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Denton Journal from Denton, Maryland • Page 4

Denton Journali
Denton, Maryland
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FITZWATBH. D.D.. at the Brenlac School. Moodr Blblt In- of ChlCBKD.) lilt. Newipaper Union.) Lesson for February 1 THE VINE AND THE BRANCHES LESSON TEXT--John GOLDEN that abldeth In me, and I In same brlngeth forth much 16:6.

PRIMARY TOPIC--Being Friends of 1 JUNIOR TOPIC--The Vine and the Branches. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC--Fruit-Bearing Lives. TOUNQ PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC--Union With Christ. Under the beautiful allegory of the vine nnd the branches Jesus set forth the spiritual oneness of Himself and His disciples. 1.

The Relationship of and the Father to the Disciple (vv. 1-8). 1. Jesus the Source of the Disciple's Life (v. 1).

He la the true vine. Through the Incarnation Jesus Identified Himself with humanity, and bf virtue of His atoning 'death and resurrection It Is possible for the believer to be a partaker of His life so that between the disciple and his Lord there Is a community of life. As the Tine pours Its life Into the branch, so Christ pours His life Into the believer. Our salvation Is eternal life because It Is the life of the eternal Son In us. 2.

The Father Has In His Hands the Discipline of the Disciple (v. 1). The "Father Is the husbandman." Just as the culture of the vine Is In the. hands of a husbandman so the discipline of the believer's life Is In the hands of the Father. In this disciplinary process he (a) Removes the unfruitful branch (v.

2). He does not take the trouble "to prune the fruitless branch. The nominal church member, the mere professor, He removes. (b) Purges the fruitful branch thnt It may produce more fruit (v. 2).

He restrains our natural tendencies and desires In order that the virtues of the Lord, the fruits of tbe Spirit, may shine forth. 3. Tbe Instrument by which the pruning Is accomplished Is Jesus' words (v. -8). The disciples already were cleansed by Christ's words, for Judas the-traitor had been cast out If the believer's life Is to be fruitful In character and service the pruning knife, Christ's wards, must be Intelligently and regularly applied.

II. Tho Conditions of Fruit Bearing (w. 4-7). The snpreme object In pruning, the. culture of the vine, Is fruit, 1.

Abiding In Christ (w. 4-0). As the branches draw sap and life from the vine, so believers must abide In Christ, from whom they derive their purity, strength and wisdom. Indeed, It Is a mutual abiding, the disciple In Christ and Christ In the disciple. It Is Christ's life expressing Itself through the believer.

The one thus In dwelt by Christ will bear much fruit So great Is the displeasure of the Lord with lifeless, unfruitful branches that they are to be "cast forth," "withered," even burned (v. 6). 1 1 Christ's Words Abide In Us (v 7). So mighty Is the. power of the one who abides in Christ and in whom His words abide that Heaven can withhold no gift from him.

III. The Blessed Issue Fruitful Life (vv. 8-17). 1. The Glorification of the Father (v.

8). Through much fruit-bearing, the Father will be glorified (Matt. 2. Credentials oHDIscIpleshlp (v. 8).

only way to prove that one Is child pf God Is to manifest the characteristics of God In one's acts and service. 3. Abiding In Christ's Love and Keeping His Commandments (vv. 0, 10). The way to abide In Christ's love Is 'to keep His commandments.

Theone who neglects the words of Christ is destitute of Ills love. It Is folly to talk of being In the love of Christ while disobeying His teachings. 4. Fulness of Joy (v. 11).

The way to have fulness of Joy Is to have Christ's Joy In us. 5. Loving one another (vv. 12, 13). The pne who abides In Christ and has the life of Christ flowing Into him will live a life of love, will love his fellowman, especially his brother In Christ.

0. Friends of Christ (vv. 14, 15). Christ's friends do He commands. Belns thus obedient He takes us Into confldence and makes known unto us the Heavenly Father's will! 7.

Perpeutal Fruit-Bearing With Power hv Prayer (vv. 10, 17). Patriotic Organization The Army and Navy Union of the United States waa organized on March 31, 1888. Peter Lacher of Cincinnati, Ohio, on February received the response and co-operation of 30 meu, through a notice In the press. On that date a temporary organization was formed and adjourned to meet later In the month, February a permanent organization was effected and styled as "The Bcgular Soldiers' Union." v.

Cure for Unrett By adding about a couple more of sleep each night, and about three hours more of work a day, we about 00 per cent of the unrest In this country would be disposed of. --Houston Post Dispatch, Physical Vigor Physical weakness is not a spiritual' power. All other things considered, the imm or woman who enjoys physical vigor will be able to accomplish more than those who ore puny and UL i 'How Many? "How many people," says Jeremy Taylor, "are busy In the world gathering together a handful of thorns to sit upon!" i Our- Fears "What we fear most Is not today's trouble, but that which may happen tomorrow. "Dumb Love A dumb love Is only acceptable from lower Van Dyke- Two Sparrows and Christ By REV. GEORGE E.

GDILLE Dtpirtment. Moody Initltute, Chicago. TEXT--Then shall the priest command to take for him that la to be cleansed two birds alive and and cedar wood, and scarlet, and hyssop: And the priest shall command that one at the birds be killed In a vessel of earth over running water: As for the living bird, he shall take It. and the cedar wood, and the scarlet, and the hyssop, and shall dip them and the living; bird In the blood of the bird that waa killed over the running water: And he shall sprinkle upon him that Is to be cleansed of the leprosy seven tlmea, and shall pronounce him clean, and shall let the living; bird loose Into the open 14M-T. "Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing?" But who could want two sparrows, even at such an Insignia- cant cost? The leper In Israel, for they were the divinely appointed a of cleansing hla terrible malady.

But more: they were the figures chosen of God to set forth the work of His Son In the cleansing of sin, Rev. Q. E. Gulllo. of leprosy Is the, well-known symbol.

Leprosy, breaking out from within, foul, hideous, loathsome; diagnosed and pronounced upon by the high priest; and Incurable save by divine Intervention --God's very synonym for sinl Sin, that Is "from within, out of the heart of man" I Sin, so sinful that even "the thought of unrighteousness Is -sin," hateful to a holy Gpjl and pic- by --Hlia as "wounds and bruises and putrefying Sin, as to whose nature our Great High Priest has pronounced, His awful death showing how alone God could deal with It I Sin I Ob, who can find a remedy for this horrible thing? God done so, and In this ordinance of the cleansing of the leper He tells how In type and shadow. Two birds were required to portray the work of Christ for the sinner's cleansing. Down from heaven must He come to die, and risen, go back whence He came. Thus, of the two birds, belonging to the one must be killed In a vessel of earth over running wafer. This vessel of earth for the bird of heaven to die.

In Is eloquent of that "body," which, says Christ, "hast Thou prepared Me," and the living water, constant symbol of the Holy Spirit, proclaims the Splrlt-fllled humanity Into which "the Lord from heaven." came down to die for men. "This treasure In earthen vessels," and "Who by the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God" are Scriptures that, like eye-" salve, clear our vision here. Now, the living bird must be Identified with the dead one. Dipped In Its blood It Is 'released Into the open heavens from which It has come, bear- Ing back this memorial of the lowly death, endured for uncleanness not Its own. And thus does God manifest HJs acceptance of that work of' Christ In death which'Is the Justification and cleansing of the believing sinner to whom It Is applied.

"He was delivered for our offenses, and raised again for "our "With His own blood He entered once for all the holiest, having obtained eternal precious, inestimable witness of what His death accomplished, ever before the eye of our Godt 1 But before the living bird Is set free, the effects for the leper of the death of the other are seen. With the liv- ing'bird, cedar and scarlet and hyssop are dipped In the dead bird's blood. "Solopon spoke of from the cedar that is In Lebanon even unto the hyssop that sprlngeth out of the wall" (I Kings Nature's highest and lowest and all the glory of the world--of which the scarlet tells-are here seen to be stained with the blood of our L'ord'whom the world has I crucified and stain. And In this parf of the ordinance the apostle's words are ringing again In our ears: "God forbid that I'Should glory, save In the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ whereby the Is crucified unto me and. I unto the world." Then the blood is sprinkled upon the leper and be Is pronounced clean.

And not until this is done Is the live bird freed. Christ's death It Is that has purged our sins. His ressurrectlon and ascension are the proofs of God's acceptance of It on our behalf and of Its perfect results for ourselves. And now, the living bird gone back to its' heavens, the cleansed leper becomes a new man standing in a new place Washing his person and' his garments) he takes his place again In the camp among the people of God. The garments speak.

In Scripture, of the, "habits." And how wondrously and suddenly these are changed In cleansed, forgiven sinner! He is no longer the man he was, as every- ona can see. The new life," received with his cleansing, manifests Itself In a walk of holiness. And no more outside, a stranger and foreigner, he Is' now a "fellow citizen with the salnte, and of the household of God." The Great Need The locomotive will never move until the water reaches the" boiling point, nnd yet we expect church without enthusiasm to move a world Into the arms of God. A lukewarm church Is like a stalled locomotive--they both need nnd Presbyter. Tests Are Thorough Desldes testing alt kinds of timepieces, freezing them nnd baking them in ovens, our government takes watches apart and breaks them so that they may be repaired by applicants for watchmakers' certificates.

Pencil Work Little Bessie admitted her sister's caller and after entertaining him a few moments went upstairs. Presently she returned. "Sister's nearly ready," she reported.J'she's Just writ- Ing on her eyebrows." Early French Romance The romance of "Aucnssln nnd In verse and prose, la 1 by critics to be the finest French fiction of the Middle oges. It was written In I the Thirteenth century and Is very short. Too Gloomy Mrs.

Wombat has this to say of Hamlet: "He may be a nice young feller, and he's hod trouble. But I wouldn't want him around tho house." --L'oulsvllle Courier-Journal. Served Turn Only as Symbols of Kindness Mr. Smith, writes n. contributor to tho Youth's Companion, had made a particularly good catch of blnck boss.

Mrs. Smith'picked out a ulce big one and sent one of the boys with It over' to tlielr neighbors in the adjoining camp. "We won't bothur to clean It for them," she said, "because that big buy of theirs can do It Just us well us we 1 A few duys Inter the grateful neighbor, not to be outdone, returned the favor by bringing across to the Smith's buck door nice Juicy raspberry plo freshly made from the wild raspberries growing In the woods behind the camps. That day tho storekeeper across the luke had his weekly shipment of lee cream from the city, und none of the Smiths felt much like cut- ins Pie. The next day they nil went on a trip down the stream, nnd the third day when the pie wns It had become so soft and soggy that everyone refused to touch It.

Wrapping It up carefully In a newspaper, so that no one should sec Mrs. Smith gave It to young Tom and asked him to take it out in the woods und bury It. The next morning Mr. Smith went out to dig worms for his day's fishing. As he the moist brown earth there, lying side by side, symbols of neighborly kindness, were the black boss am) the raspberry plel New Microscopes That Have Marvelous Potoer The great world of little tilings revealed by the microscope is about to become greater still, for new Instruments have been invented which have enormously Increased the magnifying power which Is at man's command.

News of a new microscope which will magnify an object over 000,000.000 times, or 25,000 diameters, has Intely come from two sources at once. One such instrument 1ms been Invented by Doctor Siedentopf of the famous Zelss firm of Jena; another, capable of giving even greater magnification, has been perfected by N. D. Chopra, a British metallurgist, who has already solved with It the problem of avoiding corrosion In tram mils, a discovery which will save enormous sums of money in nil countries. A good microscope of moderate power will magnify, an object about 000 diameters, or 300,000 times in square measure.

Such a magnification ns this is difficult to Imagine, but some Idea of the power of the new Instruments may be gathered from the fact that tennis bull, if It could be viewed through, them, would appear about one and a half miles iu Magazine, London. All Art Combination of Hands, Brain, and Heart In ono of Ruskln's essays he talks about art, nnd points the difference between manufacture, craft und art. How would you define them? What does "niunufncture" intnin? You know from your music lessons us well as from your Lntln lessons, thot "nmnus" means hand, nnd "fa'cto" means do, or intike. Therefore, manufacture is to make with the hands, says a writer In London Times. Nowadays, however, machines huve been Invented to help the hiind.s, and thus more can be made In given time.

The fine Work of the brain IB not required but Is left to others uho show the-workers what to do. Craft, he tells us, Is anything tlnit Is done with the hands nnd the brain; GO more mental control Is' required "and skill results. Thus ench worker depends upon his own brain untl Invents Jils own methods of producing results, ami executes his owii'ldwis. Art, asserts, is that which Is produced fry the hands, brain und heart. Thus, painting, sculpture nnd music, are on a higher plane been use they require the co-opcrutlon of the head and henrt (soul or spirit, some may prefer to call It).

Nothing can be called real art which Is produced only by the hand and head; although it may be very clever, precise or skillful. It lacks the Inner appeal--the appeal of the Many Ingenious Ways of Ascertaining Time In the'Sixteenth century, In polished Parisian society, there cume into vogue the etiquette of the wutcli. One of the rules was that It should not be consulted In the salon, such an act being taken as an Indication that the owner was tired of his company. An ingenious watchmaker therefore brought out a watch with raised figures und a fairly solid hand. When the owner wished to know the tltne he slipped a surreptitious finger Into his pocket, passed It along the pointer and rend the hour as the blind mnn reads Braille.

The watch with the luminous dial, from which the time may be told In the dark, had a number of strunge prototypes. One of the most curious was the timekeeper by a celebrated member of the French academy, M. de Vlllayer. He had constructed a clock which, face upwards, was attached to the head of his bed. In the place of the figures marking the hours, there were small cups which, sunk Into the dial, und were filled with 12 kinds of spices.

In tlie night U. de Vlllayer would moisten a finger, pass It along the pointer, dip It Into the cup to which It pointed and taste the spice. The cinnamon might stand (for three o'clock, nutmeg for four o'clock and so City Times. Mirage Produced by -'Passage of Light Rays Tho mirage Is an optical illusion hi which Images of distant objects are seen as If Inverted or raised tn the air, says the Detroit News. This phenomenon was first explained by a Frenchman who went with Napoleon on his first expedition In Egypt, where mirages are very common.

The phenomenon Is due to the rays of light being changed In their direction when passing through colder or hotter strata of air. Layers of air In contact with the surface of deserts become greatly expanded nnd rarefied, while those Immediately above remain denser, thus causing the light rays to be bent upward. However, over water the condition Is Just the reverse. The layers abovo are than those nest to When an object appears to be lifted above. Its real position In the phenomenon It ls called looming.

In the case of looming the reflection is from the sky while In ordinary mirage It Is from the earth, ailrnges are common In Egypt, Persia, Turkestan, California, Nevada and Alaska. 8 SCHOOL DA1JS I The Appleion Family, Mr. Lrunder Join Appletn MM. Ljttaitr Join Appletea Mlti Dijief Maymt Appleton Mtitcr CbkiDKey Dtrerc Appleion OFTEN happens on a morning there Is extra work at home that Diiysey Muyme Appleton Is overcome wllli a desire to Go Forth Into the World, und Do Good, and she usually yields to this noble Impulse by hunting up some one who Is afflicted with poverty and sickness. Sometimes site takes a truer, and other times slip goes empty-handed to cheer the afflicted with her optimism.

She recently visited a woman who had suffered the misfortune to fall and break both her arms. Uaysey Moyme gazed at the poor creature with both arms In -lillnts, nnd the teurs came to her eyes. Hut there is no situation too dark for Diiysey Muyme to cheer. "You have much to be thankful for," she suld to 'iht! woman. "Jfou have two good, strong legs left to run to fires." i When Mrs.

Lysnnder John Appleton cleans house, she does the work so thoroughly that articles are lost which are not found In three months. She claims the proud record of onco having cleaned the parlor so thoroughly thnt yluss cane of stuffed birds was not found In ten years. There Is bond of sympathy between Lysunder John nnd his son, Chuuiicey Duvere, borti of a desire to satisfy the women-folks, und the failure to do so, which they hardly kuow exists. They hu've never many found fault with the women- folks, being timid In their presence, and loyal In their absence. But Mrs.

Appleton untl Dnysey Muyme don't know of this loyalty. "What," they will ask when they see son nnd father together, "ure they conspiring now?" Dnysey Mayine Appleton was recently thut she Is an experienced traveler, though the neighbors any WHS never In sleeping car hut once In her life. "I am so used to imvel," snld Dnysey Mnyme, "that I win go Into pullmiin dressing room hold possession I with nineteen women pounding on the door." George Adams.) Pastor Easily Supreme Three small boys were talking about their fathers. The son of a writer said: "My father Just writes a few words on a piece of paper and gets $25 for it." "Oh," said tho' lawyer's son, "my daddy Just sits In a and tells people what to do, and they give him $50 for It." "That's nothlnsr," said the parson's son. "My dad gets up In the pulpit, preaches for a few minutes, and when he's finished It takes eight 'men to carry the money to the vestry." tie Young Across the Way Tim yiniiiK Inily ucross the way mure can't do It at all nnd sugar Is considerably higher, In spite of the new turlft law.

by Good Stories Golfers Tell of Royal Game In 1021 on the course at Klrkfleld, Ontario, P. McGregor und II. Dowie were ull-square going to the home hole la the flnal, and when they reached the green McGregor needed to slnl; long putt to win the match. He pluyeU the ball cleverly, but It rolled around the lip of the hole. It seemed to stopped, when a large grasshopper landed squiirely on' the core and caused It to drop Into thu hole nnd decide the 'mutch In fnvor of McGregor.

Crows nnd sea-gulls frequently carry oft golf balls, sometimes dropping the hall actually on the green, stroke of fortune for the player, nnd tt Is quite a common Incident a cow lowlug a golf ball, i A golfer at Newark In May, 1007, drove the ball Into the river. The hall struck a trout two pounds In weight and killed IL The Montreal yarn about the squirrel thnt stole and hid sixty-odd golf balls against a bard Canadian winter Is more than matched by report from E. K. Dlckover, American consul at Kobe, Japan. In commenting on creasing popularity gold In Jnpan, Consul Dlckover tells solemnly of the crows that Infest the links of the Mlko club and make away with the balls, even those sticking to the Magazine.

Pretty Legend About Island in $outh Seas One of the most picturesque spots In beautiful Hawaii Is Cocoanut Island, In Hllo harbor. Tills little bit of earthly paradise possesses a mythical origin. The story runs that the deml-god Muul with his. magic hook fished the Island of Muul up from the sea and planned to Join It to the Island of Hawaii. The plan failed because ono of his brothers, who wns In the canoe with him, disobeyed a command that he must not look behind, und the Island of Maul slipped buck to Us present position on the map, and only a small piece tbereof, Cocoanut Island, remained on the hook.

In this district Is Konolale, the site of a famous temple, built many centuries ngo und reconstructed In about 1400 by King Llloa. On that occasion 2-1 human sacrifices were offered. When Llloa died, Uml nnd his half-brother Hngau both wanted to succeed him. The high priest hud the family war god at his temple, and both raced there from nearby points to secure it. Uml got there first and won the title.

In Self-Defense An eminent Vermont Judge was fond of telling the following'story: At a session of the criminal court over which he presided a man was being tried for stealing a sheep; he bad been discovered taking the dead animal home, nnd when he was arrested there was evidence that the sheep had already furnished several meals for the family. He was nsked If he had anything to say before sentence was'passed upon him. "I killed the sheep, your honor, but I did it In self- defense." "Self-defense," said the Indignant Judge. "What do you mean by such a statement?" To which the man replied: "No d--d sheep bites me and Globe. Beasts as Baggage II.

L. DiUuars tells an umuslng story of shepherding wild animals from San Francisco to Ittew York. Among them were pythons, pygmy water buffalo and two orang-outangs. Mr. Dlt- murs- was kept 1 busy protecting the opes from changes In temperature.

The larger orang had a sunny warehouse room, but shivered at night Ing given an army blanket, he soon learned to wrap up In it. The smaller oraug lived In his master's room at the hotel, "upon reluctant permission from the management." Dy the kind co-operation of the railroad nil these specimens were transported on the Overland Limited as baggage; four days' travel brought them safely i to their new home. Goad-By, Romance All through hla long spell of Illness his wife had been his devoted nurse. Often he hud. wakened In the night to find her sitting by his bedside, with soothing draughts and words of sympathy.

Now he hud turned the corner, and was well on the road to recovery. So one day he tried to thank her. "Mary, I shall never forget It," he told her. "Jfour sweetness to me through this trying time shall always be like a golden corner In my memory. Why did you do it?" lie paused dramatically, hoping to hear a whispered confession of her love being the great motive.

Instead, she replied, cnluily: "Well. Henry, who wants a widow with three children?" Used in Piano. Industry "Burning In" Is a term used to describe the finishing process used on pianos nnd furniture. A Is applied nnd burned In by means of Seated devices. This not only serves to give the article a highly polished appearance, but fills up all tbe holes and pores In the wood.

i Get Rid of That Backache! Den ton People Point the Way. The constant aching of a bad back, The weariness, the tired feeling. Headaches, dizziness, nervousness, Distressing urinary disorders- Are often signs of failing kidneys And too serious to be neglected. Get rid of these troubles! Use Doun's Pills--a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Hosts of people recommend Doan's, This is a Denton case.

You can verify it. Mrs. M. Mitchell, 8 Dry says: "My kidneys were out of fix and I could hardly bend my back or stoop and i was just as hard to straighten. I often had pharp catches in my Lack that left it with a soreness and dull aching, i Also, my kidneys acted irregulnrly.

I used Doan's Pills for this trouble and in short time, I waa free from the achea and pains. I always recommend Donn's Pills for what they have done for me." Price GOc, at all dealers. Don't Him- ply usk for a kidney remedy--get Doun's th? sume thnt Mrs. Mitchell had. Foster-Milburn Buffalo, N.

Y. i Stop Night Coughing This Simple Way "People who have persistent, annoying' coughing 1 apcJla at night, and through loss of valuable sleep arc weakening their systems and laying themselves open to dangerous infections, can stop their distressing trouble promptly by a. very slmplo treatment. Hundreds who liava hardly been able to rest at all for coughing, have gotten their full night's sleep tlia very 11 rat time they tried It. The treatment Is based on a ra- tnarkable prescription known as Dr.

King's New Discovery for Coughs. You simply take a teaspoonful at night before retiring and hold It In your throat for 15 or 20 seconds before swallowing It, without following with water. Tho prescription lias a double action. It not only soothes and heals soreness and Irritation, but It quickly loosens and removes the phlegm and congestion aru the direct cause of tho coughing. The result Is that you usually sleep as soundly as a babo the very first night, and the entlro cough condition goes in a very short time.

The prescription Is highly recommended for coughs, chest colds, hoarseness and bronchitis, and is wonderful for children's coughs and spasmodic croup--no harmful drugs. Economical, too, as the dose Is only one teaspoonful. It Is on sale at all good druggists. Ask for M. K.

Newnam Funeral Director DENTON, MD. OUR SERVICE MEANS Personal attention in every CQmplete stock Funeral Supplies Always'on Hand PHONES: Store, 130. Residence, 129. FOR OVER ZOO YEARS haarlem oil has been a worldwide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. v.correct Internal troubles, stimulate vital organs.

Three sizes. AH druggists- Insist on the original genuine GOLD MEDAL. to Creditors. This is to give notice thnt the BUD- dcriber, of Caroline 'county, has obtained from the Orphans' Court for Caroline county, in Maryland, letters of administration on the personal estate of WILLIAM J. WEBB, late of Caroline county, deceased.

All persons having claims against the said deceased are warned to exhibit the same to the subscriber, with the vouchers legally authenticated, on or before the 12th day of August, 1925, or they may otherwise, by law, be excluded from all benefit of said estate. Given under my hand this 20th day of January, 1926. HARRY E. WEBB, Administrator of William J. Webb, deceased.

FOR SALE Modern Store Best Business Block in Denton M. K. NEWNAM, Telephones: DENTON, MD. Store, 130; Residence, 129. SHOES WHOLE-SOLED I fix the rips And patch the holes, Build up the heels To save the soles.

CHARLES H. STEELMAN, Electrical Shoo Repair Shop, North 3rd Denton, Md.A Attention! Poultrymen and Others. Custom hatching exclusively. Now is the time to reserve space. Few open dates left.

First come first served. Thirty-two hundred-egK Wishbone. W. C. BECKWITH, 110 4 Md.

-SAVE YOUR MONEY One box ofTutt'iPilUuvomany Julian In doctor's bllli. A remedy for dlseaiei of the liver, tick held- ache, dyspepsia, constipation, bll- louineu; a million people endorse Tutl's Pills AND TOWN PROPERTY WANTED. 3 per cent after sold. Smith Farm Agency, 1407 W. York St, Philadelphia.

Permanent joads ore good investment --not an expense Now Is the Ideal Time to Build More Paved Highways There is not a single community in the United States that does not need a greater mileage of permanently paved roads. motor vehicles are now using our highways ior business and pleasure. They are packing the paved roads in already congested areas, as well as over-running regions until recently considered remote. And they are pounding to pieces all but permanent roads. Even though a number of states have made good progress in buildingConcrete Roads, their present permanently improved mileage is entirely inadequate, as every motorist knows.

Meantime, while the buildmgofperma- nenthighways lags, the production of motor vehicles is increasing the present total at the rate of 4,000,000 a year! Sooner or later thisgapmustbe closed. Why wait? Not in a long time have general conditions bfoi so favorable ior carrying on such public works as permanent highway building, thus assuring tax payers more for their money. Noto is the ideal time to extend both street and road programs! PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Union Trust Building WASHINGTON, D. C. -A National Organization to Improve and Extend the Ujet of Concrete i I I 2f I I Tbe GOLDSBORO BANK i NATURE HAS ARMED YOU with some faculty, some qualify, some force which enables you to do one thing better than any one else.

Are you improving your talents? Let every spare dollar do its duty--open an account with us. Interest Paid on Savings Accounts. THE GOLDSBORO BANK, MARYLAND. ROBERT JARRELL, Cashier. Stoves and Ranges BIG and LITTLE -Any size or kind for coal or wood at a price that will just you.

Have you seen the Range we are selling FOR $50.00 It is a beauty and good Of course there's no range that will compare with a Lorain Range at $65.00 Call in and look them over. NUTTLE HARDWARE COMPANY Denton, Maryland. JLUMBER Rough and Dressed, Shingles, Lath, Windows, Doors, Blinds, Lime, Hair, Cement, Coal, Hay and all kinds of BOX SHOCKS The Hughes Luniber And Coal Co. Denton, Maryland.

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