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The Register from Santa Ana, California • Page 31

The Registeri
Santa Ana, California
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SANTA ANA DAILY REGISTER, FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 10, 1927 SI 1REGAST MAY IT NUMBER OF ACCIDENTS 1 rASHINGTON, Juno tion of number of airplane dents and forced landings 0 eh have resulted from unex- bad weather has been made flble through the adoption by navy of a new system of aviation weather inaction. nder the new arrangement alr- will be able to start their its arly in the day, thus add- to their actual flying time, and will be In position to se- their routes with greater con- nce, knowing that their chances tinning into unchartered storms been lessened. Heretofore pilots either have had to cut flying days short, In order await the necessary data, or had to start their flights with fficient weather information. Bulletins Given Daily te navy, co-operating with the States weather bureau, fmits daily bulletins to all air bus and landing fields in the try and to naval ships afloat. These bulletins, broadcaet from Arlington, station, go forward at 8:15 in the morning, instead of after 10 as In the past, and provide virtually all the detailed information required by aviators.

The bulletins are made up from the regular weather bureau station reports, which cover meteorological conditions throughout the United States, the Hawaiian islands, southern Canada and a part of the West Indies. says a navy department bulletin, "is the outgrowth of conferences attended by representatives of the army, navy, department of commerce, weather bureau and postoffice department "Upon the recommendations of the departments interested, the weather bureau planned this service and funds to carry it through were asked from congress. Provisions for the personnel and equipment were contained in the second deficiency bill, which failed of passage. To meet the needs of air stations, a partial service has been commenced and to avoid delay the navy temporarily assigned to the weather two aerologists, and certain equipment, and the marine corps assigned an expert operator for this aviation weather broadcasting. "When funds are provided by congress, the services will be broadcast twice daily and the morning broadcasting will be duplicated at 8:15 p.

m. "Through this service the dally weather maps can be completed by aerologists at aviation fields by 9:80 a. System Glvsn Trial The system was given a trial test on April 15 and regular daily transmission was started in the last week of April. Eleven naval stations equipped with short wave receivers have reported receiving the broadcast from the weather bureau with excellent results. These stations included those at Boston, Lakehurst, N.

Hampton Roads, Charleston, S. Key West, New Orleans, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; San Juan, P. Brownsville, Great Lakes, 111., and San Diego, Calif. The United States fleet, while in the Caribbean and its spring maneuvers, also reported that the service was received very satisfactorily. "It is believed," the bulletin concludes, this new service of broadcasting the weather reports within less than one-half hour after the observations are taken will not only be of great benefit to commercial and military aviation, but that boards of trade, cotton exchanges and other organizations and individuals interested in crop production and prices will install short wave radio receivers at comparatively low costs and in this way be able to get weather information much earlier than is the case at present." BUFFALO BILL AT ABE OF 10 TO EVERY HOUSEWIFE We want you to leam, right in your own kitchen, at out expense, how PEN-JEL saves time, money and labor and never fails in making perfect Jams and Jellies.

A Full Size Package of Prizes Are Added To Essay Contest NEW YORK. June two supplementary prizes, totaling 87000, will be added to the Woodrow Wilson $50,000 prize essay contest, closing October 1, it has been announced by Henry Morgen- thau, vice president of the Woodrow Wilson foundation and former ambassador to Turkey. The first two prizes are of $25,000 each. One second prize of $1000 for men and another for women are foremost In the new awards. Woodrow Wilson Means to Me," Is the title of the essay.

Thousands of the country over have used PEN-JEL for years in making their Jams and Jellies. wyUstores If you have never used it. you please sign the coupon below, mail to us and we will send you a full-size package of PEN-JEL-free-postage paid. Leam about this magic aid in making perfect Jams and Jellies in one-tenth the time and at one-half the cost. Remember, PEN-JEL is a fruit pectin made from pure fruit.

MAIL COUPON NOV I I AND IL TODAY' IO COST OBLIGATION R. Jevne Company 1350 East 7th Los Angeles. Cal- Please send me a full-size package of PEN JEL-free of cost--postage paid. Address R. F.

Name German Ministry To Reclaim Land BERLIN, June Prussian ministry has presented to the state council a bill carrying an appropriation of five million marks ($1,200,000) for reclaiming land from the north sea on the coast of the governmental dis tricts of Siesvig and Aurich. This is a further step in a systematic campaign that has already reclaimed more than 7700 acres of tillable land. A further gain lies fn the fact that employment is thus given to many unemployed and that the coast is protected from new inroads by the sea. NEW YORK, June Buffalo Bill of song and story had a luckless Indian and a cub reporter for his amazing conquest of the public imagination. These two thrust him, at the age of 12 into the front-page headlines, which he was to occupy conspicuously for years to come.

He killed the Indian, and the reporter broke the story. Twelve-year-old Bill Cody was employed with an ox train crossing Kansas, when the unhappy Indian, who with other braves, attacked it. Bill caught him alone, by the side of a pool, and shot him dead, so that the Indian fell into the water and dragged his plumed headdress in the pond. Reaching Leavenworth, the boy told the story within hearing of a newspaperman. Next day the press dubbed him "the youngest Indian slayer of the and the phrase rang sweetly in Bill ears.

For that first plunge into front page, developed the showman, Bill Cody, pippin for press For this story there is the authority of Courtney Riley Cooper, writing In the May issue of the Elks Magazine. Cooper was publicity man for Cody In his later years, helped weave further vestments of the glory for Cody, now translated Into a public, almost a national hero. he says, an uncanny realization of the worth of publicity. For any publicity stunt I would arrange, provided it was legitimate and reasonable, Cody would always be on hand ahead of time. "I do not mean that he achieved his position in the world by strategic press work.

He was news. His lack of fear, his unusual characteristics marked him as a person to be watched by newspapermen and properly Cody, the hero, the semi-public character, has been thoroughly treated by the biographers. Cooper tells the story of Bill Cody, the man, as he was in his early, vigorous days in the west. Only against the background of the brutal, ribald life of the old west can Colonel Cody be seen in his true perspective, Cooper believes. remarkable says Cooper, not that he was able to reach the heights he did, but he was able even to make the beginning of the At 10 Bill Cody saw his father stabbed by pro-slave fanatics for expressing abolitionist views.

The boy was the chief support of a family of seven from that time on. He got a Job as cattle herder far out on the range, and after two months isolation from human beings, came home, bringing his en- tire salary of $50 to his mother. i At 12 he Joined the ox train and shot his first Indian. Once, on a trapping expedition, he lay in an earthern dugout with a broken leg for 29 days, was robbed of his food by Indians and was found by; snowed in, and half starved. Again he joined the Pony Express and when another rider was killed rode a double relay of 322 miles himself, setting a record that was never to be broken in the romantic history of the express.

He yielded to every temptation on the field of legitimate adventure, but he came out of violence and filth untouched by vice. He saw men killed for lust and gold and sport. He killed men himself, In fair fight, and he knew the brawls and the obscenity of wild barrooms. Foul profanity was the natural dialect of the men he lived with. And yet, says Cooper, Cody picked up no vocabulary.

In later years, when someone in the Cody wild west show forgot to have the horse on hand for his entrance, or a stage hand crabbed his act, the best invective Buffalo Bill could muster up was a Advertises Quality and Quality Advertises Seidel Savory Pot Roast NUTRITIOUS ECONOMICAL APPETIZING THIS IS A DISH which is enjoyed by every one in the family. It is prepared from meat cut from the shoulder; a cut which is easier on the pocketbook and at the same time delicious and nutritious. Shoulder cuts sold at like all other meats come from Steer Beef which has passed the rigid U. S. Government inspection.

Saturday Specials Man With Radio Killed As Witch Prime Steer Beef Prime Steer Plate Boiling Beef, lb 7c WARSAW, June village of Sokoloff, In northern Poland, was a very lonely place for M. Savlcki, school teacher. So he bought a radio to help along the dull evenings. Strange sounds came from the house of Savicki after that. Sometimes passersby heard orchestral music, and they knew there was no orchestra there.

Sometimes they heard many voices, and they knew the school teacher was alone. There was only one conclusion: Savicki was a witch. Heavy rains came and damaged the crops. High winds elled the grain left standing. Violent electrical storms shot out of the heavens.

So the villagers armed themselves with hoes and axes, broke Into house, smashed the killed Its owner. Then they prayed, and returned to their homes. The floods and winds have not come to Sokoloff again this spring, And peasants tell how they avert- ed complete disaster by torturing the devil from the soul of a I witch, who was disguised school teacher. as In a pound of raw silk It Is estimated that there are 750 miles of fiber. The number of silk worms which supply the world is almost incalculable.

One American company uses three million cocoons a day. To20c Spring Lamb Shoulder of Spring Lamb, (whole), lb, Genuine Spring lQn Lamb Stew, lb Milk Veal Ved Stew, 18c Veal Shoolder 20c Roast, lb. Prime Steer Rib OO 0 Pure Pork Sausage, Roast, boned and rolled, Per lb VI 25c Mild Cured Rump Corned Beef, lb.18c Cottage 38rlb. Smoked Picnic 70c lb. Fresh Spareribs YOUNG STEWING HENS, 28c POUND Beef Rabbits and Poultry S.

Government Inspected Meats Only No. West Fourth No. and Washington No. First and Lacy Phone Orders Delivered 3 Phones: 175-469-952 EOPLES ARCADE 7-419 WEST FOURTH Plenty of Parking Space 418-420 WEST FIFTH Meat Market FREE Fourth Street Entrance BASKETS OF GROCERIES GIVEN AWAY EVERY SATURDAY AT 7 P. FROM ALL MERCHANTS.

FREE For Saturday And for every day in the week buy your meats at Shaffer's imb Legs, lb 30c ioneless Lamb Shoulder Roasts 35c to 17c itewing to 30c Tickets given with each purchase for Free Groceries and Meat, Do It Now and With a Smila COAST TO COAS1 IS NO IOLE OOA5 BATTERIES RECHARGED 50c and 35c Each SERVICE Which means we Install and repair anything pertaining to Kadio and guarantee our work to be the best obtainable. And remember we sell am" service Standardyne exclusively. Dairy Store Saturday Special Ice Cold Cream Buttermilk 5c a Glass Health Food BREAD AND BAKERY LINE Booth Howard Radio Service 420 WEST FIFTH Booth Phone 3178 ART SHOP rA SLOAN-Booth St. Entrance Chicken Dinners, 35c Two Good Places to and Home MRS. CARRIE ADAMS BOOTH STREET ENTRANCE and KING CAKES DOUGHNUTS Bakery in All Freshly Pies, Cakes, Bread Made IS.

ARCADE BAKERY Booth Street Entrance DELICATESSEN HOME BAKED BREAD AND PIES Booth Street Entrance Pacific Gas Ranges, open and closed tops. Oven heat regulator. Toucan metal lining throughout. H. O.

EHLEN CO. ARCADE Fruit Market Entrance Fourth Street and Fifth Street Home Grown Summer Strawberry Rhubarb Local Asparagus Onions Imperial 525c 8 lbs. 25c Bunches 15c 4 lbs. 25c 1 Ton Bananas Extra 4 lbs. Oranges Pail 25 Special on Straivberries Raspberries Blackberries IN PARTNERSHIP WITH TRADE AT THE PEOPLES ARCADE Peoples Fish Poultry Market Best For Less FRESH FISH DAILY MEAT MARKET FIFTH STREET ENTRANCE Phone Delivery Prices AND NELSON, GET YOUR TICKETS HERE FOR THE FREE BASKETS! EXTRA SPECIAL! 33c 16c Tender Rib Steaks Per pound Eastern Smoked Boneless Butts, per lb.

Pork Shoulders (Whole), per lb. FAT HENS For Frieasseeing Per Young Frying Rabbits 1to 2 lb. per 27c 33e Pot Roasts, Per lb, 1214c, 14c Fancy Rump, Roasts, per 16c Prime Rib Roasts, (Boned and Rolled), per Fancy Eastern Bacon, (In the Piece), per Fresh Ground Hamburger, 3 16c 20c 25c 30c 25c.

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