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The Cambria Freeman from Ebensburg, Pennsylvania • Page 2

Ebensburg, Pennsylvania
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CambrlaJFrcemap. TIIUIDAY, MAY 20, 18C9. Democratic Slate Convention. The Democratic Stale OonTfofion for the nomination of crndidates for the offices of Governor aid Judge of the Supreme Court, will meet at 10 o'clock A. on Wednesday, Jul 14.

1869, the Hall of the Douse of Representative at Harrisburg-. By order of the Democratic State Committee. WM. A. WALLACE.

Chairman. David Secretary. Meet lug of Democratic Count Commlttse. The members of the Democratic County Committee of Cambria county, are requested to meet at the Court House in Ebensburg, on Tcesdat, the Stu pat ok Jcxb nkxt, at one clock, p. m.

A general attendances desirable, as the time for holding the next County Convention will be named and other business of importance to the party will be brought before the Committee. II. 1). WOODRUFF, Chairman. Names or MrMBtns or ins Committee.

Hogne Blacklick, John 'erpuson; Dan'l McPeulc; Cambria Wm. Larimer; Carroll Eraan'l Pishart; Carrolltown John Euck; Chest. John M. Swope Chest Sprirgs Joseph Wagner: Clearfield, Charles MiGough; Cone-ma ugh 1st ward. A.Brindle: 2d ward, Henry P.

Freidhoff; Crovle, Elisha Plummer, Ebensburg, Philip" Collins: W. Geo. W. Oatinan East Contmaugh Jehu T. Cooney Franklin LawrPree Furlong Gdllitzin, James Henrr Jackson, D.

F. A. Greer; Johnstown, 1st ward, John Uannan: 2d ward, John F. Barnes 3d ward, James Kin: 4th ward, Charles Phtt: 5th ward, Hei.ry Mat tern: 6th ward, Hugh Maloy; Lorctto, Thomas Callan; Millville, Peter McDermott; Minister, A. IVopect, John White Richland, James Costlow Summerhill, Alex.

Skelly Smumitrille, John Shrbugh Susquehanna, John Bearer Taylor, Wm. Headrick Washington. J. H.Kennedy: White. Geo.

Walters; ilmore, Isaac Wike; Yoder, George Uaas. Reconstruction In Virginia. Virginia, the mother of States and of BtatesiutD, after having been under the heel of military rule nearly all the time fcince the close cf the rebellion, and after having suffered all the pains and penalties incident to such a condition, is to permitted to enjoy the luxury of a popular election, after the fashion In which elections are now conducted in the Southern States. It will be remembered that the last reconstruction act, which was passed a few days before Congress adjourned, empowered the President to submit the Constitution of the State to a vote of the people, at such time and in such manner as he miht deem expedient, lie has accordingly ordered that the election shall take place on the first Tuesday in July, and has also directed that the two'clauses in the Constitution relating to disfranchisement aud the test oath shall he voted on separately. At the same time, a Governor and other State officers, tnem-l ers of Congress and a State Legislature will be cliOsn.

It seems strange that ninety-three years after the sigring of the Declaration of Independence, and eighty yeara after the adoption of the Federal Constitution, a State so renowned as Virginia, npen whose soil the first white settlement in the original thirteen States was mode a Stato that was fore" most during the revolutionary stuggle a State that gave birth to Washington, Jtfler-son, Madison and Marshall, and beneath hose soil repose their honored bones a commonwealth from whose princely munificence to the general governmentsprans most of the present flourishing States of the Northwest it seems strange that at this day such a State Bhould be dependent on the mere whims or caprice of a Congress and a President, as to the time and manner in which she frhall exercise, what she was the first of the old thirteen colonies to proclaim, the right of self-government. It is one of the legitimate fruits of radical misrule and incapacity, and will stand to its eternal dishonor. When some future Macauley comes to write the history of the last three years of radical reconstruction in tho Southern States, it will be presented to the world as the most selfish, wicked, unnatural and unstatesman-like policy that was ever adopted by any government claiming to be based on wisdom and intelligence. Nothing in the history of the world but itself could be its fit parallel. As the test oath and the disfranchisement clauses will be submitted to separate votes, they will of course be defeated and the provisions of the constitution will be adopted.

But will this secure the right of self-government to Virginia, her restoration to the Union and the admission of her members of Congress to their seats in that body 7 That will depend entirely upon the result of the election, as the very same thing has depended on the result of the elections in other Southern States, and especially so In the case of Mississippi. The people of Virginia can decide nothing finally at this election. Ey the seventh section of the act under which the election is to take place, it is declared "that the proceedings in any of said States Virginia, Mississippi and Texas shall not be deemed final, or operate a complete restoration thereof, until the action of said States respectively shall be approved by Congress." This clans econtains the same fraudulent intent that has marked all the former reconstruction acts. It is simply keeping the woid of promise to the ear of Virginia, but breaking it to the hope. Suppose that her people should defeat Wells, the radical candidate for Governor, elect a majority of democratic Congressmen as well as a democratic Legislature, thus securing two United States Senators, does any person believe that a radical Congress would regard this result as a finality Reconstruction in the Southern States has heretofore meant, and in the future will continue to mean, the success of the radical ticket.

That and nothing less. In Virginia the decent and respectable men of both parties will vote for Walker for Governor, and his election may be fairly presumed. If Congress will regard that as final and as operating a "complete restoratiou" of the State, it will form an exception to all former precedents. Tb Eight Hour Law Muddle. When a man whose business if is to le gislate for the country undertakes to prepare a bill reducing the number of hours each day that an employee of the government thall work, from ten to eight, without any corresponding reduction of pay, it would seem to be a very easy task for him, if his intentions are honest, to express his meaning in language that cannot be mistaken.

Congress passed an eight hour law, but the Secretary of the Navy has construed it to mean, that for eight hours work there shall be a deduction of one fifth of the pay that was allowed for ten hours work. The Attorney General, Mr. Hoar, has given a written opinion on the subject, in which he sustains the view of the law taken by the Secretary of the Navy. Mr. being appealed to by the workmen employed in the several navy yards, to modify his construction of the law, replies that if Congress means he should pay as much for eight hour' labor under the new law ats for ten under the old, it must say so.

There i6 great excitement in the navy yards and government workshops over the matter. The has been asked to interfere, but what can he do in the face of the opinion if his Attorney General Henry Wilson has been bawling himself hoarse in Massachusetts in attempting to show that Congress did not mean to do what Mr. Hoar says the law plainly expresses on its face. Wilson contends that the radical pjirty is founded on "the rock of.oges" and contains within itself all the brains of the country. He is a member of the Senate and advocated the passage of the law.

If the intention of Congress was what he declares it to have been, why did not his fertile genius make it plain to the intellectual pigmies of the Senate? Such bungling legislation might naturally be expected from a Pennsylvania Legislature, but coming from so able a body as Congress, it is a huge burlesque. It is gratifying-, however, to learn that the difficulty is about to be holved from a'quarter least to be expected. A committee of the employees of the government at Philadelphia have addressed a letter to John W. Geary, informing him that the decision of Borie and Hoar has "exhibited a tendency toward the defeat of the republican party in our fall campaign," and imploring him to use all the influence and power at his command "that may affect the President and officers of his Cabinet to a consideration of the subject of the reduction of pay under the eight hour law," etc. Geary replies that, in his opinion, it is as plain as mud that whatever the law may express.

Congress never intended that there should be any reduc'ion of the pay, and in conclusion consoles the committee as follows '-Yu nr. ay, therefore, rely upon my support of this view of the subject at all times and wherever my influence may extend." There is a sublimity of ridicule in thus enlisting the Websterian intellect of Geary the novel effort of explaining to Graut and his Cabinet the true intent aud meaning of a law which has already received a judicial construction by the law officer of the government. Such an anomily could only occur under a radical administration. It remains to be seen whether Borie and Hoar will maintain thoir position, or whether Geary shall triumph. Revising tue L.M.

Will the senseless blunders of this administration never cease? It commenced its career by committing a ridiculous blunder in the selection of a Cabinet officer, and it has been floundering in the mire ever since. We are now informed that the President had an interview with Secretary Fish at the State department, on the 10th of this month, and reoised the recently confirmed list Consular appointments. Some of these, it was discovered, were wholly unfit to be made, and the commissions of such will be revoked. If any former President had dispensed the patiouage of his ofiiee in this way, he would have become the langhing stock of the whole country. A President is supposed to know his business.

But here is Grant sending to the Senate the names of persons as Consuls of the government at the various foreign commercial cities the Senate confirms or rejects them. Three weeks after the adjournment of the Senate, the Presic'cr es to the department of State to revise the list of appointments vhicli have been confirmed, and for the first time makes the discovery that some of them, were wJiolly unfit to be made. Tho man who will make nominations to important offices in this loose and thoughtless manner is totally unfit to fill the office of President. It a degradation of the office, and nothing so humiliating has ever before occurred during a democratic or whig administration. As a commentary on this revision of the Consular list, in order that he might discover what nominations were not fit to have been made, President Grant permitj a self-confessed scouudrel, James M.

Ashley, to go to Montana as her Governor. A paragraph is going the rounds of the radical press, containing a list of the States whose legislatures have ratified the negro suffrage amendment. The list includes Tennessee, Minnesota and Missouri. This is a falsehood. It is well known that the legislatures of Tennessee and Minnesota adjourned without taking any action whatever on the amendment, while the legislature of Missouri ratified only about the one half of it.

It is true that Vial was all of the amendment which had beeu sent to that body, a telegraphic despatch), and it did all therefore that could have been expected from it under the circumstances. It can complete the work by ratifying the balance at its next session in 1870. Until then Missouri stands for-nensl r-egro suffrage. ScuEPLEa oue of tlie most extensive foreign exchange brokers on Wall street, New York, failed to I La tune of or $10,000,000 on Monday. COMMLSIClTIO.8.

OCK COMMON SCHOOLS. Dear Freeman Last week we ventured to slate a fact, to wit. that nothing is taught in our common schools but the common branches, and they are taught only to the few. This is as true cf nearly all common schools in the State as of our own. Now.

does" this kind of education fit the rising generation for future usefulness It does not. Many pupils leave school unable to make any calculation correctly in sqnare or cubic measure, such as the plank in a house, the shingles ia a roof, the stone in a basement wall, or the plastering in a house. After spelling and reading and penmanship are pretty well taught, every bov in school should be taught book-keeping. This is what everybody practices daring life. In order to introduce this, blank bocks, properly ruled, should be furnished for every school.

Single entry should be taught to every one, and double entry to the best scholars in writing and counting. Next to this the functions cf the circle should be taught. The relation of sine, UDgent and chord, with all the other func tions that enable one to count The reason of this is that there are many calculations which cannot be well made without this knowledge. Some one knows that a road on his farm rises three degrees, or that water falls three degrees, and desires to know how many feet that wilt be in a mile. Ruch questions arise every day in practical business.

Again, surveying should be taught to all who can count tolerably. Those who are not fir advanced thoul i be taught to calculate the contents of land by triangles, par-alellfgrams, trapeziums, while those further advanced in arithmetic should learn to make the same calculations by latitude and departure. Then laying cut and dividing land' in certain proportions should be taught, for simple reason that nearly every body owns land. These things can be taught almost as easilj' as arithmetic, provided the teachers understand them. Pnt how many i our teachers know that the chord of (iO, the sine of 90 and the tangent of 45 degrees are equal, or anything about the other proportions of the functions of the circle, or of logormthims There's the rub Plotting surveys and drafting buildings, should be taught.

It is a nice thing to make the liues of a fifteen sided tract of land meet on paper, with the protraeter, and is a nice thing todraft a building, retaining all the proportions and putting in all the el ecleras. How many of our teachers can do such tilings? Yet our txholars in the common school should be taught such things Civil engineering: should be partially taught, at last. To take all the elevations and depressions of coal fields, rail road lines, and calculate the carves according tt Gunter, as we to say at school, is just what young men want to know now a-days. but iD the name of education where are tkey to learn such things? Grammar ought to be taught in our schools. Some people say that it ia taught.

We deny it. The parts of speech is taught, anil some silly, useless analyses. But the figures of speech, transaction, elegance of diction, ornate composition, and even paragraphing and punctuation, are not taught. That grammar which will make the rising generation useful as writers, speakers aud teachers should be taught. Phyt-iology should be taught, especially to females.

Many of our ptoj.le who are teetotalers in some respects, might learn that there is not a more prevailing or dangerous intemperance in the land than that of going all year with the feet clad in nothicg but gauss stockings and cloth gaiters. Cold feet nay, even d.tmp feot are to be dreaded. L-wik at the annual victims of consumption The simple physiological fact that the lungs are made to breathe pure air, aud to breathe as much as they can hold, is worth knowing. Music ought to be taught. do not mean singing without time, pitch, harmony or measure, but tbe science of music should be taught.

The blackboard is a good place to draw long lines, make the staff, divide it into bars, mark the clefts, sharps and flats, shape the notes and placo them on proper letters, teach the scales, etc. Even practice on an instrument might betaujrht to females without interfering with other studies. If all these things were done people would be more willing to pay tax and send to school. But when it is known that the boy who was half through his arithmetic last year must begin at addition again, and that nothing was taught this year that was not taught last year, but little inducement is furnished for exciting a spirit of interest. We think we hear some one saying.

uGive us a chance," "We are tfnly beginning." etc. Yes, we have been beginning for thirty-five years, and we are still at the beginning. The schools were established to fit men for practical business, but after a third ofacentu-ry's experiment we see nothing but failure. Even tho Philadelphia Bjard of Elucation, says of that place, where schools oirght to bo good, "That the common school has failed, so far, to make practical scholars." If it has failed in the city what has it done in the country We write as a friend of the system that was wisely designed to reach rich and poor alike wisely planned, but wretchedly The expenditure of six millions of dollars in one State annually ought to be prolific of greater results, and would be if the object was practical improvement. But we fear it is not.

"When we see more than a hundred thousand dollirs thrown away annually in paying officials who never teach. but who merely gather statistics that nobody reads, and print reports that all have read before, we see something that looks more like a gigantic swindle than a common schoal system. Tip. Johnstown, Mny 15, 18C0. THE LADDER.

Mister Editor Did yon ever go up and come down a ladder? It appears to me that I can tell you of a ladder that is not much like Jacob 'a ladder. I mean the ladder of extravagant expenditures. Beginning at the first rung I find Johnstown District Court, as I see in yonr last paper, giving somo one $800 for the use of a hall, when one could be got for $400. For a second rung I see an effort made to raise tho salary of the County Superintendent $200 when he did not ask it. For a third rung I see a new election law increasing the expenses of the elections quite unnecessarily.

I believe there is a jury law of the same kind. If the Sheriff is not honest enough to panel jurors." if election boards are not honost enough to count votes, will jury commissioners, or assistant judges of elections, be.any honester? For a fourth rung I Bee Congress dividing itself out into corr mittees. to travel at public expense and gather statistics which are worth nothing to the people, and which ought to end like Bates' History, while the people are taxed almost beyond endurance. Taxpayers, how Jong is this ladder to lie, and how long will you suffer it 7 Chess Springs. Gen.

Joe Lane, who was on the Demo c'ratic National ticket with Breckinridge in 1860, has jotccd the Catholic Church. The Pacific Railway. JZxercises Attending the Laying of he Last Rail at Promontory Utah Presentation of a Silver Spike The Last Tie Speeches and Despatches. Promontory. Utah, Tuesday, May 11.

In presenting the silver spike to Dr. Dnrant yesterday, in performance of his part in the exercises attending the laying of the last rail of the great Pacific Itad, lion. T. A. Tuttle, of Nevada, offered the following sentiment To the iron of the Etst and the gold of the West.

Nevada adds her link of silver to span the Continent and wed the oceans. Hon. A.K. Stanford, Governor of Arizona, offered a spike of iron, silver, and gold, as an offering from Arizona, with the following sentiment Ribbed with iron, clad in silver, and crowned with gold, Arizona presents her offering to the enterprise that has banded the Continent and dictated the pathway to commerce. SPEKCn OF GOVERNOR STANFORD.

Governor Stanford then responded as follows in behalf of the Union Pacific Road Ceutlemen The Pacific Railroad Companies accept with pride and satisfaction these golden and silver tokens of your appreciation of the importance of our enterprise to the material interests of the sections which you represent on this occasion, and to the material interests of our whole country, East and West, North and South. These gifts shall receive a fitting place in the superstructure of our road. And, before laying tho ties and driving the spikes in completion of the Pacific railway, allow me to express the hope that the great importance which you are pleased to attach to our undertaking may be in all respects fully realized. This line of rails connecting the Atlantic and Pacific, and aff.rding to commerce a new transit, will prove we trust, the spedy forerunner of increased facilities. The Pacific will, as soon as commerce shall begin fully to realize its advantages, demonstrate the necessity of such improvements in railroading as to render practicable the transportation of freights at much less rates than are possible under any system which has been thus far anywhere adopted.

Tho day is not far distant when three tracks will be found ner essnry to arc m-modate the commerce and travel will seek a transit across this Continent. Freights will then move only one way on each track, and at rates of speed that will answer the demands cheapness and time-cars and engines will be light or heavy, according to the speed required and the" weight to be transported. In conclusion, I will add that we hope to do ultimately what ia now impossible on long lines transport, coarse, heavy, and cheap i roducts for all distance hi living rates to trade. Now, gentlemen, with your assistance, we will proceed to lay the last tie and rail and drive the last spike. SPKECH OJ" GENF.BAT.

IOTVJE. General G. M. Dodge, Chief Engineer of the L'nion Pacific railroad, in responding for California, Nevada, and Arizonaj said The great Beuton prophesied that some day a granite statue would be erected on the highest peak cf the Rocky Mountains pointing westward, denoting tho great route across the Continent. You have made the prophesy to-day a facf.

the i.ast tie. The Superintendents of Construction. S. B. Reed, of tbe Union Pacific Railroad, and S.

V., of the Central Pacific, placed the last tie beneath the rails. The tie was of California laurel, French polished, and on the centre a silver plate bearing the following inscription "The last tie laid on the completion of the Pacific Railroad. May 10, with the names of the directors and ofiirers of the Centrxl Pacific Company. The Union Expressj Comptny presented (a silver hammer for the purpose of driving the spikes.

THE LAST WOrSK. All being prepared. Governor Stanford stood on the south rail, Dr. Durant on tho north rail. and.

on the signal of from tho telegraph offices both gentlemen struck the spikes, and tho work was done. The vast multitude cheered lustily, and Dr. Durant and Governor Stanford cordially greeted e-ich other and shook hands. The doctor proposed thre cheers for the Central Pacific Company, which was followed by the Governor's proposing three cheers for the Union Pacific Company. Tbe utmost cordiality reigned, Durant exclaiming, "there is henceforth but one Pacific Railroad cheer cf the United States." Cheers followed for the engineers, contractors and tho laborers who have done the work.

TESPATCTt TO PRESIDENT GRANT. The order of exercises was read by Edgar Mills, banker, of Sacramento also the following message; Promontart Scmmit, May 10th, 186912 noon, To Ifis Excellency General U. S. Grant, President of the United States, Washington, D. Sir We have the honor to report that the last rail is laid, the last spike is driven, and the Pacific Railroad is finished.

Leland Stanfokd. President Central Pacific Railroad Company. Dr. Dcrant, Vice-President Union Pacific Railroad Company. A Sinecurk in Omo.

We recommend any one who may have had their hopes of office blasted at Washington to apply for the land agency at Chillicothe. The Lima Democrat states that the government continues, year after vear. to salarv tvn nfTmra I at the expanse of $1,950 each, and pays vj naiuu eigut acres of land, in Taulding county, ten feet under wator, in the very worst drought the world ever saw." The yearly cost of watching this marsh is not less than $4,000 or, say $2,000 for each of the agents. Really this is better than a consulate in some small German principality or some semi-barbarious city of South America. Two thousand a year and nothing to do but bathe, boat and fish in a frog pond eight acres in extent, is suggestive of that supreme happiness which many lazy fellows imagine is to be fonnd in in a consulship.

Cm. Commercial. Extraordinary Excmange. The Petit Muniteur says "Pius IX, received with his sown hands the offerings presented to him by the different deputations. Among others the Pope received on the 10th an English nobleman, who presented His Holiness with a skull cap filled with sovereigns.

At the end of tbe tassel was a diamond of immense ralue- Having presented his magnificent offeting. the Englishman added, with the usual phlegm of his nation, that he gave the present on the condition of getting the Pope's skull cap in return. Pius IX. smiled, and ringing the bell he ordered the servant to bring him another calotte. When brought he took off the one he wore and gave it to tbe Englishman, who put it into his pocket and retired, saying ho was never so pleased in his life." Strong suds of common soft soap, mixed with ben food, is said to be a sure prerentire and cure for gapes.

LITE REUS ITEMS. Tbe Catholics of Germany have sent np-ward of $2,500,000 to the Pope to commemorate his jubilee, and tbe addresses bear 325,000,000 signatures. Daniel Boone first set foot in Kentucky on'June 7, 1769, and the people of the State propose celebrating this centennial by a grand barbecue and festival at Frankfort. Tbe Fat Contributor has been visiting Baltimore, and is pleased to find a growing and strengthening Uuion feeling, especially among those who went to hold office under Grant. Yonnj Siegrist.

who lately rode a bicv-cle on a wire rope 20 feet above a lake 300 feet wide In San Francisco, talks of crossing the Niagara River below the Fall3 in the same manner. Fourteen railway locomotives have exploded within the past seven months in the United States, killing twenty-nine persons outright, and severely wounding a much larger number. A machine baa been invented and put in operation in California which, it is said, has cut, threshed, cleaned and sacked the wheat for twenty acres in ten hours, with only three men to work it- Washington's "little hatchet" ia in the Alexandria, Museum. Washington didn't tell a lie about it, but there is a lingering doubt that the specimen in question is the cause of falsehood in the Museum showman. John II.

Mil's, a brakesmvi on the Central Railroad, residing in Utica, has received by the will of a deeeased relative, city lot in Chicago, covering abonl thirty acres, and valued from two to three hundred thousand dollars. There is a chestnut tree on the farm rf Joseph Whitman, in Upper Sauoon township, Lehigh county, that measures twenty-six feet in circumference at ti be, and maintains this huge width up to where the branches fork out. A citizen of Cairo, Illinois, has invented a spring to be attached to the fet. by means of which a person is relieved of the labor of walking to a great extent. He claim hi? invention will enable a man to walk ten miles per hour with ease.

A Dr. Lichtcnthalcr, cf Lock Haven, recently drove his horse over two ladies named Mrs. Anthony and Mrs. Barnes, cans-ins injuries to the former. lady which resulted in her de ith the same Light.

The doctor has been arrested. The following makes an excellent guano; Collect a barrel of bones a.i 1 crush themi mix with a barrel ol hard wood ashes moisten with sop-suds; apply a qiart or two at a time. Use a a special fertilizer on melons, squashes, early corn and cucumbers, allowing a gill to a hill. In the office of the Corning. New York, flint-glasi works, a single window has been fitted with inside blinds, the movable slaN of which are mad-3 of green glass.

Tho ef feet ia beautiful, and the experiment may mark a new era in the history of inside blinds, both for office and dwellings. As a means of destroying vermin, the carbonate of biryta is recommended ss the surest and swiftest poison available. It is a dry. white, tasteless powiler, which may be mixed with raw flesh, dripping or meal, ami thrust into the holes or among the runs cf rats, mice and other small game. An iron watr pipe, eleven inches in diameter and S.890 feet, (one and two thirds miles) long, has bepn laid in Tuolumne count y.

California. It runs down a monn-tian. under a crek, nr.d up the ascent on tlie opposite side, under a perpendicular prjssiveat the lowest point of 684 The Stockbridge Indians in Wisconsin are rapidly disappearing. This tribe once numbered 10,000 warri rs. Tbpy immigrated from Massachusetts to New York in 1789, to Ohio in 1S09, and to in 1821.

They are now suffering fund, and number but SCO men. women and children. Ex Governor Pollock, the proscriptive old Know Nothing, whom Grant made Director of the Philadelphia Mint, has turned out every one of a number of wounded soldiers who wero employed therein, to make room for a lot of political bummers who never saw a tattle field. Such is Radical lovo for the dear, brave At Lima, Ohio, recently, two confidential men were arrested for swindling an old man out some money. The next night a vigilance committee took them ut of jail, shaved their headu, tarred and feathered them, and ejrged them ou: of town, with a little ieudly advice to give Lima a wide berth in their future perambulations.

At Jacksonville, a few days agaman had in his possession a grub worm brought from Missouri, which, though itself dead, had a live plant growing out of its body. The plant was quite long, and seemed like ly to become a shoot for a forest tree. It is supposed the worm ate the seed and died, whereupon the seed took life and grew. The New York Tribune is exercised in spirit, because it announced that ex-Presi dont Johnson will soon visit Washington. Why not It is asked "Can the leopard change his spots The answer is "Yes; when lie is tired of one spot, he can go to another." An ex President' has the same privilege, even without the Tribune's permission.

An elm tree, supposed to be from 250 to 300 years oid, has been cut down in Roy-alton. Connecticut. It was one hundred and twenty feet in height. The trunk was perfectly straight and sound, and measured seven feet at the ground, and three feel in diameter at sixty feet from the ground. At which point tbe first branches start out.

The tree furnished over thirty-six cords, running measure of sixteen inch wood, and employed one man nearly fifteen days to fell and work it np. The Portland (Oregon) Courier says that dnring a brisk shower Sheridan, in Yamhill county, on the 18th of March, there fell what seemed to be a kind of bail, but on examination was found to be composed of-peculiar whitish worms millions of them. Each worm had the power of doubling up and skipping a foot or more. They wore from an eighth to a quarter of an inch long, with a small darkish spot, about the bead. They appeared to die very soon.

If we remember rightly, the typos of Washington city are almost to a man Radicals that is, those who are in Government employ. They have a typogrphical union, and a day or two since the son of Fred Douglass, who was appointed to a position in the Government printing office, made application for membership. The Radical typos being thus confronted with one of their own chetwhed principles, negro equality, are debating the question whether the application shall be granted or otherwise. Admit him by ail means. A gentleman in the vicinity of Willams-port has 30,000 trout confined in three ponds, all of whicn have been hatched this Spring by artificial process.

In two other basins he has about 3.000 yearlings in another, about 600 from two to three years old, which will average from 8 to 10 inches in length and still in another, about 500 from three to four years old, which will average from 12 to 15 inches. This individual expects i in a few years to supplv that mnrket with fresh troat. "What a THE GREAT FAMILY REMEDY. To prevent or conquer disease id ft grand and noble achivemcnt, and so surely as the bullet and bayonot will destroy, so snrely will the Great Family Mwdicine and Bonsehold Remedy, MISIILER'S HERB. BITTERS protect and preserve hunwn life Now, the present id the most important period of the vetr to pre1 pare the human ey? tern bv using ihis celebrated bitters for the'eevere drain upon in strength which the near summer months will bring, and under which au unbraced, depleted and debilitated organism speedily give way.

It is to prevent this evil result that thU bitters is recommended fr bth cexes ernl all apes. It is the most escelleut Spring and Summer Tonic ever offered, and wherever it has been introduced it is found indispensible to voting and old. It purifies the blood and secretions accelerates the digestives functions and regulates the liver recruits all the vital forces tones the entire system and eeables the weak ind nervous to sustain any fluctuations of tbe temperature or changes in climate. SUCCESSFUL. BECAUSE OF SUPERIOR MERIT.

Mrs S. Allen's Imprqv-f. (new slyle) Haik Reptoher or Dressing, (in one bottle.) Every Druggist sells it. Price One Dollar. OUR KEW FASIIlVr SEWING MACHINE The superior merits of tbe "Pinjrer" Machines over nil others, ei her for Family Manufacturing, nrc so well e3rablished and so generally admitted, that au enumeration of their relative excellences is no longer considered OUR NEW FAMILY MACHINE.

which has beeu brought to perfection reird'e'S of time, labor, or exp nse, is now confidently presented to tlie public as incomparably the Best --'rwiNG Macuine i.v existed Th machine in question is SIMPLE. COMPACT, PURABLK. and BEAUTIFUL. It is quiet, light running, and capable of performing A RANGE ANI VAB1FTT OF WORK never beiore attempted upon a single Machine, usin either S'Jk, Twist, Linen or Cotton Thread, and sewing with equal facility the very finest and coarsest materials, and anything between the two extremes, in the most beautiful and substantial manner. Its attachments for ITem-miri.

Braiding, Cordirg. Tucking, Felling, Trimming, Binding. are 2sovel ind Practical, and have been invented aud adjusted especially tor thi Machine. New designs of the Uniqr.e. Useful and Popular Folding Tops and Cabinet Caes, peculiar to the Machines manufactured by this Cnmpa-nv, have been prepared for enclosing the new Machine.

A faint idea, howerpr, ran at best be conveyed through the n.edium of a (necessarily) limited adverttseisent and we therefore urge every per.on in quest of a Sewinij Maehine by all means to exaiiine and tet-t, if they can possibly do so, all the le.tding rivnl Machines before milking a purchase. A selection rai then be made uiidcritaulingly. P.rrvl es or ap-n-cies for aupplyins ths Sinper" Machines will be found in nearly every citv and town through out the civilized world, win re Machines wi.l be cheerfully exhibited and ny information promptly furnished. Or conimunicatiens raay be addressed The Singer Manufacturing Compsny, 45H BltOADWtY, iZ IV Pnrt.ATKLPiiiA OKurr, HOG Chistnct Strfet. C.

I'. ROBERT Agent for Fhensbure and viciniry. keeps these Machines constantly for sale at his store on Iligli street Tbe pu'. lie are respectfully invi ed to c'I and see them in operation. Instruction given free.

Machines sold at city prices. No FRF1GHT CH ARGED AUo, Singer's Needles, Oil, Silk and Cotton always on hand. aug.2il.-ly. ROHRER'S WILD CHERRY TONIC BITTERS ARE TDE BEST IN USE! ISE ROHREB'S TONIC BITTERS, The very best in the Market R. E.

SELLERS No. 43 Wood opposite St. Charles Hotel Also, Entrance Xos. Ib2 104 Th'rd PITTSBURGH, Agents lor the "West. For pale by A.

A. BARKER for Ebensburg and vicinitv fje.l 1 THE ERIAT PACIFIC RAILROAD is i i i) First Mortgage Bonds OF TOE UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROADS BOUGHT AND SOLD. DE nAVEN BROTHER, Bankers and Dealers in Governments, Ko. 40 s. Third Street, PHILADELPHIA.

SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Vend. Expon. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cambria county, and to me directed tbere will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court Hous in Ebknsbobq, on Monday, the 31st dat of Mat, at7 o'clock, p. the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title and interest ol William Bark, of, in and to a piece or parcel of land situated in Washington township, Cambria oountv, ad joining lands of tbe heirs af Edward Burk Arent oonman, and others, containing 1C2 acres, more or ic8, unimproved.

Taken in I execution and to be sold at the suit of Louisa Keepers. JOIIN A. KLAIR. SI enff. SherilTs.

Office. Ebensburg, May 13. 15HS9. UUSIh WABRac0'gDtTtOj a GET THE BEST! WEBSTER'S BNABHIDB'B DIETIQMRY 1,40 Prfi0111, to. Hrlce $1.

IO.OOO Wordiaai Mewnlnic not ronlmnot la any other DIcllouArf, Viewed as a whole, we are lent thjt no other living language has a dictionirv which so fully and faithlully seta forth itspra. sent condition and this last edition of 'Webster does that of our writtan and spoken Engli tonirue. Harper's M-igazite. These three books are tq scm total great the Biblk. Sheakspeak nxi Webster's Kotal Qdabto Chicago En-nine Journal.

The New Wkbjtek is glorious it ia perfect it distances and defines competition leaves nothing to be desired Rtyrmni, LL. Pres't Vassor College. The most useful and remark.tSle nm of human knowledge in our lansunce W. Clark. President Mass.

Agricultural College- WEE ST EH NATIONAL PICTORIAL DlCTiOMW 040 Page Octmo, fiflu "The work is really a gem of a DtcrioxAur, the thine for the American Lda- cttioual Monthlv. "Ju many rispefta, tills Dictionary is losr convenient ever published." LfBiocat "Asa manual of it eminenil? fitted for hi families and schoola." X. Y'. 'I rihnne. It is altogether the treasury of nr'.

of i's size which the English bmguage hag ever pos-essed liurrtord lVcs. Published by G. 0. Mehbiman. Spring, field, iss.

my 13-3t LTOONA MOTYlT IN RUINS I CLOTHING STILL RIGHT SIDE UP spams mm mm IN IMMENSE PUUFUalON! ALL WANTS SUPPLIED ALL A ST KS I TE ALL nrYEUS Pi.E SZD SUITS OLD PKOI'LE! SUITS F- 'It MIDDLE; AG F.D SUITS POP. YOUN'J AME1HCA! CLOTHIMcTcLOTHItVC! TO FIT tVURVMlS A.VD II I GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS t'F EVERY IEi-CRirTKN BOOTS SHOES, HATS CF ALL. STTLtS AND fIZiS. Trunks, Valises, Traveling 2rs, Uc. stock the largfst! uuodstiie very p.f.t stylus ti1h i a test pkicms the c3.otiiia; rrjinc to ciircr or an' goods or mty Je tleslrrd.

CALL ani SEF. I CALL and SEE' CAN SUJT YOCi GOODS PLTCZS- I e.ySiSTOhB ox Annie Stb- Ekij-iA door north of the Post OZx. n't mistake tfc place and tbere wHl be tJ mistake about you. estt-ntr trortd OODFllEY WOLFF. Altooni, April OOD, MOP, ELL it WASHINGTON STREET, Near Pa.

Rr R. Depot, Johnstown, Fa. Wholesale and Hefcil Dealers it F8IIM 11 L3MESTIC MT Si nT! MILI.IXEKY GOODS. IIARDWAttE. QUEENSVVARE.


WOODEN AND WILLOW WAuF. PROVISIONS and FEED, ALL KINDS, Together with nil manner of Western l'lv l. snch hs FLOUR. BACON, FISH, SALT. CARBON OIL.

Ac. Who'esnle and retail orders pr.lic.: and promptly filled on the shortest notice most reasonablo terms WOO MORRKLL CO. Johnstown, April 2S, IbG'J. ly. A SON 6c iTAlcEli, FRANKLIN" STREET, In tho Cia POST OFKICK BCILD10' Johnstown, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND DEALERS IS WESTERX FRODl'Cc: HWPnilT IV TJJtfnH Veep consian niRr.n ri inn pr; bUOARS, SYKIU'S.


Orders solicited from retail isfaction in good and prices guaranteed- Johnstown, April 28, 1S(9. A. D. CRISTE, LITTLE BAIBDr WHOLESALE COMMISSION MERCHANT .112 114 SECOND AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. fwER fJJicuv.

1111 I.

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