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Martinez News-Gazette from Martinez, California • 2

Martinez, California
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

17 ik-'V NT NEW THIS WEEK (Zftr gwtri i PACHECO: oer um unniT mobbing Tho PartlsiatM of MoCIellan Kinross Gasans Allow me to call thw aA tenllou of your readers to aome frets s' 1st The partisans ef McClellan win nof ao knowledge that In their anxiety for peace they will accept a ehamfol peace If they eapnet secure an honorable one 3d Neither will they acknowledge fhei la-honor in trying to elect aa President of our country a scapegoat to carry oatheir designs design ignominious In' thenuelrea and disgraceful to their nominee Sd Neither will they acknowledge the aim pie fact that to now commence negotiations for Board of Bnponriaom Net Monday Oot Bthf 1864 Fall Board resent' Upon petition of cltisens Barr la appointed Constable If township No in-place of 0 Tilton deceased following bills were all wed Briars ltd 01 A Rngclee 0 00 Leocke 10 8 Caetro 0 09 Milli dO 00 NT Baldwin 00 IV el ton Id 00 Gao Stona 0 0 ReEwen I -SO SI CO Barrett yjv 00 Smith JR 80 BtooHra Re 8th 1864 MSBVLil PRIOR ROKSRATXOHI- pot ntnoKR it any piioa men must atay at' home I Now is TDK to In ignoble diaoonfent'fs aelLeonvietod trei-l Grover of San Pablo baa begun tha fonn-tora): Of aouraa they eairt support him any alien of a company of Toluntaara In our aonn-ongar In fart tha peaea Democrat aaem 1 ty Already from twenty (o' thirty ne to bava tripped npj and -Lbeen 'aanght in I enlisted Aa aeon a sixty four are roc red their own guilej McClellan seams to reeem-1 they will bo altered into aerriee and form Ilia that cardinal of tha middle ages who go I part iaf tha Sevsnth regiment It ia expeet-aleetad Pop by appearing to hia support era I ad aa soon aa this regiment ia filled tha quite other than he really waa He went I eighth will next ba organized and ao on un-about bowed down and almoat bent double til tan thoneand men or ten regiment are ith ago and tha weight of hia bodily infirmL I obtained in California They are to bere tieaao that no one thought he could poeal-1 on the Pacific coast Mr Grover axpaeta to bly live more than a few montha Of eourao I paaa through here to-day ao aa to bo at they were willing enough to elect him Pope I Soraeriile to-day and to-morrow All who Bat aa soon aa elected he atrafehtened him-1 want to aenre Uncle 8am can now do ao aelf up in youthful rigor and ruled tha aup- under favorable auipieea and with npl pliant politidana with an iron will all hia own bountiea'from the State and from tha United Our modern peace politiciana are evidently I Statea Who will volunteer 7 afrpid if something like this in regard to 0lowou9 Electi0n Newb Pannayl-MeCMlan Instead of being the weak tool 1 it balieTd that the Republican of their will they fear he may become after h-T the 8tate hy lt iN(t 20000 on Special Notices Where ar yen going to atop when yoa go to Ban Franebed 7 At tha Rail Road House on Gammereial Brest where everybody stops that doss not wfrh to pay an enormous price 1 Gsbnax Texic i Acoustic Bit- rasa have attained their present state of medicinal effieac enceL wher a tonic and invigorator is needed When tlic fyutmn has been reduced by fevere over-exertion or other causes they will prove the invalid's friend For ail derangements ef the Digestive Organs Jaundice Dyspepsia Indigestion jand the liver Complaint they are exactly adapted All ho art subject to prostration and a depressed state of the system will find German Tonic and Aromatic Bit- I ten the great lever to lift from the valley ol the Invalidj to the heights ef health Price 59 cents per bottle For sale by all druggists and grocers act 1 8m ABRAHAM LINCOLN peace ia not offering but aiming for it Bavie 6 Louche 88 81 A Rugglea 6 88 MeEwen 8 36 38 Cf Retta a iiiMli 75 er 11 78 11 Id 166 38 bo drawn on road A Dy Jones Sage a ad a Ordered that a warns lixiseu for vkb ratnoEiT s- 1 ARDRE JOHIIIOir or imau namwamxi umou McCALLUMi'of Dorado SAMUEL BEARN AM of Sea Frandsoo CHARLES 6 MACLAY of Santa Clara! WM CRAKE a of Alameda WARNER OLIVER of SUkljoo na ooaamxea WILLIAM HIGBT Mof Calaveras all young Napoleon" to them One thing ia certain McClellan mnat bo either a peace man or war man He must I stick hit to hie past association! and to Ms record as a ptibKo man and a military officer or he muit repudiate all theae and ao stand I 0 the home vote They have certainly 16 Union a gain of 4 The Legislature is largely Union Ia Indiana returns from 31 counties partially official ahow an age regate Union majority of 23000 The net Union gain is over 0 Regular1 Heeting of Pacheco Lodge No 117 I every Wednesday evening ut 7 o'clock ai i their Hall ia rscheco BOOS 6 CfaoTHBBs See jy S3 lloClellan SRo PonttlMa of i upon the Chicigo pUtfom in good faith at a ig ooo 0Ter the TOt( 0f 1862 which gave peace man Hs eannot at the same time ajl- Dn)OAnta' mBjortT th state of over Toasts PKey and a war polby To giooo From present indications tho returns advoeato peace as tho Chisago platform does foT Congressmen etand 8 Union 2 Demo-by an armistice and a cessation of hostilities wilh Ae where Voor is tb proclaim himself openly in favor of giv- haM lha Democrmtic doubtful- Sr Gift ontrsi oar fsi theOsi and As ward If to oaten Health fa more desirable than gold and people ar much exposed to greet changes a in California and Oregon medicine that i -really meritorious will soon be tested and Its virtues appreciated We would bring to the notice of our readers Le Doyen's Alterative for the blood nnd constitution depraved and broken down fond in fovor of Stanage for 9200 Ordered that Hough bo appointed Road-master ia District No 19 in room ef Jen nlnga removed and that a 6380 warrant be dmwn In hie favor on Boad Fund Ordered (hat the Auditor procun Revenue stamps for warrants and for tax receipt Ordered that the County receive and receipt to State Treasurer for aU monies doe tha Hospital Fund i Ordered that tha Clerk publish in the Oaxhttk and pqat up at else lien places tha Governor's proclamation and election laws and procure blanks for use of Ins pee torn and Judge of election as rCquirpd by law for one representative Congreaafrom Second District 8 Presidential Electors and for ona Supervisor for Township No 1' Tha places for bidding tbs election and tho inspectors and Jndgea of election in each pro cinct were next designated by the Beard and then it was ordered that the Sheriff sell to the highest bidder for eash ail tho old carpeting belonging to the county Elecliffn Proclamation i 'I i JJTATE of California Executive Department Sacramento Notice to hereby given that General Election till bo held throughout tho State of California On Isudhy the 8tk day Ntmvmbtr nuci when the following officers are to be elected Three Representatives to the Congrefa of tho United States to be elected ia the 'follooinf manner vis One Representative hr the First Congress! on- ai District comprising the counties of Man Diego Los Angeles Snu Bernardino Snot 'Barbara San Luis Obipo Tulare Monterevi Fresno Merced Mariposa Stanislaus gents Clare ts Crux San Ms tee and fri Francisco One Representative in the Second Congressional District comprising the counties of Contra Costa Alameda San Joaquin Tnofemme Mono Calaveras 'Amador El Dorado Sacramento Flacer Nevada end Alpine One Representative in the Third Congremioa-ri District com priring the counties of Marin Sonoma Napa Lake Sofono Yole Sutter Tubs Sierra Butte Plumas Tehama CM use Mendocino Humboldt Trinity Shasta Siskiyou Klamath Del Norte and Lassen There ere also to be elected Five Electors of President end Vice President of the United States The attention of the Boards ef Supervisors in the various counties of this State ia directed to Section 4 of an Act regulating elections approved April 20 1863 (Sc Statatei of 1163 page 353) The attention of all officers of election Is directed to nn Act regulating elections approved April 4 1864 Bee Statutes' of 1363d peg 467) 4 -a- In Witness Whereof I have 'her-L 6 (-unto set my hand nnd canoed 'the: Great Seri of the State of California to be affixed I Done at Racrameato this 36th day of September a 1MS4 FRED'K LOW Governor ef Californio Attest: BRconixo Secretary of State By Redding Deputy Secretary STATE OF CALIFORNIA I County of Contra Costa It 1 ordered by the Board ef Supervisors of Contra Costa County that an election he held in TownshipNot One of said County en TUESDAY the Eighth day of November next for the pnr-eae of electing one Supervisor for Township So One of said county of Contra Costa The following are designated as the places for bolding elections and tho following named per-sons are hereby appointed Judges aad Inspectors thereof! Township Ho 1 Precinct No At the Court House Marti-nex Alley Inspector A Lawrence and John Stnrgie Judges -Precinct No: At the store of Francisco Ran Martin A Co Pinole John Kelley Inspector II Dwyer end Dayid Vogt Jndgea Precinct No 3 office Beit Pablo Wright Inspector Shimmius sad John Nichols Judges Township Mo 2-Freciuet No 1 Lafayette School House Stances Inspector Jones end Ir J'True Judges Precinct No 3 Store Borage Henry Rhucy Inspector Hurston and Hosteller Judges i Preciuct No 3 House of Harris Danville Charles Wood 'Inspector Denial lama and Jonathan Hoag Judges Precinct No 4 Sau Ramon Hotel Alamo Hall Inspector Jacob Webster sod John 11 Jones Judges Township Ho 3 Precinct No 1' Precinct No 3 School noose Clayton Shepard Inspector Cassidy end 8 MARRXHD In San Francisco October 12 by the Rev Dr Garbriel I Wales of Martinez to Julia Wins of Bielefeld Fraseia fng up tho struggle In favor of recognising the Independent existence of a southern nation and yielding foraver the eneneec and Integrity of the Union This ia what tha peaee men are in favor of rather than continue to carry on the war- McClellan appears not to belong to this class Yet aa a war nan suppose him elected President what could he dof One half hia party would become at I Lincoln and Johnson Club at Someraville one hie deadly foes He weuld be like I to-day (Saturday) at it o'clock They are Boehanan relying on his political enamias to I both able speakers and the friends of the get Me necessary appropriation billa passed I Union should be there to hoar them In Congress if not in his own cabinet he I would poverle pt by dl oMb Would bbo uu IWhJtow JMoU uud tbqr op position Would ho bo any DIED At Eomeraville October 1 Willtau Bxaa native of Glamorganshire South Wales aged 36 years NE)Y THIS WEEK faU' and a City i white ass our fo and and few Wl mile Reb Afijsb shsrin cat of retuir of his on sst the ra regiei th himfr by st As say: lea co ware attacl the them1 and IVotice WARRANTS ON THE ROAD FUND TO No 36 nnd on the General Fond to No 53 will be paid upon presentation O-F ALLEY County Treasurer the army Ono point alono would make him I ama and Impotent there too All hie party! even those not the advocates of peace are opposed to tha employment of negroes aa soldiers New to leavo to tho south their field hands to raise food sod prepare cloth-1 ated hia triumphant campaign by the capture ing for their maatera la to do two fetal thing 1 of Atlanta and we next expect to hear from at once It ia to help the YcbeUion with onf I our soldier friend from within that no longer hand while fighting it with the other a tonost I rebel stronghold uieidal polict lt is also to make enemita I Camp avei aa Atlanta inatead of friends of all the negroes It is to I il a 1 nt -i a I -Dkas We are now lying on the tnrn more than half a million of able bodied aboot miles from Allan en the I NOTICE Mu' Valtendigham the bero and martyr of Peace Democracy stood forth at the Chicago Convention the prominent advocate and supporter of Gen McClellan 8m candidate of Democrats for the Presidency of the nation A politician hinsuelf he looked upon McClellan as enough of politician to accept the nomination and forthwith plaes him salf fairly and aqnartly upon tha peace platform that had just bean prepared aa a lamp for hia fret and a lighttahis path" in the future In this expectationhe ceema now to regard himaelf aa mistaken Tha latest newt from the Eaet ahowa that he had already made faeries of BppointmrnU tovddraaa the people throughout the State of DMo and had just tarted out to fill them when he met with McClellan's letter of acceptance After reading it he felt that his speechei and the candidate were not at all harmonious and at once gava notice to the chairman of the Dem- ocraiie Committeo that he could no longer fill the appointments as announced Ha revoked them all and wenthome In New York the Dally Newt and the Metropolitan Record ha vs also renounced the support of MeCteU upon tho ground that ha has not accept-dbnt by hia letter haa rejected and renounced the true intent meaning and auhatance of the Chicago peace platform art not at nil aura hut these gentlemen arc right We now have before ue the foil letter of McClellan and not merelydsfrjgffphie summary of tha same We extract that portion which on- denhtadly gavt offense to Mr VaUandigham -the Messrs Wood and other ardent peace seen Hera are the objectionable word Tha effect of long and varied 1 aarvioa in the army dwiig war aad poses has been to strengthen and make Indelible in mr mind and heart the love and reverence for the Union Constitution laws and flag ef our country im- proud apon me in early yonth Three feeling have thna Sir gnidod the comae of my life and moat eootinne to do se to its end Tho ex-lateneo of moro than owo government over the region which one owned onr flag Is ineorapati- hie with the peace the power aad 1 tho- happiness of tha people" The re-establiahroant of the Union in all Its Integrity to and most continue to he the Indispensable condition In any settlement" If a frank earnest and persistent effort to obtain these otyeeta ahonld fail the responsibility fee ulterior consequence win fall upon theae who remain In anna against the Bat tha Union moat bo preserved at all has-arda I eonld not look in tho free of my gallant eemradea of the army aad navy who havo arrived ao many Moody battles and tell them that their jphore and the aaoHSeee of ao auay lain aad wounded brethren had been in vain that we had abandoned that Union for which we have ee often periled our lives A vast majority of our peepls whether la tha army and navy or at homo would aa I would hail with unbounded oy tho permanent restoration of paace on tho basis of tho Union and tha Const! tation without the eflhaion of another drop of blood But no peace eaa be permanent without tho Union" 1 ALL PERSONS INDEBTED TO inE UN-demigned are requested to call on him in Marline before the first of November next and make a settlement either by payment of monev or bv note with approved eecnrity ea he intends leaving for the Atlantic State noon after that dote All unsettled demands will be left with an agent for collection PAUL SHIRLEY black man oar on tha aids of their master a and reet tbair aid on tho aida of tha Union and all this to favor that systam of alavary which' la fatally oppoaad to tha wholo spirit and genhia of -American liberty and is the only element in our- inititutione that could ever for generationa to come succeed in aat- Chattaaooga aad Atlanta Railroad and the cars come into camp every day from the former place We have built strong Hues of breastworks near to the rebel works and have been advancing our lines every few days ainea tbe-SSd nit Our manner of advancing ia this A strong picket fine ia aant aa far ahsad of our worka as thay 8ANTTAKT Rev Mr Gilbert the suthor-sed agent of the Sanitary Commission is now visiting our county for the purpose of organising auxiliary branches of tha association Wo regret that owing to insufficiency notice tho pieeting at Pacheeo waa so thinly attended Our eitisena have heretofore contributed liberally to this noble work and they will not bo backward now to help in-1 commit what Democrats declare to be a crease ita efficiency The object is to form aeaociatuMij each member contributing hatever chooses monthly aa low aa fifty cents if ha wmlei This will insure permanency in tha supply We trust that another effort for organisation in Pacheco will he successful as it has' already been at Marlines 8t No Jurisdiction In tha County Court Ena Gascttb Oa Wedoeaday Oct ith inst the Supreme Court In full Bench ordered the writ ef of tertiorari to' be issued to the County Judge ef thia ceuotr to review the action taken by the Judge in the matter of the insolvency ensn ef George Worth vs His Creditors The writ was grunted by the Supreme Court en the ground that the! County Judge assumed to have uriedlctien jn that obsolete insolvency case which was begun nnd determined nnd finished in tha District Court before Judge McKinstry as long age as 1888 The effect of- the action ef the County Judge in the matter was to drsc into the corral of that eld insolvency case a new judgment ef 67000 which John Sturgis recovered against worth several years after that aid insolvency ease woe determined nnd finished This waa all wrong And the Supreme Court in granting the writ ef etriiormri have decided that the County Judge had no authority to med dla in the matter Citiih The poritien of the white Northern will be ra much more degrading as their will have beeu assumed Slavery la the natural poritien ef a dares not fight for tha right and honor country" Now suppose the proposed peaee refused the South unless we recognise their enee What than coerce them when done by our legitimate Government Very ineonriawnt More than that democratic 1 SuppoaffifoGefian elected and commenced during the proposed what will we -do with our armies 7 Who keep' our men ia their regiments and serlera 7 And if wa scad them heme they return to their fltg upon the failure gotiationaf Should be able to keep dar arras thay mnat be paid Where is only 7 And ft wa send them li ome our will be destroyed and ail the difficulties penes of recruiting drilling end must' iu any case be gone through with for Ter ten thousand times worse nothing The only result would be the peace so falsely advocated under the text of humanity i For the vary sake mairiiy the war must go ee No peace ia possible until the belligerent lie made to respceT7 if not to like each The more the Xorth recedes the more the will hold it in contempt What then shall be done 7 We must out and fight it in There can be no Let us be united Let ua make no peace to rebels in urma Tha South the war: tot them be tha first to sue for 4th Nor will they acknowledge that they mean peace nt nil hazards with se pa rati onT or without with or without slavery They ignore all these questions end for the beat reasons which are there 1st Their policy allows diem to fie 3d Should they boldly and honestly admit their principle and intention and allow deluded people to vote aqnnrely with their eye open they would be in se small minority that even Jeff Davis himself who pretend that tlic minority ahoald rule would back out of the position Do they for a qomtut imagine that the South will listen to any term peaee which do not involve separation 7 They knew that it wil not and yut they say that they will maka peaee and thereby re-establish the Union as it was or they will compel the rebels to come back by force ef arms Fer argument's sake let ne suppose die Booth willing to come back with all their institutions and probably with the right to extend slavery the South comes back drum beating colors flying royally conceding a shameful pardon to the North and receiving in return the humble submission and promise never never to offend more I Then the South will own more rule over Executive and Congressional halls another time by the head o1" power acquired by conquest adding to tha four millions of black slaves twenty-two millions ef white once riavae position man who of bis by independ beck and crime vary negotiations armistice wil1 punish da would of ne men un the econ armies and ex transporting agai than' dishonorable falsa pre of bu permanent parties cae other 8outh fight it half way propositions commenced peace end then we wifi make our own terms Until then fight Negotiate in the mean lima if yon wish but fight on fight always never giro up fighting until the whole question shall be Bnelly( irrevocable scaled ai thau and then only perpetual peace and true perpetual Union will be established based upon the glorious and true principles nf onr Constitution namely freedom fer freedom for all that breathes on the soil of our' grefft Republic The South commenced the war If they wish prare let them ask for it When we shell have taken Richmond Charleston end Mobile when we shall have broken np the rebel armies then we can magnanimously offer them pence bit( for us to commence to cry for peace ia to beg for it and not to offer it Wc mut net forget that we are ut war our enemies are in arms and whan a nation in war any citiseu who injure or seeks to injure the power prestige er honor of hia country hy creating factious divisions among hia couittry-men in a traitor to hi therefore George McClellan i traitor Let ua be united and victory will be ours Freemeu of free California or of any free Btote' will you thus beg for en ignominious pence 7 Shall it he written in the history of onr country 'that the nation was destroyed by the cowardice of twenty-two millions of free born Americans who allowed themselves to he conquered by one hundred thousand slaveholders 7 Those who vote for VeClelisn would help degrade our glorious symbol of freedom degrade It till the nations of the earth shall flout at the nameless rag A LOST OSTT BY THE UNDERSIGNED A FEW di since near Martinet School Warrant No 59 drawn by Avery upon County Treasurer dated Sept 29 1884 in fevor of Pulaski t'orlisv for the sum of (84 Payment on the above to stopped and a duplicate applied for WM A HOOPER ting onr paople to work killing each other by I get and a detail from every brigade ia sent thousands i This ona fatal point alono would near to the pickets to build breastworks which provo sufficient to damn to perpetual limbo-1 ia mostly dona In tha night1' A ditch ia dag eility the policy of McClellan as a war Prea-1 about four feet wide nod the dirt thrown ahead ident I natil the ditch deep enough to protect the Yet there are other points that might prove I men from the bullete whlch generally fly pretty nn leas dangerous He ia a West Point man( I thick at such time Stakes are then driven in with all the arbitrary habits and prejudices I frent of the ditch and small poles laid up to of a military education and an army life He I held the dirt and pretty soon we can work with waa the first to suggest to President Lincoln I Mht7 kPin ow- Occasionally how Court IVotice Probate A TATE OF ohstr rirer Tin partii of till Ann of Dh -of Hie weak flask defe pa Hi tha ocrsi vtighi natal raid lri him brsr th fo-t i to ci It wi ep'rti snap th- deoc Stranahan' Judges Precinct No Antioch School House Joe seph Galloway Inspector Mayberry and James Connor Judges Precinct No 4-i-AgricnitnrnI Hail Pacheco Philip Sage Inspector Munson Gregory nnd Tripp Judges Precinct No 5 House of John Black Nor-totville Philip Walker Inspector Isaac Williams and John Irwin Judges Precinct No 5 House of O' Scammow Komeraville A Maikley Inspector Summon end Chapmen Judges GEO LOUCKS Clerk Martinex Oct 13 1884 ever a shell comes along tearing through tha wall but tha hole is soon filled up It would astonish yon to sea what a lino of worka a lot of men will bnild jn ona night whan the shot and shell are flying over their heads Once in a while a man gets killed or wounded but not as often aa you would expect Our walls are generally fear feet bigb nnd ten or twelve feet thick end the ditch two or three fret deep on the inride with a step to stand en to shoot from' A deep ditch is then the neeeaaity of draft to fill tho army' Aa early as Aoguat 30th 1841 he wrote to Lincoln recommending that drafts be made at once by the Secretary of War unless the enrollment of volunteer was proceeding with fiat rapidity Yet thia very draft la on of the strong objections of McClellan's supporters against Lincoln's war policy The arrest of peaceable eitisena by military authority ia another flare point made CALIFORNIA AND COUNTY of Contra Co-ts In the Probate Court In the matter of the Estate of JOHN Deceased Pursuant to so order of said Court made on the 12ih day of October A 184 notice is hereby given that MON DAY the 7th day of November a 1864 at 12 o'clock of raid dsv and the Court Room of said Court at the town of Martinez in the conntr bf Contra Costa have been appointed se the time end piece for proving the Will of uriil Join Tilton-deceased end for hearing he application of Hook and Minerva Tilton for the tasasnee to them of Letters Testamentary when and where anv person interested may appear and contest the same LOUCKS Clerk I By Gibvax Deputy Cletk Dated st Barlines thia 12th day ef October a 0164 LnCOL Sc JOHXSOX REGULAR MEETINGS OF THE CON-JL tra Costs Lincoln uud Johnson Chib will be held as follows Romersville OrtL 15 Lafavette OcL 23 7J- Walnut Creek Get 39 I Prominent ape alters will be present to address each of the shave meetings Per order CARPENTER Secretary 10 Probate Court Kfotice gainst administration Now it is I dug on the outside the dirt thrown on the wall well known that not only tho rights of pri-1 and a row of sharp stakes driven in front for vate eitixana as in tha ease of Judge McCann the rebels to run on if they charge as When of New York city but the rights of a sorer-1 this is done we consider one of ae ae good ee ign State also havo been rudely violated by I five or six rebels We then move up to the the military arm of Gan McClellan 1 Not I wotke and pitch our tents merely single load-mouthed speaker or I 1 Tb rhel skirmish fine thenjias to be driven writer of treason has bean ban and there ar- whIch la not a very pleasant job We reated hut the whole Legislature of the State 0Twl te them as we ean in the night of Maryland Scores of men at onca wera nd nd thOT arrested by mere military euthority Md I A mmn a they fir we rush en them before which THE PROBATE COURT OF TIIE COUX- I (hey ean load and fire a vellay Into them usually makes them give way without much to ua but if we do not succeed in driving them we lose many men When we get the position we want wa dig pits about a rod apart largo enough for four to rix men each and let the reba shoot away Sometimes they take a kept for montha in prison under orders from McClellan 'Now we ask win there be no daegef in having for President military mkn who lain the hehit of thus despotically trampling upon the rights of private eitisena end the privileges of sovereign State Free aa he is from ail tfca conservative hajgta tion te drive us back before onr' pita are final a civilian brad to tho careful observance Ishod' and than a sharp fight ensues and some and practice of tho lew like Lincoln but I times ws have to foil back A good position trained on this other hand to the constant ex-1 for a skirmish fine ia -frequently taken and ra areiao of tho arbitrary powers of military I taken two or three Umea before It la established chieftain from earliest yonth up ia there no byither ride danger in theae times of civil war and eon- Tu Whed how tha rick and wound-stirntional confusion in having aueh I ed are emred for 1 hT of van RAILROAD HOUSE 316 318 and 320 Commercial St The undersigned respectfully beg leave to inform the traveling pubfis that he has assumed the entire charge ef tha have Hotel nnd had the same thoroughly renovated and put iu complete order New ftn-niture has been added and be flatters himself that in paint of comfort end cleanliness the RAILROAD HOUSE Will compere favorably with any in the City Having made Hotel keeping hie business he will spare ne pains or expanse to make tho RAILROAD HOUSE ss pleasant end popular stopping place aa cso be foued ia tho eiiy end at much lower rates then respectable accommodation! can be had elsewhere The Railroad Honse Coach win convey passengers to the House nn of caasa ty Barber Shop with Worm Cold and Steam Beths eoaucted with the Boose ROSS Proprietor oct 1 3m i ty or Lon Ira Cost a State of California In the muter of the Estate and Guardianship of iOYITA CASTRO minor- It appearing in this Court from the petition this day presented and filed by Victor Castro the guardian of the Estate of Jovita Castro minor praying for an seder of sale of certain real estate belonging to 'his asid ward that it is made to appear from said petition that such real estate should he enld it is hereby ordered that the nest of kin of the saidward and all persona in teres ted id said estate appear before thia Ponrt on Monday the Seventh day of- November A D- 164 at One If at the Court Room of this Court at the Court House in Martiues in said County of Centra Costa then and there to shew cense why sn order should not be granted for the aria of such estate And it is further ordered that copy of this order be published st least three successive weeks before the said day of hearing in the Centra Costs Gnsetta newspaper printed and published is rid County ef Centre Costs Dated October 16th A 1364' I MARK SHEPARD Probate Judge State of California County of Contra Costa ss I George Louche County Clurk end tx Bjffieio Clerk ef the Probate Conrt -in and for said County and State do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true and correct copy of sn order made ia the arid cause ss the seme appears dow en fils end of record in my office Witness my hand and Seal of said Probate Court given st Martinez this 19th day of October Ai 1864 GEO LOUCKS Clerk Stamp end Seri A Sxrrca Lena than two months since a man end woman then living at the Dalles were united in the bands of matrimony- Thsir hon waa not of tha most pleasant character and In very few days tha bride repented of the choice ehe had made Thus things wagged along for few weeks when the wife announced her intention to go to California con fideatiafiy informing her friends that her object was to get rid ef her husband The husband however was net so easily cot rid of and ao he accompanied hia wife on her journey tho pair reaching San Francisco per steamer Sierra Ne vada on her last trip down The next we hear of the couple to that they were passengere on the ill-frted Washoe end on tho list of killed we find the name of the husband The wife loo made narrow escape her name being on the fiat of those seriously Injured We -have hern the material for a etovsr Dallas (Oregon) Jfowafotaser i eee Additional and startling developments concerning the operations in Indiana and elsewhere ef a treasonable organisation known ua tha 8 one of have recently come to lighC There can no longer be any doubt ne to the existence end alms of thia revolutionary conspiracy throughout the North The ramifications of tho Order extend it haa been ascertained to California nnd Nevada and ita enrolled member number from 890000 to 500 000 Tha object of the conspiracy to armed revolution At signal from the South tha various gangs are to rise in resistance to tha Federal authority depose the Administration and compel a recognition of tha Confederacy Arms have been sent jo California and Nevada and distributed very generally among tha Order In tha Eastern Eta tee bat the plane of the traitors have been very seriously interfered with if not completely thwarted by the unearthing of tha conspiracy ud the arrest of a number of ita moat prominent Itadmi-Fityisis EUr-prim Snu on Flee The range ef high hills to the west of ne to still in blase extending apparently many miles Sines Saturday bur town haa been enveloped In smoke so dense that prominent objects bat a mile distant become ia risible 1 Ashes from burning leaves hospital daring the campaign but those who as the eivfi and 'military head of the nation If Lincoln he dangerous must not McClellan be so ln tenfold degree have say they are aa well taken out ef as they can ba under tha circu instances but not of course as thay woald be at home As to the Sanitary Commission I know very little about it but 1 1 be lie re the officers generally gat large man spoken of as pnbhdy advocating the Union eanae In Sen Francisco in a very earn- Hooker toft' on the 37th nil We set and eloquent manner just after reeeiv- vcra see him go for he to AMERICAN EXCHANGE ANTIOCH I ing the -news of the death of his father end brother in the army under Sheridan in the I valley of Virginia As an old resident ef Ps-eheeorho -will bo noticed with interest by many of onr readers who ean sympathise in noble officer and always on tho field In of battle When we were going into tho st Dallas IIUls oar brigade wee marching through the woods in fine ef battle when the hot aad shall ware flying thick Gen Hooker Such language ae the above cannot poeaihly nit those Whs desire the recognition of an independent Southern Confederacy nor those who are bitterly opposed to Lincoln's administration chiefly because ho honestly and earnestly using hia utmost endeavors to crush out the rebellion by force Mr Yallandig-hem haa been an involuntary traveller in the South under circumstances calculated to reoommcod him to the favor and- confidence of the aonthern leaden He knows perfeet- ly well that those leaders an determined never to accept anything lass than indepen donee and a' 'distinct acknowledgment ol their aepante nationality Ho also know that tha deelantion of an armistios and tho cassation ol hostilities on tho part of tha United States' Government inatesdqf helping or tending to help the nstoration of all tile States of tho old Union would have directly tho eontnry effect He knows that COch a course would be the moat powerful aid given towards the permanent establishment of sruthem Racogniiing these fseta and also recognising impossibility of ever bringing the north trn people willingly and understanding! to favor any rack result ha was well aware that tha only coarse was to take a popular man and a war Democrat likaMcGellan as a can didate for the Presidency and then so to bind him down by tho ponce platform and by the prnffnod support of the platform mrkers that he would so soon as elected feel obligated to carry oat the implied end expressed pledgee thus eentrmeted No matter at 'what saeri fie of personal consistency and good faith in (ha candidate no matter at what sacrifice the puhKe welfare end even of the very existence of the nation in ita unit and integrity and true glory No matter for all theao terrible oalaaririeol In spite of them all the plaa of tha peace politician mast be exccat ad! let the country he broken ap into two or into a dosen insignificant fragments what ears tha politieaaaP They will only flourish (ha usoco thereby Bochaentimeuta aa (he above mart have Actuated the peace politician! of tha Yallau-NernaaAo Wood atrip or they would not ao promptly have repudiated Mo-CbUaafr latter of acceptance and straightway moanaad their own support ef Mm aa a candidate His gentle intimation that he was Mill frr lha Union and now aad forever opposed to dissolution was too much for (hndk That would novar do Still worse (hat was beforehand a renunciation of thau dictation and leadership If elected he would doubt surround Mmeolf with war Deao-crata who lev the Union supremely and the This new hotel has just been fitted spin rood style in every department The proprietor has spared peine to make everything comfortable The table to provided with the beet the market affords nnd Is kept ready st all hears for strangers Tho sleeping rooms era airy and cool aad furaishtd with every convenience The Buria served by careful attendants and in fret whatever te needed for the accommodation of the publio will be fonod st baud Givens a call Antioch ASgust 37 1864 GRIFFIN Proprietor hi affliction and admire the patriotic effect I rode ap aad asked what brigade that was Ha of the same was answered Seoond Brigade of Butter fields Command" Go ahead" oaid Hooker On Wednesday afternoon a I wa bava got tho rebate where we went sham I tylegram wee received at Martina from San they are almost out of Bo Central School District Notice is hereby given to the tax payers of Central School District (No 13) in Contra Costa Coantv California that the Treater of said District wilt nit Board of Kqusliketion st the honse of A IfsmmUt os Thursday Fridsv and Saturday the 29th 21st and 23d days of October 1864 for the purpose of equalizing the taxes iu said District levied by vote of the District on the 39th day ef Septeihber A 1864 A HAMM ITT JONES aiL WHITMORE Ekutaxt Gibls For Cali maxi a An Eastern correspondent writes aa follows to tha Btt On crossing the Isthmna I met about two hundred young women on their wav to Cali for each expecting that the ladies ef that State were dying to obtain their services at the rate of 630 per month in money In geld nnd silver On arriving nt New York and also in Beaton I found there had been a perfect exodua which waa still In progress It ia quite probable that at least two thousand have toft the East for that 'promised land in tha past three months Their compensation hare is but 3 per week in paper nnd ae the steamer companies demand money for passage or its equivalent in paper eempar tively ftw can raise the naedftil If the oppnri have fallen open ua like anew flakes A fulj I tion day fore eonld be paid in greenbacks it is hour before setting the nn appears like the probable that rix months woald see an In-yolk Jf an egg and may be gaxed at without flux at a moderate eileulation of twenty thou tho rid of smoked glass The atmosphere in I nnd of them in that favored State It to enri- Notice to Tax Payers The ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE Fiscal years of 664-65 to new In my bendt nnd I era prepared to receive Tuxes stray office in the Coart House Martiues until farther notice JOHN McEWEN Sheriff and Collector ef State uud County Revenue Sheriffs office Sept 20th 1864 consequence has been oppressively sultry for a fall of rain at this moment I Utaldtburg JLittrtiHr Franeiaeo conveying the glad tidings of Union triumphs at the ballot box in tho Eaet and the braes cannon at that plaoe waa forthwith brought out to proclaim tho good news to tho people of Contra Cotta Its eloquent voie readied' far beyond this place every discharge being distinctly heard May it often bo employed in aueh grateful service Mias Emu 1 Thia eloquent lady has mad aa appointment to leetura at Benicia on Wednesday evening next and her subject The Coming understood to bo' not tho Young but Old Abe" Wo learn that Capt Coffln with Ms usual courtesy will let hi ferryboat go over ud stay Until the doe qf the loo-tore if there be nay considerable number ia Contra Coots who wish to attend weal bat we foqnd they bed plenty of am munition At another time we were short rations end as Hooker rode past oar camp the hoys cried ant tack" at Mm Ha topped and asked where ear keadquaitaia were On being informed he went there aad askad aur Colonel what the men meant crying "Hurd tack" nt him The Colons told him they did net get enoagh to eat: "Well" said he will eee that my get enough to eat" and la two hours the train cams up and issued rations and rinea than wa have had plenty to sst Our picket line to about 39 rods In advance of our fortifications aad tha rebel lino 39 rods ahead of ua so they havo to ehoot only tods Into our camp Cannonading 1 kept up every day and shells are flying inlO Atlanta bat I do net know wbat damage Thrir eheile do not hurt ue much Yours out to notice when making a call how tho help wilt contrive to keep around on one pretense and another wLen they find the visitor is from thstdireetien Whether thoro who make the bright has been The Richmond Exomintrnt the 3d ultimo gave the nature of the political situation with remarkable accuracy It ia evidently well an-1 absent from there nearly three month riffle and arrive there will realise their hope) you eon tell better than one who Open Irmme Cmllfernlm Consolidated Gold ffilver and Copper Mining Company pis to ii District Contra Costa County State of Notice is hereby given that at a meeting of the Board of Trustees ot said Company held on the Jlth dsv of October 1864 4n awewment No 5 of Fifty cent pc? share Was levied upon the Capital titock of said Cnmounv' psvahle on the 16th day of November lfit4 in 'Gold Cola of the United 'tales or America to th Secretary at the Office of the Compsnv Not 626 Montgttmery Street in the City San Francisco California er to A Ms'ttiu ws Superintendent of the mine Any Stock ipou which said Assessment shall remain on thsi 16th dsv- of November 1664 advertised on that dav as delinquent and old on Monday the 5th day of Decern-1864 to pay tha delinquent Assessment togeth ir with soate of Advertising and expenses of 'ale 4 By irder of ths Band of Trustee- 1 STURDIVANT Secretary Offim 636 Montgomery Street 8su Francisco California NOTICE VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT IT IB xl the intention of the undersigned to apply for private road nt the next regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on- the first Monday of November next in the County of Contra Coate commencing ut tha moath if tho ration known os cafloa In Rodeo valley tunning sooth across the said valley to the eonnty road distance of shout two hand yards MICHEL DOXNALLT Sept 15th 1864 a derstood 1 tbs South what nse is to he mads I of the Democratic party If Great is engineering for Lincoln's re-election on tho Chicks' hominy and Appomattox while 8hermsn is log rolling for hint about Atlanta oa the other hand we regard General Lee as pipe layer for tho Democratic Convention in Chicago end General Early it is said has gone over to stump tha States of Maryland sad Pennsylvania for ths Peso party" Asokl bLAXD Siltss A mining district- has been organised on Angel Tho district formed is railed the'' Angel Island Mining The main lead hasheen found to work from 639 to 680 hi gold to the ton uud it bee been traced not only across tho entire island bnt over Into the Wile bw whero It crops out ea baldly as where it waa first struck RsxeTKD Gen Winder the notorious commander or die Libby prison bee been romoved from command at toe peat of Anderaonyilto REUOttua Preaching hy the Eav-JB Hoppa to-morrow (Sunday) at 1 1 A- and at 7 ia (ha evening at the Church in Pacheco Go for incapacity sad inhumanity to priMB- I Jjs 0.

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