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The Courier News from Blytheville, Arkansas • Page 8

The Courier Newsi
Blytheville, Arkansas
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HUMAN, UatUfW Bole National Adiertistng Wltmer York, Detroit, Atlanta, Entered second claw matter port- BljthetlHt, Artansai, under art at Con- ITMI, October 1917. Member of The Associated Pra SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Bj carrier in thf citj at Bljtherllle or any suburban town where carrier it maintained, 25c per week. BJ mail, within a radios of 50 mllw. per year, 12.50 for sit months. for three monthi; by mail out.iidf 50 milt zone, 112.50 per year payable In adfnnce.

Meditations Therefore, brethren, we were comforted over 7011 in all our affliction and distress by your faith Thesi. 3:7. No cloud can overshadow a tine Christian but his faith will discern a rainbow in Hornt. Barbs A bargain sale Is when a woman can have one coat torn off her and buy another. When you're always finding fault with othtrs your friends know that you have at least one of your own.

If lome folks didn't have troubles they'd have an awful time carrying on a conversation. You figure this one: A firl steps into ftociety by coming out. American school children are the healthiest in the world, says doctor. In spite of their bad jpelll Ike and the Democrats During the recent election, a good many Democrats frankly rode President Eisenhower's coattails. Some said in so many words: "Elect me and I'll help Ike more than my Republican opponent." Mostly this was simple recognition that the President's popularity still is very high among the American voters.

Few politicians felt so safe that they dared to assail Mr. Eisenhower openly directly. But political observers foresaw that this situation could not long continue. Once the 1954 voting was over, in a very real sense the 1956 presidential campaign had begun. And the political rules for the big stakes are different.

Democratic leaders meeting recently in New Orleans formally signaled the change in viewpoint. Paul Butler, new party national chairman, and Rep. Sam Rayburn, incoming speaker of the House went after the President with real vigor. Butler flatly said the President lacked the capacity to govern and to unify the nation. A day or so earlier, Rayburn said much the same thing.

True, Rayburn later indicated the Democrats will temper their criticisms to some degree. He said they don't intend to hate Mr. Eisenhower just because he belongs to another party. This may well reflect a wish lo be genuinely less vindicative than some politicians have been in the recent past. But it also shows that caution still governs the Democrats 1 handling of a tremendously popular President.

Their attacks must be carefully, almost delicately framed, and they know it. But the requirements of politics nevertheless demand that they do attack. For their great goal from now on is to win the presidency in 1956. And they know they cannot hope to do this if they spend the next two years maintaining or building up Mr. Eisenhower's reputation.

Bluntly speaking, the Democrats' political task in the months ahead is to cut the President down in voters' though not to whack him so hard and often as to create a strong wave of sympathy for him. Obviously this is a difficult assignment, and it should occasion no suprise that Butler and Rayburn have begun early to measure its shape and For Safer Driving Tomorrow is Safe Driving Day, as proclaimed by the President's Action Committee for Traffic Safety, with numerous national organizations cooperating. It is Mr. Eisenhower's way of drawing attention to one of the country's thorniest As he said last win- ter: "When any particular activity in the United States takes 38,000 lives in one year, it becomes a national problem of the first importance." This ii not the place to discusi all the many proposed remedies for tht problem. Shuffice it to say that a fair share of them seem lo lie with the motorists himself.

The burden is on him, clearly, to make himself responsible, cautious, attentive to road conditions, alert to possible defects in his car, aware that the vehicle he drives can become a weapon of death through one second's carelessness. Neither the President nor anyone else proposes that Americans drive safely only tomorrow. But do drive safely make it a model for each of the other 364 days of the year. VIEWS OF OTHERS Kissing Room A news story from Philadelphia tells us that there to at least one architect in this country who Is not unmoved by romance. Of course there may be others, but this one Is brave enough to declare his feelings.

What this country needs, he Rays, is a kissing room at every presumably railroad station and bus terminal); where husbands and wives, or those who plan to be husbandx and wives, who are about to be parted by the means of transportation, can Bay goodbye with proper tenderness shielded from the vulgar gait. Appparently such a room would be properly furnished and to make the privacy complete, should be divided into booths with curtains, like a. voting place. There Is one major objection and one minor objection to this plan. The minor Is that it would cost considerable money.

Unless the federal government could be persuaded that this was one of the things the government owed the people. But the big objection that it Is Very doubtful if the kissers would use It. or whether it would decrease the amount of kissing that takes place at the gates. Imagine a fellow saying to his girl, "let's go into the kissing room." Out the window goes all spontaneity and romance. Says the girl, "What's the matter? Ashamed to be kissing me?" So they would separate mad Instead of sweetly sud.

And the kissing room would have to have a doorman who would demand to see your ticket before going in the room to make sure this was really goodbye kissing and not Just ordinary smooching. Also some method would have to be found to put time limit on goodbyes, or you would have potential travellers on the 11:30 p. m. starting to siiy goodbye at 8:16 p. in.

The fellow has wonderful intentions, but it won't (Tenn.) Times. Erin Go Bragh! The British hiwe reluctantly admitted that the outlawed Irish Republican Army l.i at it again or perlmjyi it never slopped. Last summer raiders wtUvcked iv British Army barracks in Northern Ireland and escaped with more than 300 weapons. Bombs were planted around the home nnd l.he district head quarters of the British Army comnwndiM- in Northern Ireland and very recently a group of the black-faced Irishmen lined machine guns in a raid against a barracks on the border. The situation is ridiculous and will probably continue the same for another hundred years.

Certainly no people were treated worse than the Irish by the English in centuries past. But there Is no practical cure for partition of the country; the North is settled by English sympathizers and uprooting them would be ax unjust as was the uprooting of the Irish to make room for them in the flrsh place. The truth of the mutter IB that the Irish simply can't let go of such a beautiful cause to fight about. If Ireland ever were made one, the Irish would probably wither away and die. Chesterton understood when he wrote: "For the great.

Gaels of Ireland Are the men that God made mad. For all their wars are merry And oil their songs nre Bay tWis.) Press-Gazette. Could Be SO THEY SAY No definite Information available In 'Washington was ever withheld from the commands in the Pacific. historian Cnpt. T.

B. Kitteridge, rebuts charge that President Roosevelt Invited 'Japanese attack. That (America's being ready for war) does not mean being truculent or provocative or of State Dulles. For nearly four years I have had to wait In silence while in my absence a myth has been developed. I hope that the return of the mere nmn will help dlspell the Hiss goes free.

We must go back to the whole Bible. We must return to the discipline that-made our fathers Bishop Richard o( IndltnapolU, It's Good Is It Good for the Elephant? Ptttr Washington Column At Last, Uncle Sam Is Completing First Inventory of His Real Estate With the announced purpose of getting rid of everything: not considered absolutely essential for efficient government operation, the first full Inventory of Uncle Sam's real estate holdings is now ncaring completion. The Inventory must be turned over to the Semite Appropriations Committee before March 1055. Detailed property surveys are now being made by the 10 major government departments and eight other Independent agencies in whose names nearly all U.S. property is held. surveys arc being turned over to General Services Administration, which is Uncle Sam's housekeeper, for assembly in a master Inventory. Then, for the first time, Uncle Sum will know for sure just what I he really owns and what it's worth, or at least what It cost. Once this job Is completed, the idea will be to keep the' inventory on ii current basis. The next task will be to determine which of these properties are no longer needed by the govern-1 ment as "excess" and which can be dlsposeu of as "surplus." The purpose here is twofold. First is lo reduce government' costs by cutting the expense of, maintaining property it doesn't i need.

Second is to transfer back to state and. local government tax rolls such surplus property as is now carried tnx free because of federal government ownership. To shape up policies for this program, a Surplus Real Property Disposal Project was set up in the Bureau of the Budget last December. In July David H. Brill, Chicago veal estate lawyer, was made administrator of the project.

Mr. Brill says he hopes to make a final report by next October. There has been some misunderstanding and misrepresentation of this project. It has been looked at somewhat askance, as an opening wedge for a great give-away or bargain sale of public lands, national forests, reclamation projects, Tennessee Valley Authority dams, or even Atomic Energy Commission installations. That Isn't in the picture at all.

Specifically excluded Irom this program are the public domain, the national forests, national parks and all properties leased by the government or held under mixed private enterprise ownership, such as defense plants. Also, the survey is limited to the continental United States, which excludes the vast government land holding in Alaska and the Panama Canal. The best estimates now available nre that some 13,500 properties will be reported by the GSA inventory. Four thousand of them will be un- der Army, Navy and Air Force ownership and management. The other 9500 are largely owned and managed by 17 other agencies Office department buildings, Department of Commerce airfields and lighthouses.

Federal Housing agency developments, Veterans Administration hospitals and so on. Their combined acquisition costs are very roughly put at $30 billion to $40 billion. How much of this volume might ultimately be disposed of, and at what savings or what tax benefits to local government, no one can now estimate. If the number 13,500 seems small, it Is explained that the 90- mlle-long Hanford. atomic energy plant is listed as one installation.

An Army base with a hospital, housing development and research center is counted as one installation. Eighteen bills were introduced in the last Congress to transfer government property to local tax rolls. None passed because nobody could agree on what was necessary property for government operation, and what was surplus or excess. The Brill project studies hope to change that situation and get some ground rules established for reducing Uncle Sam's property inventory in a big way, by removing red tape roadblocks. tloe Doctor BjflEr Written for NEA Service EDWIN P.

JORDAN, M.D. An interesting problem is raised by Mrs. who writes: "Although I have recently undergone an operation for removal of an infected gall bladder, the disturbing rondi- Llon. existing prior to this operation still persists. I am told that this is caused by adhesions in the trea of my appendix as result of a hysterectomy performed about seven years ago.

Would you please discuss adhesions and what, if any, steps can be taken to treat them?" Adhesions are made up of tissue similar to that of an ordinary scar the skin. Under the miscroscope inhesions appear as slightly Ic fibers. This is called fibrous issue nnd the body tends to respond to any infections or injury forming it. The response is not related to the particular nature of he damage but is merely one of nature's attempts to heal an in- iury. Once formed the adhesions may jr may not produce difficulty.

The Ibrous tissue has a tendency to contract; thus if adhesions hnve ornicd around a loop of the iu- cstines, they may draw tighter ind ttgiitcr, thus preventing the 'rce flow of intestinal contents. This, in turn, can produce symn- oms nnd may require an opera- ton to cut these bands of fibrous issue and free the partly Wrangled gut. Whftt to do for adhesions do- iends on where the adhesions are ocated, what normal structures of tie body they surround, and what his contraction is doing to the organs involved. Sine people tend to develop nd- much more readily than thcrs. This raises a difficult prob- em because In such people new dhesiorus are likely to form even fter the old ones have been cut removed.

However, surgical have been improved so lat the number of recurrences of is greatly lessened. Pinning the blame on adhesions or vague abdominal distress is kely to be dUHcuK. Sometimes It an done only at operation when the region under suspicion omcs under the scrutiny of the urgoon. Adhesions do not lead to cancer as some people fear, but they cannot be cured by any medi- iines taken by mouth or given by injection. In Mrs.

case it is difficult to know what should be done. If the symptoms are severe enough it may be necessary to open the abdominal cavity again to see if the adhesions can be cut, though their tendency to come baclt often discouraging. JACOBY ON BRIDGE Study This Hand; It's Interesting By OSWALD JACOBT Written tor NBA Service When today's hand was played in a recent New England tournament, i both the bidding anfl the play illustrated important practices. In rubber bridge, probably. North would hnve played the hand at, Rame in diamonds.

In duplicate bridge, however, as Alfred Sheimvold points out in his bvnnri-new book on the gnme, "the minor suits are for the birds." The reason is familiar to all duplicate players, and Sheimvold explains it for those who are trying tournament bridge for the first LITTLl time: "When a hand will make game at a minor suit, it will make game at no-trump surprisingly often. Even if one suit Is wide open, perhaps the opponents won't lead it; or perhaps the opponents can take only four tricks even if they do lend their best suit. One overtrick at three no-trump will give you 30 extra points, which is better than one overtrick at five of the minor. What's more, it's far carter to make one overtrick at three no trump than at five of ft minor." South followea mis principle in i NORTH VK84 I JO 8 5 3 WEST EAST AJ985 10 7 5 1 A 6.J 472 94 SOUTH I AKJ Korth-South vul. South Wnt North 1 Fast 14 1 2N.T.

Pass JN.T. Paw Pass Pass Opening 4 1 Tht fellow who talks his off probably never misses it. today's hand when he bid no-trump with only a sketch stopper In spades and no stopper at all in hearts. As it happened. North had help in both majors for the raise to game; but South was willing to be In game even though he be sure of where North's strength located.

West opened the seven at and South astutely played the king from dummy. East had to win with the ace and then had to lead different still since a spade continuation would give declarer a tree finesse in the suit. East shifted to the Jack of clubs, whereupon declarer took the three top clubs, discarding low from the dummy, and ran the six diamond tricks. At the end, East covurt save only three earns. If he kept two spades, he would be put in wilh the blank see of hourly and compelled to away from his jack of Erskine Johnson IN HOLLYWOOD Exclusively Yours: a western movie In Elroy (C a 1 s) Hlrsch's future, now that he's definitely quitting pro football at the end of this season.

George Schaefer, former president of RKO, labeled him another John Wayne after seeing his second film, "Unchained." Crazy- chaps? Jack Benny and Jackie Gleason in a costarrlng movie? TV Alley hears Jack has the'idea and will talk to Gleason about the film. British stage producer Jack Hylton, it's said, took a financial licking with Ingrid Bergman's London appearance in the oratorio, "Joan at the Stake." Bitter memories for moviegoers of "Joan of Arc" maybe? Eva Gabor is trying io keep it a secret that New York socialite Danny Slater is bewitched, bothered and bewildered about her. He flew to Hollywood to attend her "Sailor's Delight" opening. Luscious Mamie Van Doren auditioned her scanty chorus girl costumes in "Third Girl Prom the Right" for Producer Sam Marx. "Honey," he told her, "If you walk by a schoolhouse you'll be contributing: to the delinquency of minors." HOLLYWOOD'S best barbecue of the year was Publicists Guild's Panhandle dinner.

Press agents turned actors stole the show with a press-roasting "Caine Mutiny" satire, "The Main Scrutiny," despite old pros like George Gobel, Qus Schilling-, Peggy King, Esther Williams, Ben Gage and Jack Carson on the same bill. Slick opening line by Keynote Speaker Steve Broidy: "I'm awfully glad lo be here because I'm so anxious to hear what I have to say." The steam heat Abbe Lane generates singing with hubby Xavier Cugat's band and acting in "Chicago Syndicate" has given Columbia Ideas about starring her In Clara Bow type stories. Producer Sam Katsman's prediction about Abbe: "She'll be more than a singer after this picture. She can 1 On-the-set talk about Cugat and Abbe: "He's like a radar screen. never lets her out of his sight," It's a woman's world again in Hollywood.

Out at U-I they're turning "The spoilers," a two-fisted epic about brawling males each time it's been filmed, into a starring vehicle for Anne Baxter. The nales will have lesser roles. CftURAGEOUS SINGER Lillian Roth's victory over the bottle zoomed her back to important stardom on the night-club circuit. Now she's warming up for a new battle big bout to make the grade as dramatic actress. "I'll soon be 44." she told me backstage at the Mocambo.

"At 45 I'm going to retire as a niglit- singer. I want to make a sincere, attempt to establish myself as a- dramatic actress." The Enzio Fiermonte who plays Tybalt in O-A's "Romeo and Juliet" is the ex-middleweight cjiamp of Europe. He made headlines in the '30's when he married an Astor heiress. Those perfumed fan notes are the reason Jack Webb's moving, into celluloid romantics when he therefore kept only one spade, whereupon declarer took two spade tricks. Either way, declarer was sure to make 11 tricks.

The play would have been unimportant at rubber bridge, since South was sure of at least 10 tricks. At duplicate, however, the llth trick was necessary for a fine score. steps out of his Egt. Friday character to play a jaw musician In the movie feature, "Pete Kelly's Blues." NEW SIGN ON the bicycle Jerry Lewis rides to the set of "You'ry Never Too Partner." Close-Ups and LongshoU: Marie McDonald's plotting a. career comeback now that she's divorced wealthy Harry Karl Note attached to a pair of gift cigars from new grandpop George Burns: "Grade and I are doing: fine." It was a girl for their daughter, Sandra.

Margaret Truman, i Hollywood for her guesting on Jimmy Durante's TV show, told local scribes: "I'd rather be a wife than a career girl. But marriage is still a someday thing lor me." There's a shapely reason why some people think Marlon Brando may not wed Joslane Mariani and her name is Julie Robinson, a dancer. He saw her almost every night during his recent visit to Rome. Wide eyed talk on TV Alley about the reruns of "I Love Lucy" starting in January. A sponsor will pay $30,000 each for the second a week more than cost of original sponsorship.

Another bir argument for telefilm. Rock Hudson and Ann Blyth topped a fan magazine's annual popularity poll, with box-office recognition for Barbara Stanwick and Alan Ladd. 75 Yuri Ago In L. E. Old, representative of tht Prudential Insurance since March 1, has qualified for the Most Distinguished Salesman award which is given to the salesmen of different firms by the Memphis Sales Managers a branch of the Memphis Chamber of Commerce.

One hundred and fifty invitations have been sent out by Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hardaway and Mr. and Mrs. Everett B.

Gee for a dance to given by them at Blytheville Country club Tuesday night. A choir of 38 voices under direction of Mrs. Paul L. Tipton will present a Christinas cantata at First Baptist church Sunday night, ACCORDING to the growing custom of retiring workers at the age of 65, Methuselah would have been retired 904 years before he died. And if he had been in Oklahoma old BBC pensioner, he would have drawn more than a half million dollars after his withdrawal from gainful employment.

Any old age pension law in Methuselah's Urns would have created quite a fiscal Oklahoman. INSTEAD of monogramming ths ash trays for gracious living, why don't they letter them with something Informative, such as: "This is an ash tS.C.) State. HAVE YOU been invited to join the A8PPPPPPP? The American Society for the Prevention of Put- Parsley on People's Plates in Public News- Free Press. WE STILL wonder about the odd pricing expensive merchandise, such as a TV set for $199.95. We wonder if a merchant gains the respect of intelligent customers by knocking a nickel off of North Georgia Tribune.

Screen Performer Antwtr to. Prtviout ACROSS 1 Scrtan actor, Gardiner 1 t. In 13 Aerify 1430 (Fr.) Splinter 16 Dispatcher 17 Compound It Idolii. 19 Scruple 91 endearment J7 Individual SleeveleK 11 Lowut deck of thip 14 Bridgt holding! 18 Painful effort 18 City in Illinois SB Etwntial bting 4.0 Low hiunt 42 Hone's ntck hiin It Ding" 45 Military Europun iwillow Strufgli 57 Preiser 88 Impyrun Coviri with pitch anew MMculInt DOWN I Demolish I Ltmprtyi 8 Ever (pott.) 7 (ab.) 8 Mountain nymph Sell 10 East Indian comb, form) 11 Eternity 12 Withered 20 Preposition 21 Horn 32 Born 33 Drivel Makes mistake; Exclamation of sorrow 56 Wandtr 28 Peaceful Thing! don. 5o 0 A A 1 A 0 1 R.

fc A 7 A A it 4 A 'ft ft (A A A It i L. A I II A fy. tf I ft tL i 1 tt fa 7 Alt' A I ft I i i- S.S. 30 Mexican 45 Princt pwiant 46 NojtrH 31 Domestic Horse's 33 Father 35 Symbol lor jodium 37 Fiih 41 Symbol for nicktl 48 Volcano 90 Persia 51 headlong 52 Nights below SI Dispatched 43 Inquisitive Nears (ab.) 44 TirdMr Pronoun.

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