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The Waxahachie Daily Light from Waxahachie, Texas • Page 1

Waxahachie, Texas
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MARKET Cloned 13.23 i DAILY WAXAHAOKIE, TEXAS, Queen City of the Cotton Belt FRIDAY, JUNE 6, WEATHER HIGH ..................................90 Degrees ICTw 72 Degrees THU YDERSHOWERS. NO. 53 NGH RIFT IS WIDENED I 1 0rderlY Way day Si bdltoriall On War Relief To Be Urged is FLOYD CASEBOLT tff ffffm? mim Universal call made by Pnesi- call upon an loyal citizens in his proclama- national emergency studied with the ut- upon all the loyal citi- in production for give precedence, to the the nation to the end jtem of government that jvate enterprise possible, ive. pon our loyal workmen employers to differences in the lar- to insure the survival kind cf government cognizes the rights of capital. upon loyal state nd ers and officials to co- dth the civilian agen- riited States to assure security against forted subversion and to community in order foi- production effort and of waste and unneces- 'ons.

METHOD TO HE SUGGESTED SECY OOtXALLY OF RETA ILBR.S. to place the needs first in mind and action to the end that we may mobilize and have ready for instant defensive use all of the physical powers, all of the moral strength and all of the material resources of this nation. To us. the significant thing a. bout this call is that its appeal takes in every citizen of our coun try.

The thought is thi. With an emergency existing, e.ery man, woman, and child-old enough to know what all about- is now I duty-bound to fin his or her nicae the scheme of things so thal ail existing possibilities fo: service may be carried to completion. Americans have never been found wanting in a call. A few pull-backers give a bit of trouble, but they are so in the minority that their weight is small indeed. We have an idea that they presently will be taken of by public sentiment.

d'Up Drive In cout Campaign To Be Staged Monday Because numerous voluntary war relief agencies have baen questioned in regu.d to excessive overhead spending, Roy Connally, Chamber of Commeice secretary, implied today that he will suggest to local merchants that all relief donations be compiled one jump sum to be given laier to an agency which is proved worthy. solicit should seep in mind the fact that, regardless of the good intentions of many agencies, the.e is no supervision of registered agencies and it is reported that soil voluntary groups are spending 7(T per cent to 90 peaTcent of all funds received forloverhead and a statement, sued by the HetAil Mer chant Association to Mr. Connally, read. Three hundred and two various war relief agencies have registered with the I Tilted States Department of State to solicit funds and more are appeanaP each week, it was leprned. It was recently announced that a committee appointed by President Roosevelt would meet soon to coordinate and systematize all nelief agencies.

Kurt Hein- sth, former German to Aust iia, arrested ork. He was described irtment of Justice of- "No. I Nazi now in Chey asserted he was jrists" who visit coun- zis exoect to invade. ess Census Facts Be Obtained For pie Of This City ichie chomber of Com 1 request today for the diuiit-, 100 copies of the usiness Census Reports, published by the Census, Department Washington, D. sly, secretary- manag or, Waxubuchie reached only ball it goal of 12,000 'l'bursday in a concerted effort lo raise funds lur; a full-time Field Executive in Ellis County, it was learned toduv in checking with Mayor Oliver Clift, the campaign chairman.

However, many solicitors tail ed to make a report and Scout leaders are hopeful that these men will complete their canvas either today or touioitiow. Actually $1,007 iu 194 sepa rate coutributioua was received in the Thursday drive, which was started oft with a breakfast at a local cafe. This aniuCint is less than was raised in tneir first day campaign. Mayor Cliit held a meeting oi officials and workers iu the campaign Friday morning at bis uiiice and laid plans for a final clean up to lie staged Monday under the leadership of A. Lomax and a group of workers will meet Monday at the City Hall before starting the clean up mov e.

It was pointed out that the initial gilts committee had nut yet completed its work and ttiat a goodly sum was expected to be raised through this group. ill all, we are meeting, with a good Mayoi Clift said, "hut we are extremely auxious to obtain more sustain ing memberships of $1 per month or $12 yearly" the mayor said. are going over the top in this movement and we want wrokers and donors alike to know that we appreciate their fty F. A. Gospel Census of the the publication will for Texas on re- wholesale trade and usiness, and payment establiahements, sales, and pay roll for the whole and cities ies.

Barbecue And tion To Be Held lall Here Tonight the W. O. W. initiation, for which Plans have been made, eld at the lodge hall announced this af- the program features awarding of 25-year 0 members entitled to stated. 0 attendance is expeced It was announced.

To Central America. Miss Hattie Lee Hornbeak went t9 Brownsville. Thursday evening 'where she boarded a huie for Costa Rico. Central America There she will teach American and English Literature in the Inter-American Summer 1 ni- verslty at San Jose, a part of the American Good Neighbor Policy. She was accompanied by Miss Wickham, a Dallas teacher also, and several Spanish teachers from over the state.

WASHINGTON, June 6 (U.P>—- The War Department today authorized the expenditure of 770,295 for an air corps gunnery school at Harlingen, Texan, for 2,900 officers, cadets, and enlisted men. TULSA, June 6 posed oil rationing projected for Bast Coast eventually may be spread to other a of the country, usually well Informed Relieved this week, 4-H Group Back From Club Event ARRIVE HOME AFTER ATTENDING ENCAMPMENT AT LAKE FANNIN. Miss Georgia ie Evans, county home demonstration agent, Augusta Fariss, assistant county agent, and four county representatives returned here Thursday from Lake Fannin, 17 miles north of Bonham on Red River, where a three day 4-H Club encampment for girls of 4 was in session. Mattie Lou Shaw, Central High, and Lezette Lewis, Midlothian, participated in the candlelighting ceremony Wednesday night on the shore of the lake. Mrs.

B. V. Lowry, Boz, and Mary Don Matthews, Simms, were other Ellis Delegates to the camp of eighty-one girls. Leadership courses consisted of crafts and nature study. The girls made woven mats, spatter print autograph books, beads from cantalope seed and picture frames in the crafts classes.

The nature study was comprised of excursions to learn types of trees and plants grown on different planes of soil. C. w. Simmons, director of farm forrestry of Texas A. exhibited a petrified claw, believed to be thirty million years old, which was discovered on an excavation in this country.

Minnie Lee Grubbs, district agent, directed the encampment, and Onali Jacks, state a gent, assisted with the program and conducted study courses. Other assistants and instructors were: Nena Roberson, Denton county; Eva Sue Merritt, Grayson county; Orene McClellan, Dallas count.v Veru Sneed, Tarrant county; Clara Retllger. Navarro county, and Juanita Urban, Dallas county. Mother Of Former Waxahachian Is Taken By Death On Friday Mrs. C.

C. Touchstone of Whitney, mother of Mrs. K. E. Bruton, Dallas, formerly of Waxahachie, died this morning at Whitney.

Funeral services will be held at 10 a. m. Saturday at Whitney. Sabotage theories were discounted by Jersey City, N. fire and police offi- c.ub» bluVug inferno razed eight blocks along water front.

However, damage was estimated .000,000 to filled six-story warehouse. Erie terminal and other buildings. Considered'Possibility Because of Nazi Stand By Harrison Salisbury UP Staff Correspondent A Middle Eastern front today appeared ready to open in Syria at almost any moment. British reports emphasized that Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, British Middle Eastern generalissimo, feels free to his front" a statement that seemed to apply clearly to Syria.

LONDON, June 5 mats who conferred with United States Ambassodor John G. Winant before his departure for the United States reported tonight that Winant planned to recommend to President Roosevelt that the United States sever relations FLASHES Band Concert Series Opens This Evening Kaufman Guest Here. Mrs. W. T.

Nash of Kaufman Is a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oary Wilson and Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Thomson, 91.0 West Marvin, TOKYO, June and the chiefs of the fighting services met in special conference today as the dead-line neared for Netherlands East Indies acceptance of sweeping Japanese economic demands.

ROME, June 0 tU.R) Italian warplazicn lust night bombed Gibraltar, great British fortress guarding the entrance to tine Western Mediterranean, the Italian high command sjtid today. WASHINGTON, June 6 (UP) House adv ates of legislation to slop defense st sought today to prohibit the use of army appropriations for payment of workers who have struck for more than lo days. CHUNGKING, CHINA, June said today that 700 peisons were suffocated last night in the worlds largest underground dugout during a five hour intensive raid by Japanese arplanes. LONDON, June (U.P.)—Home Security Minister Herbert Morrison today condemned pre-war society in a speech at a foreign press association luncheon. He said that ail post-war policy be directed towards creating a new social order.

Vacation School Plans For Immediate Future Are Made Publir No sessions of the Vacation Church School at First eMthodist Church will be held Saturday, but several of the departments are planning on continuing the vacation studies during the church school hour Sunday and regular vacation work will be resumed by all groups Monday. Classes will be held from 9 to 11 d. m. from Monday through of next week and the concluding event of the school will be a combined program on Sunday night, June The Primary group, under the supervision of Mrs. W.

G. Stephenson, is studying "Out of Doors in Palestine." The children are learning about the land, the seasons, the villages and shepherd life. They are studying about farming, the harvest, the feasts flowers, birds and animals of Palestine. Interest groups in the department include a group that is making a well, a group making water skins, a market place group and a group that is working on palm trees. Each child has already made his costume that Is to be used In dramatizing a poem, "The Village that will be the contribution to the culminating activity of vacation school.

Services To Customers Of Gins To Be Told At Meeting Tuesday Night Details or how Ellis County ginirers may secure free cotton classing news service for their customers from the Agricultural Marketing Service of the Phone Rates Reduced. HOUSTON, June 6 Reduced telephone rates were In effect in Houston today for the first time in 20 yearfe. The city council had accepted a telephone company offer, which Included a $403,998 annual telephone rate reduction, to end a nine-month investigation of rates. he Li'rh! God Ulti'- Tionul eon- Offering a varied program, the first of a series of open-air concerts by the Waxahachie High School Band will be given at 8 tonight on the campus of Marvin Elementary School. Director Dean Shank stated that the series will consist of six concerts, eaca to be given at 8 p.

m. on successive Friday nights, at Marvin Eu men tar camp is. United States Department of Ag- An invitation extended to the riculture through the Dallas of- public to attend fice will be explained Tuesday night, 8 in the county court room here. Walter M. Love, Ellis county agricultural agent, who has called the meeting, stated that representatives of this special agricultural service will speak on the program.

The following gin groups, T1 r. Love said, are using this service already: Midlothian Cooperative Gin, Milford Gin, Trumbull Watson Cotton Improvement Association, Ferris Watson Cotton Improve ment Association, Ferris Farmers Union Gin Bartlett Co-op Gin at Bardwell and Avalon Gin Co. Mr. Love also Las called a meeting of Ellis county merchants Monday morning at 11 in the county court room to hear explained requirements and procedure necessary for handling cotton stamps that will be issued to farmers under the AAA program. Speakers from Washington, D.

C. and College will contribute to the explanation. Farmers who meet certain requirements under the 1941 AAA program will be issued stamps that can be exchanged for cotton goods. Any merchant who sells cotton goods can qualify to receive these stamps in exchange for these goods and then have them redeemed. LATEST WAR BULLETINS prrgiam: The Ti.lin­ derer, a mat in Fousa; Ren dezvous Intermezzo by OHtter; "Out of The Dusk to You by Lee.

rdian solo by Jim Tom Budlard: Star Dust by Carraichai Youth of Ami a march, by Yoderd; The Desert Romberg; Jennnie with Brov Hair bv America by Berlin Medals won it the test held in Waco will be presented during the program. Four Directors Are Named For By Governar AUSTIN, June 5 (UP)-Gov. W. Lee today ap pointed four directors for Texas A. M.

College, subject to con firniation of the senate. Those appointed for six-year terms expiring Jan. 10, 1947, are Fred Felty of San Antonio, Joe Utay of Dallas, and D. S. Buchaji- anan of Austin.

F. M. Law of Houston was appointed to finish the term of the late R. C. Schu macher of Houston.

The term will expire Jan. 10, 1943. The governor also appointed Laura Cole of Temple and re-ap- polnted Mrs. Calvin Hanmiof Dallas to six-year terms on the board of nurse examiners. The terms exire April 9, 1947.

announced that be was withdrawing the name of Dr. John A. Hart of Beaumont as member of the board of medical examiners, because Dr. Hart had Informed him that he was unable to accept the appointment. WASHINGTON, Jane (U.P) The Senate Military Committee voted to day to begin the hearings Jtune 16 on the draft- property bill, which Secretary of War Henry L.

Stirason syiid should be enacted quickly as possible." with the Vichy government. WASHINGTON, June 5 (U.P)— Secretary of State Cordell Hull said today that developments in collaboration may be forcing France into the aggres? sor camp and threaten seriously to alter her relations with the United States. Bj United Press An Italian bombing attack ou the British fortress of Gibraltar indicated today that the Axis may have embarked upon a major offensive to drive the British ffeet from the Mediterranean. WASHINGTON, June 6 (UP)French Ambasi ry-Haye tried the United strong action LONDON, tr Gaston Henay to dissuade from taking country. 6 quarters believed today that the United States has given a last warning to the French government against cooperation with Germany and that, as the Vichy regime already had committed itself, a break in relations was near.

WASHINGTON, June 6 President Roosevelt today indicated a possibility that further federal actions will be taken to enforce labor peace industries his proclamation of unlimited national emergency. ('AERO, June 6 (U.P) More tihan lOO persons were killed in a German air raid on Alexandria last night, an Egyptian Ministry Frenchmen to display their oppo- night. WASHINGTON, June 5 Deputy Director Lewis B. Hershey of the selective service system today asked Congress to enact legislation permitting a group deferment of all men had readied their 27th birthday by Oct. 10, WASHINGTON, June 5 (UP) Secretary of AVar Henry L.

Stimson annuonced today that skilled defense workers who are now serving in the regular army, national guard or selective service will be released if their ices, aiv required in key civilian jobs. YIOHY June 5 (U.P)— Hundreds of letters came to the United States embassy today from French who placed on record oppositkm to between France ami German. The letters were inspired by an appeal in French language broadcasts from London to the Freneninen bo display their opposition to the "collaboration" policy by writing letters to United States Ambanxador William D. Leahy. WASHING'TOS June 6 Roosevwlt today said that peace rumors circulating in the capital were fabricated from Nazi falsehoods.

Oil Painting Hung In Sims Club Room i If you miss your Daily Light call 254. AKESPKAIU2 PH ESI PROJECT IN CANVAS BY MRS. MoCLUNG. IF you miss your paper call 2.54 I I 1 I I I I 1 I I I I a WHEAT LOANS TO AVERAGE ABOUT WASHINGTON, June 6 (U.P> The Agricultural Department. formally announcing the 1941 wheat loan program under the 85 per cent parity loan law recently pass- ed by Congress, today I the loans will avarage about 98 cents a bushel.

I Couple Held In Meney-Blessing Brought To Ulaxahachie Today I With Nick and Betty Marks aa prisoners, Sheriff Jess Cariker and City Patrolman Oran Brown arrived here early this afternoon from Hoodrlver, where the two alleged swindlers were taken into custody recently. Sheriff Cariker said that he ex- tho pected the couple to plead guilty to swindling Wear Alexander of I Boyce out of more than $7,000 in a money-blessing ruse here several weeks ago. "They deny a the Sheriff said, "and their story is just about the same as that told by the victim." The couple, both of whom allegedly are gypsies, were arrested by the sheriff at Hoodrivsi upon information and pictures sent from office. Cariker and Officer Brown left immediately following receipt of word of their apprehension, making the round trip of approximately 5,000 miles In less than two weeks. Three children were turned over to a kinsman, the shoriff said.

"Live an oil painting by Mrs. Florence McClung, has been purchased for the Shakespeare Club as the 1940-41 project and is now hanging in the club room at Sims Library, according to an announcement made today by Mrs. Jack B. Eastham, past president of the club. All members of the club and any other Interested persons are invited to visit the club room to view the picture.

A plaque, bearing the name of the picture, the name of the artist, the name of the club and the date of the purchase, has been placed on the frame. A plaque has also been placed on the picture, "Bear by Ceeille Foster which the Shakespeare Club won during the past club year from the Penny Art Fund of the Texas Federation of Clubs for outstanding art work. This plaque bears the name of the picture name of the artist and the fact that the picture was a gift to the club from the state federation. This picture is also In the art collection In the club room at Sims Library. Mrs.

MoClung, the artist of the new addition to the collection, ia head of the art department of Trinity University and is the only Texan with a picture in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. She has received much recognition for her paintings and recently had a two solo showing at the Dallas Art Museum. Guests in Teague Home. Mr. and Mrs.

Lavon Curry of Hobbs, N. are guests In the home of Mr. and Mrs. I. L.

Teague and attending the golf tournaments at the Colonial Club in Fort Worth. Other guests In the Teague home yesterday were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jack Jonte of San Diego. Mrs.

Ernest Thompson, Dallas; Mrs. Ida Curry, Snyder; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jonte. Red Oak, and Mr.

and Mrs. loly, Ennis..

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