfi-mobtain them at this office 1 All feefl must bo pmld TEVENS, HAJJOPACTUKIHO ALARGESTDCK JEWELER EXiKAVER, No. 36 Hammond Street, Onptntt the Court Kosu, Buigoi, He 15. tf H. MITCJHELL, Attorney and Counsellor-at-liw OFFICE No.

55 WES? KAEEET BQDAiE, CITC prompt attention to the ollection of all 3 and to all other entrojted to hu earn 50 Pel Oent lass than FonnEr Pncei Teas, Coffees, Fork, Sugars. Lard, Tobaccos, DKY ANli APPLES, Pickles by the Barrel or Gallon, Girkineln cpAlon or half oiillon lare. A large variety of Soaps and PURE SPICES OF ALL KINDS -ild in advance as no accounts for 1 sale low by will be kept with one whether Register. Ai maj Sw lignoe. Commianon ax.

Attorney or Party AU teUentowhkbanaiiBweV is expected must enclose Bn9cien BUmps to pay tho return postae or they will nut bo t-dsirereil I M. PKEBLT. Clerk Jnne 3 3wd Mainpi New and Fashionable Clothing, I AT BEDUCEB At Al OW is the 10 boy 300 barrels tnd XX Fljur Also, nimalllot of A I I 9 I A intlronharjotteApploton tTraoy.I^How sworn Co and Trcmont WATCH all of which arc oneof the beet as- oity. at the 'owost prices, of Bresafrooks. fcuriness Sack Coats, fanu, -in matched raits.

Oil and Bnbber At $1,00 and $1,25, In Very Desirable Shades. ftdjtiBted to het and oold--and all the lower Trades of AMKKlCAIf in gclj and silver ouee. wbif will be sold at lowest pnei All of WatchM lejoairedand may 13 WALTER N0 20, MAIN STREET. la Bre maylo KIME9 NICHOLS CloodB, imd Aitrona Abo. Fnrnubioe nf aH-ilnds.

Sliiri? Bzawon Lmcn i CO.IUB, Bosoms, Ao A mcntof iUtaaMtap! TnutU. Values. on, Sultana Eauans, SELLING AT COST. EING about to close fcsmeaa the subscribers offer their entire stock of MTiIlHEET ABD PAKOZ GOODS At exceedingly low pnoos, many altidn below latest Btylea All coote waijranteol to five latlefno lost Aljcoodtj muitnositi rely be- -o -M WI Maccaroni, Tapioca. Saco.

Uauna, Fanna and Corn Htarch led Cords Clothes I inn Wrapping Paper and Twine, Wooden Wue of ail kindj. troomj Palb, Tubs Bill Bnoketi BOIM MoUaaei BooteU. MeenrM, Wain Board Mop Handle. Clolhei Plni and Bu tion to pvroburtre for enttlnr prompt): attended to WM A DBKSSKR4BON8 No.l Slnoilmnd's Bloek Eendukeac Bridie. mai.16 IWnr.

Maine 6n WORKS eavy ibrgiiic done to order ted All work war- K. W. 0 foro tie first of Angnst. aa the and fixtures rented Lao in will do well to call early, as the stock will sold a marvelljinaly prices I I Old town. Jnne 4th, 1867.

c. H1VE JUST KBOBIVGD ANOMEE LAROB UilllOJllIlg 4 CONBIBTISG Of Kid Gloves, Ties. Cravats, uv tto government, wid tothaflog probable that tbe President will 'eel called A BKMAKKABLE EVENT IN STEAM Niyi Constitution But to subjecfc- lnt to Bos ton Under tbe auspices of the Umud Wlen I went out from aion yoo a penni -fSpecial to Boston Advertiser btates Eovernment there has today betn less boy, I tdopud the Cons itution ez my made aioWiment in the use or pe guide, and by them I hev illuJbeen guided WAsniKQioH, June To the yodng I "wood say that they will be One thirn of the Surratt jury ha4 been oh which has produced most noteworthy results taltia mo ez modeJ Jjeavin here a tamed, and not one thus tit is a wbel sym and destined to effect an rcvolj penni ess boy, it is not forlme to sav wheth pathizer tion river and ocean navigation In ten er I have succeeded, I am no longer a pen Senator is here, says that the yours from this day or less, we yenturo to niless boy aor Item wich is round me-- breach the Bepublican party Virginia ipredict no coal burning vehicles Of freigJt a a Doy, nor is-- is fully healed, arm that it carry the State by or possage, will be in uae Petroteum, noW hut this is baridfjrm from the subjecfc For a handsome majority a drue ill over the world Bud idle in the encournjenejnt uv the young men afore Instructions from the State Department inexhaustible quantBies, will assume a ntw mo, I sav, that hev enjoyed all Ijaro have been forwarded to Mimstor Campbell value and coal will be cheaper for other about I a no aspirant fto nolhin and to proceed at once to Mexico, anji seek and DUrrjO-ea tberfore the way I now fur them All take up his residence near the JuueE Gov TheU propeller Palos Caot places uv la now bcfofo em I thans ernment--f Special to Boston Journal Waters 860 tons Yformeily a gunboat) left vou for this corjel welcum North Oarlmy i the Navy Nird about 11 clook, hiving me out a nenn less hov, and did not af I me sich advan ages ez, considerm my avy JM on board coin, GeOi Linco'n, Mr the firm Geo Keed, Wm Gable Dispatches, Granville Meaty, mqnts, I ough to hov hec yet I of Cotton Haley, It's better ez i wn' Goineouta love her Dublin, June Itissuppos penniless a that the Fenians who landed and were STOCK of n1 a I rtmmt of Stationery Fancy Articles. FlBC Serge SOtA Calf Boots, a enians C. and othar gentlemen jn the petroleum busi- BOJ, and relurmn after boldm evry captured a shor.

time ago were i from AWernaauvmyadep id village up to 8a Lequently taken to Waterford and eon FELT AND WOOL SATS, neerke logg of 'the IT 3 Jfavy, and Chief President, sho.vs qualities to much bet anedin jail there Ibis week they have Jk fJ VJJ HSndeHon of the MavyTard, the tor thso ef I hedn gone out a been onae oing a prehminary elimination two latter being under government orders to I penniless bey I ttank you for tins tribute an the testimony given far ihowa that In8tltut i series of ive tripB to test the new my many good qualities four of them had served as offlcers in the principle, Col Henry E. Foots df Tennes- And he parted, to Kahdall Tj mted statesarmy during tha late rebel the inventor of the petrolenmBteam fur- whispered hm in his ea- hoo it has already been reporwd that Co nace A. Allen of New Tort, and Kisin promptly and oil his hand wh was one of the chie: witnesses BENTS TlRHSR HATS uanaa jan-ic, petroleum tanks on deck anppliw iur Hace burners The flame from those burners but uv him I am proud, for bed it not been A ggy euuedj durmg whlon heats the boilers The burners by tbeir own tor VmTea of lhe hc8 One of E. COOPER CISTERN AT TH01E3ALE MI form of Bansor and cenerftlfcr thatteii prffpuwi order aae irurifitwl at 3TERN3 TAffKS WATEK CASKS. Ac Cam Jen.

Sent 19 1866 N03TON 4 SAFES. it UUTCAL STORE CO, Centra St OIBjtB. 00 C3Atl HIOHT Smith's Bloek. ceire prompt attention (MACHINE EOQBEAXES, CLAIMS, or nit KCRIPTIO DISULIPTlOll, MannfaotdM aid for sale at Boston pilcw. By J.

V. PABKHUB6T, "AttfCealraiSlM.etrBaMor. Maine. Perking Smith, CROP Molasses, FOB SAIJt WSOLtSALI AND RETAIL. brtleSe1eArwUfor AlBBKI BOSJJS ft 00.

Howe'glmproTed Standard Scales, to ftft Kttttfactum, i "a lUrrtfttXewrXMlAbm MKtBryPlUter Fire and Burglar Proof VERY NICE! QULITY, eT s(1 iverageo IU ud lit BBOAD SIBBBI and CORN. iDinets of Co reference to but the re- DMIW 'nments have arrived has not vet been made public. London, June 14--Evening Demarches from Athens report that many tathe hav. left Greece to rtlntoroe tie rank, of the the patriot fa Owdia, and a large rn ces, and rcporto of opeiatore, KaiiraactttrerflL WHITE SODA SOAP, 101 utw wr T- 1 1 "-f- IM to ka wri 10 iU MM. "I wn ka written another One of the foor men who were going AXltntio on a mtt- flMMted the it sir I.

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