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Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 1

Asheville, North Carolina
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THE ISHMEtB-CITIZEN. Citizen Want Ads Erizg Results TCPG TAIE. MONjDAX" MORNING, OCTOBER 17 1910. tut LABOR ZZ Circus Day. School Children who had frn trt Rrrirtnl Than Snap-Shot of a Group of to see the Parade.

BLUE RIBBON EVENT OF DIAMOND WILL COMMENCE A PHILADELPHIA TOD A Championship Sold, Long Before Opening Day." Greatest Ever Seen in History of Teams in Pink of Condition. LAW OF SOUTHERN STATES Dfl TRIAL Supreme Court Will Decide Constitutionality of Alabama Statute CLAIMED THAT IT IS COVER FOR PEONAGE Most of The Other Southern States Have Similar Acts on their Books WASHINGTON, Believ ing that hundreds of southern ne groes are being deprived of their lib erty by big planters under forma of law law, the federal government will endeavor this week to induce the Supreme court the United States to strike a telling blow 'at the Alleged evil. Thia it will do by asking the court to 'declare unconstitutional the so-called Alabama "Labor Contract" law. Similar laws have been passed by several of the southern statea and the decision la expected to apply to them all. Their treatment of negro farm hands under thia law.

la Interpreted by the department of justice as' a reduction of those laborers to a state of peonage. Compulsory service In satisfaction or debt Is taken by Attorney General Wickersham as the object to be accomplished by the constitution. The state of Alabama will appear in court to defend its enactment. Story of Case At Bar. It la claimed by Attorney General Gardner of that state that the law In question la not aimed at the negro aa a claas, and anyway thia Is a proper exercise of the police power of the state to atop fraudulent practices from which the south has, suffered severely.

The case comes to the court on the appeal of a negro, Alon-so Bailey, from, the decision of the Supreme court of Alabama, which held he law constitutional and punished Bailey for violating it by assessing a fine, tfeulvllant to 1S6 days hard labor. for, the county, i Bailey -entered 'into a written contract to work as a farm hand for the! Riverside company during the year of 0i for the sum of $12 per month, the contract recHIng that Bailey had received $16 in advance and wss to receive the balance due him at the rate of 110.75 per month, He worked a month and a few days and. then quit, It la claimed with- (Continued on Page Two.) REPUBLICANS DF EMPIRE STATE HANOIGAPPEO BY ROOSEVELT'S ACTIVITY Find Business Men of New York City Inclined to' Go Over to Dix STRONG UP-STATE NEW YORK, 16. Colonel Roosevelt wound up his trip to the South and Southwest, and through Indiana and New York, at 8.15 o'clock Saturday morning. Mr.

Roosevelt's return to New York finds the campaign in this state getting warmed up to fever heat. Hitherto it has been less heated. But now the war Is fairly on. The exchange of charges and countercharges has begun. For the next three weeks, It looks as if there would be a struggle of almost unparralleled bitterness.

As the situation stands, the odds are apparently with the democrats. The betting is in their favor. The defection from Stimson in the business district on New York is great, on account of dislike of Roosevelt. It Is asserted that the republicans, on account of the corporation hostility to Roosevelt, are finding it hard to get money, ana mat me oemocraa win nave plenty. Moreover, there is moth Amr.nv n.alula lYtnt thA re.

money, and that the democrats will v. yOL. XXVL, NO. 362. KILLED KETGKEL 111 SELF DEFENSE DECLARES HURTZ Is CJptured by Farmer With vom he Took Refuge Af-.

ttr Long Wandering $T00t GUARD OVER HIM wifH SHOT GUN Slayer Tells Story'm Which he Maxes Out Rather Weak Cast For Himself 8PRINGFIELD, Oct If. Walter A. Hurts', who shot and killed Stanley Ketchel, world's, middle Weiffht champion, yesterday morning, wu captured today at the home of Thomas Haggard, one mile from NiansVa. Hurta wu taken to the Webster county jail at Marah-field where he la being; cloaely guarded. I After bsin placed in hia cell the prlaoner Mad a statement In which he said he ahot Ketchel In self de- fenae.

He aaya he ordered the prize fighter to throw up hia handa and fired when lie did not obey. Late laat. night, overcome with hunger and fatigue from fleeing through, the rough Ozark reached the home of Thomas Haggard, where he applied) for a place to aleep and something to eat. He given food and a bed. At the time Haggard had not heard of the hooting.

Later he learned of the affair and received a description of the slayer. For several boura, while Hurta -was sleeping, he atood guard wU ahot gun. Arrested by Hit) Host after 4 o'clock thia morning Haggard secured the aervicea of -threO neighbors and -they awakened Harts at the point of a gun. They compelled the man "to roll up hia sleeves to find a tattoo mark, accused1 him of avlng killed Ketchel. The man then admitted the shooting.

He was turned over to the officers and! taken to Marshfleld. Hurts, to telling the story of the killing; assert that Ketchel made Insulting remarks tor Ooldle Smith, a eook employed at the farm. He Swords and' Ketchel, and he then demanded that the prixe fighter throw up hia handai When the champion re-. fused7 to do- this, he said, he waa so frightened, knowing Ketchel carried a revolver, that he fired, and (Continued on -tofto fonr) I.1ISS BARNEY GIVES UP HER ART TO DEVOTE HER LIFE TONEW RELIGION Sculptor Who Made Famous Statue of Ariadne Is an Ardent Babist STATUE IS HIDDEN PARIS. Oct.

16-r-Miss Laura Barney, scolptreas, whose statue, "The Deserted Ariadne," in the yard of her mother's home in Washington, cauaed an mterenattonal laugh because of the subsequently denied report thit the model was Mlsa Barney's sister, Natalie, has given up her art to devote the rest Of her life to the spreading of Babism, a new Parlsan religion melt he the founder of which Waa killed thlr- ears ago. II more nude statues will come Irivo all her time to the sect v'e belongs, a which rec-Blble wltLpA 'era science. a but up-t to the V'es of mind i statement rSUid- I extension 1 Mr- be- st re-! the Ithe i .4 iddi- ehe the ha eatre. Progress The Best on I ana 1 ASHEVILLE, N. LEAVES BEVERLY Tl President Taffs Summer Va cation Officially Ends This Morning WILL SAIL FOR PANAMA AFTER THE ELECTION Says Goodbye to His Neigh bors in Little Unitarian Church BEVERLY, Oct.

1.Pres- Ident Taft'a summer vacation officially ended today. Tomorrow he start back to Washington by way of Pew York, Three thousand children of the Heverly schools will be lined up on either side Lothrop street as the prealdent'a automobile atarta for Bos ton at 11 o'clock, and they will wave him. a "good bye" with little united Statea flags. Mrs. Tatt, her sister, Mrs Thomas, K.

Laughlln, of Pittsburg, and Mbe Helen Taft will stop over In New York for a week or more of shop-Ping. President Taft will be back in Washington Thursday morning to remain until November 7, when he goes to Cincinnati to vote on the eighth. He will sail for Panama on November 10, from Charleston, S. C. Sjteaks tn Church.

Mr. Taft has thoroughly enjoy ed his summer on the North shore. Ho haa taken on some weight during the last month, but does not seem to mind it Today in the Unitarian church, the president waa called upon to make a few remarks. What he said was entirely informal, but he took oc- c.ision to indicate that he Intended to emaln a summer resident of the North shore so. long as he is president.

The president's recreation during tho summer has consisted principally of golf and motoring. Some of the president's automobile trips have ex tended over two days, and altogether It is estimated ha has travelled over 8,000 miles la. machine during the Tn hit speech In church todsy Mr. Taft said: "I should be most reluctant to break Into the regular course thlr morning if it did -not give me the opportunity on behalf of Mrs. Taft (Continued on pugc four) BELMONT ABBEY WILL CELEBRATE ITS SILVER JUBILEE IN GREAT POMP Papal Delegate Brings Man date From Pope Conferring Extraordinary Honor EXERCISES TUESDAY.

CHARLOTTE, N. Oct, 1. Ir the presence of all the American prelates of the Catholic church and hundreds of the clergy, the edict Of Pope Plus elevatllng Belmont Abbey tr the rank of the first cathedral abbe) In the western hemisphere, Abbatls Null Nulllus, will be formally executed Tuesday next wlth ceremonlet surpassing In magnificence and solemnity perhaps any eccleslastllcal event In the south's history. The central figure in the exerclset will be the Most Rev. Dlomede Fal-conlo, papal delegate to the United States, who will perform the ceremony incident to the publication enc exhibition of the mandate.

The papal bill dated Juno II, 1210, Is In recognition of the faithful and successful work of the band of Benedictine monks who a quarter of a century ago, planted In the wilderness, ten miles from Charlotte, a colony that has grown and prospwei' despite great handlieaps. The abbe embraces the largest Catholic college In the south, a handsome cathedral, a monastery, orphanage an convent, and covers several hundrer acres. The abbey has extended Iti special protecting arms to mission all over the south and today no less than tea of Importance. he Right Rev. Leo Haid.

Vicar Apostolic of North Carolina, accompanied the little band of Benedictine monks sent here 2B years age from the arch abbey In Pennsylvania and was made abbot a few weeks af ter the establishment of the colony With the celebration of the silvei Jubilee of the abbey and of his services as abbot, the Pope has conferred extraordinary powers and prl vileges upon Bishop Hald. The preliminary ceremonies making the elevation of Belmont to cathedral abbey will begin tomorrow with, the arrival of Monsiignor Fal- conllo who will be received with the DAY FOR GRIND 0 WHITE ROUSE PRICE FIVE CENTS WELLM AH ST I LL AT SEA IN Sends Wireless off Nantucket Coast That "All Is Weir on Board America KEEPING IN TRACK OF OCEAN LINERS Clings Closely to Coast But Cannot be Seen on 'Ac" count of Fog 4 BOSTON, Oct If. "Ths outlook la not so favorable, but ws art keeping up ths fight," one the messages that Waller Well man front the dirigible balloon Amerlcs, and picked up by wireless today. Ths message was sent while ths America's operator was In communication with ths Blasconset station, It followed another message, which ts picked up read; "Have shut down motor and am "heading east-northeast, making ts knots an hour with engine, Having juice for wireless, dynamos not work Ing, Thlch fog, tlona available." 44- t- BlACONBliT, Oct H. Boms whers eaat of Nantucket Island, off the coast of Massachusetts and approximately 100 miles front Atlantic City, ths starting point, Walter Welt-man's airship Amerlcs signalled a wireless "all's well" and a goodbye at IMS o'clock this afternoon and swung on up the coast through the fog.

This the last of ths I day's wireless conversation waa re- seivea nere oy a. it. ummnn, vtm Marconi operator, who had been on the alert since At sine o'clock this morning Slnconset Hint cams In touch with the giant dlrUrl-lltJ 'AlthouRh the wireless range of ths craft Is comparatively short owing to heoessai'lly limited power antennae, ths station whs surpnei I to hear call B. C. deal1 a I strong followed by ths cou signature of the airship.

Was Closo in Miora Judging from the strength of ths signals, It Was assumed that ths America was in close prttvlmlty to Nantucket, and Immediately all ths life saving stations and lighthouses on ths island wars Jiotifiod by tele-, (Continued on page four.) tar cot ee SENT TOJTftLY FOB YHHS Relatives Determine to Ex-' haust Every Expedient to Prevent Extradition Oot, If Charlton, who confessed to murder Ing his wife at Lake Como, Italy, Is In no immedlats dsnger of being re turned to ths scene of his crime for trial. This wss ths opinion, expressed yesterday by officials of tho stats department The department Is not at all clear as to ths methods employed by Judge Blair, Of tns wawi jersey Buprsmw court, in disposing Of ths esse so far as that stats Is concerned, and putting tho matter up. to ths federal authorities. 1 V' Vn" Ths opinion was sxpressed thai either ths judge's decision had been misinterpreted or that) In Some manner, the customary method of handling such cases had been ignored. Until the papers In ths oase reach ths government It will bs Impossible to determine ths exact status of Charlton's case.

If judge Blair has followed, ths ordinary nroceedure In such oases he remanded Charlton to the United. Slates offtcists lot- surrender. This, state department Officials suppose. Is what bss been dons with Charlton, and if this proves to bo true the prisoner still has many legal venues by which he can continue tu. fight his extradition to Italy.

-I bis relatives are stilt determined to(-eep him In this country they oan nsk for writ of habeas corpus, and it Is probabls (hat ths same time they would ask for writ of certiorari, which "would bring alt of tb tPt in ths case up td ths court asked to rule whether the writ of habeas cor- 1 pus should --1 with the legal machinery thus started Charlton or his relatives. could carry bis legal battle from tho lowest Federal court employed irt the first Instance up to ths United states Supreme court, With tho possibility of engaging almost endless litigation open to them it IS believed hers that Charlton's relatives will not fait to tak advantage of every legal technicality to prevent the. murderer's return to Itsly. If they do. It asserted thnt it w'i be two or three years bi is finally disposed of.

niHicmi UIIHUIUkk) SENDS GQOD-DYES Every Ticket For World's Contest Expected to PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 1. -The- Intense interest manl- fested in the world's oham- pionshlp series between the Philadelphia American league and the Chicago National league clubs was fittingly tl- 4 lustrated as early as o'clock tonight when, a long line of baseball fans began to gather 4 at Bhlbe park, swhers the Ths line formed at the en- 4 trance to the grounds, list 4 street and Lehigh avenue and 4 eatended eastward to toth 4 street and through the iat-' 4 ter thoroughfare ont block 4 block to Somerset street. As 4 the crowd grew larger a pho- 4 tographer endeavored to take 4 a flashlight of the scene. At 4 this Juncture a squad of police charged the would-be ticket 4 purchasers and 'drove hem 4 from the pavement.

The crowd 4 then made a rush for a pub- 4 lie park directly opposite 4 the hall park and at mid- 4 night there were probably 4 1.000 persons quartered tn this 4 small breathing space. 4 TAMPA CIGAR FACTORIES iiL mm SHOP Six of Thirty After Three Months Strike Will Reopen Today TAMPA, If. Six cigar factories of the thirty belonging to the Manufacturers' association will open tomorrow morning to all cigar makers willing to work on the term of the manufacturers. This Is the twelfth week of ths general tfe-up. Suffering amoriR families of the em ployees has rea hd an acute stage.

The manufacturer believe the ma jority of cigar makers are ready to return to work ami that the speeehe of agitators have kept them In line. Citizens have pl-'lged themselves to protect workmen returning to the factories and at meeing today fifty automobiles, manned by armed men. were made avail.iMe, There will be 300 special poltcmen on duty. A meeting of striking eigar makers today Incendiary cpeeches were Hugh C. MacFarlane, a prominent American entered ths hall and de clared that time had come to call a halt.

A mob of aeveral hundred strik ers formed but the police dispersed it. wAm WASHINGTON. Oct, If, North Carolina, fair Monday and Tuesday; not much change In he For ths first time sines the world' series has bn played under the rules' of the national commission, both of the contesting teams Will take tho field with nearly every man trained to the minute. Each team won Jtls pennant easily, and therefore had sn opportunity to rest and td prepare for tho big contests. Both are rated as the highest types of baseball machine esl that Is, Individual brilliancy Is shadowed by collective Skill, Tremendous interest has been shown In ths series all ever ths country.

Bo great was ths demand for seats for ths seats for ths opening tames hers that even before ths national olmmlsslon's representative, J. A. Heydler, announced ths 'plan Of distributing" them, practically svery seut was sold. Speclsl trains which wars to havs been run here from Chicago, Pittsburg, Boston, Wilkes barrs and various points throughout this stats, had to bs cancelled because of Inability to secure tickets. Ureal Crowds Expected.

Ths grand stand, at Bhlbe park' will seat about 1,100 persons and ths tick-, ets to this structure wars sold for II fod netting about 120,000 for each gsms. It Is expected that mors than 20,000 persons will bs abls to sss the (OmtlnnMI on pmtm fonr.) TO BE Shock of His Death So Sudden Arrangements Are Only Tentative FORT DODCII5, Oct l. Fun-eral services for Senator Jonathan P. Dolllver will be held Thursday, It was announced today. Ths suddenness of Mr.

Dolllvor's death yesterda) from heart disease while a physician was listening to the irregular beats of the organ with a stethoscope took every one so much by surprise that some of the funersl arrangements are only tentative. If the weather permits ths service will be held on the lawn of the Dolllver home. If this Is not feasible the orations will be delivered In the First Methodist church. Burial will be In Oakland cemetery, Fort Dodge, by tht able of ftenstor Dolllver'e parents, Everybody In Fort Dodge Is In mourning todsy for the less of the town's most noted (Itlxen. The suddenness of the senator's death caused a shock from which ths people have not yet recovered.

Hundreds of telegrams of sympathy poured In on Mrs. Dolllver today from all parts of the country. Nearly every member of both houses of congress sent condolences. Messages also camrsfrom most of the governors and from ths president, cabinet officer and other public men. fiTEAMKB OVKRDTJH, SAVANNAH.

Oct, If The British steamer Bierra Morena, which sailed from Tampa, for Savannah last Tuesday morning has not been i Itear from, although several days sverdw and some concern Is felt hers for her safety. Ths rsese carried 4,000 tost of phosphate rock and was to have completed the cargo, hers, with- Tho great baseball derby, blue ribbon event of the American diamond will start hers tomorrow when the championship teams of ths tw major lengues will meet In ths opening gams for the world's championship. Ths contesting teams will be Philadelphia of ths American leaf us, commonly known as ths Athletics, and Chicago, of ths Nations! league which Is usu ally referral to a ths Cubs. Thay art not only ths champions of their respective organliatlona, but also generally conaidered as the finest developed, teams that ths National league and the American league have ever producsd. The Cuba will be made up of practically the same men that won for Chicago two worlds' championships from Detroit In 17 and 10I, while, with the exception of five players, Philadelphia will be 'composed of young men who have joined ths team since the locals lost In the world's series competition against the New York Nationals In 108.

Each team is managed by a veteran campaigner, Chicago by Frank Chance, who will, play first base, and Philadelphia by Connie Mack who will direct Ms forces from the bench. GOLF STORM TRIFLING WITH WEATHER BUREAU sBasasasasBSBSsssavt After Making All Sorts of Threats Decides to Strike In to Texas Coast TAMPA, Fla, Oct. After wandering aimlessly in the dulf of Mexico for 48 hours the West Indian storm has again recurved and Is now headed toward the Louslana and Tex as coast, according to the latest observations. Btorrm warnings have been ordered all along the Louisiana Weather conditlona along the Florida west coast are atlll such as to keep shipping tied up, unusually heavy seas, with occassional severe fiualls, making It unprofitable If not dangerous for vessels, especially sailing vessels, to venture out. The position of the center of the storm during the last 24 hours changed but little, according to official weather ailvlce.

hut some time today It seemed to strike a direct course nurthwestward, moving very slowly. A wireless message from the steamship Creole at South Pass (out of the MIsHlMlppI) reports a rapidly fulling barometer and stiff Tho lowest barometer reading reported by the Creole Is 2J.S5. Wireless from, the steamship Proteus In latitude 2n long. 45 reports Intense northwest winds, accompanied by heavy rain squalls. The Prq-teus reported barometer readinga aa low aa 2.

4 Indicating that she waa very near the storm's vortex. Local Forecaster Wurts stated tonight that the storm will touch the Florida coast, and that it Is highly probable that It wilt be dissipated In the gulf. DICKlXBOJf IX PARIS. BERLIN. Oct If.

Jacob M. Dickinson, the American secretary of war and party visited Potsdam today and left tonight Tor Parts, publican voters are sollen aBd indlff-was erent to success of their party this year, and that It is going to be ex- naxa 10 gei me voie uui. The Hearst party's failure to In- dorse Stimson has undoubtedly hurt the republican ticket. The most reliable advices) are that republican chances of success In HV IflrE Mil, Hnn in n. i ntm the estimate gtven by one of the ablest of the republican leaders who Is genuinely Interested tn the election of Btlmson.

But there are some things in favor of Stlmson's election. Roosevelt showed 1 his series of meetings yes terday frotn Dunkirk to Elmlra that he still' has a powerful grip on the people of the up-state region. They like him, and listen to him. He may be able to stir them out of their indifference and get them to go to the polls. It he can get the up-state republicans to.

turn out he may still overcome the huge tide of voters Con tinned est page four.) pomp and ceremony due his position, j. vt.

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