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The State from Columbia, South Carolina • 12

The Statei
Columbia, South Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

iimk iMim tiik statf (oiujuiha Tuesday vomkistt February i ioio HIS WIFE HATED HIS FAMILY of a phytalrUn Within ten days all whiskey was withdrawn and from that to leave for Washington In ten daya Yours truly SENATOR Zeroline 00 JENKINS COLUMBIA It Tillman To this letter no answer was ever received All who know me realise Imw mortifying and painful It to to bring all of thsaa sad and tragic events Into the public gase but the court will understand how much mistaken my daugh- day to this far as I have been able to know no Ihiuor or other Into-leant has paused bis llpa 1 have been watchful and solicitous have made diligent Inquiry and he has lived In close relationship as my clerk In Washington where 1 aw him every day ex-eept from August to October He Is This is the Return Made By Tillman Jr to the Petition of Hie Wife for Custody of Children Makes An Address to the Supreme Court in the Form of An Affidavit Alleging to Answer the Pleadings Instituted Last Monday unce again a sober man as he was ter-ln-law Is In regard to some of the when he married and his pride and events In her own recent past and self-respect have returned But her how little she has understood the fath affidavit gives no word or hint of er and mother of her husband Senator vl JL Tillman answering the ed end bessed Uni I he rale to shoW'cauae Issued upon the IJJjher wlft or children to our My wife and I are getting old we have been married 42 years and her presence In my home has been hot a ben Ison and a blessing an elevating purifying restraining Influence during ail these two-score years The Lord blessed us with seven children a baby Now- Mr Bookkeeper Your Turn petton of Mrs Tillman Jr in knowledge anif he nould not the matter of the custody of Senator be for it In contrary to hie nature Pickens Tillman and Sarah Stark Tlll-iand ha uved ber to Infatuation lovea hid SSde aaalnst toy died at two years and our eldest "letters torn a daughter when 20 years of age to ewhanga lettera struck dead by lightning In North the shameful and In was struck dead by lightning this change To thoee who read that he Is still the cruel husband and father and brutal sot As soon as his brain grew dear And he could think remorse and self-abasement seised him Immediately notwithstanding suiting her they and arrange meetings at the house of a mutual friend The dieeunlun as to who should have the children In which participated resulted In tha agreement In regard to them which has been placed in evidence Had ahe come to me the nlgbt she left her home and as she says I would hava received her' Into my family and protected her and disown her yet we believe lie had been reared In a home where peace love bapplneaa and Intelligent companionship were the pervading Influences Before the honeymoon was over we man filed In the supreme court yesterday tho following afflda It state of South Carolina- Edgefield County me Personally apjyrared befora ms Carolina My wlfa has known both tho pains and pleasures of motherhood and at thla late period of her life ahe should know and my strong Inclination would be to have her enjoy only tha pleasures and none of the cares of grand-motherhood My son's home has been broken up In truth he has never had a home save the one in which he was reared There knew there was something to trouble ap helnr duly eworn him for there were marks of misery Tillman 8r who belngauiy sworn unhappiness on his face and 6S old and unhappiness saya: I am now nearly years and this la tlm first lima In my life that I hava ewer appeared in a court of Justice as a plaintiff or as a defendant: and I would not be here now If I had not 'been dragged here I have had somapilng to do with esecut-Ing laws add a great deal to do with but I have never wll- making without going Into all of tha sad details we now know that finding there was little congeniality or peace at home and no responsive wish by his wife to make him happy naturally he was driven to seek excitement find companionship elsewhere He soon began to drink though we did not know It and like many another weak ed Mm until ha had reformed and made no people alive who have a great and feeling that he a man could not give them the training and kindly care that they would receive In hla father's home he executed the deed which Is on record befora this court His reasons for considering hla wife unable and unfitted to raise hla children were baaed upon close observation and an Intimate knowledge obtained from the closest association known to society They were not the result of prejudice or unkindly feeling towards her She had taught hla children to bate hla people She had always shown arrogance towards him and a disposition to consider him and hla family beneath her" She was aelflah and at times showed an absolute disregard of tha feelings or rights of this deponent and hla children She had expressed Ideas upon most sacred relations of Ilfs which were absolutely contrary to tha beat Interests of any home and under which no child could be properly raised She had very little education and hud not improved herself by reading or study Her companionship would not have been of much advantage to the children In their training and education -The affidavits before this court to the contrary notwithstanding deponent avers most positively that hie wife la not a good business woman Aa shown by the certificate which Is hereto attached and made a part of this affidavit the entire 2000 acres of the Edgewood plantation were bringing a rental of SfiOO per annum In the year 1902 which waa the year before deponent took charge of his part of the estate Deponent further says that he paid numerous debts which had been contracted prior to hla marriage For three and one-half years after hla marriage deponent spent his It Tillman Jr Ip making return yesterday In tha supreme court to tho rulp laauef by tha court directing him to show cause why tho custody of hie children should not revert to their mother filed the following affidavit: State of South Edgefield County Personally appeared Tillman Jr who being duly aworn aeya: That deponent and Lucy Pickens Dugaa era married December 29 1601 Thera have been born to him and hla wlfa two children Douecbka Pickens Tillman and Sarah Stark Tillman aged 6 and yeara respectively For a time after deponent's mar riage he and his wife lived peaceful! together and to nil appearances his wife wee contented and happy There were minor dlfferencca but nothing serious hsppeend to mar the harmony of their Uvea The first Intimation deponent had of hie -wife's reel feelings to himself and family came In the summer of 1907 when without any provocation on hla part or Justification on her part-hie wife handed him five let-tera aggregating over CO pares which she had been writing since soon after their marriage and In which she had recorded all the spleen and anger which she had been secretly harboring since her marriage Deponent was shocked and mortified to find In these letters cruel and unjust statements ir connection with members cf his family and particularly harsh and untrue refei-ences In regard to mother Crushed by the sudden realisation of his real feeliigs towards hla family thla deponent v'ent to his near famiiy this aeponeni v-env reparation but she went elsewhere and that only aggravated conditions About this time trying to bring about some adjustment and prevent still more disgraceful exposure of their unhappy and miserable condition of affairs I wrote her the following Jet fully broken thp law 1 ling he' tried to drown unhappiness In myself 'however thatJn this my first He lmlrtlt ohllvlon tor his noted whiskey He sought oblivion for his The New Year is upon us with its wants of Blank Books and other necessary Office Supplies When you think of Blank Books the 4 i next thought is two words of two Bs Bryan Bookstore Put these words in your mind and come to headquarters The Bryan Book Store 1425il 427 MAIN ST misery In the wlnecup Hie first falsa step taken contrary to our advice was In going to live at hla wife's home Edgewood It wee near Edgefield vllle ge where It wee easy to find whiskey and boon compankine ready to help him spend hie salary but he had not yet lost control of his appetite When he took charge of her half of the -Pickens estate with energy and good Judgment by upending hie own' money In building houses clearing land draining Iwampe etc he Improved It to a degree so that the rental of the 700 acres as I am Informed soon Increased to double the income which had been derived from the 1600 acres held by her and her Ister before hie marriage He was a good overseer and It was as such she treated him Everything was "mine" nothing As time passed they quarreled more and more frequently and son has told me since their first separation that mors than ones ahe practically ordered him oft the place Necessarily we knew something law suit I app-var In a court for the purity ot Its Justices and the high character abd legal learning that has always characterised it 8 peaking for myself and my who Is the other respondent In this I shall Glands the usual Jargon of the law which couches such papers th third person snd'Wss either the firsts person singular or the first person ptu'u1aa may be most convenient to make the meaning clear and to condense what we have to eay My good name is Involved because he whose character and acts have been assailed here most cruelly Is my eldest non who bears my full name Benjamin 1 Ryan Till-- man He la called Junior npw but in a few brief yearabe alone will bear the name either In honor of dtecredlt He wee 2S when In he married Lucy Dugas a beafttlfut and winning young woman of 2L- He had lived in my home all of the years when he was not at college and bln life was upright and clean His habit were good and hie character unspotted When he had BE 1 metnat he tore MIm of their disagreement and her feel- SS22 Mi MkSd Sojlnionand toward his family but tbs full cams to our ears after they MMB er reverence for or a fuller understanding and appreciation of tho rights and obligations of motherhood With "A mother Is a mother the holiest thing alive" My wife had a good mother and I ter: (The copy of which Senator Till- WM blessed with one She is a good inan has kept I In the hands of his at- I mother herself as all who know her torney for the use of the court) I will' testify She needs no affidavits Trenton 8 Nov 26 J90S Hhow her fitness to rear her grand-Mrs Lucy Dugas Tillman Edgefield children but aa 1 am Informed the 8 a court will not take Judicial notice ol Dear Lucy: It seems to me that the unlesa It Is sustained by evi- condltlona existing between you nod I dunce I have allowed a few to bo is-your husband Indicate the necessity of I trnduced my Intervening with a view If possible feeling and affection love and aen-to prevent any further disgraceful ac- fthnent hava no place here this la a ttons or gossip at present la In murt 0f law wlwra Justice' will rulo no condition to think clearly or to act The persona interested are thou with any kind of discretion and If you who wm least understand what Is be-have suffered from hts bad behavior In done here I mean the little tnno-the past he is undoubtedly suffering Mnt babies for whose possession now You have not acted with that I care and education' and training these frankness and confidence In me which I proceedings are being held' I had- a right to expect for my letter recognise her rights as a moth- to you written In Italy should have er and If the children are allowed to compelled your trust and respect It remain with ua ahe shall enjoy every nothing else It wa of a most sacred opportunity to sea them and hay character yet you have had so Mttle I them with her that la compatible with regard for my confidence aa to show It I their beat care and training If they to others while keeping It from him ara given to her the court can Judge You have had the fullest opportunity what her attitude towards us and her but have never aald a word to ns husband will be from the extract of about your troubles or showed any re-1 the letter to her husband already em fiance upon my hive and desire to help bodied herein Immediately after the We came homo cmy wlfa and I) I deed was executed I offered her after our long wandcringa and I through my attorney access to the very much rejoiced to get back with 1 rhlidren ghe has had opportunity In children and grandchildren Tha I Trenton and Ip Washington to visit things which have happened nine our I them but has not availed herself of return have made me wish that I could I or indicated a desire to do so away from homo again and any I our grandchildren have not been connection with thla sai domestic trag- Wth ua very much during-tha past edy which la giving ua all ao much aor- year Since they came to our Burrow Yesterday as I looked at my lit I prM and horror we have learned from grandchildren with their prattling thA innocent prattle of the thrae-yoar-wordd of happiness I could not get rid Harsh Stark that she had been the feeling that somebody waa dead taught to hate "the naaty old people and I am rejoiced to know that they I at Trenton" She has frequently sqld with eo much cause for bereavement I "Mama does not like you and 1 do not too young to realise their great I use you" The older child who la loss It will come soon enough to dark-1 mon thoughtful and mature haa wren their liven anyway The one thing I roborated thla without knowing what which la dead ao far as they are con- why the conditions existed Last cerned Is a home "Papa and summer wa persuaded our son to go will never mean what they yMt because we felt If ever the tan should to them I gled skein of their lives waa to It Is not quits five years since I at itralghtennd out and they were tended your wedding and everything I gW together aa man and wife ought seemed to promise yon two a content-1 10 grow It could only he In a new and happy future It la not my pur- country away from old association pose to defend my son or extenuate hla Knd au the thlnga which would remind faults They have been nievous-aa 0f their unhappMeaa and dls-much agalnat ms or more than against where they could begin life you When you two were married he anew and agree that each waa willing waa 26 a sober reliable well-behaved 1 10 by-gones be by-gonea wipe off amn who commanded sthe respect of I (be slats and set a new copy everybody because he deserved It Our son a is natural Is most deep-What la he now and why is he like he jy concerned about the future of his Is? I do not intend to upbraid you two nttle daughter Hq felt hie own hut) my child such a shipwreck as haa inability to care for them properly and happened In hla life because of mar naturally turned to hla own mother rtoge can not all be hla fault I know I He uld: "Take them mid care tor he married you for love ana I know them and give them whatever you that In a yery brief while he was veiyWOuld have given ma I am able to unhappy Many of hla troubles were 1 mke care of myself Knowing aU of Imaginary but some things he told me tha conditions we have assumed the and aome thlnga which I know happen-J trUBt and prill faithfully carry out Ita ed In connection with you and your obligation conduct made me uneasy but I hoped I FiIJSJh iTV'nf that better acquaintance with each garom to before me this 26th day of other and a realisation of your mutual I janUary 1616 obligation to each other would prevent an Irretrievable disaster But thlnga went from bad to wore Ha began to drink before I knew It You appeared to want wean him away from ua and seemed unwilling to cooperate with me In his reformation State of 1 South Carolina County Edgefield Personally appesred brfore me Mrs 8 8 Tillman wife of Senator 1 entire eatery of $160 a month In aup- est male relative (hie father being out Mg his family and Improving her of the State) a brother who waa uv-1 plantation and In consequence of these Ing In Greenwood and after ths i mat-1 improvements and others made since ter had been carefully dlscucaed be- thBt t)ma her plantation consisting tween them and at lh earnest I now of 600 acres rente aa shown by tetlon of hla brothe-and from a Btern affldBVlu for 1100 annum Deannas of duty to hla children deponent I ponan under an agreement with hit returned to hla wife they finally made I wfa a part of tha plantation in up and the letters wore destroyed up 1 t0 eegregate their property Fur-to this tlm ha avqro that he had been '(ber his wlft had often signified her true to his marriage obligation He re-1 ntentldh of getting a divorce and de-turned determined to remain true i pont Was fearful that ahe would re-them I marry and remove to another State Deponent had formed the uquoriHa wag vlsed by his attorney that habit and went from bad to wore At ha rt(ht to hu children might not he the same time deponent awearetn most I recognised In a foreign Jurisdiction positively that at no time did Deponent did not under any circum-get hla obligation husband or I atn-1 atances desire hla children to come er and he wae cruel neither to hla wire I undar tha control of a step-father nor to hie children This part at nisi ygher hla wife had often during wife's affidavit deporent aenles aMo- their married life refused to respect lutoly and In toto Ho admits that he1 drank and no more and the only times when his conduct mlg'it have appeared harsh were those times when he was vlD ua compelled to show tavt firmness wnicn I n0( consider lit associates for them any father or husband might show iniand whom he did not desire his asserting his rights aa the head of me I children to come Into contact They family (were both girts and require the most The latter part of November mw I ireful supervision as to the way In deponent swears that bis wife S' I which they should be raised for the reason that ho while under ine i These coupled with other reasons Influence of whiskey did max l0f a nature which deponent felt waa charge against her which waa I sufficient to Justify him In the belief while deponent waa not In his rign I that Ms wife could not rales hla chll-aenaes and for which he nutoniy apoi dren aa they should be raised lm ogtsed as depreed by hla wlf dm ny I panad him to make the deed giving reason of which he Buffered tn cruel-1 thelr custody to hla parents Depon-eat torture of remoiee and humiuo-1 bnew'the seriousness of the step tlon 1 1 that he took He wae advised of his Deponent and Ms wife were recon- right to the custody of his died and began to live together as i ch(dran jn this State He waa cogn-maa and wife Main February uw I Unt 0f the rights of the mother from Deponent hod quit taking tl humanitarian standpoint Hla cants In December 1908 had become a 1 0B8 jdM (n be dd wa to subserve member of the Eplscooal church ana i tha interests of his children and since that time hoi not touched any i iafeguard them In their higher whiskey and has triod ns honeetiy a I t0 brought up with proper he could to live up to the tenets ana i and un(er proper influences teachings of his church Depoqent rur-1 Deponent farther swears that all ther swears that he has recoverea ms I tja accusations against him contained strength and self-respect he feels tnsx In me affidavit of Ma wife are Incor-he is completely restored and rotireiy I except the ones accusing him of able to govern hla actions and ms con- grintin He 1 has never squandered duct under any and all drcumitancea I any 0f Tier estate He has never been During the periods mentioned above i cruel t0 ber or hta children and the deponent ascertained In various ways legation as to his family not helping that hla wife bated hla amlly ana reform him has been refuted by she lost no opportunity to malign i written evidence and needs no- further them and to make Insulting remarks I refutation from-Mm about them After tbolr second recon-1 Deponent further saya that while dilation they differed on many ooca-1 muCh of this affidavit Is vary humlllat-alons and hla wlfa showed no Incllnl-1 nff particularly where he has been nation to be Just to bla family or I forced to refute tha affidavit of the assist him or them Id bringing him I mother of his children and in those back to the moral plant which he ban admissions concerning himself which occupied previous to hie marriage At-1 would later cause them shame should though he love hi wife and children aver be called to their attention and made every hcsiost effo't to in-1 Btill deponent haa been full and frank ura their happiness1 be had no coop-1 and for those thlnga which ha haa rat Ion on the part of hla wife Bp done which were wrong he haa made taught hla children to hate his people I an honest effort to atone While his 8he repeatedly announced to this de-1 character haa been viciously assailed ponent that It was not her Intention to i and hla acta held up to public acorn love honor and obey him but on tne deponent expresses hla Intention to contrary she expressed her Intention of abide by the laws of hla State hla looking on their life as a paitnershlplcountry and Ms God What he haa and In many waya she sought to haraaa done haa been done after mature and and nag him careful deliberation and the only mo- De ponent at the earnest solicitation 1 tlva impelling hla action hoe been the of hla father went to the West In the beat Interest of hla two babies who hope Ol building a home there for Mm-1 are dearer to him than to any one else FREIGHT MONEY DATING1 Our tha ot Booth onablss our shipments to reach you quickly mis 8aye8tou xape Airs FREIGHT' Vi We bring our goods Jn largo late from tho Northern mflto direct te Columbia hy aU water route mis SATES YOU 40 FER CENT OF FREIGHT v-1 i Our goods reach you 16 day bo-fere other markets THIS BATES DATING TAKE ADTANTAGH OF THESE IATING8 A postal wffl i bring a miasmata Mall orders bare first attention Wo sail te merchants only' 1 Julius H-Weil G) Wholemlo Dry GoodA COLUMBIA A CL story only separated and we learned the extent of her hate for his mother family To present some concrete evidence rebuttal of the charges made agalnat Benjamin Tillman Jr by hla wife declares In her affidavit which course her lawyers draw snd prevailed upon her to sign "That on several occasions deponent seeing her husband go from bad to worse appealed to respondent his parents to use their Influenre to aid deponent to reform her husband but Instead of aiding deponent they refused to believe their son drank and blamed deponent for hla conduct If he did drink and refused to do anything to asaiat deponent to reform her husband" In reply to show how a vengeful angry woman can be Induced by poor legal advice to swear to and algn anything I present here a letter written to thla daughter-in-law of mine who not content with trying to degrade the father of her children has been led hy her animosity to attempt discredit hla father and mother which said letter la made a part of and attached to thla affidavit aa exhibit I wrote her many other similar letters some of which can be produced If necessary and our pleadings with my eon by letter and by word of mouth were frequent and sometimes bitter for I forsaw the end and I waa intensely ashamed of his conduct' 1 My attitude throughout this sad af-falr has been that of a grieved and anxloua father watching the down ward and disgraceful trend of his life anxious for hla futurs and hen and trying In svery way to help them Her attltudta towards hla parents ha been from the beginning inexplicable to us for we spared no pains and left nothing undone to make this woman one of the family A letter from her to her husband an extract from which la here given will show like a flaqh-llght her character and her attitude toward her husband's family and which aald extract la aa follows: (Extract from a letter from Lucy Tillman to Tillman Jr dated January I 1906 The original Is In the hands of my attorney Mr Wm Thurmond subject to the order of the court) 1 never have felt down and low spirited All In the world that ruffles my mind la that I can't fight like a man when I gat es mad aa 1 waa the day you brought Sarah I waa mad enough then to have killed somebody Just because I knew you were taking Douachka through their influence etc vAnd I get to damn mad when I think anybody coming between you and me and having more Influence with you and feeling that 1 am doing It simply to gratify gnat God! If you knew how It files all over me and makes my blood you know I would not mind giving Douachka up tor three or tour months to you and only you but Inca I hava brought to light the true rheracter and feelings towards me of your family I simply hats tor my child to be cared for and attended t4 by them or for any of their Ideas to be Instilled Into her head They are clear out of my fife now and a feeling of relief and Joy to know I shell never be subjected to any aurh deceit again And If tha day ever comes when wa shall go back together you bear In mind what expect of you to sacrifice and gtvs up absolutely for then you would have dona aa much aa I did when I married you mine being deed made It no easier I assure you to do Write me freely and frankly Tell me If you have gotten anything to do or tf you are going on to Washington I shall write you again In a day or and III try and leave out my feelings of hatred tor others and write more of you and myself and cut out the rest "Lucy Francis" It Is true that we did not bow down to the caste of "Vera da Vera" or worship the shades of dead ancestors but with kindly self-respect we gavt her love and tried to make her one of the family while she' cherished only brooding suspicion and secret hate rencealed until tha separation When tha unfortunate catastrophe came Just a month after our return from Europe whence I had written more than one letter of love and my son became angry at something not know what he wasdolng made and In a drunken rage when he did charges to her face' which were equally disgraceful to him and to her This he has told me The result was she went to her sisters and the next day after he had come home to me utterly broken up and on the verge of delirium tremens knowing what he had been end what he really waa we hi mother snd I took him In The next day In precession through the streets of Edegefleld to pararis her ownership of the home snd to adverse the shame that had come upon It she sent to my house meet of his personal be-longtnga wagon oows gnats hogs some of the furniture hla trunk and books and the word went out that Lucy Tillman had run her husband off and quit him We sobered him up with the help you our get tie of ara ed vice my answer was: "That Is not a family from which would be willing to choose a wife for myself but you are old enough' tti to your own Judge and as you must live with her I shall have nothing to say She is not responsible for the misfortunes of her childhood and can not be blamed for them and I will welcome her as your wife" There wes everything about thla marriage to augur a happy future for the young couple and they had many things to be thankful for After si years of strife and unhappiness the progress of their lives has brought them 1 and their -two Infant children before this august tribunal to adjudicate the now vital question as to who Is legally entitled to the pos-MHifiloa of the childrens and what shall be the future of them The man and the woman have made their bed and must II upon It tor then Is ho divorce In South Carolina and while from tbs affidavit and pleadings In this case one would sup-' pose we were breathing the poisonous and polluting atmosphere of a divorce court again ttat that not the Issue presented Mysoleln-tcreet in this contest and the only 1 motive moving me to accept the trust 1 imposed upon my wife the future welfare of these innocent and lovable- infanta 1 My dnughter-in-law unrestrained by any traditions or memories of happy home Jn Jiojv own vi-VolouslyWal14 the reputation and character of her husband Af yt an la his only assailant but all who have "read hr ptdltlun and affidavit Know how vindictive and Uttw Jkas ton tiie onslaught on the tether of her children We hla father and mother nave been summoned challenged to meet her in thla arena snd engage in a conflict of the a conflict so destructive of both their good names My wife and I decline mewt emphatically to enter iifto any such contest The records of the court have had spread upon them a large number or affidavits aS Lucy Tillman character and good quamies as irtri and woman the purity of her llfe and her good behavior I thank God that this is so: that her neighbors and frienda some bf whom are both my friend and my enemies have borne witneaea In her behalf Mrs Tillman and I would Join in and willingly bear testl mony of a like character alder what would be the ahame and sorrow we not be-lleeve and would not be willing to say that the mother of our grandchildren I a virtuous and honest womanT But what must ba said of the advice the policy which thought it worth while 1 to prepare a bulwark of yrnra where she was liot assailed and thereby to- directly make the charge or create the Impression that there was something of that kind "rolv Jhl happy and miserable toJlf Twaa said WOO yeaers ago: "Caesar's wife must not roly be pure but must tie above suspicion And the Bible long since taught us that w1? fie when no man pureueth but tha righteous era as bold as a Iron Family quarrels of this kind era happily not very numerous In South Carolina owing to our not having any divorce law May the time never come when they araniore numerous then they are now The only possible excuse for the large array of affidavits touching on her character ta the uae of the word "unfltnesss" in the deed executed by my son to his mother and father As to thla we would say: Do men affection and love give a gusr-antae of "fltneai" to rear children? The attempt to arouse sympathy for the bereft mother mourning for her Infanta la all well and good in Ita way but what about tha future welfare of thoee Infanta their wise and safe guidance? la that mother who Is first affectionate and Indulgent and then angry and unreasonable: whs whips her children and then pets and apologises to them In a way for having done so who says without firmness but allows them to rule her by equaling their whims are is such a mother tha moat fit to raise children? Is there any better school in which to teach waywardness not) disobedience when they grew up? Again know that my son and hla wife have frequently dlscuesed separation and the latter of course to be obtained In another State tbsn and what more natural than that she young handsome and wealthy as the affidavits prove should go to another State and obtain release and then In short time remarry? What about a atep-fatber who might roine on the scene In a few years? It wilt be mid that then will be the time for the father to get hla children but the' babies are at the moat Impressionable of life Their characters are being formed The clean page la' being writ over It depends on ho they ere trained In the next few years and their environments whether they- shall become good and virtuous women calculated to make happy wives or not In aU thla miserable tragedy Involving the breaking up of a home we do not hold our son blameleee by any means We know that he has made mistakes and dona wrong many many times and we have remonetrat- had full and In ahe of that and to You may feel that you have done your Tinman who being duly full duty I hope you do He 'knows That she has heard read the affidavit full well that he has not done his and ber husband above set out and that ie not a hypocrite about it Anyhow I the earns Is true ot her own the end hoe come and you are to du- edge as to those ports which are explicate aome sad experiences while pressed In the plural can never duplicate bla father's lift I Pardon ma for expressing the hope I sworn to before mo this 29th day of that yon will ba happier though I nn January HIO not how that can be I xhall at Aug Deal (L 8) least truat there will be no tragedy in I of 8 your life after this I shall take my I eon and endeavor to lift him bock up letter Mrs Tlllmee to" tho plana of conduct and living I As In the return Bona which which ha hod followed before his I tor Tillman filed unfortunate marrtaxe can not blot I himself to his daughter-in-law aa fol out his sad memories but I bellev 1 1 ldwa: L' can restore to him hla self-reepect On the traln Kentucky which somehow ho haa lost sine hoi cams under your Influence I Dear Lucy: As your financial affairs and hts I about your aensltlvenere have become naturally and necessarily I hurt with me ihS mixed and your separation makes It I and you LiJSlnxal necessary that there should bo some I have happened and are happening at adjustment as regards property 1 1 Edgewood and EdgrflcldMy dear want to beg that in trying to separate child I hope Jou tvallxe that the Idea your affaire It may be done In quiet I of saying anything to wound you and decent way ao that you shall suf-1 never entered my head 1 fer no kiss In any way and that ho I ere not in any way responsible tor with the responsibility of caring for pest or recent action his two children shall be equally pro- have been a sufferer tectcd His time and labor In tan- ny wuy whateoever-lcsiit of all tor proving your property and making It R'o shortcomings Ho no boy yield an Income may be left out and wa not one wh he msreled you consideration but since your marriage and I only mentioned your Uttle dlf- eelf and hta family wnere part bitter- ta the world bees could be forgotten and new scenes and new friends would enable them to I bealna new life Detriment wa a sober to cum A comb lj osr ir man and In avtry way qualified to I Taka LAXATIVE BROMO Quinftna ma2 ki it bmiSiwi hflimy Hla I lata Drun lata refund money If It fails I to cure GROVE sfgnature is man make hla wife ana cniiaren satisfied and deponent on each box lla has ferencea to Mm because he had ken of your word and actions and I v- wife was not saw that aha would not bo contented in tho West whereupon they returned to Washington and engaged quarter such aa deponent could afford After the sudden illness of hta wife referred to In her iffldnvlt deponout telegraphed to hla mother and to coma to Waahlnrum Hla mother came prepared to ruraa hla wife if permitted When lls mother orrlvsd sufficiently to Want a Watch for $500? Yee It's' a good watch-one that ta guaranteed with a guarantee that means-some thing It te the Ingenolt-Trenton the watch that Is going to revolutionise the watch world Finely finished penectly adjusted a 1 perfect time keeper Just all a high-priced watch has but tbe price Come In and let us show you tho watch fit Know Whet Wo Bell la Good- Chas Sentz JEWELER COLUMBIA 8 hta salary as my secretary amounted to between $7W0 and Borne of this has probably been squan- know they had made Mm unhappy-Cored but I know that much of tt hM 1 That to all over and gone gone into Improvements at Edxemwd I the thing must do wwls to make If I may presume to advise I think him 1 a aober self-respecting men that a settlement between you ought again He to iSS we to be speedily for tho purpose of ad- dangerously nenr Justing all of these matters and let muat stop It Again him make good whatever money of most as things are His demon appe-youre has come into hta hands while tite must be etanred by ever getting full compensation tor all of hta drinks till we atop all and lehull not which haa been Pn healtete to ure whatever fo to nec- your property Under the South Caro-1 tasary though I hope and bellew nla line taw as yon know there 1a no such pTde and your hive will conquer with-thlng as divorce and your separate I out my taking a hand except by writ-estate If I can have so shall be kept 1n Make him write me and you write Inviolate end you suffer no loss bytoo and conceal anything or al-reason of your marriage with him 0W him to do'so I had no idea I waa You can not but be willing that he too I furnishing him the money by way of shall suffer no lose by reason of hta Mry for doing nothing almost to marriage to you I do not think it will I grow Into drunkard or I would have he well for you and him to undertake I burned It up first I know now I made thla adjustment yourselves You two I a fearful blunder when I gave him have said too many hard things totbs place aa clerk But he kept each other already to make It worth I straight until after he married nno -vnriil wh to add to the number ot bitter that Ie why 1 Van not tend hlsdrunk- tnK if Lucy wanted to mM and thoughts that will haunt you both the mness now If he were live here for a white you wwld set balance of your lives I think would I WOuld be bad but not unbereble But out Hhe want to make tMs apart hla wife had recovered be up and Aout the room and deponent took his two Jlttto glris to toe hotel to seo hie motner Upon return-tag to hta apartments ho asked hta wife's permission to let hta mother the children to Trenton until she got strong She angnlY refused to do this and there wae a scene and mm words were passed between hem Deponent let hta mother take the children anyway and 'Informed hta wife of what he had dona She flow Into a rage returned hta wedding and engagement rings and left the apar-ment Deponeil tried tor three days to communicate with her and the only word he recel ved directly from her wee that desired no further communi-iUon with mm until the children were returved The only other word ho received toom hr was contained In a etterw'ritten by Mrs Brady who has deposed paaiT a copy of whlco Is herewith act You told mo this morn- her home tho makes her ftans far the wln- you will kindly let me know move on- she win cpme send me the key ahen you that she lnlended tn desert deponent im and ram to Houtn i Jr be beat to have you select some friend for a man of 26 year with a sweet menl No In whose Judgment and fairness you mod woman aa a wife and two swrh could rely end have II do like-1 babies to start to the devil Juat tor wise and let the two get all the idleness and general cusaedness and farts as regard yours and hta nwne-1 10 give the pitiful excuse that be ln-tary relatlona snd determine Juat herita the passion It I In hta bloof what to due by you to him or by him 1 0f c-urse Just ae much aa It 1s In to you He I know wants this course mine and hi mother's We have not to be followed and If It shall be found I Wakly surrendered to It end he has stop It Tell him eo that he Is dne you anything after such and he must until she If when you 1Rrellnling him Washington Rose Hill Greenhouses Columbia CL Grown and Shippers of -Fine Cm Flowers Carnations rosea violets sweet peas etc bouquet designs nnd decoration Let know your wants and will please you Lucy Assert yourself as a wife and mother and we will make Mm the happiest man In South rarollna in six months 'Just as enon as he esn come to me and say Tapi I am a man again and my own master: you nave two months in which to try your hand If you fall he must come to me at Denver with his mother and sisters and I will bring blr: beck to you like you married sober God help and keep you dear child Father in the entire Hines of hi wife stayed with her constantly for eight days and nights that she was under the care of a competent physician who advised that a trained nurse was not necessary His wife had proper care and attention nnd he has never neglected hta wife on thta or any ether cession when she needed hta ntten- ltavlng concluded that Me wife was not able or fitted to raise fata children an adjustment I will are that It Is paid Whatever other property he may hare remaining at Edgewood he can send for but I want him never to darken the doors of that house again If should become necessary that you two should meet It had better be at the house of some mutual friend like Mrs Morrell After you have consulted with your friend and decided upon your course I hope I may have an answer to this ns promptly aa may be possible for will hare I At Jft T1.

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