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The Omaha Evening Bee from Omaha, Nebraska • 5

Omaha, Nebraska
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

5 THE EVENING- BEE: TUEHIMY, JANUABY 31, 1899. BONDSMEN ARE 10 BE-SOED wliUr tfce fvnel aro moored aloagulde the dock." Hints MEETING OF WOMAN'S CLUB Omaha will also have two clubs by time. Flay begins Friday and con-two aftarnooaa and two ovenlngn. There nr two principal trophies to bo ployed (or, tho Richard trophy, now held by Bloux Fall, for toama of four. Only on team from each club may compete tar this.

It baa been won aa follows: 1(93, hy Bloux Falla; llH, 1197. by Dea Moinre; UUI, by iho Roas Hill club of Bloux City and on challenge from It by Bloux Falla. Then there ta the "Dei Mol Dea trophy." now held hy Lincoln. For thia prise elub may enter any number of palm. -Th association and the local club, will present th 'winner of tho various matches with Individual souvenir.

Omaha will be represented In tha fou re by Reed, Rinehart, Scribner and one other yet to be club will have lore of good once in the pair contest, no lew' thin ten palm having already entered. On Saturday night th "free-for-all" gams will ojcur.and from present Indications at least 100 players will take park Th smallest tnings exert me greatest Influence. De Witt's Littla Early Risen are unequalled tar overcoming eenstipatka and liver trouble. Small pill, best Dili, safe pill. Duquette In the William Duquette, a laborer, waa arrested January 22, charged with beiog a suspicious character.

He was siupsctsd of having been Implicated ta tha robbery of C. O. Will lac- dor's meat market, Xhl( Bhrrmhn avenue, tha bight at January-12 N-erMence could" bo got that would incrimlnmta Duquette and ho wu released from custody. Monday night hs wu rssrrested by Officers Dooley ud Wllsoto. Ths charge sutered opposite bis nemo on tho orimiaal register at the sta- burghtry.

The police any they have ird a dear caw sgstast ths suspect established dear csss sgstast and that they cab provs him to be the man who stola slevsn hams from Wsllandtr'o market. Boven of tho ham were recovered, having been found ta on allay ta th rase of tho aieat shop- Four are still missing. Duquatto ta a young man hairing a wife and two little children dependent upon him for support. The Kind You Have Always inuseforoycr. 30 yean County Attorney Bhialdi Will ProMcute id Diatrict Court.

WORK UPON THE LIST IS IN PROGRESS Mew Wt. Guaranteed Anmnira wt rrlnrn wed Failed Iw Hare Mea OB llaad Will He Uroawhl la Tlaie. For lorn, lime put County 'Attorney Shield. ha had hi. bailiff, John Norberg.

goiaa over the hrlmlngl dockdt with view toward the proaecutloa of every hood elthrr declared forfeited or w'hlrh had not been renewed at the clone of tho lur term of court. The law require, ho loyw, that where a bond haa nut been renewed la lime. It may be declared forfeited and sued upon. Whntivrr terhnlrdlltlee on ihla queallnn man arlae; however, there hre a great many forfeiture! which have, not yet been acted upon, oo far aa suit is ranrerned, except the Bulllean, Wardlaw and other bonds, aulta on whlrh were commenced Jual aa -Conniy Attorney Baldriga wa retiring from office. Ta give an Idea of the extenolvencoi of the fiii BeHi' prepared.

Rome are old case dating back a year or more. Thia Hit la only a partial one. too, us Mr. Ni.rberg has not re.t completed hla work: Joe Parka, carrying on a lottery; kond. ISM; W.

H. Leal I e. surety. William Valentine, ebooilng with Intent lo kill; found guilty November 9. ISM; defendant reeognlied In mm of with George Dovih u-y for appearance at ibe name term of court for' further disposition of the rune.

No -other action taken according to the docket. Thornat Ilurk and Eleanor Burk, robbery; Burks bund of IMI, with Murray surety, and Mr. Burk's bond of 11.000. with Sam -Adler surety. Mika llan, robbery: bond, of 11,000, with Harry Amci Frank Rabbit, grand larceny, bond 1800; Samuel J.

ftolhwcll, -surety. Itatay ijollvur. -Jari-ony from the person, boitd; Scott Jorkoon. surety. a wr aim amiu, awt a if, Hafiic IrrcaMiig anif paUrlfig, bond of $1,000, wli)i I.

W. Hotfafott aa aujvty'iTno tatefinnioa- served. Martin Riley trifi Bauu, Balin', bond of I WO, Mlk Markewm, surety, and Riley', bond of SAM with Miry Uuhock nn imy. both forfeited. Andrew 'HimpHM and 6le JOfanroiClarceiiy from lb.

pemm. bend of 100; Oliver A me, umy. leler Oorkrell, obtaining (Ignmurc (s pronilatory not by falne rcpnwntnihWHi; bond. nrlib K. W.

Hunt. Kred Uoekrell and Illiwm I'ochrMI, aurrtlm. Charlen WNlerneld, criminal assault; bond, 11.000; wlih Frederick Kuh. and Lydia U'MiarheuI aurqtlr. Morrln Aahner, forgery, bond (TOO, with Harry Amen nurcty.

John McDonald, robbery, four canea, bond Jl.ono- In rich, with' Michael McDonald surely In cu-b; all forfeited. A. M. Dell, larceny in bnllac; bond (AOS, W. A.

Gnrdner nuioty. Rlnhard Wardlaw, shooting with Intent to kill, bond with Frank Norton nun-ly. Jamrn Griffin, ambe.xlement, bond TAO0, J. H. Thayer and William Bull sursilas.

Fan nl Wright, grand bond (1,000, with William Norton aurely. C'harle Rtewan, larceny from the person. bond Jamea B. Kelkenney aurely. lira ravin, selling lott.ry ticket, bond (300.

John N. Htewart surely; tallnl lo appear and bond forfeited. Andy Wood, selling lottery tlcketa, two bonds of each. John N. Stowart surety.

James Moyd. burglary; b-ind with Andrew Murphy apd W. IL baiighneay Sureties, not renewed. DI larceny from the Terron; bond. Frank Noriun.

surety, forfeited, de 0 40 Wr when rn woo 1 -Md has been made under hig per- fjPL sonal supervision since its lnlhncy. iffrV7i CCCCA446 Allow no ono to deceive you in tills. All Counterfeits Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex-" perimenta that trifle with and endanger the health of Inflantsand Children Experience against Experiment. I Hltrei tks toi-larr of tha 4ibk4 with protruding piles tauuirtit oa by constipation with which 1 wu afflicted far twenty Mrs. I ren serose you I'AKC'ARETS ta the town af Newell.

und never found anything to equal them To-day I am entirely free boat piles and feel like a now mun." a H. Ksrex, Mil Jones Sioux City, In. CANDY CATHARTIC TRADI'MMIII MtimVSP nwmni, Palaf iM. Tut flogf. Dd Good, Neror Hirkcs.

Weaken, or Grip. He. tie. IDs. CURB CONSTIPATION.

HHhf Ky faiMft.fthqe, IbiUmL Iw Twl, iJse Woodbury's Facial Cream Woodbury Facial Soap Instnnt n-llef fur ei-lilug, tired fret, ex-cPHHlve itersiiiriitlon. uffcimlve odor end Irritulioiie; limit -s -the- ekin'" sweut "nil hoiilthy. Sfiltl lit runts for limoty Rook, and rcfulvu anmnlu nf eurh. fr--. JOHN H.

WiXtDHL'fiY. V3 State and Ml Chemical Bt. I-oiils. CURE YOURSELF! Uw JliffU for HINBtNIhl dlwhuntcriq ItiOaniBHitliia I IrritatioiiN ur ulnmllBM rf RineuNB nu'BiliniiMs. mid i.iit, iTHEhMlGHIM'rHRa' nt Hold hj DnigrIMa, aor iit in pUIn wrpprr, ll FSPWb, PMI(a fK l.

iMioilsriiy i ircuir 4KI4K (mi lifts Bought, and which has been hag borno the Rlgnatnro of Dee, Jnn. 31, H. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Kootltlng Syrup. It la Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance.

Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Dlorrhcca and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Count! pat ion and Flatulency. It assimilates tlie Food, regulates tho fltomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep." The Childrens Panacea The Mothers Friend.

GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bean the Signature of i MISTAKE Adair aal OBrlea Draw Cheek. -Agalaat Alwea's Aeeaaal a.i LaaA la Jail. Lowell -Adair and Jmca OBrien were r-realed Monday on the rharre or forgery of tha name of R. T. Algeo, 131 Maple itreet, ta a draft (or 1100.

Whaa aearehed they hid a draft for 1300 on the Cltlaena' giate bank of Otddfleld. In Mr. Algeo'. favor and on which they were awnltlng return. Although Mr.

Algoo lo reeldeut of Omaha he haa a hank account with the Cltl-rrmr State hank of Goldfield. Id come way Adair add O'Brien Intercepted tha mall of Mr. Algeo and obtafhed a draft for lino, which they had cubed at tha Union National- bank la thia- city, aamo time in Iie- eemfcer. Plcucd with their good -fortune and tha easy method they had struck of an curing mouay they wrote the -bank for a draft tar 1300 and asked that thy answer should ha addressed to the general delivery as Mr. Algeo had moved.

The bank answered that 1300 would overdraw Mr. Algeoi account and' neat a not for I he dlf-ferrhee aa hla eredii appeared to he good. This note was signed and returned to the Goldfield A discrepancy In the signature and the accompanying letter was discovered. A telegram wa sent to Mr. Alice questioning him concerning the Dial draft and a prompt response was elicited that caused the bank a trip for the crlm-laaln -vTiunL'nlonNaMensl -dMnk-'-waa warned to watch tor them And lo the mailer when the draft arrived.

Adair prasanled the 1300 drart at the I'nlon National bank and wan told to rvturn Monday morning, aa It was thought advices would be received Tram the Goldfield bank by that time. In the meantime tho cashier or the Union National notified the police and Defective Dunn, and Leayerlon were put on tho cnae, Dunn going to the bonk and Leneertun lo the ponlofllce to nee who Inaulred tar Algeo' mill. Adilr entered the bank and wan Informed that nothing had been received concerning the draft, but he aught eall later. Hs left the bank, followed by -Detectlr. Dunn, ho kept him in view.

At Fifteenth and Dodge ilreet he wao met by O'Brien, ho wan In turn shadowed by LeaVrrtpn. The men were am-sted and tnken to the ntatlon, no rc-iitani'i being offered. Adair la an old offender, -having been en -gnged with Hurry Hurne In, robbing Krne- jrorth'n drug store aUWI -f afl, Vn Wirougli wlntow nd wm captured oiitairjp, put up a good, enough fens to.escVpe piinkthmrnt. OBrien la unknown lo the this being-Ihe' first lima they have had him In their dutch. He claims to have been at work In South Omaha snij wanted, to some 'tthrd lo hla but Adair, who appear to be Die ruling spirit, chaffed Him ouf of II by telling him jiot to ask any favor.

Ia Grippe is agam Svery pr-eaHtlnu -ahnuld lie lkn lo avoid It. Ita pacific cure la One Mlnuie Cough Gure. Tbe le-at remedy for all agua; cure cougha, cold and all lung rienaont lo tlio 'aal. No ana will be disappointed la using It. HEARD ABOUT TOWN, Threw were a number or cattlemen la the city Monday on their return home from attending tha live clock convention at Denver, Secretary Stewart of the South Dakota Cal-llemra'a association -had something say about tha new wolf bounty law passed by tho Soutb-Ctakota houao.

Bald be; "Thlt law makes a allot in bounty of 11 per pelt all over the slate. does away with the groat virlanoe slilch obtained tho county system, la my county, Custer, the bounty wa (3, and la an adjoining roiiniy, that of Fall River, which la in tho fooihilis. It wan only ir.Su The ronieq'uMire was that parties Would bunt and kill wolvu In tn other county and I ken cornu ovc-f Inin our collect ihe big bounty. I suppose houo I cost rHlh-uien (ko.noo Iasi year, while- (he ravers counties paid, out nlmut even taken to mining wolvas and find 11 a profitable businean." Paul McCormick of Blllinga. was nothcr prominent miser of beeves who was In tbe also 1.

M. Humphrey of Rapid City. 8. D. Mr.

McCornilrk was eo route to Indian Territory; where he has several thousand acre undrv lease, upon which his herds'! cnllla roam. Cattle buying and selling." said C. J. Ilyahain. the Red Oak, stockman, who wit la Ihe city for1 a few hours, "Is the asm aa any.

other kind or hint ness, li is Just a easy In turn over worth or brof steers as 1100,900 worth nf coal, lumber, wheal or coffee. If you know tho business, have die i-aplial. know tue people who are In Ihm line, study the market and has the courage or your, i-nnvlr-tlnns. Of course, like In all miles, In-trrglly and cnnlhli-ncr play Ihi-lr Important parts, but It is only once In a while that 'people get bit an they did with llllleit. the Katinas plunger.

Ills rase might have Irrrn one nf being long on paper and aliori on ready cash. But for amlden li of rnn-fldenre be 'might have. pulli-l tfiiuugh; that U. provided Jill were himeat anil he was la Ihe business for Ita legitimate profits and no more." Il han not been an uiiroifimnn thing for Mr, Hysham -ta asks drsl-nf worth of cattlo In one evening at an Diuaha hatch 'Talk about your rolil weather," remarked grhxrfrnrergcT nrXnof Turk. 'a pusher In Iho pyroin-hnlc trade, a' he mopped tha went from hla' forehead In the Millard rotunda last i-rmikig, "why, this Is summer emnidtreil with what.

I've g.uio through. I had ta leavn a comfortable sleeper this morning at Hloux City a little after 1 n'rlurk-nd go out Into au almnsphere Ihst was IS below sent; at least, that's what the hol'd regtsler Indicated. Wbnoh! I'll come to Omaha first after this. I don't rare If the mercury Is trying to get down rollsr, Iho weal her here feels warm after my morning' esperlem C. W.

Nlbley nf Raker Cite. prominent lumber maa nf tho Wnbfont slate, win on of tho guests at the Millard yesterday. Mr. N'Hih-y Is ono ut thus enterprising lts-clfin cosalers who make Iho shade of Hiram, king of Tyre, go back ta bis oriental sepulcher with regrets that he anil Holomon did not live In tha nineteenth cenlury. Thi rednrn of Lrbnnen are slender rare pared with the mighty redwood and mngnlfirent firs nf the 1irlfle northwest.

Mr. Nlbley has hla own railroad running right up lute hi riuip and every stlrk of limber la handled hy tnachlnnrr. The dnfnraallsstlim of Oregon and tha Puget Bound roualry," he observed, "la hardly yet parseptlhls at 11. 1 believe have enough limber than to atipply Mm enllro North American eoatlaenl and Hump tar couple of centuries with tha very beat of soft wood lumber. Not tho least Important of our products now ta Iba supplying or mum for iho big scoau sailing VMuml.

They nr sent around lha Horn from iba Columbia river and Puget Bound ta almost every oul fitting port, and many go to Australia Of Mure, moat of them nr put on tb three and fenr-mneiare, which constantly couia tala the Oregaa pud Wsek- et sake a bad on Beauty. Mme Yale Faded or unjr hair I not always a nigs of old act although It haa I ho effect of making ooa aipcar older than they are. Kor.lnatance. a young man or woman of having gray hair would very rdadlly be taken for gray hair la blight thlnr-flve In tact ca youth. MME.

YALE HAIR TONIC ltr and only dlmovwy In the hi-rhewl8ry known to lupn ry hair bark in Km and original Mlir without dye. It art on tho natural, llvt nilor-tnit matter of ih hair iiirralnk and irlv-Ing It rlroulatlon. lttnn-a -uy ih ile- blDtatad flrw and thr torpid glanda to a heslihy rrafHun. curing all dUraaoa of Ih MOHln It iri'Hti'M a luxuriant fmoihmopd HitlFTCIIliiv 111 from Whiy-four houra to onn week. It softens ins hair when harph nr dry; contain no ffrraay matter, eutphur of

or any other Injurlrni or uniilramint nubMumf. Thr Tlxlr" Tonic I a perfect Hair Preaulna, rendering the hair gloay and fluffy, greatly aiding It lo remain In 1 Manufactured only hy Mme, M. Yale. Chicago. $1.00 a Nit tie Our apeclal price liter Mine.


WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT. lg ORKHAL, ML OHMS IWUIMMS. I. nld uuder prviva Written by anthodlaed aemu m.

tncur W- Xviu-jry, IHastaHia. WftkfHia. fin. Ilyaicrta. Unlr.x- a.

ui SdMi glght IjOm. Kvfl HrvBne. Lack ufttinfl dear. Kerroueuea. ijwIIwK all braiua, Youthful Knwm.

or Xaeeaa Hue of TuDmcs, Oplui or Liquor, whleb lidq to NiRrrjr. NMitnipciot Itiaiultyr 4 iwd Urib. At RMirw or Ur niqii, 01 bos; nix kr 10: villi written jcuorantow to euro or refund money. Sample paok- Igg. runijslinnic Mvr Uisym irouiiuriiT.

with Tun inMmctloiiM, aft iW Mampta oulj tOMMrli pimiD. Ai worn or bf Minis. f.MTKed Label Spc-lcil Kxtra fKoralmpotMWj. IdHs ofl I'owrr. lt Mnnhourt, Mrtlltv or 1 a box; qlx for with! written auarantee 9 cur in ilnvg.

At; uion or by iuaIL flytri. Dtllon Drwa l1 Me 10th sit rirsiM, Oashii 4ck SMI CHICAGO Best Dining Car Service. Oilj Dipat li CUcap till Elmted Lojb In ad ranee. Weak, km and feeble of the body quirk ly iheaed. ou Ms).

Panlrulmngml. i aealad letter, (hr lONifidmUal. KRIS MKDIOAL CO, BurrALO. M.V. When you ain't got no money, Well you needn't conn 'round.

Hut yon might four-lwo-iiaiiglit mill any when yon will Imre Nome; IIhmi we'll me Hint Hie mm or-Knig faliliu't levr Hint you tinier la pmiuplJy Ym kuiHAr It'n I tent gitil wlifii H-rnou la '(iroke" iliey alwaya wm.t the lunl Aa II eun'i lie egeeiieii, imt wdinfa limn lo ilo wJili a gnawing ap-petlte when he'a "linike." Hut won't In 1indte," reineiiilier, when tho case of Krug Culilnrt arrlrea ami inajr have enough left' -to pnrehiliie'i' broiled lolmter. My! what a relink! Halilnet ami lolMler! lint I'uMm-t tu-er goea -goort with finyihln'ifr'Try It FNKIl KRIIlt NHKHItll Tel. 4 W. 1 1,1,7 Jgi kaoa Hi reel. Offices SI with daylight in room light heat IN THE and perfect janitor service as those in the Bee Building together with an all day Anp elevator service cannot be found anywhere at a rent so Reasonable rerseool Paragraphs.

X. T. JelllB haa romored lo Ek. Joseph. F.

B. Lord a Chicago la at tha Dor Grand. R. D. H.

Vroom or New York ta at the Ilsr Grand. X. B. Williams of FhltadeliihlA ta at tha Dor Grand. Samuel Gambia left last night for New York and Boston.

II. C. Anderson, a Kearnay hanker, was ta tho ally ynatardae. Ben Cohan baa returned after a three weeks' stay at Denver. R.

C. Chandler and wife of Loo Angeles, are at tbe Her Orend. Louie Haller, a Chicago advertising hustler. at the Millard yesterday. J.

R. Manning, a Warn ituckman. van ta (own hta war from 'Jeny'ir. Rev. Thonua X.

Green nr Cedar Rapids, Is a guest at ono of the local hotels. Mri. x. H. Hpraguo returned hoou yte-terdav after a two weeks' visit In Chicago, Justice of the Peace Dorsey Houck la confined to hie home by a severe attack of the Bdward klarsnall of the Xld-ConMuent bis gone to visit hta brother, a Bt.

Louie hanker. euator W. H. Reynolds nf Chad ran apant a day ia the cky, stopping at tb Merchants F. W.

H. Gullle, representing a big New York lac curtain housm was at the Millard last John Henry Barrow of the faculty of Oberlin college at Oberiln, 0. la registered at an Omaha hotel. F. Kmmel of Ht.

Ijouli. auditor of the Anheuaer-Uusch Brewing assoctathm, ta In the elty on hull area. J. Hosuabaum. a Chicago comSiisslon mao, spool ihe day with hi son, X.

H. Rosen bsum. In iho city. Dove Hart, the wrvf knows distiller of Ksseas CMy. ta at the Iler Grand for the bslanee.of vhe weeg, D.

J. Belt, Kansas City live stock commission min, reme In ycsierdsy to visit his South Omaha partners District Court W. Kerr hss returned from Hrrssum. where he vinhed hta brother, Albert Kerr. A.

Kilpatrick and R. J. JCiloal rick, two mining ines and railroad rowirsetera of Bessrice, were ta tbe city yesterday. 'Manager W. J.

C. Kenyon of Hi Union Buck Yards company ft South' Thnahs returned from Attending-the live stock cun-vrtiUoU; at Driver Rani' who'fi tatcreaLKitn-the Howe-TUiniga -Shoe c6ni-iny. ta In the riiy. stopping with hta ois-tvr, Mr. iQifHiyt avru.

l'upideton D. -Walker and Ira D. Walker, two prominent frpm Anaconda are spending a few days In Omaha, secern- ponied by thrlr wives! They sre lihprovlng iho rls by msking a tBnrough Inspection -of the South -Omaha -packing -Jtitenetto 'and stuck yards. -Nebraskans St the hotels T. A.

Outer, Chadron; H. L. Harper, Itrstrlce; K. M. Tyrrell, LIscoIb; Alex Q.

Hinlth, Blair: L. M. Larey, Fremnnt; C. ilaggs, Thumas Maqnerer, NorMk; J. L.

Hnurhon. Idiirmn; fi. K. Wllllmiis, Klk PHy; A. G.

West. Fremont; H. Benactt, Tecum neb; A. V. Whiling, Lincoln.

At the Klondike; Chartre T. Paden. Tkuratpn; A. lilrtxmaa, Bi. Louis; Mrs.

M. K. Woods, FreaiuM; Frank McDougal. flkms CMy. Ed burke, Blair; Christianson.

Rloiix City, Georgs A. Little. Spokane, X. M. Yesam.

J. T. Gill. Lyons; James Smith. Chlrago; William Tietxe, Hooper; R.

B. Rose, R. Tonaflsld. O. Hook, Duluth.

John R. Gain. Unroll: M. O. I tcoi, Jamea.

Brows. Klslr: W. B. Lasing, Htawsihs, X. 'Delong, Boone, J.

F. Pat tenon. LRUc.Rioug. Is. At the Millard: Xdwlu B.

Jawell, Chicago; William V. Ward, New York; A. HUdrker. Chicago; W. L.

Bury, Denver; Hy Hymns. New York; A. A. Hilton, Rt. Lwli: R.

X. DavtJooo, C. W. Nlbley, Baker City; Chart g. Ileffrn.

New York; F. IL Wagner. Guinea. X. C.

Hankie. Chicago; W. ft. Hall. St.

Louis; Louis Halle, Chicago; A. J. Milton. Mbmeapotla; Mike Jacobs. Rt Loula: F.

G. Ranlater. rhlrego; Oarer II. Dyer, J. F.

Rehirfrnbierg. New. York; A. Gllhut, W. S.

Jrflenou, Chicago; F. W. Gullle. New York. At the Murray: W.

B. Dudley. New York; r. 'Bprlngfleld. Dm 11.

H. Go d-hull. Ilurllngtoa. W. Ke-hruka City: Btulle, Dr.

R. B. Ann-a-rong. Papllllon; H. Foet-rk New York: Iwvld Talbot.

C. M. rhHpa. flqlvoke: M. B.

Irwin. Creighton: F. R. Joy. Fremour; -W.

E. Alexander. Alex O. flnillh, Blxlr; C. ft.

De Will, Glrn-wwd. Charles Dr Wolff. Counrotlrut; Walter Bentley, New Turk; P. B. Thompson.

-Pekin; D. Dreyffua. T. B. Morgan, Bt.

Thomaa Pox. Nawark. N. J. G-Derdtvi.

W. F. William. Buffalo. Dr.

Bull's Cough Rymp always cure bronchitis and sathma. NV.hkif rquala this wonderful remedy. Price 13 rents. HIS FONDNESS FOR WRITING AtlerhlttN Name Other Thus HI Onto Iw to Cheek Ueta Kdwlto Mover lolo Trewble. Rd'wln Btorer wtll'-havc'n coniidaint' ol forgery loilged against him by tho county attorney.

Ilo ta accused of having wriitrn Vocgrle tt Dlnnlng'i name to a check which hs paatied upon Tnlhnl Dakin. A13 North Twenty-fourth alreel. Stover applied lo liakip ami in-dered a Ion of coal for hla ala-trr-ln-law, of whom he neemril to be very fond. Hu Offered in iwymcut a check for I IK. 30 mid wanted Ihe balance, something like 111, in return.

Mr. Imkln gave him nl lh time and Cold him to return tatur for Iho remaining 19. He never rame bark and II wan not long' In-fore Mr. Dakin learned that Vorgrlo A Dinning hid not Issued such a check a hr had cashed. Fifteen hoboes entered the lodging hnuaa at 1313 Dougina street Mop'day af'tvnoon and took abaoluto poaaeaalon thareof.

They ruahed growler and declared they had atruck a good thing, much lo Ihe proprietor's disgust. II managed to get ward to tho pollca and. twelve, offlcrra surrounded tho pier knd captured Ihe whole outfit. A complaint has' hern tanned against Charles and Otto Furet of FUG Grant street, charging them with assault and battery. John Krlckeon ta the complaining witness.

Tha complaint of embrittlement against Bonne, which we lodged hy tho Mor-rlaey (dumbing company waa dlain tailed Monday, a settlement hiving bean Ilooite la alleged to Itavs taken (8.30 btawg3' Ing to tha complainant. Herman Eeller waa diacharged Monday alfemoou. aa Judge Gordon did nnt appear lo hrllevt him guilty of nn Infraction of Iho taw by keeping open an Bundny. Cellar runs a ealuon and rreinurant ta the room. On Huoday, January 12, on aw some men Innldu and notified Bailor llml ho mint appear and answer to ths rhsrg of Htinday opening.

Roller allegud an defense that hta restaurant wu ta the nnmn room with the saloon. The court held there ta no law governing saloon where restaurant occupy tho name room with Hi bar. Uvalde Zeller, was limply charged with hooping opan, and not wilh nailing liquor (1 Hundiy. Tit, attorney tar Dr." Frederick Milton, Ihe spiritualist, who wan te bar appeared for trial Monday afteraoua, succeeded ta getting the eomptalnt quashed, tharoby assuring the return of tho (30 nah bond Bled a a guaranty for Iho defendants appearance. Tb oltornry orgurd that tho complaint did not net up sufflclrnt enure for Ihu balding of Iho defendant under tho vagrsnry taw ta that it did not Him fh trick or dovlr which ho hid used I Dreeing th ptthllo and further that tho mm of tho panto iwbbod wrii got meatlonod.

Brvwel other reasons war given and th elfy prosecutor sold MlHo wre beyond jjts court's Jurisdiction and could not ho reached anyway, Ut oomplalnt wu quaihed, th tal rerervlng tha right to renew If th do-taadaal returns this wny. Th polles still have th doctor's" trunk and premise to hasp It a few dny'a longer at leant. it of Education Fnniihai an Acceptable Program. BUSINESS BEFORE THE ORGANIZATION Work af Harms at the Bsieeltleto la UleetoMud ky Mr, gtovryrr. Who find Charm of the -Uettoll.

Tha department of education, through a committee of which Mian Margaret McCarthy ta chairman, supplied the program at the Woman's club Monday Afternoon, chief feature wan an address by Mrs. A J. Sawyer of Lincoln on Tho Work of the Bureau of Education. Ike executive committee of tha exposition, th members of th womens board and a number of the city teachers wire Invited to hear as the npA rial guests of ths dub. Sha rapidly and wittily akelcbed ths early history of tho kureeu, It wa mid, at nine maw meetings, held ta as many different places, on February 14.

1H9T. wan, therefore, not a child of tho exposition, but of th public, though It was graciously adopted by th former upon a basis which service and allegiance on thq on hand and protection oa Ihe other. Ai related to the presentation of education aa an exhibit, tbe bureau conceived lts( work to be three-fold to show excellence In ths aggregate' whole, to show the graduation and co-relation of parts and to show the perfection of units. The Bret wan conveyed hy the lisle th second wan expressed by Us county and town showing, and tho third wu a failure. Th Individual com petitions instituted by tha bureau wart deficient and uc satisfactory In quality as well an.

quantity, and from thin tact th weaker drew- the ireeon of tha hour, It ta not. aho'sald. the problem of expansion mu' the reenonalnilitle of annexation nor th hhtali of that th nation ha moat to foer. But there ta a spirit of Indifference which ta attacking the standard! of Individual Integrity and and title may well fear, tpr tonne Thcub-' lie' school ta Innlkutefl Gte etafe for tha express punto of making good hlllsSos, and- whettit sintpl mekue the exhibit of an attractive whole and glvw to the individual marks and dagrew rather than the power or active. Independent thought it has failed of ilq object." The other point touchfd tipoi) In th fid-drea wore the Boyn' u'd Girls'' tho congrewu and the exhibit of womu's work.

Thera wu no uld th speaker, to present woman rliselflrd exhibit. Chlrago demonstrated whst sbo oss do; hut if she must have tha sliinulut of the sentiment of. sex to Inrlte her to do hor beat work aha hu not reached the acme of her grralnew." At the dos of Mrs. Sawyer's address Mrs. Young ung "flsdneu." by -Guy D.

Hards-lot, and Kwortheart, High No More," by Lynn, and Mrs. Connor recited Th Death of Samson. The hour devoted to business brought out several Interesting. Items. A eommltree, consisting of resumes Andrews, Budborough, Towns sne Miss Davis, wu appointed to express to lorsl legislators the intercut felt by the club in tho elate circulating library bill.

Another eommlttea wu appointed to present to iho elub a plan looking toward legislative enactment in tha direction of better property rights for women. The women named by lb for this committee ste Mr. Andrews, Mrs. Gsrrstt, Mr. Ford, Mrs.

Lolilnglvr and Miss Fslrbrothor. The Itat of papers selected from Hie club archives for tiso by the reeiprorlty bureau of ilte State Federation of riulw vu reed and ta follow: The Scarlet Letter," by Mrs. Keysor; "Thu Pity nf the Cloude," Mrs. RulAien; "Thu Women of the Frenrh Salon," Mrs. Mullen; "RlebeHru and Mr.

Hewitt; Spenser's Mrs. Tho Blcyclu Woman." Mist Wilson. A report from Miss liuriha Burket, who represents the Travelers' Aid Work, sustained by the the railroad station, wu read by Mrs. LoMngler. It wu revelation of what mny be done ta year far the comfort and not to mention tha safety, of the Inexperienced or unfortunate traveler.

Iflia club rslnndsr 4 as tallows: The department of ethlrs at philosophy will meet Tuesday st 4 o'rlork. Topic for-dtaruaelon, Tho Eihleal Quality of The Light of A Tho class ta French conversation will meet FrWluv at 2:30 o'clork. The musl-csl history class will mset eYery Tuesday st 10 o'clock unfit further nntlce. The ehonis elus will open Its second term February 11. Those eiiieetlng to enter st that tloxtsrn Jnvlted lha Issl-urn meet Inge of tho present term.

parliamentary practice department desires a full attendance at Its meeting next Monday. The political act-enrn elsso will discuss "The Btittc Government of ritlra anil Municipal Homo Rule" nn tint tame day. Prof. Frees of Princeton will address tho rlub under Ihe suspire of tho department of English lllersliirF nn Monday, February 13. The subject sn-nouneed ta Bhakrspearr'i Henry the Fourth." if -l.

WHIST PLAYERS ARE COMING Flflh AtotoUtol Mrallsg of Crntral 4s-orlmlus Held (a 9ks best Motoih. The fifth annual nurtlng of the ('eutrsl Whist' iMMK-tatlon take pise in Omaha February 10 snd 11 and Ihe Omaha Whist flub. Is making uHv-priiarallon to 'n-terlstn the visitors. Thu pity will be At ttu L'uuinierulal elub rooms, tho club roam In Tho lie building being loo small to se-commodate the' largo number of whist players who always attend thrsn meetings. Th following cities will be represented: lJs Mulucs, litre dubs; Rloiix (Illy, three rluta; Hloux Falls, two clubs; Ysnklon, 8.

Dciitoon, (Itdur lUpitls, f'ctiicrvllle, Charlton, Council llltiffs, Llnculn, two clitlw; Kansan CHy, also Koarney and Grand ls- hat doss It do It giakos th hair soft snd ghstsv, praciosly an Mtars Untanded. It Usual th scalp from dsadniff and (hit ramovss on of ths tntqi cum of hfllrtnf li ukH i Eller elrculatkm in Um iralp ad atop i Ihs halt from somlnf oul. And II re-HHilunin oalor to gray ur white hair. UX) hultln Bold by all dnigglita. Provftnta and ft Ouros BatJneaa If ynu in mi etilsls all ths hsnegls you ai suets frwu Ik sso of ihs Vqm, ru Dsclor sl-Mil li.

asuws. ton. J. jrn. The Kind You Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years.

In tho aggregate. The cSltlemen expect, II Thomaa Conway, Martin Conway and present bounty law pinaea both hdusea, Tbomna While, mnlicloui' -destruction of property1 bond, with P. C. Cold well-surety, not renewed. Oil Chandler, mallrloiia Injury to properly; hood, 1394; John II.

liemy, surety, not renewed. la our Hate. Minnesota," observed Banker it. Mullen New Ulni, "they have 'V" ly Lf v- il (I' UHNinIMMIINBBNIINHBNBIIMM FREE ADVICE hv nur lh-eptaii unil FREE SAMPLE i- aiPilH'liie uml Five llwik tramhijr nil iliM'HkPx mill excellent iw lee me iwie of (lie rwiiH)ii wlgr yuu ouhl write it. of UUI Dr.

Kays Renovator Mir very wure Dvnpenalji, oiwEljgillon, mid KMury fr rW of U. We Diuunmlf If. i1ir nlmtit nil of your Iir. Key'd IteiHKnlnr Bold hy druinrielH. ur uenl hf mult on rercljit of prler, JUS mrta unit HI.

(ill. Addrtu Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL (WsifantOHica Qmtohto, Nab.

5SSwr A HANDFUL OF DIRT MAY BE A HOUSEFUL OF SHAME." KEEP YOUR HOUSE CLEAN WITH SAROLiO dors A trial of Dent's Toothache Gum convinces you of III egrellenre. Druggists. 13c. (rale Aflaek nf llymrrla. May JSIIaworth, variety actress, wss seised Monday night by an Minch of scuta hysteria, caused, Is said.

Ity Jealousy Her apartments are at the Midland hwri. where she has been III wilh pneuimnis for aoversl day. Monday eetqilng, although owning to- have recovered from her III-nrem, aba beraine viub-ai, (hreatiwliig in kill both her husband sml brrAdf. Tha hda-hand'a name la Fred Da veil port. e.

noil-. Bert Ihe ptdlen of hla wife1 condition and naked ihM aha be taken to the station fig-treatment. Then he disappeared from the hotel. The woman's friends say that Mias Kllaworlh has beoitue demented through Jealousy of her husband, whom she believe has been paying Mtenllona to othor women. Marriage Licenses.

County Judge Ilatirr Issued Ihe following marriage. Ilrense yesterday; Name and rrsldenrc. Ags. Charles A. Payette, Rawlins, ji on Dixon, Kslrhury, Neb jj.

THE EXCELLENCE OF SYIUF OF FIGS Ia due not only lo tha orifrintolity-gnd simplicity of the combination, Imlnlno to tha care and skill with which It is manufactured by nclcnliflu proceaM-s known tu tha Csi.iyonNIs Fio.Kvhup Cn. only, and wa wlob to linpreaa upon toll the luiiortuiice of piircbanlng tha true and original renicdy. An tlia ffcuulnr My rup nf Figs in manufactured by the Km Mrnup Co. only, knowledge of that fact will anaiat on in avobllng tha worthless ItnlUtlona manufsctiirml by other parties. Tha high standing of tlia Cai.i-roHMU Kia Kvhup Co.

with tha medl-cal profrnolina, and tlia natinfautlim which tlia genuine Hyrup of Klga haa ik la millions of, the name of the Company a guaranty ut ramedy. It farW oflrnnoe af all other lanstlven, ns it sets on Mia kklneys, liver and bonels wiLlmut Irritating or them, and It does not grlpn nnr uaiiKoule. InnnlertogetlU bnwflulnl i-f recti, please remumbrr Uui nsiiia of tlia CtHnpuny-- CAUFORNIA HG SYRUP CO. rasaruoa, t-sL tol fsvii.i.g, auw gaud. a.

T. A (loctorH atlvii'p! lint wliat (lo ynu on You jfleaae younH'lf, anyhow, ri)ii the risk ami pay ilm H'iialty. Ouf alvic count for nolliiiiyct wticliarfje. you nothing for it. Wc save you tlio M.

I)V fiill whi'ii yoii do lislou. Whim you dont, you juiy fur advico and tlio M. D.h hill IfesidcH. Our advicn is tliat you keep an far away from the biiow and cold, damp ground as you can. You cant do Huh wilh thin soled shoes.

Wo have in mind a shoe tliat'H tlio most serviceable kind wo know of at tho prion. IVe know of its g(Kd jHiinta and we guarantee them. A genuine satin calf men's shoe, with dongola top, bull dog Ionf, plain, Ynlo or jflobo toe, snuKilh inner soli and nicely iiu-irthed it gooH in the regular two fifty cL'ihh in oilier Btores our price 75. Our Goodyear welt at $2. 50 mens hIkki, is the next worthy of a secisil mention.

Made of choice box and willow calf, half double solo, extension edge, hull dog last and ugiitiuo eye-lots, anil Iho usual lilllo tag is tied outlie shoe which guarantees Hie wearing qualities. It would seem strange to un if you neglected such hIkxi oireriiigs. The iiidlcatious are that this cold snap will remain with us a few days, ami it's our advice to look sharp your shoe wants. SKcSWfv.

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