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Asheville Citizen-Times from Asheville, North Carolina • Page 8

Asheville, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

-J. iAAAAAAAAAAM a jr i 1 THK AHTIF.VTLLE fTTZEN TIHrHSDA PEBRUATtY 4, 1000, 8 JOHN LLEWELLYN MR. WOODWARD DIES Picture Framing JUDGE AND COUNSEL CLASH OVER SENTENCE OF NEGROES 1 Judge Ferguson Directed Attorney J. C. Martin to Take His Seat When Latter Sought to Introduce Evidence as to Conductor Roberson's Assailant.

Unlit in tin- man's ihfirnrt.r fur iiin-wl'i' 1,1 1 inn in panning the rili'tn i'. Hi J'Hihi riiteil in order tliat the ear no iiiiilit be pruteeteil and that e(vauiple nliould he made t'i' tin tired at the men Into run; "liiilliillK Mmeer Keiser Cravats 50 Cents and $1.00 A Fresh Crop We have a handsome new stock; of the celebrated. Keiser cravats new shapes, new colors, new pat-v terns. There are other good ties, but Keiser's are 1 always good. Many men wear no other, knowing that V001 taste foliows invariably the Keiser trade" mark.

See them while fresh and in full sets. M. V. MOORE MEN OUTFITTER. 11 Patton Avenue.

II; Will I in 1 fiiuinl guilty li ill oily i i pi.ti! Will I. ah 1 1 KiitilTMi'll, no-lit mli il tin ii In i 1 1 i' 1 1 1 til iliK 'li- il 't i ulion. IiI'Iki- I i IKio-oll il" Crow not tlr in "it 1 1 if HhootiiiK II lilllA.IV anse In' wonl-l iiniiHi nil th nii'iit In tin' fur iiMSiiiilt. 111 Si. 1 1 I ll In mii.

I. Km i.f tin' ti-lirnl tu mrvr ili-fi'lnlji til ii rlKhti'i'ti nmnthw tin- ruinlM l- in llv ti ii 1 1 i.rm .1. r. Muillii In a. lit hi-ri In- Hiiuklit tu nrftTi-r i-.

liU'iio- tu Mtimv that Horn Hhniil'l Illliri' i'ITrlv plilllHlli'll In i-illlM' In- hml mi ir limit tlri-il ini'i a rullwny trnln. 'Phi Hi' wiTi- fi'iitnii'H In till' peri i ciiiit't 'Mt'rilay nftiTnnnn wlilrh ix-rlti-il tin- hui'( iilti'iitlun nf im iiuiK- whirl! hli't watrlii'il ulth Intrrriit the trltil of Die two m-Kri" hit Mith miikliiK an iittin-k nn Hlrii ai runil nrti.r Itntiin Kim, IK. at the end nf the WonlBi ear llnn when llnrn llre.i! a ahot through Hie i'im- diirtor'H 'ii, llri'il Into ti Htn-et cir and eitnued th piiHuengerM In (li'i1 'nmmi'iit at oni-fi Mjireuil from Ihi' court hiui tliroiiKh the at rente. JuriW Kergininn enilorned the popular apprei'lHtlnn of cniidiii'tor Itoliei Non'e cniiiltiet hy prnlnlng liiH liravery ttnd giiod Judgment In reniiilnltiK at hi pimt when llred nt eevenil tlrne and nut going where the paneiigir. wer.

TIlP tVIIIHMK. The rne went to trlnl vintenlav morning with Hnlli'ltnr Murk Ttrown and J. (' Martin, comme! for the Aahevllie Kleetrlo enmpany appearing for the Mate mid Jmlxe T. A. Jnnen for llnrn and (liillatin Holnrte appearing for fninphell.

The Mate produced evidence ehnwlng the attHC while the difeiidiiiitN merely Intro duced Ir. West, Ir. Itengnn and Mr Whlttemnre to testify that the general character of the defi ndnnte wan good, that they were lndimtrloua fin not prone to getting Into trouble. The Judge did not ask the proacutlon tntroduri) any evidence to nontradlct the evidence iik to the character lint announced that he would eenton.e each of tho dnfendunU to servo 18 month. Mr.

Martin aniHc und Htnrtcd to till the judge that he hud hoiou mlderice if character mi thin point. Intending to tell IiIh Hnnor. lie afterward mild when anlied what lie had piirposnd to my, that ho hod a wltncne wli.i would testify that Horn shot Into a railway car In Knnxvlllo some time ago, this for the purpom if throwlnsf Wednesday and Thursday Specials At WHITLOCK'S $22.50 and $25.00 Men's Suits $18.97 $20.00, $22.00, $25.00 Men's Overcoats, made of fine all wool English Cheviots, for Wednesday and Thursday wnmocK clothing douse Specialists in Men's Wear. 41 Patton Ave. AsparagTlps lino JJitiuu tilt: ao near perfect as asparagus in ('au ('an -teautitui, For Three Weeks at Special Prices To close out noma pttern of moulding and keep this department busy, BUT Th work will be up to tli atandard.

rid the finest glusi used a always. J.H. Law 5 PATTON AVKNCB. We're Making a Hit With housekeepers rtho wunt th lHt In tin Mini -niini-' elwar. BlMffer vessel unit better ones for less your coin.

Worth Investigation. I DEPARTMENT STORE. 0. H. MUihafcTB, Sole Proprietor Patton Ave.

Phone 10T. YOU'LL LIKE COAL In your atovei and iratea uoK weather aa tola. Keepi the house warm and cosy. Free from Hate and dirt Asheville Fuel Ice Co. 40.

II Pat ton Ave. You Are Sale In Our Hands la ell thing option. We to to the very root u( your Kye troobtae In our apart examination and. naturally, you get the bait results whan we fit you with proper glasses or spectacles, Glad to ass you soon. CHARLES H.

HONESS afaaafaotarlnc and RMifreotinf Optician. Opposite P. O. Patton Av. HEAVY SOLE SHOES For cold wintry weather.

Extra hlirh top. vlncHllzrd. milking them nater proof, ai.oo ami GUARANTEE SHOE STORE Citizen Want Ads Bring Results. TRY A TENDER STEAK TODAY. STAR MARKET i riiovi: DIVIDEND JEWELRY I pn I i tl ati'i 1 -n.

utn he; j'T-- W. II, MIOI TM.Il, Jewel. J7 rittn "Garden Calendar" A ITCilare llol I. e.l'- 4 early 1 1, beet. chiiIiHow SERIOUSLY SHOT BY WII.MAM 1HKST OK SONS, MKSMAGK SAYS, ly People light a IMHol Battle ui Shots of Each Side Take Effect.

From Ivy comes the news that yesterday morning In a pistol fight between William Hurst and his sons on one side and John Llewellyn on the other, the latter was shot several tlmee and received wounds which may cause his death. It Is staled that the fight took place close to the Madison-liuneombe line und that it grew out of a dispute between Hurst and Llewellen over a tract of land and that shots were exchanged on each side, one of the Hursts being slightly wounded. Llew ellyn, it was said, was able to walk to his home, when- a doctor attended him, but that later his condition wan considered very serious as he was shot in the uhdomcn and head. On account oi ihc distance Of the scene of the shooting from available communication it was not possible to learn the particulars of the shooting yesterday. ANOTHER DIVISON FOR W.

ASKEVILLE Another subdivision of lands In the fast growing suburb of West Ashe-vllle is to be made. Through the real estate ageni-y of Laliarbe, and Chiles the extensive Clayton tract on tho west side of the river has been sold to J. XI. Oudgcr. J.

L. Carrier and F. Whlttemore for J5.500. AROUND TOWN AHKIEI YESTERDAY. Mls Rosa Mears and Mr.

Edgar Kennedy were married yesterday afternoon by Magistrate M. A. Creas-man. INAl'tJl ltATIOX RATES. The Southern Railway's low -ate tickets to the inauguration of Mr.

Tuft will be on sale February 28 and March 1. 2. 3.. Return trip limit will be March 8th. SESSION MEET1MJ The meeting of tho session of the First Presbyterian church will not he held this afternoon on account of the funeral of Mr.

AVooward, but will be held tomorrow (Friday) ufternom at 4 o'clock In the pastor's study. JUNIOR ORDER. The regular meeting of the French llroad council. No. 97.

Jr. O. V. A. IVf.

ivlll be held tonight at 7.30 o'clock. All visiting Juniors are Invited to be present. TYPEW RITER RinnONS AND CAItnON PAPERS It don't pay to buy a dried out typewriter ribbon, It won't last. The same reason for not buying carbon paper that has been carried In stock for a year or more. Typewriters and Typewriter Supplies are right In our line.

We buy often, keep fresh stock and sell only the best brands. You pay no more for this convenience. J. M. HEARN Battery Park Place.

Phone 418. Hard Wood LUMBER WANTED To buy for cash, Oak, Chestnut and Basswood. Write J. S. Coleman Lumber Asheville, N.

C. Expert Auto Mechanic We have porured the services of an expert merhanh from New York with yenrs factory experience and formerly rharRn of the, largest garage in New Jerpey. He is competent to fxerute promptly all repair work entrusted to hi care. O. K.

AUTO SCrrLY ft TRANSIT OO. Phono 126. tl-63 South Main Street. JUST RECEIVED A full line ot the famous E. ltcsens-burp Sons" Havana C'iKars.

"THE AMERICAN." MORRIS S. SCHAS. 6 S. Main Strc-t. Phonp 541.

BREAKFAST ROE From Fresh Herring Jfer uan 25 Cents E. CJarretl Fancy Grocer. AFTER LONG SERVICE NT OF I I lIVIH(. U'lll lie Hurled ui Miunnaiiou With IuhiiiI(- Uuior Tlil After- ICHIIl. It.

Wood I of tli' 'M. at Ma hoc en. hint Tin- luneral it I' this atternoon at 1' i ofle ill lie conduct' i ratenin nl. superintendent railway ui I'lirnian ave-i J.l.". o'clock.

i. will he held lc ter ian i-hurch ui o'clock. Or. It. Mag The l.urial l.v the Ashevllln of which Mr.

Woodward was a mrniher. 'uperlntenderit SimpHnn, of the dt-womi, is for all Mr. Wood' ard's employes i aid nd the funeral, also his friends nd of this and dlylsinni Those sirlitK to atteii i aii leave the city i 2. M5 this aft' ni'" a and return at I Mr Woodward is from (jullford niiiitv, If tint' i 'd the service of he old North Carolina railroad at an early age, and as been contlnu- il sly In the aervi of the old North i aroliua. the n- Richmond rallwa te-one years.

t. in N'orth Carolina, Imnville and the for a period of for-Tnis extraordinary speaks for itself, as as an official lirldgo period of service to his efficiency i rd tretlVbulldc nd the esteem In i-hlch ho wa. held hy both the em-'ilnyecs undee blni and the higher of-i. rials over him Is show by the gen- i al i xpression of i pret at his death In 1887 Mr. Woodward marrk-d Miss I'ntton, of Swannanoa- His he-ii avi wife.

Hi-. Alice Woodward ml four sons, noes. Jack, Hugh and 'larry. survive him. Mr Woodward Is one of a very few ef the old employ is nf the original N'orth Carolina railway.

Capt. L. V. Wjnne. Capt.

II. Kelly, Engineer Clark and Supt. It- K. Simpson ire umong tlw few who survive. JURORS SELECTED FOR NEXT COURT The Citizen yesterday puhllshod the list of Jurors drawn to serve lur-in the first jweckor the term of su-iii rlor luurt, which hcglns March 8.

The following Jurors hnve been drawn fi the 'second, third and fourth eekM: SocoihI Week. Murch 15, l09. J. MUleri. W.

11 Harris, J. M. King. II. Miller.

It. 11. McDarris, W. It. Tilli r.wK li Hriginan, J.

F. llrigman. It. Padgett, M. I'.

Hlank-inshlp. li llarreii, J. 11 Knsley. It lancc. II 13.

Hood, Nat Morgan l. Croft. Jay Mears. .1. liriilges .1.

A White, JU II. Sellers, V. 1. Tayhiiv J. W.

Hal lew. M. Crayton. Thlnl Week, Mnrch 22, IIMIH. I) Carter.

J. K. Hriginan, J. Miller. W.

Stroup. W. H. Anowood J. lllaek K.

K. Huberts. I. K. I'atton, C.

1- Htepp, II. Carson, H. Illlllnghiim. A I. Hright.

Ii. Maney, A. Hhymcr J. J. I.

darker. A J. Miles. 10 Barker, Clyde Weaver, .1 ,1. Harris.

C. Morgan, It- l'ln-kcrton, i I' Hamrlck. loiirlli March 211. ItMIM. A II I'li iv rton.

1. Shies. J. L. Itin Uni i 1 1.

Jnyner. J. Stevens ii It. C. l'allinger.

II. T- slioi'inl. II I'ctrle, A. Oasp. rson.

.1. il Cl il ls 1 It. Brown. K. Kn.sley II i.

A. Tcague. S. Carter. c.

ander, J. S. Iloleonilu; .1 II. 11'uiKh. 3.

Hnney. J. Carter .1 li AV. II. Orifflll.

I'. llilili't'lirah'l PER CEiYl OFF On Lap Robes AND Horse Blankets Laru'i' -took good so- It'ftioii. T.SeMorrison and Co. SUM I'ATTON AVEM'K. Checkerboard i feel if the tiling to ir hens hiv.

This feed I'V the famtuis liirtna LlHl 18, con wheal cprn. larle corn mlli, maie are perfei'tly Ihat the caiif'' tin-henH tt tin their I Baird Bros Wholesale Oroceri, Distributors. Pboate M. 5 Received too late for Christmas Trade OSVCl A quantity of Sterling Silver fl tender. Init up QxAwii Ki tli 4 Lm VJ BODK1N5 or Killon Nocdlt.

in (JikxI wrihl, i-'Oc and 25c Two pioctvs in iilk cso 75 cts Ii, I pi ei il. .1 Out a little ay. in te. I ol inaite liiu purjxme clear. the 1'lilne illtiTI-upted to sa ill i I'fei that he was rcMpnnsi hie for hi', ii'liun mid thivt It haiiened to lie the i imi Ihat tie juilKe unit lie had nil.

utiiweil sentence and then he Inlil Mr. Martin to take his seat, it mated. It wan Htated a ft rrw ardrt that 'hi i utinri and ihlenert to slew a hen ari'eitti'd a k'un. a and a r.i.oi v.ere I'oiinit In the iniw hhihii of ll'iin. for the of shoinv that he a.i not peaienlily flu lined p.

i yldenie which cnuld nut t'i- illli ed In the aHKlilllt ai It wan 'llmi Inleniled to miKKCHt. It 1 Hald, thai llioie He'ere Hentenic he paened on Horn than on heeailMe t' former look ii much more lens active part In the assault than l'amidn-11. In the morning the cane of V. Lowe, charged with larceny, returned ja verdict nf not guilty. HuliioiHslona were entered and cofl'i taxed against Fred Monk.

Tom. r. llliunhcrg. J. c.

Wallace, who weni charged with violation, of technical I rlt ordinances, falling to cut grann, etc. The grand Jury returned against T. W. Ftlddle lor posing nf mortgngeil property und for igery. I).

Way, Trice Sumner, nssuult with deadl' wcapoti I The trial of I'lilllp Thompson and Ira Arnold for breaking Into the Coffey residence was hegun ycsterdiy I afternoon, W. appearing I for the defendants. B. G. TREPLER DIES, AGED SEVENTY-FOUR II.

Treplcr, aged seventy-four years, died at his home, No. lDii South street, caleiday morning it G.30 o'clock The funeral will he held at threo o'clock this afternoon nt lllvcr-sldt nietity, preceded hy services ut tlie houic of the deceased. Mr Trepler Is survived hy one son luivld Trepler, of this city, and two sislcrs who live ut Sallshurv. Millard l.lverv (Inc.) Phono 180. Arthur M.

Field Co. I calinl Jcwelcts KCll I I AND I'M ION AVI NL'L AM II VII I I N. C. Telephone III! I ln Tailor lor Men and Women PHONE 347 Consult US When a nirmi la(o riding or iilrMnR ui- Hvory 0'iu! pmont and stot i- sn-ti to O'tmnmmi the ad miral! -n well as th patronage of the b. j-lc tn Ash-vllU-.

o.iirtul aitl experienced thf best bl'Hxled horsea. orl- rs receive prompt Attention. The New York Livery JIJ lil(ls toast opieiiuiu iur YATES McGUIRE. Three piocea in silk case our piiKin in silk coso HI FIRST CLASS LIVERY When you want first class driving or saddle horses, you can et them by phoning 488, J. 11.

Iiemo's Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, corner Collefe and Spruce afreets, nidinp; lessons glv en free by experienced instructor. OYSTER LOAF T.iUr (uin hfinc 'I'lm m.Mi rs will nn- anil Tu Mol I'loiiiilii I rtiik' THE CLUB CAFE AND CANDY KITCHEN. tii i hi: comh tiiis i i i i hi: i i i FOR RESULTS, USE THE CITIZEN WANT ADS. Have You Investigated the Chalmers-Detroit $1500 Car i HiiiwinmI reel.

Near i iu HI I i I. I'm ,1 't 1-. i that .1 i I i I in r.t ii 1 pi H. Pcfric, NO. 6 SOUTH MAIN ST STAIltS.

If not yiu will 1k mislu-l at the high 'class con-stnu-titm throughout this car. and wonder how so nnit-li car can lie sold for the price. Asheville Cycle Auto Co. Phone 1310 19 and 17 8 lierintOD At Citizens Transfer Co. JULIAN WOODCOCK Owner.

PATTON AVF.NIH Of Pbooe 15. Depot Phone Merchants Hauling. Furniture Moving. Prompt Baggage Transfer service endorsed by U. 0.

T. and T. P. A 'A i 1 30 pimos 22 In Our Store. lia an elegant line of high grade pianos which we will sell At a very low price on easy payments.

Call and see them. Dunham Music House On tli Square. Top tins u. pansy and other is hot beds for Int. Ing.

And alwav- jt-edfl. "EverythniK in In Grant's Pharmacy Ijeacj lor Wood's Set4 i II rnooe ttl. IS Jf. Pack 84. PHOtflUi.

i eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeteeeeee.

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