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New-York Tribune from New York, New York • Page 2

New-York Tribunei
New York, New York
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

ilKK.Vi' OMW IN PUCHS 4tt IVi Raj phK ooous I ONO WINDED AOVRRTISK.Mr.NTs YOURSs I No Oraad I Wo (Musedtaie distil rSTIRF SHXR. Will. OFFER, monday. 7. KKHin Hi? PBMSI SKIRT ROBES.

UM vrn ,33 1 rtoi ftvun all It- RRMMfcMj delaines A PARIS rvRl-l" I** I isooaa.e.1). MIIUlRfl pei arp i cannot be 1 rVNTS YARD Rjch iMWt, aCtu.l i FRENCH rinoks va.i jartt rod nil CH 'AM VELOURS and VaLKMTU PLAID, it would ho MaaHNll, bat RR rKjrr BKIOW WST PARTICULAR. To remove rXAMINT POR YOURSELVES. CHA8. IIKARD Ai I No.

Orsnd jtJOVEMBEE, SS heat sale or PRINTS AT aad N. Y. IVE KOREST. ARMSTRONG A Are oc-wiing of PrinU ollersd by THE wamsuttas. are wisurpesaed by anytliing In ihn market at tba frrt, aTaard are pertect.y taat color.

Tbey also fooutrol the bal "Knickerbockers rocky olknns. Reeky Olaaiu are In new, neat and mull nrnrei, of oicel jaaw fdatfc. and luprrior to any low-priced print AT RETAIL THIS WEEK. ELEGANT NEW cloaks. Black Beaver Cloaks at Black Bearer it fit Black Bearer Cloaks it Superti Velvet at Magnificent Velrot Cloaks at The richest and newest goods in the city.

At elliott'S (late Mackenzie's), and tanal-st, (Braudretb Buildings) FROM AUCTION. CLOTHS, CASSI.MERE9. CLOAKING and DRESS GOODS. HOUSEKEEPING LINEN and QUILTS. EMBROIDERIES and RIBBONS.

At far boiow the original cost. HOOK Nos. and 110 I 8 SILKS! SILKS WXL 8 at yn a No. Ol BROADWAY, Hire received another lot el LOW-PRICED SILKS moat Aceeion, Varying om 4 to $1 per yard. AfAW.

Twoca-eaof PACIFIC DE l.AINES. at cenU per yard. W'LLKES tt MlfVNAN, No. 691 Broadway, Amity and AT REDUCED 1'KICES. DRESS SILKS.

FRENCH MER1NOKS. MERINO PLAIDS, POPLINS, POL DE CHEVRES, LUSTRES DELAINES and other DHF.SS Goods. Also, SHAWLS and CLOAKS. HOOK, 108 and IIOtHh between 8th and LADIES' CLOAKS. We are now eibibiting orer FIVE THOUSAND every deairshle dewription.

in LADIES' CLOAKS, and to which NOVELTIES are added by EVERY STEAMER from Europe. Ladies will find in nnr store not only THE CHOICEST CLOAKS that oaa be manufactured, but also for Ladies AT MODERATE. PRICES. CUAKI.KS STREET A Co 47S Brcdway. POPULAR TRADE in SILKS will be made lof New Silk?) to the 73c, $1, aad I 26 0HEAPER THAN EVER.


Licbteuateiu beuig ahout to open a mum WHOLESALE HOUSE, at No. 24 st and of relinquishing the retail business en? tirely, he present large stock of RIBBONS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, gsad ail ho with to obtain ill do well to cal at No. Broadway. N. atock ol rare and beautiful of Rih just impotte N.

are profuse and nugi iiioeut, and cannot to nluaae the MOST FASTIDIOUS TASTE. M. 11. LICHTENSTEIN, No atrr Broadway. OMBAZINES, TEXANNA? MALTESE, HENRIETTA and BARATHEA CLOTHS, beautiral for deep mourning W.

JACKSON, Importer of Mourning No. HI Broadway, bet wen Spring and 01 RNING CLOAKS und BONNETS. A MOST SUPERIOR STOCK AT W. JACKSON'S. Importer of Mourning No.

591 Broadway, bet. Spring aad Prlnoe sts. LACK SILKS. Rich flROS DE RHINE and GROS DE KI'SOM. worth Sft.

1 oasc Second Mourning ol tCES. tv worth 1 W. JACKSON, ol Mourning Goods, No. 5ol BtuaJway, bet. Spring aad OTTOMAN.


A 1 BBBIMiM SACRIFICE Ioases bandeome INDIA FOULARDS. Sec, worth W. JACKSON, Importer of Mouraiuc No. 5ftI Broadway, between spring am) aud sets and Velvet colored and baack. all and Bugle Gimpa Frmgea, Trim Bings, Ribbons, Ckwaltta, Hair Pertmonneias, and aa.l a great variety of Fancy verv cheap at KLGER'S No.

8KI Broadway. N. side 1Mb and IMh-ata. Alexandre'. Gloves SO I ENTIRELY Patent Sleeve Battoua and Shirt alao.

Call and i Pius for Ladies, aad Armlets for Children. Tbey re-mire no iattaa bill, do aot aafcatoa. gxeat beauty and utility. For wholesale and retail at the G-ld and Silver Watch Caeo Manuhvtoij of JOHN H. oiFFlN No.

V. N. AT Mra. GAYNOR'" CORSET and SKIRT Store, Ladies can select from I he largest stock end vsnety of Strict attention paid to a graceful fit. most reasonable.

The faahionable Parts-shape SKIRT just i.uported. No. tAi Broadway, two from Union s.juare. H. B.

Ladies' ill-shaped Skirts altered and made over. Ibti, Aa c. glanz, a Importer, and Manufacturer, of FANCY FURS OF KV KKV DES4 KIPTION. At Wholesale and Retail. No.

117 Broadway, The of the trade aud the public In general invited to i exlen.i? and -nable of the above. AT BTRJCTLT W'HOLERALE PRICrW. N. Alterati ons, and Repairs promptly attended to, IPASfllONARI.E FANCY FURS. EURICM A ROCKNER aad Msui aval bo pasin to axbihit thou valuable stock to retail pur sable mTnK.

MARTEN ERMINE i. tbey wiU aaU at the hvsswaj prices. No. 47 Matden-ktaa. pruss.

1 CHARLES STREET A No Broalwty, Rave svw open at retail, their LARGE HOLESALE STOCK OF LADIES' FURS, mt every description. which tbey closing out st LOW PR ICES CHARLES STREET A Ca. No. 471 Broadway, Wholesale in Manufactured H- Fl RS, IOHJ, I o.MSTiX K. So 14? N.

Jobber of I he (sooda. affer. then, to the agaaawact ana POR "sfl OR APPROVED (RHDIT. (Muitcby by rOR THIS (Monday) EVEN1.N I A oiks' fancy fhrs PAffCT tJ Fl ItS -Tbcauna.

riber hU KM compriainsj i.OAKS. CAPES. MANTILLAS, MlrJt, bad i IN N.i i ASK BXl f.ED1NU vTHOLBSALR U4M2K, Practical Furrier, Kr.adwty ap Fl ia. Tuinn.inga. "Tdmt to every OhccG.

Ai jones'" 10 tuid 12 $4 Free i VTATKR I'KlM BOOTH. eilend brf purchasing. Amuocmcnto. 4 A OF VBtfl Tbtl public SIS reapeelfuily informed that, peep. o1 many uii.ntl.a' duration, tbr Directors are euebled to mnoince THE PIRAT PERFORMANCE IN AMERICA oi Uta new ami celebrated Opera of 1 UK SICILIAN VESPERS, Eugete- Scribe NINO.

Not. The and thud for EDNEsDAY and FRIDAY. THE SICILIAN VESPERS a a- sxpTaetjy rowpoaed by Verdi for the Grand Opera in Parit, attd ia ltnlT'Trallj acknowledged aa hang the grandest and mitt itr of thia celebrated conipoeer. Ita eueoesa iu Italy hae been euornoua, and on ita production In London iaat June, it via received with an that hat never beau tur lvtseed bv any other Italian Opera. THE SICILIAN VESPERS will be produced at the Academy if.Muair, A i I ii new SCENERY and PROPERTIES, bv Signor Hannibal W.

Cajyo, from the original n( the OjMira iu Paria obtained thr.vijh the kind gejl-rtaaioti at i tcoUaaoar, ie de la Maiaou de J'tiupo leor. M. A. Lille Mi. i MUCK AND PICTURE-uup.

DRESSES, Prea. ntlng a tuo.t faithful picture of the roatnmea of the thir? teenth ceuluiy. have been made in Paris, by Monsieur Roy. the Ortnd I end Slgtior Rruaehi, costumier froat Ilie principal tlieatera in Italy, a Dairaui and Ablatti. hie NEW At CXJUTREACENTS AND PROPERTIED Are from the celebrated manufactory of Mnnaienr Granger, arm? orer to hia Majesty the Emperor of the French.

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERS. The Prim eaa Elena.Mm*. COLSON. A BR1GNOLI. The Governor of Meoforte.Slg.

FERRf. 1'rocula, Chiei of the Conspirators.Signor JUNCA. aarotnaav rnaaai-raaa by Madame Morra, Slguora MuUer, Uubto, Cuinto, Xitneugz, Crouxa, Pant), feet. To tive due effect to the double (French and fHrfflip) the regular r.horua hat been increased to KK.II I SINGERS THE GRAND ORCHESTRA cutiriae SIXTY-FOUR PERFORMERS, under the direction of minor Ml'ZIO. Uarpiat.M.

APTOMMAS. THE TAR A.NTKLLK, by Til p. CORPS DE HALLE 1' baa been competed by M. DENSTAEDT. THE MISE EN SCENE OF 7 HR SICILIAN VESPERS haa been perfected uuder the dire auperiuteuuVu of Ii.

I'll man, who for that pumoae hat viaited the principal P. uro pea a Opera Houaec, and M. Dubreuil. SEATS AND PRIVATE BOXES for any of the three night? of the Sicilian Veapera, may be bad daily at the uaual TICKET OFFICES: The bog office of the Academy of Muair, SiheH'. No.

12 Wall atreet; No. 2 House, wue door ab ctey at Hall fc Son'? and Hreuainr'a muair. and at the door on the eveniut of the pertormauee LIBRETTOS OK THE iflCILIAN VESPERS, containing the Italian veraion, and a correct Eut-lish trantlatiou; aleo, tig of containing THE OEMS OF THE OPERA, arranged for the piano forte, and for aalr at the ticket offirv-a, and the Filth-avenue Hotel e. Price 28 cents. VKW YORK harmon i society-, ll AT the ACADEMY OK music, ON TUESDAY evening, Nov.

8. 1859. MENDELSSOHN'S Grand Oratorio oi KLIJAH. For the b. of ST.

ANN'S CHI RCH FOR DEAF MUTEat Principal parta by the foRewing rtmideut taieut: MiaaM. S. BKAINERD, AIiaeE. COI.MAN. WESTKRVKLT, Mr.


A GREAT PEDAL OROAN. etpreaaly for Oratorio JAR DINE SON, Organ Bnillora, oi thi? city, will be uaed lor the tirat liuie on tliU occasion. Organist.Mr. H. GEi.HAAIL jiCondte tor.Mr.

GEO, KRISTOW. Ticketa, 50 centa. to be had at the priucitml music, book, and dr-ig atorea. the Rnrtor of the Church, the Rev. T.

Gallaa det, No. Iii Enal or at the door on the eveuing of the performance. open at 6J o'clock. To commence at 7, o'clock. mRS." 11eN HI 111 i ()N M'ARLOR OPERA 71R and Rroadway, opposite the New-York Hotel.


NOVELTY. ENOL18H BUI Ft I OPKH COMEDY AND IBM DE IMA Atkuowledged by the public press to be the most ele? gant, and amuaing enU-rtainment in America. Encouraged by the UNEXAMPLED SI (CESS of the PARLOR OPERAS, and the crowded who have thronged these entertain menta, the Manager has succeeded iu postponingarrsngeinnutsai readt made in other citiea for a few weeka, end eugaged and fitta'd the above for the ute of tboae extraordinary ARTISTES. Mr. and Mra.

H. DRAYTOM, who wti! commence ahort seaaon at their MIu opera on TUESDAY, Nov. 8, 185H, where and Mrs. H. DRAY'I on will then Re? pertoire of NEW AND ENGLISH BUFFO PARLOR OPERAS.

Et 1 RY tNI.NO at rt. let, ept SATURDAY). And GRAND MATINEE BVBR1 SATURDAY MORN l.NO at 2 o'clock. No correct idea of truly novel, light and i.leaain.' enter? tainmeut can be formed without witneaaing it. It is a couibina tion ot the BEBT style of ENGLISH OPERA with the highest r'ikaa ol COMEDY, interpreted by the 1 raokdinary IIUSICAt nd DRAMATIC abilitlea of Mr.

mid II. DRAYTON. TUESDAY EVENING, Nov. a' 71 o'clock, will be the popular OwHattg Prover'l), NEVEE JUDGE Bl APPEARANCES. Wrtttea I H.

Drayton; mosic composed by E. J. Loder. Oacai. onut de Belleville.Mr.

H. Drayon l.o;.i-e Countea-de Belleville.Mra H. Drsytua To conclude with (brat time iu America) a new veraion of LOVE'S LABOR LOST. Written by H. Druytoti; the music selected from Belfe, Dibdin, Lee.

Hatten, Lover. Douixetti, erdi, Ac Pat Doiiaum.J tlenersl Sir Charles Drayton kiah Heat, a Yankee Dentist.J Old Anthony Grumble.j Fanu Spark la.i Menty ta Smootbtongue.iMr"- Sairey Gamp.j Mr. Drtvton reapecttully that ticketa and may he aecureit any number of night? iu advance without extra charge, at the ottice ol the New Parlor Opera Houac, from I o'clock a m. to i p. m.

Seata (numbered and aeeured) Other aeata.fjle. SEASON TI( i TS. or taken ol will be at a alight reduction from tue uaual Doors open at 7 commence at 71 precisely The low rates of admiasion being plated within the res oh of all frruut ntera oi auiiieeim uta. ii: comp? lied to recognise no tree liat." end to atrietly adhere to rule. It detvriuiue? that the entire ontertunmeut aiijn ue nniahed awrb night at 10 o'clock.

Pooka of the can be had in the Hall and at the Ticket Off ce. Price 10 tor both operettas. Ticketa may also be obtained at the principal i te oa bdi n. MHI UiNES ROBERTSON SMIKF. Mr.


geo. HOLLAND aa the mien Hot ind Scaley. Mr. HARRISON aa Nicholas, and Mr. A II 11 FNPORT aa N.

which attended the production of" Dot." or from "The Cricket on the Hearth* tha Management ol the VV inter Garden to produce another Uluatra tiou of the sauie graphic author. The well known types of rJianu-ter in Nicholas Ni, klehy have, never fallen into of more admiral'ly htted to them than thoae whs constitute Dae group austaining the dramatic picture thia evening. TO-NIGHT, AND EVERY EVENING TILL FURTHER NOTICE. Charte? Story of SM IKK. SM IKE S.MIKE; SMIKl SMIKE; smike: I SMIKE; SMIKia, Oa.

SCMNRS FROM NICHOLAS NICKLEBY Natrly dtaoialiaed by ami trroduoed uuder the direction of Mr To oommence at TA Box oftoe open irom I to 61, Pa 1.a('e garden mi sic hall. EMILY LESDERNIF.R'S READINOS in POF.TRY and the DRav: vn i.i<.w liedott. Remee and Juliet. The Loat Heir The Amer lean Klar November (. 10.

and II. So eeats. open at 7, commence at 7 o'clock. OLD original THF.R KF.M with celebrated Company of Ladies and Geatlenaea from Maeeacbueetta will sive Grand at City Metropolitan Hal), Mc.sDW TI'ESDxY and WKDNESDAY Nov. 7th.

and Mb. with grand Orchestra Club in cottuntea of 100 age. They appear tt Coepet'? Institute Kridav and Saturday FWeo Nev lIth and Utk. Tickets Childieu U. off a at 7, Ceitesrt at o'claash.



BEAUTIFUL PICTURESQUE drama, BEAtTIH PICTURESQUE DRAMA, entitled, the MARBI.K HEART, MARHi.E HEAR 1 won.P. HE MAKri.r UP.Aiil iRBLE HKART la order to afford the admirer, beeatifo: p4(f pet-w? ait of'anio ADMIRABLE Si KNir efkr? MAOBTFK ent acting. MONLAi EVENING. T. UJt.

will he prcs-oud the beautiful entitled. MA It iii.e hkart, a Ith the following itwn THR SCULPTOR'S DREAM. a rich luxen of J. 0. Burnett tha Athenian General.Mr tmM a toe Sculptor Jordan Cynic and WhcaUeigh Strahon.

aa Athenian Henry a J. Haan THE STATUES of the DrEaM, Athenians Revelers. NoMeinen. Ac THE REALISATION Or tHE Lord Mrrton, an Engii.h VhvHint fhatean Bureaux- O. Prederi.

Estates a tewhieaaMe paper Raphael a Yeeag Sewlptec.o Motuirur eaudore. aru-h H. latjta Prederi. Do Court ey, a Gentleman.Levi.A Jol.n.

a Pootman.Kvaaa Mile. Marro.Mtaa Lsaaa CleusNitiue.Anni* Deiani Larrh James Everett Marie, a Poor Orphan.J. Madame Mother of liipheel.Mary la Oa WEDNESDAY f.YENING bo produced, tlie beautiful five-act rvuied THE WIFE'S. BEajRET, orUL-ially produced at the Park Theater by Mr. CHAR1 I I KKAN and Miaa ELLEN TREK, and aluce p.xyed them orer ONE HUXDRRD NIOHTS IN LONDON fire la aeata may aeecred INK WEEK Doora epeu at of; te commence at NIBLO" SALOON.


Oeo. Manager R. M. Busincsi S. C.

al Dlraetar. NEW soNt.s, new AI PS. new FEATURES EVERY EVEN I NO Concluding with Oeorge Chriaty'a rery laujhable Ere, oa-ied the DOUBLE BEDDED room. George Cbriaty in LU original character of.Dulcimer fool Aoru.tu*. Muter Kafpjaa in Mi arlglasJ of Araimiuta Peachbloasaoia.

OTHER CHARACTERS HY 1 HI I 0MPAN1 Far particnlan, aee Admission, centa. Doora open at rommem-e at AMKBTCAN Ml second of the 1 WOAOEMEWT OP MR. HADAWAY, the celebrated MUSEUM OMEDIAN aad gieat public faroritn, reeeiTt-d on erery with auch demon at of REMARKALLE POPULAR ENTH1 SIASM MoNfMY. 7, IHS9. In Hie AFTERNOON, at 3 o'clock.

Buck.toue'a baautiful Drama, for the last time, eutitled THE WRECK ASHORE; Or, A liRinaoaooa raoa thi Ska Marmadnke Magog, a Conatahle, afterward a Pariah Beadle.Mr. HADAWAY. The othi characters by the rest of tlie rompai y. PreOou. to which a FETE DANSANT1 EVP.NINO, at 7j o'clock, firrt time of a rama, in acia, pre tested In London for 3on aigbta, enlle.l HONESTY IH THE BEST POLICY; Or, Thm Pax D'Ataoaa.

Jttie. Clcaa.Mr. t. HADAWAY After which, a variety of DANOINO. To conclude with tha of MARRIED AND BURIED.

BaWawaUa, Mr. HjU way. A lall lenrtl. Flgnr-of OS AMIE BROWN, taken ftoru life, and a KN11" lo-icd on the body of at Har per'a Ferry; the ARAB GIANT. 7a feet hix and 2i of age; 1 ri NK of a TREK, from the MOUNT of OLIVES: the HAPPY FAMILY, two LIVING SEALS, arc among the now embruced in thia ratntilialini-nt.

Admittance, 2k ueuta; C'hiidreu undei 10, 13; Ptrq iet, 12 egtra. SC 5 I I A In commemoration of the Anniversary of Schiller's lmta Birthilay. FIRST DAY, WEDNESDAY. Nov. GRAND CONCK.RT at the CITY ASSEMBLY ROOMS.

BET HOVEN'S t'HORAL SV MPHON by an Ore.b-stra of 8eienty performers, and the German I.iaderaraats. Dythlranil.e, caaapoaed by J. Riet! hy Ihn I So! CarnJori. Mr. Philip Mayor, -Mr.

Stetaway. Aiao, the telrbrated piauiat, Gustave Sitter. I ond. tola? TbaaX Eaatala, Anecnutx. C.

Bergmann. A. Pauer. To commence at If p. m.

SECOND DAY. THURSDAY, Not. 10. ACADEMY OF Ml Sil twelve TABLEAUX VIVANTS, from the different worki of Schiller, inlerfp. with appropriate music, tommencing with APOTHEOSIS OP THE POET, during which a pro lnrtie will be spoken )v Misa Gralin, and finishing with a GRAND TRIUMPHAL TABLEAU, the whole under the di? rection and from desiftia of Me'-rs, Leutze, Lang, Gross, and Lotichitia.

Also, A I.I.enste 1 n'S CAMP by Schiller, Military Drama in one let. performed by the nrlists of the Ger? man Stadt Theaier, nnder the direction of Herr Hoym. Tho Orc hestra of 100 performers, under the dir.vtioti' of Carl Berit maun. Doora open at 61 oVlork to commence o'clock m. Tickets lor the FIRST DAY, Nov.

9. the ITY ASSEM? BLY ROOMS, ba had at all tha pnn-ipal M.uic and G.rman Bock aad at the door on the evening of Caaaaat. Tickatl for th- SECOND DAY. Nov 10, at the ACADEMY OP Ml SIC. to the Parqiiette.

I i- and First Tier, sjl; Seats, SO tents extra; to other parts of the bouse. SO ce Us? for sale at Academy, Sib. li No ij C. lire 1 i B-oadway. Holdets of Si.h?ier Ticket? pay in Addilinna of 25 centa.

NEW BOWERY THEATER. Managers.Mi??ra. Fog and Liurg-1. THIS EVENING, the celebrated Cbfld Aetrtwa, UTTlI CORDELIA HOWARD aad bet PARENTS la TOM's HARDEN. Manager.Mr.



ImEATRE FRANCAIS, No. BruadwtTj. MARDI. Novembre, 14ene REPRESENTATION LE BOI RRKAU DES i INES, eo 1 actea. ione par MM.

Juignet, Loiret Bertrand. Callot, Leon. Mtad. Adolphe. Leouie, BRUTI LACHE Es UL I June par M.

F. Mam-teiti, P. Barry, et Mile. L. Chevalier.

Ordre du spectacle: Brutus; 2. Le Bourraaa. On rorntuenoara A 8 beares moLu J. rOODs MINSTRELS, No. 4A4 BROADWAY.


Lecture at o'sloth. TICKETS CENTS. To be had at the principal Music and Bookstores, K. Chase's Exchange Office. Cooper at too door BALLOON.

BALLOON. BALLOON. INTENSE EXCITEMENT. PEOPLE HAVE DURING THE PANT WEEK W1T1 RASED THK INFLATION OF THE MONSTER IE RIAL SHIP CITY OP i ork THE LARGEST BALLOON EVER ONRTRUCTID, aaaj o.v axaiBirioa at rwa CRYSTAL PALAi GROI ds AOth-at. and The uae of these grounds having, by a r'the fommoo been granted tor this gigantic and scientific effort OPEN DAILY FROM 9 AM.

To P. CENTS Family admitting six parsons, SI. SraciaL Noni have been made with the Directors of the Sixth jvenue Railroad to run their can every two minutes duriug the day, setting visitors down at the maiu entrance N. Notice will bo airen of the DAY of ASCENSION ROSA BONflEUR" WORKS. TWO GRAND PICTURES.

Bv that world renowned artist, with her portrait, painted by hetsell and Dubufe. on exhibition at GOUPIL'SOALLI No. 77a Broadway, corner ol Mas st Admission IS rents INTERNATIONAL ART No. AV4 Broadway, oroer of are added aevssral new to this moat select Hb hibition. a m.

to p. m. Admission set ts. AD Picture, are for aale. PENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY.

or St HII.LER BIRTH DAT. THURSDAY EVENING, N. 8 II MARING will deliver lecture SCHILLER'S LIFE AND WRITIXi at (be Braoklva Athnaaum. to rnmaawir- at aVlocg Tl, kets sV tor sale at the door at Mr. I store No.


CHARLES II (Klngof Enc'inr!) LEVERN JOHN WILMOT Karl of LETTER WALLACE la which ho the of "Suroc th? CeaUnrta." Groerr tniert. oi Bucainghuu.Mr Brougham l.j s.rgtae Muddle, a Uie Mr Blake Amen Sj'wvah a Parish Beadle.Mr Starr rtnottae. a Miser.Mr Dyevt Jeremiah Thrn. hU Mas.Mr Young a atrolling PI Balaam, a V'alot to Rochester.Mr. Sloaa ess in.Mr.

C. Barney.Mr. (Hirer The Couuteat of Lorelaufh.Mr?. Hoey Lsdy (Jay.Mrs. Sloaa Silvia f-nldeu.

an Hrireaa. ward of Star (iarmem Ar.r.t Verna? Barmaid of The Horns.Mis* Tres? N-w by Mr. Robert Stoapel? Irar.rea by Miss To with Comic al Duality, rail OOlNo If LUD. Bogrit (a Blind Wi, Bcr.cer.ib 1a ditto, a little mors Brougham A powerful and interratiug novelty 1a ta a. live preparation ITALIA.

HOPE II VPEL. TM Bro.iway. Pronennced by artist and the most laiTaatlng instructive and artistic SKR 1 KS tip PAIN il.NiiS tar exhibited in Itna ity. THIS AFTERNOON alle'sloek- Every lock. Adrctasion rants.

h.ldren 10 rents. RATIONAL ACADEMY of DESIGN, J.1 lOth-st, near Broadway. Re-trruTTerT'ont of the FRENCH AND ENGLISH EXHIBITION. Laal week of page's "venus." Admission 23 cents. RORF.RT ROFTS VY SONNTAG'" PICTURE.

A DKKAM OK ITALY" (another trinmphant aucceee for American art), is now added to the well-known collection of paintings at the I S8ELDORF GALLERT, No. Broadway Open day and ui Admitaion cents of tiii: andes," NOW on EXHIBITION AT THE BTI DIO BUILDING, No. li between 5th and tith are. Open from laV ttV tat I p. and from 7 to 1'? in the Evening, M.f.'.rRP..

-Tine OUte. BTISTS1 A il rfasxl to Artiata and Schools the following, artl olea. at lower prices than any other aatWSS in town. vit. meataf and Newton'.

OUand Wa'er Color anais. Hpisliea. What Papers. Hi i Hol Hoard. Sketch I, Trs, Paper aj.d K.ttrt BBS Baal? Pastel Crayon-.

Ac. Frau ds of erery de? scription, Colon Ltr.d*. and a variety sf Stodiee. W. SC HA US, No.

Broadway. HJants. A L.VDY tlBaitwtu of GOING to CALIFORNIA. sail to TAXE CHARGE CHILDREN, at as LAIM 'S 1 OMPANION, in onaideretlon of her Un steeple nabb' xiv-n.

Addr-aa, tor one EMM V. rare of V. B. Palmer. Advertising Agent.

dtTrtfiiBS littuiion as Ci P.AN'ION to a Lady, or GOVERNESS to Children, or waeJd accept a situation HOUSEKEEPER. Satlary no ob jajet Ret-TeD-ea eichauig-d. Call at No. 23 North Moore (torn 9 a- m. to 2 p.

m. AYERY rr-apfctahlrt fOmM? Protestant Gennas VA i.low. with a bey aeven raafl 1 It nation HOUSEKEEPER rr COOK, cither in the city Ap plv, between hours of and I o'- lwi, at Not. I I aul It llibu House, 8th between Id and tth avn. rouriaf Lady, havin? a poworful and well cultivated a thuruugh knowledge of masto, and aceuatomed to the Episcopal dealres a SITUATION in a church choir.

Apply at No. Brjoklyn. tgj ITI A I a napcctablt? Girl, aa WET NURSE. Can sire the be.t of referen Appiy st No. ItC lKth-tt betweeu tith and 7th back iu the rear.

110 ALL WHOM IT desires to aeoure the of an experienced GOV EN ESS In their tsatllyasay adtlraag EDUCATION, Box No. t.olt, New-York Pott-Ofnec. W'ANTKD? By respetrUM? Protoartaat Wottv vv an, a as lass cook 1 uuderatanda eookin; in all Ita branches 1 has no ohjectiona to the country; baa the beat city referencea Apply at No. 124 near I2th at. a Lady of awitiiation asOOVKRNKSM in famUy.

perfectly competent to teach elementary and advanced braaoaaas of a sound English with Freach, Garmaa aad Mutir. Relerencet eachtuigeX Please add.eia Box No. Poat Othce. a m-at Girl, who hat iti Enjlaiidsev. latton aa CIIAMRKRMAI and LAUNDRESS, or as good PLAIN COOK, WASHER and IRONER; is good Baker; Al.o, her Niece NURSE and 81 AM I 111 the entire charg? baby from ita birth; wages $6.

Call No. 216 at. ANTE ion three Colnre.l Wimifn: TT one as COOK, LAUNDRESS, Of CHAMBERMAID aud LAUNDRESS: aa CHAMBERMAID and WAITEE; out B' LMSTRESS Nl RSE, CHAMBERMAID, LADT'I MAID. Apply it No. 7 11th near Broadway.

AMACHIMS I', in Imildiiig and running an engine, and who ia a steady and reliable man, flonj the country, wanta employment. A line to A. H. left at the Tribune Orl'ce, for three or days, will be attended to; or. after that, address RICHARD, Hartford, Conn.

ALL FAMILIES wanriiii? good SERVANTS? German, Srotrh, EnglUh, at the IN SHU TE and HOME OFDOMKSTK No. LI.N K.leveoth corner of Sixth-av. This extenaive puv-e baa of civil, capable help to aait all. at moderate wagea. Cuudui.ted by a respectable American la ly.

Call and tea. FEMALE IX)Si wishing to engage the beat rlaaa of Domestics, will do well to apply at the SKU 1s0 th- INDUSTRIAL ASSociATIti.N, No. Mttb-av. Ollis ac.uatcmed to sit in Intelligence Offices not admitted. IADIES in want of good HELD, can be- niiuplit'd with the heat of SERVANTS at Mra.

YORKSTON'S Offlce No. 28 4th where gend Help, from all nationt, can be bad or city or country. No dishonest dealing, practised st this office SITUA TIONS Bookkeepers, Salosmen, Teachers Col ledora, Portera, Barkeepers. Ac, should apply at the MKR 11 AN PS' LF.RKS' REGISTRY OFFK K. No.

Broadway. No rommiaaion in advance. Reference to houses. Ap? by ir.ail uiuat inclose two 11 v.ah help. EaUbii.hed M6.

M. J. REDPA. it. WANTED IM MED I AT f.w psjTMtal to MAKE COLLECTIONS or a benevolent lajlll bj city.

Oocd addr-aa and indisputable reftaiaaoes Middie-agwd men Only need apply. Iu rjuire at the biDle-lioaae. OtF.oe 3y. tiud eulxance ou il a wly Portable Ccpviug Press and Book aeiia at larga For addreaa J. E.

COOLLY, and MINERS aud fomase WEAVERS and male MINERS wanted to go a abort distan. i in the country. a man an 1 wife aud a trga number of girls for brat-class Kren. h. Geruians and Italian, life I charge, and their apoken.

Appiy at No. tad It Hible House, between 3d and 4thaw do tohom it filar) Concern. i and BDGAB the Arm of MORSE BROTHER the City of Naw oik, have this day made a GENERAL AS SIONMr theii property to CHAM. A- MK1GS. of the m'yo: N-? iork.

tor the ef their A1! per? indebted te Brother will aettle tame with said Chat. A Mtviga. New-York. Nov. 4.

IAS. (Sirnedl VVILLI tM I MORSE (Wgned) HUUARW.MORS 'ENTRAI. Board of er. of the asitial i sjk give notice that. 00 the 12th instant between three and four the drives of the Park, beiow will be opened for public uae.

Eurance to the Park tor rairisg-s aud equeatriana may be had at the following I aag of 59th at. and 5th ev cor JSth-st. and eth at 5th av. and Tld-tt, and at8th av and "2d at, 6th aad 7th and Penaona riding or driving in the Park will be anmfU to obearve the ordinaticertapeclicg the rate 01 1 New York Nov. 1..9.

K. BLATCHFORD, President of the Board ef Comuiiesionera of the Ca-rtl Pirk. H. OREEN. ControUer of the Part.

gpITY NEW-Y? of FI RAJU Y. Braatc or ran Ravtrrrtta or rii or ma Rat tit hk New rt Houae, NV barnb.r* -Naw-Yoaa. Nov. i. 111 PAR PAYEES -Nut-re is b--r-jv jit-b 1 par rent wLI he Lle.l on the let ot laeceo.ber on all remaining, uupaid.

Al.o. that 2 per cent vul oe added on the 1Mb dav ofneceiuSer. 1 ds tentie.n ai.dla ct.wd, tat pavers are requested to caU early this moutn. C'fLr? hau.a from i a to 2 JAMES KELLY Reeeiver of Tatea A' nphajllll. NOT Js.

AFTER THIS, to take up anv a ou the OBSEKVEK OF FASHIONS, or to collect say money tor it. tork, Nav. 4. luge 1 M. PORZELT.

No 66 Walksr st. tVLs.siLS.-Who will EXCHANCEMI.VERAIeS FotalU! FOSSIL. Baa No. IIS Tnbuae OfBca. for Bneinree a THIRD a Book aad Statiooery Binding.

Printing and ttrttspapet P.slakli.hgoeot iu a west-rn city oU. pay 104. ind dtdng n.ore buaineaa than two can attend to. A good haadaeta man. er one aaaaa ef the branches iti tbi.

v.r. fit tarn aattaiiat 1 in outra. farther of A. S. BARNES A BURR.

mwmmmrj- ABILLIARD and BOWLING IWTABLIsH ME NT i. doing watch be turrtv loereeaved Rooms IpWIOM; mi le'ms easy. Apply al No. in Broadway, away Blee. ap ataira, FR HALF-INTEKEsT in a ur WEE ELT LITERARY PAPER.

waU a eRy where ibwia no other paper of tu etaes. It ba? rlnroUilon. ud afar a meet itcstrabao oppottanity tut pr )M to lay rn. of Ustr. A tor fool porticolars.

Maryland. ClTt Dssr-BCToa'a New-York. IW VOTICE to RACT1 il PROPOSALS, directed to Denies Ilelavea. City In i lor and iuJersad with Iba name of the bidder written thereon, and the Propnaela tor exclusive right years to remove ail the night aoil of thia city and for carry Ina away all th? coutenta o' the rfakt and prlvtee." oil! be re oetted at the orK-e of the ity Inspector. No.

1 uulij the INh day of November it al lln'flvi, nooa at arhteh time the will bo publicly opened, for the right aad perform aaaaW ua following ti aBl adopted hy the Koa'd al Aldermen. August 1. by Hoard of I ouoctin.ea. 12, and approred hy the Mayor sVpteaiber to wit: Resolved. That the I Inapector he an.) he ia hereby directed to advertise for for tha exclusive right for five yean to remove all the night soil of this city, and for carrying sway all i i -iiika and prialea.

hoth liquid and solid uiattor hereof, bevond the jurisdiction of the Police Cocnmisaiooera of this State, without nuisance, under tile foiiowiux restrictions and specifications, to wit: The contractor to proviTe every night ta the year veseela at each and every dock set apart lor that par pose, the aggregate tnnnage of which vessels shall not be than tuns burden, to receive, retaio aad tr sea? port beyond the harbor ail the of the scavenger's carte. Stich easels to be of proper alie to receive said contents at any state of the I Idea, and said vessels to be tight-decked and prapax ly bnlkheadcd. with covered hatchways and tight hatches, which be closed except between the hours of ten at night and sun rtae In the momim The contractor ahull not use any dumping scow or vessel, nor he deposit or permit any of the contents to tlow from said vessel into the river within the jurisdiction of the Pilot Com? missioners, nnder the penalty as prescribed by the laws of the State, of one hundred dollars for each and every offense The contractor and las sureties to become bound to bold harmless, and to be lialde to tha corporation, and to all persona interested, including scavengers in the performance of their work, lor any penalty, expense or damage which may arise from the neglect or default of asld contra, tor to furnish proper and siurhcaeut boats at each and every wharf or dock, as above reouirwd. All or bids received, to be, without delav trtns ndtteu to the Common Council for act ion thereon. The con? tractor will required to file aeenrity.

by two or freeholders. In the City of New-Yoik. to the amount of twenty thousand for the faithful performance of hia contract. If the contractor shall neglect or refnae to execute hla contract, or to furnish proper and sufficient boats at each aud every dock, to be of the tunnage above mentioned, for said service, withia forty-oiaht houra sftrr notice of the action the Common eil relativ? to the award of said contract to hioi. it will be dc. that said contract has been abandoned, in accordance with section 38 of the amended charter of 1HJ7, and the same immediately be readvertised and relet. tha difference or loss to the Corporation to he sued for and recovered against the person making default, and bis sureties. The right being hereby reserved to reject anT and all proposals or rece'ved. If deemed to the tntereet of the Corporation. Blank forma of proposals and estimates can bo obtained on application to the i ity Inane, trr 11A NT K.I.

E. DEL IVAN, City Inspector. TV and partr already established in the Sewing Machine buainess (which Is of a pp'tiiehle natiiel is de-lrou? of eiteuding the same, hy forming STOCK COMPANY. An excellent investment gusr am. i Wim MAI BIKE, Box No.

a MM WIIaL wtj IeOANED fRP sHtwtjM, to a party of good reputation, would I've ample aecurity for the money, and aalarv te the lender for hia aemcei la thabusiness. A idress elTKRLINO. with real name. Box No. IM Tribun? Office.

Uoarb anb tiooma. delightful location, Broadway and No. 133 8th opposite Mercantile Library. BOA KD. with superior suites of IMS.

tor families also ens for siugle Oeutlemen. Convenient distance for walking to ousi HM; immediate vi. inity cf principal hotels, amusements, terms reasonable. Ijnnoi-o to tut. I VJ 4-ntory HOUSE, on Eaat will rent to May 1.

wi'h privilege of rruting thereafter. Inquire of E. P. HAD. No.

AM 3d av. 0 UPPER PART of the nve story white marble BITLDINO No. S33 Broadway. to WILLIAM TAYLOR, No. SM Broedwav, or to TAYLOR, No.

Sbi Broadway TO of apcoud FLOOR, and part of third, in houae No. 98 We't RM at containing al) the modem improvements. Good chance lor a small tauiiiy to keep bouse. Inquire on the premises. TO RENT LOW.

forth7Wmtvr, or hmayif, if wanred, a neat COTTAGE, in the village af PTuthing, L. few iniutites'walk from the Railroad Depot. Situation pleas? ant and healthy. Apply to D. 8.

WILLIAMS, No. 107 Chain bers-st. VACANT LOT to the north side of Morton near Weat-at. The Lot is 25 twt in width by 123 feet in depth. The Lot will be leased from cue to six years.

Mi -y to T. MACPARLAN A SON, No. 180 loth near tha IJonscs nnb CUiintcir. IVAM I in NEW-VOKK. or RROOKLYN, Ts PAI TI IR1, or portion o' asxo, with or without power.

Address Baa No. -AWl N. V. Pi -t NRea, I ticol for Col KV BEAT for SAKE itOBANOE, N.J., i et taming from 6 to 2sj acres, on tha mountain side, near to the depot, and ona hour's ride from New-York City. Tha build luga srs of first class, new, large, aud in complete order.

All the latest iu.provemeuta. and pure, soft spring water introduced throughout. are handsomely lai.t out, ornamented with Hees, abrabrsan, aud a fins fountaiu. Fruit in great abund? ance. Apply to l.l'flLOW, PATTON a No.

If Wllliaaa-at. CHI RL'H lor 1 irat Univerealirt Society of Brooklyn, wishing to remove to a poaiti at more, within the center ol their parish, utter for SALK their present e.iirii e. at the corner of Monroe-place and Clark-st. It ia a hand? some Gothic Church, hv 75 feet, built of brown stone. For ternia apply to MORRIS REYNOLDS, No.

210 Washington or to CALEB BARaTOW, No. 20 IKTIESS COUNTY FARM for FARM cf the late Col. V'andarbilt. bM on tho Hudson River, lour south Po having river front of nearly half a of S. H.

MILLS, No. 192 Chambers at. baaaiitiliil COTTAGE FARM, a rea, with t. teneila and Ftrnitura. in a pleasant Til? laga, 19 n.iiea from New York.

Possession immediate. EDDY fc SI Liberty tt, N. T. FOR SALE for HOOTS and SHOES, or HOI'SK and LOT, No. KM near WlUiamsburgh.

Also, handsome RESIDENCE with 2 LOTS, on tha N. W. cornerFgciac st aad Brooklyu. Also, a FARM in Iowa. 8.

2ir9 Fulton Br.oklyo. FASHIONABLE SUMMER HOTEL tiTs -The BALDWIN HOUSE at Lake Mahopac. ia offered for BALE. Accouimodstea AM gueata, with Stable and Carriage room. Garden in complete order (vegetables and fruits! in all respects.

Inquire un the premises, or of J. P. PIRSSON, No. Wall at. FOR BALE, by S.

EDDY A No. SI Liberty opposite tha I'oat The following LOTS, that will pay largely as an investment or speculation Lois on JtL from 3fith at. nortbwvd to Harlem River. LOTS on Madlaou. Lexington.

3d. 4th. and 8th avs. LOTS batween 4th Sth fgoni 33.1 st. northward.

Also, aixentire blocks fronting on and near CENTRAL PARK, and a number of LOT? lu the vicinity of Harlem. If OR CHURCH PROPERTY, cor nor of Madison and said property cuosiat ing of tO fsst of ground on by 57 feet on Madl witba good aubatantial brick edifice thereon; tarch being thoroughly repaired aud pain'ed one yeag ago. For particulara, inquire of T. H. ALLISON, corner of Grand aud FOR VERY story high atoop Hol II in batween 6th and 7th asa and near Broadway, with all the modem site: 17x30.

Apply te ANDKbW LESTER 4 Co. 10J Chamber? st, SALE or DW1 I LINO HODBB8, with acres of good Land and ritenaive Water Power: 80 miles from the City of New-York. Also, 400acres Wooo snd. I. M.

MILLER. No. 28 Pine-at. SALE or EXCHANGE-for Hardware? a FARM, beautifully situated at Morriatown, N. J.

Com? fortable dwelling, good outbuilding and fences, with a ehoi -e variety of fruits 4r. For particulars, iuquire of JOHN AN No. 4if Montgomery-st, Jersey City. FOR and Itaavrnfut hrown atoae HOUSE, No. Ill Lawreu e-aL.

Brooklyn, second d.or rrom Fulton contains 1J rooms, with ali the modern Improvements; will be sold cheap; part can remain. Appfy to C. A. PEASE No. 3ta Broadway.

FOR SALE at T-rr da airsbU RESIDENCE, in a good, healthy situa.csx. a.ra manding a lue view of the aad couuining al the ad vantages of town aad country lot lot) by 230 feet, fronting oa MM Liberty-at. well sapplsrd witb choice fruit and ante mental 43 by feet well built, capitally arranged, and witb all the modern conveniences; Tenant liouae the roar. For rurtUr t(J MARY SMART, oa rbe pr.misea. cr to JOHN W.

MASON, No. Pine N. Y. TOR SALE or EXCHANGE, lor CITY PROP -R ARM in heraung County. 44 miles from El mi-a.

on tke York and Erie lUiiroad. containing all improved, except abent 40 acres, which ia oovered with tim? ber, the are ample, and in good repair; dweRlag. bouse new md worth at least The stock and fartaaaw Blenails 11 be sold with Iba land if required an.) posasjasioa Eivon at otate Inqoire of T. P. WAY.

No. It YYaaAirigtea Mat or ot W. B. OAKLEY, ou the LO'TS for ou Broadway Mow Stfth-at. to Lots on Broadway, between 39th and Satk-sas.

7 Lots ca west of Jth-av. 10 Lots on east of Mad.son-av. 2 Lota oa between Mh and 7th ava. Lota on loth-ev and Steh-at. Lota on list between 3d and 4th ava.

4 Lota oa tath-st west of eth-av 2 Lota 29x140 each ot, tlat near Madison sv. 1 Lots to Mth at, 120 feat weat or Broadway R. G. PIERCE, No- PlrS5 SALK in ALL SOULS CilURCTI, olthf the church i foar be ao.d tt a low price to an Immediate purchaser Addres. HotSf, CHARLES H.

SHAW AND LAND AOlvwTB, 17 IW at iw St. Latets, Oive etient tou lew I of mcoey sal WILD I 8ALK. 84 Lonla RaraaawCM (by swrtulseisa): Charles Tillrusu, Yeetmaa. esq Derby Daw, A Muoa, F. O.

M. D. L. ceees, t'Mid. Prwtt ti Aaaiertoa A WeUaat, i raifd-aA.

UHNa, Km aad of Real ma aad re tar-in afld bars at aad CVLTITXT8D L.VNaW far Jnetrnction. PAIN E'S Wntin? and Aotvt. No. 63 Howery, eats.

N- aa I Na lag Pat Msdetsta receive I avaataa iMiaaa aa Writing and AnihV or BooaUeepuig un.lmlted) tat Bath, riling Lataaaa ta private roouta t. 16 Uaaaoaa A MEN IA SEMINARY, Atnwiia, New-York Rev. OAOK. A. Priaetpot.

Wats. cleat ROARDIN'O SCHOOL for both aaxea. Tttrata lew. Ott etilen aeat upon application. BOOKKEEPING.

BUSINESS WRITING, ARITHMETIC-Mr. DOLBKAR. No BrotJtraf. sriveepnvsteleeeoneto prepare feotlamea sxractb aUy for baak Mr. D.

to remove or trembling freta hand. Private hweoaa, full Course, SIR Pahiic Has at, BM. Two seats vacant. RSTOW "SEMINARY. At COOPKRSTOWN, ft.

T. 17KKNCH PROTESTANT BOARDING tvatj DAY 84 HOOL for YOUNG LADIES. No. Waat leak KKETT will reopen hot School for the i lie year on WEDNESDAY, Sept A ponctua) attesjdaaste of the pupils is perttoulery requested. Application may be otsvie to Mrs.

personally ot by let tar. at Cue aheve IRVING If. A BoardituT School 'or HOYS The Forty fourth serni aaaatat session will commence oa WEDNESDAY, Nor 1 tried tea mar be obtained of W. W. ROSE No.

tie) Cedar-st. and of 3. P. YORK, No Murray N. also, by applying to the Pent cipaL I ROWK.

M. A. JO II A ('Ml' I. '9 FRENCH aad KNOLISH SCHOOL. Na tun Uroadwan.

corner of reopenton MONDAY. Sept- Miss SARAH BEDOWICK (forrue-rly of 9th st the Prisaary Da pertment with her weil known ability at rewea'e. No. Christera'a. No.

and l.ockweed'a. No. 411 thread way. Arrangement, made for JOHN MAC MILLEN takua thm opportunity of ttatiiif that, iu consequence of the Primary and Junior Do. of School being full, he eaa no mere in tlio.e Jepartmenta The names of applicants will, however, he regiatered in the order of application aad in that order of auy vacancies that may occur.

There are sttli twe ve. fancies In the Senior Department. Tlio.e or gutrdtttaa 1: i ay wi.h their tont or wards to accompany htat iu hit saaa mar tour of three mouths to Europe ate requested to seud la their at their rarlieat convenience ia order that a prrpeat tory course of reading may be pcinted out MOI'NT WASHINGTON imstitu rs, No. 21ft tth it. (corner of Macdougal-et), on Washkuetea tquire Measra.

CLARKE Ii ANN I NU. Patvciraia. Male of all aces are received aad instructed at tat branches preparatory to or oollege R. GEO. C7ANTHON LASSM AL, FRENCH (with tavmnasium under Speei.l I'ea.

her), No T.l Uroadway, corner ot lith reopent Sapt. 5. Ii ultra with fisll deiaaW and roll of at RAVOOI.IMI'Na Broadway, at ISTER.N No. Broadway, st Na MS 2d tv and at the School. There is a Departmeut tor boys trass 6 to a years old.

ARSH 8 )ENTIN(e-ROOMM, Pat Practice and Inatruction la BOOKKKKP1NO AND Ht -INK'S AFFAIRS. No. 341 Hroadway. Applaton's Bud.ling. Clrculart with full on application.

MARSH'S COMPT.KTK WORKS, new and beaotiftd edj lions, printed in colors, for sals. NORWICH Winter Seeslon of this Boarding for Bovt aa the 2d of November. Its apecial advantages comprise a delight? ful location, pleasant and first class educartastal Terms, in per quarter. For circulars, A aaV drea, the Principal, the Rev. J.

A. SAXTON, Norwich. Cona. tt BERTHET? SCHOOL. No.

81 East coraer of Broadway, wfl reopen Sept, are prepared for college and'be counting Ail the modern languagsa are taught by native profeesors, aad motte department French is alwayt spokea. There ia a primary de? partment under an einertencaM teacher, uoatlsn at Lockwood Bookstore. No. til Broadway. Dr.

I. i ll ET, in accordance with the wishes of msat of his Cornier pupils, will rawume bia private lesson snd adak ki Krem after o'oiock In the evening. For en ply at School K. E. I.

THE WINTER TERM of the ROt ELAND KKMALB INSTITUTE, at Nynck, on the Hudson, will mmenee Nov. M. For aduiuvaioo, or circulars full par-i. ulars, addre-ta ta D. C.

F. MANSFIELD. Principeia. INS 1 1 1 1 I can bs obtained at E. OOODENOl Book N.

Y. oroi A. NEWMAN, A- PriaoipaU UNIVERSITY iteEri. mary. Commercial and Classical Departments, Sept.

13. Far Circulars call oa the Janitor, laaas Ferris. Chsuoellor nivurslty. I PER VE brick binMnioa ')? I tor ladies and gentlemen. The heat, eheape.t.

aad best sustained HO AR Dl.NO SEMINARY in the.state la FORT EDWARD INSTITUTE," N. the Rev. Joseph K. King, A. Principal.

Winter term. 1. Bead for a catalogue. 5 I SQUARES the billa ol a BOY at K. W.

1 BE( Kwnu for tve months ftom Nov. 1. The are liberal? on the hotel on all othera In every reepeetj and have learned here that became discouraged elaewbere. atyle of IIUOI. KI R.MTI UK.

msn.ifa. and by N. JOHNSON, No. 490 Hudson N. Y.

lUuatratod CircaUars i.rwarded. on appllcatlnn. by mall or otherwise. Danring ADODWORTH" DANCING ACADEMIES, a No. 806 Broadway, New York, No 137 Montague-pleoe.

Brooklyn. MONDAYS and THURSDAYS, TUESDAYS and FRIDYAB in Brooklyu. WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS, in N-w York CLASSES OPEN AT ALL TIMES KOR HEOINNBRS. Quarter commences from the brat lesson taken. Private Class for Ladies at 11 a m.

Seventh edition ef Dad worth's work on Dancing, and for the use of bis pupils, just kt usd. Private, Family, or School Classes attended. Cireulaxa at either Academy. toebbing Carba, iVotefl, WEDDING EVF.K DELL'S, No 202 Broadway, corner Notea, arda, Die most elegant In the city stv tablubed AT No. Broad mene of WEDDING reosotly stecuted.

of Churches in New-York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, and Hoetoa, eagraved in the highest atyle of the art. Orders seat by express to any part of the country. SATIN TIE, for Wedding Cards. Call and ase. Broadway, cor.

Dusts eigener). JOHN HOOPER A CITY COUNTRY ADV KT ISIN QAQ kt CY, No. 41 Park row, New York, TIMES BUILDING. Liberal will he made with ADVERTISERS, and their favors ptomptly inaertad in any NEWSPAPER eulAiaaVes1 in the UNITED STATES or CANADA, at the eW Unr? est prices. la mads to Messrs.

HORACE ORKELET Ca Stiitioncrn anb Seinen BARD BROTHERS cV Man.ilart.irHia fMILD PENS. PEN aad PENCIL CASES, No. 21 Matidaer larie. New-York. Mauefaotory, Brooklyn, Conn.

Oold repaired or exuhanged. SPORTSMEN and GENTLEMEN of Um ARMV snd B. SOLOMONS, No. Alee marie Piccadilly, opposite the York Hotel, London, England. Portability combined with great power in the Field.

RacseCourtsa, Opera and geuerai out-door day and night powerful pocket Pertpeetive Glasses, weighing only ounces each, ooa tsinlng 12 and 111 constructed of Oerrnsn guvss; will diatinctly a person, to know him, at 3tj aad miles. They seres every purpose on the Coarse and st the Opera Country scenery and ship, are clearly seen at 8 to 10 miles. Thaf are also invaluable for Shooting. Deerstalking and Ytyhtieg. Her 1 Majesty's Coast Guards are making nse of them aa day and night glasses.

The most powerful and brilliant posaining sueh extraordinary power that toms Inchss, with an extra trooomical eye-pieee. will a how diatinctly Jupiter's moons. StsV ara's rings, and the doable stars With the sarae Parson can be aeen aad known distant, aad an object from It to 16 AH the above can he bad of larger snd si tlzes with iucressing powers, and are secured by her Royal Lett rs Patent Sent by or post. JANES, STATIONERS. PRINTERS, and BLANK-BOOK MAS I FACTI RERS.

No. Fulton St. Ordera reapectfully rinting. AT WM. EVERDELL A SONS, No.

104 Fal ton-st Wedding, Viaitiag aad Card Engravers Steam Job Printars, I ilhiajapk and Mswae AT WM. EVERDELL SONS, Woddtn? Malting Cards. Church and At Home Notes, Kuvoleyes. he Paper and Fluvelopee with plain or cniormt tuttiala. CHIP CARDS, new No N.

T. CARDS, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, and daactlptloo of JOB PRINTING, in good at low for CASH, at FH AIR No. 22 Beek man rlREE SECOND-HAND SAFES Air SALE, WILDEB'S aad HERRING'S PATENTS. Also, largs-aiaed Jeweler'. Seie.

st Ne. IWdsa bioa.

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