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The Montreal Star from Montreal, Quebec, Canada • 3

The Montreal Stari
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

4 MrMlaliiff MaMn? Ihf iHMhir iMj fi nm llmrilnf The IMIy IM nmir -inii nrnnn-' i Th iimm his run from 79JOOO Is KOOOO a weak All such ncm circulation le Induced In th aver weight in aur guarantee to snvcrtiacra A Rlifti minliNNin mr bllSfiQIbfa nnitN In In Irmlnl lit cant ekmnrt fnri In nrt nwlflfN fn in Trtf Mur tsitrrli'r Im rkihl In iImum1 pmmiifnnn mn DinlNMlt iH fnllnwliig 'j I'rfalnp oaitoao nvir- I ntnnlnf I Hfnr Circulation ol the Strr 16000 TIM HmhtlM mt Mr ht nHi wirM being dull larreiri MONTRKAU TITSI)VY MAY 1017 I VOL XLIX NO 100 The Weather: WARMER FIRST CANADIAN OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE VICTORIOUS CANADIANS ON VIMYIVDGE Captured Orman on thrir way fium Vimy Ri Ige passing through a French village behind the Canadian official photo by Canadian War Record Office Some Canadian happy to be V'imy Canadian official photo Hamlet A skull found on V'imy Ridge excitrt the intereit of two Canadian loldiert Canadian official photo by Canadian War Records Office TWO ALDERMEN VOTED FOR THEIR BROTHERS-IN-LAW HOSPITAL BOARD FINDS WAY TO BEAT OF FRENCH-CANADIANS MUST TAKE UP THE Investigation of Catholic School Board Vote Discloses That Menard and Mayrands Relatives Fared Well Although One is City Employe Expert Dietician and An Efficiency Engineer Find Way to Feed Convalescent Soldiers Better Food for Less Cost Says Gen Lessard in Ringing Statement Expressing Confidence in Quebec and Her Sense of Duty Refers to Last Disturbers 0 mere whiih'lirurlcil t-n-operoliuii In! I'unliiiiuity wllh flip gmil III Murin' ehli-li it I xi-rclvi' un our dealinluH Inlisht nny the Nllnn tiling pi our ndei'M -Ihnse wlui direct npln-! prick oxi: cent nt the lumpltnl must inounura ths ouuntlllcn end send in the records to ihe I'nuitiilxslon whero they are cheeked up wlrh the figures of the ni'-rcImnlK supplying Ihe goods kept i An accurate account Is what curb man euls no that In a Nhuit lime II Is known Joel wlist Is needed them must aluuys la a slight waste but It Is reduced to a minimum The kitchen department Is advised lierore each meal how many men will have tn tie Served: If ton much food eras cmiknd the balance la frnsim anil made Into a dallrjil-y that la like an Arabian Nights Entertainment sera pa left an ths plalea aro consigned In th gnrbago and sold as siinh Ths kitchens are arranged 0 that tin men have Just about time enough tn get their mouths half open to griiinlde when Ihs fond Is In front sf and soldiers they admit IL are hair-trigger grumblers Though efficiency Is the slogan tha mnn aro giving as many helping aa they wish and each new helping is served on dean dishes All saris of IIHIs stunts are used as serving less an rainy days Iteration by rsreful study It witu found that tha men did not eat ss much when thny hsd lo remain Indoors every day A CLOSE TABULATION To Insure thn parrying nut of Ihe system os laid down all reporta are aloihiled and compared The coat feeling each pallent per day Is worked out In each Institution snd In each territorial unit of Ihs Commission These Inhlcs aro presented monthly to the director ami when he finds that one east ts rxceplhinsllv high ar exceptionally low In a iiarltculei' Institution or unit he makes luqulry of the rails Allowance la made for thn dlff-r encc In prlrcs of cominiMlitlea tu dir rerent dinlrlela hut II inuy he found that one dlctiHan In extnirsyniil uud another stingy Thn records kepi lire sn complete that tho detail enuring the difference ran lie tocnteil nt ours upon an annljsla of the ii-imhIh jm-l the responsible nfflelnl discover Instructions directing th- rcvpimsihln nfflelnl to Improve the practice In the hull I parlicnlnr can then be I sued with dclnlled nrriiinry Iletler ipinllly of food 11 nil nl I'M Mini IS what Is bring ln'lin- nl And the big asvlng Is oblnlni'l through Ilia men grilling well sgnln so much mure (pih'klv under thin s' bm nf h'l'illng that they can he dls-hurgi'il far sooner than nlhervis-with snvlng In food salaries hu (Ifni nlteiidiince and an on A SAMPLE FARE Ilcrw Is what they am eating system: llu nkfasl- Itnll-il ante day at liriumnnnd under (lie ii I ilm-a'i- Kpllt pex snuii beef and gravy siring hr-nus mir riips apple hiplnra lii'u'l a I Supper Toiiuiio lilM'iUc rnld lie macaroni and cheese coffir jd- 'plain enke Incad and Iniller t-M gad And 'os of that forwl per pate la under Ihhty-ulx ceftts nni ft -one meal bill for all three nf 'n gmls1 Miss Kundwall who has h' a In idiargM of the (' A i'n -b-ria III Moiib-eal for four years i lm In of thn kitchen at -mmol hiiNpitnl len tn the of Qticlier It lent ii la long rniiogh now that polities lma been ii Inn- in Uml rniiiplule spirit of union which Ik neueoK-iry tu louse up nor propli! In rally lo Ihe ISrest An ii niililnry mull I inn kill opr I (ho iciil live ncrllons of Ihe French riinudinn race iiiiiNt mil harm iigilcilltoro for now ns never Iw-toi-e uiilnl ('minds live up In her rrpnliillon mh tha (Irs-niiry n( llie Empire Nor iiiiihI we Interfere with innnllion work Hill we need men to tskii up m-nin live In I ho Irenehi'H und In Kin ml forth sn liiinp'irls against the onslaught of the Ilium TAKE UP SWORD led us lihttiilo llie i nitrd State end not content ourselves wllh np pliiiidlng great vIMnrluN We must Kiieh il move icvciiiiN by dollnia uigi'M is hiivlng to fHi'e on the Kale of TIionc ho M-hctoe will noiilil lw tu pay wilier hut that "diTirlt" In Mile In proof a n-poil duys Hgn hy a ths I InNt year of fifty thousand hIinII tn the llulienMeln these might 'High Enough Now Say Opponents of An i Increase There is going In lc Minus nppns-iiiin In llm i'lty I'niiiii-il iisiimst nny iinTt-iitM In (hr wuler Kuril us I'uiit iiiIIit Vllli'iM'liw fivniH Tin- rnuti'iillun nf uni roller Ml- ileueiive In tlinl owing to the depleted idM" of Ihe riiiniie a il inlclil lie si WlM move In mist- Ihe osier Intesl Irubi four (o llie per ii-nl nu as lie points out (lint would mid to Ihe minimi nlaiiil a iiuiirter of million Knell enurin' lie moreover jiiKiified by ihe city big yenrly deiirll water Intend la 1-01111011 the not only hold hut It great liurdeblp lo Iiihiko-hnldi'i'N a higher price for a piolll IiinIi-siI nf Mill lug rrnpi-ii on Its of this they will produce eniiiplleil only a few rlvlr olflclal showing there was a clear profit dolhirs certainly flglil any addition wuler rales" wild Aid "Surely llnim sui-h ns sorely something else rsn Im that a profit wns made on the nsln wading through mud on a road which by Canadian ar Records Office lion dollar library site In the Kaal End He is also mentioned In the report concerning the Drolet expropriation and la shown to havs been paid 1100000 tn connection with a real estate transaction which the Judge said "appears regular" A further reason adduced why there ought to bo a reconsideration of the vote Is that Mr Tansey is a resident of Outremont and that the law declares such commissioners must re iShlg In Montreal THE JEWISH VOTE Va further complaint is that tha Jewish vote In council was secured by tha promise to vote for Aid Rub-ensteln on the Protestant Board The following extracts from the minutes of ihs City Council on April 10 HIT shows Just what action Aid Msnard took In regard to his taking taking no pur la council meetings: "Alderman Menard rose to a question of privilege and stated that he was attending tha present meeting in order to comply with the provision of the Charter Article IT) but that he would not take part In the discussion nor vote any question before the Council Ho added that ha would only attend monthly msetlnge until a final Judgment haa bean rendered on tha proceedings taken against him In connection with Investigation on Bordeaux Ward sewers" It may be explained that the Article IT referred to concern aldermen being disqualified If they were absent from meetings of ouncil for more than two months It was deemed necessary by Aid Menard to make his motion because of tha ease that was against him In the courts and which might consume considerable time Col Gregory Record Recruiter Visits Montreal Honorary CpL Gregory of Leamington Ont who has be closely Identified with the work of recruiting several Canadian battalions for overseas aervloa Is a visitor in tha city CoL Gregory Is chairman of the Leamington Clti-senS Recruiting Association and haa Just completed raising the 141st Battalion Canadian Scottish Bord- He has also been largely responsible for filling up the ranks of the llth Battalion tha TOth llth and several mounted rifle units An Ontario paper slates that through his efforts to fill tha ranks tha llth (Essex) battalion and the 211st Highlanders are regarded as Mr Gregory's own units Thousands of men for tbaaa battalions the various American legions of the F-and other corps have been secured through his efforts nance during Instruction eighteen shillings a week (about 14(0) and good food are offered to strong healthy girls Mr all sorts of "home army" servicet "ui'r' Ivi'N lake up the sword 11 lhisgn of To make the burdens of llm ilu awonl Hint we iniisl at the' fiWlpp heavier Ismk si Ihe rest of moment riilflll unr duly and irn0i j( constantly going lip yet onfrderiiiioii an- Uespiis this llmra aro Hume at llm husslready enriilleiMiMilMlft men cuy who would increase the nut to lie taken advent lor various remains whirl we 11 wuler rules so that a (imrlnr of a know (reneli aniidlnns did not havilmon mdliirs more rniild he taken lo contribute more thanfroI1 pavers Il la I run llie some 20000 men I finances nf the elly are III lad shspe "If I have mine to the province of Quebec" suM JlnJ-llen l-essurd this morning tnke rharge nr thin military organisation uml to help Col Blondln tl Is with view of rendering a service to the French Canadian race to which I belong IJkn every limn with hie heart In Out right place I am proud of my natal place-Quebec and of my French origin I feel that it Is my duly la give In eu ruins I am able my amlHtnnre toward that endeavor which ts being set on font and whieh I truM will eventuate In a inure unlive pnrllelpHlion by Quebec In Ihe war II Is us a matter of fact of supreme Importance that we French ('Himillnns fully realise the gravity of the Mtuulliin and our pressing duties coincident therewith SITUATION SERIOUS the Hltiiatiun le serious we cannot UouM For the psal three years humanity hns been Imllllng In a gigantic contest which hits mlliuf forth nil Its energies anil demnmii'i i tho sacrifice of much of Its IiIismI Civilisation Is in-a death grapple 1 with barbarism: right In a fight loi a finish with might: and no mutter I what our hopes may lie and no matter what we have already sccnin-pllshed thus far the light of vtrlory does not as yet begin to show Ii self above the horlxon Victory Is as yet for off as yen know "I have not come to rani aspersions of apathy and cowardice upon my compatriots The Frenrh-l'unndiHii rocs has not lost any of the prestige which has come down to It lliroiigh Its glorious past and I feel convinced that its qualities of gallantry energy and sulf-sacrlflco have not deteriorated SCORES FRENCH PUBLIC MEN But It may bo questioned whether the men who represent the French race and who arc entrusted wllh tho task of looking after Its destinies have done their duly In the mutter of coming Into close runlsj-t with ths people wheher they liuve exercised themselves siiffielenlly In mould tho opinion of tlm race and wheher they hnve sought lo drew 11 out of Its smaller individual inter-eats to set ils vision 'on Ihe larger matter nf Its public obligations and Its higher rnNNinslblllties Thu vole' of the episcopal authority has muih-II self heard hut It does not seem that the majority of the clergy gave as attentive an ear tn that voice ns ws would have expected to transmit tho episcopal niessHge from church to church so as to bring It to tho ears of the French-Csnndlim race as a whole LOWER CLWOVS DUTY From what transpired at the City Hull today there la a strong aentl-ment among members of tha City Council to ask a reconsideration of I lie vots polled at tha Connell meeting yesterday appointing eight district members to tha Catholic tichool The fact has come to light that two members of Council voted for appointments of relations to tha Board and this with other peculiar facta la held to be sufficient to warrant a reconsideration It will also be pointed out that Aid lienanl who voted for bis brother-In-law to be appointed promised tha Council ha would hot cast any votes In tha Council for soma time to coma It will ba remembered that Aid Menard la before the criminal courts in connection with a charge of having had corporation materials carted tor tha construction of a wharf In which ha waa held to ba Interested The eight district members appointed by tha Council yesterday were Denis Tansey MIA Ex-Aid A Lapointe ILF Armand A Hector Hard Gaston Malllet Deaauln-aters and Dillon WHO THE MEN ARE connections of some of these linen with those who voted them Into la Interesting Mr Poirier le an Inspector of the gt'lty Health Department drawing a it salary of (LOO a year Ha Is also a brother-in-law of Aid Menard Mr Hard is a brother-la-law of Vld Mayrand As for Gaston Malllet ha eama prominently before the publlo a oou-Ple of years ago In regard to efforts to force tha corporation to buy a mil 000000600000000 0 POLICE REMOVED ISO YOUTHS PROM BLONDIN MEETING Chief of Police Campeau declared this morning when questioned with regard to the criticism levied at the police for alleged Inactivity to quiet the disturbance at tha Blon-dln-Lessard meeting at the Monument National last night that the constables on duty had dona all In their power to quell disturbances and had In 0 foot put out over ISO young men who had attempted to interrupt tha speakers 6 It waa Impossible he said a for the police to deal with 0 every Interruption on account of tha number present and the great difficulty In locating the offenders 000000000000000 ki WOMEN ENROLLING LONDON May I Women recruits for tha 'home army" are enrolling throughout England at the rate of 110 a day according to estimates today- Already more than 10000 of the 0000 urgently needed are at work on the land There Is still widespread demand for mllk-malda Free training an outfit malnte- Tn reorganize Ihe kitchen lpnrl lnnt lf lh( juninmnnil IIoniIIiiI furl cnvnleKCenl 1 1( Hr (l- puinn linn INH a Kherwnml MildierN mi 11 i li) Iced dlrtlrlnn ami Stafford efli-rirncy engineer have arrived la Mdlllreul They feel they rail do It because they have already accomplished wnndeiN lit Ihe Spsillmi Hospital In Tnmiitn Il Is all III a -dunce wllh Ihe ruthless cninpulKil which Ihe Mill Inry hnxplluht I'nmmlxehin have In-iiugiiriilcil 11 gill 11 hi old "II of I The cost of haul ir pxtlent ar day at Kpadlna Is only sluiut Ihlrtv-six i-eni "We consider that a little high however anil arc going lo do lieltor" sold Mr Kill ffoi'd lo The Hlaf Imlny And It was all heennse A Arm-sirougwas a As IV'paty Herrelary Tor Ontario lie hsd perlencc In ronduetlnK public III-ulllutlons anil dietetics became his hnlilty When he Is-eamn director of the Mllthiry llnspllsls Commlsslnn he decided at once that nothing was too giuxl lur the n'lmued soldiers He hsiked around and found Miss Ilvley dietician of Toronto I'nlverslty And she eosxeil Miss A Hherwissl nwsy from I'hlengn to aid In the wnrk The appeal was tn h'r patriotism and Miss "Bess" Kherwisul never hesitated lint there were two sides lo the ro Tim staff was Hum cnmplUn work IN FOOD thing they decided lo get "eulx" wns vuilety Th" followed In llm imlnI wns imvnrylng diet of beef and cheese The result wis tlial men who had In No (fun's Isiiiil lorn sick nt the very facing un Inslgtilfi-Miss Ityh-y (iiil rum- "How is that? liuve you gel "No hilt wo lii'iird ntiouL the gisid prut) they were yelling over at Spa- 1I11111 so a hunch nf us Just nos-v av-r Ihe bniH nf and tin one is Ibej alver" I Il win Mien Uni iiiiaeeiiinl Mile Spailinii wiii 1 pl iliu llm il show eil whit llie ini'll ilioug 111 ahoiit llie new rt-ih'in FEATURE OF SYSTEM i Our proHirtlonnte ronlrlliuilnn written In epitaphs II Is Irur especially of ihe history of wars Graves surmounted by the glorious cross and wounds received on Ihe hmllr field In the fight for lllierty lire liiestlninbly more dcslrulle than the lusting opprobrium which hlNtnrynt-tuehes forever lo rnei-s which have bo found wanting in limes of national crisis CONFIDENT OF QUEBEC- feel fully confident that Que lire Juut as In tha crises of Ihe paxl when il arms In 1 77b unil In isi! will rise up ciiniil to the occasion nnrt do Ils iliilv In any event Inst night's meeting nf wuler IonI yeur nod this ought to Is sufficient I do not for a moment Ihlnk a majority will tm got In llm f'lly Council to vole In favor nf additional charges for water" It Is polnleil mil by o' her aldermen that when there wus sn iiinclt dlxciixNlon in Derrmlcr losl over llm drawing lip of the llmlgel there were who lignin urged i that the ri-Leiiiien shniihl Im In- creased Ihroiiyh llie luedlum of dear- 'hoiiglil or er water The plan did not carry I finl and set to VARIETY The first Into the plan iisaslly lo servn mi beniiH bread of Ibis eomsH scorned deal would ihs 11 they have captured from the Hun on Mayor and Alderman Lari-viere Say City Cannot Take Action ALDERMAN TAKES SLAM AT BAKERS Would Have Council Revoke Fractional Weight for Loaves Is op to tbo Government" That la what Mayor Martin and Alderman Lavlriere have to say about the price of bread at II cents a loaf Both are agreed that the city can take no notion and that in view of (he city's recent experiences with the Minister of Labor regarding the coal Investigation there la no use In trying to take action "Why" said Mayor Martin "doesn't tha Government put an embargo on wheat the way other countries doT It is entirely up to tho Government" STIRRED AT BAKERS Alderman Larlvlere had two remarks to make One waa that II had been stated when the bakers had appeared before the Legislation Committee that there was no harmony amongst them "And he mid "they all put their prices up tha name day although they had told us that they hsd six months' stock of flour on hand" Tha alderman also Mid that on Monday ha would suggest to tha Council that they revoke the new bread bylaw governing the standard weight of bread which should go Into effect June This msaaura provides that tha weights of loavM shall be one one and a half two and three pounds Aid Larlvlere proposes to eliminate all fractional weights aa existing at presetn and aa would exist under tha new bylaw There la little doubt whatever may have been said today about the city's Inability to act that tha matter will be discussed at length at the next Council meeting Westmount City Council Wants Advice on Prices Westmount City Council even surrounded by prosperous cl tl sens as It la proposes to do something to strike a blow at high food prices With the plot reserved for that new city hall under the plough tho Connell at Ha meeting tonight In Its old quarters hopes to receive practical suggestions from cl tlse ns on what to do and how to do It Tho latest addition of le a loaf to the price of bread la a real blow to many foralltee In Westmount end Montreal who are already facing the litter Impassibility of stretching an Inelastic Income to meet present day valneai It la no uaa to blama the bakers The remain la not for to seek Flour at 11510 a barrel whole-Mis Is an anomaly duo to the war which It Is to be hoped may never be repeated The High Cost of Living germ Jumps from one staple to another meat and provisions keep gradually climbing and this In turn affects the price of milk butter and cheese Cattle are quite (0 per cent higher than formerly which adds several cents a pound to ordinary cuts of steak roasting meat or chops There Is not much meat to be had under 2Se a pound Hogs have gone up to record figures Another Me a cwt Is tacked on ovary week until the price Is quite double what it was In ordinary times This means dearer lard hams bacon and other pork products PRICES WAY UP A prominent retailer this morning quoted 12c a pound for lard and Me for bacon in quite a bargain counter tone of voice Butter la 4c wholesale and 44c Shocking figures for the opening of the season Cheaaa prices remain a dark mystery hut It Is a safe guess to My that they will be high- Eggs art bringing 4Sc to SOe a dosen retail the hen scarcity evidently evidently rMltsIng what la expected of them Potatoes have been In tha limelight for some time hilt without any material effect on their case-hardened exteriors The pritp refuses to budge In spite of the predictions of tho dealers the walls of the consumer and the threats of tho of Commissions and the algnlflrant fact remains that In tha city of Montreal alona one large dealer Is handling ears of potatoes a day while another ran net get as many pounds Amerirnn buyers havs a friendly eye on Canadian tubers and so the price keeps up to around (4 to 9460 BEANS TOO Beans arc up have been up and are likely to stay pork and beans for ths soldiers being given wllh tli' cnimell us It whs fair Hint hoiiKclioldrrs had liurdeiis enough In I kind waa 1 linked In so many dirrcrcnt mar i ways that II would hnve tukon a Is thera prove II In a eonelualve ILLUMINATING FIGURES I "deieekiitur' In have broken through manner True a lltllc group of will tm llileresllng In llie iseellicir dlsgalsi-s toll Ihs Ignoraln of Ihe roNprinHiblJI- of this new thnnl nf denier wider "Ifuw re you gelling almig?" Mr Ilea neumtient litain ils nil did ereulaifn nole whul elllxn w-m charged Ktuffurd askel a relumed soldier soine disliirbaiice which certain per-1 (or water In HOT whn the elinige wlin was pullcnl HS'ilhnr lnstllii- sons may seek lo iiingulfy: but Il 1 whs 714 per eenl ns rmnpmcil wllh lion mil fur from Kpiulliiu was none the less evident to any ills-1 ip giHtlug cl 11 -1 rule In tour icr ''ith piettv well" was llm reply Interested spectator Hint llm vast I Knl Tim following brief table slmws "Are they feeding you all right?" majority of those present shared the 1P wider on icpImIn varying cm everrlhlng Is great slnee the vlcwa nf the speakers as In our duty train one to elglit liiindied tier iivstem riime In and thosn 'die-11I the prenentlmn The undlenci laal nllin got "Hal ths lower clergy well gauged ther own sense of nntlonul duties nrd tha enormous responsibility which It jesponslhllilles French Canadians will assumes In putting ss It Is every ever runge themw-lves on tlm side of where said a damper on the appeal Just Ire right uml llhrrly I havev not nf the Hierarchy of ths church As: the slightest doubt hut that Frenrli far as I am concerned I want to say Ji'anadn will respond to nor appeal and I wlah that all the emphasis and this will be for the grrulrr gmd possible to ntlsrhed to my words-inf French r'aiiudlaiis themselves and that we expected from the clergy of the whole mlnfini' i night truthfully mirrors the gcmal I publln oplnon rf Qiuhec la-ft to' scroarD WEATTIHISIS WARMER Moderate wind mail ly north and nerthweet fair to day and on Wednesday with a little higher temperature Th weather lias lieen fine In nearly Bll parts of the Dominion Th tern Iieratora has continued fairly high In tho western province and haa risen eonaldeiably to Ont silo and Qieliec Montreal weather reading hy Hearn A Harrison' Klandsid I is rnnieier at noon yesterday lu 07: af I a in twlay It am today 19)111 temparatuiv belay maximum (2: inlnlinuiii (n Knn ftMui this morning at 4-34 n'rlork Will set this evening at 7 14 o'clock Montreal tcmpcraluro this dale a y-ar ago maximum IT minimum 47 TEMPERATURES Lowast Highest dining Jjl tf BRITISH CASUALTIES Special Blur Cable from Our Own Correspondent Copyright THE MONTREAL STAR OFFICE 20 Ceckipur street London May Today's casualties Include 262 officer of wham 46 ara dead and 2660 man ef whom 719 ars dead-Ths rsqimsnts suffering moct ar ths Highland Light Infantry Royal Rif (as Gordon Highlsndsrs Lancs -shirs Fusiliers Warwickshire Sherwood Forsitcrs Seaforth Highlsndsrs Royal Irish Riflsi Australians and Nsw Zealanders Officers killsd Include Brig-sdisr-Gsnsral A Ormeby Indian army WINDERMERE I It IL i 1 I nbiiiii Finite wrio produced which brought to light tlm Biel Mint under sb-in nro: the 7 i per eenl tale oiioiinouN pro- The inm who ren'lve llie snppl'es fits were leng made and Mint tills- was most uiiiust s''lng 4 i Hmj water woiks wme siipposcd 10 he nnl lieir a huge Increase In wilr )(erni'd by the civic n'loilnlslrnlors lulls fur Hie gnd id Ihe eole end not It his been propiiHed on vnrloiiN for making profit out of Ihcin i-a-d'im in the Citr I'nunril tluil some' Th re are vry few i-iM'H v-hch si'hcme of cliiirclmt for1 hive adopieil ih" eunnlrig system of water sl'uihl he lint noihliig1 charging for Wiib-r In ren- ilifinile wis daie Mure thin one tills Ily this plan leiianl never inly (ifrii'iul haa wrblri die lily really knows whit his wi'rr hill will I puinbng mil Mail It 11 he Any lucre: ae in the rental stale of af'ilis In ban" means of roiirse moi" to pnv furuiier rhaiges on tlm rcnlil a Iniint water It lx estinuiiwl that during paid as It resulted In much hiril'lip Ihs III SI eight years owliig In Ihn 1 md lefl tcriilitH at the niercv of liolh mi'iner the pity have hons' Ihe i iri'orn'lon snd Mi liii'llmds ed thn realty nsieNsmeiilx ri-Mals In cmm! ininy IIIII'X have adopted many part of the have actually Die plan of i-hiralug for water hv ilnilblml The cnnlenilon of the nmler The in la Is imnle an low that) was that he could not have! wier can lie freely used und Hm wil- 1 his iiasesainenis made as high iigun'ir lulls remain ti Itn This without correspondingly add In in his sveU'm experience has shown results rents The hapless tenants in non-: In hiuisein liters preventing waste nf seiiuencr had md only to pay ry water hy ucclng that laps do not ran much morn for rent hut had to gria und omlv Kola- of llm fen I urea of llie luiw In choosing Stiver as in the choice of her Jewels her fine furnishings and fabrics she but satisfies a natural and innate craving far that which shows true beauty and grace in its every line Our latest English importations of Sterling Stiver as represented in Tea and Coffee Sets have that distinctive and lasting beauty developed only through an experience of over 100 years in studying its manufacture in every detail 353 St Catherine St West' MONTREAL Established 1779 MONTH RAI MfcMORIAM memory of our deer Hmllh who departra Mh 111 (Inns hill Inserted by ((stern and aa tha causa Onion at 16c a pound would be regarded as a sensation 1 trnr were It not for cabbages at the 1 Kdmonton record figure of 22c- 1 ('nigary Canned good have long aro been Winnipeg relegated to tha list of Impossibilities White River whan (L0 a dooen la consider''! bault Bte Marla cheap! Toronto Even th helpless babies are made to hear their share of the gi-ncrnl burden Milk Is Uc a quart with John NVIt" nothing more reassuring than pros- 1 Halifax peels of still further sdvanres In bt John's Nfld prlco during the summer Ice Ih 100 per cent nbov normal and msry New York hundreds of families Inday are far- Ing the utter Imposishlllty of paying down a lump sum of BIB for tho season Coat prices art shrouded In mystery Thera would tie a hlsxn of trumpets were the price going down! IN In loving brother )l tMs life May not forgotten brother SHIRTINGS the newest most exclusive materials Gibb Co Limited In 148 ST JAMES STREET.

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