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The Bismarck Tribune from Bismarck, North Dakota • Page 2

Bismarck, North Dakota
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JKWELL. THK DAILY Till rtti NE. Published every morn ng eiceut Monday, at Bls- marck North Dakota, is delivered by carrier to 41 parts of the city at 25 cents per week, or per month BCBSOKimON Dally one month, postage paid 1 JJJ Daily months, postaKo pali. Daily six months, postage paid Daily one year, postage paid TH.K WEEKLY TKIHBNE, Kmht Danes containing ft summary or the news of the week, bith foreign and local, published ivenr Snday, postage paid to any address for year, six months, $1, three mouths, "52i DAILY Tnmmm will bo found on file at ho Grand hotel and Lord 4 Thomas' ad- asoucy, Chicago, and at rending rooms news deuota thiougfiout the cpositry. IMS apor may be found on nicest Qeo.

Company's Newspaper Advertising Horoau. 10 BprS," street. New York, where advertising contracts may boinaos for It on the same terms as at the hinne office. ABSessefl of nil faim property 111 Nortli fur 181)0 about 000; wlieiit eiop of 1801 prices, about $43,000,000, O-iti, potatoes, i i i stuck, wool, coal, i i a other proilurlt rtlsed In for seirt fur 1 8 0 2 a lu-vwjtio enough to differ- euco. Tim.

one jeHr's crop more than pnjs Iho assessed i of nil the farm in Mate, of vihlill were under i imitation nUhes MMM! for crop. earth siirU reel ril recorded? tome to North Dakota. KHODE fijAM) democrats don't seem to be so easil mesmerized as New xoik They will declare tor Cleveland. THE Fargo Argus says it has established a Scandinavian department. Congressman Johnson can testify that it has had a department--against him--for some time.

been visiting her parents for the last three mouths, returned home to Grand Forks last Wednesday All the people here regretted to-eee her go. Mr. and Mrs. Joy aud. Miss Minnie took a trip to thejoity yesterduy.

Mivand Mrs John Merry Hod Miss Ivy Lambert passed through Wales on their wuy to Binumrok. Sleigh riding and dancing seems) to be the sport in Wales just now. Miss VALENTINE! Widen, March 1st, 1892 Sterling Whirl Sterling is btill existence, hat we woula not hi ve known it, if it was not (or pur sly correspondent in the week's Settler; lhe to kuow more than ordinary people, especially about other people's business. Miss Berths Packer ot Williamsnort is visiting friends Sterling this wuek. The Emiuous rountv wheat trade has been for the past two weeks, on account pC the tad weather.

"Scud" has chuuired his quarters for eomo leason kuowii to himself. Charles Wagner took in the dance at Pichers, last Friday. There must bo some attraction. Look out for "Scud," Charles. Mr.

ami Mrs. H. O. Bojd entertained a mimbei of friends Friday evening. OGLER.

VERMIN ON ANIMALS. a Sure Way Professor Cook Him Found to Deatroj 1 1. In bulletin No. 73, issued lost Apnl, we advised the use of the kerosene emul- Blon to kill lice on cattle, horsea and only used it on cattle for cattle hws. We have since used it on horses, hogs and sheep, and are fully persuaded that it ranks first in effectiveness and cheapness as a specific in all such cases.

The many letters that we have received the past summer relating to the use of the emnl- sion the more timely date and the ex- Unimportance of the matter, us repeat with emphasis the advice wo then gave. Lice and ticks are very com- inon in nearly if not all the flocks and herds of the state. They claim no mean The Hungry barracks when the old Twenty-ninth rtgl ment was quartered there. The soldiers, after their dAiner, got two marrow bones and tied them together with a stout string about twenty yards long. The marrow 8V allowed ooe bone, and the other outajda of the other bone Tne two hinli then flew up toward their UB a i perches on the harruok 'roof, but as they flew apart the string tightened, and as they pulled against one another and neither would part with his bone they wm the ground thcre waa a Bevere tng of war between them, until at t(l( Btrini broke and each of them ew ff triumphantly to digest the bone "German Syrup" For children a medl- A Cough ne should be abso- lutely reliable.

A and Croup be tc Carpets! ew per cent? of the strength and vitality of alu the yards of string attached to it at its our animals. Well fed animals are not Ixnignum's Magazine always slick and fane. The cause is not infrequently found in the tormenting blood sucking lice. Tobacco decoction, crude petroleum and the various commercial dips are less efficient, npt BO wholesome and more costly. Kerosene emulsion not only kills all the lice, but Attended Funerals.

Jack the Mourner, or Jack the Funeral Man, was a SHU Francisco -character. Hf was a tall, gaunt looking old fellow, who always carried a long stick in his hand Almost everyhody in the city had seen him or heard about him He seemed to know also the nits or ana me autuie uw by intuition here the unbuned dead were sprinkled with the emulsion at the lying, and w.ut always on hand to follow same time that the animals are treated, the procession to the church Before It the application will need to be repeated reached the edifice, however, he would run also the nits or eggr, and if the stable bo wash seems to, cleanse the skin and make. oyer the 1I1B ho dy, murmuring the coat moie bright and glossy. With- whl nn llnm telligible lingo He THE Standard oil company is a gigantic monopob and trust, anjl the supreme court of Ohio has just rendered a decision against it--as being unlawf uj and. against public policy.

J. LANDEK, member of the republican state committee from Grand Forks, was in Washington Tuesday and had an interview with Congressman Johnson about the public building bills. Mr. Johnson will do all in his power to get them through, but is not at all encouraged because of the disposition and expressed determination of the democrats of the lower house to oppose all public building bills. THE American Protective Tariff league has just issued a new campaign text book for 1892.

It IB entitled "American Tariffs from Plymouth Rock to This little book of 100 pages is perhaps the mostogmplete brief presentation of the benefits of protection and reciprocity ye? printed and -will be ---sentto Parties! ordering are requested to say, "Send me 'No. 52." This catalogue number of the document. Address Wilbur F. Wakeman, general secretary, No. 185 West Twenty-Third street, New York.

THE negotiations between the United States and Great Britain looking to the aubmibsion to arbitration of the long pending controversy between the two countries in regard to the Behring sea seal fisheries has reached a favorable conclusion. Sir Julian British minister, and Secretary Elaine have signed "the treaty of tion. The treaty is subject, however, to the action of the British parliament and the United States senate. The board of arbitration will consist of seven persons, two representing United States, two representing Great Britain, one of whom is to be a Canadian, and one each representing the neutral governments of France, Sweden and Italy. THE recent decision of the supreme conrt sustaining Speaker Reed's ruling on the quorum question is no less a victory for Mr.

Reed than for the republican party that sustained him. Speak ing of the decision Mr. Reed says: Of course, it is very to me to -have the highest judicial tribunal In the i country support ray position, tor the legal ity of which, however. I never had doubt. The decision demonstrates that i quorum is composed of a number of per Jons present whether they vote or not This part of Ihe-decision of the supreme court Is without a single dissenting voice the.

democratic and republican justice alike agreeing on this point. The. action of the cburt In this respect sustains that everj court in'every state in the coudtr which him pasted upon Cure For Khvninfttiaiii, G. G. Treat, o' West Grauville, writes of Allcork's Porous Plasters: rheumatism, neuralgia, pain in the side or, eo.ighs, colds, bruises and any local weakness, they truly possess wonderful curative qualities.

I I av I'rect mmemied them to my neighbors with the happiest results, many of whom but for Alk'ocks's Plasters would be a crippled condition at home. In every instance where they have been faithfully and properly applied the result has been wonderfully satisfactory." To Old Mexico. Are you going south this winter? Old Mexico is rapidly coming to the front as a winter resort and offers attractions to be found nowhere else in the world. Did you ever see a bull-tight? Perhaps the quaint manners and customs of the Mexican people are, of more interest to you 'The Burlington" will sell you excursion tickets at low ratfes, good for she months. If you are bound for California, you can make a trip to the republic, thus enabling on to take all the sights at a Glwfht additional cost.

Ask your nearest agent, or write to W. J. C. P. St.

Paul, for literature descriptive of Mexico and its and also for rates and full information regard to the trip. quick- out any question the kerosene emulsion barrel should Bnd a place in every stockman's The soft soap is best for this. The more liquitLRature makes it easy of manipulation in cold weather, and the large quantity of soap is very cleansing and wholesome. --1 finally arrested and York Press hartl soap! however, will work well, especially as we shall wish to warm it at the time of each application. To this we nae a commen brnsh in case of cattle, horses and hogs, and in case of dip the animals right into the warm diluted emulsion.

cost of material for an "average cow is about three cents, and "the time required for treatment less than five minutes. For lambs and sheep, after shearing, the cost of, material is not to exceed two cents, and the time required for immeraios--need be one minute to each animal. The person dipping the 1 sheep Btahda-in the tank or vessel holds the diluted emulsion. Vff have tried this' very thoroughly on cattle, hogs and sheep. The scrubbing of the cattle and hogs with the soft soap'solu- 11 tion, by use of a good brush, to quote from our herdsman, "kills the nits, makes the coat glossy, and leaves the skin mellow aud' clean." No farmeY can afford to neglect this excellent treatment.

So so eaay, it leaves no longer any excuse for vermin infested barns and A. J. Cook, Michigan Agricultural Bulletin No. 76. Old Head! far Counsel.

Young Father--I've jnst made a big deposit in a savings bank, in trust for my baby boy. When he is twenty-one 1 will ioapis very uieiuie- 'him the bank book, tell him the That made from amount of the original deposit arid let him Medicine, pin her aith to il as-to her Bible. It must contain nothing violent, uncertain, or dangerous. It must be standard in material anJ manufacture. It must be plain and simple to administer; easy and pleasant to take.

The child must like it. It must be' prompt in action, giving immediate relief, as childrens' troubles come quick, grow fast, and end fatally or otherwise in a very short time. It must not only reheve quick but bring them around quick, as children chafe and fret and spoil their constitutions under long confinement. It must' do its work in moderate doses. A Urge quantity of medicine in a child is not desira- It must not interfere with the cunu's spirits, appetite or general mean- i health.

things suit old as well as young folks, and make Boschee's German Syrup the "favorite family medicine. We Have Put in $tock a Full Line of I CARPETS We Have and Patterns. Call aud See Them. WEBB BROS Bismarck N. D.

eaned by counties, cities and districts, and highest therefor bonds a Foil information relative to rpceut Ifiws faroieheu free. Ihe onjj HooBe dofiiR exclusively a bond baemeoa aorthweetof Bt. I'aal. prices -tuu'l thei WANTED 1 1 FULTON lunv things count up at compound in- Old Gentleman-- Won't pay. I tried that.

port hhn fewYoffc it, and now I've gottosur. and his wife and Weekly Electrician Nikola Tesla that the time is not far distant when a vessel at will able to telegraph to either shore without any direct connection. JHE THE 1HE CAPITAL APITAL CAPITAL NATIONAL NATIONAL NA1IONAL BANE I-ANK BANK Wouldjouavoidthe rocks and sands which have prevented the ruin of a cieat multitude -ettiiiB out on the voyage nt tite-! 1 -If procuri the "icieiu-e of 'Lilt'" Will yon suffer with djspepsia and liver complaint? Sbiloh's Vitalizer. is guaranteed to cure For sale by Wm. A.

Hollembaek. Judge Bearden tells this of Judge Lake, who appears to have been another enries in his severity toward prisoners. a certain occasion, the clerk hi his called off the first name on the dock- a gray bearded burglar of sixty-eight ears stepped forward to be sentenced. "Prisoner at the bar," said the judge, you have before this court on the I nesttate to large of theft many times. a severe, but in justice to public morals I nd it my duty to sentence you to confirle- uent in state prison for the term of fifty ears, and when you emerge from Its walls may you be a better manl" "Excuse me, said the clerk, got the wrong man--you forgot--it was young Hayes you were going to send atIso shows tlie the occupied question.

this uflllllULJlia i i -should torever put an end to the tion that a legal quorum can be broken member! refusing to vote when they at present in their aeata. Soap and Kerosene emulsions Professor A. J. Cook uses for destroying vermin both on made aa described below. The plant spraying pumps that cost a dollar are the ones recommended for miiing the emulsion.

SttoTBg-is-uot -sufficient. The liquid must be forced back and forth through the pump to it. Professor Cook makes kerosene and soap emulsions, the one from soft soap, the other from hard. No. 1 is the soft soap preparation: Dissolve one quart of soft soap In two quarts of bolhni! water.

Remove from ttre and, while still boiling hot, add one pint of kerosene oil. Is tbe brsttt.EO House In the city. Central, Roomy-, CTonveiiient- Opposite Sheridan House, Main St. Special rates by week Proprietor 1 r. B.

LITTLE, President. F. D. HENDBIOK, Vice-Pteeident. E.

L. WBITFOEB, Cwhier. CAPITAL BLOCK, BISMABCK. AnttiorUed Capital $1.000,000 Paid np Capital. $90,000 ilrafta bought and sold on all the principal cities of the United Btatee.

5 COBRE8PONDENT8. i 1 Continental National Bank. Chicago. Chemical Nat'l Bank, I New iork I pnbhwition Febroary 24,1892.1 Notice of Execution Sale. Notice is hereby (riven that by virtue of TM ecotion DOW in my hands, and issued out of the office of the deck of the district conrt in and for Bnrleigh cotmtj'.

North Dakota, npon a jadament tendered in hn RCtion in which the apital na- iK.nal bank of Bismarck, is plaintiff, and Hugh McGacey et al are derendante. and dated Feb- lnarT2S.T8»2rfort«WOrHiaTe levied npon the- following rtal property attached npon a warrant of attachment heretofore issued in said action. WALL PAPER scribed above. In two or three minutes the emulsion will be pertecfc- This should be di' ed by adding an equal amount of water. lUlUll U) BUU1UB when it is ready for always emulsi fies readil nith hard or eoft water: always re- rnaina permanent, for years even; and Is very easily diluted, even in the coldest weather ana without any heating.

In this last respect It has no equal, so far as we aiperlmented. Tbe objections to it are: We cannot always procure the soft soap, ttough many farmers make it and 15 Is generally to be found In our was young linyes you were guw markets; It occasionally Injures the foliage, np for fifty years. Thats old fellow there--probably owing to the caustic properties, nf taw won't last two years, let alone fifty!" "Ahl how is that?" demanded the. judge, No ia the "hard soap emulsion: inspecting the list 'Oh, I see DUBolre Ono 0 urth pound of hard'aoap- mel--how very odal Just Iy Bahbltt. Jmon or whale oil, ta two give Hayes fifty years also, and you may of wa add, as before, one pint of is well let the other matter stand.

Wben kerosene oil and pump the mixtnn' back Into U-lBW. PBBICH, and Bt. Barter (neU) of Motion three (3), township one ana tiurty- viz: 1 he northeaet qoarU inree IOK COWBBIUU wiio ouu nine (139), range eighty-one (SI), and lota three and sU (6) In block one hnndred and In plat of the city of Bismarck and all in said county and and that I will sell the same, orasmnch thereof may be neceMary. upon eiecotion to the highest bidder to' caeh at the front door of the court hfnse in raid Bnr- leiuh conntj on the Slat day of Mnrch 1892 at 10 the forenoon ot said day, to satisfy ezecntion and interest and the coots of sale and snbject to redemption aa provided by law. Dtfri.

BismaSt, 1 Sheriff of Bnrleigh county, N. D. GKO. W. NEWTOH, 4 Attorney for'Plaintlg.

Btomarok. N. D. best fine maXe more i equals ajjootoiftoo. nine Hand-sewed, the Nat'LGermtn Bank, Bt.l-aul THE FINEST THAT -EVER TO THE COUNTRY! man of sixty odd years hasn't learned enough to avoid being found out, he'a once, and Ispei much safer in Francisco Ex- aoft Tnl itaeirwhUe hotr'Tlrti always 'emulsifies at srmauent with bard as well as its ls diluted with twice Its bulk Hiram A.

Joy, Mark Sebey and Owe Flanniuan, who have beej busily gaged in wood chopping, have just turned home. Mr. C. J. Johnson ana son, Axe passed through here last week wit loads of wheat Mr.

Edward H. Bicliards and Miss Edith Danielson came down from Painted Woods last Monday to attend the party at Mr. Joy's. Miss Allie Joy'took a flying trip to Bismarck last Monday. The party at Mr.

Joy's was attended by the people fronT Painted Woods, Slaughter, Crofte, Bismarck, Cromwell and Wales. They all report a pleasant time. 0 C. J. Johnson of Painted returned home Iftet Saturday.

The heavy rain Friday night made bad traveling for the wheat haulers. Many of fur boys attended the danoe at Mandan 22d. who hu aminer. The table d'hote, or a meal at a fixed price, is spreading among, the New York iotels. There is no room set apart for such meals necessarily, a dinner in courses being served in the restaurant or cafe if desired.

This is a considerable modification of the former American and English customs. Why it was ever considered necessary to have a separate dining room and differently shaped tables for those who paid a fixed price is not exactly clear. It -ta-qmtc-aa-ctear, however, as the refusal to serve a course dinner at aJL Now a man may enter a restaurant at some of our best hotels "and looking over the menu elect which he will take, a course dinner afa fixed price or a dinner a la carte. He may have a companion and one may have it one way and the other another way. This would seem to be a higher stage of York Herald.

JOHN YEGEN, OHLEB IK GROCERIES PROVISIONS OITY 90 Main Street. BAKERY. Bismarck, N. of water before use. The objection, to a lane amount of water sinks before tbe fact that this secures a enrs and permanent emulsion, though dilated with hard water.

This also becomes with certain soaps lumpy or stringy when cold, so that It cannot be readily diluted with cold water unless first besAwU Yet this Is trtwwith all hart soap emulsions la case of certain soaps. can, however, always, dl- Inte easily, ws do so af before our emulsion Is cold, and we can also do the sajns either by beating our emulsion oh diluent, no matter htjw teis; we wait. Live stock Points. The business of exporting dressed beef from the northwest is on the increase constantly. It probably, -will till most of the meat shipped way.

It a much more humans way, and in time will come to a more profitable war, as cattlemen gen their wfcy clear to adopting it. I The hog does not thrive bflrt on a fingle grata ration of any kind of AWtlent mired diet In ancient Egypt tbe shepherd, had doga torrible to think of the thonemnds of medium with pointed of cattle that starved to death in the those which guard the flocks pf ppptr npfthweat jmt became "ranrhnmn were Egypt Hunters sought out two of anticipating atiCh a aeawm of mow" kinds of hounds, some having ff driTing thmr cattle down shBSasK-SIS -imbs, springing In pursuit of gattlles the raogea froBi twotoaU feat under saow thing ranchmen and all other ptople ought oowitantly to In mind: It tobedangerona. fern a brood alone two or week, bafon Camwin.1, th. nuy ortah aasl iojniv h0r ID Mr hetplewa state. Keep her and also by themwlvw after littta- Barnes Dry Goods Store.

New White Goods and Embroidries. New Line of Prints, Line of Ginghams, Delicate Styles. Our customers irfre doubly delighted with scyle and price alike they buy andjare always satisfied. Come and see us. A.

M. MICHELSON, Manufacturer of Fine Cigars, And dealer in smoking articles. 'Main Op. TBrsowi office. Biama'rch, 1.

SffiRIDAN FIRST-CLASS The house been fhorugbly repaired and renovated. RE-OPRKEl) TTndei; Mew Management. HOUSE. a We Giye the Plants. Jon Pick the Ftowers.

A CHARMING'OFFER -FOR 1892. this FRANK, KIHM, PROPRIETOR, The offer which brings the amount of pleasure to every home at the smallest ipense, The irabllthers ol Bismarck WTOI.T UNK bsve ariangements for coontr as follows: One ywr'ii robicnptioD to Wrai.t TSIB- DIfB, Taloe Frank l.etlie'l i ZrlUng (cplorfd nnmbw), twelte times a rmr, uiclndina the Chnetmas Qrapholntical Chart, or iradiag of your character from your handwriting Fonr Hose or tour Chrysant' emu pumte. 25 packet! of oide aower from 'the famous seed house of VVWx Co New York 1 Total SO We offer all for 75 io advajoe. We will give an order Henderson Co of the above collections, which jt good 1, 18W. 1 25 100 and or running down the ban aud the ostrich A few pngs, heavy and ourm, are rrprstented occasionally bonne dogs than hunters, animala were la nnrnbir, and madtZ the ancient Egyptian dangerous night as modern villages m.

An offiwr relegated to of tlnwddu a few yean afwr death of Bfc- II complained bitterly of their boM- Bes, in a letter addressed to of A hlvf of now Is cotnposwl of tbe workers Of fwrauirs and is mother of all Uw na.l« In the and sb 4.000 In twenty-tour boon dnrm productlvs rtffnm. aso em udsee that they an wangt and dry. Had upon a boA end or mod ia wtert. 7TM honM- legi and Waah th. off rrerf dUBdiBC fonl, wwt.

HEBK TO STAY I AND DONT TOU FORGET IT! JOSEPH DIETRICH FRESH AND SALT MEATS, E. L. STRAUSS WATCHMAKERS In WaUMM, OoeH, Soltd miturwara, andEytsilasMa. of kinds by Jrst absH wotkBKB at priosa Orders from Uw wvnlry pmtepUj attsU- sd to. N.

D. GROCERIES, ETC. Better Uitt StrMt WHISKEY and all ktnrU of at rrfflsw. 1 at yonr 1 NEWSPAPER!.

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