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The Tri-Weekly Commercial from Wilmington, North Carolina • Page 4

Wilmington, North Carolina
Issue Date:
Extracted Article Text (OCR)

POIiTItY. suchrmen possessed the power; as they TCxuEN-iSirL ANEW apply of Linen Drift, Angola Casai-tneres, Colored and Black Cashmarets, with a few Patterna Kancr Krenee Cashmeres. i May HEDR1CX j. IRON BEDSTEADS AND CJ SINGLKand doable foldiae-very convenient and proof against vermin, for sale by JslT 15." WILKINSON KSLF.R. SCHOOL C00II3, STATIONERY, iil BLANK BOOKS.

THEOLOGICAL, PAPERS OF ALL HISTORICAL, WniTlIESiV BESCRIPTfOJr, MEDICAL, 1 wtliunotow, if. 1 I I PENS, INK, BIOGRAPHICAL 1 I LI" MUSIC, LLLSf RLLL3! rllE SubBcribcrs manufactnrs and keep con-starjtlj on hard a larse essonmenl ol Sella-suitable for Churches, Acadmles, Foetones.Stea-oiers, Plantations, eic moainted with their improved Hangings, th most Bcienl in nae. Their establishment has been in operation Thirty year, having turned out nearly 10,000 Bells averaging 600 lb each and lis patterns and process of manufacture so perfected, together with recent improvements, that its-Bella have an an equaled reputation for vol am of sound and quality of tone- They have jost received Jan. 1854 the First Premfum (A Stiver Medal)of the World' Fair ia New York, over all Bella from thi Country or Europe. Hav ing a large assortment of Bells on hand, and being in immediate eonnection with r.ote Irtall direction, either Rail Koad, Canal or River, and bnt 4 hours from New with dispatch.

Address v- A JJENEEr.Y'S SONS, Wst Troy, Albany N. Y. Feb. 21. 144-lyc.

OUR 31 0TT0 IS ''TO PLEASE" AT THE IVllmiHgton saddle. Harness, and Trunk Manufactory. THE subscriber respectlully inform thepublic that he has recently received additions to his stock of Saddle and Harness Mournings, the la teat and most improved style, andi tooslanly manufacturing.athisstoreon market street, every description of articlein the above From his experk-aee in the business, he feels conliden that bewill beableto giveentireaatisfactionioallwho may favor him with a call. Heha now on hand, and willconstantly keep a large auortmen tof Gxs and Sutty Harness, Lady's Saddles, Bridles. Whips, Gentlemen's Saddles, Whips ARTIST'S MATERIALS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, dently do the tbey would be elective co-workers with the Federal press in distracting and pulling down the Democratic The tree must be judged by its fruits tis not the man who makes the loudest profession that is most reliable.

There is no evidences of devotion so unmistakable as the fruits of our doings. We reap of what we sow we gather of the sort we scatter. If we sow wholesome seeds the fruit will be good, but if we sow dissent ion the harvest will be defeat aud disgrace The Ashville News, is not the only paper the Journal will receive the disapproval of, if it continues its present course. Since the above was tn type, we find the following in the Standard of to-day which we cordially endorse: k'-h -We are not surprised at the Herald's ar ticlethat was la have been expected but the Journal, a Democra ic thought proper to insinuate that Oov. tteaa an aspirant for the Senate, and that be Was in fluenced by the idea of political loss and gain in bis course in this matter In other words, nis motives nave oeen impeacnea. IswellkhownfthMoilf pdsftten in regard t(TtheSenatorships "is one of Strict We have publisheinothing on the subject, ami taken no part whatever in the discussions relative tneeto; wnien pave been going on, We do to depart now From this position and we should have been silent if the Journal had content, ed itself with a mere declaration of its opposition to Gov. Reidf election a'. Senator. But that paper has coupled the Senator-ship with a reflection upon' his course as a public functionary and has imputed to him motives in the discharge of his official du ties, which we Know to be as untounaeu as they are unworthy and we are" not to be deterred, by any real or supposed connection in the public mind between Gov. Reid and the high place referred to, from defen ding as we would defend any oth-r Democrat, similarly situated, trom wnat we conceive to be unjust and ungenerous im putations.

Gov. Reid is neither a "Know Nothing," nor is he capable of "courting any party or organization in the hope of political pre ferment What proof has the Journal that be is an aspiraut for the Senate I We know him well enough to say, that tie perior-med his duties as Governor with an eye single to his country's good, and without reference to place or reward hereafter and that, so 4ar from "courting the opposing party," he is the advocate now, as he has always been heretofore, oT organization and concentration of strength in his own party, and could not be induced to accept, the Sen- atorship even unless tendered him freely and voluntarily by bis political fiieuds. We do not deem it advisable or necessa ry now to pursue further this strain of re mark but we may remind the Journal that Gov. Reid's administration has never recei ved entire justice at its hands, 'hat paper may have a right, even as a Democratic journal, to maintain silence when a Demo cratic Governor ts unjustly assailed Whig press, or it may refuse, if it chooses to do so now and then, to give such a statement of facts as may be necessary to the vindication of the functionary referred to; but when, it becomes itself an assailant, though by indirection, and. indulges in insinuations not sustained by facts, nor by any just or fair construction of the conduct of such functionary, it, must not expect to avoid such reply and comments as the occasion as lbs cause of truth may seem to require.

i TUE BLACK SWAN MISS GREENFIELD. Nothing-has been heard of Ihis nbtable of wool and tallow until reeehtly, when she was announced for a series of concerts in Boston. By way of drawing a crowd, a la Jenny Lind and Grisi, the Boston papers give ibis bit of her biography: i The remarkable and accomplished artist whose name stands at the head of this article, was born a slave at Natchez, Mississippi, in the year 1823 but under circumstance more favorable than often attends the lot of servitude. Her mother was of Indian descen', her father an African. Her mistress, Elizabeth Greenfield, whose name she bears, was Welch by birth, and in religious profession a member of the Society of Friends.

Having come into possession of the family property, this energetic woman formed the reso lution of emancipating her slaves and sending them to Liberia, the settlement of wbich had, then just commenced. his she did, herself accompanying them, seeing them comfortably established, and sending out to them, after her return to Philadelphia. where she herself settled, abundant sup plies Miss Greenfield 'a mother and two sisters were among these emigrants, and are still living comfortably in Liberia. Miss Green field herself being only a year old and having been named lor ner mistress, re mained with her, and was brought up in her family at Philadelphia; She received only a very plain education, according to Quaker ideas, and was not taugnt or even suffered, to learn music at an, mat oeing a thinjr not approved by Friends. At the acre of abou: twenty-one, having lost ber adopted mother, who made a moderate provision for her bv will, she then under took the superintendence of a gentleman's family, a neighbor anu old acquaintance of Mrs.

Greenfield's and from his pldest daughter she learnt to play the piano, and acquired some knowledge of music, of wbich she became a teacher. Two or three years ago she was induced by some ladies, whom she met while on a visit, to Western New. York, to given concert in Buffalo. 1 bis proved very successful, and after an equally successful tour through most of our Northern cities, she embarked for Europe. There she was every where a receivea wittr great kindness, and has en joyed and improved many opportunities of musical cultivation.

Sheeting! 19 bbla. Fay bbla.N.O. Family Syrsp 50 hhds Prime Cuba Molasses, for sale by A. 19. T.C.

B. 6. WORTH. SPIBIT BARRELS. 350 Znd nana Spirit Barrelo for sale bv Sept.

16. ADAMS, BRO. CO. CARPET AND OIL CL0TRS CUT, made, and put down, by WILKINSON A ESLER, Paper Hangers and Upholsters. Sept.

23. 83. JUST RCCEITED. A FEW kegs of extra Bolter, and for sale by C. DvPRK A Co.

Jane 23. 42. cages. Prttn lie Petersburg Express. IIAT 13 LIFK 1 lOVIID.

bat la Liful the Llootn bath fled, That fliThhed my bunditg cheek aud brow, 1 And all ths virgin-bud of Joy Appear like tfapty nothing now Tbo tboaghu thai glowed within niy soul Are sobered down to doll, cold prose Tlietr wings are clij-jK-d, tbeh- Area bomt ott, My spirit lungs for calm repose what It Life Ita brightest accm. Crow dull, as evening p. the sky The fairest floweret -ailict fade Tl hopes rmynt Chcrii.vd die I The softest, most exquinite strains, Oft lose their soul cijlranc Ing power, Whits love, liersclf, recreant proves When sorrow shroods the passing hour 0 what la Life A spark divine Tbo offprlng of tu rns! might-Forever on It tireless wing To gain so hour's serene delight I Poor voyager 'neath the changeful skies, Now basked In aunaliino now in tearsr It droops it wing at last, and dies Ths victim of desponding fcr 0 what i Life I A shooting sUr At beat a pageant passing by The actors bustle on the sUge, Tbelr exit make, sink down and die I Another group spring up to All Their place in the motley crowd, And In their torn ars swept away, To slumber in the dreamless shroud I PcTtasauao, May 18Ui, 18il. MISCELLANY. From the Nurlk Slate Whig.

COMMERCIAL CONVENTION. YVamiinoto, C.Oct. 18ih, 1854. PuraUHnt to a cull iasueil on ihn 5th day of July Inst, a Convention ui I at 12 o'clock this day in thi town, to lnk into consideration the sulject of improving the navigation nt Orracoke liar and of the tributaries lo Albrmarlf and Pamlico Sounds, and ihe nroprieiy of procuring a charter from the Legislature of the Kiate for a Mutual Marine Innurunce Company in the town of Washington. On motion of Col.

loyloe, John well, of Newborn, was appointed President, and E. J. Warren wus appoint ed Secretary of the Convention. 1 he President addressed the Convention At length in explanation and advocacy of the objects for which it was assembled. On motion Col.

Thompson of Newbern, and Gen'l. Singeltary, Dr. Iirynn and Messrs. Abert and Marsh, of Greenville, were invited to participate in the action of the Convention. The Convention adjourned lo meet nt 3 o'clock P.

M. The Convention rivet pursuant lo adjournment, and was again addressed by the President. On motion of W. 13. Rodman, Esq the letter of invitation of July 5ih was read by the Secretary.

On motion of Col. Tayloe, W. Ii Rod-man, 13. F. Hanks, and U.

Myers were appointed a committee to obtain statistics from the several counties interested in the objects of the Convention, and to prepare a memorial to Congress soliciting appropriation for ihe improvement of the Ocra-coke Bar. On motion of II. A. Gilliam, Esq, a committee of ten was appointed by the President to collect statistics and to memorialize the Stale Legislature (incorpo. rating inch statistics' in their mernoriul) for approprialions for the improvement of the navigation of the rivers tributary to Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds.

The names of ihe Cominlilec are John Mrcns, Samuel R. Fowle, Ii. A. UILLIAM, 11. 13.

Shout, W. W. Griffin, Wm. E88ENGEB, R. T.

Paine, W. Radiiam, W. G. Rbvan, M. W.

Jabvis. Plymouth, Elizabeth City, Edcnion, I Newbern. On motion of R. L. Myers, Esq the (A- lowing gentlemen were a ppointed a com-miltee to prepare a charter for a Mutual Marine Insurance Company in the town of Washington, with a clause therein em-powering snid Company to purchase a steam tug or steam tugs for the ue of the Company, and to procure the passnye of the same by the Legislature: Joseph Polls, W.

II. Wiliard, 13. F. Havens, Geo. II.

Drown, W. Shaw, Ja. L. I'owle and Isaiah Respass. The readirg of the reports of committees heretofore appointed was dispensed with, and it was ordered that they be handed to the Secretary for publication with th" proceedings of this Convention, and referred to the several committees now appointed.

Tbe Convention was addressed by II. A. Gilliam, R. L. Myers, and W.

13. Rodman, Esqs. On motion of John Myers, Esq the proceeding of this meeting were ordered to be forwarded to the different papers of the State with a request that they publwh the same. After a vote of thanks to ihe President and Secretary, the Convention adjourned, sine die. JOHN DLACKWELL, Pres't.

E. J. Wabken, Sec'y. Zeraaan's Antl-Peorbwtle Toothwash. TO THE LAD ICS.

NOTHING: add mora to beauty lhan whit Teeth, and CJume of healihy eolor. Ths snoat beautiful facs and vermlltivn bpa beeom -repulsive, If ths latter, when they open, sihibln I horrible spectacle of neglect leeih. All who wish clean, whit Teeth, healihf IJnms and a swset breath, should give ZKUMAIVO TOOTH WASH a trial. For sale by C. A D.

DePBK, VYllmingion N.7. Sept. 30. 64 GOODS AT KjUlNWFIXFU A liUO. ara now tarmmt I.

I VariaVta Af 1 A a ww "iniei tiwww, CilOIISUPf ff IJOinflllt. nd Vmnef fetapl Dry Uooim Ki ii thrv ct a -v ass wnwsssjsM pww llHCi, PLKAS'J TIKC r.OTIC" THAT inak tbo verv best flair HnM, hek, Ses tlrami, Patent I'eir, snd Palm Leaf Ma raws W1LK1NMJ3 Jan If. SALT. OC1 BUSHELS T. 1.

Sail for sl CUUU bf Rtl HOUSTON. Oei. 14. W. BT Mr.

Soathwonb, rnld 4 s.i-I kr OW.T. T.MVMS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1854. From tkt Metropolitan. The MRimihituti In tTIImlnston. We stated in ojir last article upon the object of the election in NewHanorer, that without union' in the Democratic party, the Defeat bf Dr.

Walker was inevitable. We stated that a-candidate would be sprang upooibe very eve of the election and without thia union be would certainly be elected. We did not say, though we did fear, that candidate would be a whig. The result has demonstrated the accuracy of our views. Dugald McMillan an unexceptionable democrat, announced as a can-ydidate on the very day of the datum, as been carried into place with as large a jority as the whole vote oj his opponent amounts to.

We told them it would be so, and we rejoice, as it is so, a democrat has succeeded, and Jy democratic votes, for Mr. McMillan obtained a majority at every pre- cinct, save two or three in the whole coun-; and does not owe his election to the vhigttf Wilmington. At South Washington one of the stron-; gest democratic precincts, we learn, where the Hon. Mr. Ashe, who had received a-gainst Mr.

Leak' 12 voles at that point, 90 votes, and who openly electioneered for Dr. Walker, the vote stood, McMillan 49, Walker 14. At this precinct, also, a letter, as we understand, was read from one' Daniel Dickson, Post Master at Wilmington, (formerly a whig) informing the people, that "McMillan was brought out by whig influences, and would not receive. SO votes in Wilmington, from the democratic party," and yet, wiih all the influence of himself and Mr. Ashe combined, theregulxr candidate, a personally popular man, could receive only 14 of the 63 votes, Cast at that precinct, while in the county the result has been equally disastrous, and mortifying, ,1 There is something in all this, which needs explanation and we shall give it, and we shall speak with the more freedom, because we advocated the election of Dr.

Walker and are sorry to see that he, being the proper and regular candidate, failed to be supported by the masses of the party. We ascribe all this, to the mismanagement, folly and errors of the Wilmington Journal, and the little "clique of office holders and office seekers by which it is sustained, controlled and supported. They have oj the cr.nfidenu of the democratic party in New Hanover, and elsewhere and the sooner they know, it, and all know it, the The election is over now, and we can speak freely of them. We charge then, the Wilmington Journal with the whole misfortune and scandal of this result. That paper is conducted by a ridiculous, conceited and ill-natured person, who imagines himself and bis little caucusses, his friends and his individual animosities of much more consequence than the Interest of the party.

This weakness of his, subjected the very respectable and popular gentleman whom he supported, to the mortification of a defeat end the desertion of his party friends. There is nothing like a little plain talking. is the same paper which, it will be remembered, also, a few months ago, charged home upon Mr. Clingman, to rtie great satisfaction of the entire whig press of the State, and the great embarrassment and amazement of the democratic party; This is the paper which has dared to assault even Gov. Reid the favorite of the entire North Carolina democracy, for remo-vuig Mr.

Bettencourt, the head of the little "clique" of office holders of which we have already spoken, and which has just been crushed by the vole of the democratic people of New Hanover, and has not only refused to sustain our Governor when attacked by wbigs, but has actually attempted by all its little arts to array prejudice in the Cape Fear country, against him, a man, actually caused the 8500,000 appropriation to be made for that river, for we assert, that if Guv. Reid had not presided at that Convention that appro priation would have been asked in vain This is the same paper which has ventured lately to attack the "Metropolitan" and af terwards insolently quoted from its columns without giving- due credit, and this is the paper which ventured to rebuke with all the arrogance and dictation which led to its defeat of Dr. Walker number of democratic citizens as Ramshackles," who chose to support the successful candidate. If the Editor were a native of the Slate, it would be insupportable; it can only betol-eralcdf under the supposition that as a foreigner and a stranger to the South, he did no know any better. We excuse him pon thU ground.

WeveU-him responsible, -however, for the result and this miscarriage of the regular the party. Hereafter, it will be safe to that the opposition of the Journal to any democrat or democratic paper, will be the best evidence of bis or its orthodoxy, for its Editor is shrewdly suspected of an intent to pave the way for whig ascendancy in that county which we hope will never, occur. We again ask if he intends to support the nominees of the party for Senators, and if he still refuses to answer, we shall be constrained to warn all true Democrats against this 'wolf in sheep's clothing this disorganizing print, which has acluallyd one more for the success of the whig party and Its increase in New Hanover and the district than any of-its open partizans. We shall send this paper to a number of our mends in New Hanover. We ask them to notice the reply of the Journal, and recollect the reason for our forbearance till now, to answer the vile and ungenerous as saults upon us, and upon Lov.

Keid. THE. WILMINGTON JOURNAL. The Ashville News in reply to an article of the Wilmington Herald speaks of the Journal and Goldsboro' Republican as fol lows "The Goldsboro Republican and the Wilmington Journal are rendering every acceptable service just now lo the Federal They furnish the latter with their "leadeiB, regularly made up, being onslaughts upon a man who has done more ami belles service than could be 'rendered in a life time by such men as the editors of the Journal and the Republican. If such men possessed the power, as they evidently do the will, they would be effective coworkers with the Federal press in dist tact-ting and pulling dawn the Democratic i.v i This is plain talking, but the recent defeat of Dr.

Walker in New Hanover, real ly gives a strong coloring of truth to the WILMi: 3T0N. IT. 'pSN different kinds of Matirasaes on hand, and JL made to order by 5. WILKINSON A F.SLKtl, Jaljr 18. Upholster and Paper Handera.

for Mosoheto Netting put top, by WILKINSON f-ESLKR- June 8. vii OENRFS INFIG0RATING CORDIAL, PURELY VEGETABLE IN ITS 5 COMPOSITION. nHlS inaluable Cordial, Uexwocicd from Herbt and Uouis, which have been found afier years of experience, by the moat skillful Physician, to bepoaaeaaed of qualities most beneficial in the diseases tor which i recommended, and hence whilst it ia presented to the public, a an efficacious remedy, it ia also known to be ot that character on which reliance may be placed as to its safety. In cases of I potency, tidemorrhages. Disordered Steriiiiy.Menstruatiun.or Suppression ol the Menses, Fluor Albus or Whites, or lor DEBILITY arlflngfrom any cause, such aa weakneasfrom aick neas, where the patient has been confined to bed for eouie time, for Female after Confinement, Abortion or Miscarriage, this Cordial cannot be excelled in Its salutary effects: or In loss of Muscular Energy, Irritability, Physical Prostration, Seminal Weakness, Palpitation of the Heart, Indigestion, Sluggishness, Decay of the Procreative Functions, Nervousness, Ac, wherea tosio Medicine ia required, ii will be foundequal, if not superior to any Compound ever need.

TO FEMALES. Henry'slnvlgorating Cordial, ia one of the most invaluable Medicines in the many Complaints to which Femnlas are subject, it axslsis nature to brace the whole system, check exee sea, and creates renewed health aa happiness. Leas suffering, diseareand unhappiaeasamoag Ladies would exist, were they generally to adopt the use of this r-dial. Ladies who are debilitated by those obstructions which females are liable to. are restored by the use of a bottle or two, to bloom and lo vigor.

YOUNG MEN. i solitary practiie, so fatal to the existence of man and it ia the young who are most apt to be- o-nie ita victims, from an ignorence of the danger which they subject themselves, causes tv Mr tzrtiTSf ipnif fnv Weaknesa of the System, and Premature Decay Many of von may now besulfrinsr. misled aatothe cause or source of disease" To those, then, who by excess have brought on themselves Premature I m-potency. Involuntary Seminil Kminiona, Weak neas and Shrivelling of the Genital Organs, Nervous A flections, or anvotber consequences of unrestrained indulgence of the sensual passions, occa sioning the necessity of renouncing thefeliciiiea of Am A KKlA In tt. lessening both mental and bodily capacity, Hold! Henry's Invigorating Cordial, a Medicine that is purely Vegelttble, will aid nature tc restore those Important iunctions to a healthy state, and will prove of service to It poaaessea rare virtues.

Is a general remover of disease, and strcngthener of the system it is unsurpassed. We do not place this Cordta Ion a footing with quack medicines, and, as lacastoma-rv, append a long lit of Recommendations, Cer tificates, cn Beginning witn Hem- wnsi tne Preacher says." and suchlike; it la not necessary, for Henry Invigorating Cordial." only ne-ds a trial to prove tnat It wuiaccompiiin all say. THE UliVti HKMIi i.M VIUUKA' TISG CORDIAL" ia put up In 8 ox. Pannel Bottles, and Is easilyrecog- nized by ine Manufacturers signature on tne taoie of each Bottle, (to counterfeit which is forgery.) aa well aa nis private beat on tne cork or encn Bottle. f-VSold forSi per Bottle Six for S3; $16 per dOSXn.

Prepared only by S. E. COH EN. 3 Franklin Row, Vine Street, below Eishth, Philadelphia, TO WHOM ALL ORDERS BR AD DRESSED. For Sale by all respectable Drucelsts A.

Merchantaihrougboul tbecountry. Uct. i. vt-um-c. SASH, BLIND AND DOOR AGENCY.

Formerly conducted by Guy C. Hotckkis. THE public are hereby informed, that I have beer. aDPoimedagent for the sale of Vfudow Sash, Blluds and Doors, manufactured by the New Haven and am prepared to fill all orders in the abore quality of the work of the New Haven Com. is well known in this Builder and all persona in want of the above articles, are requested to send in their orders, and they will filled.

nvariably cash on delivery VM. A. GWVKR. Otneral A rent CommUtion and Forwarding Mev chant. April 18.

15 KEY GOODS. I TAKE pleanre in saving to mv Town and Countrr friends and patrons, that I have receiv ed my Fall stock of Groccrlre, now complete and for sale at thi lowest cash prices all articb a sold not proving as recommended, exchanged or money refunded. Call before purchasing elsewhere. My stock consiis in part a follow: a 100 baes ItloCoffet 20 do. Lncoira do.t 25 do.

Old Gov. Java- do 10 do. St. Dumingo 23 bblc. C.

Yellow Sojjor 10 do. Yellow 10 do. A Cottee Crushed 10 do. A. Crnnhcd 3 hhds.

Pono Rico do 60 boxes Wm. Colgate pale Soap; f0 do. do. do No. 1 S-t boxes Stewart and Bossing Candies; 2 boxes Loal Suear; 25 bbla.

beat Cider Vinegar; 10 Mess Pork v4 do. I.orlllard's Scotch Snuff; 4 half bids. do. 2 bbla. Dills 10 boxes Colgate Peart Starch; IU bail bbls.

do. do 20 dos. Yeast Powders; 4 do. Sweet Oil; 20 Gross Matches; 25 boxes Cheese: 240 cans 5 lb. Potash; 8 boxes Ground Pepper; 5 do.

do. Co flee; 10 bbla. Potatoes; 5 Quin tals Codfish; ID bbl. Onions; 15 doxen Collins Axes; 6 nest Tubs; 10 do. Flour Pails; 30 dozen Water Buckets: 1 do.

Iron bound 1 bntbelsi 1 do. nest i bushels; 1 do. Well Buckets; 3 dozen Wil. low Baskftst 6 dozen Kegs 5, 10 and 13 gallons: SO boxes Tobacco different grades at factory price. UKLI.

11. KKLLhil Oct. 12. 89. H.i N.

C. T. and Spirit Age copy. ni ivu nnnuc VUU1IH UVVIIOI TWO ca'ses, received, and opened on last Ratnt-dny, forsale by J.T.MUND8. n.i in at MACKEREL.

EW No. I Mackerel, in Kits, for sale by Oct. 17. FREEMAN dr. HUSTON.

FRENCH BROAD CL0TIL DOESKIN AND C4SSIHERE. AFtNB assortment of direct importation, just received and for sale at unusual low price at tneatoreor i KAHIM WKIL.KK BKO. Oct. 6. BILLS OF EXCHANGE.

A Elegant Edition of Bill of Exchange, print. Xx ed in Get many, tn Book of 10 quire and in aheeta, just received and for sale at the office oi 7Tie Commercial. NOW SELLING, CfX BBLS. City MJesa Pork JvyifO bags Rio and Lagoira Coffee; 15 hhds. Orleans Sugar; 6 tons Hoop Iron, IK wide; 10 bbla.

best Cider Vinegar; 7 500 lbs. N. Carolina Bacon; til's The low prices at which we are selling these article, and especially iho latter article of Western Bacon, is aa Inducement to planters and to turpentine men Aug. 22. W.

M. SHERWOOD MEAL! KIBAL! tITE ara dally receiving, from GoIJaboro Mill, a snpcrior iresn groona orn saemt. Oet.25. PR1TCHETT. NEW GOODS! FRESH GOODS GOOD GOODS I TUST received, per Schr.

Helena, Lama nine, and Cataract, compnaing an imwuucm Cofieea, Tea, Sugars, Fl ur; Buiscuit of all kinds and defcription; Preserved and Pickled Meal, Fruit, Vege table truth, any style of Grocery to suit the most lastioiooa pala'e. In store, ana ror aie oy Ocu 14. QUI. CiJd COWAN. FALL STYLE EIIDC3 IT" EXTRA French and American light, fine and graceful.

4 different styles, Hat Sttedt the most Irregular shaped Head. Cu and give onr Conforrotfieur trial. C. HiErS, d-c RECEIVED TniS DAY, PER F.x press, 600 pra. Children's Shoe vi riety of etylea and colore to suit the season.

May 25. JONES dr. OAU.DNEH'3. DR. B.

MARCniSI CELEBRATED fATUOLICON, of Suffering Females. It Hands pre-eml nsnt for it curativ poweralnallthedi oases for which it Is recommended, call ed Female CorapIainU or tnese sre I'ao-Larso Utbsi, or Falling of hs Womb FMea Al-bua, or Whitest Chronle Inflamma lion and Ulceration of th Womb Inci-lental Iletuorrhage, Flooding Pain ul. Suppressed, and rreguir Mensirua. on. olc, accompany evils, (Cance.

excepted,) howaevere or of how long standing The Catholicon far aaroaases other remedies. In being more certain, lessexpensive.and leaving the system In a better condition. Let all Interested in such a remeedy call and obtain a pamphlet (free containing ample proof, from highly respcciabl sources, of the hippy results of its us together with letters from A rst-clns experienced physicians, who have used it In their practice, and speak trom their own observations. crtttvcii. Prof.

Dbannr, M.D Baltimore, Md. J. C.Orrick. M. P.

B. Peckham, M. Utlca, V. D. Y.

Foote, M. Syracuse, N. V. M. H.

Mills. M. Rochester, N. Y. L.

D. Fleming, M. N. Y. W.

Reese, M. City of N. Y. W. Prescoil, M.

Concord, N. H. J. P. Newland, M.

Utics, N. Y. Pamphlets can be had rrati al the Store of S. B. A S.

A. KVANS. Druggists Wholesale and Retail Agents. Wil.nlnston.N. C.

And of moat of the leading Druggist ia th State. Letter odd retted to Meters. Beach Rrovnton, Arenlt at Mevberry C. S. 6y Hi.

C. S. Beard, of tame Stute. Gl! SraiKos, Jan. 3ih, 1863.

Messrs. Bach fc Kiawnaoj Stss I send for another bottle of your Marchisl'a Utarina Cm My wife has been afflicted for eleven vcara.and a variety of means hssbeen resorted lo for relief, but none was obtained until I received this medicine from jou. lis influence seems a I- most mimical: there was a manifest improvement from the day it was taken. A a there are a ereat many females in our country laboring under tne amictiontor which your medi cine proposes a remedy, I feel It a duty to recom mend it lo all such. (Signed.) Cloosm S.

Rbaso. J. B. MARCH ISI dt Proprietors. Central Depot, 304 broadwsv N.

Y. Nov. 19. 106-1 ye IRON BEDSTEADS. TOLDIND, proof against canker, knives, and vermin, lor aaie oy WILKINSON ESLER.

Aprils. BOOT AND SHOE STORE. HkOHRRIt his old stsnd Market street, bets ft leave to return his thanks to his W. old friends and customers for the liberal patronage heretofore exiended to hint, and lo Inform them Hint his atock of Bo-its and shots, including evcrv vnrl ety In his line is now aa complete and aaextenaive as at any former period. Hia stock of Gentlemen Boyaand Children's Bouts and Shoes embraces eve ry variety of style, fnenion and quality that can be desired, or that is usually called for, including a fine aaaottment of Ladies.Misaesand Gntleiuen'sOver Shoes.

would psrticularly Invil the attention of the Ladies to hia extensive assortment of Lsdiej and Miamcs Leather, Morocco. Knsineled, Bronze, Pat, Leather, Goat Skin, bl.ick and whit Kid and va riety ol fancy colored Buois; Shoes snd Slipper Also, black, brown, blue, purple and variegated silk Goitera. a new and handsome article, with and with out heels. I. adira fancy Gaiters at tl a pair.

Also, Sole Leather, Calves' Skins, snd Shoo Find Idfs. Please cull snd examine. Mr French would also Inform hit friends and the public, that he is State Atrent for the ssle of Davie' Pain Killer and Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills, by eltner wnoieeaie or retail. Nov 40 102 CARRIAGES. 1 six seated CARRIAGE, Qnilr.r Moelrswaw mnA mmmmrm I II Rntririsa just received and for sale by Sept 27-tf DIBBLE A BRO.


C. THOMAS SMITH. D. DCPRE, JR. Our Steam Grist Mill Is now in successful opera-tion.

We will hav ii In our power to deliver the above article at abort notice. We hav 23 horse power engine and shall run two pair of four feel tone. Order can be addressed C. DuPr A or to the subscribers. tST'Corn ground on TOLL.

THOMAS SMITH ft CO. April 20. 16-tf. COPARTNERSHIP NOTICE. THE Undersigned hive thi day formed a Copartnership, under ih nam of COST1N, GREGG A for th transaction of the Lum.


March 18. lS4-if. INDIA RUBBER BEDS AND Cushions for sal by WILKINSON ft ESLER. April 8. Upholsterers.

WILMINGTON MARBLE AND STONE YARD. TH Subscriber having accepted lb agency of several large establishments at Ih North which will furnish him an unlimited supply of finished or nnfinlshed, foreign and domestic MARBLE of all aoalities, is prepared lo fill all order for MONUMBXTs AND T(lll STOlf ES, and every other article In ibslin of lbs business at reasonable rales. 8CULPTUBING, LETTERING ORCARVINO. Executed as well aa can be don either North South. Tbabesl reference can be given.

1 required. JAS. McCLARANAN. Jan. 6, 185L.

if. SNUFF AND T0SACC0. -I BBLS. LoriQard SnsfTi 30 boxes Chewing Tobacco assorted sur sal by Oct. 7.

NCTcopy ZE.MO II. GREENE. FLOUR AND FEATHERS. 20i BBLS. dbarrna County Floor I 8 bags do.

do. do 600 lb new Feathers, iaal received and for sale la lots to suit, by Oct.17. T.C.AB.O.'vVOaTn. fox POLnEaius, 59 Broad Street, Corner of Bearer, N. York, Offer for sale he following heavy Cotton Fabric: NEW-ENGLAND COTTON SAIL DUCK-22 inch, ail number, hard and soli; also sll the various width of Canvass manufactured at this establishment comprising every variety known tothe trade, and offered a the lowest rales.

UNITED STATES PILOT DUCK Wood berry and Mourn Vernon Extra. A full assortment of this superior fabric. WILI 1MANTIC COTTON DUCK-16, 18,20 and 22 inch, all numbers, hard and This fabric was awarded the highest Premium at the London World's Fair, also at our own Stnto Fair. AND BEAR MARK. DUCK--Plain and twilled, manufactured by the Green wjod's Company.

superior article for lightsails. tents, awnings. also, Mount Twill Ravens. Howard Ravens, Pioneer and Phoenix Mills; Lightton Ravens, plain '42 to 27 inch; Heavy, do. do.

COTTON SAIL TWINE A full assortment. TARPAULINS, HAMMOCKS, STUFFS, dtc. PAPER FLLTING 30 lo 72 Inch, mads very heavy, expressly for drier felt. CAIiCOVERING Cotton Canvass, all widths, from 30 to 130 inches, and all numbers, made ex. pressly for covering and roofing railroau cars, is perfectly and permanently water-proof, and more endurin? than the car itself.

ENAMELLING CANVASS 30, 3ft, 40, 5 and SO inch plain and twilled, in every variety. BAGS AND BAGGING Of every description. Seamless Bags. woen whole-, all aize, in bales of 100, 200 and 300; combining strength, utility and chenpneas, for grain and meal are unsurpassed. Also, heavy Cotton Sacking, 40 inch Canvass.

3 thread Warp and Filling, heavy twilled, do. 20, 22, 40 and 44 inch. WOOL A CLS Woven whole all sizes, new and desirable article: Feb. 144-ly-c. Cv-ril NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COM RALEIGH, N.

C. THE above Company hr a been inoperatlonslnce the lctof April, (843, under thedirectlonof the following Officers, vlx -Dr. Charles K.Jonhson, President, Wm.D.-Haywood, Vice President, Jamca F. Jordan, Secretary, Wm. H.Jones, Treasure.

i Pcrrin Busbee, Attorney, MoKi Medical Boord of Dr. Wm. H.McKee. CoMuJiaiion Dr. R.B.

Haywuod, Oonsutalion. J. Heraman. General Azent. Thi Company ho received a charter giving advantages toihe insured over any otherCompsny.

Tbe 6ih Section gives -the Husband the privilege to insure his own 111 lor tne sole use or hi wile and Children, free from any elaimsof the representatives of the husband or any of his creditors. Organized on purely mutual principles, the life members sarlicipate in the hole of the profits which are declared annually fesides, thj applicant for life, when theannualpretnlum ia over30 may pay one na it in a note. All claims for insurance sgninsl the Company will je paid within ninety days alter proof of lb death of the party I furnished. Slaves are insured for one or five years, at rates which will enable all Slaveholders to secure thi class of nroperitysgainsl the uncertainty of life. Slave Insurance presents a new and interesting featurein the history of North Carolina.

hich will prove very important to the Southern alaiea. The laat four months operation I this Company shows veryl srgeamount of business more lhan the Director expected to do the first year having already Issued more than 200 Policies. Dr. Wm. W.

Habkisb, Medical Examiner, and Asrent. Wllminston. N. C. AllOomm.inlcatlonsonbasincseof theCompany hould beaddrc8Sd to JAS.

F. JORDAN, Sec'y. Raleigh. Jan. 25, 1854.

tf. TO THE LADIES. nnHR Ladies' Benevolent Society's Clothing Store JL is again open, and ihey are n'ady to receive order at their Depoaitory on Front st under ihe teamen's Homo, for garments of all dd3criptions, which shill bo filled promptly and well Farmers and Contraciora will find it to their interest to this institution, In doing whii ihey will at tha same time be dispensing charity in the most effectual and loast offensive manner. Wilmington, N. Oct.

3. S3-2m. PAINTS, OILS, DYE-STUFFS f)A ff LBS. pure and extra White Lead; 2U.UUU 6.000 gnlls. Linseed Oil 23 bbls.

Red Ochre; 60i galls Chrome Grecrii 10 bbls Veretain Red; 300 ills. Chrone Yellow 25 6b Is. Lamp Black; 8 bbls Coach and Japan Varnishes: Terra LTTrinna. Amber and Prussian Bluet Logwood, Annatto and Madder. For sale by C.

ft D. DcPRE. Wholesale Druggists, VVilinington, N. C. Oct.

5. 68.. WINDOW GLASS. QrVAfi BOXES Frenth and American Win-QVJSJU dow Glasse from 7x9 to For ale by c. dt D.

DoPRE, Oct. 5. Wholesale Druggist, Wilmington. EMPTY BARRELS. SKCOND HAND Spirit Barrel, of good OKIXJ quality, for aale by July 224 i RUSSELL A BRO.

NEGRO PASSES, AN EW form af Passes, containing sanitary provision, approved by ha Commissioner. ai.d number of other interested In the welfare of our colored population, is just issued at the office ol Th Commercial. TAYLOR'S INTERNATIONAL HOTEL, BHOADWA Cor. of Franklin Street, i NEW YORK. IS completed and opened for traveller who desire agreeable and attractive accommodations.

It is conducted apon the prlnelpl of the best Eu ropean Hotels, the meals being served in the several apartments, or at the tables in the saloon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furniture combine elegance wilh comfort, and 1 designed well for th convenient reception of travel ler by th late train. JOHN TAYLOR, Proprietor. Jan. 26.

133. lye. BACON HOG ROUND. 1 ACf PIECES Aorta Carolina Baron, 1 4UVJ splendid article for sale by Joly 18. t.

i DuPRE A CO. TWO FLATS FOR SALE. A FLAT of 323 bbls. capacity, and on of ISO will be aold cheap, to close concern. Apply lo.

WM. A. GWYER. 85. THEaubscriberreapectfally Inform the public, that he 1 nowiraoaseting the Anetion business on his own account, snd ho pra by strict attention to business, to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him.

M.CRONLY. Slock, Real Estate and Negroe. bought and aold on a commission ol I percent either at private oi public sale. Jan 8.1854. -l" THE PRACTICAL FARMER.

FOR farmers, comprising a general description of the horse, wilh mode of management in all eases, and treatment In all diseases. To wbich is added a prise essay on Moles, an append ix.eooisin-fn receipt for diseases of oxen. cows, eahre. sheep, Vga, swiBa.cte.el. By Biehard Masoc, or sa at a J.T.IiuiuV tet.JL si i' Book Store.

Spurs, Ore. tall of which he will warrant lo be of fW the beat material and workmanship He has also a large aaaortmett Trunks, Valise. Saddle and Carpet Bacs, Satchels, Fancy Trunks, dec, and all other ar ticle usually kept in such establishment, all of which lie otters low ror CASH, or on short credit to prompt customers. v' -v Saddle, Harness.Tran'iis, Radical Bags, dee. made lo order.

1 Inadditlon tothe above the subscribe ral ways keeps on hand a larpe supply of String leather, ana naa now, ana win tnrougti tne aeasoya good assortment of h'tv Sffctt. AH are Invited to call, and examine my Goods, wbctherin want or not, asl takepleaureinshw-ingmy assortment to all who may favor me with trail. Harness andCoach Trimmings sold at fair price (o person buying to manufacture. Also, Whip at wholesale. i Allkindsof Riding Vehicles bought and sold on commissions.

JOHN J. CONOLF.V. Feb. 7, 1854. 138 PAPER RANGING.

WE have at received very handsome assortment of French Gilt and American Pa' pel Hangings, Borders, Fire Screens, and Centres forsale. rlunc In handsome style by WILKINSON dt ESLER, Upholstererav April IS. Af onr A SMALL parcel of prime Rhrr Lumber. Wide Board and suitable for Planta'ion purposes, for sah, by -March 30. JAS.

F. GILL1SPIE CO. AVE your Rooms papered in style Dy caiung on WILKINSON KSLKK, Aug. 22. Upholsterers and Paper Hanger.

RATES OF PILOTAGE. JUST printed and for sale at The Commercial Office, the Rate of Pilotage- for the Bar and M0SCHET0 NETTING. VTADE and put up on high or low post Bed-Ml steads, by WILKINSON dt ES LER, May 20. 'Upholsters. HOOP IRON AND NAILS.

THE subscriber will be constantly receiving consignments of these articles, of the best' quality and offers them at lowest mnrket rale JOSEPH R. BLOSSOM. March 28. 6-tf. ROGERS' CUTLERY THE Subscriber ia now opening fins ort-mcnt of Rosrers' selected Knives.

Scissors. dtc and ha made an arrangement by which he will be regularly supplied wiih his gotten up especially for nis retail sale, i nose who win the best ia this lino wlllalwav find them at J.M.ROBINSON'S. Wilmington, N.C.,My 18. 27 CIGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, ATTHF. CI1 C1QA It STORE.

I OPPOSITE the South Sid) Wholesale and Retail, at price to suit'cUstomers. Call and see. i VANSICKLE. May 11. 24 tf.

NOW is the time to have your rooms and pas-eases papcrrd wiih decorations, fi ns or common, a we have large assortments on hand, and superior woikmco from -New who will hang paper In latest st vies. WILKINSONS ELER July 22. Paper Hangers and Upholsterers. SUGARS SUGARS i JUST received prime lot of N. O.

For sale by June 6. i-i i iKV'ii WnEAT, RICE. CORN PEA FANS, JUST In store and for alr by Oct 3. J. M.

ROBINSON. PAPER HANGINGS ON hand, and LUt up by 1 WILKINSON F.SI.ER, June '7. Paper hanger. TTPHOLSTERING AND PAPER HANGING all Branches, executea is superior atyioana at short notice, by L. WILKINSON A ESLER.

A ug. 22. Upholsterer and Paper Hanger. SPIRIT BARRELS. rr NEW Spirit Barrels, a Superior article.

sy ror saie low By Aug. 10. PKTTEWAY A PRITCHETT. TAR 250 iBBLS. Tar, in prime order.

by Aug. iuajuo, GOLDSBORO' FESIALE COLLEGE. THIS Institution commences it second session JL undei the new organisation, on the! 1st day of Mav, and will close me last day or Hovemoer, ihs. Rev'd James H. Brent, A.

B. President, with a full and competent faculty. S70 per Session, will cover the entire expense for Tuition arid Board in the Collegiate course, and $100 will entitle to the full course and all. the ornamental branches. 60 willcover the expenses for Board, and Tuition in the Primary Ornamental branches I he usual ehsrue, The Board of Stockholders have taken! great pain in procuring facilities for giving a thorough education, and solicit a tioerai snare oi patronage, Studeni received an time.

For further information address the President of the Faculty, or the subscriber. WM. K. LANE, Prctt. Board SlafJc holder.

May 4. 21-tf. GUNNY BAGGING. TBALES Gunny Cloth, of superior J.H.FLNNER. Sept.

26. 82. SPER5I CANDLES SPIRIT) CASKS fROXES Siwtrm -Candles 3 0lim New OU Snirit Casks, extra size, for sale 1 to close consignment. T.C-ORTH. Ocu 5.

86 FRENCH BONNETS MILLINERY EAHNWE1LER 8RO, are happy to Uform their friends and customers, that their French Bonnets have just arrived and are open, for exam-inailon, which for beauty and tasto cannot be sur. pasaed anywhere. They alo have secured the service of one of the most fashionable Milliners, ho is competent to make snd trim Bonnet with latest and most approved stylo, a Oct 6. 86. ICE! THE 'WILMINGTON ICE HOUSE IS now open tbe publicmiy depend on having their wants supplied all ttatons of the year, at raasonaoie rates.

ton lee will be well packed and promptly lorwarora. A. II.VArpiIXI7PK'rrtor. lih. lcSs.

Hat and Cap EfSorii-an Oct. S3. 1.

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