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The State from Columbia, South Carolina • 1

The Statei
Columbia, South Carolina
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)

I FOUNDED FEB 18 COLUMBIA MONDAY MORNING JANUARY 31 1910 FIVE GENTS a copy THE LORDS ARE LORDS NO MORE CONGRESS MAKES LITTLE HEADWAY Taft Policies Seem to Be Stuck REPUBLICANS ARE DIVIDED leaders ef Majority Fall to Oat Together la Sasser! ef Afalalatrs-I IVt Messaros Washington Jan Llltte headway had been made In the two months eon- trees hss been In semdon toward tho enactment of Imperial: legislation do--mandod by President Taft yet on ovary Ido are heard predictions of an early adjournment Thourhl'ul mam bars pf congress are asking each ether what kind of reception they will meet If they go to ths Whits It June on April li or May 1 with plane to quit work for the summer If tha administration pro-gramma Is unfulfilled' Th question la unu which congressional leaders admit la giving them-daep concern Ths absence of Unanl- tnity of thought on nlmret all of tho president a measures Is such aa to matto exceedingly difficult I tin work mapped out for thoae who h) vs the bllla In In charge Bills to create a court cf romtnercs and amend tha railroad rata -laws to establish postal savings banks withdrawals of public lands for nervation purposes and to legnllsa national charters for corporations doing Interstate business which havs been placed' at tha head of ths "White House hsv all mat with detain Ined opposition Mepahlleaa Waters Meddled From pnltiiqal point of view Republican waters seemingly aro becoming muddled by ths several Investigations which are In progress and tho' minority members appear not unwilling to let this procedure continue Indefinitely Inquiries such as that being mads Into ths affairs of tha Interior department and the forest service turaUy aro having corns effect upon plana to amend land tews and enact tX' MAJOR M0ISE ENDS OWN LIFE Leading Sumter Lawyer Found Dead in Hia Office HAD BEEN IN NERY0US STATE Barslsg ef Ills Hems aad Aecidealal heellag ef Ceasla by His In Had I'aderwlaed Ills Hesasa Special to Ths Htate Humier Jan Maj Marlon Molse te ding laayer sml finsiicler of this plsce killed himself nlih a revolver In Ids office tills afternoon about lie had been In bad health recently and thla la supposed to have been the cause of the tragedy Shortly after 4 o'clock thla evening Hosier Lee eon of Lee Maj Molse's partner went Into the office and discovered the major's dead body on a settee In the centre of the office In his right hand which rested on hie hip was a Colt's revolver and In his right temple wss a bullet wound that showed conclusively the cause of bis death Davis Molse a son of the dead man was summoned Immediately and he In turn called In Dr Walter Cheyne -the family physician Dr Clieyne said that death had resulted Instantly le Nenreas Ceadlttea Maj Mnlae had been In a nervous condition for some time following ths burning of Ms home on December 10 aad the accidental shooting by his young son of cousin Ths wounded uoy recovered but his life hung In the bnlsnc for a while and thla with tha loss of his home It Is said preyed on tha mind of Maj Molse and put Mm Into such a state of nervousness that his family and friends had been extremely worried about him Maj Molse had lately suffered from an attack of grip which Increased the depression to the point that It bordered on melancholia adding to tha anxiety which his family had fait about him for some days If was a gentle man of large means and correct habits and Ms business and professtonav affairs are now as always In excellent condition so that lllnese with resulting depression la to bs get down aa ths sole cause of his act Ths major and his wife had an engagement to fake friend driving this morning bat tbs engagement was broken on' account of ths major'a fooling badly He ordered his carriage and then hla riding horse end without welting for either went off to hla office on bicycle Thla was tha last seen of him until hs waa discovered by Ms son A coroner's Jury was empaneled this evening which viewed the remains and adjourned until tomorrow without expressing any verdict Shriek ef Ills UN Msrloii Melee was born on Island June 14 INfifi Hs waa tha eon of (Jen Molse who was elected adjutant and Inspector general Irt the famous Hampton campaign In Mr Molse attended the Virginia Military Institute for -one year and then In 1X72 entered the Mouth Carolina college When In 1X71 negroes were admitted to that Institution Mr Molsw with his comrades left college He studied Inw nnd made a natna for himself In the practice of his profession Besides being a successful lawyer Mr Molse wss a graceful and eloquent speaker He wss elected to th" fltata senate from Humier county In 1XM nnd again In 1NXN He also served for years as president of tlie hoard of trustees of the Humter graded school Maj Molss not only had a moat Important position In the financial affaire of ths town but hs held a peculiar place In the affections of the people Generous as he could be kindly and always ready to oblige high or tow his-friendliness no well as his personal magnetism made every one count Mm as a friend ITALIAN WON MARATHON RACE Deresde Irirtrt Went to Preat la Last Twe I sips aad Flatahrd a Yards Ahead ml Hares Han Francisco Jan Trailing within three feet of hla opponent for miles and allowing him to maks ths pace at all times Dorando Piatrt tha Italian Marathon tunnar went to the front In' tha last two Ups of his race with Johnny Hnyss of New York thla afternoon and won by 40 yards Ths time was wilMn 44 seconds of tbs record flrrss to Pera Arequlpa Peru Jm William Jennings Bryan and family havs arrived here and were given hearty greeting They will proceed on their trip tomorrow legislations for Alaska and tvem to bear to aoms extent upon the Arisons aadix-W New Mexico statehood Wtl" Other-in- VC vestlgatlons such a thoae relating to -second class mall mutter and tha post-office deficit and the increased cost of living all tend to minimise the chances BLOOD HOUNDS TAKE THE TRAIL Dogs Instinct Leads to Arrest of Two Men THINK THET HAVE RIGHT HAN KiiUnti mt dWlrtl Perl Csu-Meat miter la Om Wte nm late iNMiiM Special to Tha State Jan Ben Roland and John Miller white are in Jail charred with the firing Into the residence of John Head at Saxs-Gotha mills last night Roland having been arrested last night and' Miller today As stated In this correspondence to day tha penitentiary bloodhounds were ordered (Nm tha penitentiary and they arrived In charge of Lyles at 12:44 this morning three hours after the Shooting Thodogs struck the trail at tha point wham the man waa standing when ha fired the gun and carried It to the house of John Milter about three -Quarters of mite away Tha dogs ran up to the house and returned to their master Deputy Sheriff Miller went In and found Milter In a drunken condition A double-barrelled gun waa found which had ihe appearance of having been recently fired track Freak Trail White the officer waa examining tha gun tha dogs struck a fresh trail going in an opposite direction This time the dogs barred at the home of a Mrs Frye about BOO yards from the home of John Milter Tha woman refused the officers admittance but 1 finally consented with the proviso 'that her father be sent for This tha officers agreed to When the Search was made Ben Roland waa found In his sock feet Ho protested his Innocence but his shoes ware found beneath the door1 steps on the outside He was arrested and brought to Jail This morning Mr Head came to Lexington and swore ou a warrant for both Roland and John Miller Sheriff Corley and Deputy Sheriff Milter went 1 at once to Saxe-Gotha and placed Miller under arrest and brought -him to Jail' Before coming to Lexington 1 Milter was carried to the place when the tracks wen found and hts shoes It Is said 1 compared exactly with the tracks made One' of shoes was harried alortgHhl morning but no resemblance was' found to the tracks' 1 Think Miller the Man It la said to ba the opinion of the people In the neighborhood that Miller Is the guilty one Roland will bo held pending a preliminary trial The motive assigned Is that Milter became offended because hie children were not 'among thoee Invited to the party at Mr Roland Is a single man about 4C years of age white Miller to married and baa several children He Is about 40 years of age Miller said at tha foil this afternoon that ho waa Innocent of the charge and that he would prove Ms Innocence at the proper time Intimating that ha will ba able to subetan tiate an aHbl All of the persons Injured arc Said to bo doing well Mrs Head waa shot about the face one shot piercing the right cheek near the eye making a yery- painful wound Tha others are not Injured ta any great extent The officers today speak In tha highest praise of the work of the three bloodhounds expressing the opinion that tha dogs are a treasure to tbs State SIX ARRESTS HADE IN VAN XANDT CASE Pel lee Haps to Ok tala la terms tire Whtak to Base Fsrmal Charge 1 Agahsat Wsank HaafcaaS Cincinnati Ohio Jan- The arrest ef six persons In connection with tho death of Mrs Jeaae Vun Zandt whose body bound and gaged and literally roasted over a gas store was found In the kitchen of her home yesterday waa a development In the Van Zandt murder case toddy Those arrested art Charles Berry Edward Rattmann Patrick Langen Ada Friendship Mrs Mary Fort and the 14-year-old daughter LUlle Fort Tho police assert they have Informs tton that Jeake Van 1 Zandt husband of the murdered woman who la being held on suspicion spent considerable time recently In the house with the persona arrested In company with Agnes Berry sister of one of the men arrested and that It la believed their testimony will develop something which a formal charge against Van Zandt can ba baaed Van Zandt spent the day In a cell and continued to assert his Innocence DEATH PIT AT SOON TILLMAN CASE COMES UP TODAY Will Be IKrd in the State Court DFDANTS HAT BE PRESENT V- Ofte at tha Caavt la tar Saaalar aatf Mrs TUIaiaa la Hava ChlUraa Than Tbs habeas corpus proceedings Instituted by Mrs Tillman Jr against Tillman and Mrs 8 8 Tillman for tha possession of her two daughters Douachka Pickens Tillman and Sara Stark Tillman wifi coma up In tha supreme court today Tha writ waa signed by tha court last Monday and Senator Tillman and Ms wlft are ordered to appear and show cause why they should not give up the custody of tha two children who were deeded to Senator Tillman by Ms son Till man Jr The petition of Mrs Tillman was filed with the court last Monday In accepting the petition the court re served the right to order a reference lould there be serious contradictory "statements in the affidavits Should a referee be appointed It would mean that testimony would have to be token and no decision would be rendered at the present sitting or the supreme court Nothing la known as to the nature of tha answer which attorneys for Men ator Tillman will moke to tho petition of Mrs Tillman It is possible that the constitutionality of the law under which the children were deeded by Tillman Jr to Ms father will be questioned and the supreme court may be railed upon to decide this point Senator Tillman haa left Washington and It la expected that he will attend the hearing today The order at the court says In part: TtMman Hr and Mrs 8 Tillman: command you and each of you that yau have the bodies of Doiischka Pickens Tillman and Sara Stark Tillman and each of them by you Imprisoned and detained as 'It fa said together with the time and cause of sftch Imprisonment add detention by Whatever names the said Douachka Pick ena Tillman add Sara Stark Tillman ahhlt be hailed before the justices of the supreme court of South Carolina In the supreme court room In the' city of Columbia on Monday the list day of January A 1110 at 10 on snld day and date after the receipt of this writ to do and receive what shall then and there be eonsid-that you have the bodies of Oouschka Pickens Tillman And Sara Stork The contest for the children Is one of the most notable cases to come Into the courts of the State and Is attracting national attention -In the deeding of hie children to his parents Tillman Jr declares that Ms wife waa unfitted end unsult ed to rear and nurture' and educate them In reply thereto Mrs attorneys have submitted from hundreds of the best people of Edgefield among them her family physician from two ministers from Mrs Timmerman whq lived at Kdg-wood for SO years and saw Mrs Tillman dally aa a young girl from many women -of Edgefield who were neighbors and had watched her dally life and conversation DeVore the circuit Judge testifies to her reputation and others tell of her financial reapon slhllity The AHegaltees addition to tha character affidavits there Is one from Mrs Mary Grady of Washington who wss present at the marriage of Mr Tillman -and Mias Dugas She waa In Mrs apartments in Washington last November at tha time Mr Tillman came to take the cMIdren to aee bis mother Mrs Grady corroborates Mrs Tillman In this matter say Ing that the children protested but Mrs Tillman taking her husband In good faith hushed the older child while the younger was -carried by the cook forcibly to the car line Mrs Grady testified that the had had ample opportunity to observe Mrs Till care of the children and she had found that waa at all times a dutiful careful and loving mother with her Furthermore that she had no nurse for the children and had been continuously with them The only servant Mrs Tillman had waa a col orrd Oook who waa absolutely Incom patent During Mrs Tillman's serious Illness she had had no one to nurse her and Mrs Brady had herself gone there throe or four times daily to give such attention aa she could and that "Mrs Tillman got up out of bed within too short a time for the sole reason that there was no one to wait on her or to took after the children while ahe remained In She alleges that when ahe wns deserted by her husband Mrs Tillman yet quite unwell bed gone to Mrs apartments to spend the night and was persuaded to stay there until She could regain eome of her strength Tillman Jr came there the next day Mrs affidavit then states asked Mm why be took the chi I dren without even letting their mother kiss them good-bye and without even a night gown and I further asked him If he thought Ms wife would submit to such treatment from him He said that he knew that she would not stand It and that he had taken this step to end matters between himself and his wife" TOM JOHNSON IS FOUND I FRIENDS OF OLD WELCOME SHIPP Bra Enthusiastic Reception to Released Ez-Sberiff CROWD GATHERS AT STATION tannw Throng With Playing Banda Assembles ta Greet Freed Oftrtal Chattanooga Tenn Jan With bands playing "Dixie and Sweet Home" Cnpt Joseph Shipp was greeted hero at I o'clock ihla evening by at least 10000 of hla fellow cltlaena when be alighted from the train that bore him to Ms home from where he had Mist completed a sentence In prison for contempt of court In connection with the lynching of Johnson a negro It waa tha most unique reception ever accorded a private citlsen of Chattanooga and probably one of the moat unusual occurrences In the history of the eotflv try For pi or than an hour before the train arrived the terminal station waa crowded to Ks utmost rapacity and the streets surrounding the station were Jammed with a throng of people auch as baa never before assembled In city There was nothing else talked of but Capt Shipp trains pulled Into the shed the eager crowd buret forth In cheer after cheer and necka were craned for a glimpse of Ahe old soldier for whose coming they were anxiously awaltlnr When It was finally announced that hie train was tat there were murmurs of Impatience At last the Washington train crept Into the ahed Immediately the benda truck up and Instantly the urging throng was In a state of frensy Men wept shouted and laughed almost In ths same breath: women beeam frantic and all made desperate efforts to reach the side-of the printed veteran but so dense was the mass of humanity that there was Immlnerl danger of panic and possibly Injury to women and children 1 Aa Capt Shipp walked ttowly down tha length at tne shed he mas greeted kfa ewed uil fe 1 li anlikeiV Mlllnl letf by hla aged wife -who sobbed quietly upon hla breast for a moment as aha embraced her husband who had been so long absent from her side This greeting over the bands played "Home Sweet and a ruin pandemonium broke forth The strains ot the pathetlo mualo were drowned in the wild cheers that were sent up Capt Shipp was that ha waa unable to spank He raised his hat and bowrt right and Jefttonla admiring mends ae officers opened way for him to paaa -through to the waiting carriages Aa ha paeeed along tho streets the crowd closed In behind the carriage the deafening cheery oon ed until he reached nla noma tlnued Ex-Deputy Sheriff Nick Nolan and Luther Williams returned with their former chief and they too-were given considerable attention by- their friends A delegation of 75 Chattanoogana went to Knox Villa this morning to most Capt Shipp and aooompauy the parly hack to this city At all stations along the route vast throngs gavo tho party rousing reception At -the smaller towns country folk had dlrivair In all sorts of vehicles and the stations were swarming with pvoplq Whenever the train stopped then were loud demonstrations and at several Capt Shipp appeared and acknowledged the greeting of Ms friends SMITH GRADUATE SPENDS TEN HOURS IN JAIL Miss Margerot Grseslsi Well Knew taffragette leefeed I'p ea CM eg Jertllsg to NM i Philadelphia Jan Mis Margaret Gruenlng ja graduate of Smith opllege and a known suffragette was released -at midnight from Moyamen sing prison where she hod been locked Up for more than- 10 hours on tho charge -of Inciting to riot Mias Omening who Is a daughter of lr and Mrs Emil Gruenlng at New York la on of the organisers of the Pennsylvania suffrage league With many other onffragettiw ahe la taking an actlya part In the strike of the shirtwaist operators White ah was doing picket ditty no Friday night In front of a shirtwaist factory in tho northeastern section of tho city a riot occurred te twees tha strikers and girls who era stin at work Mlso Kruenlng together with number of the strikers wss arrested and locked In a police station night At the hearing In tho morning she waa held In 1600 ball In default of which ho was taken to the prison In Ihe van with other prisoners Her friends did not learn of her plight until 1st last night when ball was enterod MAT FIGHT WITH MADR1Z NORTH OF CRETT0WN Estrada la Headed Toward III Opprnm inli With a rare ef Five llm-deed Mas Blueltolda Nicaragua- Jan Gen Estrada has learned that 700 of the Madrls tronpa are entrenching north of Grey town and he together with Gen Matuetln la arranging to head an expedition to that district It la expected that the two generate with £44 men will leave -here tomorrow morning on the steamers Senator and Blanca Gen Estrada will direct the troops on tho Senator which was recently chartered by the provisional government Thera are rapid-fire guns aboard the Blanca Estrada has been waiting for an op Hereditary Principle Doomed as Result of British Elections CABINET CHANGES PROBABLE la TutiM State Paltewta IbImU Dteattea llrtena at Hi Likely London With Premier Asquith on the continent and Chancellor Lloyd-Georga closely following him tha politicians arc all resting on their arms discussing what fines of battle will ba taken up In the naxt parliament The moral generally drawn from tha elections is that the' country docs not want radical changes in the house of lords or in the government policies The spirit of conciliation therefore Is abroad and schemes for a compromise are being debated Tha Conservative papers propose tha most Interesting plan that a Joint cabinet bo chosen from tha most moderate msnsof both parties to carry on tha government for about two years and that a truce bo declared on party questions In the meantime A royal commission to Investigate the fiscal policy and to make recommendations regarding tariff reform la pso posed Lord Rose berry's name la put forward for tha In the compromise 1 cabinet but Hose berry has for a long time refused office and his popularity now Is at a low mark because of his course on the budget sue One Thlag reS The reform of the bouse of lords seems to bo the one thing assured Both parties support It Both the Conservatives and the lords themselves are willing to adopt moderate changes Immediately lest reforma which would knock tho foundations from the upper house bo carried -The result Is likely to ba tha abolition of the hereditary principle and no longer shall 'the second and suus-ceedlng generations bo given a Vote except those who shall prove their fit neea to legislate by service In the house of commons In civil office or In tho army or The Liberals want to deprive the house of torts of the power to veto any Mir whatsoever favorite plan would be to compel the lords to adopt any bill sent to them for the third time by the house of commons which while making the house' of commons consider a rejected bin carefully would give It tho power to pasq any legislation on which 4t had determine In one session- WUl Pus Badge It Is taken for granted that the house of lords will pass tho budget since the country has decided -against tha lords on the face of the election return but tha cabinet may ba obliged to erase tha whiskey taxes In order to get the voted of tho lrl members Beyond tho reform of the house of lords and tha passing of the parliament la not likely to get far with anything Tho Irish members probably will obtain tha Introduction of a home rule measure but the Conservatives will oppose that solidly and a number of Liberate are pledged against home rule also Several cabinet changes are probable -when the new government la formed Richard Burton Haldane secretary of state for war may ba-eoms head of tho havy John Burns president of the local government board probably wfll succeed Herbert Gladstone as home secretary Winston Bpenoer Churchill will taka the place vacated by John Burns MINE WORKERS ARE SAID TO EXPECT A STRIKE Operates Aeaortlog to Reports Will Net Yield to laereaae Which Mteasa Will Dsmaad Indianapolis Ini Jan Oae "of tha greatest industrial battles In tho history of tha United States impends Is the belief 1 of the leaden of the United Mine Workers of America The convention of the organisation will adjourn tomorrow night and It to probable thef a majority of the 11M delegatee will go to Toledo for the Joint conference with the bituminous mine owners of western Pennsylvania Ohio and Indiana which will opyn Tuesday Inasmuch as this conference will de cfde the heels of uniform contracts In all the other districts of the United States and Canada Tha operators according to reporta will not yield to an Increase In wagea Tha sentiment In the National unton is unanimously for a general strike If the operators re fuss an increase of at least 14 per cent The weetren Pennsylvania miners stand for a 10 per cent Increase CHERRY TO BE UNSEALED extinguished nothing definite towards the recovery of the bodies will tie plan- ned until experts protected with oxy gen helmets have explored tha shaft The condition of the twutlea aanaii-a The condition of the bodies is causing CITY OF PARIS IN DARKNESS Snjr French Capital Lighted Only by Flickering Candles IMMINENT PERIL IS OVER Itaatla Shews lltlle Improvement aad ta Seme laalaarea Havacro el Fleed Mem leeroaaed Paris Jan While the most Imminent peril lg over ihe fall of the Seine since yesterday morning has measured only lil-S Inches At Ihla rale It would require a fortnight for the riser to reach Ita normal level Fortunately tidings from the flooded section above Parte give hope Of a mors rapid aubaldenc after tomorrow In the meantime the situation -Hi Paris and In many placea throughout the country shows little Improvement Indeed the ravages of tha flood within the city seemed actually to Increase tA day- The water was higher In some of the streets while the situation at the Inundated towns between Parle and St Germaine was distinctly graver A stream of water II feet deep waa rnahtng through Gennevlllters and Co tombea making the work of rescue succor more difficult even than restarts Several of the houses col speed and many persons were taken off of the roofs -of thsir home where they had been clinging for dmys Hundreds are reported without food and shelter and all day an army of troops and civilians worked In ths flooded territory bringing auneor to tha distressed and distributing provisions by boats to tho thousands of victims surrounded by water who refused to quit their homes Rigorously Oisrted Within the oity Itself grant throngs of sightseers in the bright sunshine besieged the cordons of troops which fringed the flooded districts On account of tho damage of cavs-ins from tha pressure of the boiling waters beneath hundreds of points wars rigor ousiy guarded Pumping engines belching i forth smoks and sparks add' ed to ths thrill and 'gave an Irnpres ton that a universal conflagration waa rasing Tonight tha nlty waa plunged In darkness relieved only by the camp fine of tha soldiers at tha water's edgs or-tho flickering torch of some float mg sentinel Th Champ Elyses ort 1 narly a path' way of brilliant light tonight had hand lanterns strung along ths curbs The usually gay boulevarda were wrapped In nl lance and darkness and the restaurants and cafea were reduced to dim candles and venltlan temps Most of tha theatres were closed but tho Comedlo Francals with both Its electricity and heat gone was open Jules Clarstlo tha manager explaining to the meagre audience that hs considered ths national theatre of Franco should not rinse Its doors No Martial Isiiv Although there is no Intention on tho part of the government to declare martial law' the completely submerged dim trtc-ts such os Java are In the hands ef the military to prevent pillaging The soldiers have ordere to give short shrift to criminals caught tooting Thus fas there have been no such eases within ths city but ths danger la groat aa the French usually keep their money and valuables in their homes Outside of Paris however msny deplorable Instances of looting have been reported A band of thieves has been at work In the vicinity Ait Uharentnn but the soldiers have been shooting them at sight The anuaves last sight killed two of the pillagers at Ovory md two at Kverde Tha paper recount msny deeds of herotam of priests at Alfortvllle who continued the work of rescue between midnight and daylight when the soldiers Jackies and firemen after several days without rest had become exhausted Misters tit Charity rowed to houses giving asslslsnco In several Instances of starvation Besides tho aid distributed directly by tho government and tho municipality more than I2M0W from the fund raised by the newspapers has been banded over to tho various relief societies and thn local authorities of the various towns and villages near Parts Tha press refers gratefully to ths spontaneous help coming from abroad and makes particular mention of tha evidences of sympathy 'In tho United fitetga rw Reg rtehei A pitiable feature of the flood In Gen-nevllllerea la the plight of tho colony of IM4 rag pickers one-fourth of whom are children They am the poorest of all tho Paris poor and early each morning they cross the Heine to sort the refuse barrels of the great city Their village waa a cluster of miserable hovels of plaster and earth flanked with heaps of bones rags and iron and odda and ends Upon the bursting of tho dam- tho torrents of the Hein swept away everything Those of tho rag pickers who had remained In the village snatched up their children and fled for their Uvea most of them scantily clad They suffered Utterly from the cold but after a few hours of thlk the authorities were able to And shelter for them In the surrounding towns At a meeting of the municipal council today one of the members protested against the exaggerations now being spread In various counties representing that Paris would become a vast Necropolis after the water subsided because of the germ Infected houses It 1s pointed Out however that tha government has taken most elaborate precautions and that there Is absolutely nothing to feer If the public follow the Instructions issued by the board of health WANT TO CO HOG" IN STATE OF INDIANA er Pair ef llgser flouth Bend Ind Jim campaign for an amendment to Hie ri tilutlon of Indian iroMbblns the manufacture or sale cf lb uor In the Htate opened In thla city today by 2 mass meetings In I'linrclies and halls Tho antl-sol-em b-KUo proceed to hold similar "flel-l In the principal elites of-tbs for a complete redemption of cant- -palgn pledges Weald Hearraaga l-rsgramsie plan most In favor with Re' publican leaders Is for a rearrangement of ths Taft policies plurlng them In or-der of legistetlvo preference or In such sequenn as it Is thought would moat benefit tha majority party It has been TV declared that no progress will he mad so long as soma of tha leaders are pushing Interstate commerce legists-lion others oonrervoMon policies still others postal savings banka federal Incorporation laws pr yat others of tho'V numerous measures on tho Whit House calendar 1 4 At tits present time ths house Is oo- cupted with appropriation bills and In ths senate there are two admlnlstra- tlon ths portal savings bank -bill and th Alaskan taglslativa counsel MIL OppesItlM to Beth Opposition has developed against both Mile and Republican tenders say that the present tactics effect ths -chances of both 1 Tt a statehood bill also la ready for consideration and to addition ths army appropriation bill 1 will ba reported tonuirow UommlttsM of both branches of congress anticipate a busy week Hsvsral Important hearings will be continued In tho house They Include that In re-tetion to ths deficit interstate commerce bills Including th admlnla- -tratlon Mil which by th way will re- eeiva attention by the senate commutes as well charges of extravagance mod by Representative Hltehoock of Nebraska against Aocretary Rslllnger well as ths Jolnr hyulng In rate- tlon to th Ballinger-PIncnot eon trove ray SENSATION EXPECTED IN TESTIMONY RELIGION MADE DEAD BT PAINE TARIFF LAW Price Bibles Pee Celt tehee Than Kirr Before sad A aether Rloa Ksperted ta March f'liteago Jan The price of Bibles will go up on March according to an announcement today by a large Bible publishing house The cause for tho advance la tha enforcement of tho new tariff on Imported leather and papers are now about 24 per cent higher than they hare ever been aald a member of ths firm materials for tha best Blbter hare gone up so high In price on account of ths tariff that wa can not afford to sell our output at prices now 9 It Is believed through gruelling ex- the Investigation ugii'irt the California congressman te not pursued as there had been "too much Of that tort ot thing In the Just what angle the cross-examination tomorrow will take has not been disclosed by those uho are preparing to take any active pert In tho proceedings but the belief is general that some vigorous rtutements are likely to ba made nd some Important develop- incuts brought to light Little Coal Mining Town Steeling Itself For Ordeal of Exhumation Expected This Two Hundred Bodies Now in Hole Where Fire May be Burning Believed that New and Striking Features Will Be Brought Out in Cross-Examination of Dismissed Land Office Man Before Ballinger-Pinchot Investigation Ends Washington When Ihe croip amlnatlon In -an efl'oi to free themselves from all taint of suspicion Air Glavls declared yesterday tftnt Mr Ballinger after being c-inmlssloner of the land office had acted as attorney for ah( airiklne frifiir will te'ib1' Hlllkald Ill ICgard to Mr Mc-nrw and striking features will ijn-njau Air Glavls testified that Air brought out In regard to the tliargr bad sugxeM-d to him that Cherry 111 Jen Tha little coal mining town of Cherry Is steeling Itself to undergo the r-rdeal of exhumation that la expected this week following the promised unsealing tomorrow or TueadajF of the St Paul mine in which the bodies of more than 104 coal miners have been entombed since November 12 when fire caused the death of some SO men A enow storm Is Mowing and li oxygen-helmet men have not arrived from the University of Illl-icrs D-e pros 'ts tonight are that the lid which has kept (he min closed for two months will nt be orirt off the shaft month l4fore Tuesday Aa It la not certain that tha fire in tha mine is portunlty to engage the Msdrlx forces Campaign tnrted le Amen ea-lira-at Gr-ytown but Up to the prevent tlrn tie aa aa lo Prohibit Waaatarlare i much concern as are the engineering! Perroer Moyer ef levels ad Hee problems attendant co uncapping the rirrbeele ef Liver mine It haa been suggested that much i New York Jan Tom Johnson gruesomeneu could be avoided by d-- former mayor of Cleveland vu found troylng tho corpses in the mine gal- here today at the Hotel Si George Jt lerles- with chemicals This proposal i wss said st the desk that Mr Johnson unofficially made hts met with bitter his wife end a trained nurse had been opposition from the widows mothers 1 gurou for 10 days nd children ef the dead miners They i Confirmation of a port from CW--plesd to be allowed -0 took our more 1 land that Mr Johir--t has cirrhosis on the form of a relative to the liver Is lerkuiT- None of the give that body a Ciiibtlsn berial and Johnson parly could bs seen tday but to re -over some petial token ic wss said in ihe lintel that Mr John- Teotatlve arrangements are In pro- son hsa iwwn going out for walks when gross for burin A have been en-jthe weather was gr-J He waa out gaged to dlj a row of graves nearly a (yesterday but bad not been seen to-quarter of a mile tong day 1 eeirniatte lurking fee That whii-h have been niidie against various Individuals by Mr I Mu vis In Ms testimony before the cor 'inlllee the Inking of whb'li ua fllilalied jrster-day Iit'fdeei tut Ives Al'luichlaii of urn la and Klnkatd Xeftra-ka who erv Interested In Gain Alaskan coal clNinia according lestlmuuy given by Mi ittavlH yreleHsy eltiwr personally or through ft ici de on the Investigating committee sill put Mr Glavls (ney have remained within the limits at ths city practically under the protection of Greet Britain whoe repre- rtdtiv- recently isaurd an ultimatum that no fighting would bs permitted In Greytown on account of ths large number of British subjects there T-e United Mutes rrulaer Tacoma and ike British cruiser Hey Its are now At Greytow.

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