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News and Record from Greensboro, North Carolina • 6

News and Recordi
Greensboro, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

6 GREENSBORO DAILY SUNDAY OCTOBER 28 1917 WoYnans Distinctive club Af The Churches Every Inch a Shoe Store' New PERSONALS WD Jr( Buriincton an Be sure thos walls Yet it stu AA" driving and Ttr was proved i Decorator 308 1 2 Elm St Phone1 1891 (In Green Boxee Only) of E3SVES3ZZR PIANO TUNING terday to her home at Graham after a a Mann assistant Rupmntendent Preach PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST uS 0 Born son the and AROUND TOWN of )R of at meets patrol who are students at Salem college are here to spend the week end with their parents at Pomona to those who call at the A Birth is Announced to Mr and Mrs Paul Groome They reside at Groometown all "Richardson game in Char Nadine ace Powder Spring Gaidcn Street Kirkpat rick pastor Sunday school 0:45 AV A thia Lee the Miss Ijouisc Hunt who is a student of Peace institute Raleigh arrived last night for a week end virit to her par ents Mr and Mrs 1 Hunt on South Edgeworth street She wa accompanied by her classmate Miss annie natch of Kinston at Educational committee will Thursday morning at 10 opening meeting of Mies Coif a chss will be held at 4 Wild Rose patrol of girl scouts at 4 and the bunflower Mrs Morehead and Mrs I Hill of Durham were Greensboro visi tors last night Richardeon will return within the next few days from an extended trip through the western states where he has been opening up new territory for the A ick Chemical company Mrs Tx of Huntingdon Tenn is visitig her sisters Mrs owler and Mrs A owler Mr and Mrs Buehrmund of Richmond Ya are spending the week end as the guests of Air and Mrs Atkiason on Percy street Mr and Air Ruehrnuind are one of recently married couples Miss Kate Alderman left yesterday for a visit to friends at Morganton Miss Estelle Petree and Miss Eva Martin of the faculty of the Jonesboro public schools are here to spend the wtek end with their parents Mr and Mrs Dulany Smith of Bal timore Aid arc spending sometime at the home of Mrs 8 Pegg 510 North Elm street? II Itarnm Mr JJliver is the son of Mrs Oliver1 Halloween Party Planned 7 Among the interesting social events during th coming week for the younger set is a Halloween party which the 'Hustle patrol of the Girl scouts will gie riday evening nt the home of Alira Margaret Vaughn 357 Church street our Negro Boys in the Police Court Tried on the Charge of Gambling in Meat Market Basement inc by the pastor at 11 a and 7:30 Epworth Jx'asufrf at 0:30 Married Last Night 5 Mira Sarah AAall Lieut Hart were married last evening in St Matfhewa Episcopal church at Hillsboro The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Wall and well known in Greens boro having been the guest of Miss Grace Snow on several occasions Lieut Hart is an alumnus of the state univer sity Hp recently received a commission in the United States army ami i at present stationed at Camp Jackson Co lumbia ollowing the ceremony the young couple motored to Greensboro where they caught a southbound train for Columbia where they will make their home Among the out of town guests for the wedding was Snow of this city Miss Dorothy Colwell Entertains Miss Dorothy Colwell daughter of Ah and Mrs Colwell Jr entertained a number of her friends at a theater party yesterday afternoon in honor nf her 13rh birthday After an hour spent pleas antly at the moving pictures the host ess carried her guests to a drug store where ice cream and cake were served The guests were Miss rances Ha? risen Miss Mary Denny Miss Virginia Denny Miss Jrwcphine Thompson Miss Helen Stone Miss Llewellyn AVilliama Miss Josephine Thomason Miss Marjorie Cartland and Miss Edna Cartland Surprise Party Given A delightful surprise party was given to Miss Sarah Hunt daughter of Mr and Mrs Marvin Hunt riday even ing at her home Tate street hon or of her 14th birthday The affair wm turned Into a Halloween party and the young people present enjoyed many games filled with the spirit of Halloween The unexpected callers were Lynn Hunt Mies Mary Lee Watson Miss Eula itzgerald William Lowrey Miss lor ence Kirkman Miss Mary Herndon Miss Irma Sadler Miss Maggie Weaver Miss Bessie Jones Mias Lilie Adams Miss Estelle Mendenhall Alisa Hunter Roane Miss Emma Leah Matson Miss Afarv Elizabeth Hunt Grey Wheeler William Hunt Afira Margarette Taylor Joe Hunt Charles Hunt and Bruce Kirkman Tea At A Tea will be served thia afternoon from 3 to 6 Mrs A Stanley and son Stan ley Jr have gone to Siler City for a short visit to Mrs Marley Miwfc llpnripflfl Moorp nf Stmintnn Vn is visiting Sirs Reaves in the Motored to Charlotte Air and Mrs Andrew Joyner Jr Mr and Mrs Lindau and Mrs AL Umberger motored to Charlotte Thura dcy for a short stay and while there heard Secretary McAdoo speak on the liberty loan and visited Camp Greene Halloween Party The rooms of the Yonng Christian association will be the scene of a charming Halloween party next Thurs day evening to which the total member ship of 800 is invited Attended Dance A large number of Greensboro people attended the Halloween dance at Oak Ridge last night Many of the partv vent lv motor Among those going from Greensboro were Miss Virginia Lea MIm Katherine Keith Miss Jessie Keith Grav Satterfield Llovd Penny and rank Graves of the University of North Car olina George arlow AVinifred Cobb Miss Grace orney Mira Lucy Clapp Mira Margaret Bain Mira Nellie Bain Mrs Bain Clyde Cobb Earl eathurly Miss Katherine McCurry Miss Mary Patterson Joe Hendricks Miss Ruth Dillon Alisa Allie King Miss Pearl Humphrey Eugene Shaw Edwin Gordon William oushee Randolph Dillon Miss Nita Greraitt Mrs Cobb and Alls Julia Gold Dr Mother DI IXE Stamey went to Pilot Moun tain yesterday afternoon ealkd there by a mesage informing him of the crit ical illness of his agd mother i The Quality Drug Store Phones 57 and 58 Register Wallpaper KEJUVEA tes HOUSE and HOUSE Tuner for Colleges and leading teachera Hundreds of local references LOYD KENYON Greensboro Music Co Phone 438 4 Euterpe Club Program The regullr meeting of the Euterpe dub was held yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs IL Ireland on West Gaston street This year the club is making study of American music At the first meeting held a row weeks ago a program of patriotic music was ren dered and yesterday Indian music was the subject Mrs Crutchfield chairman of the program committee made an in teresting talk on the songs and stories of the Indians 8he told how they had songs for every phase of life as hunt ing danger and death sowing love ad ministering to the wants of the sick and for every occupation in life bhe stated that the Indian had no cradle song their lullaby being a low croon this being due to the fact that Indian nabtes were not rocked to sleep as those of other races Indian songs are not harmonized she stated but are sung in uutson with the one object of bringing out the feelings They possess nd notation she added but are handed down from one generation to another through being sung She declared that these aonge can be bought and sold merely through a process of one Indian singing them to another These songs are very brief beginning and ending very abruptly Mrs Crutchfield told her hearers that Indian music may be classified into that of war as of tribes and that less war like All of them she said are more or less warlike The music of the first class is harsh and shrill possessing no melody That of the second class is more melodious Indian music has been criticised by some as being without mel ody but its shrillness is due to the factthat it is sung by the red man usually out doors and against noise of the drums and ever murmuring winds va Three selections Wade Brown The the warlike Indian variety and Mrs Crutchfield played two characteristic pieces of the Omaha tribe on the piano Thpe pieces seemed to portray the lifeof the Indian of the past These early numbers werp followed by more modern compositions as follows: Sunrise Call (Troyer) Mrs Wade Brown a (at In a Haunted orest (h) Sum mer Idyll McDowell: Mrs Crutchfield and Mrs Norman Witts (aV The Land nf the Sky Blue Water(b) The Moon Drop Low from Indian sones by Cadman Mrs McKnight The program of African music which was tn have been given wa postponed until the next mcethur one number on this program lieing sung iwith Miss Kate Jonson soloist 1 1 (nt: 1 jn vjih 11 1 1 1 inr i Mi ndenhall street and Walker avenue News of the A The club of the Young Wom Christian association will meet to morrow night at The Iris patrol of the girl scouts will meet at 345 Tuesday afternoon and the Clematis patrol at 330 The work committe? will meet clock Wednesday afternoon meet The Brbl Westminster Rev Charles Hodgin pastor Sunday school at 10 and 730 Special music at hnth vikUB uuiuur nueavor at 3 30 Christian Endeavor at A cordial invitation and welcome to of these services Stewards meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30 and fourth quarter of conference riday evening at 730 Prayer meeting Wednesday at 7:30 You are invit ed to services Keeps The Complexion Beautiful Soft and velvety Money back if not en tirely pleased Nadine is pure and harm less Adheres until washed off Prevents sunburn and return of discolorations A million delighted users prove its value Tints: lesh Pink Brunette White By Toilet Counters or Mail 6Ot National Toilet Company Paris Tenn Married In Town Miss Ruth Hamm and Samuel Oliver both of Stokes county were Social otecAtL Tuesday rParlor meeting at home of Mrs A Hunter on North Elm street with Mrs A Brown of New York as at 4 Tuesdii Afternoon Euchre meets Miss Imogene Bernard Wednesday A edneaday Afternoon Book club meets wit Mrs A Brooka at her home at Irving park Thursday Thursdav Embroidery club wbh Mra easier Mrs Stamey will entertain the dub at her Home on South Edgeworth street Round Dozen Bridge club meets with Imogene Bernard Thursday Auc tion Bridge club meets with Mrs A Hewitt Thursday Afternoon Bridge club meets with Mrs Bernard Cone Thursday Red Cross Bridge club meets with Mrs John Waldrop Mira Marian Gilmer will en tertain her bridge dub at her heme nn North Edgeworth streeWriday After noon dub meets with Miss Mary Petty Saturday Gamma Tau Bridge dub meets with Miss Margaret Albright on West Gaston street The truthfulness four negro hoysi played a large parr In determining the tiricA imposed when They were tried in i police court yesterday morning for gam bling Robert Burton deniod his Delegates Are Elected At a recent called meeting of the Greensboro (hristlaii Tem perance Union the following delegates were elected to the state convention to be held at Goldsboro November 1 to 5: Mrs Scarboro Mrs razier Mrs A Hughes alternates Mrs Cotton and Mrs Ik les vk our HnmvKiPQ mniv uur real business filling prescriptions5 Drug Store Allen Mebane of Graham is week end guest of his parents Mr Mrs George A Mebane Thipps and witnessed the football lotte yesterday Miss Kate Jonra of alumnae of the State Normal college spent last night in the city attending the initiation exercises of the Adelphian Literary society of the college Tom Grantham of High Point spent yesterday in Greensboro Chapin left last night Jnr a business' trip to New York Wilbur Joyner who Is a member of the Guilford Grays now stationed at ort Caswell arrived yesterday tr spend a few leave of absence with rel atives Spend Winter Away Col Osb rn who recently re signed as United States commissioner' of internal revenue airbed here yesterday evening from Washington for a brief visit to hfe home here' Col and Mrs Osbqrn have ci gaged a residence in Washington for the winter Moffett formerly of thi city but now of Wilson spent yesterday in Greensboro en route home from Char lotte whore he attended a A DAVIDSON TAKES ONE ROM IS ELEVEN INTERESTING SPEAKER TO ADDRESS COLLEGE STUDENTS An interesting visitor to Greensboro College for Women this evening is Dr Thobum of Montclair who will speak at 7 in the chapel on the subject of the friendship fund which th1' Young Ahnstnin assn cjanon ana in i schools and colleges are to undertake to raise to $10000(10 for war work Dr 1 hoburn is pastor of the church in dair of which John Mott is i her i at dd ere ung by Mrs) Thei meeting of all members songs were of i ofr '(associationwill be held at LAVORING EXTRACTS '16 HIGHEST AWARDS INCUUPIMC GRAND PfflX PANAMA EXPO Gray that all 'Of the party wero gambling and he was let off with the' costs Na polenn Hampton said nothing until he had to and was asaerard $5 and I the cost The other negro in the game! Marshall Crite was fined 15260 and the I coats The hoys were found gambling in the basement of the South Elm street meat market riday afternoon but lied at the entrance of the police Thnv were caught later and yesterday morn big they told their etory to the court! the truthfulness varying with tha fines I imposed Arthur dhnwn who ran into WillPun with a delivery truck riday was found guilty of reckless driving and tiuod $5 and '4hecots It was proved! that he was not looking in the direction in which he wua going when the accident occurred Janies elev a httla imvnbov tried on the of ateuliDu a of Charlie King judgment being sus pended until a later date It that Watson Law the negro probation officer can find a homo for hini 7 I Henderson and IL Smith wore tried for engaging in an affray in a lo cal hotel riday night Mr Smith ap peared for trial and plead guilty re ceiving a tine of $250 and the costs Mr Henderson who lives in Graham wired that he could not present and hi case wan continued until November 1 Promptness or Your Orders Murphy Williams paator Sunday sr hool at 10 a Brandt snperin tendent Preaching at 1115 a and! 745 At the morning service the I pastor and congregation is to have pleasure of hearing Prof Jackson I' on Luther and the Modern This is what is known a in all the Presby terian churches Martin Luther is the man for study this year Mr Jackson has made a special study of Luther and the congregation has a real treat await ing them The pastor preaches the evening on of the Most Interesting By way Acts of Our Christian hndeaior at 7 The public is most cordially invited to attend all of these services Sunday the 28th set apart by President Wilson as a day of prayer and supplicati for divine aid in of our arms WeaV Market Street Bain 1) pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a in red Odell superintendent Peaching nt and 7:30 by (he pas tor Epworth League Monday evening at 8 Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7:30 The public will receive a cordial welcome to all these services We have solved the problem of the high cost of footwear in these Boots for 111 t1 1 Rev Ira Irvin of Aahboro will preach this morning nt Centenary Methodist church Mr Inin was pastor of Cen tenary when the present building was erected and is well known here Alfred Williams who has been spend ing the past year in Pennsylvania is here to spend a few days with hie par cuts Dr and Mrs Williams 218' South Eugene street Mr Williams ex 1 pects to be among the next quota of drafted men sent from the city Publication of the fact of possession by pook of an ancient half dollar started competition among the owners of old coins Mark produced a half dollar of 1813 and a dime of 1823 yesterday and lowered the standard set 1 by Mr Cook But later Glllilan of 424 Washington street atill fur 1 ther reduced the dxting He presented I pennies of 1819 and 1798 He said he found the older on a farm near Siler! City lotte where he attended a council meeting Miss Ollio Hine who is a student tlw Greensboro Collega for Women spending the week end is he guest her sister Mrs Harold Shoaf Lexington A e'Earle Rives who is a student nf stale university is here to spend tlu week end with his parents Mr and MrsE A Rives on Asheboro street Mr and Mrs Ross and sons Harold and James are spending the weekend in Charlotte as the guests of Mr parents Mr and MrsJ Ross i (Misses Kuby and Margie alconer left yesterday for ort Caswell to spend a few days with their 'brother A Edward alconer who is stationed there with the Guilford Grays Nat Greenbf Durham is spending the xeekend with friends in Greensboro Mias Augustus Connoley who is a student of Greensboro College for Wom en left last night for Salisbury to spend the week end with her people Mr and Mrs Donnell and Mrs Langley have returned from a motoring trip' to Charlotte Mrs William Holcman has re turned from a visit of two weeks to her parent at Upperville Va Miss Leia Hayworth of Elon College is here tn spend Sunday is the guest of Misa Virile Caviness at Greensboro College for Women Miss Mary Wilson who is a student of St college Raleigh ia here to spend the week end with her parents Mr and Mra John Wilson on North Elm street The environment nt the summer resort rclroehcs you New scenes awaken new intercat iu lifeMThat is just one brg rea son for new wallpaper And now is the time to clothe your huue Wallpaper makes the grentvt differeuco in the appearance your home at the smallest cost It oilers an almost limitless variety of pat terns and Imagine thu room or that fre tii end up with new and attractive wallpaper Wouldn't the time fjent indoors he mere LDten Wmter is coming riends will call You will en teitain Most of your pleasures will be within the four walls of vour jionto 1 nidiale their full share of ftltnanor is Ti jt conceals the ever defects in plaster (fives emphasis to the woodwork furniture and fix vThre 'w 'no thne1 hiraVg the hitfidor of jour house width you can afford to change so niton 41 wallpaper And there is no one element whk" makes such a complete new Act ing for your furniture'' Viit your decorator wjril' paper dealer "i Or have him visit you He will show van styles and designs that will transform your hothe He will give you the bene'fit of in' suggestin' new ami novel treatments Me will quote you actual cnst out obligation See him route to Goldsboro where she will visit relatives Arnold Kchitfman who is student of the Lniversity of North Carolina la hero for a brief visit to his parent Mr and Mra Bhiffman J310 South Spring street Grace Methodist Rev Andrew? pastor Sunday school at 9:45 Haynes superintendent Preaching bv the pastor at Il a Subiect Christian At 7:30 there will Iw I an anniversary service commemorating the beginning of the Laraca Phtlaflm claraoa This service will be coiyhictd by members of these organized 'Hie public is cordially invited to attend Nip That Cold Now Its Neglect May Cause Serious Complications Don take chance with a eol'l You cannot: figure on the outcome of a cold if it is permitted to run ita course But you can count vis pivxnpu juu ue COLD TABLETS when a cold starts This remedy will promptly eliminate the cold 'from your ayMeirt ir A package of these valuable old: Tablet should have ff place in every homo Their prompt use may save yout from lung con gestion or other serious complications that commonly result from neglected colds They pleasant to take and equally good for Price 25c Thompson formerly of this city but now living in Atlanta Ga is spending a few days here on business Miss Mildred Walser who is a stu dent of the Greensboro College for Wom en is spending the week end with her parents Mr and Mrs Weiser at Lexington Miss Eva Stainback left on train 35 last night fur Lexington to spend a few days as the guest of Miss Adelaide Har grave Mrs Boyles returned last night from Reidsville where she spent two weeks with her sister Miss Bessie High tower who ha been ill but is now con aiaeraoiy unproved Lieut A Thaxton formerly of city but now stationed at Camp Petersburg is here to spend week end with friends Mus Ida Ma Stafford who is a dent at Randolih Macon Richmond passed through the city lnt night on route to Oak Ridge to spend the week end with her aunt Mrs IL Dunbar Joe Ashby of Lynchburg Vnb arrived last night for a few stay Newell spent yesterday after noon in Winston Salem on business Jernigan and Roger McDuffie members of the Greensboro ambulance company stationed at Camp Jackson Columbia iS (j are here to spend a brief furlough nvith relatives and friends Air and Mrs A llodgin have re turned from Richmond Ind where they spent two weeks attending the ive Year meeting Air and Airs John Hodgin and chil dren have moved from 650 Chestnut street to their pretty suburban home Guilford College AL Hobbs (Who for the past three months hai been engaged in some con tracting work in Atlanta Ga is here' to spend the week end with his family on (hesirut street Thomas Aiderman of Rural Hall is spending the week end here with his mother Airs ouhee Airs Jackson of Mount Airy spent riday here as the guest of Mrs Dickson en route home from a trip to New York Afiss June Jenkins passed through here yesterday returning to Mount Airy from a visit to friends in Charlotte AV IL Thinbar of Oak Ridge was a business visitor to this city yeaterdayX AL Arramitli spent last night from here returning to 5 Hillsboro fnm ayetteville where he was starter for the races at die Cumberland county fair last week He will go to Spartanburg tomorrow to be starter for the race at the fair there this week PERSONAL besthe Mira Eugenia Shoaf 'who i a student of Greensboro (olbge Women spending the week end in Lexington with her mother Mrs Ashoaf Air and Mrs A A Bond have returned 1 Atlanta and Lithonia Ga The trip was made in thdr rar 'e JS Duncan left yesterday for a week end visit to friends at Raleigh Mr and Mrs AV Dickson are spend ing the week end with friends at Hills 1 boro Charles Snow who is a member of th uuhhmu vrays stationed at tort Cas 1 well is here to spend a few leaveof absence with relatives 1 owler who ig a1 student at the University of Nortlj Carolina ia spend ing the week end with his parents Air and Air AV owler on Tate street Air and Mrs AATiitc have ar rived from Buffalo and will make their home at 510 North Elm street Mrs left yesterday for ort Caswell to spend a few days with her son Joe AValsh wbo stationed there with the Guilford Grays Alias Lila Owen is the week end guest oT relatives at Lexington Airs Paul Schenck returned yesterday Chapel Hill where she virited her mother Airs EbeiT Alexander AL of Denver Col spent several hours here yesterday with lira from a two visit to relatives a brother White en route home West End AR Sunday Yrhnol at 10 a in Preaching at 11 a tn by McC'ullovh at 7:30 by I1ut ton? I High Point People Here During the past week the Christian Endeavor society of Grace Methodist Protestant church of Greensboro gave a social and invited the society of theNorth Alain street church of Point to be guests of honm Many attended AV Kirkman made a short talk ot welcome and Dr Brown responded The High Point people present wore Dr Hamlin Aliraes Pearl Leonard Blanche leonard Ethel Daniel Annette Stowe Corine Bristow Nellie Martin Rnsani Perryman Ruth Welch lossie Stout Carrie Stout Matrie Brown Alar garet Rankin Jessie Brooks Salhe Brooks Elizabeth AVelch Juanita Atcf fcfitt Alary Juanita Ida fBrooks and Clara Hayworth and Mrs Palmer AV Hammond IL A Garrett Garrett Dr George Brown A Moffitt JL Shaw Jr Capt A AT Rankin Robert Brown Alexander Ran kin Arnie Koonce Henry Koonce Eccles Everhart Pickett and Miss Ruth Moffitt 1 Listed or Service Under the direction of the committee the counril for National Defense the AVonian'a club will 'during the coming week make an effort to ascer tain what service can be expected from every woman in the city during the war A canvass ill be made from house to house and every woman will be inter viewed as to what riic is willing to do for her country Registration cards will be carried along and they will be defin itely filled out showing at a glance each part AA'omen can be of greatservice in aiding a successful prosecu tion of war and it is expected that they will respond readily to the call or sometime a voluntary registration has been in progress but to' date but few Prescriptions Got our undivided attention thats our Talk On War Work Airs AVilliam Adams Brown of Now York will address a parlor meeting of representative Greensboro women on war work Tuesday afternoon at 4 at the home of Mrs A Hunter on North Elm street Airs Brown a member oT the national board of the Young Christian association and is an in teresting speaker Society Initiations Initiations rinto the literary societies of the State Normal college where held last night and riday night with 175 new members added each society The Cornelian society held its meeting ri day night and the Adclphians last night Many of the ahrmrae were present at these initiations I uncle Harry PiczIt on Cypress avenue AL Bobu of Wilmington was a business visitor to the city yesterday I A Stone of Chariot to spent sev eral hours hero yesterday Mrs Jett of R'dlfivine spent! eatevdaV sliutini7 in Hie ritv 1 Airs TessRr left yesterday forjKeaos building I Petersburg where he will visit Mr 4 IToraipr 'who is spending sometime there Burpin formerly of this city I now practicing law In Lexington 1 Alira AIary Gross of Salisbury spent yesterday in Greensboro uu pro I through the city at noon yesterday enJ fessional business i Guilrorfi Hotel Corner 46 Phones 47 When you telephone us an or der for groceries you can de pend absolutely on getting what you the very best that we have been able to find on the market We cater to the most particular people and our service is developed accord ingly Make known your gro cery wants to Morris and Clendenin Phones 1915 1916 DRINK Springs Mineral Water Cj rttiwt wt AW 1 4 a I Ulf 'L OUlllJHVX C4UIU11IJ1 UL i winter it is the one beverage A iii th? that is beneficial to the whole I 11 ti 1 I i)r lainny anti snouia oe Kept in jont ithe cooler of every home where i health is considered one of greatest assets If you tried it betorc let us send you a bottle tomorrow' I Jr 1 Troxler Bros Agents Springs Mineral Water Phones 1900 1901 Contracts placed months ago per mit unusually low prices on shoes of superb quality and unusual style The favored shades the newest lasts all are represented in this comprehensive display a handsome collection' of models to meet every requirement of street or dress wear A showing that unusual advantages for women who4 appreciate attractive footwear at very reasonable prices a Mahogany Calf Lace Boot with the new military heel $850 $9 and $10 Black rench Kid tailored style' Russia Calf Ivory cloth top $750 Black Russia with Pearl Grey cloth top $750 wa We are also showing many pretty styles in high Louis heels slender vamps in black solid colors and combinations from Alebane where he visited his moth er Airs Wh il Mr Kemp Alexander of Ashbora and Mias Annie Lild Davis of High Point will arrive today to spend a few days as the guest of Mrs AV Boron Airs A has returned front a visit of several weeks to hor daughter Airs Aluoief at Roanoke Va AlissEthel Clements of North AArilkes Loro is spending the week end with Mrs Barnes on Chestnut street Mrs Adams of our Oaks and viit in the home of Thompson Morehead City are 1 I biting Afrs Boren Jr Mrs A AVtlHam of 1 arrived yesterday for a visit to her Misses Ixmise Ev and Sa rah Boron ctct 200 have signed cards However 1 united in marriage yesterday at the when cards are brought to the front home of Rev IL Blair the ceremony door it will bo but an easy matter tn being performed by Mr Blair The secure the desired information Thu bride is the daughter of Mr and Airs wuniy canvass wni oe in marge ot ahm Annie Petty Mias Trogdon Marry Mr and Airs Samuel Leonard TrogJon announces the engagement of their daughter Jessie to Charlce Herbert Rose of Henderson the marriage to take place Thursday November at noon in Centenary Methodist church Greene boro Alias Trogdon is quite popular in so cial circles and ha a host of friends who will be interested in the announcement of her approaching marriage Mr Rose js at present located at New port Va where he holds a gov ernment position Until the latter part of the post term he was a student of Trinity college Durham temnorarilv giting up his studies because of illness in the family He expects to return to college and complete his course He was a ministerial student irst Moravian East Lee street be tween Arlington and Asheboro Tho usual services for the day will bo con ducted bunday school 10 a Kerner superintendent Alorning litany and sermon 11 a Christian En deavor 7 Illustrated lecture next Sunday evening Rev Rights pastor The public viy cordially inited'to all services irst Reformed West Leo street Rev A Wolfinger pastor 915 a Sunday school 11 a in Junior con gregation meets Worship inal 5 Junior Endeavor 7 Christian Endeavor 745 Temptation to irst Christian coiner of ave nue and Eugene street leming pastor Preaching at 11 a in and 730 Sunday school at 045 a Charles Hines superintendent Chris tian Endeavor 7 A cordial invi tation is extended to every one to all the services 8 Christian Science Services Sunday at 11 and Wednesday at 8 of the morning lesson' tion After Death" Ion are cordially invited to attend these services Siin day school at 945 a Banner build ing oom 111 irst Lutheran 1 olk pbstor II KeHenberger superintendent Sun day school which me ts 915 a 1 reaching 11 a Special mission ary program at 739 by Ymm People's society meeting on Wednesday night at 7W Confer ence meets in this church November if Everybody welcome orest avenue Hilliard pastor Sunday school nt 930 a Joe How ard superintendent Preaching bv lief Barrett at 11 and 730 in Revival services are now in prod ress and we invite the public to all tij services services at 0 3) Catholic Sunday morning ser vice? ennferamna 730 a Communion 8 High mass 1030 a Evenin ger nee 8 Week day servicestara rhitraday ridaySaturday 730 a rirst riday of each month mass 8 a Christian (Disciples) Morning Suii day school at 945 Communion and preaching at 11 Sermon Baria of a Reconstructed Evening preaching at 730 These services will bo held in Afaccabrps hail on Ein MrM A hearty welcome will be extended to you if you come Then von will bo bet ter for doing so Thomas Brown pass Atkinson superintendent Sunday school Baptist Clyde Turner pastor Sunday aehnol at 940 Vander Liles su perintendent Regular services at 11 a and 730 Preaching by the pHi tor Subject for morning hour Alan Who Wanted to Bury His Subject for the evening Ribbon of St Episcopal Sycamore and Ashe streets Rev 1) Jiiiler rector Services at 11 a and 730 Sun day school at 10 a You are cordially invited to attend these services Holy Trinity Rev Boliert Roe lei tor Holy Communion 730 a Horn ing prayer with sermon 1115 a Evening prayer with sermon 730 ln Sunday school and adult Bible classc 10a tn Wade Brown superintend QB Eha les.

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